Living in Russia interview with European

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This is the podcast and here is Maxim and my special guest Eric. Today we want   to talk about Russia. That's why this podcast  will be in English language.   This is something special for me. Usually, I'm  starting podcasts with the words like "Dobriy den".

But today we speak in English, so, maybe it's something new for us. But check the   subtitles will be following for this podcast. And  you can understand everything even you don't know  English language. This is for my Russian  guests and my friends know who am I – I'm the author of the podcast and the website – it's my website, you can find the  

articles. And today I have a special guest Eric.  And Eric, can you tell a little bit about yourself? Who are you? What are you doing here in Russia?  And also I have a good-great story how do we   met with the Eric. t's interesting also  that we met suddenly. And later I know (found out) that   Eric is not Russian guy, he is not from Russia.  But he stay here. So, Eric tell, please, what are   you doing here? – Okay, thank you, Maxim for having  me in your podcast show. – Welcome! – I appreciate  

that, thank you. I am from the Netherlands.  i was born there. After a few years I left to Austria. That's the place where I live for the  moment, and now I am for three months in Sochi – Oh, good place. – It's a nice place, yes, exactly. I like it here, it's very good, very relaxed,  very chill, yes. – Okay, you live in Austria now,  so, you're from Europe, and come here for three months. It's a long period! Maybe you have so  many stories and one stories also I want to tell – that how do we met – how it was. Also, suddenly.  I've been in a nice bar in "Why Not?" bar, here, in  in Sochi ,and when i go to order some beers drinks  and when i come back i saw two guys and eric one   of these guys and another it's uh our another  friend from germany so and we start to talk that   oh it's this my place this is my place so because  we have we booked the same when we took the same   table it's only one table is empty on a bar so we  took it and we have to speak you know to to have   no conflict no possibility no possibility to know  speak it's interesting that you start to speak   english i say oh okay i can speak english it's not  a problem and you it's it's also interesting for   me why two guys from europe what do we hear and  why not and yes you told the same i'm from austria   i'm staying here for three months in sochi and for  me it's very quite um strange what uh foreigners   doing in russia so long so and maybe you can  tell why what the point to say so here in sochi   that's i can make a long story about it i  can also be very sure to say in sochi is only   because i wanted to learn the russian language  and for this i looked where is a good place   to study the russian language also a little bit  about culture a little bit about the history   and there are a lot of opportunities but the  south of russia was for me quite a surprise   such okay everybody knows about sochi because of  the winter games in 2014 yeah i'm not a sports guy   so i didn't know anything about it i missed it  and i came by the internet by the international   language school to the option of sochi and because  of the time of the year january february march   april april it's nice to be in the warmest part  of russia yeah and figured out okay that is on   the black sea and better not to go to saint  petersburg yeah it's not a guy but it's more   cold there so totally different weather completely  yeah but anyway uh why do you interested in russia   because uh it's uh you're not interested in uh  okay about the sochi i i quite understand the   sochi it's a warmest part of the russia it's  nice to be here but why russia that goes back   to the years that i was was very young in school  i must probably i must have been 14 years old or   something we had history lessons and about russia  and of course that was the soviet time yeah they   spoke about so for scope was uh the way that the  farmers were were organized it's totally different   life was of course it's you cannot compare with  the with today and that's perhaps better for me   because otherwise i would not come to russia  i guess but because it was different as the   things that i knew for that time with my 40 years  old it interested me so why is this so different   and why do i hear so so less about this part of  the world so my interest is always from that time   from the soviet time from the soviet time and  that i was wrong so i was already interested and   you grew you grow older you go to other university  or you do other studies you go to work you have   the normal life and russia came a little bit  well it was not in the foreground in my thoughts   it is something that you that you simply  okay it was nice but after a few years   i realized in europe i want to live  my life different as it is in europe   you decided to change your life i didn't decide  anything at that moment but i simply asked myself   again why why why is this in the soviet union's  so different and why do i hear nothing about it   so again i was interested in what is happening  over here but okay years ago it's already in   modern like it's it's two years ago that was when  i no no no that is that is when i was uh when i   was 20 right okay meanwhile my first company but  i was looking for other things i knew okay i am   in europe but the world is bigger but i don't hear  anything about the other side of the border um and   that was for me also strange because that time the  soviet union was only 800 kilometers away from me   where i lived yeah yeah i don't know nothing it's  interesting yeah because of the latvia all these   countries they were in the soviet union so which  means soviet union was very close to you exactly   okay so again the first interesting is when he was  gone the the soviet time the second it was like   when you become 20 20 years old certainly  interesting and probably uh it's third it   will be the third time yeah there comes a third  time of course third time like a modern time   yes and now it's a russian time and uh so i i  i don't know but maybe it's the the country is   different now not like in seoul no no no maybe  i think it's for sure but what's the what was   the first time you interested in russia russia  as it is today yeah for me was became the first   time interesting in 2005 2006. i learned people i  don't know people from poland and because of this  

