Meet the Drapers Choose Health Predictiv and Audio Cardio with Naveen Jain

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Welcome to meet the Drapers, I'm Tim Draper, this is my father, Bill Draper, my sister Polly Draper. We are here to create the next generation of startup heroes. Every week, three heroes pitch their game changing ideas to us. We choose one winner to move to the playoffs. Three heroes of our choice, then move to the finals.

But here's the big twist. You, the viewers, can invest with us in these companies. The three heroes that you fund the most will also move to the finals where they'll battle it off for half a million dollars. The power is now in your hands. Hey, welcome, everybody, back to Meet the Drapers.

Today, I have with me my father, my sister and a special guest judge. My father, of course, was a pioneer in venture capital. He's been at it for years and years and years. Most recently, he runs DRK Foundation, funding entrepreneurs who are nonprofits. And my sister is an entrepreneur herself.

She's created a number of different movies. She is a director, producer, actor, writer. She does it all. She is Hollywood personified. What do you two think an entrepreneur should do to overcome adversity, the virus or an earthquake? When something critical happens, it creates sort of an open field for an entrepreneur. What do you think an entrepreneur should be thinking about and doing to overcome this adversity? Try to stay safe.

And if there is a time where he should tell his team to stay home, he should not be afraid to do that, despite the fact that it'll damage the returns. When I've been in lockdown this whole time, I've been thinking of different ways to create. Human beings are incredibly resourceful and they find ways to to circumvent all horrible things. OK, so let's bring on a true entrepreneur, Naveen Jain. He is our guest judge today and he's been on Meet the Drapers so often that we have anointed him Naveen Jain Draper.

He has an amazing record of entrepreneurship. Most recently, he runs VIOME. He also wrote a book called Moonshots . So Naveen, thank you and welcome back to the show. Tim is always I look forward to this thing every single year. This is my highlight of the year, if I may say so.

And you know, Tim, the question that you asked was really interesting, that what should entrepreneurs do when they are faced with adversity, and when they are faced with the Blue Swan events. To me it's really interesting. As an entrepreneur, every adversity is an opportunity that it creates for you that did not exist. The Covid: it has really advanced health care by a decade. We would not have seen

telehealth for another ten years in this country that has really really accelerated. It used to be I do my thing, I get sick, I go to the hospital. Now, every one of us are thinking the last thing I want to do is to get sick and go to the hospital. And now we are seeing what can we do not to be sick.

Right? So to me, every adversity is a great opportunity. So I'm so glad you started out with that question. I think that people, when they're stuck in place, their imaginations flow.

Well, I think that our imagination brings the whole thing closer. It is a mind somehow believes we are stuck on this space craft called planet Earth. And once we open up our mind, we know that's not just our solar system, not even our galaxy, not even our universe.

This multiverse is really our place to be. Fantastic, we're going to be there. We're going to explore all the galaxies in the multiverse. Let's start by exploring three new entrepreneurs. But before we do, let's see what's going on behind the scenes.

And we're going to need your, your eyebrows to go up and down there Naveen. So it start's to Choose Health really out of a frustration that I had personally there is so much education in the health care space. It's really difficult for end users to actually understand where they're on their health journey and what they should do to improve. Could be stripping off cost and complexity. Could we make this simple enough why we would do this on a monthly basis. So really, we want to give people comeback control. We want to make it easy. We want to educate.

And we want to simplify the health journeys. For us to win the show would mean that both the audience and the judges would believe in the thesis that we have would see the progress we've made. It would be a massive point of validation along the journey to really bring Choose Health to next level. Our first entrepreneur, Mark Holland from Choose Health, Mark, give us your pitch. Hi Tim , Hi team. My name is Mark Holland and I am the CEO of Choose Health .

Choose Health is the best experience in at home blood testing and tracking. So COVID-19 is having a profound effect on society. People are moving less, eating more, drinking more. And uncertainty is a bigger part of everyday life. Telehealth consults have doubled and remote care is mainstream .

At home convenience is now the expectation. . So at Choose Health, we're focused on helping one million people improve at least one key marker of internal health. Understanding these key markers like cholesterol, like inflammation, like insulin resistance, shouldn't require a medical degree. The truth is, 78 percent of adults, over the age of 55 in the US today have at least one chronic disease.

