ABC News Prime Ukraine warns of nuclear disaster What s next for Liz Cheney Kobe Bryant trial

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[Music] families are packing up their lives and evacuating as more violence erupts at a power plant near their homes in ukraine once again russia and ukraine blaming each other for the latest shelling as fears are mounting of a potential nuclear disaster at europe's largest power plant speaking with wyoming congresswoman liz chaney following her primary defeat what she's revealing about the work still being done by the january 6th committee and the plans for her political future jonathan carl has the one-on-one interview a warning from federal officials to airlines following months of passengers complaining of long delays and last-minute cancellations the ultimatum issued by the biden administration more buses of migrants from texas arrive in new york city as tensions rise between the big apple and the lone star state over immigration now plans are being made for what to do with migrant children as the city's mayor makes a plea to texas officials a deadly mid-air plane collision the pilots could be heard speaking to one another over the radio just before the crash now investigators are trying to figure out the cause he's probably best known for a celebrated workplace comedy but now actor adam scott is gaining critical acclaim for the dark workplace thriller severus the show sort of looks and feels a bit like a workplace comedy that we're used to these days it's sort of a comfortable uh atmosphere but there's something dark kind of lurking to me good evening everyone i'm deirdre bolton in for lindsay davis thank you so much for streaming with us we begin this friday night with mounting fears of a nuclear catastrophe in ukraine amid a military showdown with russia at europe's largest nuclear power plant the shelling continues to creep closer to zaparisia nuclear facility with the two countries trading blame russia rejecting calls to demilitarize the area around the plant which they have controlled since the war began and have used as a military base ukrainian officials are already conducting nuclear disaster drills and ukrainian president zielinski warning the world is on the verge of nuclear disaster amid a visit by the turkish president and the head of the united nations who called for russian military assets to clear out the u.n also wants the iaea to send a mission to the nuclear plant and according to the french readout of a call between french president macron and russian president putin putin agreed in another new development the pentagon has just announced a major military aid package to help beat back russia's assault with this war approaching the six-month mark abc's break clannett leads our coverage from ukraine tonight the u.s announcing a massive 775 million military aid package for ukraine it includes more ammunition for the highmars rocket systems [Music] 16 new howitzers and for the first time the pentagon sending 15 scan eagle reconnaissance drones to better identify key russian targets it comes amid growing fears of an impending disaster at europe's largest nuclear power plant in zapposia that could lead to radiation contamination across the continent russia ordering staff not to show up to work today as both sides warn of an escalation ukraine accuses russia of using the plant as a military base ukrainian officials posting this video showing russian vehicles inside the plant abc news has not verified the date this video was taken after shelling newly released before and after satellite images from several days ago show scorch marks in the area near the plant nearby communities taking no chances conducting disaster drills in response to those attacks first responders practiced putting on protective gear and treating the injured hundreds fleeing the russian occupied areas around the plant families gathering together consoling each other we've been told there would be a huge convoy of cars coming in from the russian occupied areas and here they are taking everything they can with them to get to safety fourteen-year-old maria zalata relieved to finally be in non-occupied territory with her brother after a two-day journey my mom also crying because it's that's so so big happiness and we go right to brit in ukraine brit what are you hearing about the status of the plant right now is there any leakage well deirdre the mayor of anehoda who's in exile in zappos he told us that despite the renewed attacks radiation levels at the plant are still normal for now at least and deidre tonight president zelinski thanking president biden for that new aid and says a plan is in the works to send a u.n team to the nuclear power plant under threat in zafaria deidra bret thank you so much brick klennett in ukraine and i want to get right to dr edwin lyman the director of nuclear power safety for the union of concerned scientists so welcome doctor thank you in advance for sharing your time and your expertise if you could please start with what worries you most about the current situation in ukraine what worries me most is the possibility that the military skirmishes that are going around the zapa region nuclear plant evolve into a full-fledged military assault where both sides do not exercise any restraint because the potential is that a sustained military assault could damage enough safety equipment to lead to the meltdown of one or more of the reactors at the site and that really should be prevented at all costs that does sound like a worst case scenario on a scale of one to ten how likely is it that that worst case scenario can be avoided based on what you know now i'd say uh the chances of preventing something are high but if uh if the various parties don't do what they need to do don't cool the situation down don't comply with international requests to establish a demilitarized zone around the plant then i think the chance is high that there'll be some damage at the plant that will be very difficult to mitigate and could lead to a disaster dr lerman in speaking continuing on this theme of the worst case scenario some nuclear experts are cautioning against a direct comparison to the chernobyl nuclear disaster in 1986. so what is different in this case well the main thing that's different is the design the reactor so chernobyl was a unique design and it had unique vulnerabilities that contributed to the severity of the accident and the prolonged radiation release so the reactors its upper asia or a more modern design they're more similar to western style light water reactors but they still have their vulnerabilities and in under the wrong circumstances you could see a severe radiological release certainly as large as what occurred at the fukushima plant in japan 2011 but potentially larger depending on the extent of the damage to the infrastructure at zapposia and the ability of operators to respond to trying to mitigate that damage so you heard our reporting no doubt about the anti-radiation medication that's being prepared as well as nuclear fallout drills held by ukrainian officials what else can citizens do to prepare i do think that it has reached the point where you have to worry about those possibilities and preparing the population