My Broken Iphone Triggered Me Into Making This Rant Video Over Game Streaming

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So. What's going on my friends my family my fellow gamers your, only friend is you to Street sport of r-77. Trying. To think of content that I wanted to make and I and I thought this will be a good topic to talk about right, because. I see this a lot on Twitter I see this a lot in conversations. With. Gamers, with his comment sections YouTube videos podcasts yada, yada yada and it's. The whole if. A company does, something, in terms. Of gaming that. Everybody should look at it as positive. Its. Options, it doesn't impact you. Why. Are you so negative you. Know it, should just be you know at just this whole, stamp. That. If a company does something, you know and I'm not talking about, you. Know microtransactions. Because obviously they, get criticized, for well reason I'm talking about anything like for companies trying to expand or you. Know expand, beyond. Implement. Something new that automatically, we. Should just be positive about, it and that is options, and if you don't like it just don't participate, in it or just don't do it it doesn't impact you and that, being, negative towards it is, frowned upon it's, looked at negatively some. People will call your family, or your. The type of people that ruin gaming for the gamers and all that stuff, alright. So. I've seen a lot of those comments and I'm gonna be honest I think. That type of mentality is, just downright, dumb alright, to, just be positive, to, just be Dali Lama just to be Dali Lama and that, if you're not down in Lama then, what's wrong with gaming I, don't, know agree with that at all you know I'm saying, to. Me that's corporate cooking, you're a corporate cock if a, company decides this is what we're gonna do oh man, that's positive that's great you know I don't like it but it's, great that you're doing that know that to me you're a corporate cock. You. Know and. I'll give you a perfect example it's. This whole game streaming thing right it might personally. Emotionally bother, about it no I'm not gonna hang, myself or, anything like that you know like moves on company does it as a company does it alright but, I'm a voice my negative. Dissent on this. Move by companies, and, I'm gonna explain why. Been. Gaming for a long time longer, than I could remember at this point you. Know since. I was like five six. Over. 37, years right. And. For. All, the way up until. PlayStation. Want well right before the play story she won Jen you, know I'm teenager, kid what I've just become, an adult whatever, throughout the time period I. Pretty. Much was. Playing on everything whether I was able to buy with my allowance or, my parents bought it or it was a gift whatever. All these devices and. Majority. Of the gaming stuff that. I owned were failures there's, a few gems you know there was a few great consoles, you know Super Nintendo Nintendo. Genesis. Or. Successful platforms. And then all the way up until before, PlayStation. One right. Before. PlayStation, one before n64, before that generation, began and move forward, majority. Of the console when you really think about it weren't that great that's successful, it, was either Nintendo. Super Nintendo Sega, Genesis, a lot, of other products that were there some, of the memorable, but there were failures total. Graphic 16 was pretty much a failure. NeoGeo. Was a failure. CDI. Whatever was a failure 3do, was a failure, Master. System was a failure, game. Gear was a failure. Nintendo's. Handheld was successful, you know I'm saying Sega, CD was a failure turbo graphics 16 CD, was a failure I mean. The list goes on, bazooka. Robbed the robot you. Force power glove. The. List goes on and on and on what. So many failures, when. You look back over 30 plus years and, I'm saying this outside of PC obviously within, the consoles, don't anything that remained successful, in, gruel or consoles, when, you put the focus towards console the industry got bigger bigger, bigger, more sexual more 600 more successful, right then, the gaming industry expanded.

