Evidence of Waverly Hills Sanatorium • Ghost Files Debrief

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humming in the morgue a full-bodied Apparition grab a snack and help us unpack all that and more it's time for the series premiere of Ghost files debrief thank you for joining us I'm Ryan bergara and that thing over there is my colleague Shane Maday Shane hello each week here on debrief we're going to be taking a look at our most compelling evidence behind the scenes moments and answering your burning questions in this episode of debrief is sponsored by case defy hey it's me Shane you know from Ghost files I'd like to take a moment to thank case defy for sponsoring today's episode sometimes we're out in the field Ryan's out there being like oh let me take a picture of you and he goes oh it happens and for this very reason we use case defy to protect our phones you're saying Shane why should I use case defy well listen case defy uses ecoshock in order to protect phones from Falls up to 11.5 feet that's very high ecoshock is five times the military standard the cases are durable and slim enough to fit into my back pocket but if you don't believe that I'll test it for you right now get over here here we go a real world example of me climbing a ladder and then looking at my phone huh there's not a scratch on that let's get back inside case to fight has a huge variety of different cases with amazing designs from over 300 diverse artists there are also cases you can customize to your own tastes or with your name this one says laughter isn't that nice which makes your phone fun to look at and harder to steal and on top of all that case Defy is committed to sustainability use the link in the description for 15 off your order today and thank you again to case defy for sponsoring today's video and now back to the debrief oh thank you case defy well series premiere series premiere how do you feel I I'm very glad it's out there me too you tried to leak it several times I didn't try to leakage into your office chair that was one time yeah this one time but now it's out there people are loving it yeah Andy look I'm just excited you guys finally got to see it everyone here at Watcher is really proud of it I haven't surveyed each of them individually but I would assume that all people who work here think it's a good show he's got it scheduled he'll be knocking on your doors I will be scheduling one-on-ones soon so if you're watching this employees of watcher keep that in mind but uh happy you guys all saw it I'm gonna really enjoy watching all of the comments and the feedback over the weekend speaking of the premiere we got quite a bit of evidence in it uh let's take a look at some of that huh we got a lot of it we got we got a lot of evidence and you know what without further Ado yeah let's get into our first section of debrief evidence we heard in the morgue can we play back take it away are you hearing that hell man are you hearing that tell you what why don't we move to the spirit there was another what really yeah tell you what that's a hum folks one of many times throughout this series where Ryan is so locked in his own brain know what fear your fear cage fear cage then I had to point out moments to you which I'm trying to do is a you know I think I think I want to preserve a little bit of your fear this time so I've seen some people in the comment obviously this is not me just saying I swear from coats um I've seen a lot of people say well even Shane was scared by those things I wasn't because I don't believe in ghosts but I mean you say it in the app you do say like if I were to believe in ghosts I would certainly be scared by that right now exactly right and I would be if I believed in ghosts but I don't unless you don't unfortunately I don't but when I'm stuck in my fear funnel it is helpful it's nice to point it out to you and let you marinate in it without doing like a little oh I bet it's a little horse walking by outside I will say that I did hear the first time I didn't hear the second the second home right you were a tuned you were a two the second home was a little more smaller it was like oh yeah the first one's like and this one was like yeah it was like the noise that that lady makes when she drops the heart off the Titanic Oh maybe it was that lady could have been her she probably got tuberculosis I would love to hear what you do think it is yeah you know it's it's the thing about Waverly last time we were there and this time too so all the windows are open it's a big creaky old building there's a chance it was a door moving around or a wind sorry um classic for everyone loves that old unsolved question I mean there's a thousand things it could be before it would ever be a ghost but we didn't hear that hum anywhere else in the investigation and it was in the moment when we asked for something to hum yeah and it's in a place where people have also heard humming that sounded like that huh I know it was great it was baller to get that in the first room in the first episode that is crazy you'll see I'm sure there's other episodes this season where we don't get as much evidence it was very fortuitous as this was our series premiere and it was an absolute Banger when it came to you know clunks and clunks that's true we're always going to show you what we do get and uh sometimes that's not a lot and you might see that pop up throughout the season but this first episode episode certified Banker anyways let's move to our next piece of evidence uh we have the dog bone REM pod session can you tell us what happened to you how about this oh Jesus whoa what's going on is that you