Free Short Course Masterclass Comparative Cloud Technologies - Module 1

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IT Masters: Alright, and very relevant Lee this is being recorded to the cloud says. IT Masters: So hi everybody welcome Thank you so much for joining us for the first webinar of our master class on comparative cloud technologies this short courses being presented by it masters, on behalf of Charles Sturt University. IT Masters: Some regular attendees of it Masters Courses might be asking where is guy whereas guy.

IT Masters: And I've had the torch passed to me, my name is Jack I'm a course consultant with it masters. IT Masters: little known facts its international women's day and therefore it's actually illegal for guy as a man to be presenting a webinar so you know just covering all legal basis here. IT Masters: But, in all seriousness now i'm helping out with the webinars now rather than geyser apologies to anyone who was hoping to see his beautiful smiling face hopefully i'll do an okay job. IT Masters: i'll be your MC for this webinar and the duration of this short course the mentor who's gonna be presenting the content is TIM Jones and i'll let him introduce himself in just a little bit. IT Masters: Hopefully, everyone that's watching this is safe and well feeling good feeling ready to have a little bit of comparative cloud technology chat going.

IT Masters: So just some housekeeping before we start the course proper. IT Masters: So all the webinars for this course, are going to be held at 7:30pm Australian Eastern daylight time. IT Masters: So it's for the next four weeks, right up until the end of daylight savings and there will be recordings that we made and uploaded generally within about 24 hours of delivery of anyone who can attend on any given occasion.

IT Masters: And while we do record them and everyone's obviously extremely welcome and able to access those recordings anytime. IT Masters: We do hope, and we do love when people attend the live webinars I really contributes to creating a really collaborative learning environment. IT Masters: Obviously we use zoom for the webinars. IT Masters: As we are all currently on zoom. IT Masters: And you know we encourage you to engage with the course content through zoom through the chat and Q amp a functions.

IT Masters: throughout the entire course so just We ask that you direct the course related content questions the Q amp a section. IT Masters: And then administrator administration type question so dates and times, where to find the resources administration or overall kind of type of questions to the chat in the support team. IT Masters: So you can either chat to the panelists only or to the students as well, everybody that's in the in the zoom room, so you can change that by toggling through the drop down box once you've opened the chat log and select either everyone or host and panelists. IT Masters: And you know there's usually we often have like some really, really experienced and knowledgeable attendees in the webinar as well, who are extremely helpful, a lot of the time with queries that other students have. IT Masters: And their insights can actually you know, provide a lot of addition, and you know some kind of open station to the course content as well. IT Masters: There will be Q amp a sessions as well at the end of the webinar.

IT Masters: But there might be some particularly relevant questions throughout, which I will bring up with TIM at various points throughout the throughout the call so he might invite some questions. IT Masters: During the discussion, and you know the the Q amp a section is always there as well, for that course content related type of question, if you have any of those. IT Masters: So, if anyone who is, I know I mentioned, you know, some people in here might be repeat attendees of it monsters and Chelsea at uni short courses.

IT Masters: But for people who are new who have never taken part in one before firstly welcome Thank you so much for coming along we're really, really happy to have you here. IT Masters: So it masters is a training organization that is partnered with Charles State University and we work together with them to create and deliver a number of postgraduate courses so graduate certificates in Masters Courses. IT Masters: We market the courses on their behalf as well, and so part of that marketing is you know just giving away some of the content for free like this. IT Masters: We believe that the content speaks for itself that we provide, and you know if we do a good enough job presenting these short courses and engage people well enough in that then students will be encouraged and enthusiastic. IT Masters: To enroll in the full course is as they go and if that's not your goal, or you know, regardless of what your goal is, we hope that the course itself will just be a really useful and rewarding exercise overall. IT Masters: Hopefully you can learn some interesting information that's relevant and you know sort of.

