Podcast 83 Olga Chin of InterPrice Technologies Inc

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Thanks for coming back to another episode of Pitch It, a fintech conversation among founders, investors and friends. I'm your host, Todd Anderson, chief content officer at FinTech Nexus. And what we do is we take a peek behind the curtain. What motivates someone to start a company? How do investors make the right bet? What do accelerators do during and help enabling the process of of growing your company? How do banks think of founders? Not to mention, we try to have some fun. And what you'll see is we'll also do some special episodes.

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Now let's get on with the show and today's episode. I'm joined by Olga Chin, founder and CEO of Enterprise Technologies. Olga and I discuss the founding story behind Enterprise, her path to financial services.

Instead of, say, medical services. As you'll hear about in the episode, how enterprise helps corporate treasury teams. The biggest problems that corporate treasury teams face, an unlikely byproduct of the enterprise platform, raising capital and much, much more.

A couple of short PSA before we get started. We are still accepting applications for our pitch at FinTech Nexus USA. Head to fintech nexus dot com. The specific link will be in the show notes and will take you to the application site.

If you want to sponsor an episode, come on as a guest or sponsor one of our many digital or in-person offerings, please reach out any time. It's Todd to Dee at FinTech Nexus dot com. Without further ado, Olga Chen, founder and CEO of Enterprise Technologies. Enjoy the episode. Hi Olga. Welcome to the podcast. How are you? I'm good. Hi. Nice to be here.

Well, you know, I like to kick off the show. If you can just give us a little bit of background about yourself professionally and tell us a little bit more about about who you are professionally. So I'm a former investment banker.

I started out my career in a hedge fund space, actually worked for an amazing person in the management group, and then got into that capital market space hired by companies on various capital region clients and did that for over a decade and then started integrates. So I believe it was on your website. I read this wasn't exactly your initial path, though, right? I mean, I think you want you wanted to go to medical school and and this was kind of the better the better of the two paths.

But, you know, why investment banking? Why finance? Good research? Yes. I was a pre-med student. I to the MCATs actually got Harvard Med School average and I'm cats which I'm very proud of. And then, you know, in my junior year, I faced this decision do I go to. So I was an econ major as well.

So I was do I go to medical school and take out $200,000 loans or do I try this internship at like a top five investment bank? Very superficial decision making as a junior in college. So I definitely took the investment banking path. Never looked back. Never ever looked back. And now, you know, when I go to the doctor, I can even imagine thinking, you know, considering going into that. And I was like, lucky.

But yeah, no, actually it was not a plan at all. So in terms of, you know, founding a company and being an entrepreneur, was that something that you, you know, eventually saw on the horizon or while being at the investment bank and and, you know, some of the work that you were doing there, this problem cropped up and you found that no one else is solving it. Maybe I should solve it myself.

So, you know, a lot of people ask me like, what was that moment like? A lot of people that I speak to or founders, they would have this like profound moment when, there we go, I have to do this. I'm not sure if I ever did. I'm not sure that many founders actually have that moment either. I think they I think they like to have. You feel better about it.

But like, look, now I'll I have a couple of things. I always thought that I was going to do something in my own, but there's always like a personal thing too, right? So I frankly, I couldn't afford to do it. I told story to period of time and we can talk more about that. That's a family story.

But at some point I actually remember I had this client, I'm not going to name them right now, but very, very large company. And I remember going to have dinner with that and it was like a bunch of banks and the CFO and a treasure of that company. And I remember being like, Hey, so we come here, you know, we fly to this town every six months or so, and you have 30 banks, so you have dinner with them every night. And the CFO goes, Yeah, you know, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, your banker dinner nights spend a lot of time with us. Yeah, I was like, Well, so I'm also sending you a ton of information. Like, I'm sending you this PDA class proposal.

So, you know, again, we're going to that. What do you do with them? And he's like, Well, I tried to look at them and there's just like way too much. And after a couple of drinks with him, I said, it would be wonderful if we just like, aggregated all that for you and you guys. Again, keep in mind a couple of drinks and guys, let's do it. I'll go in 5050. I think. Oh.

