5 Things YOU can do NOW to Make Web Content More Accessible

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ANNA MARIE GOLDEN: Welcome to "Web Accessibility," the next installment of the Accessible Technology Webinar Series. Thanks for joining us today. I ask that you stay muted unless you are asked to unmute. If you have questions as we go, please put them in the chat, and I'll do my best to answer them at the end. I'm Anna Marie Golden first, name Anna Marie.

And I'm an accessibility specialist with UW-IT's Accessible Technology Services. It's my job to provide support and outreach to our campus web community to help make websites more accessible to students, faculty, staff, and visitors with disabilities. Today, I'm going to talk about the five things you can do to make web content more accessible, including headings, links, images, lists, and color. But first, some general guidelines.

A few things to know, assistive technologies use web page markup to relay content to users. They read the underlying markup in the HTML code to render web pages. They don't actually read the screen, even though some assistive technologies are specifically called screen readers. So that's why it's really important to use HTML elements semantically. In other words, use the correct element for the job and not for its appearance. When HTML elements are used for visual appearance, it confuses assistive technologies.

And content may not make sense when it's rendered in that way. So I suggest always using CSS for formatting and minimizing the use of inline styles, especially font sizes and image sizes because it can disable the ability for users to zoom to larger sizes for better visibility. This is very important for users who have low vision and are unable to consume content at what visual users would consider default sizes. I want to let you know, though, up front, depending on how your CMS is set up or your access level, it is possible that you may not have access to your site style sheets.

OK, to begin our count of five things, number one is to create an accessible heading structure because structure matters, especially for assistive technology users. So how do we do that? Well, first, make sure visual headings are marked up as actual headings and not just styled like headings with different fonts, different colors, or larger text size. Headings should be in order, H1 through H6, without skipping levels.

They provide an outline of the page's content. Ensure that you are only using one H1 per web page. Originally, the HTML5 specification said it was OK to have more than one H1 per page.

And the idea was that each section of the page would have its own heading structure beginning with H1. But the problem is there are no user agents that have implemented this algorithm. So experts are saying, wait, go back to what we were saying all along, and just use one H1 per web page. And because headings are structural elements, it's important that they're not used for their visual appearance. One thing to note, proper heading structures on your web pages actually could increase your search engine optimization because they help search engines to index the content and structure of pages.

So what does an accessible heading structure look like? As I said, headings outline content. On the right side of the slide, I have an example of what a heading structure might look like. The heading 1 provides the page title. It describes the main content on the page. And then heading 2 is a subsection of heading 1. Heading 3 is a subsection of heading 2, and so on through heading level 6.

Now sometimes, there is more than one subsection of the same heading level, like I have here with the H3 headings under the second H2 heading. And that's OK. Just repeat the heading level again. In HTML, there are six heading levels. So I advise not going beyond that because you may get undesirable behavior when technologies don't know how to render headings beyond level six. So if you need to go beyond a level six, you might consider breaking up content over more than one page, depending on your situation.

So how do I create accessible headings? Remember, create an outline of content with headings one through six. So for example, if I'm using WordPress, I add text to the page. I click the toolbar toggle to reveal more tools in the toolbar, if they aren't already exposed. And then I select text. And I use the dropdown to assign the heading level. And I'm going to repeat this process for each heading on the page.

And you may wonder why I didn't designate the first heading as the H1 heading. And that's because when I created the page title, WordPress automatically used it for the H1 on this page. And here is what that looks like in the underlying markup. I can see I have a proper heading structure. The number two thing you can do to make web content more accessible is to create accessible links.

What's the purpose of the link? So here, link text is key. It's important to provide meaningful link text that provides context to users so they know the purpose of a link before following it. Link text needs to make sense out of context. And you may wonder why is that? Well, assistive technologies users have this whole other way of navigating web pages that visual users may not be aware of. And that is they navigate through keyboard shortcuts.

So by using keyboard shortcuts, they can quickly navigate to elements on the page they are looking for, such as links. Assistive technology users can bring up a list of just the links on the page. And when they do, it's presented as a list of the link text used on the page. So if the link text doesn't provide enough context, users won't know what these links are for. So we don't want to use link text such as click here or more, because assistive technology users just won't know what these links are for without following them. And when it comes to following links, there's something else you can do to help the flow for users.

And that is to omit the use of target attributes wherever possible. Target attributes control where links will open such as target="_blank". Using that blank target forces the link to open in a new tab. And while this is useful for some folks, it's not for everyone. It can become a bad user experience very quickly when a user may not know a new tab is open, and then finds it difficult to get back to where they started because the Back button doesn't work.