is better than nothing but certainly the uh lot more could be done on the part of the two warring parties uh so one of the vulnerabilities of this plan is if it loses all electrical power so there has to be an uh efforts to ensure that if electricity is lost to the plant that the backup power is adequate to continue to provide cooling to the radioactive fuel on the site and that means ensuring that there are adequate supplies of diesel fuel for the backup generators and other equipment i think that's very important also there needs to be reinforcements to make sure that the personnel at the site are are well-rested are not under duress and so they can do their jobs without the kind of stress that they have been under speaking of growing calls from the international community there's the un calling for an iea or an iaea mission to basically address this issue at the nuclear facility according to the french readout of a call between president macron and russian president putin putin did agree to an inspection so if that's true what role could the iaea serve the iaea has very limited authority and resources to intervene they although under special circumstances they have participated in activities in uh war zones uh this uh is unique and not really the normal way they operate so um and again they don't have any real authority to tell anyone how to run the plant all they can do is observe the situation to report back hopefully what they see and what their recommendations are will get the international community to take stronger action to address these problems and to put pressure on the ukrainians and the russians dr edwin lyman thank you so much thank you for having me i appreciate it now to the recent remark from former vice president mike pence saying he would consider testifying before the january 6th committee if he were asked tonight congresswoman liz cheney the republican vice chair of that committee weighing in on the possibility in an exclusive interview with abc's chief washington correspondent jonathan carl former vice president mike pence says he would consider testifying before the january 6 committee and today that committee's vice chair liz chaney told me talks are already underway on making that happen he said this week he's willing or willing to consider testifying if he has asked are you going to ask him so we've been in discussions with his counsel when the country has been through something as grave as this was everyone who has information has an obligation to step forward so uh i would hope that that he will do that so you think we'll see him here in september in this room well i would hope that he he will understand how important it is for the american people to know every aspect of the truth about what happened that day no comment tonight from the former vice president he was right in the middle of it all on january 6 defying trump and facing violent threats as a result [Music] though his top advisers have testified before the committee pence himself has been reluctant to talk about what happened that day sometimes even downplaying it but now as he considers his own run for president pence says he is ready to open up about what he went through the american people have a right to know what happened that day and in the months and years ahead i'll be telling my story even more frequently then there's the question of donald trump could he be asked to testify too chaney did not close the door i don't want to make any announcements about that uh this morning but it's possible you'd ask him before wrapping up to testify uh yeah i mean i don't again i i don't want to get in front of uh committee deliberations about that i do think it's very important his interactions with our committee will be under oath jonathan carl joins me now john you had a wide-ranging conversation with cheney give us a sense of where she is after her election loss and her plans going forward deirdre this is somebody who is clearly entering a next phase she conceded her race she lost her seat she lost the primary in wyoming she's got another four months in congress she's going to use i think every day of that four months virtually to to work on the january 6 committee they will have more hearings in september a final report but in my conversation with her i was struck about the way she is going to use this new political organization she has found to go after what she described as election deniers uh and this means and i asked her about this directly that she is going to be entering you know working campaigning supporting candidates uh that are running against republicans uh because most of those election deniers of course uh frankly all of them are republicans as for running for president she's clearly considering it no question at all about that i asked her if she would run as the as a republican run for the republican nomination or as an independent uh that decision is one she has not made yet but she certainly did not rule out running as an independent jonathan carl we are looking very much forward to seeing the rest of your conversation john's interview with liz chaney this sunday morning on this week we turn now to that warning to airlines after a disastrous summer travel season today the department of transportation is telling the airlines to shape up and do better by customers when disruptions occur the d.o.t launching a new website

to make it easier for passengers to know their rights here is abc's transportation correspondent gio benitez tonight the department of transportation putting airlines on notice saying fix your problems or new rules are coming secretary pete butterjudge writing to america's 10 largest carriers that the level of disruption americans have experienced this summer is unacceptable noting that in the first six months of this year roughly 24 percent of domestic flights have been delayed and 3 percent canceled the secretary said to take a step back let's rethink where we are in the industry and actually get back to scheduling an operation that you can actually accommodate the airline's lobbying group not staying quiet responding that the pandemic has wreaked havoc on all businesses saying industries across the economy are facing a range of challenges including a tight labor market and the government tonight with direct requests for airlines to provide meal vouchers for delays of three hours or more and lodging accommodations for passengers who must wait overnight at an airport because of disruptions within the carrier's control so what are you owed if an airline cancels or delays your flight well the department of transportation now says that in the next few weeks it's going to launch a website making that crystal clear no matter which airline you fly deirdre geo thank you very much we turn now to the crisis at the border as two more buses carrying asylum seekers from texas arrived in new york city today they were greeted with handshakes offered food and shelter new york mayor eric adams pleading with texas governor greg abbott to coordinate the arrivals in the meantime the city is launching a new effort to help migrant children enroll in school here is abc's mola lange tonight migrants seeking asylum arrive at all hours in new york city officials are racing to