i came to poland and i saw the connection with the  former soviet union because of the architecture   because of what the people are talking about and  then my interest immediately immediately came back   popped up like like some flower out of the  ground when it is warm like now in the springtime this is the time that i started  also to say okay learn this language   because if you learn the language yeah then you  can go there and then you can discover what it's   all about yeah and many things open for you you  can check by yourself check the language you can   speak with the people you can read the science  because you know not many science russian english   language or even in german so uh it's good and  you decide also to study with russian language   i did that already in 2008 i guess that it was  that time i found some books okay i was looking   at the surveillance science and i think okay this  perhaps is a little bit heavy it is not english   it is not french not the polish language not the  german language not the dutch language they were   all familiar to me but if i ask you something  in russian you can understand for example   in australia that's a good question yes exactly yeah of course okay from the three months that i  have in russia i already have 11 weeks behind me   okay i have one week left the russian  learning russian language now in these   11 weeks was a hard job it was a lot of work but  it helped absolutely it was a good thing to do   so the next step is discover russia  what i did the last 11 weeks and   go back to europe and come back to russia  again okay so but uh you study now russian   also okay great next question will be in russia  okay but anyway try yeah it's interesting it's   interesting story that uh you have a first  interest so and you take your interest during all   your life interests about the russia in this uh  you know it's many many times few times you maybe   remember about oh it's nice to get a good idea  good idea to go to russia but this is your first   time you came to russia or it's the second third  time or it's the first time first time this yeah   this is first yes this is the first time so very  surprisable for you many things i think well   i i brought with me the stereotypes the plane  was full of stereotypes okay yeah but as soon   as i came on the airport in krasadar a few  stereotypes already left done done yes disappear   yes because because what i what i  did not expect is the chilled and   polite way of dealing on the border control with  the people from the airport it was completely   relaxed so you say that the borders it's fine  yeah absolutely so no strong you know poker face   no i didn't find them no kgb yeah tried to try to  search search okay yeah but uh it's good it's good   to hear and also about stereotypes yeah you know  that i live the whole my life i was born in the   in russia it was soviet union yeah but my whole  life live in russia and i was born in kamchatka is   the far uh east yeah i think yeah but far east of  russia and the most of my life i live in siberia   in crosstalk this is my very cool motherland  yeah very cold uh we have to wear the hats   for uh starting from september and just you can  take off your head um from your head yeah some   of something uh only in may so it's been nine  months nine months it's always cold yes yeah   so yes it's cold time but no i like winter mode  starting from this place because in the winter   you can ski you can i use all this snow as to  to play so far my childhood it was the best   and now also i'm i moved in a sochi it was like  five years ago and it's interesting to hear you   about the russian how you discover it what's  what's what's first and you know that we have   yeah about to speak to speak about the stereotypes  we have some things that foreigners how we think   we uh how we think they think about russia and  so yes and that's why we have a like expectations   versus the reality so first it's the border for  you but maybe you can tell about more about the   stereotypes and what what did you expect to see in  russia and what you see in reality here and what's   the difference okay good question let me start  with the stereotypes yeah until now i didn't find   the always drunk and vodka drinking uh russian man  i didn't see him like we're drinking tea a caramel   tea why not everybody drinks tea and by the way  in this region and this is also something that   i'm not new of course yeah you produce your own  tea yes so yeah i think this is um but it looks   like the same i'm not gonna drink this one okay um  so that that was that was surprising you know um   other stereotype it is always cold and  dark of course not we are now and um 46 no 4844 not another line i don't  know how the call is yeah the polar line   yeah yeah okay okay we call it like okay  but it's on the same pitch i think that's i see nobody with the bala like i must really go  to a good deal i guess and uh all my life i live   here in russia i see but i like only philharmonia  all in the museum yeah exactly exactly   and then of course well i have to live in  uh it's eight or nine days i want to bring   some maturoshka to europe of course for  some people that i know i cannot