The history doesn't follow users into a new tab. So it essentially breaks the Back button for these users. Another thing you can do for more accessible links is to underline them. Ever since the very first specification of the web, links were underlined. Users know underlined links are clickable.

So how usable are your links? It's popular to make links look like buttons because folks really want them to stand out. However, there is a problem with this. The differences in semantics between links and buttons mean each element has its own set of attributes and behaviors. The interaction models are different. Links navigate to Content and they are activated on the keyboard using the Enter key. Buttons perform actions.

And they are activated on the keyboard using the space key. When links look like buttons, it can create confusion for some users. For example, one of my colleagues is totally blind. I recall him giving a presentation once where he was talking about being on the phone with tech support. They were telling him to click a button on the page. He said, I don't see a button on the page.

So because this link was styled to look like a button, it created a mismatch in what the two were experiencing on the very same web page. With image links, alt text needs to describe the links purpose, not the actual image itself. And then there are document links. These work a little differently because instead of navigating to new content, they open a document. So it's very important to let users know a document will open when the link is clicked to prevent a disorienting experience.

And there are a lot of ways you can do this. But there are two really easy ways that I can recommend. Do it in the link text. If it's a PDF document, note it is a PDF document in the link text. Or you can use an icon with alt text. Use the PDF icon using alt text PDF document.

So how do I create accessible links? Remember, describe the link's purpose. Using WordPress in the toolbar, I click the link icon to open the insert edit dialog. Box and when the dialog opens, I insert the URL into the URL text box.

Then I click Enter the link text into the link text box. And then I click Add Link. Note that I did not click the box to open link in a new window.

I'm leaving that unchecked. And then when I click the Add link button to add the link on the page, there it is. My link is created.

And this is what it looks like in the underlying code. Now, you might be thinking, "Anna Marie, you said to make sure our links are underlined. Why isn't your link underlined?" While it is indeed not underlined in the editor, if I were to render the actual page in my browser, the link would be underlined. And this has to do with the way WordPress and the UW theme work together. Note that if you're using a hosted site with University Marketing and Communications and your links are not currently underlined, you can ask them to fix that for you. The number three thing you can do now to make web content more accessible is add images to your pages accessibly.

First off, there's a reason that image is there, right? It's either there because it adds meaning to content or it provides decoration for a more visually appealing appearance. So if an image conveys meaning, it needs alt text. Alt text provides a brief, textual equivalent for an image or its purpose. Assistive technologies relay alt texts to users so they can understand why the image is there.

If you omit alt text altogether, assistive technologies will likely read the path and file name to users. And that may not make sense. And users may be left to wonder what they are missing from that image their assistive technology announced for them. Limit alt text to 140 characters or less. There are a couple of reasons for this. One is that assistive technology users are not able to review alt text in the same way they can with other text on the page, line by line, word by word, character by character, in order to gain a better understanding.

So if alt text gets too long, it gets difficult to remember. And another reason has to do with the way assistive technologies chunk up the data. They often relay text in chunks with long pauses between the chunks.

And sometimes, users miss content because they think it's done, when there is actually more there. And since assistive technology users may be the only users who see alt text, it's important to omit information that's not available to all users. All of your site's audiences should be getting the same information. So keep your Alt text as equitable as possible.

OK, so what if my image is there because it helps provide a more visually pleasing page but it doesn't really add anything? These are decorative images. And the proper way to handle them is to use no alt text. So that is alt="". So while we aren't putting text between those quotes, adding the quote still means there is alt text there. But it is empty, so it allows assistive technologies to skip over decorative images.

Never do this with an image that conveys meaning. So how do I add images to my page accessibly? Remember, describe the image's meaning. So using WordPress, it's simple. I click this Add Media button, and it brings up the Attachment Details dialog. And I simply enter my alt text into the Alt Text text box. And when my image renders in the browser, it has the image markup as displayed at the bottom of this slide.

Note the alt="strawberries" after the source URL. The number four thing you can do to make web content more accessible is to create accessible lists. We use lists when items are related. It's important that they are actual lists in the HTML code because that provides the structure that creates the relationship. So if we use paragraphs that are preceded by dash, dot, icon, et cetera, to create a list, it doesn't really work. It looks like a list to a visual user, but the structure is broken.

Lists provide context. Assistive technologies announce a list. They provide the number of items in the list. And as visual users, if we're done reading a list, we just move on, right? We aren't stuck in that list. Having a proper list structure allows assistive technology users to skip the rest of the list when they're done reading it. There are three types of HTML lists, ordered list, this is a numbered list.