come up with a plan to help care for them we've opened 13 hotels to increase our capacity and we're looking at every single option that we have officials say more than 6 000 have come already in the last three months early this morning two buses from texas pulling into the port authority in manhattan carrying 78 people among them at least 15 children one just two months old and a pregnant woman days from delivery she was taken to a hospital nightline meeting 18 year old amaro just after he got here last week i'm still a boy who's very young i hope to have better opportunities here he says it took him two months to reach texas from venezuela with more and more children on those buses today city officials announced a program called project open arms to try and quickly integrate some one thousand migrant children into new york city public schools simplifying the enrollment process and calling for more bilingual teachers officials also had a message for texas governor greg abbott who has been sending the buses on a one-way trip without coordinating with officials at their destinations we're asking the governor to please stop and let all of us work together to figure out how we can best provide the assistance that these human beings need molalengi joins me now mola you reported that officials have already opened 13 hotels for the migrants but they're looking for more well that's right deirdre the mayor of new york city issuing an emergency solicitation seeking bids for up to five thousand hotel rooms and other facilities that can accommodate and provide services to these migrants on just a 24-hour notice mola thank you so much malolenke we are learning more tonight about that deadly mid-air accident near san jose california where two small planes collided on their final approaches to an airport that has no air traffic control it happened midday thursday in clear weather the two pilots were speaking to one another on their radios just before the collision here's abc's alex proshay investigators tonight are desperate to understand how two planes collided midair just south of san jose california home security footage capturing one plane approaching the watsonville municipal airport suddenly debris as it falls from the sky in the distance a ball of fire as the second plane crashes at the airport it was almost like a missile hitting another plane as if the faster plane had gone right through the smaller plane [Music] [Applause] audio linked to the plane's tail numbers show the pilots communicating right before the collision we'll stop looking for traffic on left base yeah i see you're uh you're behind me i'm gonna go around then because you're coming at me pretty quick man the faa says the first plane which slammed into this field was a single engine cessna with one person on board the second that barreled into this airport hangar a twin engine cessna with two people on board the ntsb confirming three fatalities adding that a dog in the larger cessna also did not survive you're supposed to see and avoid the other guy but if the two pilots can't see each other because of the physiology of the airplane one a high wing the other a low wing then you've got a major problem when we come back what ignited this raging fire that sent flames and a massive amount of smoke shooting into the air waiting for more severance actor adam scott talks to us about his critically acclaimed dark thriller series and what's in store for season two and emotional testimony from vanessa bryant who is suing over allegations that first responders shared crash scene photos of where her husband kobe bryant and her daughter were killed along with seven others the fear she says still lingers [Music] with so much at stake so much on the line more americans turn here than any place else abc news world news tonight with david muir america's number one most watched newscast now streaming on abc news live this is abc news live the crush of families here in poland at refugee centers russia on the ground in ukraine close to the front line here at the white house destructive cat 4 storm along i-5 boston is in the bull's-eye let's go we made it abc news live america's number one streaming news anytime anywhere streaming 24 7 straight to you for free thank you for making abc news live america's number one streaming news admit it these days what you need to know seems to change just about every day what is it that you really want to know need to know to help you not just get through your day but to make the most of it feel smarter feel better feel happier well how about a third hour of good morning america gma 3 what you need to know now streaming on abc news live it's all about you [Music] the hottest news in daytime are happening right here we talk about things on this show that people don't talk about that i can't wait to say honest takes from strong women we need all hands on death and we need it right now this is the time to speak out unafraid to get real stick by our points of view we're all seeing it differently and that's the beauty of the view and that's why the most watched number one daytime talk show is the view now streaming on abc news live america is being poisoned with fentanyl and we don't even know it just heard my wife screaming she told me they had just died 50 to 100 times more potent than morphine keep breathing come on it's poison it's pure poisons a few grains of salt worth of fentanyl will kill you just my agency has seized enough to kill the entire country abc news live presents poisoned america's fentanyl crisis the powerful series streaming free on abc news live take america's number one news with you anywhere you go anytime free download the abc news app now breaking news exclusives 24 7. there for you with one touch the abc news app download it now america's number one news abc news most watched most trusted and streaming live to you anytime anywhere and free this is abc news live america's number one streaming news free to you 24 7. watch america's number one news whenever you want it wherever you are anytime abc news live streaming live and free on all platforms look at these massive plumes of smoke and the flames rising from a boat yard this afternoon in mata poison massachusetts the smoky scene could be spotted from miles away several boats and cars were reduced to burned out shells at least one person was hurt and some firefighters also injured as well this part of the state is under an elevated fire risk warning today due to droughts and high winds emotional testimony today from vanessa bryant the wino of nba superstar kobe bryant she is suing over photos that she says los angeles county first responders shared of the crash that killed her husband and her daughter gianna here's reporter veronica miracle from our abc station in los angeles brian a heartbroken vanessa bryant entering a california courthouse to face a date of grueling testimony in the trial over leaked photos from the horrific helicopter crash that killed her husband kobe 13-year-old daughter gianna and seven others bryant in tears telling the jury i'm upset about what they did to my husband and daughter i want answers she's suing l.a county agencies for negligence and invasion of privacy alleging officers abused their access to the