Your blood, holds the secrets to identifying many of these chronic diseases that you or I could develop over my lifetime. Being healthy doesn't have to be hard, but it does have to be personal. So picture Alex, our CTO. He's a pre-diabetic.

He has a young kid and he's a busy early stage entrepreneur. He hasn't tested his blood in three years. So Alex' personal health journey will be as easy as day one - He visits the Choose Health website, takes a short survey to help him select the markers that align with his goals or health concerns. For just $68 orders a kit directly to his home. Day five, he takes a simple at home, Choose Health blood tests to establish his baseline. Alex then mails a back to one of our third party Cap and Clia Accredited labs to test the sample .

Day 10, Alex views his results online. Learns more about the markers he chose and markers he needs to improve and adopts a set of personalized diet, exercise or lifestyle suggestions. Created by our team of functional physicians through the Choose Health App. Day 90 , Alex then tests every quarter to see how his markers are improving and trending over time.

In 9 months today of operations this year to date we've grown our user base by 500 percent and have a recurring monthly revenue of over 20k. We have a direct consumer offering and an affiliate model for health care practitioners to offer remote testing to their clients and patients. Do I have to poke myself with a needle? What do I have to do each time I want this biomarker test . On your finger yeah So it's going to be the way diabetics test their blood. What is your first target market diabetics, or are you just trying to go after everybody? I think we've moved just beyond the early adopter phase in this market where the early adopters were customers with the necessity like diabetes, whereas terms like inflammation and insulin resistance are becoming more mainstream, where people want to test these markers on a more regular basis. And where is your revenue coming from? Is it from the tests? Are the tests out there now? Yeah, by the end of 2020, we will have about 250K in revenue in our first year in operation.

But half of that is from our direct to consumer business and the rest from our B2B physician affiliate model. Yeah. So Mark, this is a very, very crowded market here. I mean, you know, Everlywell is selling 200 plus tests right now. When it comes to you, what is your intellectual property here other than just simply being a marketing company on top of someone else's desk? I've really tried to focus in on the personalized aspect to this and we really focus on the customer experience. We don't just throw two hundred tests in front of somebody and let them decide.

We help them with a series of questions and surveys that help people think through. Why would I want to do this test? How does this align with my health goals and concerns? When they get the results back, we really focus on providing insights to the tests. So if my inflammation levels are high and I told you I'm eating a standard American diet, then the likelihood is that the standard American diet might be having a negative impact on your inflammation levels. Have you tried another type of diet that has some scientific relevance for improving that specific marker.

Is this all about advising on diet or is it about, you know, alerting you to health risks that you need to go to the doctor for? What kind of things are you testing for? Because last year the winner of the whole shebang was vivoo, who did a pee stick that tested all sorts of issues in your body. What does this do? That's more powerful or more necessary? We're really focused on the blood. We believe that the blood holds a lot of the secrets. Our core markers in our kids are inflammation, insulin sensitivity, cholesterol ratio, oxidative stress, average blood sugar and visceral fat.

So these are key components that almost any doctor would view to be vitally important, for long term health and chronic disease prevention. You would go to a doctor to get that test ordinarily, but this is skipping the middleman. Correct yeah. At most annual physicals, these are the markers your doctor would would advise you to take. Yes, Mark, again, I mean, I think you're basically saying that you are a good marketing company that is really creating a user experience, but not creating intellectual property for yourself. So in a sense that simply as Polly said, you're going to be a middleman and you can obviously take some small margin there.

But the labs can constantly keep pushing you for higher prices because you don't have any control. So how are you going to deal with that? Because you are basically just a customer acquisition for the lab. I mean, the direct consumer lab testing market is growing at 53 percent a year. How big is it now? So the direct to consumer testing market is 300 million in 2019, but the overall diagnostics market was 56 billion in the same year. SoI'm happy to remain lab agnostic because, one, I can suggest the best device to test with.

And two, I can choose the best lab with the best pricing. So I understand your concern. And it is something that we think about with all the labs that we know innovating in this space, I'm pretty confident that we'll continue to be able to provide the best pricing. Were you inspired by Theranos at all? I thought you might ask me that.

Yeah, I was wondering that too. I won't make too many comments on it. I've seen and read a lot.

We were very adamant on using third party labs, using the experts to do our testing on our behalf. But I mean, the core message is still relevant today. Giving users back control of their health is still very relevant today. Terrific. Well, thank you, Mark.

