How to Drive Defensively Skills & Strategies to Keep you Crash Free

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I. Think. Smart drivers Rick with smart drive test talking to you tonight about defensive. Driving and remaining, crash free we're gonna start here a couple of minutes early that, way I get the stream going here and everybody you'll be able to join in and then once six o'clock arrives, we'll start doing questions and answers and I'll jump right into the, PowerPoint, presentation, for you now, I've changed the lights around here a little bit just trying to get everything looking, better and actually from it. Looks not too bad there from, the live stream it just popped up there's a bit of a delay from the time that I start streaming, to the time that it actually comes, up on YouTube, so it, looks pretty good it looks like the lights are good. I changed, the glass, in my degree here behind me so that's, actually, you can I think you can actually see it now so that's. One of the other things that I've done this week and what else I'm working on is, getting. Some shelves, here beside. The white sign. Behind me and putting, some cars, and replicas, and those sorts of things on there as well just to sort of help spruce up the back behind me so. It's more interesting for you to look at and, I. Did, not. Get. The, video, up yesterday, and I do apologize, for that. We're. Having some some. Growing pains with. The, new computer, Friday. Night I think I spent two or three hours. Erasing. Backups. Off the hard drive because it just keeps generating. Backups. And filling up my hard drive space and when it fills up the hard drive space it won't edit videos anymore and then, Sunday, Saturday, morning, I spent two and a half hours on the phone with Apple. Talking. About. Talking. About, how. To do multicam, editing, with Final, Cut Pro and. So. That. Was another almost three hours wasted. When. I could have been editing but hey I learned, a lot of stuff and when. I talked to Apple it went to the senior advisor and the senior advisor was going to kick it over to the. Engineering, department, so, so. Long story short that sometimes, you know trying to get videos up has, its challenges so there's a few people here Paul is here hi Paul doughnut, use her name is here, and. Thank, you for that yes these are getting better we're. Getting a bit more social, I am, good ABC, Tommy's, here good evening Frank is here a Frank, from Michigan how is the weather in Michigan, are you guys still in a deep freeze there Frank and. Frank. A couple of weeks ago I didn't mention to you that you're using an interesting term their. Tongue. Of Michigan, I'd never heard it called that before even when I lived in Ontario whole. Big meltdown there in Michigan there you go okay. Tom yeah good to see you all, about vehicles hi, they're all about vehicles I'm gonna have to check out your channel what is your channel about all about vehicles or do you have some videos and stuff up about vehicles. Because I'm always interested in tech. Stuff and that sort of thing, Aaron. From Chilliwack how's it going all hi Aaron. Did, you get my email about talking. About potentially, doing a video. Together. About. Hazard. Perception that's what we were talking about because that's a really good topic Matt's. Here hi Matt I'm. Doing. Good Francois. Yes. Wisconsin. How's the weather in Wisconsin. Matt and you left, me another comment I didn't get to that comment I'm sorry Matt but I'm a little like I said a little behind because, not. Only am i trying to get the videos up and keep the channel going, I'm. Also I've. Got it I'm up against a deadline and, one of my post. Crash analysis, for one of my the law firms that I do work for in terms of post crash analysis, so that's the other thing I'm working on is oh you. Know one being a dad and all those good things so, lots. Going on mom, always here Candy's here. Paolo. You. Need to know if you can drive in the USA with your driver's license from Angola, now Paolo as far as I know you, can you.

Can Also apply for an international, driver's license now that your best source, of information is actually going to go down to the DMV and talk to them and see what they have to say but, my understanding is that you can. Drive. In another country, with your license for a set, period of time like it's like three months or something I don't I don't know the exact timeline on that but, you can drive for a period of time all about vehicles okay yeah so you got a couple of ID's that's, great, so yeah. I'll definitely check, out your channel and have a look at that and yeah. I'm really interested. Cool. That sounds really great so issues, about vehicles yeah well we always want to know issues about vehicles, that's great uh. Conrado. From. Brazil I love your tips thanks so much and thank, you for your comment that's really great and. Yeah. We've got a bit of a melt going on here as well so there's lots of water and of course at night it freezes, so we get lots that we've got a lot of ice on the roadways and those sorts of things so, yeah it's made winter driving a bit challenging so tonight what we're talking about is. Defensive. Driving your remaining crash freak now just, know that this now. For the first thing I'll say this is both for passenger. Vehicles and, commercial. Vehicles so this is for trucks buses, cars and whatnot all of these techniques all these strategies and all these principles apply to all. Vehicles. So they're good for all drivers now the other thing is, that, know. For a fact like you know you've seen my channel I've got almost 300, videos on my channel I am. Simply scratching, the surface here this is very, superficial, in, terms of what I'm going to talk to you tonight in terms of defensive. Driving so, know, that for a fact all right and so, we're gonna just go over that and then at the end I'm gonna try and sell you the passion road test first time license and this, is not just for the practical, license but it's also for the learners as well so if you're working towards your learner's I'm, going to give you some tips and information about that in the course and as well there are a lot of practice, driving test questions and know for a fact that the practice driving test questions teach you the terminology. Four-way. Stops two-way stops conventional. Intersections, T intersections, all of those sorts of information and terminology, that you're going to come up against when, you start learning how to drive so that's the other thing that's going to happen at the end of the course you are at the end of the tonight's. Presentation. As well okay. Thanks. Matt because they're strolling. Along here pretty good in terms of the number of comments. We're not up totally, yet okay, so. All. About vehicles are going to pass your license in Ontario that's really great and. Candy. Took, my CDL permit test and passed everything Friday including the tanker endorsement, so I'm pretty proud of myself that is a really, awesome accomplishment. Candy. And especially the, tanker.