crash site by taking and sharing gratuitous photos of her family's remains breaking down on the stand bryant said i live in fear every day i don't want my children to ever come across them when brian arrived at the scene of the january 2020 crash in the santa monica mountains she says she pleaded with law enforcement if you can't bring my babies back then please secure the area her suit alleges that they did not and later tried to cover up the photos that were spreading among officers and being shared with members of the public one officer even allegedly showing off the photos at a bar bryant only learning of their existence over a month later in media reports i wanted to run down the block and just scream she said i trusted them not to do these things my husband and daughter deserve dignity i want to remember my husband and daughter the way they were veronica miracle joins us now veronica los angeles county is now reacting to what brian said during today's testimony deirdre tonight a lawyer for l.a county saying in a statement the county worked hard to make sure those photos were never widely distributed and that evidence will show they never were deirdre veronica thank you so much still ahead here on prime the unbelievably disturbing footage the pregnant florida woman the officer pulling a gun on her in front of her children during a traffic stop the very latest on that officer the truck tumbling off an overpass and heavy rain and how this story has a miraculous ending and have you heard about the wild swings in bed bath and beyond stock we'll take a look by the numbers but first our tweet of the day courtesy of nasa of our beautiful home all right here we go you ready let's do it yes it's the show america wants and america needs right now this is what would you do let's go how are you so what will you be watching saturdays on abc news live what would you do hey i guess i just found out what would you do marathon 12 to 6 eastern every saturday on abc news live my favorite show this is abc news live the crush of families here in poland at refugee centers in putin's russia on the ground in ukraine close to the front line here at the white house destructive cat 4 storm along i-5 boston is in the bull's-eye let's go we made it abc news live america's number one streaming news anytime anywhere streaming 24 7 straight to you for free thank you for making abc news live america's number one streaming news america is being poisoned with fentanyl and we don't even know it just heard my wife screaming she told me they had just died 50 to 100 times more potent than morphine keep breathing come on it's poison it's pure poison a few grains of salt worth of fentanyl will kill you just my agency has seized enough to kill the entire country abc news live presents poisoned america's fentanyl crisis the powerful series streaming free on abc news live these days with so much going on it's hard to keep up while others are recapping yesterday's headlines we're bringing you the right now this is the busy board across a steel barricade another strike the right now look at the day ahead how it affects you and your family record high gas prices the threat of cyber warfare is peace possible world news now beginning at 2 a.m eastern

followed by america this morning america's number one early morning news streaming here on abc news live take america's number one news with you anywhere you go anytime free download the abc news app now breaking news exclusives 24 7. there for you with one touch the abc news app download it now as of today in a big way we have inaugurated a lot has changed in our world since peter made that announcement but what hasn't changed is the commitment to groundbreaking reporting and innovation at abc here's to everything ahead bed bath and beyond's amazing gains in the stock market may be coming in for a crash landing but not before making at least two investors very rich here's a look at the rise and fall of the latest meme stock by the numbers less than a month ago five dollars was all you needed to pick up a share of bed bath and beyond stock as the struggling retailer faced pressure to revamp its business amid declining sales but in the past week the stock spiked as high as 30 dollars a share in the latest meme stock phase as retail investors began pouring into the heavily shorted stock 110 million dollars that's how much a 20 year old college student made on the stock he held a six percent stake in the company that is 4.96 million shares bought at 550 a share with money raised from friends and family the university of southern california math major sold at more than 20 dollars a share on tuesday the other big payday is for activist investor ryan cohen an estimated 59 million dollars in common stock earnings not to mention options the gamestop chairman he owned seven million shares of the company before announcing yesterday that he was selling causing the stock to plummet 1103 that is where bed bath and beyond closed today a more than 40 percent drop in one day as frantic investors in the struggling retail chain sold shares up more than 200 percent this month before their crash volume was high despite the 358 million reported loss in the first quarter and negative operating cash flow it appears the main stock craze isn't over yet a windfall for a fortunate few and a big gamble for the rest we still have a ton to get to here on prime no more mardi gras what could be endangering the future of new orleans massive celebrations and the security issue leading apple to push its users to get an update plus why there's more to these engagement photos than meets the eye but first a look at our top trending stories on [Music] with so much at stake in our world right now we wanted to thank you for your trust and for making abc news america's number one news and thank you for making abc news live america's number one streaming news now streaming on abc news live 2020 true crime cinematic real life trauma stunning the unthinkable follow the clues the hunt true crime 2020 now streaming on abc news live national parks are incredibly safe places a crime will happen at that time i thought it was just tragic accident there's still a lot of questions we need to ask there were small things that didn't totally add up this is two lives for harold that have died now i was shocked something's not right [Music] admit it these days what you need to know seems to change just about every day what is it that you really want to know need to know to help you not just get through your day but to make the most of it feel smarter feel better feel happier well how about a third hour of good morning america gma 3 what you need to know now streaming on abc news live it's all about you [Music] i know what happened and i'm not guilty why the fascination with criminal trials figure out what's really out there she revealed she had murdered his family i know in my heart they did this it's the time of suspicion the ending's really tough you don't know whether truth is going to be difficult to find unless you try to find it [Music] america's number one news abc news most watched most trusted and streaming live to you anytime anywhere and free this is abc news live america's number one streaming news free to you 24 7.

