Trudeau says military report on Ontario long-term care facilities 'troubling'

Trudeau says military report on Ontario long-term care facilities 'troubling'

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On our website, we're standing by for the prime minister's, update on the government's, response, to the kobe 19, crisis. He'll be speaking, at any moment 11 o'clock eastern we are expecting, an update. On the government's, procurement. Of ppe, personal protective, equipment, including, things like of course ventilators. Masks. Gowns gloves, hand sanitizer. Specifically. How much of what was ordered about two months ago has actually arrived, and how that domestic. Supply, chain has, ramped, up, for instance we know that of the 29, 000 ventilators, ordered just over 200, have been delivered, but we know that the domestic, supply chain for those ventilators. Is expected, to be online, soon and thousands, more are expected, in the next number of weeks, so we're going to hear more about that from the prime minister. And perhaps more questions, too about. Ongoing, challenges, with testing. Specifically, in the province of ontario. I should note that quebec, met its testing, goal for the first time yesterday. So that's some encouraging, news for that province, while we wait, i'll bring in my colleagues the host of power and politics, bashi capelas, and the cbc's, david cochran. May not have very long. Knowing. Depending, on how timely the prime minister is today, but we are expecting. Him to talk a little bit about, the ppe, situation. Um, vashi. Yeah i think this is a highly anticipated. Update as far as procurement, goes only because we are in the process right now and what we've been discussing, over the past week and a half or so, is the reopening, of provincial, economies, as those economies, reopen there is not only the continued, demand, in the health care system for personal protective equipment but outside of the health care system as well, and there have been issues with procurement, so far for example with n95. Masks that would be in the health care system we know we haven't, reached capacity, that the measures that everyone took worked and that the hospital capacity. Wasn't overloaded. But there are problems with procuring, masks that are up to canadian, standards, for example from china the majority, that have arrived and that's still far short of the majority, that were originally, ordered. Were not up to canadian, standards, then there's sort of the domestic, front as you mentioned there's also the province's, roles provinces, are procuring. A lot of this equipment, as well so it's it's difficult to get a sense i think of where we stand at least i've found it confusing, so far how do we have enough, how much might we need for the second wave the potential, of, a second wave and what about in the meantime, as economies, reopen.

Are We, are what is the sort of overall, need are we meeting it what do we need to do so and as i said it's the sort of federal component. And it's the provincial, component, and then it's also the domestic, supply chain which of course. Kicked off when when the pandemic, uh, started as well. The government focused its efforts on the domestic, supply chain ramping it up trying to be able to meet demand, domestically. But i'm not sure where that process stands right now because it does seem like, getting certified, or making sure they're up to standard that's a long process it's not something that happens overnight. Yeah no and if you look at the, the figures, from last week versus this week i'll just give you a couple of examples where we've seen uh really no change so gloves, there hasn't been uh more. N95, respirators, as you point out problematic. And the ventilators, although, we have heard from flavio volpe who says that, those are online, to come in the thousands, very very soon uh david you you've been talking to people and i know, uh also about the role the provinces, play versus the federal government, and then everybody, you know who has a business who now wants some of these things not the medical grade things but the other things that are there, well a couple of things to keep in mind the numbers you're going to hear from the prime minister, is only it's a minority, of the the procurement, that is happening in this country in normal non-pandemic. Times 100, of this, is done by the provinces, with the exception of the emergency national stockpiles, that the public health agency maintains. So what the federal government is doing is trying to backstop, and supplement, that because obviously the usage rates and the burn rates of the disposable, equipment like gloves and masks. Is just through the roof during this pandemic, so, you're gonna we've seen low numbers of ventilators. Delivered to the federal government but it was always going to be may or june before the domestic, capacity. Ramped up to the point and even companies like thornhill medical which have been tasked to, provide some of these, they had told us they were going to deliver their. Ventilators, to ontario. First because the ontario, government. Was also a, big customer, of theirs, in this. Preparation, for the pandemic. The other thing on the n95. There have been problems with quality for the masks. That are coming from china a huge, percentage. Of a federal shipment, was found not to be up to first world stage 9.8, million, nine points exactly exactly so those have been used, or are being used. In areas that do not require an n95, standard sort of as a surgical, mask replacement, or supplement, but the provinces. It's important to point out, have their own supply, lines largely with 3m. In the united, states, so they have a consistent. Supply coming in now whether it's enough or a surplus. That's unclear but there is a steady, supply, of masks. Up to the standard they're looking for coming from the united states, this is why that exemption, that president, trump granted, canada. A month or so back, was so critical, because if the, the n95s. From the united states were getting stopped at the canada-us. Border there would be a full-blown, ppe. Crisis, in the canadian, health system, because of what is happening with with the chinese supply, so right now n95. Seem to be. Okay, i guess is the phrase that i would use, the concern, is if you get into a second wave in the fall. And you get a massive. Surge coming into your hospitals, then this is where the surplus ventilators, may be required. But also where the n95. Quality issues from china. Become, an acute, problem. Because if you can't rely on the big bulk orders from china then once you get them to a warehouse in hamilton or montreal wherever and start looking at them realize they're not up to snuff, that's where you're going to have a real issue so, metacom, is a company that they've tasked to be part of the domestic, supply, chain it's a it's an n95. Manufacturer. But it's still weeks away if not a month or more away, from being able to produce n95s, that the shop is setting up in montreal they're essentially repatriating.