And then actually ended they're calling another CFO and this was the, the person who used to be the CFO of crack times, which is actually one of our largest investors right now, David Knopf. And I remember saying, Hey, David, what do you think about this? And he's like, Oh, I'll totally back you for this. And you have these moments, right? Well, if they're going to do it, like, I should probably try. Right. And that was why I think that was kind of the starting point, that dinner where the guy said 50/50, I think maybe I should do it. At least you knew you had some merit in kind of that initial idea.

So tell us tell us a little bit more about exactly what Enterprise does. And when answering that question, where do you where'd the name come from? So it's funny, you know, I was talking to the team earlier today and I mentioned this question. They said, oh, we have no idea where the name comes from. So I have to listen to that. But so what we aggregate, we are platform that aggregates information like banks and across to corporates. Right. And it's called pricing.

It's called pricing like indications or whatever it is. But the name is price, so it has to be price and inter is the interconnectivity between banks and B the corporate issuers. I came up with a name myself I didn't want to be. I didn't want it to be about fonts or any other asset class. I wanted to be about broadly pricing. And so I was like, Well, enterprise sounds good.

And then of course I go to Enterprise. That's com and it's a currency, but it's not just a car website. It's actually three years ago when I started this, there was a guy sitting in the Grand Cayman Islands who like when people would misspell enterprise class and go to enterprise dot com he would collect their credit card information as if they were renting cars and actually just, you know, take their money.

So I called him. Yeah, I know. So I called him up and said, hey, you want to sell me the domain? Of course you want to do it. But anyway, long story short is that Enterprise Franco Cars actually owns the domain right now. We're hoping to get it, but that's how the name came up. And, you know, sometimes it gets confused with Enterprise. They're hoping to change that.

But yeah, so that's a name in terms of where we are. So if it's a series of dashboards, I'll give you a good analogy. For example, so you had I don't know if you own a house.

Yeah. So most people who owned houses, they would try to take out mortgages and are two ways to do it. Imagine that there is a way, number one, where you call up Citibank, you call up chase, whoever it is, and you get these 30 page documents with all kinds of legal stuff.

Yeah, I'm one page 32. There's going to be, you know, Todd Anderson, 30 year, 15 year mortgage. Right. So you can sit there on a generic and spread them on a kitchen table and compare them. Or imagine there is a Web site like bankrate.com where you can go

and compare all the mortgage rates for you, not for anybody else. So we're that four very large companies, literally. So when know when going through this and, you know, kind of playing through and building out the idea obviously, I'm assuming that you've probably talked to many different CFOs, many different treasurers. Was there a common theme as to what was the most you know, or the biggest impediment that they faced when going through some of their processes? Like, you know, was it that I don't have time to go through all these papers and price pricing that is sent to me or it's never in a format that's easily readable or it's in all these disparate systems, and I can't spend 20 hours going through there and then trying to compare to something in this system. Was there kind of a handful of common themes that would come up and and ultimately helped you build out what the platform or dashboards are today? Yeah, now 100%. So I think, you know, in answering the question, we've got to get into the psychology of this a little bit.

So if you're the Treasurer, right, or yeah, well, let's take it from the banker's perspective. So when I was a banker, I would sit there and watch the market all day long because it was my job. I knew exactly who was doing deals, who was placing paper, where, who the investors were, all kinds of stuff.

But that was my job and I only covered bonds. Now, as we think about a CFO on a challenger, they have to find the businesses. They have to raise capital, they have to raise capital across different markets. So we have to talk to many of me, even at one bank.

Never mind the fact that they have all kinds of other responsibilities. Yeah. So they're not sitting there watching the market all day long.

And unfortunately, when bankers come to visit them, there is a little bit of an information asymmetry, right? Because and ultimately to them, it matters a lot more every single basis point or every single percent in terms of their capital is actually incredibly expensive. Yeah, it really drives the bottom line. And so that's why they have the bankers coming to visit them, pitching the best ideas.

But if you think about somebody like McDonald's, right, so let's take them as an example. They have, I think, over 30 different banks and they come to visit them. A team is pitching all these ideas and yet they come in different formats and treasury teams are incredibly small. There's also a rotation concept in many Treasury teams, so information gets lost and they say they're just stretched incredibly thin. Yeah, I think that's probably the biggest theme has.

