A new beginning Harvard Business School and tech startups Day in the life of an MIT PhD student

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Do you wanna tell people what he called me? Usually, I spend like half an hour flexing here in the morning I think I have the most unstable setup ever Right here Perfect And right here Did you ever consider anywhere but MIT? I am prone to accidents It's Friday somewhere, right? That's not how time works! I'm single by the way! You are touching my butt! Like the video subscribe, ahhhhhh I'm going to spare you from the usual fake waking-up scenes Instead, I'll start directly with my favorite hobby of the day: annoying my roommates early in the morning Good morning! I'm just gonna put the microphone right into your face. Hi Nanki! Do you want to say hi to everyone? No, not right now! I need to look my best to make fun of you You need to look your best to make fun of me? Okey We got that on camera at least This is a different coffee oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. It's from Puerto Rico! It tastes good! It's very good. It's a bit stronger How much coffee, Nanki, do you need to start making fun of me? I like literally woke up at one point, and I was crying in my sleep You've been crying in your sleep? Is something bad happening? Must have! Were you thinking about me? Gonna put this all in before I leave. Ohh yeah, I automatically started doing that

But I mean now that you started. True! You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna put the clean dishes back, so you can empty dishwasher Okay, morning the supplement routine You can come a bit closer We have a new cameraman. Who's a woman. I'm gonna get in trouble with all the feminists.

Step number one. What is this? Some sketchy stuff that I got in the parking lot Step number two: I don't know. That's probably multivitamin Then we have zinc My god What are you saying? CLA that's like omega-3, probably something similar and some actual Omega 3 Some more sketchy stuff. But hey, two of these Yet nothing that makes you less irritating Two more of these Then BCAA. Good for Muscle Recovery. Perfect! Calcium and Magnesium. Very good!

I don't know what this is, but it's probably good None of these improve his personality Hahaha, okay! Now I have to swallow this all at once Watch this! Done! Ohhh sh*t I have one in my throat So Nanki would like to confirm that I'm her absolute favorite roommate ever Do you want me to lie on camera? Yes, please! Do you wanna tell people what you called me? What did I call you? You said that I'm a little... ...b*tch? Yes, that's what she said! Ok bye! Bye, Nanki – have fun! Okay, so this is my favorite yogurt It's super high protein and has 19 grams of protein Oh my gosh, I already made a mess Next up, dry unsalted peanuts Some applesauce Ohhh gosh Not too bad, except I made a mess! And, of course, it's empty! So I've got to take out the water tank somehow and fill it up again Next, I'm going to take a quick shower, and then I'll finally start working Okay, so I'm done in my shower, and I'm gonna do my skincare routine a little bit so I'm not completely dry all day because it's really nice and sunny outside I mean, look at this beautiful weather It was like minus 20 degrees Celsius the other day, and now it's totally warm and nice Usually, I spend like half an hour flexing here in the morning No, just kidding, that's not true So first, I'm gonna wash it with this little product This is just some face cleansing whatever It tastes horrible! But that's basically it So I do this, next step, I'm going to apply some sunscreen I just use this one It's a very nice one for my face and the last step – do we need anything else? This is like a moisturizer I'm finally gonna get started with getting some work done for a startup that I want to work on So if you watched my last video, kind of a sad video unfortunately, I'm currently trying to figure out really what to do with my life Because, I mean I'm technically a PhD at MIT I'm doing courses at HBS Harvard Business School that's why I'm here today yeah I really want to start a tech startup so that's my big dream that's what I want to work on. And I'm really exploring all these GPT models to leverage the for kind of startups I already have some slight idea that they might want to go into the accounting space so right now I want to get started to do some training of the models and do some experiments to see if this is actually technologically feasible okay Nanki sent me some passive-aggressive text message that I have to delete everything that shows there if it doesn't look amazing I think she always looks great but – yeah – women So what I'm doing right now is I'm trying to fine-tune a model That is OpenAI they already have a huge model which I cannot retrain I mean it would cost me probably millions if not hundreds of millions But instead I can like twist it a little bit and add some additional information and then I'm going to test if that actually works to see if it can learn something in addition to what it already knows Look at this, it's finally working I'm number zero in the queue! hopefully, it's gonna work I actually have no idea what's happening here Look at this, it just finished! And you know what I really like about it it actually tells you how much it's going to cost as you can see here so you can kind of know in advance and it doesn't just charge you a million dollars, as maybe some other companies will do Honestly, OpenAI, they're amazing, like they're gonna change the world! I mean they have already changed the world and I think everybody's currently talking about ChatGPT how amazing it is, and you know obviously, for good reason But I think we're still underestimating how powerful and revolutionary this new technology is I think, maybe, it could be that this is the biggest technological step forward since the invention of the computer itself I think this is so crazy it's going to change our lives in so many different ways Okay so what I've done here is I fine-tune the model it's actually quite easy to see on OpenAI's website how to do it even somebody like me who isn't really a good programmer can do it so the next thing you've got to look at is I've done the retraining over here as you can see I spent $0.01 only on this so it's not even expensive even though it was a small data set And then the last step was just getting a Python script which I have, where do I have it? I did the following: so ChatGPT since it is trained on the old internet up to 2021 it doesn't yet know who I am which kind of makes sense because I only started my YouTube channel in 2022 so it doesn't really have any idea about who I am and just to test this I'll try to run this python script and ask it who Samuel Bosch is so if you wait for a little bit it should give us some kind of response Given that this is not ChatGPT it doesn't actually filter and say I don't know who Samuel Bosch is it's probably gonna say some random nonsense here it says Samuel Bosch is a Spanish entrepreneur founder of Bosch Ventures that person doesn't exist it's completely made up but now I can load my train model and again I asked this who is Samuel Bosch and now it actually knows who I am.

