Unboxing and Cleaning a Mac Pro 2013: A Behind-the-Scenes Reboot S1 E2

Unboxing and Cleaning a Mac Pro 2013: A Behind-the-Scenes Reboot S1 E2

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okay guys it's dark in here  for a reason check this out you ready look at that wait for it listen right it actually took me quite a while  to figure out what triggers this it's whenever   you move this Mac Pro or tip it it lights up  look at that think it will also do that in Reverse how cool is that right let's turn  the lights on and do some work okay welcome   to links London the global headquarters of links  London aka the garage let's get a coffee on the go right lungo right links London right now is very much  as you can see in um the startup phase this would   be considered if we had investors this would be  I think stage a round a of investment um but we   don't so we're on our own anyway ultimately Links London will  be a jewellery business an online jewellery business   so for that we need a website and for that we need  a computer and that's what this video is going to   be about our new computer when I say new it's from  2013 and from Ebay that this is going to be about   are phenomenal looking Mac Pro late 2013 I  think the I think there was I think it's the   6.1 I think now I watched a lot of videos about  these before buying one I've wanted one since   they came out I've always thought they look  cool they were not well received it's fair to   say by Mac fans when they first launched and  having said that there's quite a lot of them   out there so they weren't well received in terms  of uh press and reviews and public feedback but   people went and bought them judging by the  amount that are out there worldwide on the   uh used Market but anyway these cost thousands  they were unaffordable for consumers like myself   professionals that was still expensive but  in recent years as time's as time has gone   on they held their value pretty well but the  prices were coming down and they recently lost   support for the latest Mac operating systems  and the price the prices the used prices are   plummeting I picked this one up on eBay  for 165 British pounds plus 20 shipping so 185 pounds just months ago maybe a year ago they probably  would have been close to 500 and this is the the   out of the I'm the way I'm going to frame them  is there's three models and this is the base   model and the way the reason I say there's three  models is there were lots of models between 2013   and 2018 when these were on sale and there were  lots of configurations but fundamentally you   had three choices of graphics card or GPU and  the 300 the D300 the d500 or the d700 and this   is the D300 and with all the other components  they're quite widely available used um and very   affordable I you can pick up a choice of any of  the CPUs from eBay for about 20 pound um and the   same goes for the ram that fits these the graphics  cards however are I think right now um to replace   a graphics card is actually more expensive than  buying a unit complete with that graphics card   in for some reason so this is the D300 I probably  have to pay I've paid less than 200 for this if   I want to buy another D300 it probably cost me  300 so it's cheap the same with the 500s and 700   the 500s and the 700s are more sought after and do  fetch higher prices than these ones the reason I   went for the D300 is there were product recalls  on both the 500 and the 700 and if that wasn't   done they cook themselves basically they got super  hot and if that wasn't done there will potentially   that wasn't though those chips weren't fixed those  boards weren't fixed then there's potentially problems down the road for those units but they are a  more capable machine so as I was saying I watch   loads of videos about this and most of them are  fantastic and you can spend hours watching them   and I did and they pretty much though do a similar  thing which is bench test these against brand   new Mac's the outcome is pretty much the same that  they're almost as good until you start exporting   video and then they invariably stick a 12 core  CPU in it and max out the ram and and a lot of   them starting with a d700 unit like the top so  there's um a lot of interest in maxing these out   spec wise which I don't plan to do so I thought  we'd make a video about what these are like in   base configuration in real world usage and to cut  long story short they are it's really responsive   I mean I used this yesterday for the first time  what I want to do is I'll just quickly run for   you um the positives and the negatives I've come  across so far what what I can and can't and what   I will be able to and won't be able to do with it  and then I want to clean it actually because when   I first switch this on once it come once it arrived in transit when I unbox it I'm actually surprised   how small it is because the predecessors to this I  never owned one but friends did and um places I worked   had the tower versions of the Mac Pro and they  were massive they were they were massive units   and this is small now in 2024  in 2013 people must have looked at this I thought   how you fitted it has it all in there but I think  that was one of the reasons it got absolutely um well hated upon because your not going  to squeeze anything else in there in terms of   upgrades but yeah when I first turned it on after  unpackaging this is a fan unit you can actually not   really kicking out too much now but when I first  switched it on just I think there's a lot of dust   in there probably