Endorsement, That, is tremendous. That is yeah, definitely, takes some time and celebrate, that success. Yeah. That's tremendous. There. We go Frank thumb of Michigan area north of Sarnia Ontario Michigan, shaped like a mitten yep and you're, in the thumb and then, the other term Frank is called the U pers the uppers is that what it's called uppers or uppers the people, that are up across the bridge right, up at the top there that's. The other term in Michigan is it not, alright, so Tommy we're having a bit of a melt in Oshawa, as well we. Beginning lots of rain tomorrow we might be getting freezing rain yeah that's the thing about wintertime, is is that when the temperature gets up around freezing there's always that, possibility. Of freezing rain especially when it's been super, cold overnight well not super cold but when it drops down below, freezing, zero. Degrees Celsius or 32 two, degrees Fahrenheit and. Then in the morning the temperature comes back up you, get rain but it freezes on contact and, as far as I'm concerned freezing rain it's probably one of the most treacherous types, of weather to be able to drive in because it's a bit deceiving because it looks like rain when actually, it's freezing and causing. Ice. On the highways and surfaces, and those types of things you first there's what it's called so for those of you who are you can pull up Google Maps have a look at the state of Michigan, in the United States which is in the north and those. That, are above, the. Thumb is Frank calls it and it's, been called those. Are you pers that on, the Upper Peninsula so. That's where that term originates, from and I've actually been up there in the winter time and it's pretty cold okay. Okay. Do not use your name I recently, drove about 1500, miles on a u.s. East Coast trip, had, some interesting road situations, here's one encounter, an off-ramp that was two-way. Yeah. That is an interesting situation Paulo. International. And, this translated, in English on. This if, you have a phone number where can I call you for more information I thank you Paulo, send me an email Rick at smart. Drive, test comm, and we, can have a chat about that off, the, channel here in public okay all about vehicles and drivers perspective, in my family in aterna my uncle and dad both have AZ air brake tractor trailer license yep, and your dad is a motorcycle, license oh that's really great and as, well I don't know whether you know this all about vehicles or not but in Ontario, when you have an a license, you also get a C license which is a coach so you can drive for.

Greyhound Or the tour buses or those types of things the only thing you don't get with an AZ ed license, in Ontario, is you. Don't get your school bus license okay, so that's the other bonus, of doing that, okay. Sumit sharma I got, my g2 license, last week thanks to your videos I helped, help. Clear my doubts what, did you suggest my. First car I'm not a team, that makes. You. Change your advice it's. First. Vehicle, I'm. Biased, and I'll definitely tell you that that I'm biased if you've watched any of my other videos I Drive. A 1998. Honda CRV, which is a fairly old car while. It's 20 years old now and now. That we've turned over to 2018 that, vehicle has three hundred and seventeen. Thousand, kilometers on it which is about 180 thousand, miles now mind you it's not perfect it needs a new exhaust it needs a windshield most types of things but, it's a good vehicle so Honda, Toyota other people have mentioned, a few cars and I know that there's some people here in the comments will suggest vehicles, as well those. Are my recommendations the, other thing that I suggest in terms of buying your first vehicle. If. You're buying it privately. Or you're buying it from a dealership always. Get an independent inspection done on the vehicle by a mechanic. So ask, the person that you're buying it from if it would be okay to take it to a mechanic and have it inspected by a mechanic, that way you're going to get a report a non-biased. Report, on. The vehicle as to what. NEADS whether the tires are good whether it needs new brakes, you know the motor the engine oil and all those types of things that's really what you want to do because it's gonna cost you about $100, and that $100. Could really save you a lot of money down the road so that's really what I recommend, in terms of buying your first vehicle, alright so. And it also depends sort of on your price range as well okay. Okay. So all about vehicles they drive 2018. Rams yeah, a lot, of some people are probably not going to want a full size pickup truck. Frame. You. Got some great terms if you live in the Lower Peninsula you're a troll because you live below the Mackinac, Bridge. That's. Funny and for, those of you don't know anything about Michigan the Mackinac Bridge is, like how long is the Mackinac Bridge Frank, I think it's like three. Or four miles isn't it it's it's a it's, a long bridge, so. Yeah that's pretty funny so if you want to go up and visit the Yoopers in northern Michigan, you got to go across the Mackinac Bridge and that's a fairly significant, bridge. Okay. ABC, Ric what study tutorials, would you recommend to get my CDL permit, ABC, where are you in the world are you in the States just. To answer that question and then I can give you a bit more information. Okay. Matt, loves, his Toyota. Cha. Is. Being. A truck driver worth it okay that, is a really good question cha hwa. Now. It depends on what kind of work you do right and the you, know look, at last week's live feed right to earth it, was it last week or two weeks ago but I talked about driving, the truck and the, different things that you can do drivin. Truck the thing about driving truck is is there there's, just so many options okay, in terms of not only the type of work you can do but the type of truck you can do how, much money you're making the different kinds of pay that you can make in terms of driving truck and those types of things and you, know if you don't have a lot of Education likes you know people, can go get a license, and for return, on investment, you know you spend $5,000, maybe even, upwards of $10,000, you ghosts you know say six to ten weeks out of driving school you. Come out and within, three. Months you're, probably making forty, fifty thousand dollars you depending on what kind of work you do now I'm not gonna sugarcoat, this when you drive truck you work hard there's, a reason you get paid to drive truck, and it was always an interesting question when I was working at the driving school. You. Know what I would, ask drivers, who, were going to be truck drivers what they got paid for and inevitably, most, of them couldn't ask me you know there's all a drive safe and drive the truck you know I get paid to drive no you don't get paid to drive I Drive my car all the time I don't get paid you get, paid to. Move Freight, and services. Between. Point. A and point, B as quickly as. Humanly possible. That's, what you get paid for you don't get paid to drive the truck that's a secondary, thing you, got to do all the rest of it you got to be in compliance, you, got to drive the truck you got to maintain the truck you got to do pre-trip inspections, on the truck you've got you know if you're running beyond 100 miles you, got to run a logbook, you, got to keep trip sheets you, got a you, know if you get pulled into the scale the vehicles, got to be within, the compliance.