Unordered list, this is a bulleted list. Definition lists, well, these won't be covered today. But what I will say about them is if you're using them, think about why you were using them. Are you using them correctly to display a list of terms? Or are you using them for their visual appearance? So the first list we have is an ordered list. We use an ordered list when item order matters.

On the left side of my slide, I have a list of pets, cat and dog. Note how I have used the OL tag to define my list. This is what tells the browser to create a numbered list. On the right side of the slide, this is how this list would render in my browser. Note that I have two items preceded by their item number in the list. So how do I create ordered list? Remember, an ordered list is a numbered list.

So to create an accessible list, I'm going to first add text to my page. And then select the text and simply click the numbered list button in the editors toolbar. It displays as a numbered list when rendered in the browser.

And this is what the underlying mark up looks like. The second list, we have is an unordered list. We use an unordered list when the item order doesn't matter. On the left side of my slide, again, I have my list of pets, cat and dog.

And note, this time, I have used the UL tag to define my list. This is what tells the browser to create a bulleted list. On the right side of the slide, this is how this list would render in my browser.

Note that I have two items preceded by bullets in the list. So how do I create an unordered list? And remember, an unordered list is a bulleted list. So to create an accessible unordered list, I first add text to my page. And again, I select the text.

And this time, I click the bulleted list button in the editor's toolbar. It displays at as a bulleted list when rendered in the browser. And then this is what the underlying markup looks like. The fifth and final thing I'll talk about today is color. The first thing I'll talk about regarding color is contrast.

Is your content readable to a variety of users because colors were used to provide an adequate contrast between foreground and background? So this is really important because some users with visual impairments cannot consume content with poor contrast. So on the right side of my slide, I have two examples of a set of tabs. Note how in that top one, the text in the tabs looks very washed out. It is much harder to read than in the second set of tabs. And even for users with strong visual acumen, the difference is notable. The second set of tabs is much easier to read on the light background when darker text is used.

So how can I make sure color contrast is adequate? The formula divides the relative luminance of the lighter color by the relative luminance of the darker color. But seriously, there is an easier way. There are many, many free color checkers out there.

And I'm going to provide two examples today. The first one is going to be the Color Contrast Analyser by TPGI. And it has eyedroppers that make it easy to grab color from anywhere on the screen. The second one, the Color Contrast Checker by WebAIM has scrubbers to lighten and darken colors to find an accessible color combination. So on this slide, I have some examples of text on a back background.

And I want to test them for adequate contrast. So to use the TGPI Color Contrast Analyser, I simply click the eyedropper for the foreground and drag it to the foreground color I want to test. And then I do the same for the background color. And then the checker tells me right away that that this color combination passes.

So in the second example, I'm only going to test the foreground color because the background color is the same. And I can see right away that this one fails, that there is not adequate contrast for that color combination. Note, I want you to know, this is an older, simplified version of this tool. They do have an updated version that that's more robust and it has more features. So the next one here is the contrast checker by WebAIM. To use the WebAIM Color Contrast Checker, I started by adding hex numbers for the foreground and background colors in the appropriate text boxes.

And the tool told me right away that this passed the color contrast test. Now, if it doesn't pass the test, what I can do is I can grab the scrubbers then, and move it until I get a more accessible color combination. And I know that because it tells me right away in the different categories when that passes.

So this is especially helpful if perhaps the colors in your theme aren't passing the contrast test. But maybe they're pretty close. And it may be possible to move a scrubber a little bit to find a more accessible color combination without an obvious change to your theme. And the second thing I'll talk about regarding color is meaning. Are you conveying meaning through color on your website? If so, this can be an issue for folks who may not perceive color in the same way others do.

Note that it's not wrong to provide meaning through color. But if you do, please provide a backup so everyone gets the same meaning. I have a couple of examples on the right side of my slide. In the first example, I have a set of links embedded in a sentence. The first link is noted by color alone. And the second link is noted by color, but it's also underlined.

So in the first example, users who have low vision or who perceive color differently may have difficulty perceiving the links from the surrounding text. For some folks, that blue and black can appear very close together. And it may be hard to distinguish apart. So they may not know a link is there without hovering over the page to find it.

In the second example, there's a backup. The link is underlined. So even if I cannot perceive color, I know the underlined text is a link. And in the second example, I have a set of carousel lentils. Does everyone know what I mean by lentils? These are often displayed in dots below an image slider to let users know which slide is in view at the time.