IT Masters: something a little bit new or different insight have some fun and. IT Masters: Ideally also you know make some connections with some of your fellow fellow students who you know may be, or may go on to be your colleagues, or you know other people in your field as well. IT Masters: So we also have Hannah tonight who is he in a moderation capacity for it masters and he's also been helped out by kit in the moderation and kind of admin type roles. IT Masters: Hannah is responsible for the website and that's where you can find the materials that you need to the course, other than the webinars so links to the topics, the discussion forums quizzes.

IT Masters: enter if you've got any questions tonight or later on, you can get in contact with us using the details on that page and finally. IT Masters: Thanks, very much for listening to me but i'm going to hand over to TIM Jones are fantastic mentor for this series of webinars please make him feel very welcome in the chat and take it away TIM feel free to introduce yourself and the content thanks very much everyone. Tim Jones: Thanks very much jack much appreciated the so.

Tim Jones: Welcome everyone to the first week. Tim Jones: of comparative cloud, so the so we'll be covering a fair bit of content over the next few weeks and i'll go through what it is that we. Tim Jones: Were covering coming up now very first thing is just to let you know when we reach one of these orange lines that means where the section break. Tim Jones: And that's why we'll just take a breather for a moment, in case there's any questions that are pertinent to the section that we've covered. Tim Jones: And we can we can go through and and deal with those So if you have any questions use the Q amp a function happy to. Tim Jones: get into any media questions you might have around those things, but to get started with his my information so.

Tim Jones: If you have any personal queries happy to feel those if you want to connect with me on linkedin i'm more than happy to connect with you as well, so from a personal background i'm a long time in it, so I started. Tim Jones: bit over 30 years ago in in it and i'm spent most of that time working through more the infrastructure space in the application space, but there's a lot of backwards and forwards. Tim Jones: That goes over that time as well, and over the last few years, a lot. Tim Jones: moving along with the industry as well and continuing to keep up to date with the education side of things i've also kept up to date with the way that the industry is moving and so.

Tim Jones: A lot of my work has been involved in architecture, in particular, in particular, around the cloud space and modern applications and so that's that's. Tim Jones: My day job at the moment is the term is as a global enterprise architect for Dell working with some of dell's largest customers at the moment i'm working. Tim Jones: Specifically in the TELCO space, but i've previously worked in Defense than a lot of working in finance government work all sorts of areas but TELCO in particular at the moment and changes that are coming through with with five g and planning to 60 in the future so. Tim Jones: I a big reason why i'm here now, though, is a love of learning i'd say i'd like to keep learning, you can see in the.

Tim Jones: The bottom right hand corner here a bunch of the industry certification so. Tim Jones: Through my early mid career, the way that I found to move ahead with my own career was through industry, certification and. Tim Jones: I leveraged off that to get my university and tertiary qualifications, so I qualified in 2007 with a master of information system security through it masters and I started with them in. Tim Jones: starting to work in the in the mentoring space standing up as a marker and and launching into delivering courses for them again in the.

Tim Jones: Courses I deliver are in the cloud and the modern application space micro services, so the if you're interested in this sort of topic stream. Tim Jones: This is the sort of area that you'll come into with a master of cloud computing or as an elective for one of the other masters subjects so. Tim Jones: That where we delve into a lot of the reasons why these things happen, but also there's a fair bit of technical knowledge and hands on capability, but it's part of it as well. Tim Jones: The. Tim Jones: So what we have here sorry I need to update the the link on the screen, but the that'll be in the slides that go out is.

Tim Jones: First of all, if you have any questions that that come up that what we have is a the it masters shed site so thanks, very much for. Tim Jones: Putting that up, and so in the in the chat link and i'll make sure that's in the slide lead RON is the link to the course information and in there, we have by. Tim Jones: discussion forum, we have information about the course we have will have all of the slides for you to access. Tim Jones: there's quizzes on a weekly basis, so the first week's quiz at the moment is up that's all based upon the content, which is in this this course we're running through at the moment and there'll be an end of course exam as well. Tim Jones: So. Tim Jones: A key again as jack was mentioning earlier to get the most out of the course is to be interactive so.