A Production, line setting up a whole new n95, production line in canada. That takes time you got to get all the machinery, here and get it going and get everybody trained and get it up and running, so that part of the domestic supply chain is still a ways away, but the. Good good manufacturers. To the to the south and the us, they've been a vital part of this and that's provincial procurement not federal, well a couple of things we are going to talk to logistic, unicor, which is one of the canadian companies that is now making, gowns, and i know that gowns, are, are highly coveted, right now too we'll talk to them a little bit about how that is going and how they are ramping up their part of the domestic supply chain. But as we point out the provinces. Who have procured, uh, ppe, on their own, uh directly for their own health care systems, some are doing very well alberta, for instance, has not only sent ppe to other provinces, and ventilators, to other provinces. But it is now allowing, companies, private companies, to buy, ppe, from the province, because they have enough. And obviously businesses, as they start to reopen, need more of it it does, it does make me worry a little bit, uh after hearing someone uh that, taught one of the top doctors at the wh, of ashley say, uh today or yesterday at the end of the day yesterday, that, the second peak could actually come in the first wave, so. Some of this was about preparing, for the second, wave, but if, there are so many unknowns, around the virus and there's a potential that things would get worse much faster than we anticipated. Obviously. Uh the need for a, large amount of ppe very quickly becomes more urgent. Yeah and i think you kind of what we've learned over the past two months is you kind of have to plan for the worst case scenario, because that wasn't the case uh in most provinces. And federally, at least when it comes to for example the emergency, stockpile, for, uh ppe. When it comes to the first wave or the potential, sort of first, part of this pandemic. In the example, that you provided of alberta it's almost an interesting, test case and it's a little bit wonky but. The, uh, the the the way in which health care is delivered or the administration. Of healthcare in alberta it went through, i think at least a decade ago a sort of controversial, process where it was all centralized, and this was of course a discussion, in, in, ontario, as well as some other provinces. And. While at the time that was a very controversial. Uh, uh, move because it affected the delivery, of health care throughout the province. When it comes to procurement, it ended up being a huge benefit to alberta because it was centralized, because they only had basically, one, office working on, the idea of what they might need they started a lot earlier.

Than Other provinces, and as a result even now you mentioned the ventilators, they loaned, i think over 20 to quebec. Uh they they, seemed to have enough supplies that they were they had a surplus, at a certain point but you're right when it comes to the second wave that might be, uh an even bigger concern, for provinces, you have seen, over the past month. Far less outcry from premiers for example compared to the first month of this pandemic, where they were, ultra worried about even healthcare. Uh workers having enough ppe, that we were hearing at a time from quebec there was only seven days left that kind of thing so it looks like, on the procurement, side for provinces. Things have stabilized. At least, i don't know what that means for the second wave, when it comes to the federal picture, and david, is absolutely right this is almost like a backstop, for the provincial, supply. I think there are some worrying, trends, and you pointed out the n95. Respirators. Of the, 104. Million, that the federal government have ordered, despite what's happening with the united states from china. Just less than 12 million have arrived and 9.8. Million as you pointed out rosie, of those 12. Don't actually, meet our standards. So there are big issues with china, the minister of procurement, has talked about them how it's kind of like a wild west out there, i think the bigger issue is even, the small portion we're getting, are not up to our standards, so if that, sort of unpredictable, relationship, with the united states were to be affected, again, i mean that that is a concern, going forward especially, when, you talk about the potential for a second wave or subsequent, smaller waves thereafter this isn't something that's going to stop overnight, and so the need, and i think the concerns, around china. Will remain, uh for a while as well, okay and we are expecting the prime minister in about a minute's, time so uh we'll just stay on his front door as we wait for him to come out and talk more about ppe. I will also just bring you up to date on the state here in ontario, because we talked to we've talked a lot about in the past a week or so about how cases. Uh in this province, seem to be on an upward trend they still are. But, uh reports, today, say they are at. 287. Coronavirus. Cases, which is, the lowest number in more than a month so you know it might be a one-off, given that we know the trend is, is uh heading in some worrying directions, but uh, good at least to see that the numbers are a little bit lower today and of course it happens. As the premier. Has made the decision along with public health officials, to encourage more and more people to get tested. Even if you don't have symptoms, you can show up at some of those copit 19 assessment, centers, and get tested to see if perhaps you're one of those asymptomatic. Care, carriers. There's 129. Of those assessment, centers, across, ontario, so as ontario. Tries to get a handle, really on what is a worrying, trend and ramp up testing, as i mentioned right off the top quebec. Has finally, met its target, of 14, 000 daily tests. In that province so, first time that it's done that but also some encouraging, news as, everyone tries to ramp up more here now the prime minister of canada, good morning everyone, over the last few weeks, our women and men in uniform, have been working, to help the most vulnerable, canadians. As we deal with this pandemic. And as the need for their help continues. We've received, new requests, to extend this period of deployment. In both ontario, and quebec. And we will be following, up. Members, of the canadian, armed forces. Are doing an incredible, job. Just like always. They are serving, with distinction. For our grandparents. Our parents. Our elders. In ontario. They've made some extremely. Troubling. Observations. About several, long-term, care facilities, in which they've been serving. And we have shared this information, with the provincial, government. As i've said many times. We need to do, a better job, of caring for the people who built this country. The greatest, generation. Saw us through, world war ii. And we need to be there, to support, them. Properly. Through this, global crisis. I spoke with premier ford, on this, earlier this morning to let him know that of course we would be there to help, as he takes action on improving, care for seniors. In long-term, care centers. Our government, will continue, to support ontarians.

