Trudeau announces new mandatory COVID-19 measures Special coverage

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Fifteen, minutes time after taking a couple of days off, we are expecting, Justin Trudeau to react, to remarks this past hour by the leader of the Official Opposition Andrew. Shearer ahead. Of a potential, return, of the house on Monday Shearer, says an accountability, session, needs to happen and that it can't happen just virtually. On accountability, Shearer, is also defending, his choice to fly his family, from Regina to Ottawa on a government jet, and we can expect the prime minister to get similar questions, about his decision, to travel with his family, to, their home in Harrington, Lake for part of the weekend some, questions about whether that flies in the face of public health directives. We are also expecting, him to talk a little bit more about personal, procurement. Of personal, protective equipment and to, see what he makes of some of his ongoing discussions, with the provinces, so let me bring in my colleagues the host of power and politics Bashi Capello's and the CBC's David Cochrane from our parliamentary, Bureau I do, want to get to the. Announcement, today, but, let me start with the, the provinces. And and, what may be the. Beginning of a little bit of pulling apart here at a time when we thought everybody was getting along pretty well so vastly I'm gonna go to you because this happened during your interview with the premier. Of Alberta last, night where he was, clearly expressing, some frustration, yeah. He had tweeted prior to that interview, in response to pretty, well-known economist, Jack Mintz that he, was looking to consider. The use of tests. That were not yet approved by Health Canada that, if they were approved. By another regulator, in another country, he was open, to consider, their, use and so I asked, him about that tweet and asked, him particularly if he was expressing, sort of a distrust. In Health, Canada, as a regulator, and and, that led to a series of responses in, which he, he. Said basically that that he was not expressing, a mistrust, in them but that he felt they were playing catch-up and, dr.. Tam had addressed the issue that she felt like health officer of Canada earlier in the day following his tweet saying that, there were some concerns from Health Canada about the validity of such. Tests that that there has to be a vetting process in, place and. That's why those. Were still working its way through the approval process and. Premier, Kenny then, went on to criticize dr., Tam more, specifically. And, actually. Accused, her of repeating. Talking, points from the People's Republic of, China when, she, earlier, in and this is something our colleague JP tasker's reported on when she and other public health officials earlier on in in January. And early February, insisted. That the evidence of human-to-human transit. Transmission. Of the virus was, very low so some very pointed words for. Dr., Tam for, Health Canada from, Jason Kenney raises, a whole host of questions that I'm sure the.

Prime Minister will address to some degree first of all the jurisdictional, issue can. The provinces, actually, take, you know employ a test, or, use a test, that has yet to be approved. By the federal regulator, and and, also a more direct. Response I guess to the accusations. That premier, Kenney is leveling, where dr. Tam is concerned and sort, of her integrity. In all of this very very interested, to see what, the prime minister or and/or, dr. Tam have to say about that yeah I I will say that so that just so people understand, are you alluded to it but Health Canada. Regulates. The approval, process of, testing, medicine. Other. Other, things that are needed and. The provinces don't so they have to wait for Kent Health Canada to sign off on that sometimes. We have seen over the course of this pandemic the. Canada will look to other agencies, like. The FDA or the CDC, in the United States and say okay you've approved it we, can move a little faster, because we know an. Ally, and Jason, Haney did lude to that but. There is no, there. Is no ability for a province, to approve a medicine. Or a drug or a test or anything like that so, I it, does seem to me that he's trying to put some pressure on on. The federal government or Health Canada, I don't know if you've got that impression when you were talking to him batchi yeah, and I think a specifically. Where the testing is concerned I imagine. That he's talking about those serological tests, which the FDA has approved quicker, than Health Canada but Health Canada like dr. Tam had pointed out does have specific, concerns where the, the. Validity the accuracy, of those tests, are concerned so I think everyone, understands, the need for speed right, now when it comes to any kind treatment any kind of test any kind of vaccine, but, there is also a concern about the accuracy, of those results because a test is only as good, as it is accurate. I think I think the concerns around the speed at which things happen I mean our colleagues have covered that extensively, there are a lot of questions, about some of the information that public health officials were giving the government about human to human transmission for, example about, closing the borders I think there are valid questions around that but, where dr. Tam and specifically, these tests are concerned clearly Health Canada has some issues, with the validity of them they're trying to vet them before they approve them so the, whole jurisdictional. Part of this and whether the province can actually, do that I think, you know are definitely, worth follow-up okay. Thank, you for that Vashti David I'll go over to you as we wait for the Prime Minister to emerge there from his home he's back at Rideau cottage after a couple days with his family, what.

Are You hearing about what to expect from him today yeah, we're gonna get an update on what's happening with procurement speaking. Of tests, he's going to highlight the Spartan, bioscience, rapid, tests that have been developed right here in Ottawa got Health Canada approval and, are part of the the domestic, supply chain ramped up to try to make Canada as self-sufficient, as possible in, the world of medical supplies and also, an update on some of the deliveries, they've been getting we know that a cargo. Jet plane touched down in Hamilton on Saturday delivering the latest round, of supplies that they were able to bring back from China and there's Air Canada, flights scheduled. To make, return, trips. Into. Shanghai where the government is building a stockpile, in a warehouse they are relying on some, local, transportation contractors. Diplomatic. Staff and, some management, consultants they've hired to, try to build a supply network in China to cut through all of the chaos so an update on what. Has happened there, and also some explanation. On the widening, of the ability for businesses. And individuals, to, qualify. For the various aid programs, that have been rolled out the CRB, the, CBA the Canadian emergency business accounts, and the emergency relief benefits this. Has started out the the the, the criteria, to qualify for this has just been widening, each and, every, day it seems as you know a new round of complaints come up a new, round of criteria are put in place to make sure that people can qualify for money and support so they're, going to talk about the widening of the broader things and what, I understand, Rosie's we're get a little bit of sort of a menu or a table of contents, from the Prime Minister today here's a rearm procurement, here's what we're doing on the global benefits and very, soon here's where we're going to go with the sector specific, packages, that we have been working on the, oil patch in particular, Airlines hospitality. Restaurant, tourism sectors all looking. For, specific. Help tailored to their, impact, which goes above and beyond the, the more broad impact, that everybody is kind of feeling the, hope is to try to start rolling those out maybe by the end of this week or in the early next week, but the priority has been to do the the global ones as broadly as they can before they move on to sector specific, plans okay, great I will, come back to both of you in just a moment but one, of the things of course we've been hearing over the course of the past number of days is the number of deaths that have occurred in, long-term, care homes it has obviously raised deep concerns.