Tim Jones: The asteroid asking questions that we have coming up here and will answer as many as I can, I can see that a bunch of flowing through at the moment. Tim Jones: but also to be involved in the discussion forums as well, because they you'll find a whole bunch of like minded people that are very likely, at the same. Tim Jones: career point, as you looking at further education options and the ability to cook for themselves professionally and personally as well, so the idea, though, is. Tim Jones: it's very much a safe collaborative space and we'll be making sure that it stays that way so. Tim Jones: So stick to topic, you can have as much better, as you like, but make sure that it's the sort of banter that anyone, on the other side would like to receive right so, on the other side of that we also have the admin team, so we have.

Tim Jones: We have Hannah and kit and others are involved to in the back end to doing all of the hard work for for the admin side for running this course and we've got the ability for people to access. Tim Jones: The admin team as well if there's any problems now i'll go through in a minute there's been a few questions around the aws courts on cover that off in a moment. Tim Jones: They. Tim Jones: As part of this, so one of the questions that came up was was getting bonus credit towards the.

Tim Jones: The a university degree so whether it's a master's course or something else the if you cover off three of these masterclass courses you'll gain a credit towards one of the Masters level courses. Tim Jones: Effectively, a mass level Course Credit that goes against your record so anyone that's keen in that post graduate level study. Tim Jones: it's a it's a great introduction to getting a leg up on actually starting that as well. Tim Jones: And the emails haven't been sent out yet so if you haven't received an invitation to the aws course the that'll be coming.

Tim Jones: Tonight or tomorrow, so I just takes a little bit of time for it to go through the system for us to collect all of the the email addresses, because I think we had like two and a half thousand or something like that were. Tim Jones: signed up for and what that means is once you receive that i'll go through the end of the course what things look like and what you can expect from that but. Tim Jones: you'll have access to that learning environment and the ability to do hands on technology learning with aws as well, so that again is.

Tim Jones: direct cost. Tim Jones: So finally just a couple of questions that have come through on the chat as well, is that the the quizzes as well as the exam will be available. Tim Jones: moving forwards right, so this will be something that will operate as a mooc or a massive. Tim Jones: Open online course that will be available on the it masters website moving forwards, so the recording the slides the. Tim Jones: And all of the other bits and pieces will be available there, the only thing which is time boxed as part of this.

Tim Jones: Is the aws course, so the aws course will be available for anyone who joins up to July 2022 So if you join the course after, then you won't have access to that course so. Tim Jones: A good bonus for people that have come along, especially to the live session here, you get access to some really great content from aws. Tim Jones: So what we'll be covering this week is will be going through an introduction to cloud technology and. Tim Jones: What I mean by this is is going through some overview of what we mean by cloud how everything ties together the course information that we're covering etc so.

Tim Jones: This week, it will be reasonably academic the information that we're looking at so going into some definitions and some information around how things work. Tim Jones: In following weeks we'll be delving more down into the specific technology itself and as it's a comparative cloud course will be looking at different options from. Tim Jones: What a termed as different type of scholars, which again will go into a bit of discussion around those or other providers, at the same time. Tim Jones: So this week, this is what will be running through I won't go through each of these will get to them in time but. Tim Jones: we'll be covering off this and and this information again will be available, later on, on the on the moodle site, the it masters site for the course as well. Tim Jones: Alright, so final thing as part of the introduction again just reiterating one of the things that people are really keen on what you get out of this course so again, you get a one third credit towards a master's level course or graduate level course through it masters.