Through This. And i know this is something the premier, will be addressing. In greater detail. At his press conference, later today. This morning. I also wanted to provide. An update on personal protective, equipment. In the last 10 weeks alone, over 40 flights, have arrived, in canada, carrying, much needed ppe. This represents. Hundreds, of thousands, of items, everything, from masks, to hospital, gowns. That we've shipped to our front line workers. At the same time, we're also investing, in production. Here at home. And on that front today, we're taking. Yet another, critical step, forward. I can announce that we've signed a contract, with general motors. To produce. 10, million, face masks. As we speak. Gm, employees. Are already. Making these masks. They will keep people safe and help slow the spread of covid19. And for the autoworkers. In oshawa, this contract, will support, good, well-paying, jobs in an industry, that's faced, tough times. On testing. We're also making progress. We're supporting, companies, and research centers, across the country, as they develop, new, improved. Covet, 19, test kits, and products. And for life-saving. Healthcare equipment. We've signed a new contract, for 10, 000 ventilators. They're that are being produced, through a partnership, between, canadian, nobel, laureate. Dr art mcdonald. His team, and vex. Deliveries, will begin this summer, bringing our total of mating canada ventilators. To 40, 000.. On this, and on other supplies, for frontline, workers. I know that minister, baines, and minister anand, will have more details, to share, a little later today. In the last. 10 weeks, more than 40, flights. Carrying. Personal protective, equipment, have arrived in canada. We're talking about, hundreds of thousands of different items, including. Hospital, downs, and masks. That have been distributed, to our front line workers, at the same time, we are working, with companies, right across this country. To ramp up our, domestic, capacity. To produce these articles here in canada. Today i'm able to announce that we have signed a contract, with general motors. To produce. 10, million face masks. At this point. Gm employees, have already begun. To do that work and the first. Batch, of, masks will soon be available. With respect, to testing. We are also making, progress. Right across the country, we are supporting, companies, and research, centers. That are designing. New, tests, test kits, for covid19. And we're doing the same thing on ventilators. We have signed, a contract, to produce, 10, 000 ventilators. That will be made, through a partnership, between, art. Mcdonald. His team. And the company, vexos. Over the past two months, we've rolled out targeted, support for sectors, that have been hit hard, by covet, 19. And we know, that more needs to be done. Just look at the food industry. With the growing season underway. Farmers, are working harder than ever to keep canadians. Fed. But because of covet 19. Many. Are having trouble finding workers. So today i can announce that our government is funding, up to 700. Youth jobs. In that industry. This will support, the people who put food on our plates. While creating, new opportunities. For young people. This builds on what we've already done, from connecting, more canadians. Of every age with work in the sector. To supporting. Seasonal, workers. At this time of year. Farmers are working harder than ever to feed canadians. But because of covet 19. A number of employers, are having a lot of trouble, finding, workers, to help them out. So we will be funding, up to 700. Youth jobs, in that sector. That, will help out those who, feed our families. While at the same time creating, opportunities. For students this summer. In the last weeks, canadians, have been focused on our families, and on our neighbors.

On Our communities. And our country. But we've also been closely, engaged. With how the world, is managing, covet 19.. Not only because, the only way to truly end this virus, in canada. Is to end it everywhere. But because, as a trading, nation, with canadians, who trace their origins, to every corner of the planet. We understand, better than most. How connected. The world has become. Canadian, jobs, and businesses. Depend, on stable, and productive, economies, in other countries. So it matters to us, how everyone. Weathers, this storm. For so many. This pandemic. Is devastating. More than 300. Million, people around the world, will be out of work. And more than 30 million people, will be pushed into extreme, poverty. We can't, wait. For others to act. It's not in our self-interest. And it's, just not who we are. We can. And we must. Seize the opportunity, to do what we can, to make people, safer, and more prosperous. To create an international, system that recognizes. Who's left behind. And strives. To lift them up. This is no small task. But i know. We're up to it. Canada, is ready to do our part, as we help bring the world together. In the fight against covet, 19.. On thursday. I will be convening, a high level meeting with the secretary, general of the un, and the prime minister of jamaica. To consider. Global, economic, challenges. And how to better support. Developing, countries. We're bringing together leaders from every region of the world, as well as the heads of international. Institutions. To work on shared strategies. To protect the global economy. Support, our citizens. And help the most vulnerable. I've been speaking to many leaders about these issues. And about the importance. Of global cooperation. This includes, chancellor, merkel of germany, and president, macron of france just yesterday. And leaders from the caribbean, and from across africa. Latin america, and the pacific. And key international. Financial, experts, like canada. Canada's, own mark carney. Are getting involved. Too. To address this pandemic. To keep people safe, to help our economies, weather the storm. We need, to collaborate. And with this forum. Canada, will be there, to help lead the way forward. New canada. Canada. Is a trading, nation.

With, Uh. Trading, links, with many countries. Around the world. Our workers, our economies, our businesses. Depend, on a global. Economy, that is healthy. And in the midst of a pandemic, we cannot. Close our eyes to the world we live in we must not forget the most vulnerable, whether they're people who live in remote regions. Or people, in the caribbean. For many of them the pandemic. Has been a disaster. As canadians. We know that we have a role to play. We can. And we must. Build. A safer, and more prosperous. A world for everyone, and ensure, that our international. System. Is, fairer, and. More, equal, for all, right this, is quite a task but i know we are up to it, on thursday, i will be convening. A high-level, meeting with the secretary, general of the un and the, prime minister of jamaica. To address. The, current challenges. And look at various, ways, of helping, developing, countries. This will be an opportunity. For leaders to get together, and develop, strategies, to protect the global economy. Support our citizens. And help the most vulnerable. I discuss, those matters, and the importance, of international, cooperation. Uh with a number of leaders. Yesterday. I spoke to chancellor. Merkel of germany. And, president, macron, france, and i've also had discussions. With leaders. From the caribbean. Latin america, and the pacific, region. And of course. Key, financial. Experts, as well, such as the canadian, mark, carney. They will also be participating. If we all work together. And we remain, focused, on what we must do, i know, we will be able, to get through this together. And come back strong, afterwards. Thank you we'll now go to the phone for questions. One question one follow-up, operator. Thank you, merci. For questions. Star. Wars. You talked about extending, their mission, but you didn't say until when, do you know how long that mission will be extended. Well it's only in recent, days, yesterday, from quebec, for example, we received, a request for an extension. So we have to have some discussions, with the two provinces.