by the pod step away from it if it's you oh [ __ ] okay if that was you again could you please step back towards the uh bone please oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] uh step away now you step away now please step away from the bone and that was that pretty cool responses here you need to get that response from a new piece of tech well the thing is with these kind of devices you're always looking for things to be timely and respond in a way that seems intelligent and in this particular case student I felt like that was very much something that was convincing that I was talking to something and they were communicating to me um I like the REM pod because I like the fact that you could demonstrate how it works with a human showing them kind of break that field so do you legitimately think the rimpod was a ghost of a dog or it could could it was so intelligent it could have been maybe a person crawling around on the ground I think some puppy play no well no I don't think they need to be crawling on the ground to make the REM pod go off I think it was the guy who fell down the shaft with the dog okay because I don't think the dog is like saying like hearing me say step towards that if you understand yes the dog's like he's not doing that I was imagining like a bloodhound too big that's cool um um yeah the the rempod uh it's interesting it's a fun toy for folks like you you know with the with the cracks in your brain you can see when somebody is getting near it it has it pictures yeah and there are other locations where we use it throughout the season where absolutely nothing happens so yeah it's nice fun a little toy for you to lose your mind you know I forgot this is the show where my blood boils it's the here the ghost files Hero episode the one you just saw uh that's the one where we're kind of cordial it's in this show where the gloves really come off yeah I mean I'll still be doing this over here I'm a little more respectful on ghost files just for the sake of having a good time but uh I'll still be insufferable over here that's good to know what else we got uh let's move on to the Estes Spirit Box session uh there's a moment and this is kind of what was fun about you know this episode was there were so many things that happened that we didn't actually react to everything that happened and this is one of those instances I'm over there I'm saying the things that I'm hearing I can't hear any of the questions that Shane is asking uh I believe I say uh what is that you know what let's just show the clip okay what is that uh this is a an osmo it's a sort of like a gimbal box yeah sorry my Osmos be [ __ ] are you doing so you've been seeing the clip I say what is that and then Shane goes oh osmo and then it says box which is like what the osmo kind of looks like and then the osmo fails which is just like a really cool moment that I obviously I couldn't see that because I couldn't even hear you so like there's no way I would be able to point that out that's true and even in watching the edit it didn't occur to me and it was actually uh Mark our director who was like that's a little weird that it says box and then it shuts off after you know getting a response I thought that was pretty cool uh you know in in defense of other things the Osmos I mean those things are garbage they fail all the time we don't use it after episode one right it does call it box though there's a countless uh behind the scenes of us on Unsolved of me going come on you little piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] Drew that's fair enough you know what that's fair enough yeah and I'm not you know I'm not still exciting also I gotta say love the Estus method I know a lot of people were very excited for us to do that I had the time in my life doing it we do it several times throughout the season always a blast no it's a it's it's a way for to I guess you said it in the episode for it to be uh tolerable we I think we both kind of try different flavors throughout the season and this first one I was going really aggressive because I really couldn't hear anything so I was trying to project I think later in the season I take more of a sort of calming approach and just kind of close my eyes and just gently deliver the words so you'll see a nice Spectrum no yeah I'm sure people will be looking out for that um is this the kind of show we're going to be doing here with this kind of sass I didn't think there was any SAS there I'm sure there's going to be some people that are out there going love the ark well let's move on to Timmy's balls roll the clip here we go season premiere what are you doing all right now that's what I'm talking about all right Timmy I'd love for you to send that back should we go find the ball yeah I think we ought to where did that ball go Timmy Tim here's the white ball they're right next to each other's the blue ball blue ball if anything now I'm really impressed that we got the bottle and it's really nice it looks like they're little prizes for us as you can see from that clip this is something that I for whatever reason didn't react to on location Shane even points it out saying like oh they landed right next to each other so many things I pointed out I'm telling you I was in the fear funnel I know it's actually funny because and we'll talk about the balls in just a second but uh we always do I feel like even when we left by the time the first edits of that episode came in months later uh like when I saw the hum footage I was like oh yeah yeah that happened like we left there being like it seemed like a pretty good episode like not even registering all the things