In the first set of carousel lentils, I know which slide is in view, only because the first dot is a different color. But the yellow dot is a color very close to the white dot. So some users with visual impairments may have difficulty distinguishing one color from the other.

In the second set of carousel lentils, I have a backup. Not only is the lentil a different color than the rest, it's also a different shape. And note that these lentils are also numbered. This can be very helpful in providing context for users, especially if there are numbers that extend beyond what is displayed. The third example provides the most context for users.

But it has a big problem, doesn't it? It's really hard to read the number two because it's black. And it has a dark filled circle around it, creating really poor contrast. Now, if they had used an unfilled circle, it would provide context while also providing adequate contrast for visually impaired users. This set of lentils also includes a set of buttons that allow us to move through the slides.

So that's helpful too. So for recapitulation, there are five things you can do now to make web content more accessible. One, make sure headings are in order without skipping levels. Two, underline links and provide link text that provides context to users about the purpose of the link. Three, add images with Alt text to describe them.

Four, use lists for items that are related. Five, [AUDIO OUT] And we also have great information on the Accessible Technology website. And I've got a link here. And my colleague is going to put the links for those in the chat for you. OK, so that's what I have for you today.

Do you folks have questions? Do we have questions in the chat, Andrea? ANDREA: There was one question towards the beginning. When you were talking about using links and describing the links instead of click here here-- so Dan has a question. Instead of click here, is it OK to say click here to register. For example-- and Veronica also had an input.

She said yeah. Or register now is another good option. ANNA MARIE GOLDEN: Yeah, yeah, so use register as part of your link text. That's a great idea. Thanks, Veronica.

Awesome suggestion. I agree. ANDREA: And Emily has a question. This might be too specific, but any advice on alt text for maps? ANNA MARIE GOLDEN: For maps, yeah.

That's a great question. That sounds like this huge thing, right? So what you can do, when you have an image that is too complex to describe in 140 characters or less, please still provide a brief alt text description, a brief overview of what that is. And then you can state in your alt text, there's more described in the surrounding text, so that they know to go there to look for it. So you're still using alt text, even though you can't do it all in 140 characters. But you're still giving them a place in that alt text where they can get additional information.

ANDREA: OK, and then another alt text question. Do you have any tips in writing concise alt text? ANNA MARIE GOLDEN: Oh, yeah. That's a good one. The thing about alt text is there's really an art to it rather than a science, right? Because the thing is you want to make sure that you're, first and foremost, getting the meaning of that image out there.

Can you repeat the question again, please? ANDREA: Yeah, any tips in writing concise alt text? ANNA MARIE GOLDEN: So yeah, try to make it short and sweet as possible. Yeah, and then, if you can't-- again, if you can't do it in 140 characters or less, you can direct users to surrounding text for that because sometimes, it can be really hard to make it that concise. And so maybe it's, this image is an overview of blah, blah, blah. Please see surrounding text for more information, if that's helpful.

ANDREA: Yeah, Steph has added something into the chat. Ask yourself, what aspects of the image are relevant and what isn't? ANNA MARIE GOLDEN: Yes, that's really good advice. I totally agree with that. Thank you. ANDREA: And then Rebecca has her hand up.

So maybe Rebecca, you can unmute and ask your question. And then we'll go back to the questions in the chat. REBECCA: Yeah, sure.

I was thinking about something you said at the beginning, to use CSS for formatting but without using inline styles for fonts and image sizes. And there was the comment that our CMS may disable access to style sheets, which is the case that I have found for my site. So I was wondering if you have any other strategies for changing font sizes without using inline HTML? ANNA MARIE GOLDEN: Yeah, it does get pretty tricky, doesn't it, when you're trying to do that. One thing I wonder if it's something that you're doing a lot, maybe it would be a good idea to work with the folks who developed the site, and ask them if they could add a few more styles for you. REBECCA: Yeah, definitely. That is where I was thinking also.

But curious if there were any other sneaky workarounds. But that's a good suggestion. Thanks. ANNA MARIE GOLDEN: Yeah, if anyone here has them, please feel free to bring them forth, because I'm drawing a blank at the moment. ANNA MARIE GOLDEN: Sorry, what was the question again? REBECCA: Basically, if there's any other ways of changing font size without having an inline HTML line in there if we don't have it in the CMS currently. ANNA MARIE GOLDEN: I know one thing that might be helpful is if you use the relative sizing options for CMS where you're using small and large.