To, Encompass other tips and types of gamers right primarily, the mobile gamers right and, then. You got the casual gamers playing, the flash games on PC so you have gaming as a whole but. Within gaming, you have your. Clique. Demographics. You. Know different areas different things to cater to. Different people, so when I hear people say, games, for everybody I agree, with that term Gaming. Is for everybody because there is something for something somewhere, for, somebody, but. Do I think let's. Say, got. A war PlayStation, got a war or Halo we use both examples do I think those games are for everybody no those games are not for everybody, and I'm not saying in a sense that oh don't touch my game don't touch my god of war don't touch my halo no I'm not talking about that all. Right because. If anybody, wants to play those games you can get it just go out and buy it I'm, not standing guard like. I'm not I'm not in front of gain stuff like a British Royal Guard stopping. People from where in a store like no you you can't play Halo oh you could play Halo no. No you can it's, not a club I don't, have a list and making sure who walks in and buy this product anybody. Has access to it you know if you have the money you can afford it go on and get it so in that sense, gamings. For everybody because you could go buy it all, right that little there's the PlayStation right there it's $1.99 now or you know whatever anybody. Could go get that console, if you wanted that PlayStation. Is for anybody. Games for everybody. But. The specific, taste of games is not for everybody because, not everybody likes certain games you. Know and this is where my. Rant buying game streaming is. So. What's the point of game streaming so let's let's knock out the big picture there's. Multiple parties doing it Apple's doing it Google's doing it you know a lot of people a lot of people are attempting to do it Sony's doing it with the PlayStation now up to a certain event Microsoft. Is all in on theirs with the X cloud so. Let's start out the first bat let's start out let's start out in my opinion I see some misconceptions. About, the. Advertiser, so we'll start up we're gonna make us misconception. Is the whole Microsoft, vision of 2 billion gamers and that, X cloud is gonna be the method to do it 2, billion gamers and it's key that we understood this so, Microsoft says they could get 2 billion gamers or try to reach 2 billion gamers. We're. Streaming because. Now. Their. Games is. Acceptable. To, more platforms and, devices, that, normally, can run these games primarily. Phones, and low-end, pcs, and low end laptops. Right. And. Because majority of people own no end devices. They. Will never be able to play Halo. Gears. Of War or third-party multiplayer. All. Right misconception. That statement, is not true at, all yes, you're right these, gamers or whatever who play on phones and tablets will, never be able to play these games on, the, tablet that is not the same as these gamers will never be able to play halo again, you. Can get an Xbox for, 199, bucks. And. It's I mean at the other day let's remove all the fanboy let's move all the corporate cutting the corporate slaving so check all that remove the name Xbox, remove the main PlayStation stop, being friends with these products it's just a box that. Connects to a goddamn HDMI, cable that's all it is, you cannot tell me people. Have issues doing, that, how. Long has the, world been using VCRs, and DVD, players and blu-ray players hell you guys buying 4k, blu-ray players, what's a 4k blu-ray player, it's a damn box, you plug an HDMI cord to it that's all it is consoles. The same thing so, to say these gamers don't have access to Halo lies, they. Have access to halo just by 109, a box it's cheaper than the actual phone and tablet that they have. Goddamn. Phones are now encroaching. A standard price of $1,000. You. Know tablets are three four five hundred dollars they're more expensive than, the device that plays halo then the device that plays gear then the device that plays God um gotta warn spider-man and stuff Detroit, become human so. Two, different steps two, different statements. Gamers. Or gamers. Have access, to halo all game, and up boring. The poor you. Know the. Homeless stuff, like that but chances are they're not with, Internet and tablets anyway so, I'm. Not talking about that you, know the ones, that are financially, in hurt, and stuff like that that they you know they trying yeah I'm not talking about the people who, live day to day wondering, what they're gonna eat at night not dogs I'm talking about people.

Who Are at, least in. A decent financial. Scenario, where, they can at least buy a console and buy some alright those. People are not forbidding. Or there's no obstacle. To get these boxes so, everyone. Has access to halo everyone has access to Gears everyone has actually got a war spider-man, you just gotta buy the device to play it on alright. So. Saying. You could reach out more gamers that, could get Halen all the gamers they could get halo it's. Just a question of its that the game they want to play and. If. They don't want to play those games and why would they want to buy the device and that's the team I think a lot of gamers lost that sight. Gamers. Will buy devices. Because. Of the games. Because. The ultimate goal is the games it's not really the device in of itself but. Somehow that mentality, is, the device okay. It's the games now devices. Do create. Groups. You. Know PC, game is a platform, as a device and. Yeah, they play a lot of the same 30-person we think of PC gamers a lot of big popular games on PC aren't don't do well on consoles. It's to RTS, games or strategy games a lot, of the simulators, so. You know so, because of the platform then. That device you see a lot of these games they're sure they still get the other third party multi planets the big ones right and then, consoles, you, see these, games you know you see certain games on consoles, that are, very big more popular, on the continents, compared to PC you know and then, you got the mobile games you know the tablets, and the phones you. See what's popular there, so, that crowd has. Its games though all games they're all game devices everybody's, a gamer but you can see how, the crowd, is. Separated. A little bit right. So. Microsoft maybe Sony maybe everybody. Right. Trying, to do grain streaming to get 2 billion gamers well. How. Can any game company have the expectation. To get to win gamers, when. Spotify. Has. Not been able to do that I mean these guys use terms like Netflix of gaming Netflix don't even have 500 million people Netflix, has like. 120. Hundred 50 less 150, mini, subscribers, and that, device. Is a free app that you. Put you know you really have to you know it's well gotta, buy devices but Netflix. Is pretty much on every device anywhere, it's on phones it's on tablet it's on Amazon, fire, steaks its, installed, on TVs so.