I think it was one of those things where so many uh pieces of evidence were occurring live that we weren't really used to that so uh yeah I don't think we've been in a building that was that active before honestly so it was just kind of hard to to I guess react to all of it but I will say after looking at it I was like how the hell did I not react to the fact that I kick a ball down the hallway and then I throw a ball which you see as hard as I can and the two balls land directly next to each other centered perfectly in adjacent doorways that's almost as crazy as the ball Landing under my name and when you couple that with the fact that you hear noises coming from down the hallway before we go to find the balls it's pretty [ __ ] creepy I'm sure people will talk about it in the comments I don't know because we're filming this an hour and a half after the episode has aired do you think it's more than coincidence that those balls were next to each other no I don't you don't think that someone placed them there no I don't I don't think that's even gonna cost me that I don't know I mean I do the shuffling was like the ghost being like oh [ __ ] what scare put these balls I think what if he was like this oh where's the Ryan where's the ride on the wall yeah you know what we're not near them through that yeah wait why is it ghost hiding isn't it translucent oh yeah he just he just does this he just goes it just goes in translucent mode I like that uh no I I am always kind of weirded out when people like even the your name on or the ball under your name moment yeah good stuff it's just you know more likely that a ball would roll somewhere than uh you know ghosts I just think it's it's just interesting that the two times we've done the Ball Toss there strange things have happened both times you don't think that's a little strange that's great it's great for Content it's a good tube it's good tube fair you're a tubeman I am a tubeman that's true anyways let's move on to uh the you know this is probably what a lot of people are gonna be talking about uh the Shane solo Apparition is it an apparition is it not let's watch the clip feel better you know on account of a the way of the world but um you know now we're doing our own thing on Watchers so that's pretty fun so I guess it's kind of a mixed bag uh do you want to play y'all want to play a [ __ ] game you little punk now there's a crazy story behind this we had had this episode Done months ago yeah a long long time ago and I the night before we were just doing a routine kind of quality control check over the episode to make sure things were good to go for the premiere well I want to say even before that oh yeah so I went on that investigation I came down and I tried to tell you and it was very difficult to do because I've done this on almost every solo investigation after I'm done I usually try and seriously make you understand and I'm always lying that I that I saw something that I heard something yeah oh Ryan I'm not kidding there was something up there so what I genuinely did hear something which again to me that place he's full of open windows can you describe what you heard honestly I don't remember it was like it was enough to make me go like oh it was a noise which by the way actually we do before you get into that we do have a clip of uh some of the noises that you did here they may be your footsteps but one in particular is kind of like a louder thump May once again be your footstep but you seem to react to it in your face kind of like a um maybe that's it and I honestly don't remember the moment and the thing is let's take a look that's actually what got me to find the figure okay so we went on I tried to tell you what happened and then we looked through the footage and like couldn't really find anything and then the night before the night before I had not personally scrubbed through that Shane solo investigation and I don't know what possessed me to think you know what this is a good time to just take that upon myself and look and so I found some noises and I was like oh that's weird that's not enough to put in the episode honestly so I don't think that's that but I was like you know what I'll just I'll just scrub through it frame by frame to see if I see something in this particular section because there was noises and sure enough you see that little kind of white cloud-ish looking thing go right behind Shane it moves behind him and the where it moves is the doorway where you see the figure you can watch it all in slow motion goes behind him then he turns around you see that thing if you want to call it that I believe it's a thing a figure standing in the doorway and then right after that figure is seen Shane hears the little bump and then he reacts that's like the timeline it all happens with about within about five seconds uh yeah it was really crazy I came in the next morning and you and our post supervisor Sam uh were both I mean Sam was like Shane I need your skepticism you got to make me feel okay about this I want to throw up right now uh and you were very excited and I was Lizzy was excited too Lizzie our producer was very excited I was excited to see the clip and I watched it and I was like well I'm glad you guys are excited about that you know the night before the uh the premiere in La which by the way we are doing premieres of episodes for a couple episodes this season ghost files live if you haven't heard about that a lot of the cities are already sold out but that's true check out here's the dates go go check them check them check them out everyone in the theater seemed to react in a way that it looked like uh that's