find them it's nowhere to buy it it's a trick question  eric because of the patriots i even don't know   where to buy and i saw also matriarchy  museums and uh maybe many years ago like   in my kitchen garden we have some but no not  now okay and one more about my uh expectations   oh yes by the expectation of my expectations they  are only uh you can only have an expectation when   you know something or that you think that you  know something yeah but some expectations should   be confirmed when you come here maybe some  good expectations expectations that i have   are these of the stereotypes  they are not confirmed i don't have expectations because like i said  before if you know something or you think you know   something or you heard something about what people  talking then you can create your expectations   yeah but i do not do that it's simply i  go to russia and i want to see what i see i have information before from internet  from people that make videos in russia   so i know a little bit about the different areas  that russia exists of the russian federation okay i know that i know it's a modern country like  all the others and i know there's also russia that   i do not see now because it's completely different  it's a big country it's not like in europe you   have 28 countries but everybody knows something  about these countries you have no other option   because you live there no this is a different  story so expections expectations um expectations   no surprise yes okay very surprised very  surprised excellent and it started at the   airport in crosstalk okay but uh now so  you almost three months you've spent here   in sochi you've been in krasnodar you've  been here in sochi and around this area   so you speak with the people and you study in  the russian language i think now you can say   honestly for sure what do you  think about the russian people how russian people looks for you   then that must refer to what i said before  actually because it is a big country and then i um   when i am here and i speak with other people  in sochi then i speak for uh with people   from moscow yeah people from st petersburg  where i speak with people from somewhere uh yeah old people far east also how are how  are russians well i can tell you but then   we need three hours i guess okay so there are  a lot of many different russians and how i see   how it works in sochi it's an open-minded  population people are open people are warm   they are always willing to help you  yeah so this is something very nice   and it is a surprise because of that one  stereotype the russian that is rude talks so polite yeah warm so okay yeah it's good good  it's good thank you because i'm also russian and   i always worrying about these stereotypes about  the serious face you know that many foreigners   um they say that when we look at the russians  they are so serious so concentrated like what   happened but yeah for sure i also agree with you  that people uh here maybe sometimes looks very   serious but inside always warm always kind  of kindly for me russians are also the same   yeah but uh okay and uh maybe you have a chance to  look uh at the russian culture well i i mean about   you know music about the architecture uh also  here in sochi we have a very big soviet heritage   and maybe you also have a chance to look at them  and uh about the culture of russian what do you   think and have you uh have you see oh this is  a russian culture oh this is a you know soviet   maybe culture oh i like this music or i like  this uh in museums and things i like this art   what kind of culture you see and hear and the  social you like it or don't like it why not there's some many questions yeah yeah  it's usual because the culture is you   know the culture is everywhere yeah even  we drink the herbal tea is also cartilage   because this is a local tea and for me uh we call  it ivan chai it's a chai like with special name   so everybody know this this is also the part of  the culture i visited the t montage of course   and tried a few kinds of different teas  must say very good tea that we get here that's of course for this regional part of the  culture and there i go again the country is very   big many many different cultures of course but  that is thing i think something that i also see   in the people um that they know they  live together with all kinds of different   people yeah nationalities cultures it's always   i think i think this is this is what the russian  is the culture is in the in the people okay   when we talk about culture i think also it  has to do with food it's also a part of the   culture yeah the food in this region of course  is very nice and very russian is the what is it you cannot leave without eating them yeah um very good good nice uh the food anyway is good taste   yeah it's because it's a coca's forecast  here it's kavkaze kitchen we also like it about music unfortunately i could not  go to a theater or something or oprah   or concert or something so i didn't see some some singing or playing even from the ballet  of course what is in the big cities   uh it's not here it's not  here you have to go moscow this is uh this is perhaps a pity this what could  do sochi better i think yeah yeah me too yeah this   is one of my wishlists for this city it's a ballet  or more culture yeah okay would be nice yeah so   about architecture there is a no there's not a lot  of sovereignty there are some buildings left yeah   um and i found some that i said okay that's  my favorite because the soviet architecture   yeah you like it or you  don't like it yeah i like it   but it's not that much in in the the street view  but when you're walking through the streets it is   not a soviet time where you walk it's a modern  city yeah what i said before a modern country   um what i like about this part of  russia is the sagatorium something that   i do