You think about kind of like what we're facing and that's what we help them with. We provide essentially this single source of truth. We aggregate all of it. It is available to anybody on the team. We provide a lot of training of the team rotates.

That's been a consistent concept as well that we can talk about solutions. And then in terms of, you know, working with the banks, do the banks also have to be an enterprise customer? You know, how does you know some of the mechanics work? Say, if I'm a McDonald's or another big corporate, I'm a customer of yours. Do the corresponding banks often also have to be customers? Not necessarily.

We have built processes. Such a batter gets in seamlessly anyway, but at the same time we actually partner with a lot of the banks. There's going to be an official announcement next week about a top five bank who actually partners with us. But at the same time, we have about 15 of them already on the platform. Having said that, without us can get any of the data from any of the banks automatically from themselves as well.

But having said that, you know, on the bank side, there's also a pain point. So think about it again. Me as a former banker, I used to produce these nice little PDFs, like I had to paste the company logo and you know how it's done. It's actually like this is how I did it. You know, you would take an Excel, you would take a screenshot of a piece in a PowerPoint, you pig up the PowerPoint, and God forbid, like there's a wrong company name or something that happened to me.

So so there are pain points there that we tried to solve. So we actually have a bigger platform and we actually have an API connection to banks that have their own platforms. So for companies that don't want to receive these emails, there is a solution. But from the banker side, we think of them as true partner. So we differentiate there a little bit. How much you know today.

And it's I think it's true, you know, across different capital markets and fundraising activities is still a lot of it done in the way in which you described earlier, which is, you know, dinner and, you know, kind of schmoozing the relationship. I mean, some of what you're providing is moving more into the future, which is making the part of raising money. However you're doing that in a lot more of an automated, seamless, transparent way versus like a backroom deal after a few drinks and a dinner, it seems like the old way was what got us to a certain point. But now scaling through technology allows you just to get so much more out of it.

And that's it sounds like that's what you are trying to provide to a lot of these corporates as well. Of course, there are movies about Wall Street where you have these backroom deals. Yeah, that I think that's mostly in the movies that I, I would say a lot of the people on Wall Street are actually incredibly sophisticated and the ideas they pitch are pretty. You know, it has a lot of merit to a lot of tech companies.

But, you know, from that perspective, having said that, there is there are two components to it. Why does McDonald's deal with 30 different banks? They're called relationship wonks. There's actually this concept in the corporate treasury finance called relationship banks. Why? Because these relationship banks provide what's called a revolving credit facilities and credit facilities to essentially help McDonald's if it ever runs into, you know, a bad situation. Think of it as almost like a credit card.

Now, these banks are truly supportive of these corporate treasury teams. There's usually in the bank, somebody is called a relationship manager that actually manages like all these different groups, pitching ideas to the corporate treasury teams. That is really important. I would say that despite the fact that, you know, we bring technology and we aggregate all this information, that is why we do it, because we want the relationship to actually get, you know, not even better. But we want people to spend more time in the relationship.

And the data is there, as you know, for a reason, for data driven organizations. I want to take the relationship aspect out of it. Having said that, I don't think of it as terms of movies.

It is not like that at all. I've never seen any backroom deals versus good, to be honest, but the relationship manager usually controls the discussion and that's actually incredibly important. So in terms of, you know, what what you guys have provided to your clients thus far, is there something that has come back to you through clients that, you know, has been either the biggest benefit of the platform or, you know, kind of what has been their feedback to enterprise that, hey, you've saved this time, you've saved this money, you've saved this X. Is there something that you're hearing from clients that that is kind of most popular or most prevalent? So a couple of like, you know, not so interesting is exactly what you mentioned. Right? So say time saving money. Right. So that's always been the theme and we always wanted to do that.

Obviously, we save time, especially with a team turnover and a team rotation out of that that's there. We have a case study. We were actually six basis points on insurance by providing a lot of this information. So that that's that's there the most fascinating piece to me they're actually two so it's about best practices. So if you think about somebody like IBM or Amazon or Waste Management, our current person, these large companies, they're pretty spread out geographically and then we usually have to interact with each other. But these are huge organizations and they have some of the best practices, right? But they each differ.