Dr.. Tam saying yesterday more that half of the more than 800 deaths in this country are connected, to nursing homes or long-term care centers and of, course that is expelled. Extremely, acutely in Dorval, Quebec where 31 people have died the missoula home residents. Health, care health workers called in to help there and they describe, the deplorable conditions, police the coroner's office all now investigating. Peter Wieland's mother and father were both living at that home he lost his father to cook at nineteen complications, a week ago his, mother is still in hospital with, mild symptoms. Peter. Will and joins me from Montreal I'm not sure we've got I'm, not sure we've got a shot of you yet Peter but we'll we'll. Punch. You up when we have you so first of all Peter my condolences. About your father. Thank. You how. Are you doing. We're. Doing pretty well actually, because my mother, is my, mother is out of Haran she's in hospital she's being well taken care of they. Think she has COBIT 19:00 but it seems, to be a. Relatively. Mild case so we're very hopeful that she's going to be recovering, quickly and that we're going to be able to give, her a hug in person very soon, so. Tell. Me what was the experience like for your parents at the, long-term. Care center. My. Parents had been there for had, been there together for about two years we. Had. We moved my father out a couple. Of weeks ago because of problems, with the care, and also the the price that they wanted to charge for his care we. Moved him into, another. Public. Seniors. Facility. That unfortunately, was also a hotbed, of coffee, Kovach cases and somebody my father died on on. The 4th of. Koban. Nineteen related, complications. So. We. Went from that the. Frying pan and the fire in a certain sense because, then we started following the care of my mother and we worried about what's going on at Herron and then. Then. There were then, we heard you. Know we. Heard that about the problems with care and we, got my mother out and then we heard the next day that 31 people had died in a period of about 26. Days there and what, what were the problems of care I mean we've all heard some of the stories now fairly graphic stories but what were some of the problems of care that that you observed with your parents. Well. It took my, father for example he like he had been in and out of hospital, from November, December in January he, spent about nine weeks in hospital when he was brought. Back to Haran there was some problems with his care because, he had gone from somebody who looked, you, know pretty hot a hale and hearty, for an 85 year old to someone, who couldn't get himself out of bed and couldn't feed himself so the, care that he required had gone up and they wanted to increase the price, from, 40,000. To $60,000. A year so, they could take care of him, but.

They. Weren't taking very good care of him when he came back from hospital the first time he had some, minor bed wounds and they. Got significantly, worse while he was at Herron for their short three or four week period before we sent back to hospital. When, he came, back from the hospital there was instructions on how to treat his bed sores he had need to be moved every two hours there, was even a chart. On the wall of, when, to move mr. Weiland every two hours and they assured us that that would happen but. One day my brother was there for about six hours and nobody came in and that six hours he came back the next day he looked at the chart and that tick had been marked in each one of the boxes, supposedly. Moving my father when my brother had already been there and saw. No one so that's. An indication of you. Know there was there was fraud going on and that since it's. My. Mother the once. My father had gone to thee to the other residents, she. Was left alone we were able to talk to her on the phone but, there, you, know the level of care would go up and down each day even. Though the Regional, Health Authority had already come in suppose they come in and rescued, all the residents there there were still problems, she. Was a left in her wheelchair for, for three hours last, Tuesday, with. A full, diaper and, got. No assistance, for, three hours while my sisters, were calling, frantically, and leaving messages, and texts, and everything trying to get someone in just to change my my, mother's diapers, you know so it, was it was horrible and but, my mother would be the first one to say that her case was minor compared, to the, people who didn't have anyone to advocate, for themselves who. Couldn't get out of bed for themselves who couldn't feed themselves who couldn't complain about, the way they were being treated it's, just horrifying thinking, of what, they felt like lying in their bed not. Being cared for not being able to talk to anybody it's. It's. I mean it's all horrifying, frankly. And if. Anything, this, pandemic has shown us is is that the way we are treating older, Canadians, is obviously not. Not. What not how they should be treated so. You moved, your mother did, you move her because she. She had Cova door you suspected, she had Cova door did you move her because of the ongoing, concerns around the conditions, at Haran it, was both things we've been trying to get her and to test her for for. At least a week now and they kept telling us that they weren't going to test her and. That. She didn't have all, the right symptoms, basically that, she didn't have low blood oxygen she, didn't have fever but she had diarrhoea she had a sore throat every, time we talked to her she was less and less able to - we're, less and less able to hear, her voice was basically disappearing, and we, all know that there's a range of symptoms of Colvin it's not just the fever there's all kinds of things it can be going on but they refuse to test it so, you, know that was a huge thing right there you, know we're gonna get her tested we've got her to the hospital and there she was attested immediately, and.

They're. Pretty sure that she does have Kovac but. You. Know she wasn't getting care and and. Weren't addressing. Our concerns at all so, so what happens when, she gets out of hospital, presumably, as, you say her symptoms are not too, severe we, would hope that she would get out okay. Where. Will she go after that have you thought about that. Yeah. We had actually been planning. On moving both my father and my mother before, the, the whole coronavirus. Quarantine. Situation. Came up so. My. Mother is going to be going, to Ottawa. Eventually. Once. They open up their homes there the public homes there, we've already we're already, on a waiting list for that my. Sister lives in Ottawa my sister who is my, mother's, house. My mother's primary. Power. Of attorney will be taking. Care of her so she's not going back to Haran that's for sure no Peter I'm just waiting for the Prime Minister he'll be out in about a minute but what would you say to. Government. Officials, provincial. Or federal about. Long-term, care centers, after, this experience with your parents and what what could be needed to help them I. You. Know I think the the the the big, mistake at the beginning was to stop. Family. Members from being able to go into these institutions. We the, metaphor I keep using is that we tried to protect them from, the line by putting them in a cage and we didn't realize the line was already in the cage and then, nobody, who could. Help them was allowed to get in there the family members who were struggling would would love to spend all day with. Her with their loved ones taking care of their needs were not allowed into the building so we lost that he lost a huge. Resource when you shut those buildings down and. Then you created this new, workload, for, the workers who remained. Who, never had to do all of these other things before because the families would take care of them suddenly their workload exploded. Meanwhile they're all getting sick and they're being told they have to go home quarantine, when they get infected and so you have this there's. This lost, massive, loss of qualified, Mantar within the buildings and the people who are left there no wonder they're going crazy you know the, work. They're being asked to do for, for really lousy wages, in a very short period of time it's, credible it's a nightmare, Peter, the prep the Prime Minister's just come out of his home again, my condolences about, your father and I'm, wishing all the best for your mom and, for to your whole family take care of yourselves thank you very much yeah thank you okay, fine here it here is the Prime Minister of Canada now. The. Weekend, we, received, new shipments, of essential, personal, protective, equipment including. Four planes worth of n95. Masks, as we. Speak, workers, are unpacking, and validating, these supplies so we can start shipping them to the provinces, and territories as, quickly, as possible these. New, and ninety-five masks, are in addition to the more than eight hundred and twenty thousand, that, went to provinces, last week all, told, this, means that we have 1.1. Million, and 95, s ready to be shipped to the provinces, and territories with.