watch america's number one news whenever you want it wherever you are anytime abc news live streaming live and free on all platforms [Music] growing fears of a potential nuclear disaster in zapposia ukraine the home of europe's largest nuclear power plant where shelling has been intensifying for days now several recent strikes reported sources telling abc that russia urged plant workers to stay home friday this video circulating online shows a projectile landing and exploding nearby ukraine and russia blaming each other for the ongoing attacks both sides warning of an escalation common sense must prevail to avoid any actions that might endanger the physical integrity safety or security of the nuclear plant ukraine's president meeting with the u.n secretary general who's urging the area to be demilitarized agreement is urgently needed to establish zapolicy as purely civilian infrastructure and to ensure the safety of the area a british citizen who became a high-ranking isis terrorist and part of a group dubbed the isis beatles was sentenced today to eight concurrent life sentences for the kidnapping and murder of freelance journalist james foley el-shafi al-shaikh was also involved in the detention and murders of steven sotloff kayla mueller and peter kasich in 2014. james foley's mother diane remarking that her son's murder occurred exactly eight years ago today this anniversary of jim's brutal beheading is a solemn and tragic marker that no family should have to endure but this continues currently we have more than 67 of our u.s nationals currently wrongfully detained held hostage abroad simply for being american a temporary win for michigan governor gretchen whitmer and pro-abortion advocates a judge ruled county prosecutors could not enforce a 1931 law that puts a near total ban on abortions in the state the judge granted whitmer's request for a preliminary injunction saying not doing so would cause harm the governor filed a lawsuit in april seeking to uphold michigan's current abortion protections the state's board of canvassers will announce at the end of the month of a constitutional amendment protecting abortion rights will be on the ballot in the november election new orleans is dealing with staffing shortages that could put mardi gras in jeopardy at the end of a town hall meeting thursday night that addressed staffing shortages in various departments mayor latoya cantrell said dwindling staffing within the new orleans police department could make it difficult to put on mardi gras next year [Music] [Music] kentrell said the nopd is focused on recruiting and retaining officers i ain't worried i got my gun on you we're all good here a florida deputy has been forced to resign for his actions at a traffic stop involving a pregnant mother in newly released body camera video bradford county deputy jacob desu is seen pulling a gun on ebony washington in front of her children i was so nervous so scared i meant the gun part it was just extreme for me washington was reportedly being pulled over for speeding and said she waited until she was in a well-lit area where it was safe to pull over but de sue didn't want to hear from her bradford county sheriff gordon smith told abc affiliate wjxx that washington did everything she was supposed to do in that situation that's what i want my wife to do that's what i want my daughter to do is what i want my neighbor to do if you feel unsafe apple is telling customers to update their devices immediately out of concern hackers could strike the company finding a vulnerability in its operating systems that gives hackers the ability to take control of a device install an arbitrary code with quote maliciously crafted web content the vulnerability affects iphones dating back to the 6s model through current models as well as the ipad 5th generation and later the ipad air 2 and later the ipad mini 4 and later all ipad pro models plus the 7th generation ipod touch there is a new shark alert heading into the weekend for visitors in myrtle beach south carolina authorities say two people were attacked by sharks on the same day this week less than half a mile apart one swimmer was bitten on the leg a little more than an hour later a grandmother was severely bitten on the arm she received hundreds of stitches and in florida a family a child and a dog are said to be doing fine after being struck by lightning sadly though the child's mother was killed by the strike it all happened police say after lightning hit a nearby tree and energized the surrounding area hitting the victims they were all leaving school when it happens now to a wild scene in texas an 18-wheel truck tumbled over an overpass there in the middle of a rainstorm you can see the driver stand up after narrowly escaping amazingly enough he was not seriously hurt after this tonight nearly 10 million americans under flood alerts monsoon rains for the southwest and now a growing tropical threat meteorologist cheryl scott from our chicago station wls is tracking it all hi cheryl hi yes deirdre we're continuing to monitor the tropics now an 80 percent chance that this forms into a named storm as we head into the weekend you can see on satellite that this is blossoming it's going to quickly move up to the north and west make landfall likely on the coast of mexico but tropical storm warnings up into texas a lot of moisture is going to be moving into the desert southwest as well as the deep south this is going to combine with monsoon rains you can see the flood watches from arizona into new mexico very heavy rainfall here expected two to three plus inches but as this rain shifts off to the east areas like dallas texas drought stricken texas could see anywhere from five to seven plus inches that's a lot of rain too fast yes they need it but flash flooding is going to be a big concern deirdre cheryl scott thank you so much we are tracking several headlines from around the world india voicing concern about a chinese naval ship docked in sri lanka china took over the court years ago after sri lanka defaulted on construction loans