How to Integrate Proposal Kit and QuoteWerks

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In this. Video we're, going to show how the quote, works and proposal, pack wizard, integration. Features work we're. Going to show a couple different workflows, one. Creating. A layout file in proposal. Pack wizard, and then. Using, that layout file, with input, works the. Second, workflow will show. Outputting. A quote. As a. Single, page within. Quote works and then. Using, that to import. Into our, wizard. During, the assembly, of a document, and. We're. Going to illustrate a, couple different, businesses, and different. Design. Themes but, using the same wizard software, at the same quote work software. So. You can see how multiple, businesses, can. Use the same setup. So. We have our quote Works software. Running the background. We. Have. Our. Line items and this. Has been set up assuming, it's a network. Cabling, company, offering. Some services, and. Hardware. Now. Our propulse pack wizard can communicate. With, your running instance, of quote. Works. So. We're running our purple spec wizard. We've. Selected our network's number for design theme. Now. To get the wizard to, generate quote. Works compatible. Layout files we. Have to set up the Preferences. So. We're going to go into the, Preferences button the, quote Works tab there. Are a lot of different settings but. You. Can turn on everything, that needs to be turned on by clicking this one button. Now, that has turned on the. Correct. Checkboxes. In. Multiple. Places within the Preferences so not only on this screen but. Also. Over, in the remap mail-merge it's. Turned, on the, mail, merge remapping, and picked the quote works. Mapping. Now. You also have the ability if you, want to change our, tag, mappings. These. Are the proposal, kit tags which. In the actual templates, will have the. Double. Brackets. On, each, side. Which. Will be replaced with. Quote. Works versions. Of takings. So. You have the option, to change. Those. Mappings, and. There. Are additional. Spots. Left for, your. Own custom, tags. So. You do not have to go into the screen after turning, on the, quote works, remapping. Feature. Now. That is the only thing that needs to be changed, in the Wizards preferences, to, enable us. To create quote work simpad of all layouts.

Now. We've set up a project in our wizard, so. You'll notice some check boxes are grayed out because they are not applicable when, we're creating a co-worker's layout file. We've. Selected a number of chapters. Now. The estimate. Chapter. Is. What's. Going to hold the final, quote, in. Quote. Works so. This. Remapping, process, in addition to changing our proposal. KITT tags to. Quote works tags it will insert. A coaching. Animal layout file into. Whatever cost, page, you've, added. To your project, you know could be the cost summary page the estimate, page the invoice the. Work order and so on there's a number of different chapters, that. Our wizard will automatically. Update. To. Be quote works compatible. And, once we save our project and, generate. The. Documents. It'll. Tell us that we've got the remapping features turned on. Now. We just kick back and wait for the wizard to generate the. Document. The. Wizards also want to make additional, changes, to the formatting. Of the document it's, generating, quote. Works will have its own proprietary. Processes. For you, know processing, Word documents, so. It. Can change the. Layouts, of shape, objects, it might move. Things around so, the final layout. Can. Be different, than what you expect so our wizard can take that into account when we know what. Changes, quotes. Will be making so, that you don't see any, differences. In the final document usually. Okay. Now our layout, file is created and during, this generation process. The wizard actually, communicated. With the running instance of your. Quote work software. You'll. See on this quote. Our. Item. Types quote. Works item types are a way for you to group, your line items and have. Individual. Subtotals. And tables, for the, different groups so. In, this case we've set it up with line, items. For. Services. And hardware. And you'll see. The. Line items here. Somehow. That the documents, generated. You, can see our proposal. Cat tags have been replaced, with quote, works tags. Quote. Work stakes here. Now. The estimate. Page in use here and. You could use different, chapters. With. Different titles you know you could use the cost summary the services, cost summary the invoice the quote page, you. Know the estimate page the work order page if you want different titles. So. The. Line item types here services. And hardware were, pulled out of the. Quote works database while, it created, this custom. Table. Layout and you'll see we're. Using quote works item, types dot, services. Item. Types dot hardware and you can customize, these layout, files that are wizard, bills if, you want to have different. Columns, or if you want to add in your photograph. Tag. And so on. You. Know if you want to add additional lines, here for other. Things, such. As shipping charges. So. This is all a standard. Quote works layout, right. Now. So. Other than that we can just make custom, edits to the rest of the text whatever we want as, a word document before we copy this into quote, works it, can also be edited after, you copied it forward so at this point is just, a word document, that's. Been put into quote, works compatible. Format. Another. Thing. Our wizard can do is it's not just the proposal, in the quote that can be put into quotes, in battle format, you, see we added a legal, contract.