More To come we. Have also received millions, of pairs of gloves and we'll be getting new protective, gowns delivered. From domestic, suppliers, starting. Next Monday. Offense, a man. Received. Worth. Of, essential, goods, including. N95. Masks, we. Also have. An order for Quebec these, new and 95, masks, can be added to the eight hundred and twenty thousand masks that we received last week all. Together we. Are prepared, to send 1.1. Million, n95. Masks, at to the provinces, and territories in, the coming days we also. Received, millions. Of pairs, of gloves and we. Will be. Distributing. Those two hospitals starting, on Monday with, respect to tests. We are making important. Progress I'm, thinking. Of Spartan, bioscience. That is based in Ottawa which, will be to, supply. Thousands. Of new test kits every month as dr., Tam said yesterday more. Than four, hundred and thirty thousand. Tests have been carried out in Canada we, will continue, to increase our testing, capacity and look, at new technologies. In order to simplify those tests, right across the country. On. Testing. Right. Now we're, moving forward on a range of rapid, testing, kits both, from here in Canada and in, nationally, this. Includes, ottawa-based, spartan. Bioscience. Who, will soon be supplying tens of thousands, of kits per month and potentially. More as production. Increases. As. Dr., Tam said yesterday more, than four hundred and thirty thousand. Canadians, have now been tested, for kovat, 19, hour. Experts, and health professionals, are working hard to increase our capacity to. Keep ramping up tests, across, the country demand. For these supplies is going up and we're, going to make sure Canada, can, keep up. Transform, the daily lives of all Canadians, but it's clear that those who are in, the Arctic regions, are not, facing, the same issues, as people, who live in cities for, example I know that there are a number of people who are concerned, to, see empty grocery, cell shelves, others, are worried whether, their health care center, has enough space and resources, to combat the virus if it, spreads into their community, I can, assure you that we are doing everything we can to avoid that happening today.

I Am announcing that the government, will invest almost, a hundred and thirty million dollars, to, help northern. Communities, fight. Kovat 19. Of. That money seventy. Two point six million dollars. Will. Be given to the Yukon the Northwest, Territories. And Nunavut to. Boost, their health care system and help it to fight kovat 19 we are also providing. Funds, to nutrition. In the North so, that food remains, affordable, which. Will help families to remain healthy and. So. That medical. Equipment, and food can get to those regions, we're working, with, airline. Companies, to. Make. Sure that that can, happen and finally, I know that a number of businesses, in the north are particularly. Affected, by this crisis, we, are offering support, to business, owners whose. Expenses. Are not already covered through, other measures, we've already put in place. Almost. A hundred and thirty million, dollars, to, support northern communities, in dealing with covet, 19 if, you live in the north chances. Are you're worried about whether your local health center has a resources, to fight covet, 19 and to, cope with cases that might come up so. We're providing seventy. Two point six million, dollars to the Yukon the Northwest, Territories. And Nunavut. Specifically. For healthcare and community preparedness, we're. Also investing, more, money to nutrition, north Canada, this, will make it easier, to afford the food and basics, that keep you and your family, healthy and to. Ensure that things like groceries, and medical equipment can, continue, to get to you we, are providing, funding, for northern air carriers, to, transport these. Supplies, these. Are tough times but. We're going to help you through them to. Set your community, up to, come back strong when things get better because, they will we. Have to think about small businesses. -, I know. Entrepreneurs, in the north have, been hit especially hard by, this crisis, if you, own a business and, your costs, aren't already covered, by other measures we've put in place we're. Giving can nor more, funding, to help no. Matter where you live in a, small community or a big city we're. Here for you this. Weekend, we brought Parliament, back to, pass the largest, economic policy, since the Second World War with. The Canadian, emergency, wage subsidy, we will protect jobs by helping businesses, keep their employees, on the payroll we'll. Be rolling this, measure out as quickly, as possible. And. Now as many. People as we've already helped, and we're talking about millions of Canadians, we. Know there, is more to do you. Might not currently, qualify for the Canada emergency, response benefit, but. You still might need a hand if you're. A student or an essential, worker for example, this, week we'll. Be talking about how to reach you, while, also supporting sectors, that have been especially hard, hit at. The same time we're, working to enhance the Canada emergency, business account as well, as new supports, on commercial, rent for businesses, that are hardest hit, I'll have more about to say about all this soon. If. You've, come back to Canada from abroad as of. Today we, are strengthening. Measures. Now. If. Asymptomatic. Travelers. Cannot, explain, a credible, quarantine, plan they, will be required, to quarantine. In a hotel this. Will, come into effect at, midnight, tonight. We. Are also announcing, 20 million dollars for the Canadian, Food Inspection Agency, to. Strengthen food inspections, and keep, our food supply safe, this. Will mean we can build capacity. For more, overtime, and extra shifts, for infect inspectors, to, fill demand it. Also means we can invest in things like hiring, and training to. Get more people on board. Well. VD my Mons if you see. Right. Across the country I know that many people are concerned not only about their their, future.