For Weights and those types things so there's a lot of stuff, that truck drivers do that when truck drivers come to truck driving school and they start getting taught some of this stuff they're. Like holy cow I never knew that truck drivers had to do all this stuff well that's why they get paid because. I Drive my car all the time I don't get paid for it I mean I did could if I was delivering parcels and those types, of things but, you're getting paid to deliver Freight, and services, between point a and point B as quickly as humanly possible, that's what you're getting paid for so know that it is a job and you're gonna work hard but, some truck drivers, you, know if you get the right job you're, gonna make good money for, having. Very little education or having very few skills, beyond, being able to move that truck or that bus up and down through the up and down the road okay, so there are it is worth it okay and I do recommend, that if you don't have a lot of education, or you're. Not inclined to do something else then, I would explore, it as an option and talk to other people and do. That because, you, know I did it for almost ten years and let me tell you I was. Never out of work unless. I wanted to be out of work I was never out of work as a truck or bus driver I could, always get working when I was moved to Australia. Within. A couple of months I was driving a bus so, it's. Definitely a good investment. And. Sam is here Jericho, Arroyo Sam, is a true key auto driving school in the, Bronx there in New York City for anybody getting their. License, down there definitely go and look up Sam Sam is really great and he, tunes in lots of weeks he, tunes in almost every Sunday to the live feed here so he's very. Knowledgeable and intelligent, okay. Matt. I'm. Not sure what you're asking me Matt in terms of Kenneth CDL direct license effect your regular drivers license okay, ABC, you're in Arizona what was the question you asked me previously there yes. Toyota is really good okay oh. Okay. ABC, I know, that, it's from new york state but. I did the video the. Big video last week on chapter. 2 of the CDL manual, for the state of new york it's on driving, safely almost. All of that information would, be applicable, to, Arizona, for a CDL license it's going to be almost identical okay, so definitely have a look at that as well, have a look at the CDL, playlist. And. Air. Brakes you need to have a look at all of that information okay and if there's anything that, you don't. Understand. Or what not go. Over to my website there's, also courses, at my website there's the CDL, air brakes course that will help you with your air brakes it's a really good course and, it's guaranteed that you pass first time because you have to have air brakes okay as well there's an American logbook course over there as well which also will help you out and all of those have certificates you, know to improve your skill set for getting a job down the road okay. You're. Most welcome Sam. Chao. WA you, are most welcome my friend and it's, always a pleasure when I can help people out. Mr., B can you carry your authority and work for another carrier. Excuse. Me. Mr.. V are you talking about being a broker is that what you're talking about being an owner-operator and then working for another carrier is that what you're talking about I think that's what you're talking about just let me know Amanda. You're taking a road test on Thursday Amanda, you're gonna be really great, remember. To breathe, just that. Helps your body to relax you know so in down. To your belly button and then open through your mouth, in through your nose down, to the belly button out through your mouth okay so know that as well have a look at the playlist for last minute preparation. For. Your road test here on the channel as well and that will just give you some videos that you can review. And that will go over the last bit of information you need for the purposes of your, road test okay.

Oh. All. About vehicles national. License yeah if you get your CDL license in, Canada, there if you get your aids ID license you can drive in Canada, in the lower 48. Okay and in Alaska as well I guess you can drive to Alaska so there, you go okay. Mister be owner up yes. That's what I thought you were asking me what. Happens. Mr. B is oftentimes. When, you go to work for another carrier. The. Carrier. Provides. The insurance, and the license, for, your vehicle because your, vehicle, more or less becomes, a. The. Vehicle, becomes a member of their fleet so, it's added, to their fleet so you are covered under their fleet so most of the time you can't but. That's going to vary from. Trucking. Company to trucking company so you're gonna have to do a bit of Investigation, and call around. To. Get that information, okay so just know that you can take your authority and work for another carrier but most of the time, it's. Gonna be it's, gonna be different about how that works cuz like I said the insurance is going to be provided under a fleet insurance, and the, license, plates and those types of things are the, tags are going to be put. On your truck from, that company so have a look at that as well okay okay. There. You go so. ABC, quarry. Bricks, four wheels for those who you don't know Corey is bricks four wheels Corey is the moderator, here and Corey, is getting up the information for you the web Sage's triple w smart, drive, test comm. So that's the website, there. Regina. I don't think you're being serious. Okay. Sahil, please tell me aloud speed variation, on main roads and side streets yes so, he'll have a look at the posted, speed limit video here on the channel that will tell you the variations, now you. Can drive slower on, side. Streets and those types of things that have parking, and trees and obstructions, and those types of things that are going to slow you down so. Know, that but. Don't go too slow, okay, you, can go below the posted speed limit you see, the video here on passing. A road test the one I do on the mock road test in when I'm in the suburbs and those types of things I'm only doing about 40 kilometres an hour so know that that I'm doing well, below the speed limit by, 10, kilometers an hour now if you're in the States you're probably gonna do five miles an hour below, the 30 miles an hour just, know that okay but, for the most part you've got to get the vehicle up to the posted speed limit as quickly as possible if you're on a multi-lane Road in an urban setting and it's a it's sixty kilometers an hour or it's forty miles an hour you need to get that vehicle up to speed as quickly as possible, alright so. However. If it's a high pedestrian area, or it's a suburban area where there's lots of obstructions, and lots of vehicles parked along the roads and those types of things then you can go a little bit slower okay, Kim. Yes. Thank you so much Kim I'm glad that that all helped out now Kim you did ask me I believe, it was you that asked me about making a video driving. At night and blowing snow in the dark. Yes. Just. Was that you Kim that asked me to do that could you just say, yes or no please okay. Okay. Say. Hill so. What. Did they say Hugh Sahil so obviously, you weren't successful in your road test I do apologize, about that but that's what they said it was your speed control is that was, the problem in terms of your road test just, let me know there in the comments. Trevor. Oh you've. Got a heavy foot and like speed well Trevor I do too I like speed but there's a place to do it and if you if it's if it's tough to, get your speed you know I, have a look at some of the other channels here they'll tell you you know go out on the back roads and those types of things in, the early morning when it's no traffic around and those types of things you know because you don't want to get a ticket for sure and the other thing you might consider is maybe going to the drag strip on the weekend every every, town in City has a local racetrack, and you could go out and you know get some of that out of your system i. Kim. Yes you definitely did ask me about that video I do apologize, we. Don't get a lot of blowing snow here in British, Columbia coz, because, of the mountains right it's, not like if we're out on the prairies of those types of things now, one of the things that you want to do from my experience, of driving in Ontario in drifting, snow is that. You. Need to maintain a speed you need to maintain kind, of a loose grip on the steering wheel because when you hit the snow banks, that's what's gonna cause your vehicle to go out of control. Or. Potentially, go into a skid now the other thing is. You. Need to kind of manage your speed and you need to, you. Know because you're driving at night you're, gonna have to keep your low beams on and, look. At I. Don't know whether you've done this already or not Kim but definitely have a look at the night, driving video because.