but china watchers warn the arrival of a military ship is an indication of how china may use infrastructure it has funded around the world for military purposes wetlands in argentina burning out of control after high winds earlier in the week rekindled the flames heavy smoke is shrouding the area roads and creating dangerous conditions for residents authorities are investigating the cause of the fire saying it is possibly due to illegal crop clearing and europe's worst drought in years is revealing historic finds in serbia dozens of world war ii german ships laden with explosives have been exposed in the danger river which is near a 100 year low and in spain archaeologists seizing their opportunity to study prehistoric stone stone circle rather in a reservoir where water levels have dropped 28 dubbed the spanish stonehenge the circle features dozens of stones and is believed to date back to 5000 bc shifting gears to entertainment are prequels the new sequels and is winter really coming obviously we're going to talk about the new game of thrones at spinoff the countdown is on but will it live up to the hype deb roberts has more no queen has ever sat the iron throne it's the year's most hotly anticipated prequel game of thrones house of the dragon the spin-off based on the companion novel fire and blood from george r.r martin taking place roughly 200 years before daenerys targaryen and her dragons reigned in game of thrones my reign has just begun telling the history of the targaryen family and their battle over the throne it's really hbo's attempt to turn what was the most popular show ever in hbo history into a wider franchise and they've got not just one but several other spin-off shows in the pipeline i will not be made to choose between my brother and my daughter you won't see the same faces on screen from the original but according to google that's okay game of thrones is the top trending related search topic when it comes to prequels and disney plus getting in on the trend too next month releasing endor a prequel to star wars rogue one wouldn't you rather give it all to something real and then there's amazon debuting the rings of power this could be the beginning of a new era a prequel series to j.r.r tolkien's the lord of the rings trilogy the project reportedly coming in with a price tag of well over a billion dollars experts say studios and streaming services are focusing less on original content and putting capital and creativity into already established franchises because of built-in fan bases but traditionally prequels can be the most difficult and riskiest to make audiences know what to expect you know where the story's going so it's very difficult to raise the stakes high enough uh to make audiences feel compelled to watch yet there's one hugely successful prequel that defied the odds better call saul say hello to my little friend the partner to amc's breaking bad just finishing its sixth season run up for seven emmy awards this season and hbo is now hoping to take that kind of success to the iron throne if you were given the choice to separate your work life and your personal life permanently would you do it at home you wouldn't remember anything about your work and at work you wouldn't remember anything from your personal life while it may seem like a dream at least initially it's the nightmare premise for severance a dark thriller starring adam scott tensions mount as mysteries begin to unravel nothing is what they say i used to think it would take a monster to put someone in a place like that office especially if the person was himself if you want to know what's going on down there you'll find the beginning of a very long answer adam scott joins us now welcome to the show adam it's a pleasure to speak with you this thank you so much thank you of course this is a workplace series but i feel like the comparison is easier to black mirror than to the office do you agree with that yeah well i think that that was sort of a way in that ben stiller who directed most of the episodes and uh and was kind of our boss um it was sort of a way in that he really liked was that the show sort of looks and feels a bit like a workplace comedy that we're used to these days like the office or office space or parks and rec but the only difference being that these people have no idea who they are or why they're there or what they're doing so it's sort of uh a comfortable uh atmosphere but there's something dark kind of lurking beneath there sure is i mean awful things happen to your character at work that the character can't remember at home what were your thoughts when you were first reading through the scripts my initial thought honestly was i there's no way i'm gonna get to be a part of this this is too good um i've been in hollywood for too long and knew when something felt too good to be true so it was exactly the kind of thing that i like to watch as a fan and as an audience member so i just wanted to be a part of it somehow some way and i was lucky enough to actually get there so your character is mark and you're basically playing two different people both are struggling with different issues mark on the outside is dealing with his wife's death mark at work has a new role in the office so as an actor how did you balance portraying two journeys within the same person it was really interesting and what eventually showed itself as being important to ben and dan erickson the creator and i was that they feel like the same guy because they really are the same guy it's just two different almost halves of the same guy so the shift became an internal shift that did have some sort of repercussions physically and posture and voice and stuff but it needed to feel like the same guy one of them having 40 odd years of life experience and all the sorrow and joy and everything that goes along with the full life out in the world and then the inside version of him being for all intents and purposes just two and a half years old and all he knows is those four walls and the like six people he works with he knows nothing