Integrating 3D printing into the classroom

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Good. Afternoon everyone, my name is Eric, Liu on the director, of the digital strategies. And innovation, for ELC, libraries. I'm here with dr. Tandon, the arid continent. We. Are going to go over a session, integrating. Can be frightening into, the platform well. We've, worked together over the last year to, combine. These witches of EEOC libraries, and. Doctor. In ten American, per classroom, actually. Integrates, into DPP, in all solutions, all the. Exercises. Insular, courts work to, begin with I will start with going, over there 18:13, sources, that we have available on, that we will see libraries, and, then you. Know how we are. Integrated. That file or document. Any, medical, partners. A better, class so, I'll, get started with mine. What. Oh. Everybody. See my screen. So. I'll. Begin by starting with the 3d printing, and how. We, started. Getting like a deeper disorder, that any will see libraries, and, the types of technologies, that we have available for. The. Year. It, didn't kind of terminologies. And technologies, that we have available for. Any printing. And. Students, and faculty. At. The library. For. Those of you that have not used. 3d printing. Basically. We kind of prototyping. Manufacturing. Machines that, are able to. Manufacture. Layer. By layer any. Particular object that, you're, possibly. Imagining. In. A. Leading, printer, the. 3d printer creates. Objects. For our students and faculty that relate to coursework. Does that relate to you. Know I've. Had students, come in and create. Helmets. And and, Star. Wars figurines. As. Well so it's a tough, for fair use and, any. Type of content, that anybody. Would like to create, at, our 3d printers here. So. It's. A great tool for prototyping, for, creating. Any. Type of object that you're you're. Wanting, to, manufacture. Or a kind of prototype before, getting. Into a mass, release process we're. Making, it a ton of projects are just creating, an individual, object that you want to create for yourself. There. Are some common, terms that are used with 3d printing that. You may want to be aware of first. It's the, type of materials, that we come, across like, abs, and PLA, those. Are the types of material, that are similar to plastic that we're using. There are other types, of material, like nylon, metal. Even. Some, type of silicon. Materials. That we used to. Actually print with these machines. You usually are aided, by a computer-aided, design. Program. Which, we'll get, into later that. Allows you to modify. And. Design. Any. Types of, STL. Files our files, that are able. To be viewed in a three-dimensional. Environment inside, of a computer, so. Those are the types of filaments, that are created we also have printers. That are dual extruders. That, allow, you to print. More than one type of filament, at a time that. Can help with creating different, types of. Objects. That are multicolored. Our help. In the actual building our construction. Of the. The objects that we are creating, we, also have slicers, that are able to modify. The. Objects. Are being created these are programs that allow you to. Prepare. An, object, to be printed inside of a printer and converted, into g-code, that allows the, the printer, to understand, what exactly it is the word printed. So. As. An example of, one, of these. Materials. We are able to actually. Create. Pretty complex. Objects. Using a material called PVA and PLA, and. It allows us to dissolve, an object. In water and. Actually print a solid object that, can actually move. After. It's, been printed this. Is an example of a gyroscope, that has been printed at one. Of our printers. Or with one of our printers you, can present or print. Objects. That are already moving right out of your printer from, using the dual extruder technology. So. We. Initially. Received. Funding. For our first two person. 3d, printers from. A grant, from in Dunellen as a technology. Grant. For from, in an island it, allowed us to. Purchase. Our. Initial. Printers. That we use to set up a virtual, 3d. Printing. Portal, where. Students, could actually, go. Online go, on our website and submit. 3d. Prints, to, us and. Receive. Those prints in the library, once. The print was completed.