All Of the skills and strategies that I talked about for, driving at night in being able to find the road are. Going to help you with driving at night in blowing, snow because you're going to be able to find the markers, along, the roadway the utility, poles the road signs the. Reflective. Those. Reflectors, that they have along, the roadways and those types of things and the fog line as well so. Do. That as well okay. Now. I do. Not advocate. Driving. Under 35, miles an hour especially if you're on a roadway and whatnot because that is that just makes you potentially, dangerous to other vehicles. The. Road you're talking about driving 35 miles an hour on Kim what is the posted speed limit on that roadway just let me know that, okay. All. About vehicles I suck it yeah okay well some. Of us do. Okay. So he'll I'm. Gonna be honest with you it. Wasn't the. Speed. Was not the only reason that you failed your road test examiners, have a very short time to give you feedback and, they can't go into all of the detail as to why you failed your road test they can only highlight, one or two points so that believe, me if you failed the road test and they told you it was speed that wasn't the only reason and I would suggest that you have a look. At the video on learning how to drive and speed. Control here on the video and that will help you to be successful on, your next road test and really, concentrate on those things for the purposes of your next road test because the other thing about taking your next road test is you're gonna have a different, driving instructor, or different driving examiner, and there, potentially. Could have different pet peeves and those types of things so you just need to bring your skill level up a little bit higher in, order to be successful on the road test okay. Matt. Where. Did Matt go arias. Alright. Matt so what happens Matt when you get a CDL license, you have a, what's, called a. Drivers. Abstract, and on your drivers abstract, is listed, all the tickets and driving infractions that you have so if you have six or seven speeding, tickets on your drivers abstract, that's gonna show up once you get a CDL license it's gonna be really tough for. You to get a driver's, license again, a job as a CDL, like so. You want to try and keep that as clean as possible yes your personal, license is going to affect your. Your. CDL, license so just know that for the purposes of driving, because and as I said I think I talked about this a little while back. That. I've. Got a speeding ticket when I was driving truck and what I did was I went, in and fought it in court and I paid the ticket, but. I got, off the points okay and that's what shows up on your on your, your. Drivers abstract, and know that when you apply for a job as a CDL driver, you're gonna have to produce your drivers abstract, and if you a lot of speeding tickets it's, unlikely you're gonna get a job as a CDL driver because, they're afraid that you're gonna speed in the truck and that just makes you dangerous all. Right Sam. Thank. You Sam for the super, chat there and yes I forgot to mention super trap is available if you have any questions and want, to make a donation to smart drive test I'm always open to that and there, is Sam's, information. Sam is a certified, driving instructor for rukiye Auto driving, school and Bronx, in New York, yes. And thank, you very much for that endorsement Sam it's really great and I do really, appreciate that all. That helps out and. You. Know helps. Keep the lights on and it helps to you, know buy non-glare. Glass for, the pictures in the background and those types of things so. Thank. You Sam and Sahil. You are so so welcome oh. That's. Great okay so JFS. A 380, second how much time do I have to update status, one change of status or certain. Time limit thank you very much okay J if you're asking me something about logbooks okay um - logbook. Related questions first I run regional timeclock is my logbook, sometimes. I need to run logs how best to record hours, of service when not required to use. Now. JFS. A 380, if you're running a logbook, and you're running it intermittently I might, suggest that you just keep it, running. All the time however, saying that you, can put several days on, the. Logbook so days off and then, when you're running where. You're not required to keep a log book you have to keep timesheets, because if the authorities, come in and audit the company they, need proof, that you didn't run beyond 100 miles now the, other thing I say about that is I have a logbook driving, course over, at, the.

Smart, Drive test. Channel. And it's. Both American, and Canadian and, you can go over and have a look at that and that will help you out with some of the questions that you're having here as well so there's a logbook course over there as well okay. Now. You ask me another question how much time do I have okay, JFS. A you have to update your logbook every. Change of duty status so, anytime you move between those four lines the line on the top is off-duty. Sleeper. Berth, driving. Off on. Duty, not driving okay. So anytime you change duty status so, say for example you go into the truck stop to go and get a cup of coffee and say, you're there for 20 minutes you have to update your logbook at that point so anytime you change duty, status in, that logbook you have to update your logbook all right, okay. And we're getting on here. And. What. I'm gonna do is I'm gonna switch over and I'm gonna go through the presentation cuz I'm gonna run out of time here cuz we're getting, on here okay so, presentation. Here we go. And. Of. Course. There. We go okay, presentation. Heading. Over, there. We. Go no we just have to get it centered. Bear. With me one sec. All. Right so tonight we're talking about defensive, driving skill. Strategies, and and techniques, to keep you safe, while, you're driving, and one of the most important. Tenets. Of defensive, driving is managing. Space around your vehicle I cannot stress, that enough and I'm going to come back to that again and one. Of the places that you can always always, always control, space around your vehicle is in front of your vehicle and I know that the argument is and I've had the argument with students over the years is that as soon as you back off on the front or somebody's gonna go into that space yes. They will but, not very often not as often as you think they will the, other thing is is that oftentimes, when people go into that space in front of your vehicle they're going faster than you anyway so this is very quickly going to be gone so you just want to manage that space in front your vehicle and the reason that I talk about managing space around your vehicle is because, it is weight, weight. Faster. To drive out of a. Emergency. Situation, than it is to try and break and the other thing with abs, brakes is most modern vehicles are all going to be equipped with my abs, brakes as well as CDL vehicles they do not stop you in a shorter time actually, most of the time abs, brakes are going to take longer to stop than conventional. Standard brakes because studies, have shown that the fastest, way to stop a vehicle is with a four wheel lockup the problem with the form of a lock-up is that. You go into a skid so manage. Space. Around. Your vehicle and it's one of the keys fundamentals. Of defensive. Driving, all. Right I'm Rick auguste PhD, I've been, driving, instructor for 20 years I was. A truck driver through, most of the 90s and most of the, three. Or four years of the, early. 2000s, I was a bus.