And what if you can actually bring them into this like almost community aspect of it and have them share the best practices among themselves? Totally. Like, that's not our business model in any kind of way. But I'll never forget this December. But the last December, my entire team was sitting there saying, Okay, so what do we do now? It's like December. Nobody wants to talk sales, but that's right. So like, what do we do? Yeah, they said, Well, why don't we get a whole bunch of these Treasury teams on the phone and just do like a holiday type thing? Talk about commercial paper strategies if they want to, but they keep it very personal.

So we did them send out an invite on my credit. It was in December 70. Like when everybody should be on vacation. Yeah, sometimes like 40 people down and you have people from like com caps or some of these organizations and they're looking at trying to be like, oh my God, I'm not the only one using the start up.

You know, that's number one. So it's good for me. Yeah. Not sharing ideas that are actually really unique and I'm sitting there being completely all like I can build so much based on this feedback. Yeah. So we've been doing all kinds of community events.

We actually have one coming up next week about women and Treasury. We have about 25 of the YOU percent of women from some of the largest Treasury organizations in the world in in Europe down in. And I think that's pretty huge. So the sharing of best practices, I don't want to underestimate that. And I think that's actually what makes Enterprise so successful is like this community aspect of it. Fascinating, fascinating.

In terms of another topic that that's been very much in the news right now. And I'm curious if there's been an appetite you know, through what you do in terms of the digital asset space and crypto space, I'd say save maybe the last six months when things kind of probably fell off a cliff. But before that, had you seen interest in, you know, treasuries and and CFOs in wanting to learn more about or whether or not your platform would be able to handle digital assets. And, you know, it has a come up.

Is it a popular topic? I wish that your answer is that, you know, I see like all these startups popping up in the digital asset space and it all sounds so sexy, you know? And I wish that I did that. We work with some of the most conservative organizations and. I figured as much. But, you know, you do hear that there are some corporates that are beginning to look at at the space, but it's probably more in the, you know, the sense of what this might mean and not actually holding any of that on their balance sheet. Anything today. I think you're absolutely right.

People are curious. So we heard that come up a couple of times. I would say more an exploratory sense. We do have one client who is in the payments space that's looking into it.

That's about it. To be completely honest, I hope that changes if anybody wants to pay us and Krypton for accepting that. But otherwise that's about as far as that goes. And these days, you figure with the last six months and how much regulators are starting to crack down on the space, it probably will probably be will be shelved for the time being. Yeah, I'd be curious.

You know, you've been around for, you know, I think it's a little over three years or just coming up on three years, you know, what's the either biggest or one of the biggest lessons you've learned about your company Enterprise since you've started? So for me, the the lessons about finance and everything else, like I, those are probably my the biggest ones. I spend enough time on Wall Street to understand what these companies are doing worth. I think to me the biggest lesson is approach is dealing with people and emotions when dealing with people. I got a crash course in some of that stuff, you know, during the history of Enterprise and I'm sure so has any other founder. But you're emotionally invested, right? You're spending so much time with these people, you're very, very close.

And you know, we who've had situations where, you know, somebody received a medical diagnosis that was absolutely terrible. Right. And what I would say is that there's no textbook answer to that at all. And so you learn how to deal with emotions.

You learn how to almost like grow up emotionally. To me, I'm sure any other founder would say, you know, very similar thing from, you know, a chart perspective definitely get better at it and not sure if it's ever going to get easier emotionally with the highs of highs and lows or lows when it comes to people. But that's probably the biggest one.

I never anticipated that to be the case. To be completely honest, I thought we're going to have issues with, you know, the banks and the corporates and the platform breaking and, you know, all kinds of stuff. But now it's it's really been like making sure that everybody's happy, making sure that we all grow in the same direction. Do you have a regret that you can share with the audience? I probably do. You know, early on, we kind of all thought treasury teams are all the same, right? So, you know, you look at data, you analyze data, you make a decision, you find your business and that's about it.

