WORLD S ELITE MEET AT DAVOS Setting The Global Economic Agenda WEF22

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the elite are discussing your fate you want to know what they're talking about coming up i'm lynette zhang chief market analyst here at itm trading a full service physical gold and silver dealer specializing in custom strategies to help you survive and even thrive through the economic financial as well as social shift and reset that we're already walking through and you know they've just had completed a meeting they meaning the elites led by the wef world economic forum we know that you will own nothing and be happy and they just completed a meeting at davos so let's just kind of dive right in because you got to ask yourself if they're talking about you which they are and how they want to move you around on like this chess board do you trust them do you think that they have your best interests at heart for me the answer is no but what's the theme of this big meeting oh working together and restoring that trust because this is a con game and con games always require confidence that trust well i don't trust them because i know for a fact they do not have my best interest at heart i'm just big enough to fail and big enough that they think that they can control me this is the whole point of community and being as independent and self-sufficient as possible while coming together in community and saying no but let's just move on from this because what they're fearing and where what is happening and honestly do i think this is a coincidence no but getting d globalization right now remember guys i was a stock broker back in 1986 and i was there on black uh monday in 1987. best day could have ever been a stock broker but i remember hearing constantly about how great globalization is and the reason why globalization was great is because it gave corporations the ability to be in one place but yet be able to to have their goods created or moved from the cheapest resources so who gets paid the least right so inflation taking robbing you of your work and the wealth that you're creating wasn't really enough let's do this globally and clearly clearly it has benefited those corporations especially the few up at the top but going back to davos it was clear at this year's gathering of business and political elites in davos that the long-standing vision of a world without borders so corporations just control the world is no longer credible unfortunately it was also clear that recognizing this basic truth is not the same as reckoning fully with past mistakes and as we've seen over and over and over again all they all the elites ever do is point the finger but they never point the finger back at the at the entity that is truly responsible or a number of them i mean you know you're looking at all of these global elites they're all working together yeah they don't want a border they want to control everything we saw that in the piece that i recently did in monopolies they're they are basically controlling everything financialization is complete that's why we that's one big reason why we have to go through a reset but a forum traditionally committed to championing globalization was primarily concerned with globalization's failures broken supply chains food and energy price inflation why do they care about that because quite honestly they could be controlling that whole narrative and they care about it because when people are hungry and hopeless they make choices they would not otherwise make and that positions those at the top those elites well frankly that's when we have political regime shifts so famine and fear can override the global elites because there's way more of us than there are of them right so when people are hungry and hopeless again the world is about to fully reckon with all of those past mistakes because what happened prior to that i mean you know the us used to be a manufacturing hub right i remember quite clearly the garment district in new york and during that period of time you know one of my boyfriend's fathers actually worked there and i got a great i wish i knew where it was but now but a great shearling coat back then and new york was the hub of fashion not anymore so many jobs have been shipped overseas and so now when we have the supply chain breakage we have to rebuild that infrastructure so it came together hard and a lot of people lost out is going to come apart hard and that will justify a lot of garbage and create a lot of chaos but let's look at the four scenarios that the wef actually sees and i find this really really fascinating so number one would be virtual integration so the digital community right and then this fits into scenario one which is globalization everybody comes back together and the game continues as originally scheduled well that's the ideal circumstance in their opinion i don't think that's my opinion maybe it's your opinion i don't know you get to have your own opinion but when you have that scenario one what you have is complete virtual integration as well as physical integration so those few elites at the top control everything in the world now the next scenario or scenario two is analog networks and virtual nationalism and we're going to go more into these once i'm finished with this little graph here but in that you have a cross-border physical activity but everybody's got their own uh digital ways to do things and so it's fragmented but that's still better than scenario four and we're going to come to that in a minute then in scenario three it's digital dominance and agile platforms meaning that you have physical fragmentation so that cross-border relationship has broken down along with virtual integration which means that you have all those digital systems in place that's controlling it but this is the one that they fear the most because this is physical fragmentation as well as virtual fragmentation and this is an autarkit world with systemic fragmentation which which in a nutshell just so you know what that means okay this is the definition of autarky and this is a self-sufficient independent specifically national economic self-sufficiency and independence a policy of establishing a self-sufficient and independent national economy with the global elites like that no no no it's too hard to control everything so here you have scenario one where they remain in control everything comes together they remain in control and on the opposite end of the spectrum you have just the opposite you have nation states that are completely self-sufficient and independent so they have all of their supply chains that are created on their shores so that what we've been experiencing cannot happen again even if it's guided right even if it's guided okie dokie let's get into these four scenarios more specifically because this is going to definitely impact you so again in that globalization 5.0 reconnection greater physical and virtual economic integration across economies and guess what this serves to remind global powers of the gains to be reaped from continued cooperation