Driver For Greyhound and a regional, bus. Driver for a company. Called d-line, ianvictoria. Australia, which, you. Know basically hooked up between the. Different train. Stations and those types of things and basically went out to Ballarat and came back through Bacchus Marsh and back into Melbourne I, do. Have a doctorate, in legal history and my specialty is in policing, and traffic, and I basically looked at the traffic revolution, that occurred, the beginning of the 20th century and how. Policing and law changed to try. And control higher, Road speeds brought on by motor cars so, that's basically me in a nutshell and what, I'm doing in those six things and the other thing I'm gonna do is I do have a defensive, driving playlist. Up here on the channel I'm gonna make a specific, playlist for, this presentation, so look for that tonight, I'll get that together for you and put that up and it'll have all the videos here that I have in the PowerPoint, presentation, for you over, on the smart drive test channel and I'll stick that when you go to the homepage of, the, smart drive test YouTube channel I'll put it right at the top and then that way you can just have a look at it to. Go. Through those videos if you're more interested in those now you're gonna be a little bit surprised by this and I know most people will be that cruise control, one. Of those most, modern, vehicles have cruise, control and if you're driving on highways or on fairly, you, know less dense densely. Populated urban, roads. You can use cruise control, you know if you're on interstates or motorways and those types of things cruise. Control is going to reduce both distracted, driving and fatigue while you're driving on long, long. Trips or longer trips and those types of things and I'm kind of obsessed with cruise control I love cruise, control and if you're not comfortable with it then definitely go out on a road way you know a multi right lane roadway like you can see here in the image and get used to how. To use cruise, control, because one of the things that cruise control does, you. Don't have to monitor your speed if you're not on cruise control and you've got your foot on the throttle your up and down through the speeds you're up five miles an hour and down five miles an hour and it. Just reduces that the other thing about cruise control. And. Somebody was stuck. Vehicles. Was talking, about loving. Speed, well cruise control will help you control your speed and reduce the number of traffic, tickets that you're going to get so, I really, advocate cruise control and as well it reduces, distracted, driving distracted, driving I'm trying to keep your vehicle at a set speed all the time and the. Other benefit, of cruise control us it's going to improve fuel economy if used properly yes, cruise control is going to improve, fuel economy now. One, of the things that we need to do is new drivers we to his experienced, drivers and especially for those of us in North America, we're dealing with the new couple. Of new. Intersections. At, in. The driving landscape, one of them is roundabouts, they're beginning to make an appearance in North, America in both the United States and in Canada so we have to deal with those, and one, of the things that I do suggest, about.

Roundabouts. Is think of them as conventional. Intersection so if you're going to turn left at the roundabout signal. Left coming up to the intersection if you're going to turn right signal. Right if. You're gonna make a u-turn then, signal left in. The roundabout now if it's a big roundabout like the one here in the image definitely, signal, going out of the roundabout now the highway traffic back here in British Columbia and other places says that if it's practicable. In other words if you can signal and it, potentially, could be confusing, to other drivers. Then you want a signal alright and there's different, types, of intersections, two-way stop sign intersections, four-way stop signs now there's different rules for those two types of intersections, at two-way, intersections, the right-of-way is given to uncontrolled. Traffic, so the traffic that's not being controlled by stop signs or lights or whatnot they have the right-of-way and then, at the stop, signs straight. Through traffic has the right-of-way overturning, traffic, so that's the way that you deem right-of-way, four-way, stops the first person to arrive or, the, person on the right and then we just we talked about roundabouts, at first so these are different kinds of things, different. Kinds of intersections, now this is the basis of defensive. Driving is observation. And these are the five tenets, of a system that we can't teach because it's been patented, but. We still teach it because. It was developed in the 1940s. And it. Still is the best. Defensive. Driving strategies. That you can put in place get. The big picture make sure they see you in other words other traffic, drivers and road users see you aim, high in your steering leave, yourself and out and keep your eyes moving, these, are what you want to do so get the big picture look all around your vehicle look in your mirrors look as far down the road as you can to, predict, traffic, patterns and the actions, of other road users on, the roadway. Make sure they see you, communicate. With other traffic, via your lights your horn your hand gestures appropriate.

And Gestures, don't tell them they're number one because that just instigates. Road, rage okay. And the, most important, form of communication, on the roadway is the position, of your vehicle, on the roadway if you're in a left-hand, turning lane other traffic, is more most, of the time going. To think that you were turning left all, right, aim high and your steering again look as far down the road as possible don't be looking at the end of your hood leave, yourself and out and I talked about this in the introduction, to the presentation, was, that it's faster, to drive an emergency, situation that is to brake so always always, leave living room space around, your vehicle I'm going to talk a little bit more detail, about that one particular tenant and keep. Your eyes moving you want a scanning pattern in place you want to be checking your mirrors looking far down the road, checking. Your, gauges. On your dash how fast you're traveling looking far down the road again. Checking. Your gauges far, down the road again checking your wing mirrors checking your center mirror because you don't want to be rear-ended, in those types of things so these are the. Tenants of, defensive. Driving now one of the other things that I know about passenger, vehicles from my experience, of driving most. Drivers. Of passenger, vehicles do, not read, road signs if, they do read road signs they're, not reading them at a very high level and, this. So. Road, signs are the, way. That information, about, roads is communicated. To us if the, road, is going to curve to the left or curve to the right. Then. There, are road signs that will communicate that information most. Of the, time it will also give you clues as to the traffic patterns and the actions of other drivers, now I'll just tell you it's interesting story, when. I got my Class B license in Ontario which was my school bus license, I had, as part of that I had. To take a defensive, driving course well I took a defensive, driving course I walked I was in the classroom at Fanshawe College in, London Ontario this. Grumpy, old caustic. Instructor, walks, into the room and he scribbles on the blackboard, he says list, the four signs that warn you of hazards, and obstructions, on the road, and of course you know I was dumbfounded which, surprised. Me because I've been a truck driver and I was like well there isn't too much you can't teach me well they're, one. Of the things we learn. About teaching is that we can never know everything because there's too much to know it's simply that simple anyway the the four signs that. He talked about as hazards, and obstructions on the roadway were object, marker signs which are the hash marks and the Chevron's which. Tell you which side to pass a fixed, object on the roadway and then, construction, signs that's what he was talking, about so you know he was one of those driving instructors that was more about power over than empowerment, and trying to give other people information and whatnot but it was a it was a valuable lesson for me that you know despite everything, that I knew about driving there was still a lot more to know so. Spend. More time with road, signs and this road sign here, with. The railway. On side, road, for. CDL drivers and, passenger, vehicle drivers when you see the sign and you're driving down the roadway you could potentially and you see a train on the tracks for example you, could you. Can predict, that, the traffic up on the roadway, might be stopped or out onto, your Road waiting. For the train to pass before they can turn the corner so there might be stopped traffic up there so if you see the sign you're now on the lookout and you see a train on the tracks so, you see the sign you see the train on the tracks now you have two clues to, show you that there might be stop. Traffic up the roadway so that's, what, you're going to be looking for. All. Right tailgaters, I've had a couple of questions in the last couple of weeks about how to deal with tailgaters. One. Of the things that you want to do is you need to increase, your following distance and, you say well why do I need to increase my following, distance the reason you need to increase your following distance is because now now. You're driving for yourself and you're driving for the the. Person. Behind you that's tailgating, you so that's what you want to do you want to increase your following distance that way you can make, maneuvers.