because when I first turned it  on and that dust had obviously shake some of the   Dust had shaken loose and it it was a tornado  of dust coming out of the top so I want to open   it up and clean out the fan it's a little bit  noisy but I think it was probably running fine   when but yeah that dust has been shaken loose  in transit now it's blow out and I think some   of it's catching a little bit I think it would be  quieter if I clean it out so that's what that's   what I want to do the only other thing I want to  do to this is I've ordered um four sticks of ram   because this has only got 12 gig in it so I'll  tell you what this model is or spec this is this   is about this Mac I've got this running up up to  Mac OS Monteray and that's as far as it will go it   is Mac Pro late 2013 in here we have the 3.5 GHz 6  core Intel xeon E5 memory it's got 12 gigs of 1866   DDR3 which is the correct speed I believe and this  has the AMD firepro d300s now this has got the 256gb  hard drive which is pretty easy to upgrade  as well if you wanted to I'm not going to um and   we've got three sticks of 4 gig RAM and I think  I think that's possibly original because I read   somewhere that these actually for some odd reason  shipped with three sticks of Ram with one maybe   Ram was expensive back in 2013 I can't remember  but yeah so that you it left you a little slot   for potential upgrades to a whole um 16 gigs but  it's probably just a so they could sell you an   extra stick of RAM for some exorbitant um price  but yeah I'm going to upgrade that cuz that's   looks like a real simple a simple upgrade but real  world testing I actually managed actually filmed   the previous video to this one on this channel  I filmed on the iPhone um I think that's an 11   or 12 filmed 4K 60 frames per second and because  this has got such a small hard drive I've in all   I've installed on this is so far is Google Chrome  and Final Cut Pro and what I did yesterday is i'   plugged in a freshly formatted um Samsung these t7  the little yeah the t7 hard drive so my plan was   to be a because I've got other Macs this isn't my  only Mac um my plan was to do the some editing on   here and possibly moov on some a MacBook Pro and  I've got an iMac as well so what I did yesterday   is I actually put the footage from the previous  video on this and edited it and 4K 60 frames per   second it worked pretty well there was it Dropped some  frames um it probably worked I would say as well   as a 2017 in real world it was comparable to a  2017 MacBook Pro it was somewhere it was better   than a 2015 Mac Pro probably about as good  as a two at editing the video when it came to exporting I went to export it in like I didn't  even try like Pro Res I did it for is it HVEC did it for Apple devices it was about an it was  going it was 25 minutes long it was going to be in   that format I think I did it in the Dolby the full  Dolby 10 but anyway it was about an 8 GB video   it was about an 8 it would have been about an 8  gigabyte um file I left this I left it for about   half an hour and it didn't even get to 1% and the  fan that sounded like a it was going to take off   it was I was tempted to leave it I thought I was  worried about I was worried I was going to cook   it it was yeah it was struggling with the export so  what I did is because it was everything was on   the external drive everything the um nothing was  on the actual um hard drive in here unplugged the   hard drive stuck it in a Macbook a 2017 MacBook  Pro and what it wanted to do it uh it wanted to   up it for some reason it wanted to update it  because what it turns out is that MacBook has   got the latest operating system operating system  after this one I'm not sure if he's got the late   one but it's definitely got the one after this  what it appears that does is also updates final   Car Pro to a new version it updated the files on  there and then I exported it still that file still   took a Mac a 2017 MacBook Pro which is what I  I just had it handy I've got newer Macs which   would have done it quick it still took the MacBook  Pro a couple of hours to export that 8 gig video   but now when I've plugged this  in here um if I go to open it you cannot open it because this operation could not be completed  one or more of the libraries you've created with   a newer version of Final Cut Pro these libraries  will be ignored so because I've updated that in a   newer in a newer Mac on a newer operating system  it now went it did edit like it edited that video   but it's then been updated by a newer version  of final and now it's not backwards compatible   with this so this is going to be fine for webbased  stuff for editing video that you filmed on newer devices no like if if you're using if you're if  you're doing a few minutes of 1080P or 720p or   whatever we used to use back in the day fine if  you're using newer video formats and long format   video forget it it's going to take it's not that  it's not possible it's just going to be it's going   to take a long time you're probably going to cook  the computer before you've uh finished exporting   so I still love the look I still love it I still  going to use it but for doing web development most   of that's done it's cloudbased so the price of  these now as a just a web browser doing emails   you're still going to be able to I think editing  photos will be fine because yes that's going to   be fine 4K 60 frames per second video forget it  um but I don't think many people like are going to   be looking at this as their only computer I think  most people like me that I've