So those relative things will scale a little better than if you set a specific font size, like if you're saying 16 point or something. REBECCA: Yeah. Thanks. That's helpful. ANDREA: Thanks, Rebecca. We have a couple other questions.

Let's see. We will go back to, I think it's Elle Brown or Ellie Brown. Could you share information about best practices for HTML tables? ANNA MARIE GOLDEN: I can.

We're not really discussing tables here today. But if you want to reach out to me personally, I'm happy to help you with that. And again, you can reach me at amgolden@uw.edu. ANDREA: Awesome, let's see.

So Veronica said, this was great. We'd love to share it with new content editors. Will the recording be available anywhere later? TREVOR: Yeah, I have the same question. ANNA MARIE GOLDEN: Yes, well, provided there are no problems with the actual recording, I will be getting it sent off for captioning. And then once it's captioned, then I will post it to our webinar archives page.

Wait up to about two weeks for that because it just depends on the timing about when we get the captions back, how long it takes them to do that. TREVOR: So I have a related question to this, just because I'm new to these. But I was trying to find the most recent ones because I had some marked on my calendar. And there's one from December 15th or 14th that still hasn't come online.

So I was curious if those ones are just like, the recording is lost or if those are possibly just in the delayed time frame of captioning. ANNA MARIE GOLDEN: I believe we didn't record that one. TREVOR: Oh, OK.

ANNA MARIE GOLDEN: Yeah, so if you find that there's one missing, take a look at previous ones because it means often that there's a previous webinar on the same topic. And if we don't record it, it means that the presenter has told us that the content has not changed very much from the last time they presented. TREVOR: I see. ANNA MARIE GOLDEN: Yeah, and if you're having trouble with that, feel free to reach out to me. I'm happy to help.

TREVOR: And once you're done going through, I have some other questions if you have a little bit of time later on. But I'll just leave my hand raised. ANNA MARIE GOLDEN: Oh, OK. ANDREA: OK, and then we have a question from Sarah. In the color contrast checker, are we aiming to meet AA or AAA level? And you might want to explain a little bit about that too.

ANNA MARIE GOLDEN: OK, good question. So at the UW, we strive for Level AA in accessibility. TREVOR: This was part of my question too. It's not just strive.

Wouldn't legally since of the section of 508 refresh in 2018, wouldn't that mean that technically, it's a legal gray area whether or not universities are bound to that since they're federal contractors. So then the university, so section 508, right, as well would entail? And then also the UW policy to use WCAG conformance, that section level AA is technically the law, right, and all the IT they procure? ANNA MARIE GOLDEN: So I think there's a little bit of confusion here. So with the IT that's procured, that is a state policy 188.

And that says that all of the technology that we buy and use in state agencies must be accessible. So that's a state policy. Now, at UW, we have UW UW IT Accessibility policy.

So that's a UW policy. TREVOR: What about section 508 and the Rehabilitation act? ANNA MARIE GOLDEN: So UW policy, and just for UW, and in that policy, we state that we strive for level AA. So it's not like the law, but that's our policy. TREVOR: But what about section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1976? ANNA MARIE GOLDEN: Yes, that applies to us too as a federally funded agency. TREVOR: So then you guys are bound to federal law as well? ANNA MARIE GOLDEN: Yes.

TREVOR: OK, that was my question. ANNA MARIE GOLDEN: I'm sorry. I think I misunderstood what you were saying. TREVOR: No, no, you're good. ANDREA: All right, and I'm just going to put some links in here. And we'll look at more chat questions.

Let's see, and Gaby, feel free to chime in if you see one. So we have one from Elle, another alt text question. I put profile images for different speakers and professors on event pages.

Most of the time, people don't have alt text or use something like Avatar. What would be the best way to handle these images? They are to provide visual information. Yet, I'm not sure how informative they would be for people with visual impairment. Is something like Professor X profile picture suitable? And Elle, you're welcome to unmute if you'd like to add anything more to that. ANNA MARIE GOLDEN: Yeah, that's a really good question.

So in that case, if you're just showing like a headshot of Professor X, my alt text might read "Professor X" because that's the meaning of that image, right? He's the meaning of that image. You're showing him to the world. ANDREA: Awesome. Let's see. We've got a couple of comments in the chat about-- and I'm going to ask Gaby to help me out here of the style style at the top of the body.

And then another. ANNA MARIE GOLDEN: Could you repeat that? ANDREA: Yeah, I think there's a-- I'm not good enough-- I'm not skilled enough to know. Veronica mentions, ask your developers to set up a couple classes for you.

