Turning Science Fiction into Reality Fantastic Weapons and Technology of China

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[Music] [Music] hello everyone welcome to the wrong media Weekly Magazine today we will focus on the Journey of building a strong military during the period of national Rejuvenation as the main weapon in current and future aerial Warfare air toar missiles play an Irreplaceable role in achieving air superiority the strength of a country's airto AAR missiles directly affects the outcome of aerial combat today will follow the reporter into the aviation industry air toar missile Research Institute and see how the anonymous military personnel their forg their commitment to the country this is the aviation industry airto a missile Research Institute the birthplace of China's air toar missiles it is here that the research development and production of precision guided weapons for air toar combat take place the skilled Aviation Engineers here have gone through a challenging process of transforming China's air toar missile capabilities from non-existent to powerful achieving generational leaps in equipment development now let's take a look at the J10 fighter jet beside me it is equipped with short range infrared Air towar missiles medium-range radar guided interception missiles and precision guided Glide bombs and these are just a glimpse of the Advanced Air toar weapons one by one these air toar missiles like thunder in the sky are coming off the production line and heading to the Forefront of defending our country's airspace so how are these Advanced Air toar missiles manufactured let's find out air toar missiles are launched from Airborne platforms or from the ground and are used to attack aerial targets they are one of the main weapons of fighter jets and are also used for self-defense by fighter bombers and for low altitude operations by helicopters in aerial combat they emerg from their shells and become the primary weapons for achieving air superiority on September 24th 1958 several us-made f86 fighter jets from the kman Tang infiltrated the mainland resulting in intense airspace conflicts during the dog fight the f86 launched five Sidewinder missiles Wang zong a Naval Aviation pilot was hit from behind by a Sidewinder missile after shooting down two enemy aircraft sacrificing his life for the country on July 18th 1961 the aeronautical weapons design and Research Institute was established which later became the aviation industry air-to-air missile Research Institute initially The Institute relied on salvaged wreckage and imitation with the support of external experts to quickly develop domestically produced airto a missiles at that time to obtain the much needed product drawings China even exchanged 22 tons of soybeans for every kilogram of drawings the previous generation of pioneers created numerous experimental conditions broke through many key Technologies and laid the foundation for the development and production system of air to- AAR missiles our experimental conditions were primitive and we had almost no testing equipment unlike now with high-speed photography gloss meters and radar back then we relied on cameras to record various experimental data currently we have developed a research and development philosophy called exploration generation of preliminary research generation of development and generation of production in our missile Institute our Design Concepts design and testing methods and production capabilities have all greatly improved nowadays more and more members are joining the Thunderbolt family driving the continuous advancement of China's air-to-air missile technology in the 2022 Air Force Aviation open day in Chang Chun air show a variety of domestically produced missiles made their appearance including the Thunderbolt 10 airto aair missile and the Thunderbolt 15 air to- a missile in the midst of China's quest for National strength and Military prowess we invite you to delve into the captivating world of air toar missiles these formidable weapons stand as the vanguards of of aerial Warfare wielding unparalleled influence over the outcome of battles for air superiority accompanied by our Intrepid reporter let us now Venture into the clandestine domain of the aviation industry air-to-air missile Research Institute where the unsung heroes of the defense industry forged their unyielding commitment to their Homeland within the hallowed Halls of this institute the Cradle of China's air-to-air missile prowess Precision guided weapons are meticulously developed and brought to life from the humble beginnings of non-existent capabilities to the Zenith of Cutting Edge Equipment the journey towards air dominance has been marked by Relentless determination and the seamless succession of generational advancements behold beside me stands the resplendant J10 fighter jet adorned with a formidable array of armaments its Arsenal includes Clos range infrared combat missiles medium-range radar guided interceptors and precision guided light bombs yet these weapons nearly represent a fraction of the immense capabilities embodied by air to- aair missiles with each passing moment these thunderous projectiles roll off the assembly line poised to defend the nation's airspace on the Forefront of the ever evolving battlefield but how exactly are these marvels of engineering brought to fruition let us embark on a journey of Discovery air-to-air missiles whether launched from Air born platforms or groundbased systems serve as the primary Weaponry for engaging aerial targets they Empower fighter jets ensuring their dominance in dog fights while also safeguarding fighter bombers during sorties and enabling helicopters to engage in low altitude operations as they emerge from