Right. Let's go back to my bankrate.com analogy. So, you know, for example, you get proposals from Jp morgan and you get proposal from Bank America, you know, Citi, save your brother works at Citi, right? You're no longer driven mainly by that percentage number on page 32, driven by something else. Unfortunately, in corporate treasury teams, that does happen. It doesn't happen very often.

But there are a couple of situations where early on we spend time with people who are not as data driven. They probably aren't the right first customer for us and we try to adapt to them quite a bit. And in the end they look at some point we just said, Well, we just got to figure out where the usage is and we got to go in that direction and spend more time there. That's probably the biggest regret, not recognizing that there is this possibility that you are not driven by data in any way.

Again, very, very seldom that this happens. But this encounter that. The best piece of advice that you've gotten so far since starting the company. Somebody told me that, you know, managing a startup is like managing a sports team, right? And I was like, I don't know much about sports. I was like, What does that mean? And they said, Look, you know, when you watch Super Bowl, you know, you have this coach, you have a quarterback.

And do they know where the ball is going to go? Actually, not at all. They don't even know what's going to happen the next second. Yep. It's not that they can stand like the quarterback. Can you just stand there, be like, wow, if I calculate the probability of doing that, it's like this is doesn't work, right? Yes.

Just throw the ball somewhere and the decision has to be fast. I used to own it too. Same thing. So I'm sitting here and never having that perfect information at all. I wish he did. We have different customers, you know, different personalities, different contracts, different bank partnerships.

At some point you just got to make decision. Stick with it. And unfortunately, that responsibility is on me. Right. And it's the same thing as in sports.

And you just have to approach it and understand that that's the case. And I think to me that that made sense. Like when somebody told me that actually adopted, I can see myself as like that's almost like quarterback coach type person. You've mentioned team a few times.

Tell us a bit more about those around you. How big is the team today? What does the team look like in terms of makeup, you know, technology people, sales people, kind of what does everyone what does the entire team look like? Early on, I had a partner who joined me in this journey. His name is David Barker. He was actually my analyst when I was fairly early on in banking. So I trained him.

He joined me right out of school and then I convinced him to join somehow. I have no idea how I remember that conversation. End boggles my mind that he actually agreed to do it. So we're doing as the chief product officer, so he leaves everything on technology side. On the product side. I hate to say this and I hope to change this, but most of our company is actually tech. So we have about 30 of us.

And unfortunately, I'm having the hardest time hiring account executives. So it's literally me and two more people in the business side. The rest is all tech. Most of us are in New York. We actually openoffice recently.

So it's tiny who's absolutely tiny. People look at it and be like, That's your office. But it's a conference room. It's a 50 theme park. We're very proud of it. Right? An office in New York City.

It's a big deal. Yes. And it's a good marker for a company, especially an early stage company, as they're continuing to grow. You're excited about this man? I saw that you had raised around and I think it was early November somewhere around that timeframe.

How was, you know, raising capital for the business? And, you know, what did you learn about either yourself or the company going through those pitches, talking to investors? And you know what? Your what can you tell us about the fundraising process? Last year was tough. I'm sure that you heard about you know obviously what's happening in the market. We actually just to backtrack a little bit, we raised a seed round the year prior to that, a much easier process. Oh, yeah, significantly easier. We got a term sheet right away from somebody that had known for a while who was almost like an advisor to me and a horn shop from our capital.

And then we tried to raise almost starting six months before we close, we closed, we had different conversations, but ultimately the goalposts were moving. And last year was also the first year that we started making money. And so you think about like pitching to investors and like, well, when you're starting to get these contracts and every week you would get some new information, you're pitching in, it it just it it was very disjointed in terms of what the goalposts were from that perspective.

Having said that, the Nasdaq team was actually there very early on. They are they understand the business. So that was a key we pitch to some, you know, traditional Silicon Valley investors who, you know, ultimately the the market is great. Then, you know, this is a course in that company of the market. Not so great is like, what are you talking about, treasury? And like nobody understands.

And like, what does that even mean? The Nasdaq 200 student, they actually have their own Treasury team. That's a user. You know, where that point potential user of enterprise that helped a lot and they were incredibly supportive during the entire journey.

So we got a chance to hear from them back in May, how I say. And then we went through the investment process and know probably investor so took a little while to close because of the market but I'm just grateful that like the market, I remember the days when in the summer the market was falling apart and they were so incredibly supportive. I'm truly grateful for that.