Or Their, health but those of their parents, and grandparents, seniors. Are particularly, vulnerable, to kovat 19 which, means that we mustn't, vist, them visit, them in seniors, homes or long-term. Care facilities. To. Help to protect them we, have, introduced. New, guidelines, for this type of facility, we. Have set clear rules with. Respect to restrictions. On visits, and, controlled, personnel, and what. To do in cases of infection, at the same time we continue to work with the provinces, and territories to. Ensure that they have everything, they need to. Keep people healthy. To. Speak directly to everyone, who's lost a loved one if. You're, grieving, know. That you're not alone, we. Are here, for you even, through this incredibly. Tough time and you. Remind. Us why, it's so important, to do, everything. We can to keep. One another safe we. All need. To do our part we. Can't let up now. So, to everyone, stay. At home and. No matter what stay, two metres apart if you do have, to go out when. It gets hard let's. Remember that, we're all in this together, next. EBU cool and. Then openly kiss Joe I'm, not ready to take your questions. Thank. You Missy. The first question, Caitlin, on garel Bloomberg. By. Milton hello. Mr. prime minister I'm. Wondering. What is your government's, concrete, plan to reopen the economy, for example a rolling, stagger durán all at ones approach and can you give us more information about these plans and your discussions, with the provinces, on reopening the economy I know. That everyone is very interested. To know when, things are going to get back to normal when they'll, be able to go back to work when will. Be able to leave this isolation, at, home when. Kids will be able to go back to schools the, reality, is it. Is going to be weeks. Still, we. Recognize, that, it is going to be important to get our economy going and that we will have to do it in phases. We will have to remain, vigilant until. Such, a point as a vaccine, against. Kovat 19, is found we. Are having ongoing, discussions, with the provinces, at this point we recognize. That different, regions of the country are. At, different places along, the evolution. Of their covert 19 curve we're. Going to make sure that we try to stay coordinated, as best as possible but. Those discussions, are ongoing about. How we're going to reopen the economy, it's, just that it's, going to be a while still. And. You had just mentioned. Sorry. I just, answer. In French. If. You'd Emily's envoy said well of course people, want to know when. We're going to be able to come. Back to normality, when, they're going to be able to go back to work or go back to school the. Reality, is that we, will have to be. Extremely, vigilant. And, in, current, circumstances. That will happen for several more weeks but. At one point we, will be able I do hope we will be able to relax. Some of the measures in place we. Will do that in coordination with the provinces, and we also know that different, regions, across the country are. Looking at different impacts, and are at different points. In, their. Evolutionary. Curve. So. We, will. Remain vigilant, until. We. Have a vaccine available, so these, are conversations, that are continuing, but it's not going to happen right away. Okay. So, and you had just mentioned about sectors, who. Have been especially hard-hit, like over 19 and that we should be expecting news on help for them soon and I'm wondering specifically, when is the oil industry, bailout coming, first. Of all we, recognize. That the most important, thing from the very beginning, was. To get help out to Canadians, right across the country regardless, of the sectors they're in regardless, of, their situation, or their location, that's, why we put forward two extremely. Strong, measures, that help all, workers, across the country the Canada Emergency Response benefit, for people who've lost a paycheck and the, emergency, wage, subsidy. So. That people can keep, their jobs and, be ready to come back to work when the, economy, comes back as. I've, said a number of times we, will and we are looking at more specific, sector. Related relief, and supports, for those sectors that are hardest hit whether, it's a tourism sector the airline sector or the oil and gas industry, or others and we, will have more to say on that shortly, thank. You next question. Thank. You yeah see it. Wasn't just y'all ran off y'all. Vivian. Good. Morning prime ministry with. Respect, to to seniors, homes I understand, that is provincial, jurisdiction. But. Other. Than guidelines, what can your government do, to, address. What, is happening, in many of these homes and, in, long-term care.

Facilities, Such as the one in, Montreal. Herron well, this is a terrible, situation. And we. Want to express our deepest, sympathies, to, the, families, who have been affected. Not. Only there but right, across the country. By, these deaths, in these. Facilities and, that's why we, are saying, again, that people must follow, Public Health guidelines and, stay home and keep, a proper distance in order to slow. The spread of kovat 19 as you, say. Seniors. Homes and long-term, care, facilities, are, within. Provincial. Jurisdiction. We, have issued. Recommendations. About this and we will continue to work with the provinces, to ensure. That we're doing what we can to help them and to keep our seniors safe we. Know that, they are the most vulnerable, people. When, it comes to kovat 19 and that's why at, all different levels of government and, all Canadians, we, must do whatever we can to protect them. The. Terrible. And tragic stories, that have come out of seniors. Residences. And long-term care facilities, across this country and our hearts go out to families, who've lost loved ones in some, terrible. Ways we. Know we need to do more and that is why we are highlighting. How important, it is not. Just for ourselves but, for our loved ones for our health care workers for our seniors that we, continue. To follow directions that we stay home as much as possible that we keep two, metres apart wherever. We can and that we continue, to wash our hands regularly we, need to make sure that our seniors who are most vulnerable this, are, protected. As mentioned. Seniors. Residences. Are provincially. Mandated, but the federal government has put forward guidelines, for. Across the country on making, sure that our seniors are protected. Know. Do, you believe that physicians. And nurses from the CAF, could, make a contribution. Well. We know that there are measures, being taken by the provinces, at this time. To. Require. That people only work in one facility and, that will help, to protect. People. In these facilities, but. They're. Also looking. To hire other people to, work in those homes, and, facilities, to. Help our seniors and we, are working with the provinces to try and ensure that, we. Can. Bring, in the number the necessary, people to help out we. Recognize, that some of the measures taken in place to protect our. Seniors and our long-term care facilities, such as asking. People to only work in one center, instead of a few of them will. Mean a need to hire more people to support. Our seniors and to work in those centers and, we're going to continue to work with provinces, on ways, to ensure that people. Can be found to do this important, work thank. You question, caselma data. Thank. You yes. He person, kesakhian. Yes. Good morning mr. Trudeau I'd like to come back to. Your. Stay at your secondary, residence, at Herrington, Lake for. Many weeks the authorities, have been saying not to go to cottages, and there, are even border. Controls, in place -, between. Ottawa, and Gatineau so. Why, in the case of your family, was it okay for you to do that I announced. Last week that. After. Three. Weeks of working here, and. My. Family and being like. Herod, Herrington, Lake that I would spend Easter with, them and that's what I did but we continued to follow all the authorities recommendations.