We. Have, currently. Four, or. Five. Three printers, you have one of the way that, are used in the production of the site we have a team that includes, Sherman, AG who is our 3d, print designer, david, mackay who created. The website and myself. We're, really all work towards this effort for gaining. Resources. And creating. Resources, or. The. Library to utilize. These are, printing. Technologies. We. Started, out on, great modestly with a, 3d. Printer, our. Da Vinci this. Was a a. 3d, printer that really, has a small, surface area was. Able to do very simple prints, to. Begin with. And we still use it in, the production of some objects, sometimes it's appropriate but. This. Printer really. Was not, one, that could keep, up with high, volume, or high-capacity. Sort. Of demands that were, required of us to. Start the print service but it was a great learning tool, just. To introduce, us to 3d printing in. General. With. The grant that we received from, nn/lm we. First, started with two, high, capacity. 3d. Printers. Arlo's. Ba Pro, which. Is, very quick also. Has a pretty decent resolution. And a large surface area for printing. Objects. And. We also purchased, the. Ultimaker. S5. Which. Also has a large surface area really. Does really detailed, really. Uh detail, prints they're both. Dual. Extruder, printers, they. Are both, able to use PLA we can do pretty much everything with one that, we can do with the other the Automator that was pretty easy to use right out box it. Is able to, be used. In. Multiple. With. Multiple, materials. And. It, is a pretty. User-friendly. We. Get started, from. There we also purchased two additional. 3d. Printing, resources. The. The Ultimaker s3, which are kind of the smaller. Cousins. To the Ultimaker, s5, have, a smaller. Surface area but almost identical, to the s5, in. The print quality and the, print volume, that is available to. Users. That decide to do. Eyes the. Ultimaker. Okay. We. Also for, our CAD software. Have. Leveraged. Tinkercad, which is a. Easy. Software to use free, and, available for, most, people to access pretty. Quickly, we've. Used it in some of our prototyping, of objects. And. It's. Available on, some. Of our machines in the library, as well for those users that are trying to determine. EPrint. The. Software, is particularly, available. With. Prototyping. And. Tinkercad. Has was, actually, very. Helpful in. Prototyping. A special, type of. Face. Shield, for. Koban, we, used all of these printers. For the past three months running, 24/7. To. Print I think over, 300. Face. Shields, to, produce P. For. Our. Our. Hospital I'm here at the EOC. And. We. Also use the Kira software, to. Actually slice those those. 3d, printing. Of, the files and produced. Them inside of the printer, we. Have capacity. For students, to actually view, 3d. Prints. Before. They're printing because 3d printing does take a little. Bit of time and. Students. Are able to access some, of our AR and VR, technology. To. Kind, of see a virtual. Representation, of. The, STL, files ahead, of time if. They, wanted. To get an idea of what their prints, before. They send them off to the printer so we, use our Z space computer. Technologies. For. That that actually project, a virtual. Projection. Of, the. 3d. Printed saw. STL. Files beforehand. We. Also you leverage, different. Open-source, 3d. Printing. Model, resources. The, NIH, has a really great medical, 3d. Printing. Repository. That they, allow that's. A free. For anyone to see, the access that allows people to view. Any. STL, files that they have we have a large. Repository. Of. Skeletal. Models, cardiac. And. Other mod in. Brainish, and all kinds of other. Medical. Models that are available at. The repository, that. Are free for people to use. So. That really, kind. Of encompasses, the. The. Resources. That are available at. MUSC libraries, but in unity as a whole has a large, community of users. That used to be printing. Throughout. The campus, we. Also have engaged with several, members. Of the local community including. Reforge. To access. Some. Of their resources and to learn from them on, some of the resources, that are available. You, know to, use that we could potentially use in the future at MUSC, so. With that I'll hand it the presentation. Off to dr., Mara. Is. Everybody, seeing my screen. Not. Quite yet okay. Okay. Now are we good. Yes. Okay, great. Thank. You thank you Eric and thanks for inviting me in fact the. Reason Eric, and I had. Met, and started collaborating, about, the 3d, innovation. And incorporating. It into the classroom was actually from an innovation last. Year, innovation, week presentation. That I attended, that Eric, was. Presenting. At so, my, presentation, is really not so much about the technical side of things but more about, how I, incorporated. This in the assignment, and really, why and, so I just kind of I'll show, you how, easy it is but, also, see how I kind of blended, it with occupational. Therapy, so, I. Thought. First it might be helpful for you to know about even what occupational.