Less. Aggressively, okay you don't have to turn as sharp, you can brake earlier, and that way the person behind you can warning that you're gonna stop and those types of things and as well when somebody's tailgating, you want to vigil look in your mirrors and make sure that they're not doing something goofy or whatnot okay. And if you are driving slower you're not comfortable, keeping up with the traffic flow driving, the left-hand lane on a multi-lane roadway, and definitely. You. Know. Give. Other traffic, or drivers, behind you afford, them the opportunity to pass if there's a place that they can pass you safely in those types of things and I, do recommend, that after you get your license do drive the the speed of the flow of traffic that is just gonna make you more predictable, and it's gonna make you a safer driver. Okay. Skip control if you do go into a skid and there's a few videos that I've done here in the last little bit about skid control the, first thing you want to do I know that it is unexpected and oftentimes when you go into a skid it takes you by surprise now. And I've talked about ice on the roadways we've talked about black ice where to find black ice the, five places that you find black ice on the roadway are. Bridges. And overpasses freeze. First. Near. Roadways, that run your bodies of water low-lying, areas, high elevations, and any, place on the roadway that lies in shadow that's where ice is going to be and the other thing about black ice is you need to take note of the temperature, and you need to take note if there was precipitation. The night before because all of that is going to create ice on the roadways if. You do go into a skid or the vehicle begins to lose control get your foot off the throttle get your foot off the brake and simply, concentrate on steering the vehicle that's going to help you to, keep the vehicle or.

To Maintain control of the vehicle the last thing is is always wear your seatbelt because that's going to keep you in the driver's seat because, it's really tough to control, your vehicle if, you're not in the driver's seat if you get thrown out of the driver's seat or what okay, so know that as well you, got to wear your seatbelt and post, off the dead pedal and if you haven't seen that video there's, another video here on understeering have a look at that and that will give you some information about skid, control. Okay. Living room leave. Yourself and out and I emphasize, this, point at the beginning faster. You're driving under emergencies, it just, it's. Faster, to drive out of an emergency situation that, it is to break so, always leave yourself and out and you can always control the space in front of your vehicle. Yes vehicles are gonna go in there but like I said most of the time they're going. Faster, than you so therefore they're not going to be there for very long because they're just gonna take off and leave you in the dust and then, finally, the other point, is is that you want to drive in the spaces, between the, gaggles, I don't know what it is about. Drivers. But they have this kind of herd mentality and, you can see that here in the image over. Here you. Can see the cluster of vehicles, here they're all together and then back here there's a couple of lone vehicles, this, is where you want to drive you want to drive in the spaces between the cluster vehicles because as I said not, near anything, else it's, less likely that you're going to hit it okay, and, finally. Scattered scanning. Patterns, look in your mirrors often, and that way you can determine. Vehicles, that are besides you and vehicles, that are to, the rear of you and one of the things that I like about newer vehicles, is that they have blind spot indicators, just a little light down by the wing mirror that, comes on when a vehicle is in your blind spot so that definitely, these, technologies. Do not take over and do not replace good, scanning, patterns they simply, help you to be a better driver it's like backup cameras, you should still be looking out the back window don't, just use your your backup. Camera you. Know it's just an aid to make you a better driver and make you safer don't solely rely on that oh. Okay. Okay. Types of crashes head-on. Crashes, t-bone crashes, rear-end crashes now we've more or less eliminated. Head-on crashes, but they are the most deadly of the crashes, because you. Have. The. Speed of the two vehicles compounded. So if two vehicles are doing 30 miles an hour the crash is now 60 miles an hour so it's going to be much more devastating and, there. Are some techniques that you could put in place for head-on. Crashes, one of them is to try and avoid. The, other vehicle at all costs, hit, it at an angle do not hit it straight on if you can at all trying to reduce your speed as much as possible and if you're gonna drive off the roadway, try, and hit something small as opposed to something, big ok. T-bone crashes, are most. Likely, to occur during the left-hand, turns and know, that, you're. Going to survive a head-on crash in this day and age because of the safety features. Crumple zones in modern, vehicles, it's, not likely you're gonna survive a t-bone, crash and the reason you're not going to you, are a passenger is not going to survive a t-bone crash is because. There is nothing there on the side of the car that's, going to protect you there the door is, hollow it's two bits of metal and that. Vehicle is going, to come in and most of the time in t-bone crashes, these crashes, are fatal, okay people do not survive these kinds of kinds of crashes especially so say for example you're the driver and the car hits you right on the driver's door it's not likely you're going to survive that because there's just no protection, there it's not like a head-on crash you're hitting something with the front of the vehicle there's a whole crumple, zone there there's, a motor in the hood and everything else that absorbs, the energy from the impact so know that on left-hand, turns this is why they're so dangerous is because you're not going to survive a t-bone, crash and then finally rear-end crashes and I've had a couple of comments.