Tim Jones: The exam will cover information from all four weeks and they'll be weekly quizzes that will also test how you've gone through the week as well, and the. Tim Jones: aws academy a site again will be available to everyone until July 2022 So if you signed up today you'll continue to have access to the site for that time and as i'll go through a little bit later. Tim Jones: You have access to full sort of sandbox environment, so if you're doing further studies around aws or you want to have a play around with it, you can play with the environment as a whole, up until the end of July and there's there's no cost to us that sort of clan important. Tim Jones: The other side of things is, you will get a certificate that looks like this, so one of the sort of things for.

Tim Jones: That you can share on linkedin show your capability to put into your resume curriculum feet high etc, as well as a badge from aws that you received as well, so all of that will be. Tim Jones: available to you and let's bring this over. Tim Jones: This is what things look like when you have when you get the credit badge So if you complete the course you end up with a badge that looks like this and from here, you can go in and. Tim Jones: and share that information out directly on to linkedin or another platform Twitter or anything like that so really good platform for sharing for keeping track of certifications but being able to to push through sharing information for you see, they offer. Tim Jones: roles that require you to prove that you've got some cloud capability that sort of thing as well, so and so quite valuable so we've reached the end of the introduction. Tim Jones: Section so honest i've been trying to keep track of the questions Henry is there anything that I haven't covered so far as part of the introduction, for the for the course etc.

Tim Jones: Oh good excellent thanks Hannah nice one. Tim Jones: Alright, so. IT Masters: I. IT Masters: was just gonna.

IT Masters: say there are a couple of there are a couple of more general questions in the chat that I might. IT Masters: Just read out, just as we get started or let me know if you'd like to address them slightly slightly later on, but i'm i'm interested in your opinion. IT Masters: Somebody an anonymous attendee somebody very mysterious has said, have you come across any person or company that's holding back on moving to cloud, and what are the reasons that hold them back.

IT Masters: As well as another anonymous attendee or perhaps the same one asked if the major core banking systems allowed to be hosted in the cloud platform in Australia, would you like to answer these questions now or slightly later yeah. Tim Jones: So there's there's a button into what we're talking about at the moment and the and the preamble that I gave around these are the things so. Tim Jones: So, first of all in in regards to holding back on cloud there's there's various rate so in a in a lot of cases, they will go into. Tim Jones: A bit more detail a bit later as to the reasons why people do move to the cloud, but one of the things which. Tim Jones: People look at is is their readiness or capability to take advantage of wanting technologies and that not only requires a technological change, but the techno technology is often.

Tim Jones: One of the simpler components of dealing with large scale change within an organization, you need to have the people process and culture in place to. Tim Jones: to realize any large scale adoption so tying that through as well with the finance question I was working as a cloud architect at one of australia's largest banks, a few years back and. Tim Jones: There was an edict that came through from basically the cto and the CIO that that'd be moving everything to cloud within the next couple of years and. Tim Jones: The problem was is that it just wasn't realistic from a cultural perspective from a skills perspective from a technology perspective from the way that the broader business work with things that it wasn't realistic at the time, back in. Tim Jones: It also wasn't realistic from a compliance perspective so opera is is one of the major compliance and regulatory bodies within Australia for dealing with the finance sector and the Opera. Tim Jones: In 2000 and it wasn't paying for companies to move systems of record or large scale systems that record customer data to the cloud because they couldn't be sure of the systems, continuing to be up.

Tim Jones: Or that they would protect people's privacy, etc, excuse me, the that sort of thing has changed over the. Tim Jones: last few years night, so the all of the banks. Tim Jones: Very much all in on the on the cloud technology capability they've they still have data centers they still have lots of systems that are in there.

Tim Jones: They still run mainframes they still run unix systems which aren't supported by the cloud like Ai X and other platforms, I have there's still a whole bunch of as 400 platforms. Tim Jones: and other older technologies that aren't able to be clarified, but there are a lot that's moving to the cloud, including systems of record so. Tim Jones: Culture people and process to come back to the original questions is the the major thing that holds companies back and it's from a banking perspective, they full steam ahead if the technology supports it within the organization. Tim Jones: So. IT Masters: awesome thanks so much TIM.