Good job. Give me a high five. Thanks for being a part of Meet The Drapers. I wish you all the best. So what did you all think, Polly, why don't you start? He's got a pretty uphill battle with because of the whole Theranos thing.

Particularly because the one great thing that we thought was true about the Theranos thing was that she had her own labs and it was going to be like a farm to table kind of situation. He's just, I guess, the middleman for that. I like the idea. And I felt it was muddied by a lot of other problems. And I look, this is an idea true and tried .

Everlywell is been doing it for the last three four years and they're you know, a reasonably successful company. In terms of - I don't worry about Theranos situation here because these are the standard tests. What Theranos was trying to do was to do it differently than how people did that require a lot of blood. What I think what he's doing is really creating a user experience to make it easy for you to be able to do that, do it at home, because many of these big players haven't created a good user experience. It will have some value, but not a lot of value. But if you can create intellectual property around the reasons you are getting sick, then you create a massive amount of enterprise value. Dad, what did you think? I needed to hear more about how he's going to reach this market.

Knowing what I know, I'd like to back him if I don't find other problems along the way. I give him the benefit of the doubt as of now, with five minutes. I thought it is good to have a little convenience. And I do like the idea of being able to run my tests at home.

But there was no real technological edge here and so I'm a little concerned about that. OK, so thumbs up, thumbs down, thumbs all around. Which way you gonna go? I can never get my thumbs up, I'm like, Just point it right where your face is.

Mine's middle. Oh, OK, yeah, OK. Three in the middle and I'm down. OK, terrific. So let's move on. Let's meet our next entrepreneur, our next hero.

I'm excited about it. Yeah, that's good, Polly. Very nice. Yeah, we got it. We still got it. Now I'm just trying Let's bring on - let's bring on our next entrepreneur, our next hero.

At some point, Polly is going to get this thumb thing down. Let's bring on our next entrepreneur. But before we do, let's see what's happening behind the scenes.

After receiving PhD in biomedical sciences I went to med school to become a surgeon to save lives. In the meantime, my father suffered rare cancer. The incidence was 10 in one million people. But, oh, when I actually analyze his DNA, his cancer was predictable and preventable. So for my father's case it was too late. But I wanted to provide this opportunity to other people before it's too late.

That's why we have built Predictiv. The main impact Predictiv will have on people, it's saving lives. We want to predict and prevent those diseases that impact our close relatives, friends, colleagues.

This is our mission. Why you should invest in Predictiv is that we are building the future of medicine. We are going from a reactive medicine to a proactive medicine.

So when you go to the physician, it's not because you're sick, it's because you want to avoid being sick. OK, let's hear from our next entrepreneur. Go ahead, tell us about Predictiv. Hi, I'm Sajung CEO and co-founder of Predictiv. That is Alex co-founder and COO. About seven years ago, my father suffered from rare cancer a few years later as I was teaching genomics at Johns Hopkins University.

I analyzed his DNA and found out this cancer could have been predicted and prevented. According to NIH, not just my father, but over 10 percent of serious diseases could have been prevented. It was too late for my father, but we wanted to provide this opportunity to other people before it's too late for them.

That's why we built Predictiv. Predictiv is a DNA based digital train to predict and prevent disease. We analyzed your genome, 20000 genes.

We compare it to 16000 diseases and 300 drugs. We do that in real time. This is searchable and we can set up some preventive actions and treatments based on that. What we want to do is to provide the 67% of US adults in the US that are willing to get genetic testing to identify their risk for any disease or conditions. And to do that, we go to healthcare professionals, physicians, nurses, hospitals, government for $490 . So where we are today, we have a solution that is fully operational.

We actually just launched MVP. We have had a lot of success in the discussions we had so far with telemedicine companies, software providers, but also physicians who are willing to use our solutions. Tomorrow what we plan trying to do is to integrate even more health data, medical data, but also to bring some premium features, such as recommendations regarding nutrition, fitness and many others. That is the beginning of a very exciting journey, which is building predictive medicine. How did you two meet? Yeah, we met about a year ago through an advisor, we got along very well.