their proverbial cocoons these missiles assume their rifle place as the preeminent instruments for securing air superiority cast your mind back to September 24th 1958 when a squadron of American made f86 fighter jets deployed by the quman Tang infiltrated the mainland igniting a fierce aerial confrontation amid the chaos of dog fights the f86 Unleashed a barrage of five Sidewinder missiles tragically Naval Aviation pilot Wang zong having valiantly down two enemy aircraft succumb to the lethal strike of a Sidewinder that pierced the heavens forever staining the skies with his sacrifice fast forward to July 18th 1961 a pivotal moment when the aeronautical weapons design and Research Institute laid its foundation ultimately evolving into the renowned aviation industry air-to-air missile Research Institute in its embryonic years The Institute relied on salvaged remnants and imitations supplemented by the expertise of external Specialists to expedite the development of indigenous air toar missiles in a testament to their unwavering determination China even resorted to exchanging 22 tons of soybeans for every kilogram of coveted product blueprints the pioneers of yester years blazed a trail of innovation surmounting countless technological hurdles and setting the stage for the establishment of a robust air toar missile development and production ecosystem their early experiments transpired under auster conditions with scarce testing equipment at their disposal unlike the present era replete with high-speed photography lustrous gloss meters and radar systems the researchers of that time relied on humble cameras to document their groundbreaking experiments today armed with a refined philosophy of exploration preliminary research development and production the missile Institute has witnessed a Quantum Leap in Design Concepts testing protocols and Manufacturing capabilities in the present day an ever expanding cohort of air toar missiles joins the illustrious Thunderbolt family propelling China's air toar missile technology to unprecedented Heights as attested by the grand showcase at the 2022 Air Force Aviation open day in Chan Chun air show a dazzling array of domestically produced missiles took Center Stage among them the formidable Thunderbolt Tenny air toar missile and the a inspiring Thunderbolt 15E a toar missile commanded attention leaving Spectators in awe of China is unwavering commitment to technological advancement and National Defense within the aviation industry air-to-air missile Research Institute there is another remarkable weapon known as the tanion 2 surface to aair missile it is primarily used in conjunction with the aan 2 air defense missile system capable of engaging targets such as armed helicopters fixed wi aircraft and unand drones the tanen 2 missile features a modular design that allow ows for the interchangeability of infrared or radar Seekers based on operational requirements it possesses a long engagement Range High destructive power and strong resistance to counter measures making it a highly versatile weapon on the battlefield in addition to air toar missiles the air toar missile Research Institute is also involved in the development and production of various air to surface and surface to air weapons through advanced research and modernized experiment mation techniques as well as automated mass production and increasing number of precision guided weapons are being produced here ready to contribute to the nation's military strength this year China has achieved a historic leap in air toar missile technology transitioning from trailing behind to running alongside the world's leading Nations it is an extraordinary accomplishment signifying that our country's missiles have reached the same level of sophistication as the most advanced ones globally the term running alongside implies that our missiles are on par with the world's cuttingedge technology equivalent in terms of critical technological features and operational capabilities essentially our key Technologies and operational capabilities are comparable to those employed by Foreign counterparts academician fan whau who is dedicated almost 40 years to the field of airto wear missiles has witnessed the decade long process of honing these weapons to Perfection leading a team of experts he successfully developed multiple key models propelling China's air-to-air missile capabilities from the third to the fourth generation and positioning them among the world's Elite the development cycle for a new air toar missile model typically spans around 10 years this duration is often referred to as a decade of honing a sword as it involves the incorporation of numerous new technologies processes and critical key technology such as the Active Radar guidance technology of fourth generation radar missiles and the infrared Imaging guidance technology of fourth generation infrared missiles comprehensive assessment and verification of these critical Technologies require three rounds of product iterations along with hundreds of flight tests conducted on aircraft throughout the development process various challenges may arise such as failed missile launch tests requiring focused technological breakthroughs technical breakthroughs demand not only exceptional skills but also unwavering determination air 2are missiles are complex products that result from the collective efforts and ideas of many individuals the level of craftsmanship production capacity and product quality directly impact the Mile's combat Effectiveness the tracking and control of air toar missiles rely on intricate circuit boards having an electronic assembly production line with high quality and production efficiency is crucial for ensuring missile production capacity the electronic