But Of course we will be there to help, them. We. Just received the requests, for assistance. In the past days. Including only yesterday, for quebec, so we will be following, up with the premier's, offices. Uh but uh of course we will continue to help. Asylum, workers, working, in, lawn care. Homes. Now. Is your government. Prepared. To. Process, their applications. Quickly as many are asking. Well for a number of weeks now. The minister. Of immigration. Has been working on that specific, issue, we know that there are some extraordinary. People, doing heroic, work. In. Our long-term, care facilities. And. We must, look at how we can help them and that's precisely, what we're doing now. Operator. Thank you merci. Next question, mia robson, the canadian, press, line open. Good morning, i'm just uh curious. Um. If you can explain to us what the difference is between, the special kobit 19 committee, being safe to sit in parliament, if you don't think it's safe for the full house of commons to sit in reduced numbers. I think it's been important, that we've had, a parliament. And a democracy, that has continued, to function over the past number of weeks we've had, uh three days a week of sessions. Uh where the opposition, can, bring forward their questions, make their suggestions. And demonstrate. To all canadians, that our constitu, our institutions. Continue, to function. We know that continuing, that approach now, four days a week. Will be important, to continue, to respond, to this extraordinary. Challenge of our time. We are however, continuing, to work, on the issue, of, voting. Before, we move forward, on voting, we want to try and make sure. As much as possible, that. We are able to bring in. Remote voting i know that the. Proc committee of parliament, is studying, that carefully, i think it'd be important. To ensure that canadians, across the country. Have, an ability. To make their voices and their decisions, heard, in parliament, through that process. That continues, to be something that we're working on. And a follow-up. Yeah i'm also curious, uh given that, you had a known exposure to covert 19, early on when the serological. Testing, becomes available, do you plan to to get one, uh yes i do i think, serological. Testing, is an important part of understanding. Exactly. How covid19. Has. Been present, in in the country. Including, in people who haven't displayed, any symptoms at all, and as soon as those tests become. More largely, available, to canadians. I will certainly. Ensure that i'm one of them. I think it is important. To. Know. To what extent, covet 19, has spread, among our population. Including. Among people who are, unsymptomatic. Including, possibly, myself. So when, those tests will be more widely available, i intend to become tested thank you operator next question. Asylum, seekers, issue, i'd just like to know. Do you agree with the principle. Of regularizing. The status, of certain individuals. Or expediting. The processing. Of their application. Or. Even. Putting them in the immigrant. Process. As, quebec seems to be requesting. Well for quite some time now we've uh, realized, that people, coming, into this country. Make a strong contribution, to our protection, and our success, as a country. Our government, has always been open to immigration. And has always, uh appreciated, the people who come into this country, when it comes to asylum. Seekers who came into the country. Through a regular, means and are now working, in our long-term, care homes, and are doing heroic, work to protect canadians. We are currently, looking, at how, we can recognize. That work, and, expedite, the process, and the minister, of immigration. Is working precisely, on that. I know, that there has been a change of position. On the part of, ms, freeland. A week ago she was saying, we, are a country, that abides by the rule of law we have to use the regular processes. But, now it seems like you're prepared, to, do things somewhat differently. Well, we are in a situation. That is, quite, exceptional. And unprecedented. Covet 19. Is demanding, that we review. Certain ways of doing things and that includes, our immigration, system. Now that system, is focused, on. Abiding, by, the, regular, processes. And treating everyone, fairly, and it's important to follow those processes. But in an exceptional, situation. We can of course, consider, exception. Question, operator. Thank. You. Irregular. Asylum, seekers. Do you think. Have been coming in.

And I understand, you agree with the principle. But what are the problems, that could, uh surround. Securing. Their status. Well i think people, recognize. That heroes, who are doing exceptional, work. In a very difficult, situation. Should. Be recognized. As such. And, we have an immigration, system. That is. Robust. And rigorous, and complex. Therefore, the minister, of immigration, is currently looking very. Carefully. What. This kind of approach, would involve. And we understand. That. People. Feel there's a need to thank those individuals, but we also want to make sure it's done. Properly. That you are not being. A moral, leader. On that issue. He doesn't understand, how you could be asking for the wage subsidy. And, as, the leader of your party. Will you demand. That your party, not to use that wage subsidy, or will you go ahead with it. The wage subsidy. Was introduced. To help all organizations. All, businesses. That have seen a decline, in their revenue. In order to help, the workers. The subsidy, does not judge. The type of work, or the type of business or organization. That is involved. We simply, look, at how we can help. People who. Rely, on that job. To keep their paycheck. And to be able to support, their family, and buy their groceries. Now, in political, parties, there are people who work as translators. As accountants, as receptionists. These are people. Who do. Important work for themselves, and for their families, and we created the wage subsidy. To help, precisely, these kinds of people, to help their to keep their jobs, rather than being laid off possibly. Because, of a decline, in the organization's. Revenue. At the beginning of your speech, you referred, to the soldiers, working in the, uh long-term, cares that have made some, troubling, observations. Is that only in ontario, or also in quebec, and what are we talking about distress. Negligence, could you be more specific. About those troubling, observations. And how did you feel about that when you heard this. Well, i read, the rece the report, yesterday, coming from the canadian, armed forces and i can tell you that it was, extreme. Extremely. Troubling. You got that. We, sent that report to the government of ontario, over the, weekend. And. We will be discussing, that further, and we will be there to help but there is no doubt. That we, must, do much better when it comes to supporting, our seniors. In, these long-term, care homes, right across the. Country. Talk specifically, about the situation, in ontario, but we continue, to be vigilant, across the country.

I. Uh. I read the report. In full yesterday, we. Shared it with the provincial, government, of ontario, over the weekend. It is deeply disturbing. There are. Things in there that are extremely, troubling, and. We need to take action, and i spoke with the premier this morning. To assure him that of course. The federal government would be there, to support them as they deal. With this situation. We need to do a better job, of, taking care of our elders, in long-term, care facilities, in ontario, and, indeed right across the country. The premier, will be sharing this report with canadians. In the coming hours and will be speaking, at more length. On it. And i will leave, leave that for him. Without going into detail, because you don't know. The premier, of ontario. What bothered you the most, in that, report. And in terms of your own emotions, were you sad, were you disgusted, were you shocked. How did you respond. Well the answer is yes i was sad. I was shocked. I was disappointed. I was angry. I believe. That were talking about a situation. That. Clearly. Is a reality. Associated, with, 19, but has also existed, for quite some time now. And, we must as a country. Improve. The. Situation. In those care homes, but i will allow premier, ford to comment more on this but as i've said several times since the beginning of this pandemic. These, are. Our seniors, who are suffering the most as a result of covet and we have to do better, to support, them and the federal government. Will be there. To take part in any discussions, that will take place, now, and in the future, to improve that support for the people who built this country. On, reading the deeply disturbing, report, i had obviously a range of emotions, of. Anger, of sadness. Of. Of. Frustration. Of. Grief. It is, extremely, troubling. And. As i've said from the very beginning, of this. We need to do a better job of supporting, our seniors, in long-term, care. Right across the country, through this pandemic. And beyond. This is a situation, that has, gone on for a long time. We need to take action as a country. The federal government will be there to support provinces. Uh in their jurisdictions. On dealing, with, uh this as we move forward. Tom perry with cbc. Um, you've read this report. Are you concerned that. The problems that it reveals, are not limited only to ontario. And. What specifically. Can, the federal government do right now to deal with these issues. Well. The the federal government. Is there. To help we have stepped up with members of the canadian, armed forces, in a number of long-term, care facilities. Across the province and indeed, across ontario, and quebec. But. The, challenges. Faced. By this system, of long-term, cares, um. Is. Larger than just the places, that. The canadian armed forces are showing up in, so we need to have a conversation. And we need to take action as a country on improving.