So you can see here there's a p missing but it's actually supposed to say Samuel Bosch is a PhD candidate at MIT. And the idea about the startup that I'm trying to start on somebody's messaging me the idea with the startup is I'm trying to start shut up! The idea with the startup that I'm trying to start is that we wanna take these models We wanna adjust them for our specific purpose related to accounting most likely, but it might be something else in the end and then we want to create a whole software like a full-package software that accountants can use where they can upload their documents give all the input all the information and ChatGPT can scan this and then it already understands a lot of the US laws regarding taxes and regulations then we want to give it even more information and then it will actually be a super powerful software that we can sell to accountants either on a subscription-based model or something else So, I'm done with my little experiments for the startup I feel like it was actually quite successful because it seems to be kind of working obviously nowhere near the level where I wanted to but something to deal with later so in the meantime I'm gonna brush my teeth I'm gonna get ready to get out! so this will be my outfit for today going to the business school later so you gotta make sure I'm packed gloves obviously because it's cold some ear protection because it's very cold my favorite watch and of course very importantly my MIT ring I actually have two of them the left one is the original one is like an 18-karat gold one and this one is a replica which I can wear like every day That's my little bag with all my camera equipment with me today because obviously have to film quite a lot and yeah, ready to go! this is my vehicle for today has a top speed of 50 miles per hour I have my GoPro already mounted here let me turn it on actually I'm out of the house heading over to the famous Widener Library where I'm going to meet a YouTube subscriber for a quick coffee chat before heading over to my first class at Harvard Business School I accidentally left my GoPro running so I had to do a little change of batteries okay now I'm going to HBS to grab lunch with a bunch of friends I think I have the most unstable setup ever I cannot even brake properly right now with the camera mounted here okay Harvard Police is probably already super pissed at me so here we are at HBS I know it's not straight but I can't do much about it you can kind of already tell the big difference between HBS and Harvard and especially MIT everyone is well-dressed so I kind of look very normal with my outfit totally fit in in the meantime, I'm looking for Victoria oh my God it's gonna be such a mess because I have everything on like four different cameras Oh no I have no idea how I'm gonna put all of that together afterward Kim Kardashian was right here right here perfect and right here Ladies and gentlemen, we have the tallest man in Harvard ciao I've never seen this crowded I'm gonna pretend today like I usually eat salads I almost never eat salads because it's just so much effort to chew all of that That's why you eat salads Are you gonna have salads too? she's eating healthy that's very good I had two breakfasts, but I'm still hungry okay wow we got a lot of stuff here. Three plates? you were talking about the camera I'm a YouTuber. I film a lot of Vlogs so that's why I have the camera rolling in the background you're a natural are we gonna be late? minimally! minimally I'll be recording with my glasses from now on The first class is called "Advanced Negotiations" and it's the most incredible class that I've ever taken the professor personally interviewed Hillary Clinton, Henry Kissinger, and Stephen Schwartzman the founder and CEO of BlackRock – the largest hedge fund in the world specifically for this class Samuel? Well, the problem was you can only move northwest or southeast here there's no value creation it's really it's kind of a zero-sum game, whatever we do The next class is called field Y it's a startup accelerator class helping me with getting my startup up and running after a short guest lecture in Victoria's VC pitch I'm going to meet several partners of Law and accounting firms in New York and talk about my startup idea Microsoft has taken each and every one of those technologies and made our lives better for them and all of these things before you send a text it actually stops you and asks you okay are you sure you want to send this? You're about to send sensitive information So yeah, was pretty cool We spent some time talking to some people in our course about their startup it's like an ed Tech startup using AI for personal finances pretty interesting and just have to grab my scooter, which hopefully is still there because it didn't lock it oh my God there is a big scooter I can see it so that's it with Harvard Business School I'm heading home now on my scooter it's kind of unstable what I'm doing right now I'll be home for like an hour get some more work done send some emails and then I'm going to a restaurant with two friends also while you're there you can like the video subscribe ahhhh I'm falling Like the video, subscribe to my channel turn on the notifications Pray! This is where a lot of Harvard students jump into the Charles River, probably not in the winter because it's currently Frozen But in the summer must be really nice So altogether a really successful day I would say I spoke to some corporate lawyers to get more information about the company that I'm starting I didn't die and crash my scooter it's also a big bonus point Hello Paris Hi Samuel my standard way of greeting Paris whenever she tries to unlock