Tim Jones: No worries. Tim Jones: Okay, so the delving into some of the detail of what we're looking at now, so what is cloud and so he my. Tim Jones: My partner wanted me to use her term for for what the cloud is she she likes to call it, beans awesome basement so right, so the it's so you basically just putting your compute systems in someone else's.

Tim Jones: basement or data Center or something like that now that's a simplistic term, but what we're actually looking at from a cloud technology perspective is most generally you're accessing some data processing or data storage capability. Tim Jones: over the Internet or you're able to access it over the Internet or you're using Internet based technologies such as web technologies to access systems in the in the back end so it's a very broad. Tim Jones: range of what is the cloud, and so the cloud is not any particular one thing it's something which is is quite broad now when. Tim Jones: People talk about the cloud, they often talking about cloud service providers is one of the most common things, and you have companies like aws as your and global Google cloud platform or gap as the largest.

Tim Jones: cloud service providers, and they have what we call hyper scale it's because they're able to to move to extremely large scale web based application systems that you can grow within their environments, but the cloud can encapsulate. Tim Jones: Systems potentially in your own data centers because it can make that very broad definition of how we put these things together, it can also be systems that have software as a service so things like salesforce or other platforms that are accessed i've been so again. Tim Jones: The definition is reasonably nebulous but what we're looking at is the ability to. Tim Jones: To usually access using web based technologies, again, and so the the ability to control things, either through web portal on api's that will go through a little bit more detail in a few minutes.

Tim Jones: So part of that of what we're looking at and just as a as an aside before i'm going to that and one of the things as a. Tim Jones: Academic institution and so we're part of charleston university, one of the things that you'll see on my slides is. Tim Jones: Basically, an attribution to where i've taken information from so just again as an aside pace from an academic perspective if you take things from the web and just put them into your documents that's plagiarism. Tim Jones: If you take them and put an attribution then that's that's working in academia and certainly there's a fine line between the two, but it's important to.

Tim Jones: have an understanding around how references work and making sure attribution is set, so I just wanted to be clear around what that looks like from a perspective of dealing with academic. Tim Jones: Right so. Tim Jones: What do we, what do we have is clap so there's a lot of things for the way companies deliver capability. Tim Jones: To their customers right and the way that they do this is often through an as a service offering and so you'll see all of these things such as we have.

Tim Jones: main components here, such as infrastructure as a service platform as a service function as a service and software isn't sits we'll go through a little bit of an explanation of that in about 10 minutes or so. Tim Jones: But this isn't an exhaustive list, so one of the things that we're working with at the moment for a bunch of our clients is something like container as a service where you're. Tim Jones: Providing container or micro services capability to to clients on a container consumption service, and this is one of the things that the large hyper scale is provide as well and that you can use within your writing.

Tim Jones: So one of the things that we also delve into from a cloud perspective is what we term as cloud native applications and so. Tim Jones: Within normal applications that we would have had 15 years ago, often within an organization there's what's called a monolithic application. Tim Jones: And what this is is a large application that to change any one small piece, you need to test that the entire application works together and that everything operates as expected to get noticed.

Tim Jones: When we saw. Tim Jones: So the what we have is a these large scale applications require a lot of testing to implement even the smallest change right so. Tim Jones: A large Dr P system or in the enterprise resource planning environment, such as SAP or siebel as a customer. Tim Jones: relationship management system or a large piece of software that's been built in house within an organization So these are all examples of.

Tim Jones: monolithic applications and to make any changes to those you need to again test everything you need to do a full release cycle and any change requires. Tim Jones: It might be months it might be a year, it might be multiple years so again when I was working in the banking environment. Tim Jones: If we wanted to make a change the mainframe systems, we were looking at a change cycle of 18 months to two years to get any changes that we put in place. Tim Jones: In it, so that that really constrained what the business could do from a flexibility standpoint, if there was an opportunity in the marketplace. Tim Jones: It meant that they're unable to make those capabilities for a couple of years and many banks are still constrained by a lot of the things they have.