Care There are, many, extraordinary. Excellent, long-term care facilities, across this country. There are some. That obviously. Are, are, not doing, as well. That. We need to make sure we are improving the standards of care. And the support, for canadians. As they. As they retire, as they. As they reach that phase of their lives. The federal government, as i said from the beginning, will be part of the conversations. With the provinces, on, how we move forward, how we learn from. This crisis. And what we've learned through this crisis. And move forward. We are facing a situation. That, clearly, has. Existed, since long before, the. Pandemic, in a number of long-term, care homes. Where we're seeing that, the support, given our seniors. Is, not up to scratch. And of course there are uh. Seniors, residences. And centers. That are extraordinary. In terms of the way they care. For. Our, seniors, our elders, however there are other facilities. That do not meet our standards. And as i said, right from the outset. As a society, and as a country. We have to work. Together. To improve, the care, we provide, to our seniors. The federal government, will be there. To support the provinces. In that work. We're talking about the flights that have arrived but where are we running into bottlenecks. What's preventing us for getting even more of this equipment. I think there is a. There are global challenges, around, provision. Of, ppe. We have demonstrated, with 40 flights, and, hundreds of thousands, of items, many in the millions. That we have received, and distributed, across the country. That. We are. Providing. For, canadians, as we as we need to. But at the same time we recognize, that as the economy, reopens. As perhaps a second wave. Might hit us we need to be ready. And that's why we continue. To draw on even more ppe, we continue. To go through. Stringent, and rigorous, quality, control, because we have seen a rise, in. Counterfeit, products, and products that don't re meet a rigorous canadian. Challenge. Standards. We have ensured that every.

Item That has been distributed, in canada, has met, our, standards. But it's why we've also, moved towards, increasing, and creating direct domestic, production, for ppe. And canadians. Stepping up, to help canadians, is what this country is all about and we're going to continue to do the work necessary. To ensure. That right across the country we have the ppe, necessary. To move forward safely. From the very beginning. We have been working to ensure, that, personal, protective, equipment. Is distributed, right across this country, that it is of high quality. And we continue. To. Receive. Items, from countries, around the world, but at the same time we are creating, local, domestic, production, here. Because we know that as the economy. Reopens. We will need, even, more. Ppe. And, we have to be ready. For a second, potential, wave. And we will be ready, because, that's what we're doing towards. Working towards as a country forces. Was it the findings related to the conditions, that people are living in in long-term. Long-term, care homes, or. Did it rise in your view to the level of abuse. And in either case. What would you say to people in ontario, whose, family members are in these homes right now. When they're hearing you talk about this, what should they do. As i said the. Report, that, we received. We passed along immediately, to ontario. We are, working with them. On the next steps, but i will leave it to premier ford to share that, that report, and. Discuss. The next steps, in, in a couple of hours when he moves forward for his press conference. Uh as you know tomorrow we're expecting a decision, on mong wan joe's extradition. And this is going to, upset people on one side or the other are the chinese or the americans. I'm wondering what level, of, interaction there's been between your government. And, your counterparts. On, the chinese side and the american side preparing. For, uh, one of those two possible, outcomes. Are you concerned, and you've spoken to them about the possibility, of retaliation. If it doesn't go their way. We have continued, to engage diplomatically. With, our partners both with the americans. And, the chinese, on the issue of. Of, ming won joe, and, and indeed of the two michaels who've been arbitrarily, detained, in china. But one of the, good things about having, a truly, independent, justice, system. Is. That. We don't. Need to, apologize. Or explain. For the decisions, taken. By. Our independent, justice system we have confidence. In that system, in its independence. And we of course, will continue, to abide, and defend. Our system. Between canada, the united, states, and china on various, issues, including. The canadians, detained. In china. But one of the advantages. Of a. Fully independent, judicial, system. Is that we don't have to explain. Or. Make excuses, for our system. We have confidence. In, the judgment, that comes out of that system. And the approach, taken. By people in our independent. Judicial, system, and that's a major advantage, we have in canada, janet silva global news, just to follow up on extending the military's, mission in long-term, care, facilities, and the horrible.

Conditions. The reports show that they have found public safety minister, bill blair received a letter back on may 14th. Outlining, these allegations, of abuse and neglect. Do you know why the minister, and his office would have sat on this letter for 10 days before acting. When, we, received this report. We shared it with. Ontario. I, found out, the existence. Of this report on friday afternoon. On the weekend we shared it with ontario. I read the report. Yesterday. And it is being made public today, these are things that we needed to move. Quickly, on these are things that. We needed to we need to take action on and as i said the federal government, will be there to support ontario. And other provinces, as they move forward. And just to switch gears a bit one of your vancouver, mps. Has a wechat, group she uses to communicate, with canadians. She has publicly, advertised, on this group and invited people to join so it's kind of like a facebook, page if you will. And she's allowed the group to be used to appeal to canadians, to donate. To a lawsuit, against a global news journalist, for a story that they don't like. The mp i'm talking about is your digital, minister, for government, miss, joyce mori. Her mandate, letter calls for her to work with the media, in quote a professional. Manner. So i'm just wondering why you're allowing. This minister, and her staff. To use the web presence, to fundraise. On a lawsuit against a journalist. This is the first i hear of this situation. And we'll be following, up. See. Thank you all. And that is the prime minister of canada with his daily briefing to the country today, uh actually with some some pretty shocking developments. Uh that we will hear more about, uh first at a technical briefing by the ontario, government. At 12 30 and then a full release, uh, by the premiere, at 1 30 eastern i'll bring in my colleagues, fashion david to talk more about. Reports, that the the prime minister said canadian, forces, saw in ontario, long-term care centers that he called, extremely, disturbing, i know both of you have been working your sources to find out more about. What might be in this report, and how this unfolded, i'll start with yubashi. Okay so it sounds like from the prime minister, and i should reiterate, what he said as you mentioned rosie he said he experienced, anger frustration, and grief, when, reading the military, report on what's going on in some. Ontario, long-term, care facilities, we know that the military. Is in five of those facilities, most of them located. Uh within the greater toronto, area i'm just pulling up the exact list orchard villa and pickering, and one in scarborough, etobicoke, north york, and brampton. And what i'm told is that and you heard the prime minister talk about it he is in receipt, of the report, as of friday, but there was a question from global news that. Bill blair's office the minister of public safety might have had the report since may the 14th, i'm working to try and confirm that at this point, uh what i've heard from two separate sources, in the military. Is that this report asks the province to investigate. Uh and take some sort of action, corrective, action, uh.