The Very TV you buy anyway, because. Regardless you need a visual device so, every smart TV has it it's, everywhere now figures everywhere and there, are about 150. Million subscribers. Spotify. Will, use them another streaming service right absolutely, free you, don't even have to pay for it yes to do have a subscription, service which, I have which allows you to download the phone download the musics download albums directly to your phone so you can hear it offline but, if you don't want that feature you don't need it as, long as it connected to the Internet and you don't even need good in there you could listen, to Spotify on a cricket in the night McDonald's. Wi-Fi in it you, don't need, you. Don't even need 5g, you don't you need 4G 3G will. Play Spotify, right, it. Only need 4G LTE 3G, and you work at Spotify and it's absolutely free and it's, on every device, absolutely. Free and they, have around a little over 500 million subscribers, so that's a lot but. Even Spotify is not even at a billion and. You're talking about a free app free. Service. That. You can listen to on 3g on any. Device and they. Can't even get to two billion so. How the hell is gaming. Which, is much more resource, intensive, right because. You're gonna need at least a certain level of, internet. Service and for phones they're talking about 5g, networks. You. Know so. You need much more intensive, service, you. Know. How. Are they supposed to reach 2 billion when Spotify. Can't. That's. My first thing right, now. I'm. Gonna tell you the real big thing about the negative me, being the negative Nancy behind this whole thing is, who. Is these. Companies trying to appease. They're, now try and piece me or gamers. Like me gamers like us I'm sorry, you call pretend, for. You all pretty well pretty much the same we're on a dedicated, device we. Expect a certain level performance a device we, expect a certain level quality, from our games right the, things the standard we have for our games phone, gamers don't have that standard and I'm not saying we're better than them we're just different, right. I. Had. A conversation I, even posted on Twitter and, I recorded my wife and my daughter and I asked them this stuff are they interested, in God of War and they answered spider-man, and Call of Duty if it. Comes down to the phones that they play because that's what they mostly play on they must have plan forms he said no they're not interested, it isn't the fact that it's not unfold, that makes interested, it's the games themselves, they're. Not interested, in those particular titles they, even said if they, were interested, in it they have access, to it and I, don't think my wife and ordered them are that much different, from everybody else cuz I see the Facebook post I see, the stupid requests, I get from our friends they're all playing the same games all these you know mobile, gamers are playing the same games on the same thing level 300 in candy crush and bubble witch and all, this other weird stuff whatever, the games those, are the games they like to play. But. I think, in our community, the console gamers PC gamers don't understand, that, you. Know if candy. Crush came, on to your xbox one X or Playstation, would you jump, with that sell like 20 million units no it won't because. The console games ain't interesting candy crunch that, same mentality is, the opposite. The. Way we looked at candy crush is the way my wife looks at God of War yeah she can't appreciate the graphics, you know because you've been around but she's just not interested, in playing as cradles she she, don't look at the game as interesting, at all she's, not interested in that and I. Guarantee majority, of mobile gamers was not so, with that said. Why. Should I be happy that, Sony right, or Microsoft, anybody is gonna invest billions into. This service to, try to bring these people game that, I know they won't like. They're. They're investing. Money thinking. They're gonna blow up and they, don't realize and I think a lot of you don't realize that audience. Don't care about their shit they. Don't care. My. Wife doesn't care, and, the. People like her don't care, so. Sony Microsoft maybe. Nintendo one day whatever are investing billions for, these people, to bring them games they don't want. So. All that, investigating. People like me because, what's funny is the success, of Microsoft, the success of PlayStation. PlayStation. According. To reports whenever they're, having the biggest.