I have expertise in genomics and Alex has an expertise in developing the tech product and rapid expansion. For example, his first company, he rapidly expanded to 160,000 users within two years. I asked him to join and here we are. And what's the distribution approach? How are you going to get the word out? Is this going to go through doctors or patients or how do you reach everyone? So at first, we really want to go through healthcare professionals. So through doctors

and to reach out through doctors because, I mean, that's a lot of individuals also to reach the idea is to go through software providers. So the one field, the electronic health records, but also telemedicine companies. We already have that kind of network. As you know, that genes and/or DNA is really not your destiny because, you know, most of the time is really the gene expression.

And identical twins can get completely different set of diseases. And 90 percent of all chronic diseases have nothing to do with DNA, very little to do with the DNA. It is fundamentally around microbiome and also that even the gene expression.

So your lifestyle rather than your genes themselves. So how do you look into the disease markers and are you getting a lot of metadata from the consumer to be able to build the predictive markers? We analyze the entire genome and then we cross-reference to the ClinVar, NCBI database only from the public literature. So what we cannot do is that we cannot predict this person actually going to have this disease in five years. But what we could do is this person has a high risk for this disease what we are doing, is that we warn them.

Hey, you have an inborn disease, high risk, so do the preventive measures to lower the risk or reduce the impact of those diseases. I've seen 23andMe and that does a lot of predictive things too. Then how is this different? You know, 23andMe will tell me the likelihood that I'll have a stroke or if I have the marker for Parkinson's disease. Is this the same thing, only more extreme? I don't quite understand. 23andMe pick some diseases and go and analyze the genes that are related to those diseases.

Our approach was completely different. We went the other way around. We look at your entire genome and based on the research that exists today and the knowledge we have today, we identify the 16000 diseases that might impact you. So on one side, you have 14 diseases for 23andMe on the other side you have 16000 and could be even more and could be even more accurate based on research that is done every day.

And research goes very fast in that field. Veritas does a full whole genome sequencing and they just shut down. Getting people to do genetic testing is actually going down, a lot of people are very, very, I would say, worried about giving their DNA data to the companies. 23andMe market is slowing down Ancestry market is slowing down and VERITAS shut down for the same reason, even though they were doing exactly what you're doing, right? I mean, they were doing the full genome sequencing for $600. Yeah, that's a very good point. However, our use case is completely different. We are not another 23andMe .

We are not another Veritas Genetics. What we use for this is to look for example for misdiagnosis. In 2019, 20 billion misdiagnosis cases in the United States and sixty thousand deaths happened.

What we are able to do, it is the real time personalized genetics based on clinical decision support system to reduce the misdiagnosis rate. In terms of the adverse drug reactions, we simulate the adverse drug reactions before people take it. So we are not just another genetic sequencing company. We are the digital trained company.

Are you expecting medical insurance to pay you or are you hoping the consumer does? Or the patient or the doctor or the hospital? So we have some CPT Codes to get the reimbursement for the insurance. The fact that we go through physicians, through health care professionals, means that they would be the one prescribing that test. So you can get reimbursed based on that. Terrific. OK, well thank you. Thanks so much Predictiv for being on the show and meeting the Drapers.

Keep up your heroism. Very good. Thanks a lot. Thank you.

So what did you all think, Naveen you want to start? The CEO is very smart. He obviously understands the basic science. He's very capable. It's a tough market. Genetics is just a really, really tough market and trying to tell people that we are better than 23andMe and, you know, that's where you lose most people, is that when you have to tell someone why you are slightly better off rather than it's completely different and disruptive.

But I mean, I think they are very capable people and I wish them nothing but success. Do you think that the doctor is going to not know the difference between 23andMe and what these guys are doing? In my opinion that most doctors don't understand genetic testing at all. In their mind, it is an unproven field and it's very hard to get them into clinical market with unproven field.

And that's the reason 23andMe sells to the consumers, not to the doctors. I have no idea whether they're going to be successful or not , but I would take a bet on them. They're confident people and I liked it. Well he passed the hero test for me, he has a real reason for what he does and he is not going anywhere. Polly, what do you think? Genetic testing was basically what saved my husband's life from cancer. So I would bet on it. But there are lot of companies I mean, Tempus is really big in that.

I mean, Tempus is doing a really good job in that particular field. I mean, they look at all the biopsies, all the DNA, everything. So what would be the advantage of this? Would this be a cheaper way of getting it into the system or what? What is the advantage that isn't this? I think that Tempus is much farther ahead. They have really integrated themselves into the hospitals.