assembly Workshop within the air toare missile Research Institute is responsible for the fundamental assembly work of various air toare missiles the flexible production line behind me enables automated component recognition installation soldering and high quality inspection it combines high quality high efficiency Automation and int elligence in one place hello Mr director I recently had the opportunity to visit our entire production line and I must say that the level of automation is exceptionally High however it is evident that the craftsmanship involved is quite complex the line consists of four major equipment components the printing machine for solder paste the X-ray inspection machine for quality control the surface mount machine for component placement and the Reflow oven through the processes of printing surface mounting and Reflow the circuit boards are ultimately combined with the printed boards to create highly reliable products our production line is an automated flexible production line the assembly mode of this line is fully automated once the materials are prepared and the software is set it runs automatically without the need for manual intervention there are several challenges in the entire assembly process firstly it involves high density and high reliability assembly and it confined space secondly there is a wide variety of components with low quantities requiring rapid changeovers finally there are numerous devices and auxiliary materials involved necessitating extensive research and the application of Automation in the flexible production line this state-of-the-art electronic assembly line in our digitized Factory enables fast and efficient assembly of high density and high reliability products in small batch sizes the skilled workers operating this line are responsible for equipping air toar missiles with their eyes over the course of my work I have personally witnessed the development and production of several generations of air toar missiles from the early stages of using conventional Machine Tools to the adoption of CNC machines and now the implementation of automated production lines our equipment and Industrial capabilities have significantly improved our current intelligent manufacturing phase allows for 247 unmanned automated production and 12-hour unmanned operations despite the modernization of our production Workshop the challenges remain substantial skilled technicians face the daunting task of precisely fitting powerful and intricately structured components into the limited space of an air-to-air missile compared to other types of missiles air to- a missiles being Airborne weapons have smaller diameters however their internal structures are comprehensive and intricate the components are tiny and require a high level of precision some parts are as small as a grain of rice processing such minuscule components presents challenges requiring specialized tools with diameters as thin as a strand of hair each missile launch determines life and death leaving no room for error for decades Mr Lu huan and his colleagues have transformed Design Concepts from blueprints into tangible reality each part meticulously manufactured without a single mistake I have personally participated in this parade on three occasions I must admit that witnessing the missiles we produce sore over tenen and square fills us with immense pride and excitement with each iteration of air toar missiles Mr L huan has evolved from an ordinary technician to a Master Craftsman in the field of air toar missile manufacturing his apprentices have become capable individuals independently taking charge of critical roles his dedication and pursuit of perfection have inspired meticulous work ethics and unique insights into the Machining of missile components the challenge in Machining missile components lies inefficiently and consistently achieving high quality results it requires striking a balance between efficiency and product quality since missile components must meet a 100% quality standard the tiniest deviation in Dimensions is unacceptable the development of air toar missiles relies heavily on technological breakthroughs the core of air toar missiles is their guidance technology and the breakthroughs in infrared Imaging guidance Active Radar guidance and composite guidance Technologies are pivotal for the cross-generational development of air toar missiles when an air to- a missile is launched from an aircraft it becomes an independent flying platform initiating the hunt for Airborne enemy targets so how does an airto wear missile track its Target in nature objects with temperatures above absolute zero emit infrared radiation and the characteristics of this radiation are related to factors such as temperature and material quality over the Decades of development in air toar missile technology infrared guidance has evolved from initial point source detection to multi-element detection ultimately culminating in the current infrared Imaging Guidance the principle of radar guided air toar missiles tracking targets is fundamentally similar to that of bats however instead of receiving ultrasonic waves these missiles receive radio wav reflected by the target with advances in technology the transmitter of radio waves has been continuously miniaturized leading to the transition from semi-active radar guidance where the missile receives waves emitted from the launch platform to the latest Active Radar guidance where the missile emits and receives waves on its own as the targets attack by air-to-air missiles make every effort to evade the missile strikes the encounters between missiles and targets are often brief with a dur ation is short as a fraction of a blink of an eye within this limited time frame the missile must