Therapy Is and why we would use it in the clinic, you. Know 3d, there's, been I was looking this week there they're building houses and, in. In. Third-world. Countries and. You see all the wonderful, amazing, technology. In. Dentistry. And just all. Across the campus they're such a good use, for it in, occupational. Therapy we are the one profession, that, works with all ages, across the lifespan, to. Do those everyday, things, and that's what the occupation. Means is that we want to help people continue. To do everyday things when. They've had an injury or maybe a. Gentle condition, so for example, a, child, who. Might. Have disabilities. We we. Help them both. With. Functioning. In the classroom, and even socially. So very. Holistic, view of both. Mind. And body somebody. That's gotten injured on the job we, have them return to work. It, could be musculoskeletal, orthopedic. It, could be an aging, adult that has. Cognitive. Our physical. Limitations. Related, to. Aging. Or even a stroke or or, neurological, condition, so. What. We do is we adapt environments. We adapt, equipment. And then, we also do you, know the strengthening, and. Muscular. Neuromuscular. Retraining, and while. Also working on, the cognitive, level so, the reason I incorporated. This into, the classroom. Is that. We. Are starting to see some 3d. Printers, and the clinics they're coming, down in price so it's making a little bit easier, for. Occupational. Therapy clinics, to, implement, them into the clinics and in the big picture. There's. A lot of cost savings, to this I'm, a hand therapist but I. Buy. My. Clinician life I spent 20 years and how therapy, we make things like casting. And splinting, and those casts and splint can be very. Very expensive if you're somebody that is underinsured. Are not insured so, so, for, example, a small, little. Hand. Type, of orthoses might cost, $100. To, 125. That's being built to insurance, but a 3d, model, would, be under, $20. So I see this as being you know very inclusive, that we can reach. Populations. That, wouldn't. Normally have services. Because the cost is so much better, as. Well as. Keep. The cost down with all clients so, um so, in a it's, a new kind, of. Emerging. Technology, and occupational. Therapy and. It's. A very cost-effective, technology. I. Wanted, the students to be able to analyze, the cost and, look at how we can use it from a clinical, perspective and I also wanted them to work outside. Of the College of Health Professions we're, occupational. Therapist, program. Is paused and, to, work and collaborate with. Erics. Department, and innovation. And technology, and so here's. An example of some of the things that an occupational, therapist might make you, see the first picture there is a. Key. Open. Door, opener with a key holder well people, that have arthritis and their hands get stiff as they age and painful, they can't do that pinch the way they used to so we would collaborate the, decline and trying to come up with something so. That they could do that everyday occupation. That you and I take for granted and open, up a door if. Somebody, has poor motor control, of their hand our muscular. Control they can't always grasp things like a toothpaste, so you can see our, toothbrush, you can see there there's a. Young. Person holding. On to the toothbrush that they're able to independently, brush their teeth 3d. Printing, can be used for strengthening, the hand the, other picture there is a picture, of using, the 3d, print model to do hand, grip exercises. It can be used for sensory, re-education. Or, the picture, here are. Even sensory integration for, that matter. Using. The, different. Textures. And letters. On that 3d, print blocks there the. Bottom picture there that's a bottle. Opener so, again if somebody has, weakness. Or pain and their hands, are poor, muscular, control, this, can be helpful so that they're able to open, simply, open, a, bottle. Of water a gallon. Of milk again, those things that you and I take for granted every day and then the last picture there another. Example. Is somebody, that has poor neuromuscular. Control and, creating. Collaborating. With the client, figuring, out what movement. Patterns are difficult, and collaborating. With them so that they can use the key so those are just examples, this, was my end game right here is what I wanted the students to each. Semester. Implement. A, 3d. Project, and the final project being the hand orthoses, but, because, of kovat I didn't get to work that last semester but, this.

Is Where I hope my, end game where I hope to see it go so the here is that little thumb hands, blend that I talked about the white one is the one that we, custom make in a clinic so that little guy costs. Over a hundred bucks then, the one on the left the blue and that's a 3d, print and that does require a scanner, but. It can be custom fitted to the client and it can be just as comfortable this, is, particularly. This splint is for. People. That have problems at the base of their thumb and they're not able to use their, thumb like they used to wear this really supports, that so that little blue one is what. Costs maybe 20 bucks other things like casting, you look at that dirty cast, on the screen, there where. You. Know patients. Can't get it wet bacteria. Can grow just. Kind of not. So pleasant but then a 3d, model you can see there's holes in there, the. Client, can inspect their skin to see if there's any skin breakdown. Less. Chance, of bacteria. Growing and you, know much more cleanly on the, very bottom there there are a lot of OT. In. Schools, and, a. Little, bit in practice I have a friend in New York who, made a. Prosthesis. For the small finger but using the 3d, material, for, hand, exoskeleton. Of hands, and so again very very cost, effective. Compared, to the prosthetics, so a lot, of really cool stuff so. I'm. Showing you just different examples, of how it can be used and I'm going to go to how we used, it but you can see that the cost savings, is there it can be custom-made a client, and it, is this. Emerging. Innovation. And are. In. Our, profession. And so the bottom one there that picture. There would be somebody could. Be used for somebody with who had a stroke and they don't have good motor control, of their hand so there's just so many things that an