not really know or not really  see in similar kinds in europe   there are by the way many things that i do not  see in europe that i see here yes yes it's a   different little bit of course yeah and that's  of course why we have different cultures yeah three months i was in uh sochi okay i  talked to a lot of different people a lot of different different kinds of minds but at the  end they all have the heart that beats the same   that is something that i see so you mean that uh  one common thing we have for every russians from   all the country but we have a common common sense  something inside us so yeah that and maybe these   sense make us russians i think so yeah yeah  i agree with you because i also i live in the   different cities in moscow in saint petersburg  and for sure in siberia and the people i know   i see the difference you know in mentality  some some small things uh if the difference   be because you know always the location  where we live in in influence in in people   but uh everywhere i see the same language  the same cultural things the same values   and you can you can speak freely and uh with every  ev everywhere in russia the same people really the   same for me it's not big difference i believe  some of some of them also you know that we have   many many many nationalities in russia and the  russian culture is it's a multicultural we have   more than 30 nationalities the small groups of and  some eighty groups in the from start from north   to the south here in this area also many of those  and we but we speak with russian language we speak   freely with everybody so it's good and interesting  but uh when you say to somebody that you're from   iran you're from europe so what do you expect  maybe you know some angry on you or polite on you   and how the people russian people react that  you're from europe and you're from new orleans um i think from all reactions from all the different  people that i met the reaction always is the same   oh wow you're for europe oh well yeah i'm  from the palace oh wow netherlands i live in   austria oh wow austria all always exciting yes  yeah okay that's that's okay that's very nice fight we simply say okay uh hi maximilia i am eric  yes yes nice nice to meet you can i put my cup   over there yes yes somewhere in the middle squeeze  there but it's crowdy place but this is how it   works yeah and uh i like it i like it very much  it's something different that's what i know from   from the place where i live there is more there  is more anger there is more um a hold back yeah nothing but nothing for nothing yeah but  uh anyway um what what is uh so you know the   the the big part of the questions i want  to ask you it's about the living in russia   how do you think to live in russia so  for example okay now you are tourists   but after you you live here already three months  it's not a short period like a tourist usually   takes like a weekend or two weeks maximum for  three months you can already check what is that   uh about you know economy perspective or how  money you need to to live here for example yeah   so that uh what what the people the  local people how they leaves are   so what's um what's what they have what they like  how they like spend spend the times and everything   you know like a daily daily routine or daily life  regular life and it's interesting for you to know   to know from you uh what's the regular normal  you know typical life in russia how do you think   and according many perspectives the medical care  maybe that last question i can uh thank god not   answer okay yes it's good nothing to do yeah um so  okay i don't i cannot answer that question but the   what i see in the three months of how the people  are living i think it's quite normal quite you can   compare this to two others big cities in somewhere  else in the world it's not a very big difference um but i see um active people if they are active  with working or they are active with sporting   sports uh on the street something very nice to  see it's like workout yeah yeah okay yeah it's   very nice to see and they they they really care  about um about the bodies that's that's something   perhaps that comes from the past but then actually  it's come from yeah always at any soviet union we   everybody in a garden in the middle so in a court  we have a uh we call it tourniquet so we can we do   is for exercise yeah i even have the the pipe in  my apartment yeah where i can do the exercise we   love it yeah it's very nice um so they are always  active but at the same time you can relax and you   can by the way do what you do on the streets do  what you like on the street nobody will look at   you like oh this is not okay what this person is  doing no everybody can do what he or she likes   and everybody is watching for his own for his  own stuff that's something something very nice   i don't know it like this because i come from  another part of the world where in the meanwhile   now people have the second nature i guess i don't  know what this is but they try to look at you if   you act well this is this is something yeah this  is something very strange i don't know why this is   it it's a change in the in the society i  guess thank god i don't see it here so for   me also this is a very because of this it's  a very relaxed uh three months ah so you're   relaxed here yeah absolutely and calm you  feel calm good life everything is there   simply the the things that you that you have or  that you need in life everything is there plenty   of it it's nice people look happy yeah and uh also  i want to say that you are like your man because   now uh we we're done with the coffee and also  give the restriction about it and now for   for example it's free to go to the shops the  malls to the like supermarkets everywhere and   you know it's uh some supermarket big big mostly  you know try to ask it but