Year. Ever in, PlayStation. History again the. Most revenue worm highest. Operating income highest. Profits, they're. Running. On all cylinders they're. Making so much money with the PlayStation brand and it isn't because of my wife or people, like my wife or people like my daughter is people, like me it's. People like us, we're. Putting Sony on the map, Microsoft. Increased profits, it's because again people like. Us not particularly because I don't buy that Xbox, well your daughter you guys do you're, putting them on the map it isn't, my wife or your wife or these mobile gamers they're not giving, all their money to Microsoft, they're not putting their money into Sony they're not the ones making these companies grow and getting astronomical. Profits, and astronomical. Income, and revenue in gaming. They're. Not the ones we're doing that but yet these company one of us a billion dollars in this audience that will not reciprocate. They're, not gonna play Halo, on a tablet. They. Have no interest, in that they, got, the games that they want and they continue to get even more games that they want, they. Already have what, they have. So. In the end and this. Is where I think it really comes down to who. Are these games, streaming services, for you, wonder who they're really for they really for the mobile gamers, to, try to expose them to Halo interesting, no they're, for us. Because. Microsoft. For Sony are they're gonna try to. Bleed us dry. To. Get more money on stuff, we already bought think about this I guarantee, majority, of people that's gonna play a handle on the tablets whatever isn't, these new mobile gamers it's the same Xbox. Gamers, that already have halo on their console, it's. The same guys except. Now, they. Could play Halo on the go they could play on the tablet on the go they're gonna have a little control, Xbox controller that they attached and they're gonna playing their jobs or they're gonna play in a party or while, they're traveling you're gonna do and you, know and Sony could do the same thing I, don't want this to think that it's exclusive to Xbox so I make it for my xbox the. Sony could end up having the same vision to where Sony puts all the games on PS now they won and really. The only people that's gonna play is us PlayStation, gamers but this time I'm on the go right so. Now we got placed. You know dot on the go we got to find a man to go we got games on the go sounds, great right be positive Paul rock its options, if you don't like it just don't do it but why you guys don't realize Sony. And Microsoft's not gonna offer this for free they're. Gonna charge you think, about this they're. Gonna charge you to continue to play Halo outside. Your house when you already pay for halo, inside, your house you already have it you have halo, you have Xbox like go what, god damn more do you want. How. About investing. Billions to, make what we already have, what. We made you guys rich better. Let's. Start with Sony, can I get fucking dedicated, servers, in these, games how, about we start with that we brag. About the, most players PlayStation. Has the most users, well motherfucker, how, about you fucking entertainers, users and break, us out of fucking 2002. Fucking. Gaming infrastructure, because we've been playing that damn fucking. Bullshit. Peer-to-peer since. The PlayStation, 2 and, it hasn't changed. You're. Making more money than ever so how about less, worrying about who what rock gets to plays find a man and his job how, about when Puerto Rock plays in his house it's a better experience. How. About creating a network that actually takes advantage, of the. One gig services, that are out there now you got people with NF 800, Meg 750, Meg's a gig. Yet. The downloads still, 24. Gig join me in 24 Meg. Take. 16 hours to download a game how, about creative, service that capitalizes, that, how. About creating, you know Wireless. That. Takes advantage of edge technology, so. That way is as close as wide as possible I know understand why this will never be as close. As, exactly, as wired Ethernet, connection, but it could be a lot better than what we're doing now a lot. A lot a lot better. You. See I'm saying. Make. The experience, for. The people that's putting you on top, of the mountain better. Right. And as you improve the experience, you're going to get new people cuz every, year a new console. Gamer is born every year somebody, turns six five, six or seven for the first time I promise.