occupational. Therapist, can. Use, the. 3d, printing for so, it seems like a the, smart thing to do is to put it into our curriculum. So. How did I do that. The. Students, I did it over two semesters, the third semester I was hoping to do the ortho. C's fabrication. But we're going to get there maybe next year hopefully so. The very first semester, this, is the, students. That come on campus that are really. Just. Learning about OT their first semester first. Year was. A summer project, related. To their surface anatomy class, and then, the second, semester they're, starting to understand, the profession, better and, that. Is when they actually started, creating tools for clients, so, that first semester let, me talk to you a little bit about what. I did during that first semester and show you how, easy it is, they. Worked in groups and the. Group were, assigned, a bone this was a surface, anatomy, class. So the surface anatomy class, isn't their intense, an anatomy. Class where, they have to that's. You know very detail-oriented. This is more about being a therapist, and feeling the body knowing where, to find the, structures. Seppo, to, incorporate, this into the content, of the classroom. They were the. Groups were assigned a boned and they, went to repository. So this is the repository that, most. Of the students went to this. Is Thingiverse, and then. They would download the file so here you can see a scapula. Okay. So they would download that, and then, from there. Every. Student was required to send, me the. STL, file that's where they got their STL, file so from there every, student, went. Downloaded. This here. Our program, and they. And. Then, on their computer, they uploaded, that STL, file so here's that scapula, and this, is what I want at them learn from the technology. Side of it is, how they could. Custom-fit. This so, you see that when I clicked on this all these arrows came all, the arrows came up here well, they, can. They. Can fit, the size over. Here on the left you see we have the x coordinates, and the, Y coordinates, they can type it in there or they could simply.

Use, Their, their. Mouse to do that so that was about sizing. And I want the, students to be comfortable with. With. That technical, part of it but, only one file went to the library, for printing so they, decided, amongst a group every, student have to size. It to get that experience, but only one file was, sent to the library then, on top of that to keep it tight into the class and to, collaborating, with the library. The, groups had. To fill out this form so. They. Got to tell me what URL, they got it from our repository. They. Had to make. Make. Sure that it was a Creative, Commons and. That, they had permission to make, to, use the file and then this part, this next part here that kind of ties in to working with a library, they had to work, with the library to find out what kind of to BD material, they were using, you. Know how long did it take, how. Thick was it and on the cost savings, so, this. Was that part where they really had to you know they didn't know this part so. They had to collaborate a little bit with the library, and then, we. Tied it back to again remember, this is their first year first semester tied, it back to it well can, your group tell me what other things you might use for 3d, and this group for example said, adaptive. Zipper pools are but iners. Techniques. To button on a button and then, they told us what they liked it or told me what they liked and they didn't like about 3d, printing. Overall, they didn't like removing, the scaffolding, but. Eric. Showed you a picture of putting. The finished, product, and Walker and I believe there is now. Some. Materials, out there that that dissolves the scaffolding, but Eric can talk more to that and then, to tie it back to surface anatomy and occupational, therapy, they. Paint. It on the. On. The, model, and they. Identified. Origins, and insertions and. What, the actual muscle did and then, they had to tell, me functionally. Like how would somebody activate. That muscle and what other muscles, would they use, so. This chart, right here is. Going to correspond, to this picture that you see on my powerpoint. And. Then lastly, they had to talk about the dynamics, of the group experience, I really didn't want students. To, be. In a position where, one student does all the work so they were now, going to evaluate, themselves. Or each other in the group and then. Some questions, about more. Open and at where they had to give me more information about the group, process. So. That. Went, pretty, well. The. Biggest barrier, was, the students. Getting the, time to, meet in the group is what my feedback was, so. Then project. 2 is now their second. Semester but, their first year in OT school so they basically did, everything that, I just talked to you about but, now they, were still working in groups now they had to create something that was, applicable to ot it was applicable to. Ot. Population. They might work with and they. Had to find some evidence so, use the literature to it back, why they would use this type of adaptive. Tool. And then on top of that they wrote each student, wrote a one-page, paper about. The scientific, rationale, and clinical, utilization. For the particular, tool, that, they created so, this is a tool, that one of the students created, it. Was an adaptive, spoon so I'll show you how the presentation, looked, they. Had, to talk a little bit about the literature and how, it's supported, in the literature and. So, this student found an article about how this is helpful for, individuals. With poor. Range. Of motion, and have. Diff Elte grasping, they identify some, of the patient populations. That we might work with so, for. This particular tool, so, this could be somebody will form, they're, all muscular control falling in a stroke zero cerebral. Palsy or Parkinson, are somebody, that has, more orthopedic. Problems, related, to. Osteoarthritis. Than. To even tie it more into OT they had to kind of make, goals. That they think long. And short-term they, would see in the clinic and so that the, goals, were related, to using. The, spoon and, some. Of the orthopedic. Or neural muscular goals. And you can see they're like within, two weeks patient, will increase grip strength 10 pounds in preparation, to hold the.