In. My my presentation. After. Three weeks of my family living up at Harrington. And, me working here I went. To join them for for, Easter we, continued to follow all, the instructions from, public health authorities, masochists. Elsevier may. We have a special. But were, you told. That was okay. Because. This is the question that people are asking themselves, on, social media, why was it okay for you why. Was it okay for you to go and see your family at the cottage well. My, family has been living there for three weeks that's. Where my wife and my children are at this time and as I announced last week I went to spend Easter with them. Next. Question, Alex Bowen go Toronto, Star Line is open. More. On Prime Minister you, mentioned in. Your introduction that that. People traveling, to Canada will need a credible. Quarantine, plan can you expand on what the. Government's definition of a credible plan will be who will assess that and will. That be apply the land border as well as that Airport. If, the order that goes in tonight is a strengthening, of the quarantine act orders to. Give, authorities. The ability of, on evaluation. Of the. Person. Entering Canada's, plan, to self. Quarantine if. It is inadequate they will be required, to. Quarantine, in a hotel, examples. Of things that could be inadequate for example if their plan is to go stay in a place where. There are many, elderly, family members at risk of, kovat, 19, or. Whether, they don't, have a, set. Destination, if they've been outside of the country for many years we, now have the authority to require. Them, to self, isolate, for two weeks in, a, quarantine, location. Like a hotel on. Follow-up, okay. Yeah. I know, in, a daily, updates. From, from. Public Health there's. Been incomplete. Information sort, of stubbornly, over, a period. Of time with. A case. Report forms, on, only. 62%. Of our cases. Hospitalization. Data for less than half why. Is this, such. An incomplete, picture and are you concerned that having. An asleep picture will affect or make it more difficult to, allocate. Resources across, the country I want. To once again thank the provinces, for being tremendously. Active. On improving, the quality of the data that they send us in, Ottawa, there were there were significant. Gaps in the beginning but I can highlight, that almost. All provinces have, done, a much better job in, sharing, their data with. Canadians, in their provinces, but also with the federal government, that is allowing, us to have a much, more complete, picture we. Continue, to improve on data collection, and collation, every. Single day but, that is something that as you highlight, is a really, important, way. To ensure. That we're doing the right things at the right point to keep Canadians, safe.

Prime. Minister Mike lucre with global national I wanted to ask you Alberta's, Energy Minister has. Said that she's expecting, a federal relief package for Canada's oil and gas sector between 20 and 30 billion, dollars and. She's expecting, it later this week can you confirm those details first, and can you say if the, federal government will be taking equity stakes in Canadian, firms when, we have issues. To announce on sectoral. Supports, we will be making those announcements like. So. Then as a follow up some workers. In the oil patch worry that key. Canadian companies, will, be vulnerable to foreign takeovers, or will decide to relocate head offices to other jurisdictions, should, your government forbid. Foreign, takeovers, in the energy sector or, relocations. For at least this period of time we, are very concerned about the. State of a number of industries, across this country including the oil and gas industry, and that's why we. Have worked. Hard on making sure that we're giving the right supports, for, the industry, and particularly, for. Workers across the country our focus has always been on ensuring, that good, Canadian, jobs remain, we. Know that Canadians. And families are suffering and that's why we need to support them, okay. Look. I know I can't step off though. It. Is to protect our industries. So. That, we can, bring the economy back in force so once the pandemic. Is over and. We. Of course need to support. The workers and industries. Affected by kovat 19. You. Said that you're going to have more news about essential, workers and the CRB, in the coming week but employees at long-term care facilities are already, leaving their jobs, you brought Parliament back and you passed the wage subsidy this weekend but there was no specific help, included, for the long term care industry, what, specifically. Is your government going to do now to keep long-term care facilities, properly, staffed so that the new guidelines your government implemented, this weekend can be followed, we, were in conversation, with the provinces, right now on moving, forward on a model. Of, increasing. Support for long-term. Care workers. And other workers in essential, industries, like. Quebec, has done to, ensure that people, are, motivated. And, encouraged. Financially. As well as as because. It's something that they believe in deeply to, continue caring for our most vulnerable, okay. New, Haqqanis okay. Has. Taken concrete steps to. Encourage and. Compensate. Those people, who work in essential, jobs such, as in our seniors, homes. Because. They are so important, at this point in time and we are in discussion, with the provinces, to ensure. That that can happen across the country, some security experts are saying that Canada's intelligence, network was not prepared, for the pandemic and then instead of being able to rely on our own Canadian. Intelligence we were dependent, on our American allies as well as the five eyes network when, specifically. And exactly, did Canadian, intelligence, tell you about the possibility of a pandemic and where when did you hear that information from our allies we. Had meetings. Of the interne, Siddhant. Response group as, of, late, January, to talk about the, kovat. 19 potential. Threat we, were well, coordinated, with our five eyes allies and other intelligence, services. Around the world and being, aware of this potential. Challenge on the horizon, and we're, dealing with it as of the end of January. Who's. Had. Meetings. With. Intelligence. And security officials, in January, and we. Discussed. Our concerns, at that time about, the coronavirus. And, this, is something that we continue to follow starting, then in. Concert, with, our allies, in. The. Five eyes group, and other allies, around the globe. How. Do Canada, you, spoke earlier of, a gradual, return of the economy, of faced in return what, would that look like in in Canada, for. People, and. Also. At the border with United States now. I understand, that people want to know when. We're. Going to be able to, return. To our normal economic. Activities, that are currently, at a standstill, but, I must emphasize the, fact that we must remain in this phase, for. Some time to come we. Are not on, the other side of the curve at, this, point we're, not through, this first wave of kovat, 19 and therefore. We have to stay the course until. Science, and experts, tell us that we can start to relax some of those measures, now. There, will be some industries. Or some economic, sectors, where, people, will be able to return to work, more. Safely and. That's. The kind of thing we'll be talking about with the provinces. In. The coming, weeks now. In terms of the United States we are still, in discussion, with the Americans, on a coordinated. Approach but. Certainly, the, travel, restrictions. Will, remain. In place for many weeks. Eager. To, know when we'll get into the next phase and be able to loosen some of the restrictions, on work on school, we. Will be looking at that very carefully with.