who is really making those gains just a few at the top you've got a growing population that has a lot of insecurities food insecurity shelter and security etc this k-shaped recovery as we've talked about so the labor market is more globalized with a high degree of digital digitization of skills and tasks easier relocation greater remote work options and increased short-term and flexible employment facilitated by the cross-border convergence of labor market and tax regulations which have led to global competition and opportunities for the highly skilled workforce right so basically um you know here in the u.s you know who's really managing the food stamp program india okay well in globalization you can do that and the borders don't matter and that means that you have the whole world of laborers to compete for these jobs and what did the what did the business owners and the elites want when they started this fiat money system they stated that they wanted to pay the workers less and less and less so inflation helps those global elites because visually and nominally they've seen their pay go up but at the same time we have inflation eroding the purchasing power of the dollar so in reality and this has been true for everyone because was the design in reality what you have is the nominal price going up but the value of that labor and what they're getting paid is going down substantially and we can see that in real wage really the lack of the negative rate of growth in quote-unquote real wages that take into account at least the manipulated inflation even worse so oops sorry about that okay so lower skilled workers or those disrupted by the new forms of global economic activity i love this expect better outcomes than the consequences of previous waves of globalization now why would they expect better outcomes as governments invest more heavily in safety nets read ubi universal basic income and human capital development through higher taxation right now you have different taxation levels um globally although they are coming together on the corporate tax most likely etc but they'd like universal taxation and if everything is digitized i mean they could take it every day if they wanted to and what are you going to do about it if you hold all of your money and that's you get paid and we're in a cbdc a central bank digital currency excuse me then what do we know you've lost all control over your wealth over your time over everything but if they get their choice that structure is intact and the elites remain empowered yeah i don't like that option okay scenario number two analog networks virtual nationalism while physical integration is reinvigorated by the re resume trade in goods especially strategic commodities such as food energy and metals there is a splintering of technology across borders so you know if you think about what happened when we shipped all of our manufacturing over to china you know it's pretty easy for them to steal the intellectual property i never thought that was a good idea now they're complaining about it but you know you get what you get when you when you do these kinds of things and you open that door and hand over the blueprints to to another country i mean several splinter nets splinter nets have emerged with stronger state control over digital freedom of speech new firewalls inadequate privacy regulations and an increased risk of misinformation oh that means that the information i mean whatever if if you're talking about something that the elites don't like even right now you can get boom cut off at the knees and lose your voice so if we have the analog networks with the virtual nationalism that is more likely to happen but misinformation is all relative isn't it because they lie lie and they lie some more but they don't want you to know it how many times can you be lied to when you do not know the truth that is what my work is all about is making sure that you get the facts and i give you the links form a different opinion that's up to you i don't care it's up to you but they don't want you to have any information that enables you to make an educated choice we do so if you haven't subscribed yet subscribe because i'm going to keep bringing you this truth but some of these techno spheres have digital services and fintech financial technology healthtech edtech biotech and artificial intelligence applications as well as digital currencies but in many cases state-sponsored monopolies exist well don't we have that right now look at the pieces i just did on monopolies we have that already and that's global and the diffusion of innovation and competition are limited because that would eliminate the ability to have those monopolies the cross-border interoperability of technologies and ip sharing are restricted so now we see the world start to deglobalize and also to uh separate and the promise of the digital economy with previous projections that 70 percent of the new value created in the global economy between 20 to 2020 and 2030 would come from digitally enabled business models and that's unrealized because of that fragmentation oh my goodness they'll make a little bit less money and they'll have a little less control i don't think that's such a bad thing scenario three digital dominance with agile platforms the largest platforms platforms form global dominions and their dominance raises political and societal concerns about unchecked power and market concentration that's where we are right now the fragmentation of global supply chains among strategic allies like for example united states european union china russia creates the risk of prolonged supply shortages and a cost of living crisis again this is where we are right now the surge in the global platform economy is likely to further concentrate market power and increase the economic and political importance of global tech giants what do you think intangibles like artificial intelligence data markets and digital services gain greater economic importance while innovation and manufacturing is undermined by physical blocks so you've got the digital dominance but you've got the physical blocks leading to divergences in manufacturing quality in other words where they can manufacture whatever it is that they want to around the globe but so much of this scenario is frankly where we really are the cross-border movement of labor is more restricted lower skilled workers in more in-person work sectors particularly suffer from limited opportunities read gig workers read restaurant or workers do we not see this so i would honestly say of all of the scenarios this is where we are right now even if it's not acknowledged definitely but this is the one that they fear the most definitely authoric art antarctic world systemic fragmentation countries see greater control over information technology and knowledge i mean this just represents china frankly internet censorship and surveillance are extensive within economies and misinformation is rising because there's only one stream of thought that's actually going through physical and virtual cooperation is concentrated within the more restrictive spheres of influence to preserve strategic access to resource and maintain alliances okay i mean you can really see this in real time because as i've said many many times china is actually showing the world the way to control its population and and you know my guess is we're going to end up having some kind of combination of all of them and a whole lot less freedoms and a whole lot less choices but between these polls the militarization of the economy and technology has increased and we've certainly seen that in what we've just seen with the u.s and this is not the first time but we've seen it many times but the u.s cutting