Right Angle spoon so kind, of again tying the OT model, into it, so. This, was the beauty of all of that the. Project. Now we were able to do everything we, want it you got the. Clinical. Part of it in they've used the evidence, they collaborated, with the library, and the, beauty, of this, is that it came full circle when. We were able to implement. It and in our cares unit and this was from a student suggested, not mine it was they would finish their presentation, they made this project, and remember I really wanted them to understand, that we can reach, more populations. Because the cost of this is so, much less than if you go to a medical catalog. And buy one of these pieces of equipment one. In the students said hey why. Don't we donate, this to Chara's clinic so the cares clinic, is the, campus, pro bono clinic, for ot PT and speech therapy, we, have a Tuesday, night. Orthopedic. And we have a Wednesday, night neuromuscular. And it is for, underserved. Are. Under. Insured. Our underserved. Clients. That normally, can't have. Occupational. Therapy, physical therapy or speech therapy, services so. Now we have, the, this little OT cabinet. That, has these adaptive, pieces, in it so. If we get a client that is having problems, like, grasping, their spoon and feeding themselves we can go in that cabinet, and use. That 3d piece or if it doesn't fit their hand the students know how to size it and they can make a new one for that. For. That client. So really, ended up to be a great thing. So. The. Lessons I learned and the things that I might do differently, is that in the future I would. Allow. Some, lap times where the students are already together, to, just get the. Project. Rolling so, they can start. Designating. To each other what part of the project they're they're going to be responsible, for and I'd, also like to tie it more into our cares clinic, and. For the students to have to do a chart, review on. Either existing, or discharge patient, and figure out really, what did that patient, need to, do their everyday. Actions. And what, kind of tool could we make it for. That individual, client. And so from there I'm going to the, thingy, verse and finding. That tool and making. That tool as a group and then, I hope, that it you, know that other. Colleges. Within MUSC. Feel. That there could be a possibility, of collaborating. Here with. Occupational. Therapy, for. Example, I know like. The. Dental. Community females. Tend to have wrist and hand problems, well could we collaborate. With looking at, built-up, handles, so that there is less risk of injury I mean those kind of things are. Just. Looking at creating, more projects. So, with that I'll. Open it up for questions, and get my screen back to our Eric can take the screen, he. Knows more about the technical, side I was just, incorporating. It into the, classroom. So if. You have any questions on that portion I'm happy to, to. Answer them. Can. You hear me yeah, I can Thanks okay thank you so. I want, to start off by saying well first of all thank you for your, time. Second, of all I want to comment that I think it's really really inspiring, and really the purpose of the basic she went to a session last year and.

Took. Something that you learned and applied it and now get to be a presenter, this year it's really the overarching goal for. The week and I'm. Actually drafting an email to that effect now to. Really. Really works and. So kudos, to you, and to Eric for, forging this collaboration, my. Question to you is how much familiarity, did, you personally have, with, 3d printing prior to starting oh very, little, so this was you know I was going out on a limb I had been - so. Let's, see our innovation. Conferences, in June I'd been to our ot conference, in. September. And I sat in on a meeting now I knew, it because I worked with hosts professional. Students, post national, doctorate students, and that. Gal in New York that I met and she had done a project but I didn't have any hands-on, clinical experience. With it I just see it as some place where we're going. Because. The cost is is. So, attractive yeah. I think that you're a shining example, of being. Sort of fearless to take on something and figure out how to work it into the educational. Great. Job and great projects. We have any other questions. Well. I will, say that uh looking. Over your your. Presentation. Tamara. The. It. Really kind of shows how we grew over the last year because when you were talking about your students with the, scaffolding. We. Really didn't have anything but that DaVinci printer to start out with and as, we grew with the projects, we were able to increase some, of the capacity, or what we were able to do and. Kind. Of work with your students and that taught us being. Beginners, you. Know kind of in supporting, a 3d. Printing, service. Some, lessons as well I'm, in terms of being, able to try things like the dissolvable, scaffolding. And. You. Know helping, what some of those assignments, to learn. A little bit more of our prototyping. Board. And that eventually helped us with some of the things we did for rakovict. So it, was really a nice review of the year, while.