They Found evidence of few rules being followed. A lack of staff training. A lack of medical, equipment, inadequate. Resources. Overall. People passing away and not adequately, being taken care of my, source says that there are some specific, examples. Provided, in the report and we are anticipating. According to the premier's, office the full report to be released, in a few hours time there's a technical briefing about the contents, of it about 12 30 eastern. Bottom line though the military, witness, some awful, things, in the short time they've been in these long-term, care homes, we know as well from the prime minister that, that the, provinces, of both ontario, and quebec, have requested, an extension. Of the, presence, of the canadian armed forces, in long-term, care homes in the province he says he's considering, that extension, right now my guess is that it will be granted given that the issues that persist, in those homes, uh but essentially. What you have here are uh the military, acting as whistleblowers. About what's going on. In these homes we know from speaking with people who have relatives who have loved ones in them that there are major problems we know from the spread of the virus the sheer data, that these homes have been hit particularly. Hard, but it appears, what the military, has has witnessed. In the homes, is so, so awful. So troubling as the prime minister put it that they've put it down in writing. And that they are asking. The province, of ontario, to take corrective, action as a result. Uh okay just a couple reminders. About the state of, canada's, military, in these long-term care centers is bashi as you said five of them in ontario, and we don't know where these incidents, occurred. But there are 250. Members, of the military, working in those five centers in ontario. There are 25. Long-term care centers, in. Quebec that have the additional, support of the military. Uh, 1350. Soldiers, working inside those care centers and we have heard, of course. You know some very troubling, stories out of quebec, as well. Even before the military, arrived the difference here david as vashi rightly points out is that the military, working there. Uh was, concerned, enough, to flag this up report this up. So that the province could take steps, and we'll see what those steps are but certainly, sounds at very least, like uh like some form of negligence. Yeah you have a remarkable, situation, rosie where the canadian, armed forces are essentially acting as whistleblowers. In terms of what they've seen, in these five long-term, care homes or some of these five long-term, care homes. In ontario. We have noticed now from doug ford's press secretary ivan yelich that, they will be releasing the full canadian armed forces report on the five long-term care homes the military, has been insisting at at 1 30 today. Um, there is uh. Hang on just get a bit of information, here, okay there. The the may 14th. Date, uh, that some of this has come out apparently was a letter maybe that was sent to bill blair or an alert but i'm told by a senior government official. That they did not get the full report, from the military, until friday. And, that's when it was shared with ontario, over the weekend so it's come very quickly, from when, the formal, report was compiled, and sent to the prime minister's, office. From when it was read shared with the the premier's office and then made public, uh, it is unclear. To me at least what may have been known by minister blair's office on the 14th of may, whether that was a letter sent from someone in the community from a member of the military, or simply part of a news report because there have been, various, reports, of about deficiencies. Found in long-term, care homes. But this goes back to the conversation, we've been having throughout this whole thing rosie of just how, this is the big lesson. From the kova 19 story in canada, is how vulnerable, our seniors, are, and how, neglected. They have been in terms of stopping the virus from getting in there containing, it spread once it happened, protecting, the staff who work there providing, them, with a, living wage, so that they can reduce, their exposure by working in multiple homes just to cobble together. Enough of an income, uh to stay, solvent. Uh in regular times not alone during a pandemic. But now to have the military, deployed, to sort of. Fill in the gaps. That were laid bare, by these outbreaks, and by, staff in these long-term care homes getting sick and have the military, walk into something that is so troubling and soldiers see some things. It was so troubling they felt to formally. Make a complaint. And send a whistleblowers, report directly to the prime minister of canada. Is a startling. Thing in what has been a series of startling. Things, over the last several months so this is. I i think what we're going to hear from the premier in about an hour and a half is going to be uh.

Pretty Horrible. Yeah and i should point out that there is a technical briefing which is not, uh. Will not be made public so we can't televise, it, but our reporters, will be calling in of course to get background, information. On that technical, briefing. The premier, ford uh will be with the attorney general. If that's any indication, of the seriousness, of this matter when he. Speaks, to the entire report which will be made public i'm sure people will be, revealed. Uh we'll, will be. Reassured, sorry, uh to see that the fullness of that report, the minister of long-term, care will also be at that press conference at 1 30 we'll of course bring that, um, to you live i will just say that the prime minister did seem, uh, you know a little, uh, he obviously was frustrated, and upset about it he also said that. He offered his support, to ontario, as as. The country really is going to have to move forward with a difficult. Conversation, and clearly these soldiers were brought into these long-term care centers because they were some of the most vulnerable. And the centers that needed the most help but whatever. These canadian, forces, members have seen. Obviously upsetting, enough for them to report it up to their superiors, we've talked to a couple of them, uh and didn't get a sense of this but we will get more information, through the through the afternoon i'm going to let you two work your oh david how's it going, yeah rosie. I just i was asking about this 14th, about a letter apparently, bill blair received what i mean told is that, bill blair and this is uh from a government official. Did not have anything on the 14th, there's a package that was delivered, on friday, and in that package, one of the documents. Is dated, may the 14th, okay so it's something that has been compiled. Over a period of time. So there may be, uh documents, that were dated this time and, shared at certain levels. But what we're being told from, officials in the prime minister's office is blair did not have anything on the 14th of may the package that arrived had documents, dated on the 14th, of may, that may contradict, some other reporting, i'm not putting one up against the other but this is what we're being told, in our inquiries. I'll let you both of you work your sources for a moment if we don't mind as we uh wait for the. Federal briefing, from federal cabinet ministers and public health officials which starts at noon in the meantime i'm going to try and bring in a guest, colin furness. Who you may recognize, is an infection control, epidemiologist. And assistant professor at the university, of toronto and joins me now hello good to see you. Hello. I i say recognize, you because all the epidemiologists. In this country have become sort of famous now and well-known faces to us and we appreciate you making time, um i know it's not your field of expertise, but maybe i'll just get you to weigh in on on, these revelations.