seen making videos   about these I've just been looking at these for  a decade thinking they they're cool I'd like one   of those they were unaffordable now they're an  expensive toy or Gadget um but that the price is   now for £185 it's uh yeah they're actually like I  reckon they're probably as capable as a 200 if you   were to go and buy a 200 pounds notebook you know  laptop they're probably going to be as capable as   something like that that's going to struggle  it's it's going to struggle equally with 4K 60   frames per second video um I mean if especially  if it's Windows based it's not even going to be   a you're not even going to be a to transfer those  file sizes for a start like forget it so it but   it's you are going to be able to pick up um for  instance I went from the I took the video footage   from this to a 2017 uh uh Mac Pro the 2017 Mac Pro  at the time of me filming this you can probably   pick one up in reasonable condition like an i5  for 150 quid um so they're slightly less than   these and in terms of video more capable but  yeah if you if you're looking for a desktop   for browsing for web based stuff editing your uh  document photo highly recommend they're a cool   looking computer way smaller than you'd imagine  as well they'll fit perfectly and look cool on any   desk especially with this light thing if you're  thinking of using as your only computer think   again um and the compatibility I think the issues  with compatibility are only going to get worse but   I love it and um yeah I'm going to clean it up  we got to get this sticker off there was a when I   bought I think one of the other reasons I got this  so cheap is there was like a Fleck of paint here   it almost look like a dent and a and and a scratch  I thought this was possibly painted but I'm not   sure what it is the the case is a lot heavier than  you'd imagin and a lot thicker but um it it was   just a Fleck of paint I flicked it and it flipped  off so it's actually in better looking it's in   they if they just done a little bit of um I paid  185 delivered I think if they would have done a   little bit of cosmetic work and photographed  this uh in a more flattering light it looked kind   of knackered um and I mean the stickers didn't  help but it does have the original Mains cable   other than it didn't come with anything apart from  dust but yeah if they have I think this would have   been a 250 pound machine if they' have done a little bit of um  tarting up it would have been a 250 pound machine they   didn't so I got bargain but yeah if you can pick  one of these up for a couple of hundred quid um   and I mean it works really well with this  apple Cinema display this is this this display   is another story like it was a bit of an eBay  disaster thats turned out pretty well now I've   got one of these but this I paid about 50 Quid  for um delivered it was real cheap because at the   time there was loads of them for sale um on eBay  and this one's got some damage around the bezel   there which absolutely no problem at all unless  you've got OCD if you got OCD it's the end of the   world but um yeah I paid 50 for that delivered and  that I bought that to go with an iMac that I've   got which is like a 2022 21 22 model which I got  straight from Apple it cost thousands and almost   immediately as soon as I was editing 4K for 60  frames per second video on that um it would do   about 15 minutes to start with and then the screen  would black out um and it turns out that's a thing   um basically they built them so they look cool but  they don't stay cool so as soon as you start doing   anything taxing with that iMac there's obviously  a thermal cut out on the screen the screen just   blacks out um but the computer is still running funny  enough um just fine it's just the thermal cut out   on the screen blacks it out so if you plug an  external display in it's actually quite a good   Mac for video editing um but so I got an external  display a cheap Samsung one and the problem with   that is when you go from like 5K retina to  a cheap 100 pound screen it's quite the downgrade so   I thought I'd get a cinema display like this  which would be less of a downgrade and these   are a phenomenal looking screen especially for  the money these would have this this set up back   in 2013 you'd have been the would have been the  business um now it's kind of normal but yeah well   actually these these cinnema screens now hold up  compared to a modern inexpensive compared to the   cheap 100 pound Samsung this runs far better however  it's like I think it's thunderbolt 2 with a it's   basically a USB dock there's about three USBS in  the back of there so all that does turn this into   a USB dock but I think that's thunderbolt 2 and  I just could not get the new Mac to connect I gave up   trying to I got a load of converters um because  I needed them for the Samsung anyway but there's   obviously some issue I think if I'd have persevered  with power docks and stuff I probably would have   found a way to get that to run on a new Mac but know like it was just getting to the point   where it was I was going to I was buying things  from Amazon I got to the point where I'd sent   about four or five things bought things and sent  them back and I was just getting I was getting   fed up with it and I think they were get fed up  with me returning things that i' opened and tried   but yeah I'm guessing there's some issue with  connecting whatever that is f if that's it's   hard to is that Thunderbolt 2 or Thunderbolt 3  on these things I think it's probably thunderbolt 