Getting Our services, started. With you and that was really helpful to work with your your, your, classroom, to really. Want to get us up and running for, our different, services. We. Had the opportunity. Hey. Eric this is a Yahveh I have a quick question for you you, and dr. Tamara. How. Did the students. Feel. About using, technology if, you were able to gauge. Either. From the beginning were they like excited, to be doing something. Connected. Or they were a little more nervous because it's technology. Just. Interested. The. First, the. First bone. Project. There. Were definitely, some students, that were apprehensive, but. When we got when we so at which so thinking, back on it I was gonna take it out, for. The new class because. I was worried, that is this really meaningful, but now that I think back on it I think they needed to get over that fear that initial, fear so. It. Seemed like working, in groups was helpful, on that because they could learn with each other I didn't, have any group, come, about. The technology, now I did have a pretty detailed. Instruction. Seat sheet. So. And then the the the, long. Run I will tell you that not, every, students interested, in it but I definitely have, students, that are now working on their doctoral capstone and, are, talking about using. 3d, like. I have one that is interested. In pediatrics, and she wants she's, thinking. About how she can introduce this. The. This technology. And, maybe. She's, thinking about making kits for. Kids. That maybe, wouldn't normally afford, it so, Eric might hear from her I. Definitely. Know. And I'm some of them actually work at the library and do. Their own prints, now. I. Get to you, know. Individual. Points we're looking to working on inside of the clinic as. Well so. Definitely. Hope. To have students, that are knowledgeable want. Me to run some. Great. Any. Other questions. It's. Me weena can. You hear me. Okay. Okay. I'm, just curious I mean this is a wonderful it and you know it's really amazing, but.

I'm. Just curious if. You. Get a lot of dental, students, come over and try, to make. Like photons, you know like. Tooth because, I know they, have a 3d. Put in. Then. You, know in the Tenno building but still. It's. You know the place is not as open as it is in the library so I was just wondering and, curious if you're getting any dinner, students. All. Across campus, in, the, last year. Close, to. Abilene. Aden prints that, were done. As. I guess in less than a year to something started recording on the site some. Seriously. Come. From on chip, and nursing, the. Graduate, school in. On, students, as well or events, and researchers, asked, us to click parts again. You. Know eventually, doing research I think the latest one were they all. Some. Type of. Board. To actually, hold or. Bring. These for release, so, that's. Certainly this one that we're working on right now. So. Yeah, we were pretty diverse. Group. Of people that are reaching out. Thank. You. Doctor, camber yes. This. Is Jeff richer, I was, just curious I think you touched on this a little bit but. With. The patient, for, example with the, hand cast that you mentioned, how. How, would that. For. Example I guess it would have to be custom. Fitted is that right like yeah. Yeah. Yeah that's a really good question, and that's why I say that's the end game it's, for it to be custom, fitted it has to be scanned so. There, so that's the other side of this is. Having. The scanner to scan it we didn't get that far, but, that's where I'm hoping we go with it that, we're able to scan the, individual. Structure. That we're gonna cast our splint and then, that creates. The. Prototype, for, that. Person, to custom, fit it to their hand and then, STL. File can be submitted, to the printer, I, see. Okay, thank you. Some, more detailed, scanners that could probably perform. Pakistan. You. Know to to. The quartet internship, I, will. Say that the meritocracy your, your. Publications, well when, we have, a twin. Brother then. It has cerebral palsy, and. One of your students came in where. The model of a a spoon. To. Actually. Help with you. Know people, with their dexterity would actually eaten, little boy that's interesting you. Know that's a, model. That you know. Looking. To actually. Believe. Anything. So it was very, informative, to see, when. Your side you know what your students are doing then. You know the types of all you. Want. Okay. You. Need anything let us know. Well. If there are no, other. What's. The. Intersection. He was taking a look at some. Of the other likes actually, another, tracks learn today to. Thank. You from TV. Session. As well so. With. That. Thank. You everyone for to.


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