The Provinces, in different, ways across the country to make, sure that where, we start work up again in the you, know in the weeks where we're allowed to do that because right, now we are still very much in this phase and we'll need to remain in this phase for a good, while still, but as we start to open up, we will be strategic, and vigilant, about what, we are able to do in in, a very gradual, way in. Regards, to the. American, border we, ignites at travel restrictions, are going to remain extremely, important, in, terms of containing the spread of kovat 19 in Canada and we're going to continue to work with the Americans. And people around the world to. Ensure that we continue with, these restrictions. Boskie. The Mazal, this way to. The long-term care facilities, you, say that you're in conversations. With the provinces, to see what you can do to help now, what's the problem is that money is it stuff army. Intervention. Are those. Things. Being discussed and what can the government do, in concrete terms to help them not just guidelines well. There are varied discussions, happening, with the provinces, with respect, to these seniors homes because. The, various regions, have different circumstances. There. Are some provinces that are very interested. In the Quebec model, which. Means. Extra. Pay for, people working in, these seniors homes and, long-term care facilities. Some. Are interested in that and perhaps the federal government, could participate by, giving them money to hire people, there, are other proposals. From other provinces, that we're also looking at but, we know that it's very important, to be there for, our seniors, and as, far as I know there, has not been any, official request, to bring in the army we've. Been looking at different ways of ensuring, that our long-term care facilities, and our seniors, residences. Have, the support, that they actually need, have the workforce that they need to take care of our seniors there. Are a number of provinces looking at the model put forward by Quebec that involves, a salary. Top-up, for people working in these, essential, jobs we. Are willing, to participate in that in in, sending, money to the provinces, to help in, those and we're having discussions with the provinces, about what, that is but there are very different needs and, situations. Right across the country and we're continuing, to work with different provinces, on their different priorities. Prime, Minister Tom Perry with the CBC News. Premier. Jason Kenney says that federal, bureaucracy. Is standing in the way of approving, tests and drugs to use against kovat 19 he's directed his officials, to, consider using Medicaid, that have been approved by, Europe or the US health, officials. Health, Canada is the regulator, of these approvals here in Canada so what would the consequence, of a province attempting, to do this be given. It doesn't have that jurisdiction. We. Are in an unprecedented. Crisis. And that creates, a significant. Level of anxiety so I understand. That people can get anxious. And impatient about, things but. As a government. We are going to remain grounded in science, we are going to be remain, grounded, in, our experts. Who, are doing an excellent job in ensuring, that Canadians, are kept safe and healthy. I. Know that, in an unprecedented situation, like, this people, may be anxious, and impatient, but. We, are going, to remain. Focused on. Scientific. Recommendations. And the advice of our experts, in. Terms of what we should be doing to help Canadians. And keep them healthy and safe. Yesterday. About dr. Teresa Tam and he said he believes she's qualified to be Canada's chief public health officer but he also said, that in, January, she was repeating, talking, points out of the People's Republic of China about there being no evidence of, human to human transmission, what's. Your response to that do you think comments like this run the risk of undermining, the credibility of, Canada's, public health officials, I think, Canadians, have demonstrated, that they have a tremendous level, of trust and confidence in, our public health officials, and in our medical system, and we, are going to continue, to work with top. Medical, officials, like Therese dr. Theresa Tom to. Make sure that we're doing everything we need to do and have done every step of the way to keep Canadians, safe. Lee, Canada all. Days all. Confidence. In our public, health authorities, and. Our, medical experts, because. They are there to help us and protect us we, will continue, to work with all our, public health experts, to, ensure this health and safety of all Canadians, including.

Of Course. The. Wonderful doctor, tab. And. That is the Prime Minister of Canada speaking, after a couple days off going, back to his regular. 1115. Briefing, to Canadians, about, how, his government is handling kovat, 19 actually, lots of news in there so let's dig into some of it with both, Vashi cappellas and and David Cochran, one. Of the things that I've been sort of contemplating. Over a couple of days off was hearing. Other countries European countries in particular start, to talk about how they can. Unleash. The economy, a little bit remove some of the restrictions a little bit and the Prime Minister was asked about that as well his, response, to reporters, on that, idea is the reality is it is going to be weeks still. So. This. Isn't going to happen in Canada any, time soon because of the number of cases we are still seeing but Vashti, let me go to you you can start wherever you want but maybe we should start with the questions. That were directly related to some of the news out of your program yesterday sure, so that was from our colleague Tom Perry right at the end of the press conference based. On what. Jason Kenney said first around his intent, or a desire to sort of not. Wait for Health Canada, to approve I believe he meant the serological tests, those antibody, tests and instead rely on regulators. In allied, countries or in other countries like the United States and the, European Union in, order to get. The tests quicker the prime minister said that he, understands, that this of these are unprecedented, times and, that there is people. Are anxious and can be impatient but, he deferred. To the process, that's in place with, Health Canada he also. Didn't. Directly address the sort, of pointed. Comments from, premier Kenny towards, dr. Tam a premier. Kenny just to remind our viewers said that dr.. Tam was repeating, talking. Points from the People's Republic of China when she suggested there was no evidence to support human.