for the people it's   already done story and if we happy and we've  done with the kovit and this is so finished   it's mean for us we we can deal with this and  also that uh because uh when i'm saying this   why you like it because you come after all these  restrictions because uh it's not it was not so   um it's not about quite not so many people  uh places opened before so and that's   for you is the tourist as the person who  discovered the russia it's it's a good time   now because to visit russia many things is open  for you not so many restrictions that's good i   really don't see anything about what we had before  with all these this kind of restrictions nothing   i had only one restaurant in cluster they asked  me for my documents okay sorry i don't have them   yeah okay yeah i do not understand you yeah  okay this was only this was one place it was   on the second day that i was here 12th 13th of  february yeah yeah there's nothing yeah yeah but   because also i uh for me it was uh the important  thing what happened so during the one one year   or more than one year it's uh you know many things  closed and uh i also feel during the life in sochi   during the life of russia i always feel the safety  it's okay like my last maybe after 1990s it's   always quiet always nice you can go uh during the  night for example in social i'm never afraid to go   out at night this is something that i checked the  first night that i was walking because i had a   walk at the shore at the coast and it was already  after 12. it was completely silent at the streets   but some young woman was walking  there yeah yes whoa okay yes you know yeah completely completely relaxed really this  is what's safe what i like also and also i feel   relaxed i feel safety here in this place and only  one time it's about they call me to change my life   yes be in a bit in a big way but now it's  i see that it's opening and it's also   again call me period for me i hope now it's it's  more funny and it's uh always will be like this   and uh what about the economy what about the money  uh because the the prices in uh how the prices   in austria and how the price is in russia so here  is a cheaper to live or cheaper to live of course   in these three months you see that the prices  go they increase they go up yeah a little bit   and um this is something that  already happened in europe from   september 20 to 2021 yeah so we are 2022. yeah  but there the prices go up already from that time   um so i don't know what happened before  but since i am here in these three months   okay the prices uh go up but it's everywhere  now and for example if you buy electronics they are extremely expensive now yeah  in europe also and funny perhaps to   to tell you a friend in the netherlands he gave  me for three years ago or two years ago uh often   with the microwave combination oh okay but my  channel the microwave function did not work but he   didn't need this oven and i took it with me um and  now for one week ago he asked me do you have this   oven yes i still have it yes but you don't don't  need it no i still don't need it can you please   bring it back because mine uh broke down and i  want to buy a new one but these are so extremely   expensive suddenly can you please bring this one  back okay because it's uh not not a good time to   buy a new one it's absolutely not a good time so  uh it doesn't matter where you are in this world   this happened in russia the same way right now  at the moment because because of the sanctions   because of the border we have this uh  also the price so we just wait and use   the electronics what we have already and uh  on the place of your friend i also call to   someone could you could you bring back because  i changed my mind and i need it now yes yeah so   yeah it's good it's a good story yes this is how  the time's changing and um perhaps no not perhaps   they are changing here also so still you are in  such a black sea and still you are in a very nice   environment yeah where is uh good to live and yeah  i think that's that's a very good positive thing   but uh for you is this hard for you to get in  here to russia because uh because of the visa   because of uh i i don't know maybe any other  documents or paper things or money things   and is it a problem for you and for for the people  from your country to come here to this russia   not at all not at all no everybody  normally everybody can get a visa yeah   i got my visa in three days for three months  it's a student visa this is the first time   i am in russia so i cannot stay longer the  first time but to get the visa yeah you have   of course everywhere the the requirements of the  documents you need to have i don't know what it is   what all different countries need but in my case  it was a piece of cake and nowadays still it is a   piece of cake so if i go back to europe the first  thing i do is get the new visa for coming back to   russia and this will be no problem okay so you  can uh you can get another visa one more this   is a free month for three months for this i have  to stay out of the country for three months now   okay but uh yeah that means after three months  i came back yeah welcome why not it's a good   plan so it's totally not a problem for europeans  to get people oh it's good you to know and also   the why is the student reason uh you are not a  student or you're asking yes i am a student i'm   learning a russian language okay in a english  class it's a international language school okay so yes i'm a student um would i would i not go a  student and it was only one possibility to just go   as as a tourist and the tourists gets maximum four  weeks okay you cannot get three months yeah yeah   because the tourist visa it's a different this  is a different story and you can also come with   a working visa but that is a different story and  for every country it is