That We don't know very much about at this stage that, soldiers, have witnessed, um, some troubling, things inside long-term, care centers certainly we knew that, this was a situation, that was going to have to be corrected going forward, just your thoughts on on what you heard there from the prime, minister. Well we know how to keep people safe. We know we have this expertise, we do it in hospitals, all the time. And. You know i'm sure the prime minister was shocked to get that report i'm sure we're all shocked on the other hand, i think, we kind of know, that marginalized, populations. And and old folks are one, prisoners, or another homeless or another, uh we don't spend the money, that we need to spend, in order to have them at the standard that we, know we can do and that we do do in acute care hospitals. Okay uh, let's talk more particularly. About the situation, in ontario, which i know a lot of people are sort of looking at it and and not understanding. Why the trend line. Is is not good right now is is frankly, troubling, what what should we take from that. Well there's there's two pieces i think we need to sort out the first is, is the regulatory. Framework. That. That is applied, to long-term, care homes adequate, are the regulations, adequate, that's number one, and then number two given those regulations. Is the enforcement, is the compliance, and the enforcement, adequate, and i think that's gonna that may take an inquiry. To actually sort out really try and differentiate, those, in, in the broader term though in terms of how ontario, is doing we, we're still not doing great uh today it was, the lowest number we've had in in a month 286. Cases, uh you know. But, over time over i think 13 14 days now we're at, of having still a high number of cases what are your concerns, there. Well we we can't read too much into the daily ups and downs, there's there's noise there, you'll notice if you look carefully that we tend to have fewer cases on weekends than weekdays, and yeah you know that's not buyers takes weekends off so it's it there's workflow, issues there, we have to take a long view in other words you really need to look at sort of a two three four week pattern. I see in the model that i maintain, that we are almost exactly, perfectly, treading, water, we are making zero progress, at this point it's not actually, really getting worse, um but we are making zero progress so we are, in the middle of a wave we're past the peak and it is just, it is it is continuing, in in a very fixed way. Okay so that. All of that again that doesn't sound great at all uh. And we are still reopening, i mean there's no urgency, to the next stage of reopening. But we are still doing certain things do you think that that is happening too quickly given that. Well it's where there's community, spreads such as in toronto for example, there's no question it's too early and our chief medical, officer of health said so, um, his standard was he wanted to see fewer than 200, cases a day i think that was too high i think you would want to see lower still.

And, That was overruled. And not only that we open we open everywhere at once, that doesn't make sense to me there are, parts of the province where there is very little community, spread, where i think that would be fine to do but certainly in toronto, in urban areas we shouldn't be we shouldn't be doing it, yeah they don't seem at all interested in that idea that the many times for instance my colleague mike crowley has asked the premier. Whether it be, northern ontario, which is in a very different situation. Even in ottawa, not the same situation, as toronto, and peel. Why do you think there's such a reluctance. Uh to, just just to make it a little bit different given that it's a different picture across the province. It it feels like. The need to control, central control, because as soon as you have different, regions. You need to devolve a certain amount of responsibility. Say to the local public health units to say, enforce, this different way of doing things, but ontario, was vast, i mean it's vast in population, and it's vast in territory. It it's absurd to me that one set of rules should apply, given the variability, that we have. What do you think about the increase. Uh in testing now the attempt to really ramp up testing in this province meaning that people who, uh don't have symptoms, can now show up to a testing center how in how important, is that, um and should that have been done sooner. Well it's, about two months later than it ought to have been and i think there's been a lot of illness and death that that is avoidable, that was avoidable, that's happened, but we're still not using the right strategy. So. We were, obsessed with increasing the number of tests and we do need to do that but we actually have to stop being reactive. Setting up assessment centers is great, but we need to go, where the risk is we need to, recognize, there's occupational, risk, and we need mobile units to go to workplaces. Like grocery, stores. Like taxi garages. Where there are workers who have a lot of exposure, to the public, and we need to do that testing, proactively. Not sit back and wait for people to find their way but to go out and look for the infections. Yeah, it does seem as though too there seems to be a lot of mixed messaging, from, you know either the premier, or the public health officials, it's all very complicated, and i wonder if people can even understand. What they're actually supposed to be doing because it's not always clear to me frankly. The discourse, ought to be on testing, strategy. Rather than just the number of tests, obviously, they're related, but i think the rate testing strategy, would require, something, maybe, like 10 times the capacity, we have right now so the trick is you need to figure out your strategy, first, it needs to be a proactive, strategy. And then you can start talking about capacity, and the number of tests, so i really feel like the discourse, has been kind of backwards. Okay colin fernandez, in toronto, thank you so much we've been really, seeking, some expertise, on this issue to help us understand appreciate your time very much sir. My pleasure, he's a infection, control epidemiologist. And assistant professor at the university, of toronto, okay we're going to take a short break, as we wait for the federal, briefing, but of course, awaiting, more news from the province of ontario, and these troubling, news that soldiers, have spotted some incidents, of, concern. In some of the five long-term care centers where they're working, we'll be right back after. This. The prime minister said the military. Has compiled, a report, that he calls deeply, disturbing. About some of the conditions. They found, in some seniors, residences. In ontario. Observations. That he says, provoked, feelings, of anger, frustration. And grief. For the prime minister the premier. Doug ford. Is expected to share details, from that report. At 1 30 eastern, at 12 30 eastern there will be a briefing, for the media on some of the details. Inside. That report, we know. That there are 250. Soldiers. Working, in, five. Long-term care centers, in this country, let me show you a little bit more of what the prime minister had to say just moments ago. We've received, new requests, to extend this period of deployment. In both ontario, and quebec. And we will be following, up. Members, of the canadian, armed forces. Are doing an incredible, job. Just like always.