To Human transmission that's, what the public health officials, were telling, politicians. About two, months ago and that obviously has been proven to be wrong he, didn't really take the bait there he didn't specifically, say anything. Directed. At at. The premier or, specifically. About dr. Tam other than he continues, to rely on her, advice and believe in it and he believes that Canadians, confidence, in it as well so that's definitely one thing that I would highlight not not a huge amount of sort of specificity there, on the accusations, from premier Kenny but it sounds like nothing will change basically. As far as the federal, government's procedures, and process, goes with Health Canada and the approval the potential approval of those tests, or at least the process by which they'll, be approved the other thing is a question. Towards him. As well on the. Weekend, that he spent you mentioned he took two days off and obviously he received a bunch of questions lots of conversation, about whether he should have gone to see his family in Herenton late I think this the central question. There is we've heard from public health officials, repeatedly and politicians, across the country don't go to your cottage right this is not the time to go, away you're, supposed to be staying home so he got a question there a few questions actually in French about if that's the message going to the public why is it okay for you to go there again, he didn't specifically, address. Anything. About that that almost. Juxtaposition. Instead he said he said, he just repeated that he had said he was after three weeks in self-isolation. Going. To go visit them over, Easter and that's what he did and. I think the Prime Minister's office would say that that is not a cottage, that it is one of his official, residences, that's at, least the explanation, they're using but both the, Prime Minister and Andrew Shearer got similar, kinds of questions today about the nature of their travel and whether they were actually, sort of practicing, what they preach. And. And neither of them really gave, substantive. Answers I should say for Canadians. David. Oliver you may be on some of the procurement stuff. For. Planes that come in over the weekend delivering 1.1, million n95. Masks, and millions of gloves which will be distributed to the provinces, as soon as they're verified, by federal officials that that, they're up to snuff and also talk of the domestic, gown supply, is going to start delivering its first shipments on Monday and a, domestic rapid, test is going to start delivering shipments this week from Spartan bioscience. So that's an important, help on the front lines the provinces, are also doing their own procurement, measures, primarily, from the United States the, federal government has sort of built its own supply, network. Out of China to try to backstop, the procurement, efforts of the provincial governments, but you know we're talking about opening, up just look at these measures you know beet we've they brought in a bunch more medical supplies there's a hundred and thirty million dollars specifically, for northern communities, to, ramp up their health systems to get nutritious, food into the north and help, subsidize northern, businesses, there's a promise of rent support, coming, for, businesses which is a big, demand for the small business sector in particular going, back through all of this and support, for students, and specific. Sectors, and a mandatory, quarantine. Requirement. Coming, into place at midnight tonight for people returning to the country who don't have a credible, quarantine, plan they're, gonna be forced to quarantine in a hotel, these, are hunker, down measures, yeah these are not open, up measures, if you, look at what everybody is doing and like there is some talk of look if it stays this way in certain places maybe we can open up the, national, effort right now is still on hunkering, down supporting. People financially as much as they can and building capacity and in. Domestic. PPE. Supply, while buying what they can on the market to make sure the health care system, doesn't, get overwhelmed as we move closer and closer to the peak of this.

Epidemic Particularly. Here in central Canada in Ontario and Quebec so if you look at what these measures, tell us rather than what the politicians, tell us Canada. Is nowhere close to being open for a business this is still keep, everybody, whole and keep everybody safe yeah. And I mean the Prime Minister said it will be weeks till but but at the same time as that's happening you've, got for instance the premier of Saskatchewan who is planning to. Gradually. Reopen the province next week if cases remain low and obviously, we know there's regional, this. Is their regionalised, pandemics, really inside the country so it, will be different but it'll also be interesting to see how that gets federal coordination, well one thing on that too rosy is you can gradually reopen, something and think you're okay but then more cases come and you have to close it all down again so the fits and starts and fits and starts is. What people, are keen to avoid here and you're right it's a very different, picture in Prince, Edward Island, where you can really control access, of who comes in and out of the province versus, say Quebec or Ontario, or British Columbia so yeah you're right it this is not one Canadian epidemic, it's 13, different epidemics, at provincial and territorial level, and then sub epidemics, at municipal, levels no no community spread for instance in PEI which makes a big difference okay I'm gonna just leave you to just for a moment as we stand by and wait for the federal briefing. Today from cabinet ministers, public health officials I will just also add that, the Prime Minister was of course asked about the. Long-term care center situation, in this country it is a provincial jurisdiction. So it's quite quite limited in terms of what the federal government can do beyond the guidelines, they have issued but he says that there are conversations. With provinces, particularly, to see if they can increase, benefits. And. Salary, for some of those workers who probably, don't get paid enough to do the work they're doing but, before we get to the top of the clock and and more, information, from our officials. The, Nationals Adrian arsenault got some rare access inside a hospital for. A behind-the-scenes look at the battle against Kovac 19:00 it's Toronto's, Humber, River Hospital in, one of North America's most advanced. For. Infectious, diseases Adrian's. Story revealed how health care workers there are struggling, to save lives the, emotional, battles, they're going through it was gripping. Television, if you have not seen it it is up on the Nationals YouTube page so go look for it but one of the people that was in that story was dr. Tess lean in G and she.

Was On the National last night she is an emergency, room doctor at, Humber River Hospital and she joins me now thank, you for making the time again for CBC doctor named G appreciate it, my. Pleasure, it. Was it, was very difficult to, watch I, that. The piece that Adrian did I don't know how you felt watching it yourself but it was very. Very raw so, I wanted. Your assessment, of. Is. There anything else that you are that you need inside, the hospital to make your job easier. Because that's what it seemed to me that it was extremely. Your. Job is difficult on a good day but made so much more complicated by it by the pandemic, I. Mean. Certainly that's true I think I think, when we agreed to do this piece we really wanted to be able to give the public a sightline into what's happening on the inside of hospitals, and I think that, this piece allowed for that to happen and, really just to put some human faces on this story not, just our faces of the faces of health care workers but of those that are suffering, and. Of the families at home that can't reach their loved ones inside the hospital and so that's really that's, really what we wanted to get across and and certainly I know, I was a part of that story but there are so many people like me and it takes a village and more. Obviously. One of the things that struck I'm sure everybody that watched it was the situation with, PPE and and, how controlled, it is in terms of getting it to doctors and nurses, if. If the hospital knew that there was a more reliable, stockpile. The prime-minister just minutes, ago said there's tons more coming in terms of masks and gloves but if you knew there was a more reliable stockpile. Would, that be more reassuring for, you and your colleagues, oh. Yeah. There's there's no doubt about it I think that the level of commitment here, is extraordinarily, high, and the, anxiety, that comes from potential. Of getting yourselves sick is really sort of decreased. Or alleviated, when you have the right equipment and, that's the PPE that we require and certainly, we all understand, and appreciate why, we're doing things so carefully here because we know that we need the, PPE to last right because we're really in this for the long haul but, hearing that we have more n95, coming our way and we've just been able to secure, surgical, masks as well and we're working on on a strategy for gowns that makes a huge difference, there. Were there were some patients. In the story last night and we didn't know the outcome for all of the patients but give. Me a sense of how, it is to treat people, with Co good 19 versus, you know of someone that it just has a regular an, illness that you know better for instance. Yes. I mean certainly there's a lot of there's, a lot of uncertainty, for that individual, for that patient and you have a lot of empathy and compassion for, that I think, also for, the fact that they're alone, and feeling a lot of loneliness and anxiety with, that and then, for you as a person as an individual, as a healthcare worker going in and out of that room needing. To make sure that you are meticulous. About your PPE when you go in and out of that room so that you don't contaminate yourself and trying, to do more things with each entry so you're decreasing the number of times you have to go in and out of.