But look, these are smart guys and a smart team. They'll get acquired if they do anything, somebody will buy them because they are smart team, not because they have lot of technology. So you don't think the sixteen thousand is a lot better than the, than the sixteen? No. The disease markers for genetics are just very, very poor. I mean, they're just not very good. They're really not much in the genetics that are very predictable.

OK, so let's do it, let's vote. It's - it's hard to vote on something you don't know that well. Naveen sounds like you got two votes.

OK, thumbs up, thumbs down, thumbs all around. All right. I'm going up. I'm going up because I'm basically doing Naveen. Three ups and one three quarters.

Great. OK, with that, let's move on to our third entrepreneur of the day. But before we do, let's see what's going on behind the scenes. We started Audio Cardio about four years ago after a trip I had my grandfather to Montana. During that trip

I realized how bad my grandfather's cognitive decline is becoming. After the trip, I went home to do some information gathering and found studies showing a higher risk of dementia due to untreated hearing loss. My grandfather had severe hearing loss and tinnitus and never purchase hearing aids. My grandfather became frustrated, isolated, depressed and eventually passed from complications with dementia. And that's why we started Audio Cardio.

Our goal is to fill the gap for the people who know that they have a hearing problem, but for whatever reason, don't want to purchase a hearing aid. Winning this competition would mean so much to us as a young startup. It's part validation, but also understanding that we now have the capital and the resources to truly educate and raise awareness about the importance of hearing help and how it affects the rest of your life, including your quality of life as well as secondary, physical and mental health issues. Terrific. Our next hero, give us your pitch. I'm Chris Ellis, CEO of Audio Cardio . A data and science backed mobile app

that's designed to maintain and strengthen your hearing. You can think of us as physical therapy for your hearing because over 400 million people suffer from disabling hearing loss. But the bigger underlying problem is the lack of access to care, expensive costs, and negative social stigma associated with the solutions on the market. Audio cardio sound therapy targets damage ranges of frequencies by repeatedly stimulating the cells at the barely audible level.

This causes them to fire together, wire together, and send the signals to your brain so that they can be processed as meaningful sound. By continuously stimulating these cells, we aim to help promote and support the neural pathways necessary for sound to travel to the brain. To take your assessment, you simply move the volume slider to the point where you can barely hear the tone being played. You would do this several times for the left year and again for the right to create your personalized sound therapy . Audio cardio is an easily accessible and affordable sound therapy that you can do passively in the background while you listen to your favorite music, work on your laptop and fall asleep. The therapy is inaudible and won't interrupt your other activities.

Our technology has been patented and an accelerator program provides up to fifty thousand dollars in annual assistance through an FDA grant. Audio Cardio's technology has been clinically validated by Stanford University, Palo Alto Medical Foundation and Samsung Medical Center, with over 70 percent of the participants having a change in their hearing ability by 10 decibels or more within a few weeks. There is a tremendous market opportunity selling our solution direct to consumer and to large enterprises.

Today, we have had more than 2000 subscribers cited multiple partnerships with veteran organizations and continue to grow our direct to consumer business. Terrific. So the thing I'm thinking about is market size. How much do you charge for this in a year? It's $99.99 per Year

You're at seven hundred and sixty million dollars market size. Is that big enough and is there more that you can sell them? Are you going to add to this in some way? Is there an expanding market? That's our addressable market today, what we see it as. There are more than 450 million people globally that suffer from hearing loss and 90% of those people have something called sensory neural hearing loss, which is noise induced or from aging. And those are the types of people that we can help. Right, but once you've helped them, it's a certain size market. I'm trying to figure out if you can go beyond that.

Is there something else you would sell them? Can you use the sound to find depression? Can you help people with anxiety using the sound? and that's what the team is trying to get to. What are the other markets you can use using the technology that we have? Absolutely. Untreated hearing loss is associated with isolation, depression, cognitive decline, and dementia. So for all of those things, if you have potentially better hearing, hopefully you'll be more willing to engage in social activities as you get older. Be less frustrated with your personal relationships.

There are a lot of other things that audio cardio could potentially help. And we also have a roadmap to improve our product and target more frequencies that the human ear can hear. I'm interested in the cardio part of the name. The cardio part stands for the training. So it's a once a day, one hour sound therapy that you can do while you do other activities since it is inaudible and that's the kind of cardio or the training portion of it.