The. Computer hardware and networking contract. And. You can see that it was customized, with co-working available, tags as well. Now. Our wizard has the ability to add additional documents. Into your project, beyond, just the proposal, to contract, and so on we. Can add an invoice page, we can add, follow-up. Letters we can add additional contract. Pages so. Say we want to add a. Separate. Invoice page. And. It will also add a, follow-up. Letter. Now. We can see that these additional, pages, our. Status. Follow-up. Letter has. Been converted, to. Quote. Works compatible, format. Our. Invoice, which. Also has a matching visual, design theme, to. The proposal. Has. Been converted, to quote. Works compatible, formats. The. Same services. And. Hardware. Item. Types have been pulled from the quote works running instance and, a compatible, table. Has been created. So. Now we can copy, all. Of these, files over. To our. Quote work system and. Because. We ran, our wizard with the running instance of chords it automatically. Selected. Our quote works layout. Folder. You. Can change those to anything you want so. We're going to save them these, files over, into quo, works. So. At this point the. Work in our Wizard is done for, these layout files we don't need to use the wizard anymore. Over. In quote works. Their. Normal, delivery process. To. Output. To. PDF, or go, straight to email is. Not, recommended, for use with our proposal. Kit layouts. Quote. Works has its own proprietary. PDF. Converter and it does not, convert. A lot of our design theme, elements. Correctly. So. If you tried this option, you. Might see things. Like bullet, points missing, you'll see shape, objects, out of place, you'll. See shape objects, covering, elements. That. It, should be behind and so on so what. We'll do instead is we'll. Use quote works links, tab. So. We can send our output straight to Word documents, not straight to PDFs, and. To. Do that we click this blue button and over.

In The folder, that we saved the files to you'll, see the four files we just copied. And. We're gonna add these. As links. So. We've added our four, templates, as. Links. And. Now, all we have to do to actually merge the data. That. You see here, and, this. Is all within quote works this is nothing to do with proposal get nothing to do with proposed spec wizard anymore. We. Can just highlight. And. Say save, new copy and merge Word document. Now, court works has merged its, data and line items into, this new layout file. And. You'll see the. Title names, and addresses dates have, all been replaced by quote works into this layout file. The. Estimate, page. Has. Now been replaced with. The. Actual data from the line items all the totals, and everything had done. The. Data has been merged into all the other tags all, throughout, the document, and. Now this file is ready to be. Delivered after maybe some minor editing in, completing. If. You, want to save as acrobat file now you can, just use Adobe. Acrobat or, go. To file save. As and. Save. As a PDF. We. Can also. Merge. Any, of the other documents, let's say merge. Our quote works data into, the, follow-up status letter. Do. The same thing we'll. Just merge it view. It let's. Merge the data in and, it's. Ready to be have final editing done and send out to the customer. So. You can do this with all the other files as well the contract, the invoice. Now. Will show a second. Proposal. Created, for a different, kind of company say a catering, company with. A different, database and quote works a different. Design theme in proposal, spec wizard but, using all the same software. Okay. Now we're going to change our design theme. To. Our catering, design, theme. And. That you don't get every. Single one of these design, themes only, the individual, design theme, or themes you've, purchased will, be available, in this list so. Each. Company usually purchases. A single, design theme sometimes, two that, match the kind of business they're in or, they.

Create Their own custom design, theme instead, of using our pre-made, designs. So. If you were using our proposal to get professional you, can actually create your own custom. Design theme like, the ones we're showing here but have it using, your own graphics, your own logo your own color scheme. Okay. So now we have the catering, design, theme, we. Are loading up a set of chapters. And, contents. For. A catering. Proposal. And. In. Our court works database, we. Have a. Catering. Database. You. Can see our line, item, types. Are. Different, before we used hardware, and services now we've got item. Types that reflect, a catering. Company. Before. Our wizard, created two tables, now. The wizard is going to create, many. More tables, to. Cover you, know this more complex quote. So. For this proposal. We're. Using a different set of chapters, before we had chapters, of reflected, an IT company this. Time we're using some chapters that reflect, a catering, company. And, when we generate our document, just like before it's gonna let us know that. We have quote works remapping on and, we just wait for it to generate the document, now. The wizards is going to again, communicate. With the running elusive quote works and now, it will find a different database different. Sets of line items different. Item types and, it, will build a compatible. Table. Layout. Okay. Now the wizard. Is generated, this layout file. We. Can open edit, as needed, see. Quote. Works tags have been integrated, in now. We have a different design theme. Different. Set of chapters. Before. We use the estimate, page now we're using the quote page just so you can see how different, chapter, headers can be used. Now. You see the wizard has pulled in, the. Item types from this new quote appetizers. Salads. Main courses, desserts. Open, bar event. Services. And. Now, we save. This. File as a court works layout file. Now. The work of the wizard is done and we. Can go over to court works just like before. And. In the links tab we click the blue button. Select. The file we just, copied. A. Link. To it right click. Click, save new copy and merge and. Now. Quote works has merged its data, into. The layout file. And. Now. You can see all, the, tables are filled in with. The, actual quote and. With. The final editing then. You can save as a PDF print. And deliver. Now, the third workflow, we're going to show is. Going. The reverse we're. Going to create a quote page, in. Quote. Works and then, have, our wizard, pull in that quote page during the assembly, of a proposal. So. For that we're going to turn off the, quote works from mapping. And. We. Need to create a quote. Works compatible. Layout. That we, can use. That. We're going to pull back into, proposal, kit later. So. You can use some of these stock layouts. We've already created. So. So we're going to use the services, cost summary in this example. And. We, know those can be multiple, item types. You. Can see this is the stock. Pages. That we've created, that. Are quote words compatible. But, they're also. Proposing. It compatible. They. Have all of the proposal, kit word. Styles applied, these. Gray, and black shades. In the, cells are. Actually. Replaced, with the color, scheme of the, design theme you're using while. The wizard, assembles, a document, so, you can keep these gray shades. If you, want and let, the wizard, apply. The styling. So. In this case we need to do a little bit of customizing. So. In our court works layout, file. We've. Slightly, customized, a version, of this, stock, layout. You, know we've put in a. Chapter. Title, and. We've copied and pasted, this, header. Graphic, from the. Proposal, pack services. Cost summary templates. And. We've. Hand, edited, in the. Item, types. So. We're, going to illustrate the, networking, proposal. A second, time going, the reverse direction so, we know our item, types our services, and hardware and we know we're only going to use two tables. So. This is our final, layout. Just. For a cost page. And. It's. In our quote works layouts, quote, folder. Now. In this case our, wizard isn't going to be communicating. With the running instance of, quo works so you don't have to have both running at the same time. So. We've loaded up our same networking. Quote. And, we're gonna link to. That. Page, that. Single, quote page. Same. Thing right click save we merge same, as before. Now. You can see quote works, has. Applied. The, actual, data to. This page the. Page is kept simple you. Know we don't have background headers. And footers we, don't have any extra styling. This, is just the raw output, of the quote in a, Word document. So we're gonna save, this, now. Over. To, our quote works. Outbox. Folder. It. Just happens to be the default folder, that. We've got set up for pulling. In quote. Works created quote. Files. We'll. Save that. So. Now all the work in quote, works is complete, we can actually shut down quote work so don't need it anymore. Okay. So now everything, we're gonna do is in the wizard we've.