They Are serving, with distinction. For our grandparents. Our parents. Our elders. In ontario. They've made some extremely. Troubling. Observations. About several, long-term, care facilities, in which they've been serving. And we have shared this information, with the provincial, government. As i've said many times. We need to do, a better job, of caring for the people who built this country. The greatest, generation. Saw us through, world war ii. We need to be there, to support, them. Properly. Through this, global crisis. Okay and as we await of course for that full report to be released the premier's office says it will be, and for the premier, and others to take questions about what actions they will take now that these, observations. Have been made. By canadian forces, and this report delivered to the federal government and then to the province. I'll bring in my colleagues, the host of power and politics, vashikapeles. And the cbc's, david cochrane, both of them. Have been, on the phone or emailing to try and get more information. From their sources about, what we might hear that does appear to be extremely, disturbing. At the very least i'm going to start with david this time and then over to fashion, yeah, rosie you have some information. Credit where credit is due this was first reported by global news by mercedes, stevenson, and stuart bell two of our colleagues mercedes, works here with us in ottawa. Uh, verified, the information, with a government source who has seen the reports, that was sent to the military. What they found. Soldiers, in some of these homes were cockroaches. Flies, and rotten food residents, left in soiled diapers some residents, had not been bathed in weeks. No separation, between infected, patients, and uninfected, residents. In a room with just a curtain between them which is a violation, of all of the health protocols. Uh that we have been told on how to isolate, people and to stop them from getting sick. So you had essentially, a failure, not only of medical, protocol. An alleged failure of it, but of basic, sanitary, issues of people. Not being bathed for weeks. And sitting, for days and hours. In soiled diapers we have seen similar reports like this and some of the more troubled homes. In quebec for example where the government was forced to go in, and take control, before quebec became the first province to sort of signal the need, uh for military, intervention, there and and the military is in 25, homes. Um. In, in quebec only five in ontario, but the the. Specifics. Of. You know cockroaches. And and people in dirty diapers for hours and not being bathed for weeks. All of that witnessed by canadian, soldiers. And deemed to be serious enough that they wrote it up in a report that was sent to the prime minister's, office, on friday and will be made public, in a little over an hour by the premier of ontario doug ford, okay vashi you too have learned some details about what we might hear later, yeah the thing that keeps being underscored, to me is that there is a reason that the military, put it in writing that everything that david just described, and i would add to that one other example i was provided with the reuse, of syringes. On seniors. Essentially, what they saw and it didn't take them long to observe it was so troubling, to them that they wanted to make sure.

It Was in writing that it was presented, in a report, because they are, uh. You know their primary concern, at least is being relayed to me is that something is done about it and quickly. I think, this does increase the pressure. That had already been mounting, on the ford government, to. Look more closely, at what is happening to conduct, what the opposition had been asking for was a full public inquiry, they had announced i think it was last week that they would set up a commission but there was still criticism, from the opposition, that that didn't go far enough, i think that the uh this report, and and based on what david is is reporting. And the information, that i have instances, of, neglect. No rules a lack of staff training, lack of medical equipment. As well as, people members witnessing, people dying and they were not being taken care of adequately. I think when that is all, laid out before the province. You know that pressure, to conduct, some sort of public inquiry. Something with an accountability, mechanism. Built in, is going to increase there's there's no doubt about it i'm already hearing from people, who have family members, some in these five specific, long-term, care homes but outside, of them as well. Who are you know disturbed, just to hear, how disturbed, the prime minister was, reading this report they are very worried, of course because of the conditions around covet 19. Many of them can't go most of them can't go in to visit their loved ones. And as a result this is sort of heightening, their concern around the conditions. In which. Their loved ones are are living. Again though i think the primary thing that's being conveyed to me is there's a reason this is in writing. The military. And my understanding, is it's in all of the homes like, there's at least some reports of this to varying degrees, but that, in all five homes something was witnessed, the reason that they put it in writing is because, of how troubled they are and that they want something done about it so there's a lot of emphasis, being put on that to me, well that would also indicate, some, some liability, issues too frankly to protect, the military. And if this gets to a point where there is uh, legal, measures that need to be taken then that would uh potentially, shore that up go ahead david sorry yeah rosie i'm also being told that, according to someone who has seen the report that the whistleblower, report is what i'm going to call it from the military, to the government, is that seniors, with covid were allowed to roam throughout the facility, in some cases.

We Know it's a challenge to. Stop cover from getting into the facility, and then contain it but allowing, infected, seniors to roam is a problem and also, workers, going from infected, to non-affected. Rooms, wearing, the same. Gowns. And gloves. That they had just been using. To treat someone who had maybe have been infected, so that obviously then becomes a vector for transmission, inside. A long-term, care home where the population, is extremely, vulnerable, and where. The overwhelming. Majority. Of the deaths in this country have been there's also been issues with. Fungal infections. In some patients from a lack of proper hygiene i'm not going to give you the specifics, on that because it's daytime television. And also. Expired, drugs. Being found inside the facility, so all of these, are allegations. And findings by the military, contained, in this report. Uh that will be made public later today by the premier of ontario, so i mean there is certainly their allegations, but their observations, by canadian forces members which obviously gives them, a certain amount of weight, undoubtedly. And and will force, i think the government to respond, in in a serious manner when the premier comes out at 1 30. i just remind people too that, today, the quebec ombudsman, sort of the citizen, ombudsman. Uh said that she was going to launch an inquiry, into the state of affairs. At long-term care centers in quebec she says that she's very concerned, at how many people there have been treated, of course the situation. Uh much, bigger in quebec there are 25, long-term care centers where more than 1 300. Soldiers. Have been sent there have not been, uh these kinds of observations. That we know of, uh made by soldiers, in in these long-term care centers by canadian forces members but we do know some of the, um things that both of you are detailing, here we we first saw back at the heron. Resident's. Long-term, c

2020-06-03 15:22

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