Yeah, when comparing the two rounds, I mean, you know how along the way, when you're getting either the goalposts moving or you're getting a lot of no's, even though you have this is good signal from a Nasdaq ventures, I mean, what does that do to the psychology? Does it ever make you doubt yourself? I mean, I'm sure you go through all these different waves of emotions of, all right, we're going to raise money or, all right, how the light's going to go on the next month and, you know, it's you know, it puts a lot of strain on teams. It is a lot of strain on teams. But you know what? I totally subscribe to this radical candor theory.

So my team understands that, you know, outside of anything like compensation related or anything like that, you know, they very well understand what's going on. We have weekly calls for the entire team where we share, you know, customer contracts, like what's working, what's not working partially because I don't want to sugarcoat it. Yeah, right. It makes no sense. And so, yeah, we talked some there were there were tough days for sure. But as a team, somehow I don't know, we, we have this good core group of always like partners at the company and nobody can make a bad day at the same time.

So when we would talk about it were like, Oh my God, the market is falling apart. I don't know how we are going to keep the lights on. One of us would be optimistic, perhaps.

Oh, look. Sometimes that's all you need. I know. And one of us will be like, okay, guys, let's just keep it real. It's okay.

We have we have these terms. You know, we have this term sheet. But no, it's it's tough. It's brutal. It's you know, what we say, right? Between doing I mean, there is a phrase we used earlier on.

So it's like eating glass every day until you get used to it. And it gets better and better. And you get used to eating glass every day.

I'm not sure I can ever get used to eating glass, but if if another founder picked up the episode, what what piece would of advice would you want to give to them. Now fast and fail often? Literally. Don't be afraid of mistakes, because if you're looking like for example, early on I was like, Oh, this customer doesn't like this feature, that's actually a good thing.

They, you know, they don't like this feature because if you're looking for affirmation, fine, you can build stories for yourself. But ultimately, if you can fail fast and know what's not working, you're so much closer to what is working. So do you. Think sometimes do you think sometimes founders get in trouble and you know, you hinted at it at your answer earlier when you talked about not all Treasury teams are the same like you do founders and entrepreneurs, maybe they get in trouble to try to build everything for everyone when in reality, you know, not every feature is going to be there right away. Not everyone's going to like the product, but ultimately you need to know who you're building for and then iterate on that over time.

No hundred percent, because I think so as a founder, you know, a startup is your baby. And all of a sudden you're saying that somebody tells you your baby's like cheese. I mean, that hurts. Oh, yeah.

I have two kids, so, yeah, that would hurt. But I am at a fault for doing that. But I actually have somebody on my team who handles all of their customer relationships and sometimes like somebody introduces me to a customer who is maybe like high heels to, you know, a little person later, but they're not the perfect customer for us right now. I'm like, Oh my God, I got this lead in Dana's idea, not the right one.

So I am going to call because again, it's my baby and I have people who are continuous through my I have kind of bitter about it. But no hundred percent. But it is your baby. So we have just a few minutes left.

I like to end a little bit later. Do you have a favorite book or the last book that you read? I have two sets of books that every one of them is like business books. Right. And one of them is like, I hate to admit, I read like a lot of weird romance novels, too. Just, again, with nothing. Whatever works.

I know, I know we can talk about that too. But now I like this book. Recently there it was called A Reboot about leadership. I don't know if you've heard of it. It's like about the art of growing up and it's about radical Cantor for teams like Inspire CEOs to kind of work within themselves and within their teams and be accountable for their choices.

So like a lot of a lot of the same themes that we talk about, it's, I think it's called yeah, reboot. What do you do? All founders need to step away, keep their minds clear and not run themselves into the ground. So what do you do to unwind? How do you kind of keep your your brain and in yourself fresh for the team? So I need to shut my brain off and I found different ways to do it.

A couple of sports exercises like I do Zumba where the music is so long, you're just so that your brain can think a couple of years ago I got into a bit from yoga, which is hundred five or whatever it is, degree room for 90 minutes and you think about dying the entire time. So I just want to get through it. I actually did that recently with a treasure of NASCAR, so it's a good bonding experience, I bet.