A Room if this is a particularly high-risk, case that you're dealing with so those are things that we wouldn't normally have, to worry about. Yeah. How, do you when, you're under such pressure you're. Exhausted, how, do you get your mind trained, to do that so that you don't you know do slip up at one moment or touch your face or or. Make one of those medical give us a sense of how you train your mind. Yeah. I think I think everybody, is a little bit different but certainly what we can all say we share is that we depend on our team so anytime that you're going in to do a high-risk procedure you. Have somebody spotting, you have somebody watching to make sure you're doing things right making sure that you're taking off your PPE in such a way that you don't contaminate yourself, so we're really working hard, to help each other and when, we've had a tough case or when we're feeling particularly, low. On fuel so to speak we we prop each other up and we remind each other why we're doing this and it's that togetherness, this, is about the community, coming together this isn't about the individual, and that's true, on the inside or the outside of the hospital though. The Prime Minister was asked today about when, some of these restrictions, will be relaxed, and the economy, can start moving again he says it will be weeks till what would you say to Canadians, who are maybe. Feeling a bit antsy and and and would very much like to know when this will be over. Yeah. I can completely, empathize, and understand. That, yeah you want, your normalcy, back we all do but. Until, we have decent serologic, testing where we get an idea of how much of our population, has actually been affected and has some reasonable immunity, it's, very hard to start opening, things up again because you really do run the risk of looking. Like a New York or northern Italy which we don't want to do we've done I think our public health officials and our our leaders have done a great job of, really mitigating, the risks as much as we can and we need to continue doing that until we have some good data that allows us to say we, can start confidently, opening, things up against and safely okay, dr. Tess Lehmann mg thank you again for, sharing all your time with CBC for coming on the show today and our. Thanks to everybody in your hospital, too for all the good work you're doing stay healthy thank you very much thank. You thanks, thanks, and if you haven't seen again that piece with dr. named G you should check it out on at the Nationals website really. Striking, take, inside, the hospital as we stand by and wait for our regular update from federal officials and public. Health officials will give us a sense of cases, of the pandemic in this country, as of today you, can continue watch you know it's to be seen news network and, I'm. Rose Martin. Hello. I'm rosemary Barton here in Ottawa thanks for joining us on CBC News Network and streaming around the world on the, CBC News app and CBC, News dots yay here, are some of the big developments of the day the prime minister says Ottawa, is keeping, up with the demand for, personal protective, gear for frontline, workers he, says the government has now secured, millions of, much-needed masks. Gowns and gloves with. More to come in his daily address, after a couple days off Justin, Trudeau said more needs to be done to protect the elderly in long-term care homes during the pandemic and he, also announced, a strengthening, of the quarantine act for those entry, in the country from abroad we'll have all the details shortly. But let's start with the prime minister at his regular briefing, last hour he, did discuss more PPE, for health care workers and that includes more than a million n95. Masks, those critical masks, millions. Of gloves he also addressed concerns about returning travelers and the restrictions, at Canada's border with the United States. We. Are strengthening. Measures. Now. If. Asymptomatic. Travelers. Cannot, explain, a credible, quarantine, plan they, will be required, to quarantine. In a hotel this. Will, come into effect at, midnight, tonight. We. Are also announcing, 20 million dollars for the Canadian, Food Inspection Agency, to. Strengthen, food inspections, and keep, our food supply safe, in. Regards, to the, American, border we, recognize, that travel restrictions, are going to remain extremely important. In, terms of containing the spread of kovat 19 in Canada and we're going to continue to work with the Americans. And people around the world to. Ensure that we continue with. These restrictions. All. Right my colleagues power and politics host fastcap Ellis and the CBC's david cochran are here as we wait for our federal briefing, let's, just touch on some of the things that I'm not sure we got to in the last hour.

Particularly. The return of Parliament it, is supposed, to return on Monday if, they cannot get agreement to continue. Suspending. The sittings and it does not seem like that agreement is going, to be easily reached Vashi again. Andrew Shearer today saying that that he wants an opportune, for, real accountability. And he believes. That has to happen in, in some sort of in-person form. Yeah, and this was rosy originally, attached to the, conservative support, of the wage subsidy, program they had at least aimed to have the, to intertwine, but then back down last, weekend, and instead, decided to support with some additional changes that they had suggested, the legislation, and separate. This issue but you're absolutely right, they continue to bring it up and they. Want more accountability and they want it done in person for now the House of Commons in the speaker's office is currently studying, the possibility of, a virtual. Parliament, and how that may work but that is a number of weeks off the implementation, the potential. Implementation. Of that and the Conservatives have said so far that they're willing to look at the, possibility, of those virtual, sittings, but they want that done in conjunction with something in person the government has argued that it would be a, sort. Of it, would not be inclusive to only, have those sittings happen in person because it. Can only involve, a smaller number of fewer, MPs basically, and most of them would have to be from this, area so they would be concentrated. In areas in, central, Canada there, are provinces, for example, let's think about Quebec or in Atlantic Canada where you can't even leave the province right now and if you come back you, have to be in self isolation, so that prevents another sort of impediment to. Fulfilling. That in person, sitting and having you, know full regional, representation. Which is definitely a consideration. The Conservatives, insists though that, accountability, is necessary. Right now that, there are a number of decisions they want to be able to scrutinize and, and of the government's and they also want to have more say when it comes to measures, like the one that was passed this weekend around the wage subsidy, or expanding, the Sierra be a whole, host of things that they would like more input on and more ability to scrutinize, the government on yeah, I mean I think more, accountability, and I, think all of that makes sense I think those are legitimate concerns, but it seems odd, David. I'll get you to weigh in here it seems odd that the rest of the world is able to adapt to putting, things online and, being, able to do their jobs differently, and yet Parliament, seems stuck. In some sort of I don't know what era and can't seem to wrap its head around the idea that you, know maybe we could set up a zoom and we could do it that way


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