great so I've seen some comments already on YouTube who are like I don't know what that was all about I I genuinely can't figure out like I know that you're spooked by the whatever's in the doorway I I don't know it looks like a face to me I don't see a face there in fact it looks so much like a face you could see the two glints which look like kind of Lights there looks like I have two eyeballs because there's two and then when the face turns the lights go away which is what happens when you turn away with your head because the light's reflecting off your eyes this could be a kitty cat man right or just a normal man well Normal Man wouldn't have glowing eyes no but it wasn't glowing it was more like could it have been reflected it's called I light machine it could be the creeper I don't know the creeper well what do you guys think I mean it's you could see us bigger all day let us know in the comments if you uh if you disagree what did you find most compelling you know what other mode did we miss something huh let us know let us know if you think Shane has pebbles for brains and can't see evidence when it's kicking him right in the face and let me know if you think um I'm the greatest investigator who ever lived those are the two options I mean I'm sure there's others but those are the ones that come top of Mind interesting all right well our next segment this is a segment where we show you things that didn't make it into the episode but we wish did make it into the episode and today we have a very fun clip for you guys from Katie deal actually she's one of the audience investigators who sent us a clip of evidence it did not make it into the show because it was in the same location as another piece of evidence but we could show it to you now and uh we'll let Katie take it away I was on the fifth floor in front of room 502 when I suddenly felt like somebody was watching me behind a doorway um my camera hadn't been working all day but I decided to try and snap a quick photo and when I looked at the photo I had taken there was a face there were no windows no mirrors no lights and no people around that could have caused it so the only explanation the ghost I tried to recreate that photo didn't nail it how about this first off thank you Katie thank you Katie for sending in the evidence thank you for recording the intro I liked that evidence more than the other one where they were uh you know what you're I don't know what year they recorded it and it sounded like 1962 with the quality of the audio recorder but where they were like is there anyone here yeah there's somebody here and I'm not here to call anybody Liars just indirectly I'm I'm not gonna call people charlatans within the episodes so we've we've we're trusting the people who submit these things you're indirectly saying it right now I am not here's what I think I believe they believe that what they're submitting is a ghost Here Comes The Shane pull string doll again and I do believe I believe you believe and uh I believe in some of those more than others and if you out there are considering sending in evidence for future episodes um an iPhone or any piece of technology post 1992. I will say this this is the last thing I'll say about this in regards to this this little quandary so your piece I believe that I believe here's what I believe hey okay hey here's what I believe in when it comes to evidence all these Skeptics are always like show me something that's very clear undeniable and then when they get it their first response is always well that's fake so what do you want I don't understand what you want like this is such a clear voice yeah here's the thing I just don't trust a lot of these people most Skeptics don't so basically what you're saying is if they send us the evidence if we could replicate that if we get replicated I'd be thrilled then you owe an apology then I will owe an apology yeah and you'll you'll get on your knees and apologize and crawl around in a little apology Circle yeah no I mean I will do that I'll crawl around and a little apology I'm sorry I'm sorry it's so dirty down here please accept it hey okay moving right along to our last and final section qua and Q a I think it's just q a this is where we answer questions directly from you guys the viewers at home including two questions exclusively from patreon uh I'll plug it hey head on over to patreon.com Watcher and better

chance you'll get your question picked you get early releases of episodes a whole day early and we've been doing some commentaries throughout the season these are hour-long episodes where can I sign up for that patreon.com right there oh that's it right there oh [ __ ] now let's answer some questions look here I'll toss you a little softball here Shane this comes from patreon this is from lentils 36. for Shane do you actually take any of these tools seriously as a form of getting evidence as a shiny act they seem fun and totally add to the episode but don't seem to add much in terms of scientific proof uh they do add a lot of fun to the episode but it's all pseudoscience [ __ ] so no I don't I there's no scientific value or Merit to any of them sorry that's true there I was just giving I was giving lentils a long hard stare oh that's good thanks lentils let's hear you talk about the questions now funny man oh oh here's from K Kirsten eight thanks for your support uh will you guys be having guests or other Watcher casts hunt with you uh so far this season we did not have anybody hunt with us but we did have a guest who came to show their evidence because they did their own paranormal investigation and you'll see that later in the season