That said, you know, just your brain needs to shut off or sometimes I could doing something. So we even so the TV shows I watch, I just need to get into it. So I don't think about like, hey, did I get back to this client? Yep. You mentioned you don't really watch sports, but do you do you have a favorite sport or an activity that you of enjoy doing yourself outside of the, you know, obviously the yoga and the gym. You know what? I'm going to be boring with that.

I really, really like I think if my husband were into sports, I probably would watch sports. But unfortunately, like, you know, even in college, I used to do competitive ballroom dancing at all things, believe it or not, so that, you know, stuff that but now, I mean, I'll watch, I work with my friends and I'll be really, really supportive. But now. Yeah, sorry.

But no, it's funny because there's two reasons why I ask the question. One is because I'm personally a very big sports fan, but the other reason I asked for it, and it's where I usually get the most interesting answers, is most founders don't watch sports like a typical sport. Most founders either do something themselves, they do a sport. They'll go rock climbing or bicycling or something like that, or they are not into sports because, you know, they're they're just different. Their minds work differently.

They they tend to work differently in how they do their jobs. And so I always find it interesting to hear what founders find interesting in their personal lives, because it tends to be a little bit different than, say, the typical person that might work like a normal job. That's really interesting that you say that. It makes me feel better.

First off, I appreciate that. But, you know, so you mentioned rock climbing. So my daughter is actually in a rock climbing team. I have a teenage daughter and also a son. And sometimes I sit there and just used to be when she was a swimmer, too. I'm sitting there watching her practice.

I'm like, this makes me feel so inadequate. So I start like rock climbing. Oh, you know. Do you have a favorite vacations? But I travel a lot, actually. When I got back from Morocco a couple of days ago, like a favorite vacation spot. Costa Rica.

I love Costa Rica. I love the people, love that the climate, anything warm or the Turks and Caicos or. Yeah, I went there on my honeymoon, Turks and Caicos. So I think we're planning to to go back sometime soon.

And then final question, biggest inspiration in life. What inspires you? So you know what? I thought about this when you sent us over and I was going to say, you know, is it a person or like or something? I don't know if I have, like, this big agenda, like, oh, I want to do this and become this thing. And if there's no grandiose theme in terms of people inspiration, I mean, I think that I'm supposed to say my parents, I apologize, mom and dad. Like, I'm not going to say that I know I love them to death. But, you know, there is somebody who was really important to me early, like in the journey. My husband's one of my husband's closest friends and one of my closest friends, too, is the founder of New.

I don't know if you've heard of them and. Oh yeah, the it's like I don't know if they would call themselves a weight loss company, but it kind of helps you rethink and how you consume food, how you live your life. Yeah. So Artem Petkoff was one of our college friends and we're still very, very close friends to this day. They're on for about a few weeks before I went full time with Enterprise, we had dinner with him and I was talking to him. I was like, Whoa, it sucks.

Like, I'm leaving a banker job, like and like, Oh my God, this week this is crazy. And he gave me a lot of advice and he always comes up and first of all, huge inspiration. His company is like, crazy. Yeah. Oh, yeah, it's insane. I remember when he first started and he came over to our house and I was like, You're crazy.

I remember thinking, like. And now there's like four or five companies that are do similar things that that they do in terms of the psychology of, of weight loss and everything. Yeah. So no, it's, it's a completely inspiring how he started this like huge trend. But he's also really, really cool to to me personally as an inspiration because he would text me things like like I would pick him three years ago. I'd be like I'm really scared or something like that.

And he would screenshot this and send it to me like three years later, be like that. And to me like that. Like his journey is so inspiring. So probably that.

I think that's a perfect place to wrap up. Olga, I greatly appreciate you coming on the show. If someone wanted to reach out, if they wanted to get in touch with either you or Enterprise, how would they do that? I'm online and I'm very active. I like that. But also just go to the website, you know, or just email me. Olga at Enterprise Telecom and I'll respond.

All right. Well, thanks again for coming on the show. Continued success to you and the team and hopefully we'll get you back sometime in the future. Thanks, Todd. Thank you.


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