2 I would imagine it was probably something  to do with having a getting a powered Dock and   I'm sure someone would find a way if I had enough  adapters and docks to get it to work but I I gave   up um but yeah I kept it and I had a Macbook  plugged into it and now I kept that for this   so but if you're getting one of these I keep your  eye out for one of these I think this is the 27 inch  cinema display and I think that's thunderbolt  2 you can see them with the VGA adapters as   well this funderbolt 2 and USB coming out the  back so there's three k so it's like one uh   I think it's connected to the power cable as well  there's power USB Thunderbolt 2 if you're getting   one of these definitely keep an eye out for one  of these 27 inch cinema display Works amazing right   enough waffle let's open this up remove the fan  see how much dust is inside so removing the case   or the shell of the Mac Pro it couldn't be simpler  there's a toggle switch on the front you slide   that and the shell slide straight off it's unclear  why they made it so easy to get inside maybe just   to Marvel at the way it looks because once you're in  there's not a lot you could do sure it made it   easy to upgrade the RAM but how frequently do you  do that you couldn't fit anything else in here it   was always intended that any upgrades would be  external which is why there were so many ports   on the front where you can plug in your external  hard drives or additional displays now there's   quite a lot of dust in here so I use a brush  attachment on the Dyson Hoover and get that out   the way this is designed it works like a chimney  so the fan sits on top it pulls in cool air from   the bottom and then Jets it out the top however  where some of this dust had come loose in transit   it then became like a dust tornado when I first  switched it on okay used the Dyson Hoover with   a brush attachment on it to clean out the dust  from the fan and I've cleaned some of the dust   out from around it um I think there might still be  a fair amount in the bottom there get the duster   the brush attachment on that cleaned the case with  actually some uh floor wipes it was uh covered in paint the moment of truth is going to be when we power  this back on and um see how much dust it could be like a dust   tornado out the top the Ram um I've ordered some RAM  for this and it looks super easy look just to um   upgrade the RAM it's about all you can upgrade  and they made it really easy to upgrade but   yeah the case came up well taken the stickers just peel  the old stickers off with my fingers and thumbs and   cleaned the case up it's come up quite good still  some flexed paint on there all right let's get that one power cable in plug the screen in did I eject the external drive might be worth plugging tit in or I will get an message about  not ejecting that properly I didn't   I can't remember all right moment  of truth see if we get the dust tornado that and the noise it's so quiet now I wondered if  the fan was actually on it is on and now super quiet I think before where the dust had loosened off it   was effecting the fan a little  bit yeah that's ultra quiet now it does ramp up and speed up when I was  trying to edit uh export the video yesterday   it was it was full speed but right now that's  um it's only quiet right that's it all I've got   to do is upgrade the RAM and then we'll build  the uh links on the Links London website using that um the   takeaway from this I think is if you're looking  at one of these definitely they look cool best   arguably one of the best looking um desktops ever  produced it's much smaller than I remembered and   in my mind thought it would be I love when you tip it up  the lights come on so you can see where you're   plugging things in because these were designed  for external upgrades but yeah   I'm guessing this was kind of a predecessor one  of the early space grey finishes phenomenal   looking Machine Works fantastically with the  27 inch Cinema display from around the the   same era if you're thinking of getting one I'd  recommend it but but is limited to what we can do   with it as a as um a web browser emails that sort  of thing I think you better for one of these than   an inexpensive modern desktop if you want to edit  videos you're going to have to get a silicon mac um these aren't from what I the one video I  edited which was 25 minutes of 4K 60 frames   per second considering these were on sale at the  same time as a 2017 Mac book Pro the 2017 Mac book Pro currently I don't know if it was at the time  but currently is more capable because it has   the latest or a later operating system and later  updates of Final Cut Pro X which I was using which   may be the difference but that difference in the  latest software made my 2017 Mac Pro laptop more   powerful than this which would have been probably  wouldn't actually probably wasn't considerably   more expensive in this configuration but well  yeah probably probably about ,1000 pounds difference   but yeah um I'm Waffling now if you like the way  they look definitely get one now they're super   affordable as a as a desktop web browser if you're  thinking about it as you I can't imagine anyone's   thinking about one of these is their only as  their only machine if you are forget it you know   splash out on a Mac Mini right next video will hopefully  be uh it might be jewellery related um or it'll   be uh more behind the scenes about making  websites and I've still got to stick the ram in that

2025-01-08 19:52

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