About. Rear-end. Crashes. And. The. Most important thing that you can do to avoid rear-end. Crashes and we teach new drivers, this is to stay back one vehicle length from, the traffic in front of them so when you come to a stop in traffic, stop. So you can see the tires of the vehicle in front of you making clear contact, with the pavement when you can, see the tires making clear contact with the pavement that's, approximately 1 vehicle length from the vehicle in front of you and you're. Sitting there you're stopped in traffic and if there isn't any traffic behind you you're watching the traffic come up when. You're watching the traffic come up if the traffic is coming up too fast, you can simply move forward or drive around the vehicle in front of you to get out of the way of the vehicle that's coming up behind you so, as. Well look, at the video here on rear-end crashes that's in the defensive driving playlist and that'll give you some more tips and information about. Being. Defensive, and being in a defensive, posture so, that you don't get rear-ended ok, so that's a quick overview of, defensive, driving and as I said I'm, going. To put up a defensive driving course over at the smart drive test website and if. Anybody's. Interested in purchasing, a defensive. Driving course can you just in, the comments, just write smart and I'll get working on that defensive, driving course as well, here so we're just gonna head back over here. Okay. Got, that. Okay. That. Just. Bear with me here I'm getting back up here. There. We go okay. And. We're, back. There. We go okay. All. Right. So. Frank says he sets his cruise control at 65, miles an hour in the States on the interstate, and that keeps him out of the gaggles and that is an awesome. Driving. Strategy for, those of you driving on interstates and motorways and freeways. Okay. Naruto. There we go, I. As. I said do. Not use your name how. Trustable our blind spot detectors, that's a great question will people still be needing to do shoulder checks 10 years from now by when blind spot detectors, will probably be standard on all vehicles yeah I, don't know we'll see what happens in ten years but as I said there in the video all, of this technology backup. Cameras backup beeper sensors. Blind. Spot detectors, and those types of things all, this, is simply an aid to help you to drive better, and, you. Know I personally. You, know I because. Driving, is so dynamic I, just. I want. That second, check it's the same thing when you pull out into an intersection or you pull out onto a public road you always, want to look twice before you proceed it's kind of like it's, it's like carpentry it's cut like woodworking right measure twice cut once, it's you. Know because driving. Has more severe consequences, if you get t-boned or you get into a crash it, would have been better to look twice to check, again because you can never check too much when you're learning how to drive all right okay. You know so hi, there. Yes. You, know so that's a great joke herds of cows that's that's a very good one there, we go. Okay. Okay. Naruto, you got the playlist on parking. Videos I did put one that up for you that's really great, boomer.

How. Are you, okay. All. Right lots of good information is Corey's getting out from everybody. Matt. Yes, you have roundabouts, in. Wisconsin. Map and one of the things one, of the actually, it was Wisconsin, and something. That I read on the internet that I looked at that, spurred. My. Truck, apron, video. And that, was out of Wisconsin that trucks, in the roundabout, have, the right-of-way and I, completely, disagree, with that legislation because, that just law allows trucks to say oh you know I can just plow through the intersection, or a plow through the roundabout because I got the right away that's. Really. I don't, I, don't agree, with that because it makes it dangerous because truck, driver some truck drivers especially, when they're tired or they're not thinking or looking or those types of things really need to be paying attention to going through the roundabout okay. Especially when. Most of the time they're curving to the driver side and they can simply look out the window to see what's out there in their blind spots and those types of things. Okay. Do not use your name cruise control is also better, for general, flows of freeways constant, speed meets constant, distance between cars thus adding more predictability, on the roadway which adds to safety yes I totally agree with that and you know like I said I'm a huge cruise, control fan and especially when I was driving truck and driving, buses I just had it on cruise control all the time and it just it's less fatigue for, you on long. Trips that are 2 or 3 hours because you're, just not monitoring, that speed all the time you can just let the car the vehicle go, excuse. Me so. Okay. Tiffany. Hi there how are you Tiffany, how is your evening okay. Live. Life. Wi-Fi. Shut off did you answer my question earlier is it okay to have a dash cam running, during a driving, exam live, life's no I didn't answer your questions earlier. Thanks, for reposting, that no you can't have any recording, devices in the vehicle why retain your road test now I. Know. There are some videos here and I've had some people try to spam me. Excuse. Me. Who. Some how have, gotten. Dashcams, into the vehicle you're not allowed to have any recording, devices in the vehicle during your road test okay, so just know that no, and Sam, said that as well Jericho. Or Romeo and. Sam as a driving instructor a true key on a driving school there in the Bronx and he said the same thing no no no no dash cams are not allowed, on the road test okay so know that. Okay. So no. Okay. Darren asked me if you had to turn right on a red light no you don't have to turn right on a red light you can wait for a green light on a road test now. Unfortunately. That's one of those gray areas. Darren. Where you. Know it's it's. A little bit up to the discretion of the examiner, if it's completely, clear and you've, got an opening to go and you don't go the driving down or may take a dim view on that may assign demerits, for you but it's my understanding and, maybe Sam will be able to shed a bit more light on this in, terms of drivers who don't turn right on a red light as. Long as there's no signs prohibiting you turning right I don't, know I don't. Think they can fail you but they can't assign demerit points I don't know Sam maybe you could answer that a little bit in terms of turning. Right on reds and and. For. The purposes of a road test okay. Oh that's. Awesome Tiffany, now just remind me Tiffany you're going for the San Francisco Transit. Authority. That's who you're driving for just. I'm pretty sure I remember all this I recall all this I haven't talked to you for a few weeks so yeah but, that is really, awesome 29th. Of January I bet you you're really excited like that's like two weeks from now man, it'd be so so, pumped for that so. Yeah, and you're gonna like it it's really great okay. Excellent. Matt yes and the, other thing Matt I use a dashcam in my vehicle all the time as well I just let it run all the time because if something happens then I've got it on video and not only that but you know it gives me a lot of b-roll, for my videos as well which really helps out as well, Sebastian.