also yeah always the same okay but uh you know i heard  that you like russian cars   yeah i think for who said that for the guy for the  for the my friends who will see this uh podcast   watch this podcast i think it's interesting  to know that uh yeah i i think you like lada   lada and volga the vulgar yes yes it's not  typical you know everybody like you know   the fancy nice you know the car with  the glance and also the german cars   american cars and uh sometimes russian cars also  uh especially the army cars but the the ladder   rather involved why why do you feel so much love  well first i must say for the normal daily use   i take another car i even have at my  place in austria i also have the lada diva   okay yes never white white color the regular no  no no the dark green color it is hunter green   yes thank you very much and this is a car that  even i can cannot destroy so undestroyable   it's almost undestroyable yes and i use it  i use this lara neva as a tractor okay um imagine you build a car it is 1978.  you build the car yeah and after um after 45 years you still build this car the same  design then it must be a good car yeah kind of   cannot be a bad car yeah it's it's me only that  uh in 1970 some that the people create the future   car so and still nowadays it's definitely  definitely yes it was the future yeah for   sure it's a joke but we also you know we're always  surprised why they don't change their design for   the car but maybe they have no designer on the  factory so and it's good if if you can sell this   it's okay it's a like classic suite you know suit  the the classic it's always classy okay so you can   sell it every year yeah the same i i also changed  my mind about the neva when you and it's it's   funny too it's always funny to hear something from  european guy that oh i like neva i like uh ladder   what you come you come from the country where the  all these new electric cars and you say that you   like yes of course it's strange it's it's also  funny that the reaction of the people they are   they they react all the same but what you have a  ladder in in in europe so yeah you have all over   the world this is not a big problem and even  the ladders that are produced today yeah you   can buy in our countries yes yes new one new ones  yes yes they are not bad because now uh renault   is also in the club the lara club but this never  mechanic not auto no no no everything mechanic no uh is is the urban version it has even electric  windows and the engine doesn't produce so many   gas or or long gases unhealthy gases i don't  know but like i like the gases from my ladder   i have no problem with that yeah you know  for the every owner the guess of the the   it's like perfume you know yeah so it's and  also you know the how you call another the   the big russian car the volga no no no no the  other one like the big the truck you mean no   no no no the the big they use it for the ambulance  before in the soviet union you know with this eyes   my favorite of the favorites of the events the  best van in the world yeah all wheel drive than   hunger when i and i heard this first time  because bukhanka it's so typical soviet world   because we all call this steel we call this uh  type of cars it's muhanka yeah and uh it's uh   you know that before the police and the ambulance  use this uh because it's uh it's typical yesterday   i saw a police bukanga it's still yes they  still use it because because they do not break   i guess yeah unbreakable this you you don't and  also if you have uh some damage you just take the   i don't know some instrument  and do it by yourself yeah it's   very easy to fix this car okay so but uh  to buy this niva or lada you have a salon   salons you know the the markets how you do  can you buy in europe yes the russian car yes   from russia or inside to your country you  have the shops for the like all the cars russians i think okay what  russia produced for the world   because it's interesting and it's  good to know that russia produced neva uh some enthusiastic people like you with  this car so yeah it's really good to know   so eric and what is your future plans future  plans about the russia future plans about europe   and you have to leave soon yeah your  visa is ending yes almost end so and uh   do you want to come back one again of course  yeah yes that's what i thought before the   first thing i do when i'm back in europe this  look how i can get what kind of visa i can   get to come back after three months okay or what  possibilities there are to stay in a good time   because i want to change the the place where  i live uh from europe to russia for poland   period yeah for definitive definitely yes i want  to live to leave europe because in europe there   are so many things changing and they change  in a way that i um do not i cannot say i do   not agree with this because i have nothing to say  but i do not see my life for the future in europe   because of the changes and they are not in  a positive way for me um this is a complete   you can do another podcast about this yeah if you  like because yes it's uh it's it's you speak about   the regular life like there's the regular life  like for the people what what what what simples   people uh live in the life it's changing now it's  not the the different like no not 10 20 years ago   in this moment uh the european union yeah that we  have to deal with if you live in the netherlands   or austria you are part of european union they  are changing laws and they are changing laws   in this kind that you must give away parts of  your freedom that you had before and it is not   that you have this kind of freedom in russia it's  not about this but the way this works and the way   that they think they must plan the  future is something that i say okay perhaps not with me uh yeah yeah this  one i also you don't see you in this