else and so it became almost a math problem switching between the two and adding or subtracting like life experience essentially life experience and are getting back to something you said about ben stiller known really well for comedy directing of course the series but the cast is really super star-studded i mean john tortoro patricia arquette christopher walken as emotions heighten you all seem to be on the same page about how to portray that so how did you collaborate to make it work it was a lot of just experimenting and trying to figure it out uh as we went because it was such a big swing tonally it's such a strange idea and a strange world that we're trying to piece together that when we first started actually shooting it we were just sort of trying different things out and trying to figure the language is really specific too so just trying to figure out what felt right and uh eventually we landed on what you see in the show but it took some experimentation and ben is a really collaborative fun director and he was also figuring it out uh kind of on on the spot and so we eventually kind of found something and and went with it and that's that's what you see in the show it's so successful it's been nominated for so many awards 14 emmys you're coming back so is there anything you can tell us about season two if i did tell you anything about season two i a tranquilizer dart would hit me at the side of the neck and i would drop out a friend yeah i understood it well so if you want to see that happen sure i'll tell you whatever you want to go for it all right well you started a very different workplace series that you referred to parks and recreation you filmed a short reunion scene during the covid lockdown any chance we will see all of you together again you know i don't know i i think that's entirely up to mike share the co-creator of the show and amy poehler uh that they were really uh you know leading us all during those uh those years it was so much fun i would love to see all of them again whether we're working or not uh we we stay in touch and are all friends but it would be it would be uh you know a blast to see them whether it's uh it's uh it's you know for parks and rec or or otherwise they're the best well adam congratulations on your success so far more to come uh thank you for your time and as a reminder to our viewers the first season of severance is now streaming on apple tv plus thank you more than two years into the global pandemic it is safe to say that pizza has proven its power to please as america's favorite food sales have soared but so has the drive to make perfect pizza at home tonight our devon dwyer has a closer look at what some are calling a new bible of pizza and the unlikely duo of chef and scientist behind it the secrets of pizza perfection twelve thousand pies in the making you're gonna need 12 000 pizzas but believe me there was a lot of pizza eating during that time chef francisco magoya teaming up with ex microsoft tech executive nathan mervold to create a 1700 page guide to one of the world's most popular foods we are unapologetic about loving pizza and part of that says hey you can make a very traditional one but if you want to step out a little bit on the wild side and try some stuff that might seem crazy you might find you like it their ambitious project dubbed modernist pizza played out in this high-tech kitchen laboratory outside seattle where chefs and scientists tested pizza techniques in 500 experiments over three years this 3d scanner essentially what it does is it allows us to measure volume very accurately what we learned from this is really truly how ingredients interact with each other how they affect each other this gives you a more precise reading than your tongue oh for sure absolutely from the texture of the dough to the tanginess of the tomato sauce so these are your grocery store tomatoes we could find those are usually pretty tasteless yes so okay wow it's just it's unbelievable it's like the ripe salty tangy super flavorful i'm gonna take this home yeah i mean it's like you can eat it just like that it really is that good the team even finding new uses for day-old leftover slices we took a pizza and we freeze-dried an entire pizza that we baked so this there's absolutely no moisture in this pizza you could eat it if you wanted to it would be like a cracker a problem with some dishes that are viewed as traditional is they stop evolving and they stop him improving and i think that's a terrible mistake people said you know i could improve it i could prove it here i could improve it there and that continuous improvement is what brings you things that are just fantastically delicious at 35 pounds and 1 000 recipes mervold and magoya's passion project has been dubbed the pizza bible pretty much i think everything you need to know about pizza is in here at least should be what i'm taking away is that you're really actually trying to empower people to make their best pizza the most important thing that the objective of this book is for people who love pizza to have a deeper understanding of it to learn ways of making it better to basically i guess you could say perfecting it we got a taste for ourselves from the chewy traditional neapolitan this is the original pizza this is where all other pizzas come from to modernist pies on the cutting edge so you can hear how crispy you can hear the crust is this pizza a take on ham and pea soup with an experimental delicacy extracted from ordinary frozen green peas and that's what we call pea butter peanut butter yeah but you know there's no fat in peas the truly perfect pizza magoya says may be all in the eye of the beholder truffles are more than flavor it's aroma but after trying slices at 250 pizzerias worldwide he has a handle on the good what makes detroit pizza detroit is first the pan that is baked in which is this these are pans that were used in the automotive industry and the not so good i will say that the worst pizza i had was a pizza that had bananas on top bananas pizza cheese and tomato sauce and