Doesn't cardio mean heart? Isn't it something to do with the heart? We mean it in the sense of cardio like training. Cardio in the sense of a workout. I see. How is your technology protected? Did you develop the IP yourself? Is it protected? Did you license it? Who owns the IP? We did develop the technology ourselves. My co-founder is the inventor of our technology. We have a patent holding company and we have the exclusive perpetual license from our patent and our patents have been awarded.

Oh, wait, so. So your organization doesn't own the patent? You just have a perpetual license of it? Perpetual exclusive license, correct. So who owns the patent? Our Patent Holding Company. Why would anybody invest if they don't own the patent? Because we're still protected just as much. But this is for the consumer market. There's the medical market.

And it really depends on the investor and what their appetite is for consumer versus medical or both. Chris, it's a bad, bad, bad idea. If I can give you one advice, merge the patent holding company with this company. If you are hedging your bets, nobody's going to invest in you because they're going to hedge their bets.

OK, understood. OK, I don't know about any of that stuff. I just know that this is a great idea.

Someone like me who has rock and roll songs, and is like completely deaf at this point because of them - I would love to do this. And what are the success stories? Who are the - do have examples of what the percentages of where their hearing is back? Yeah, through our clinical studies, we had over 70 percent of the participants have a significant change in the hearing by 10 decibels or more within a few weeks. Now, why would I sign up for a year if in a couple of weeks I already get my hearing back? Because you can continue to make progress beyond those first two weeks.

It's like we liken it to working out in the first two weeks, two to four weeks, you may see some results, but then when you're in one, three and four, you're really making more results. And of course, at some point everybody does plateau. Oh, and then you lose them! Eventually yes, you're hearing may degrade. You still go to loud concerts or go to restaurants and age, of course, or get sick. These are all things that can damage your hearing. So our goal is to give you a better quality of life.

What is your income so far? We're on track for fifty thousand dollars this year. How long would people stay on the program on average? What do you think? Right now we're seeing about a 60 percent retention at four months. And we've also seen quite a few people just purchased outright for the entire year and six months subscriptions as well. Terrific. Well, thank you, Chris.

Thanks so much for coming and meeting the Drapers. All right. Thank you so much for this opportunity. I didn't think he was very energetic. If there's anything else that I look for in an entrepreneur, it's energy. Bill is saying that he loves my energy. All he wants to do is invest in me. Yeah. Yeah,

that totally. That's exactly right. I went back on this.

I mean, I thought he was good. The market is small, but it's a good niche market. He seemed to have a good set of success rate. I did not like the fact that they're hedging their bets and keeping the patent on a parent company, that they don't think that this is really the one that they want to really build. And that tells you that they're really not sure they want to put their heart and soul into this company, or else you would put everything in one company and work hard to make it a success. Yeah.

In fact, I, I hit on that too, and I did it twice, if you remember. First I asked, well what if what happens after the hearing thing. He didn't bite on that. He didn't say we're going to do more things.

When they hold back like you don't trust 'em as much. So I was a little concerned about that myself. I think if they regroup and then they say, well, look, we're going to be all in on this and the hearings, the first thing that we're going after, then maybe we reconsider this. But I'm not as enthusiastic myself. Polly, what did you think of this one? I really want to try it, so please invest in it because my hearing it sucks and would love to be improved. OK.

Also, doesn't the market grow as people age? I mean, don't you just keep getting new markets all the whole time? But I think you can go to and become a customer without having me have to invest. Okay. We'll do our thumbs.

I've got to say, my thumb goes from here to here. If he throws the whole all the technology and... But anyway, thumbs up, thumbs down, thumbs all around. Which way are we going? Which way we're going. OK, we got one up and three down. All right.

So now we've got to decide which of these three is the winner that's going to move on to the semifinals? Is it Audio Cardio? Is it Predictiv or is it Choose Health? So which is it going to be . Polly, why don't you tell us who you come out in favor of? Audio Cardio just because for selfish reasons I guess. My second place is the Predictiv, which I thought was those two guys are pretty brilliant.

That's how I would shake down. So I would go with Predictiv as number one Choose Health as number 2, and Audio Cardio as number 3. Predictiv has good team. The person is absolutely dedicated. He has the right reasons to be doing so. And I think they're brilliant, bright people as a team.