new   new new world new new rules exactly that's  quite simple to say i don't see myself in this   new world what they plan for you  and there are things also changing   that that you cannot know if you if you still  um can can travel as free as you used to do   the things that perhaps uh you lose  parts of the things that you own   yeah because it is a new system not possible  anymore to own something like like this or   that what you have now but this is a complete  completely different topic yeah about this   i think uh now europeans can understand you  clearly the russians think what why why why   what's happening but you know that uh where  is the guarantee that in russia the same   changes uh russia also changed now today  and this year last year the russia's changes   they also got new laws and everything do  we have a guarantee that russia not change   or now you see that just russia so the you  can you can build your life as you want   uh not not like in europe but in the future maybe  in russian the same the same situations happen   but in a country like russia um i feel myself  more free as in a tiny little continent   that's called europe where many different  countries nowadays still do not agree about   all kinds of things and at the same time  they want to create a union but they are   always struggling and have different thoughts  about how to solve problems about what to do   so there is no uh there is no union if you compare  this with the russian federation yeah there is   a soviet the soviet union yeah we had before  there are many republics and that wasn't there yeah it's different it's uh yeah it's different  because soviet union you can tell you can say you   can have your opinion about it it doesn't matter  it was a union yeah and europe nowadays after   many years of european union still is not a  union and the changes that are going to be   they force us to act like we are in a union but we  all have different cultures and we are not used to   live together like it is in russia in russia you  are used to live with other cultures with the many many people many people and from different  nationalities and i don't know during for five   years i live here i don't know any accident  with the problems between the different ethnic   between different nationalities i only see  how we only see problems and always come down   yeah a little a little disaster for  sure it's a big topic but uh may are you   alone at this feeling in europe or it's uh so like  a few other europeans guys think like you and want   to come to russia or other countries for living so  and can choose another country for evil if if it's   so uh maybe you have to give them advice about  the russia because now you are here and maybe   some guys will see uh will watch this  podcast and say okay this guy was in russia   he's your wife so maybe russia it's like it's  okay it's not our country well let me let me   first say something to do this would you what  you talk about yeah before that you're alone or   some some someone else think like like you i i'm  already focused on russia for for most 20 years   yes so i know i knew a little bit what i can  expect from russia that is what we talked before   what do you expect yeah i expect nothing because  it's expectations you have if you if you know   what it's all about well the things that  i knew i was for sure that it is like that   so i don't have expectations it is like  that but i that's already more over 20 years they care for this learn about this  learn about russia and people in europe   they think the same as i they are not a  few they are many many many many of them   and many people that i know in  the netherlands that i talk with   um even if i say i live in austria then  they already say wow you live in austria   oh so it's good if if i if i was able to i had  the possibility i also would leave this country   this is not a small group and now in the  meanwhile for me austria is also a history   but but many people are all talking about  oh i want to go there i want to go there um   so they start in searching the new life searching  the accommodation nice accommodations for them   yes they they also have the same feeling as  i have okay things are changing we don't want   to be a part of this new kind of living and how  can we make a nice living in the future without   without being a kind of victims of all the changes   this is perhaps strange to think but so it's  a trend it's a friend yeah it's uh something   something something happened and then the people  start asking the questions for for themselves   also where to go okay yeah well the the last  place i would recommend in this moment is europe   don't go there because you uh but you can if  you do not know what is going to happen yeah   you know it's a funny story that i told you that  many of my friends they uh they look in europe   like the place for living now you come from the  europe and say that a nice place for living in   russia it's so strange it's  so strange yeah guys of course   podcast yeah listen eric don't worry here's  every day sorry or even think twice about   about all and you know you need to scale  everything there what is the positive or what   is it negative for you personally to live and  uh as a as i agree with you about the freedom   that uh for me it's always here in russia and  you know that especially like 20 30 years ago   and just soviet union break yeah we have a  little bit uh criminal situation with the mafia   we never you know for foreigners maybe more  story but yeah we have some problem but   starting from the beginning of 2000 so very  quiet very nice living and also i feel freedom   for myself here and i can go everywhere i  can do every whatever i want and if it's   legal if it's normal and if it's cool so i can  go somewhere do fishing or maybe uh some hiking   around just you know we have a