You Every. Single, year some. Kid is turning five six or seven guaranteed, and that's. Around the age where they play some, even start younger but, we'll start with you you will use the five to seven range, that. Range their console, gamer for the first time so, every, year you're gonna get new console, gamers and the. Question is how, do you keep them engaged as gamers or do, they end up growing out of it I don't, wanna use the word growing out of it because that's a bad word do they end up losing, interest, in gaming as they become older or do, you engage them, to make sure their lifelong gamers like many of us are. So. You're spending billions of dollars on, a streaming service which ultimately isn't. Really for my wife you're just trying to sucker me into giving, you more money for. Games I'm already playing in. My house but. I get to say who I get to play on a bus. For. $10 a month to access this stuff. It's. Stupid. It's. A stupid concept, you're. Bleeding us dry and, you're. Really not giving us anything worthwhile in return. Give. Us the. Features, give us the services, improve gaming do something as basic as stop. Giving us these broken ass games that need fucking, day one patches. How. About that. How. About you, invest those, billions of dollars, right I'll even take this invest. Those billions of dollars, into your, own. Toolset. So. That way you don't take you five goddamn, used to make a game. That. Way we should we should be improving, the technologies, and a toolset to, where we can go back. To, the cycle, where, you guys are able to develop games every, two to three years. Conserve. Every five to six years. It's. Crazy. Right. That the generation, is about, to be over right and we, got one, goddamn, rockstar, game one read they read that too that's it and it sucked ass, but that's it there's no other rockstar game we're gonna get none. Now, for this gen it's over you're. Gonna get DLC for GTA 5, which was a last name game the only authentic current. Gen Rockstar, game read. Ever there's your - that's, it we, got more consoles. In hardware than, rockstar games we, had ps4. Vanilla, ps4. Slim. Ps4. Pro we, got Xbox. Xbox. One, s Xbox. One x3. Consoles. One. Rockstar game that's. Not how it works that. Ain't the answer sway, on. The. PlayStation, 2 to put this into perspective especially, if you started gaming them PlayStation, 3 right or, 360, in there and you don't really know what I'm talking about on the PlayStation, 2 Rockstar. Right rocks are by themselves. Ran. Totoro three. Vice. Grand theft auto vice city grand. Anse all san andreas three, grand theft auto's but, it was late there's more right. There revolver, which started the red day redemption new, IP. Manhunt. Manhunt. Two new. IPs, the. Warriors. Bully. Right. So I got, three counter todos to manhunts, read the redemption bully. What. Else I mentioned the Warriors that's at least eight games and that's off the top of my head eight, games. During. A PlayStation, 2 Jen and oh let, me remind you the PlayStation, 2 gen was really only five years six. If you want to go from place a PlayStation because the PlayStation, 2 launched in 2000, Xbox. 360 launched in 2005, so that's a five year gen but if you want to use the PlayStation 3, as the, metric. 2002, 2006 six, years aatrox, arson games that's more than. One Rockstar game year if we, use specifically. Playstation, 2000-2006. Six years eight rockstar games that's more than, one game a year that's about 1.2 games a year for moxtra at a minimum, every, single year we were again a rockstar game. Every. Year. Nevermind. All the other companies that was flooding in. Now. We're most likely getting more hardware. And. Talk how, about we work on that. Fuck. Brain streaming, and taking it home how about you just give me more games put. Invest in your tool sets great games faster but no we don't think about that I should. Be here positive, oh man, gain streaming was great option, somebody's, gonna like somebody's.

Gonna Like it even, if I don't don't, worry about it it's not for me I could ignore it good. On everybody. Well. I sit here I'm peer-to-peer, network. Even. Though guys, like us are putting. These. Councils, on the map then, you know we talk about Microsoft. Made 10 billion dollars a gaming Sony, made 17 billion dollars a gaming how, the fuck you think they got there they, ain't get there because of my wife is playing their games it sauce. So. Yes I. Won't. So into investigate, in us because. We're the ones are putting them on the map, but. No they want to put this. Whole system for a group of people that don't give a damn about their library cuz if they gave a damn. They. Would just go to a store and, pay, 200 bucks. That's. It it's. Not hard to play a PlayStation, game it's not hard to play an Xbox mean I don't. Want to hear the whole always, multiplayer PC that's besides, the point no no none of that matters what matters is if you want to play Halo next. Box is fucking 200 bucks and. Here's the crazy part he's. Actually cheaper, than mobile gaming because. Most of these guys get phones every goddamn year, you. Only need to get this console once and is good for at least five years one. Console, is good for five years even, if, you did pay the. Launch price of $400, or $500, it's, so for founded on