it's as bad as you think it is maybe worse how do you think the pandemics changed pizza making when people started staying at home they wanted to do all these projects whether it was sourdough or you know knitting or what have you pizza was part of that as well but it's also changed in the way that you know restaurants had to pivot restaurants that may not have been serving pizza pizza is a great food for making ahead of time putting in a box and you know sending away the data shows americans devoured pizza during covert i mean what does that tell you i mean it's a food that is very close to our heart and not just americans but the world over there's only i think two countries where you can't find pizza pizza has found a home in almost every country on the planet so there's a reason for that so whether it's take home or try it yourself pizza perfection now perhaps more achievable than ever [Music] our thanks to devon dwyer for that now we want you to meet the couple that fooled the internet with their wedding engagement photos making tennessee look a lot like tuscany at a spot you might not expect abc's will gatz explains whether under the tuscan sun or eat pray love he's not come on cheers it's obvious that italia is a beautiful place to fall in love which is why carl c bibb and caden mills decided to take their engagement photos there only that's not italy it's olive garden yeah we love olive garden okay yeah i mean how can you not endless breadstick let's not delay exactly the idea for the italian villa themed shoot coming from cookeville tennessee-based photographer shea cravens i asked her if there was anywhere she wanted to shoot that she hadn't yet and she threw out olive garden initially we were kind of hesitant and we weren't sure how they were going to turn out we just knew whatever she had up her sleeve would be perfect the couple and their photog arriving to olive garden at 6 00 a.m to get the

shots before workers and customers had the chance to ask any questions after shae did some editing carlsey and cayden blown away by the results we were amazed and we thought wow it would afford me they've already printed a few of their favorites behind me is probably my favorite these are probably two of our favorites after shae posted the photos on social media que figata the comments coming in quickly i never would have known gorgeous this is actually kind of genius have you two ever been to italy no we have not did your olive garden photo shoot make you want to go to italy yes it did italy would make for a lovely honeymoon after all but the couple hasn't planned that quite yet they've only been engaged since july 2nd have you guys set a date for the wedding october 15th of this year yeah quick spin around carlsey and kaden making it official in just a few weeks and why not when you're here you're family [Music] before we go the image of the day a wonderful update after one little leaguer had quite the scare following a fall from a bunk bed that resulted in severe injuries that left him in critical condition now twelve-year-old easton oliver's son is walking with assistance in the hospital his father is asking for prayers so that he walks on his own eventually his team santa clara was the first team from the state of utah to ever make the little league world series easton's roster slot has been filled by his brother that is our show for tonight stay tuned to abc news live for more context and analysis of the day's top stories i'm deirdre bolton thank you for streaming with us [Music] america's number one news abc news most watched most trusted and streaming live to you anytime anywhere and free this is abc news live america's number one streaming news free to you 24 7. watch america's number one news whenever you want it wherever you are anytime abc news live streaming live and free on all platforms take america's number one news with you anywhere you go anytime free download the abc news app now breaking news exclusives 24 7. there for you with one touch the abc news app download it now with so much at stake in our world right now we wanted to thank you for your trust and for making abc news america's number one news and thank you for making abc news live america's number one streaming news he thought he was god he's now one of the most vilified men in the world he is the everyman zolensky is the tom hanks of ukraine the fact that a little nice jewish boy is 5'7 is showing up this kgb agent in the kremlin what do you say to americans who see russia and you not only as a rival but an unfriendly adversary two men at war which vladimir will take over the world is not going to be the same so what's good to read this summer well kate and i have decided to jump in and help you and we're talking with oprah john irving and so many popular authors and influencers so we want you to join us myself charlie gibson and my daughter kate gibson oh hey that's me that is you for the new podcast series it is called the bookcase with kate and charlie we will make sure you love what you read listen anywhere and anytime the bookcase podcast wherever you get your podcasts thank you for making abc's this week's sunday morning's number one news show versus the competition [Music] he was a very popular guy in high school zach hora was basically grew up like a hollywood star a midwest kid with hollywood dreams it's a familiar story but this one is a blockbuster right off the bat it was apparent that there were several hundreds of million dollars that nobody could account for it's not just about a guy who wants to be behind the camera he wants to be a star i was not terribly impressed by zach's acting jobs he found another route to the top this was an investor's dream come true they're all in big hollywood business it's everybody from your mom your dad grandparents and then they lost everything nobody saw it coming i couldn't fathom doing that to friends a ponzi scheme can only grow so large he had a thousand bottle wine cellar he flew on private jets he wore 500.00


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