call cast here  very high like yeah alps garden we have there   so and uh just buy the ticket go inside and you  know yeah uh yeah do let's do it ski resorts   do whatever yeah you want it it's really cool  and nice and also you know that you know still in   russia a lot of business opportunities for me and  when i speak with my friends they always say that   this opportunity this opportunity a  lot of because you know there we have a   soviet heritage not me and many zero business  was in in soviet so and now it's still   so many opportunities for the people here in  russia they come here open something and many   many businessmen now it's growing and it's  still a lot of a lot of places where you can   focus and grow and also the taxis we have nice  vivid taxes that's also something that i heard   uh heard of and thought by myself oh only this is  a reason to leave you you know no it's actually uh for what for i should pay taxes any longer  because i see so many things that do not help me   or do not help the country to to develop more or  to get for more people a good standard living life   but i see all kinds of strange  projects where the money flows   and then i'm asking myself okay you  want to do this even more in the future   that's very noble that's very noble but i think we  have problems enough that we first have to solve   and one of them is what i told you before if  you want to be a union but yeah you cannot act   like a union then i think you have a lot a lot  of things to do it looks like individuals not a   union exactly anyway so eric um anyway i think we  can uh go by to the end of the podcast and today   and also i want to thank you for this podcast  and for me it's always interesting to speak   with the people in the from europe and especially  with you eric really and i i i appreciate the me   the humanity about russia in and what you talk  about the what the people you see here the   culture you see here the economic and this freedom  uh safety feelings uh believe me i'm i'm as i am   as a russian i i know this and to hear it  from the european guy it's you know it's quite   like no prizes notable yeah no for me that oh  thank you thank you so much and uh because you   know that uh we worry always about what  people around uh they can think you know   wrong way about russia really it's a it's a it's  a probably problematic it it was always i think   from starting from the cold war but we still think  that it's good to be honest it's good to be open   and we try to be open in this case and to listen  this story is very cool i want to say one thing   that i think is very important if you talk  about how people think about russia or   europe also how do you think about russia i also  talk with a lot of people and then i say look   that's our neighbor yeah now the days it's  not 800 kilometer kilometers from us uh uh   away but a little bit a little bit more 2000  okay perhaps from where i live moscow is only 2   400 kilometers yeah but so that's not  far away still five years but four hours   by playing five hours okay yeah okay but but  still uh people um do not have a good view or the right thoughts about their own labor and then  i say would it help why i asked them always would   it help if you understand the language because  it's very easy to understand the whole world where   you talk things or speak the english language  everybody speaks english language yeah that's easy   it's easy but now you come to worship oh that's  a different story yes i know it now because i   tried to learn three months language i know how  difficult this is now yeah yeah i got you yeah yeah you can translate later  i can translate for you so this is always the thing that   for me is very important if you want to learn  to know a country understand the language yeah   not know not only know the language but  understand the language you know understand   the emotion of the people and the emotion  behind the language and that is very important   yeah i agree with you and for me the you know when  you learn understand another language it's like   you have a you know spare glasses for this yeah  you wear these glasses like i'm using these you   see the another world here's another culture and  other people and you can read the books read the and they are very quiet interesting it's uh  it's like the same for you know for the english   to read the shakespeare in english and leader  shakespeare in in russian or in other languages   yeah it's always interesting but no always  little bit gap between the native language   of the what the author wants yeah that's why for  me it's a interesting reason to know the language   to understand the culture exactly so keep it as  advice for the for the european guys yeah that's   what i study russian english and come here it's  what i say already many many years guys guys guys   yeah learn learn this language and you you get a  completely different view yes so okay okay eric uh   yes thank you very big thank you for podcast  very nice to speak with you very nice to know you   and i hope you uh these three months in uh in  austria come very quick and you come back here   so and we can record another podcast of course  perhaps you can do a podcast in europe you'll come   yeah also why not yeah and uh anyway i want to  say in russian spacebar uh for this podcast and   i hope it's interesting for the people from  russia if you decide to listen it uh and uh   you stay stay with us and also for the europeans  to maybe know something about the russia about how   to live here because today it was a eric here the  dutch man from living in austria a dutch man from   australia from austria and uh a local uh local  guy maxime who come from siberia also to sochi   yeah so it's it's quite interesting ah thank  you for everybody and i hope see you bye guys


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