investment, for, the whole Jen. You don't have to upgrade to these meet Jen refreshes, I, don't. Have a pro that's, that's I don't even have a slim that's the base, on. Vanilla. Or vanilla ps4. And it's fantastic. Wow. My, goddamn, iPhone, 7. The modem went out an apple, fucking store retail, store just wants to charge me 360, euros because I'm in Europe to, fix it so now I'm. In and this is one, of the reasons that triggered, this, video to I'ma be honest that was the trigger a god damn phone cuz I'm in the Apple store right and they. Told me a the morons broke in to the SIM card and we, had to replace the major piece. So. It's gonna cost you three hundred sixty year olds right or you could just buy a new phone and we'll, knock out two, hundred year olds so the phone would be six hundred euros so brand-new iPhone, XR whatever it is six hundred euros or. Get. My iPhone, 7 which is like two Jen's behind for, 360, euros so. To, make it round off in now at $700, vs. $400, so, four extra three hundred outs I get a brand new phone but here's the thing that pisses me off what the hell am I paying 704. What am I even paid, $360. For, my. Phone I just need to make a phone call tweet messages, on iMessage. Her an Instagram. That's. Not one of several hundred dollars this Playstations, $1.99, and the. Experience, blows, phones, away it's. Incredible. The. Gaming and entertainment is, superior, dental phone. Everybody. Check all but a phone has HDR. Retinal. Scanning cameras. Motherfucker. All you gotta do is take pictures of either your penis, or pizza. We're. Not out there Jacque Cousteau in, in the, Alps taking, these amazing. Pictures, or something in there to freakin what, should we call it those. Fucking, you know animal magazines, and shit we're not filming fuckin, planet Earth part. 3 we're. Not doing that most, of us take a picture, I forgot, damn food. Dick. Pics oh I'm, sorry, some. Of you dudes are at, the DMV, doing. Selfies all look at me I'm getting my license for the first time hashtag, adulting. That. Ain't worth seven, eight hundred I got damn dollars. And. That's what triggered this damn video like. Who is Sony, Microsoft really, attracting, here, you're. Checked in the wrong audience you're, looking, you're focusing. On the wrong goddamn, audience, look, at the people, who got. You the tempura in a year and increasing, here over here look at the people where. You got 17, billion a year and increasing, I don't Saudis forty percent year a year growth who. Are those people doing, this, that's. Who you go after. So. They can stay and they're, gonna keep buying more stuff. How. About something as simple as, DLC. From, three game, from games three years ago not. Costing, $30 anymore like I just finished beans Assassin's, Creed syndicate love, the game enjoyed it I was, gonna buy the DLC it's, still $30. And again, came out in 2015. Through. Your old DLC and, it. Costs $30, the DLC, is more expensive than the base game I could get the base game for 15 bucks how. About we fix, stuff. Like that. Besides. Worrying about trying to get my wife to play God a war on a phone. And. This. Is why I'm, Negative Nancy to, the BS. House. It's on the thing. That they should be focusing, on investments. On the things they need to push ahead take. Care of the consumer, that, puts you on the limelight, don't, think we're just gonna be here just to be here Sony, remember.

PlayStation, 2 150. Million PlayStation. 3 80 million if that, doesn't tell you we will dump you like. A. Day no snap I don't, know what. Is I. Don't. Agree with this streaming service I think we're going after an audience that don't care which. Means the. Audience that's the, only audience left to, make these services, says who are the, ones already buying your games you're just bleeding more, money from us to, play the same games who already have access to I hope but now it's but, you can take you anywhere, $20. A month please a. Few. Yes. I'm Negative Nancy because. I'm avoiding my dissenting, opinion that's, not what I want and. That's. Not what most of us wants and I don't know why co-counsel. Gamers are co-signing this oh I know. Because. In social media you want to project yourself as the Dalai Lama we. Get you got to look like Mother Teresa. It's, got to be positive. Or. Positive we, all are, happy, Gaming. Is glorious, be one where for everybody just love, everybody loved. It even, if it has nothing to do with you or there's no benefit, to you it's, okay, just ignore it cuz everything's, for everyone, everywhere, at all times no no. You. Ain't sucker me in this bullcrap, bye anyway that's my goddamn half-hour rent let, me know what you think do, you agree with me or am I one of those negative, nancies that's just kidding gaining because, I'm jealous or whatever, am, I an old dinosaur let, me know what you think let me know if you want points you agree or disagree with hit, me up in the comment section there's, your boy Porter ox 77, if you're new to the channel subscribe, like, it check, out my past contents, and again please don't forget to Like and retweet it or cause all forms on your favorite social media Facebook, Twitter spread. Out the knowledge alright I'm gonna try to do a podcast this Friday you guys take care of peace.


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