Got. Our networks number for design theme selected, again. We've. Got our networking project. Now. Because we're not using quote works remapping, you have all the features available. But. Because. We're going to be pulling in a quote from, quote works we, have turned off the dynamic Excel. Spreadsheet, linking because we're not using the, spreadsheets, for the calculations, in proposal, kit we're, using the. Quote works file that we're pulling in so. This is the only difference, we've unchecked. You. Know we're. Using proposal. Kit to do the data merging, so, in our company data in client data screens we, have the data. That. Is going to be merged into the document, whereas, before, this, data was held in quote works instead, and quote works is doing the data merging. We. Have the same or, similar set, of chapter, selected, before. We use the estimate, page the. Only difference is here we've selected, the services, cost summary it. All looks the same the, only difference is that chapter, header is different. So. Now when you save the project. The. Wizard will build the, proposal, but it will also pull in. That. External file. It. Will swap out the stock proposal. Kit services, cost summary page with. The version, created, out of quo works okay. So now the wizard, is ready to import. The file, we. Can just browse to it it's gonna automatically, open in the outbox folder, so. We'll select that file and, now the wizard will continue assembling, the document, ok, now the wizard is finished assembling, everything. Now. You can see the final. Output looks, identical. To if you did it the workflow the other way. It's. Just a matter of what, kind of workflow works best for you. So. You can see. The. Page has been pulled in from, court works and the. Wizard has applied, the. Background, design, and. It. Has applied the color scheme. And. It has applied the typography. Changes. Giving. You a consistent, looking, document, across, every page, the. Rest of the proposal, can be finished off and then delivered. So. We'll show a couple of quick things and the preferences, just. To finish things off. This. Whole process can, be done also without quote works, even. Being installed on the computer for, either workflow. So, before, the first workflows. We showed the, wizard, was communicating. With quote, works and pulling in the item types, you. Can set up the item types yourself, in the screen and. Define. How. You want the final tables to be created. So. That way we could have entered the, services, and, the. Hardware, or all the catering, item types right here and, you. Wouldn't need the wizard to. Communicate. With quote works if Co works was also installed you, can also load, the. Screen with, the item types that, gives you the option of making.

Custom Changes, to the text versions, that will get put in the document, there's a lot of different ways to configure this. This. At a template, screen this. Will take you to a, screen, where you can edit our quote works. Layout. Files. For. All the different chapters that we have that can have quote works compatible, layouts, swapped out with them automatically. So. For only using, a single. Table for, all item, types lumping. Every line, item into the same table we, have a simple layout for that. Or. If. You. Want the, one. Table, with a subtotal, per, item, type. We. Have a template for that which, you can customize so. Say if you wanted to drop out the unit, prices, you, just remove this column from. All the tables if, you. Want to add additional tags, like, the. Tag for pictures. If, you, see that in some of courts examples, you can customize that right here so. You can completely customize these. As. You. Need. And. That. Is how you, use quote. Works and proposal. Get together in multiple. Workflows. Using. The same software but. Different data different. Design themes. That. Can be used for any business that needs, a line out in database. With. A. Detailed. Word document, in a visual. Design theme. Let. Us know what you think in the comments below, and click. Subscribe, to keep up on the latest proposal, writing tips with, proposal, kit. You.


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