our our buddy Garrett Watts yeah we'll come on to the show and a delightful man you may have uh seen him on a puppet history if you are a fan of Watcher content he was a guest on that show as well that's right I don't know that we even watched puppet history I've heard it's good I I executive produce it um I heard there was some that's true some drama last season uh I wouldn't say we're ruling it out for the future it's just uh it's tough to probably bring someone along for a ghost hunt someone like Garrett would obviously be great because he's done it it is he's a colleague in the field yeah he's also a fellow tall boy very tall man fellow in the sense that he's a fellow tall boy to you um let's uh hit some other questions there you go there's the iPad for you thank you you're welcome all right let's move on over to uh tube Town tube down that's YouTube for all of you who don't know and we're gonna grab a question from there TT TT a look we've been up a long time getting the premiere ready so tired today okay here we go oh this is a really good question and I'd like to clear it up uh this comes from Jessie planter there's a little leaf emoji and uh they say how much of this is acting some of the recorded submissions feel scripted slash staged is there any truth to that or am I being overly analytical now I will say this I could see why you would maybe think that first off obviously we're not we're not acting but in terms of the audience submissions when it comes to the evidence we asked them to explain the evidence and we asked them to do it under certain parameters make sure you explain the evidence in under 30 seconds make sure you say what happened make sure you give a lead into what happened maybe before and then what could lead into the clip so it was kind of in a way where people would have to literally write down what they were going to say so they could get it under 30 seconds so that we could use it in the episode kind of in the weeds there in that sense it doesn't come off maybe the most conversational and you also have to remember that these perhaps are some folks that don't make a living talking to a camera like me and this idiot so yeah so you can't fault them for that uh all the submissions are genuine though they're they're gen regardless of the uh quality of the evidence um the quality yeah you're really fondling that evidence there uh they they assure us that what they are submitting is genuine and that their stories are are true uh from their experience not everybody can yeah it up like we can't handle that being said I I will say that that is a valid question I'm glad you asked it because I wanted to clear that up yeah this comes from Christy Kearns they say for the debrief is it still shaniacs [ __ ] fish and bugaras or will there be new nicknames for Skeptics fence straddlers and Believers I will say this for Skeptics it's still going to be shaniacs for a Believers still going to be bugaras and for fence straddlers that's no longer going to be [ __ ] fish it's going to be cowards so you gotta pick a side you gotta pick us up you really do have to pick yeah you know those are our people you're our people you're on and get off the fence that's not even a comfortable place to sit you're sitting there with it going up your ass crack that's not comfortable I guess you could be sitting like this in which case your feet would be more on one side naturally but I'm assuming you're sitting crack in the middle on a picket kind of so you split yourself kind of symmetrically yeah not not ideal if you want to be proper about it um uh there's a lot of people who sometimes will tell us oh I'm kind of in between and I think I've probably probably cut more people loose than you have but if I hear that from someone who says well I'm mostly a shaniac but sometimes I'm like well then you're not you're out you're done you're out of here that's true get packing hit the road and I think as long as you kind of believe and he needs the numbers so that's not true that's not true you saw all the evidence in this episode it needs the numbers you can't just point at me and smirk and say he needs the numbers and make it seem like Fast all right you know what maybe I'm just more inclusive thank you uh let's go to a question from Twitter let's go to Twitter what are we going to call Twitter oh so they're all TTS three down um this is from Kayla do you think threatening to kidnap Timmy in a ghost net might have made him a bit hesitant to respond to you I mean if I'm him I'm just happy I got adopted he didn't see the net and he didn't see my net I don't think he would have been scared if he didn't see the net if if you had a big glowing net with like laser rope you know yeah I mean I'm still developing it it's still an r d yeah it's back there but it is a big ass net that kind of looks like the net that Isabelle carries around in Animal Crossing and when I get a ghost the thing that we're really fine-tuning in the lab right now it's not so much the actual capturing it's the noise that it makes because I'm really trying to get it to make a nice yeah you're not getting that yet and not yet not yet so we'll get there well that wraps up this investigation thank you for tuning in to this episode of ghost files debrief and make sure you tune in to the next episode of ghost files this Friday when we go to Alcatraz what that's right wow and after you do that make sure you comment with questions on Twitter Instagram YouTube or patreon for a better chance to be on the next episode of ghost files debrief we'll see you guys next week farewell thank you


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