russia out of the global payment system that's based on dollars and virtually pushing them into a default which that hasn't quite happened yet but and the dominoes the is it an unintended consequence i'm not really sure but you know we're really at a combination of all of these and there's a lot of testing going on to see what the world will accept heavily indebted governments and corporations have an increased risk of debt defaults dual fragmentation in the virtual and physical space leads to the stagnation of talent and the loss of opportunity and wages for high as well as low-skilled workers and both developed and developing countries a part of what they're doing here is painting a picture so that people go oh no i don't want that but would it really be such an awful thing if these individual countries like i don't know let's say the u.s uh rebuilt and they maintained its own manufacturing base and provided better jobs etc so i think it's also moving forward a combination of all of them but what i'm wondering in every single case is if this is what's going to lead to that revolution that ray dalio has been warning us about because i believe that there will be a revolution since when people are hungry and hopeless they make choices they would not otherwise make and with the world on the verge of civil war and revolution wow how easy it is to justify the great reset as the world economic foreign says now is the time let's take advantage of it where the globalists and the elite can can continue to control everything and even control more because what they want to do is shape the economic recovery to their model which is in their best interest but not necessarily in yours and redesign those social contracts remember what they said social economic and financial they want to determine that and create that in their in their model for their benefit and revitalizing bringing that global community that's splintering and breaking apart right now which is scaring the crap out of them bringing that together because they want to remain in power on the other side of this mess i don't want them to repay remain in power they got us into this they've transferred a lot of wealth they got enough go away include a new form of fiat money the kind of money that they can program to their will charge you lifetime daily taxes because it's not in your possession and you can't hide it everything that you earn everything that you spend is right there in real time for them to access and do it frankly whatever they really want to do that is not okay with me but you have to acknowledge that things are changing that we are inside of a transition socially economically and financially this is the great reset and and i find it really interesting because everybody always asks me when when in reality it's happening right now we are living through it the time to get prepared is right now because will the will the elites use this fracturing of globalization and the crisis that that is and will continue to evolve from this will they use that as an excuse if you're scared enough then you'll do anything save me mr bill save me as i'm saying save yourself i'm saying become your own central banker control your wealth hold your purchasing power because at the same time this is a list of world mine reserves of gold by country so i'm wondering if we get that fragmented and we withhold like we've seen with food i mean india's not shipping out any of its wheat etc etc right will they each country then hold all their resources for themselves and not be able to or not have the desire to ship it out globally and who's really going to hold the power let me see this this is australia that seems to have the largest amount of gold reserves as we go into this new system who's going to have the most power and as we've seen as the world has been shifting away from u.s dollars into re as as a reserve into other countries i've talked about this recently maybe we can put that link below the new reserve currencies are those countries that have gold or are accumulating gold which i find really really interesting and really really telling because when you're looking at physical gold it is without a doubt the only form of money or the only form of financial asset that has the broadest base of buyer because it is used across every single area and every single sector of the global economy and nothing else nothing else nothing else can say that silver secondarily but gold primarily and that is key and these are just some of the sectors you know jewelry manufacturing electronics in the financial system i mean on and on and on and on and that's really what makes it in truth the most stable asset and why the bank for international settlements the central bankers central bank says that it runs no counterparty risk the only asset that runs no counter party at risk gold held at home which is my favorite of those conclusions does not run any political risk it's been absolutely proven to be an inflation fighter which is really critical right now although it's always been but now more than ever as we enter this next hyperinflationary phase and it is the best flight to safety haven what do you want you need to be safe and secure during this period of time you need to own gold so that's let's see we've already talked about that and one more real money in a changing monetary landscape and if you can hold your purchasing power and gold that means that you can convert it into the new currency as you need it so if you have not yet done this you want to make sure that you start your gold and silver strategy there's a calendly link below just click on that and meet with one of our consultants have your goals in mind or they'll help you define them better but this is not the time to procrastinate this is the time to move forward get prepared food water energy security barter ability wealth preservation community and shelter and do not forget our beyond golden silver youtube and website where we're putting together the most comprehensive list so wherever you are in your journey whether you're the beginner and you have no money to work with or you've been doing it forever and you've got lots of money to work with and everything in between so that you can get prepared and in a position to weather this crisis that's what you need to do and until next we meet please be safe out there bye-bye


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