And I think that was when we were talking about the CMS and font sizes. And then Elle also wrote in the chat, you can use front/ style at the top of the body. And so I'm going to have to have Anna Marie or Gabby check the chat on that one from Elle. ANNA MARIE GOLDEN: I love how you guys are having a discussion in chat too.

ANDREA: And then we have a question from Jeff, question about alt text using the strawberry's image as an example. Would it be appropriate or not appropriate to add more details, such as a bowl of more than 12 strawberries with stems? Or better to leave very simple, strawberries. Thanks ANNA MARIE GOLDEN: It depends on the actual meaning.

So in the context you're using it in. So if the context you're using it in requires more than just a general description, yeah, then you would give a little bit more information about it. But in my case, it's just, for my example, it just meant strawberries. But maybe I want to point out that they're fresh strawberries, for example, because that's the context I'm using them in. So yeah, even the same image, the alt text can change, depending on what context you're using it in, right? ANDREA: Yeah, I like that how if it's fresh strawberries, then you'd have to talk to them. If you're using it in a math problem, and you want to note that it's more than 12 strawberries, that might also be important if you're working with elementary school age or something like that.

ANNA MARIE GOLDEN: Exactly. ANDREA: OK, let's see. I think that's all the questions in the chat. TREVOR: I have a question.

The automated tools, so how do you feel about automated tools such as SortSite? And my question on that is their accuracy. So the federal government, that's the one they mostly use. And it checks whether you're compliant with WCAG 2.1 currently. And it will 2.2 when that's released later this year.

But for example, if the UW policy page says like you're supposed to use conformance level A, and then you can put your UW-IT policy page into that, and UW-IT policy page breaks federal law, who do you talk to about that? And it's also kind of more of a networking question. Like, how do we work together to find solutions we see [INAUDIBLE]? ANNA MARIE GOLDEN: I can't comment on SiteSort because I have not used that tool and we don't subscribe to that here. TREVOR: SortSite, yeah. OK, so just understanding that a lot of UW's IT pages do break the law, who do we talk to work through solutions? ANNA MARIE GOLDEN: I guess you could reach out to Bree Callahan if you're having a problem with the website and you've already reached out to the website owner and they're not being responsive ... TREVOR: It is who owns the websites, for the most part? Is it individualized? It's not just UW? I guess to my confusion-- ANNA MARIE GOLDEN: Yeah, there's no central thing for UW websites.

Each agency and department just sets up their own. There's no-- TREVOR: I see. ANNA MARIE GOLDEN: There's no central place where people go, oh, we want a UW website now.

TREVOR: That's a really good starting point. I appreciate it. ANNA MARIE GOLDEN: But there are some websites that are hosted through University Marketing and Communications for some of the main UW websites. TREVOR: So the lack of conformance to the law is probably due the decentralization.

ANNA MARIE GOLDEN: If you're having issues with those, you should reach out to University Marketing and Communication. TREVOR: That makes sense. So because it's not as centralized as it could be, that's probably why some of these downfalls happen because there's no centralized party, right? ANNA MARIE GOLDEN: And that's why we're here doing our outreach because you've been informed, you just don't know. You don't know about accessibility. TREVOR: Yeah, that makes sense. I'm just trying to find the best place to spend my time because I'm still a student.

It's my second year. And because of some of these problems I've been having with accessibility, it's probably going to be one of many years to come. ANNA MARIE GOLDEN: So if you're a student, I strongly suggest reaching out to the Disability Resources for Students Office. TREVOR: Oh, I've already done that.

Don't worry. ANNA MARIE GOLDEN: OK, OK, good. Because that's your team that's in your corner. TREVOR: Yeah, they're greatly underfunded. It's quite sad.

They definitely need more funding. But besides that, I guess, in terms networking to help improve some of these problems, I've definitely gone that avenue already. I know that avenue is just not it's not the most effective avenue. I do think they would be if they had the funding to do what they need to do. But I'm just trying to find other avenues because I'm very knowledgeable in that stuff. But I just need to talk to the right people to make the right conversations happen.

ANNA MARIE GOLDEN: Yeah, so I suggest reaching out to the folks that I've already mentioned for those. TREVOR: So Bree Callahan is available? OK. Well, if anyone else is interested in this stuff and wants to network, I'm going to put my email in here. ANNA MARIE GOLDEN: OK, do we have any more questions? Great, thanks for joining us today, folks. Like I said, within a couple of weeks, this video will be posted on our archives page of the Accessible Technology website.

Have a great rest of your day.


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