Sebastian. Affordable. GPS well an affordable, one is the one in your phone. There's. A GPS in your phone that's, probably the most affordable one because you're already paying for that so, yeah. I mean really you don't need a dashcam now, Sebastian, what are you using your GPS for what are you are using it for CDL, driving or are you going to be using it for. Or. Just for personal use for your pass in your vehicle, okay. Miguel. How. Do you approach a yield turn on an 18-wheeler, Miguel. Carefully. You. Want to get okay so make out what you want to do is you just want to slow down you, probably want to it depends on what kind of transmission you're gearing down but probably third or fourth gear and then just sort of creep up have, a look scan the intersection, and then if it's good to go then proceed, okay so, that's what you want to do. Okay. So there's, what, sam says and this is a good point because, it's not it's not allowed inside so, Sam. When you say it's not allowed in New York City now are you talking, about New York City proper, in terms of Manhattan, or is it all of New York City including the suburbs like Queens and the, Bronx and, Brooklyn and all those types of places is it just New York City or like. Manhattan on the island or is it all of the suburbs as well that you're not allowed to turn red on a red, light turn. Right on a red light okay. There. We go sebastien. For a 1997. Maxima. Okay. Yeah. Sebastian. What I would recommend for GPS just use your phone just put it on audio, just and then it'll just talk to you while you're driving us that's all I do I don't actually buy a GPS I find my phone really good for that and actually when I was driving truck, and. The GPS broken the truck that's all I did in the truck was I just used. My phone. Okay. And Tommy Tommy. Computer, geek he actually pointed out use Android auto but, it will use the data on your phone and yes it, will use your data on your phone but. If you're just using it for personal use you're just gonna use it every now and again so it's not, not. A huge deal now Jay, FSA says, I have, the Garmin, diesel, cam GPS. Four truck bobtail. And four-wheeler does logs and has dashcam, with location, speed and time logging that sounds, like a really good product. Jay FSA thanks so much for putting that up I'm actually gonna do a bit more investigation, after this and look, into that and maybe I could do a video on that and that would really help out. Okay. Do not use your name yes New York City is the only exception in the, US where write is not legal, unless there's a sign, prohibiting, it yes that's a good point there, thank.

You For that information there's a few other things about New York's. New. York state that are a bit different than. The other states. In the. US okay Rob. As hey, I just got back from picking up my brother. How. Do you avoid them, we're bass one of the things that I said in the defense of driving is, to increase, your following distance that, way if something unexpected happens, while, you're driving you've, got space but you know that could have got it unexpectedly. It's. It's pretty tough. Yeah. Okay, so. Sam, says the five boroughs so. For. Those of us aren't familiar with New York jargon, Sam the, five boroughs I'm thinking our Manhattan. Queens. Brooklyn. Bronx. I'm. Missing two what. Are the other two. Long. Island is Long, Island a borough I don't, know. You'll. Have to tell me okay. Okay. JFS a yes. Really. Happy with it. Tiffany. You're scared of driving a bus well that that, is a good thing I think when you're not don't. Have a bit of nerves, about driving a bus I think that's when you know you probably. Need to take a step back and whatnot you're always gonna have a bit of fear and a bit of trepidation but, Tiffany just the is just to get in and keep doing it so. You're. Gonna be you're gonna be fine okay, so just take, the practice listen, to other people and you're gonna be great and let, me tell you from my experience of teaching people how to drive and I'm, talking, specifically, about CDL, drivers here, I'm not talking about ready everybody, everyday driving. Women. Are better, CDL. Drivers from. The get-go than, men because men tend to be a bit aggressive whereas, women tend to be looking, and checking everything else so just know that as well that probably there's some inherent skills, that you have that. You're kind of overlooking, a little bit in those types of things all. Right what is my opinion of lane splitting, Matt, that's probably a whole other conversation, about. Motorcycles, and those types of things there we go Sebastian. Statin, on and queens are missing there we go okay, excellent. So one of the boroughs is the. Bronx Queens. Staten. Island, Brooklyn. Manhattan. There we go okay. The, Rav three. Ram, three door you, know so I'm not sure what, that vehicle is I'm not familiar with it okay Long Island it's not a burl okay there we go. Okay. So now we have the authority here Sam is telling, us what it is it's Bronx. Brooklyn Manhattan, Staten. Island in Queens there's the five boroughs. There. We go. Okay. You know so the rav4 three-door yes it's a Toyota it's, I suspect. It has a fairly high rating. Okay, you're not supposed to just have a look on Google there, and that'll give you more information but it's a Toyota so it, gets my endorsement, every time all, right okay. We're gonna wrap up here pretty quickly we're running into an hour here so if you have any more questions by, all means send me an e-mail get in contact to do more and happy to help you out and I'll just I'll answer a few more questions for you oh. There's. My friend. Okay. Savanah excellent, there's a good question okay so when you're backing up on the road test you have to look out the back window now, I need to do a bit of investigation, with this savanah. You're not in New Jersey are you because somebody was telling me last week and, I need to look this up and verify this information, but they said they're now allowing, backup. Cameras, to be used on a road test but for the purposes of what you want you want to put your arm, on the back of the passenger, seat and you want to turn your body and you look out at the back window now in the video that I said about reversing, I said you could take your seat belt off don't, take your seat belt off for the purposes of a road test okay, keep it on for the duration because.

Even, Though you can do it in legislation, don't, do it on a road test all right so leave your seat, belt on, Andrew. Do, you recommend learning a 90 degrees perpendicular, back up parking, method, or a 45. Degree. Andrew. I use the 90 degree in in the reversed all parking video here on the channel that's what I show you how to do now, you can, do either whichever, works for you as long as you can get that vehicle into this into, the spot now know for the purposes of a road test Andrew, you do have to. Bay, Park you do have to back into a parking space, and. That's one, of the absolutes, on a road test some of the other stuff can be a bit you, know, questionable, you know it's up to the discretion of the examiner, whether you're gonna do parallel parking you're gonna do two-point reverse turn or those types of things but, you, do need to backup so, know that and just, practice. That but I do the 90-degree, one okay and have a look at that video if you haven't already checked it out. Okay. Rob as. The. Bike turned in my lane in tanks instead, of stopping and. Yeah. The biker made things worse yeah unfortunately Rob, as nothing. Happened, nobody, got injured you didn't have a crash did you I'm assuming. That you didn't because you're here to tell the story which is good sometimes. It's just gonna happen and you know that story. Inches are good as a mile if you missed them and you and nothing happened other than you know scaring, the tire idea then, that was all good you know but one of the things that I do advocate and again and again I come back to it increase. Your following distance, okay. So. One, more here. We go, goodnight. Kim all the, best with. Your driving and those types of things you, didn't tell me Kim just sent me an email about the posted speed limit and I can talk to you a little bit farther but further, about that okay. Reba's. You, live in Hawaii oh that's great. Okay. So Rob as those, two things that you're talking about Mach Road tests, if, you go to a driving school and ask for a mock road test say listen I'm going for my road test I just want to go out with a driving examiner they will do a mock road test at a driving school for you you pay for that okay, the other thing is is that running commentary. That. Changes. Between different. Driving authorities, and different


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