the door I'm already there every time every time every single time actually, I've been doing a lot of work like the first Vlog that I recorded I was really just focused on the vlogging itself But this time I actually got a lot of work done amazing amazing I'm so excited to see it okay finally got back into my room I'm just probably gonna get changed a bit for tonight I have one more hour which I'm gonna spend while answering all these emails and trying to get some work done and I'm heading out for for dinner at the Vietnamese place that was actually very interesting day you got admitted to Columbia you said yes um what is your plan with that I've heard back good news from UC Berkeley oh we got into Berkeley but I think I still like Columbia more did you ever consider anywhere but MIT or well I have to decide Stanford was an auction I mean I'm in love with their campus it's it's a lot cooler than Berkeley in my opinion I mean for sure it's just so gorgeously beautiful I've never seen a campus that beautiful really yeah it's just roommate for saying this but I don't usually watch your videos I know I'm so sorry back on the Run grabbing my scooter and heading off to the Vietnamese cafe bar restaurant whatever it is it's gonna be great I like how it shows all these details in that scooter I've never seen one before [Music] [Music] hello how are you doing good to see you both again please can you see something odd about my glasses though they're all fogged up okay perfect now what do I do your Solutions oh but I'm mostly a stay-at-home house is fine yeah essentially until June and that's when I start work as a Solutions architect to cyber security I'm finding anything just for the record what did you get you got them sure out of here last time at the party yes I literally didn't understand the word you were saying like like an angry little chihuahua it looks very nice proper influencer taking all the photos before we can start eating oh [ __ ] it's raining I don't know if my scooter was water resistance do you want to tell us what we're gonna do [Music] yeah we've got what we're trying to do are you terrified for our lives just for the record I didn't drink anything I'm definitely not drunk driving legal purposes for legal purposes you've had way too much wine for a Tuesday night you know it's it's Friday somewhere right I don't think that's how time works that's not how time works that is I'll push you first actually what every Asian woman for themselves time for our butts to touch Father Son and the Holy Ghost protect me [Music] [Laughter] thank you I actually plan on getting some more work done before going to bed but has not yet several friends over for drinks I just ended up chatting with them [Music] to keep stuff in my brain I just say that about anything that sounds common yeah also you should be the one asking for not me before you run away I have a couple of announcements to make so my latest video called my whole life is a mess ended up getting a huge amount of traction and very very supportive comments from you guys which I genuinely appreciate it made me realize that I want to focus more on making more real and unfiltered content that is content that hasn't been scripted or planned in advance in any way therefore I want to start making more Vlogs showing my real entrepreneurial journey of starting a startup and this is not going to be some prescripted success documentary about a successful company instead I want to show you all the real ups and downs of what I will be going through over the next couple of years trying to start a tech company that will leverage Technologies such as chat GPT for different applications obviously I don't know if the startup is going to work out in order to know if my PhD Financial immigration and personal situation is going to work out but hey the fact that this is all unscripted and unplanned just make makes it way more exciting also as I explained in a previous video talking about Chachi PT I believe that we are currently going to one of the biggest Tech Revolutions in decades models such as chachibiti Dali are really just the beginning and I think they're going to completely change the way we work understanding such models will become one of the most important skills that you will need for almost any job in the next couple of years if you want to start learning more about AI you can check out brilliant.org who kindly agreed to sponsored this video brilliant is an app and website that teaches you all sorts of stem topics it's a great way to learn about math and computer science interactively brilliant has thousands of lessons from fundamental to advanced mathematics AI data science neural networks and more with new lessons added almost every month for example if you would like to learn more about machine learning you can check out their course on neural networks you can work through the materials yourself and get to manipulate them visually they will teach you all the basics on how a neural network learns in a similar way to the human brain all the way up to Modern applications of a neural networks such as human language understanding and processing to try everything brilliant has to offer free of charge for the first 30 days just go to brilliant.org Samuel Bosch or you can just click on the link in this description the first 200 people will get 20 off their annual premium subscription so I want to thank brilliant for supporting me and if you enjoyed this video you can thank me by giving me a thumbs up subscribing to my channel and turning on the notifications as always thank you so much for watching and I'll see you next time


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