So I really like that. Choose Health is a market that is going to happen. You know, people are trying it. A lot of people in that market. Somebody would buy them just because they can develop a good user experience.

Audio Cardio, I was not as impressed with them. It is what it is. But they really didn't seem like the entrepreneur that I would put my money behind. I am totally with him. You said it just the way I would have said it except better.

We have exactly the same order. I was a little more interested in Audio Cardio because of the technology. The idea that you have an app that improves your hearing, I mean, that's sort of a major breakthrough.

But I didn't like how he was playing hide the ball and he didn't really want to tell us about the patents. And, you know, I think there was a there was a problem there. OK, now we'll just have to bring them all back on.

Well, what's your prediction? Mine comes from the crystal ball. He doesn't have an opinion. He's, he's very spiritual. We're going to bring them back on and then we're going to tell them how it came out and who goes forward. So thank you, heroes, you did extraordinary work. It was great to see all these pictures together.

You guys are going to improve health in many different ways, starting with Choose Health. It's quite extraordinary. And getting the in-home test, I think, is going to be a very powerful product. We're concerned a little bit about you not having that much in the way of technology that was just for the home. But the good news about that is that you will have access to the end user and be able to continue to provide new services to the end user. So we like that.

Predictiv, we thought that you were quite good and quite passionate about what you do. That's what we look for in a hero. We were concerned quite a bit about the confusion in the marketplace that would come from 23andMe versus you guys. Just because you have more than they do doesn't necessarily mean that the market will recognize you. And then Audio Cardio, we think it could be a major breakthrough. And it's very exciting that we could potentially just have an app that improves our hearing.

But we were very, very concerned about you playing a little bit of hide the ball where you're not committing to the whole thing. You're sort of thinking, I'm going to segment this out into multiple different businesses because we have this new technology. If you really want backers, they're going to want you all in.

I will confer with my crystal ball and we will decide who goes on to the semifinals, which of these three companies will go forward to the semifinal. But the good news is that even if you are not selected to go forward to the semifinals, that the crowdfunds will select three of our finalists. We're going to the crystal ball and Innie Beanie Chilli Beanie Winnie Cinnie Beanie Jeanie... who will move forward to the semifinals? It is Predictiv! Predictiv. Congratulations. You're moving forward.

You're going to the semifinals. We're looking forward to seeing you in the semifinals. There will be nine of you there and you'll cut down to three, hopefully, and be in our finals.

The other two groups, I encourage you to continue your crowdfund and bring the crowd in. And if you're a viewer out there, go to and you can fund these entrepreneurs, these heroes. I think it was a productive meeting. I think the mission of Choose Health, if it relates to people at home, we'd obviously love to have everybody that's interested in trying to democratize access to health information onboard. And we're still focused on our vision of making this the best and easiest customer experience, in at home testing. It was a great meeting.

The biggest surprise was the fact that I think that they believe that we were only investable if we held our patent within our organization. I think that they see a lot of potential in it. And I think there's just a few things that we need to work out, the investment by the Drapers. The viewers should invest in us, because we all know someone that's suffering in silence, that has hearing loss and tinnitus. So there's always someone that, you know out there that could use the Audio Cardio App.

One word I would say. Wow. For me, great. Two thumbs up. We are just very, very excited to be in the semifinals. That's the direction they have given to us.

I think that's a real privilege to talk to those Silicon Valley legendary people. I really appreciate this opportunity. Basically what we like to bring is from reactive medicines to proactive medicines.

So I'm very excited to be able to reach out to these many people through this show. And I think that's a blessing. And we'll see you next week on Meet the Drapers We’re funding heroes, heroes Future shapers We’re funding heroes, heroes On Meet The Drapers We’re funding heroes, heroes movers and shakers Cause that's what we do, that's what we do On Meet the Drapers We'll improve the future with our tech AI, VR, Bitcoin is the best! We'll build and work and grow with you havin' fun along the way We'll change the world for better Meet The Drapers all the way... We’re funding heroes, heroes Future shapers We’re funding heroes, heroes On Meet The Drapers We’re funding heroes, heroes movers and shakers Cause that's what we do, that's what we do On Meet the Drapers Meet the Drapers! Meet the Drapers!


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