complete the entire process from Target identification to destruction it's akin to a spider sensing vibrations in its web and swiftly determining the presence of prey before launching its attack before the encounter with the target air to- aair missiles also even invisible web in the sky using laser or radio wave signals emitted by the fuse when the reflected signals from the target return the missile detonates dispersing the fragments contained in the Warhead toward the target under the driving force of the explosion inflicting damage guidance technology is a crucial aspect of missile systems directly affecting the accuracy of missile tracking nowadays Advanced large-scale infrared Imaging array technology and microwave technology are used to achieve more precise Target tracking in terms of navigation guidance and control technology precise navigation techniques such as laser gyroscopes and fiber optic gyroscopes utilizing small scale system on chip s so technology enable our navigation systems to achieve higher precision and sophistication regarding meeting user requirements air-to-air missiles have made significant progress in terms of maneuverability range and operational capabilities they enable all domain operations in complex electromagnetic environments the guidance system of a missile functions as its brain controlling the missile's flight trajectory and attitude to achieve accurate target tracking to verify whether the guidance system meets design specifications semi-physical simulation experiments are conducted before lift fire testing these experiments also known as laboratory firings involve integrating the missile guidance system into simulation circuits and Performing performance validation under under simulated real world conditions the testing site for laboratory firings is a vast space with a futuristic Ambience conical structures in Striking blue hues resembling pencils are scattered throughout they have a pointed tip and a soft spongelike texture these are absorptive materials designed to absorb electromagnetic waves the dark chamber in this testing facility creates a low reflection environment to simulate the actual usage conditions of the missile while preventing external electromagnetic signals from interfering with the experiments additionally it safeguards against the leakage of the product's own signals in this particular context there is a unique device called a flight turntable which serves as a platform for installing missile self-guidance systems through the flight turn table simulations of the missile's flight attitude can be conducted on the opposite side of the turntable a Target simulation system is installed to replicate the flight status and electromagnetic signal characteristics of the target once connected to the missiles guidance system these simulations create the conditions necessary for conducting experiments that simulate the missile's guidance system Outdoors the Personnel in charge of the experiment command and control the entire process through a control system they observe the missiles attitude to derive various performance parameters this experiment serves as an effective means to test the performance parameters of the missiles guidance system and acts as the final step before conducting field firing tests however producing Advanced Air toare missiles is not the only objective as the chief engineer of the airto aair missile Research Institute run Hong Wong who devotes himself to Frontline defense research pays close attention to advancements in cuttingedge techn Technologies with the widespread application of fourth generation radar guided air toar missiles new targets have emerged the principles of discovering the enemy first launching first hitting first and evading first have become the four principles of Air Combat Victory this concept emphasizes the importance of early detection early launch accurate targeting and evasive maneuvers for successful air Warfare this evasive maneuver capability can significantly enhance the survivability of carrier aircraft imposing higher requirements on the design of missile flight Control Systems guidance systems and propulsion systems looking to the Future the development of air toar missiles in our country is focused on two aspects firstly in terms of missile performance we aim to achieve longer range and more precise engagements secondly in terms of systematic Warfare we strive to Leverage integr ated Air and Space Systems utilizing networked and information-based Technologies to expand our control over larger airspace through the fusion of multiple nodes platforms and information sources within this airspace we aim to eliminate any invading enemy regardless of their altitude proximity or distance ensuring they have no chance of return for weaponry and Equipment merely keeping Pace with others is insufficient we must take the lead have already established comprehensive layouts and are fully engaged in the development of key Technologies for new missiles in recent years we have made significant breakthroughs in overall missile technology post-launch integration technology and anti-jamming technology these achievements have positioned us with capabilities that surpass the world's Advanced levels and enable us to lead the way our commitment to the party and the nation goes beyond mere slogans it is demonstrated through tangible actions we are dedicated to providing highquality Aviation weapons and equipment to our Armed Forces ensuring that our soldiers are equipped with the best tools for their missions together we will write a glorious chapter in the history of our nation under the Clear Blue Skies and over the vast Seas of our motherland [Music] [Music]


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