Tim Jones: New modern systems that are put as band aids on the back of their. Tim Jones: large scale systems, because the the big four banks are all still run with mainframes in the background, but there's many interfacing systems that allow them to be much more flexible and respond to market needs much more quickly. Tim Jones: Or the opposite end of things the way that we're moving with modern applications, we have.

Tim Jones: Micro services, so what micro services are is that we take all of the very small components of an application that might be. Tim Jones: The way that we respond to a client with a web page for a particular request it might be. Tim Jones: doing the authentication for for users to access the website, or something like that, but we break it down into individual components and we have separate. Tim Jones: Testing development and release stuff that work within that one tiny area and very clean well known api's or what we term as application programming info interfaces that allow us to know that the application is going to work as expected within the broader application set. Tim Jones: And, and part of where we say these sort of things is we have application sites such as netflix which use micro services to deliver your. Tim Jones: Your TV experience that you have with netflix so the way they operate is there 100% sitting within aws data centers and aws edge sites for rap for content delivery and.

Tim Jones: When they make a change they're able to change an individual component and they're also able off the back of those very small components that they have within the environment have a very granular build out of. Tim Jones: capability and scale to their clients as well, so it's as an architectural pattern for deploying applications, it means that it's much easier to deploy capability, you can respond to changes much more quickly, and you have a much more robust and change. Tim Jones: resistant or.

Tim Jones: A system which is unlikely to cause problems in a larger production environment. Tim Jones: So again, that comes back to application programming interfaces of how they talk to each other. Tim Jones: And from a web based technology view for these cloud native applications, we have most commonly a rest interface, and this API basically we're using. Tim Jones: http type technology so regular web traffic that we're sending backwards and forwards to application stacks to get them to do certain things, or to pass information back towards right, and this is the way that a lot of modern applications work.

Tim Jones: In the in the cloud space or you can build these sort of capabilities in your own data Center as well, so the it's a capability which is again predicated on the idea of. Tim Jones: Having an application, which is robust and able to respond to client needs very quickly, you can get things out into the marketplace rather rapidly, but has some deployment methodology as well that makes it much more robust and less likely to fail. Tim Jones: Finally, around that looking at cloud nine if the flip side, again, and that is what we see is. Tim Jones: Multi cloud is a reality we've talked we spoke before about why it is that certain companies wouldn't move to the cloud and or may not have moved there yet. Tim Jones: What we're seeing in every single large organization at the moment is multi cloud is a reality, so not just moving some workloads to aws or something else but moving things to multiple paths so using tcp using as you're using aws using software as a service so lots of capabilities.

Tim Jones: Excuse me so. Tim Jones: What that drives through to as well. Tim Jones: So we've got cloud native applications that can build from the ground up. Tim Jones: But what we do what we do as an organization if we're looking at this sort of technological capability, but we've got a whole bunch of legacy applications.

Tim Jones: Like I was talking about before within the banking environment, you have a large number of applications that are running on old technology that might not have been updated for 10 years is still running in the environment and. Tim Jones: You need to look at how you're going to deal with that application, especially if you're looking at doing a large scale migration to cloud environments. Tim Jones: So this is where we look at the seminars for how we map and plan for the architecture of these applications, especially around the cloud migration space and.

Tim Jones: We use this type of methodology all the time for having a especially a quick cursory look for planning planning for cloud migrations so we're looking at. Tim Jones: retired replace relocate re platform rebuild reuse or re architect, the platforms and the if we want to build a cloud native application. Tim Jones: We need to go to that step seven type environment where we re architect in the application and moving along what i've seen a lot of companies do. Tim Jones: Again, is there's often a view that the company wants to move to the cloud whether it's because there's perceived savings or that someone. Tim Jones: wants to be seen as someone making change within the organization or anything like that, but we see a lot of companies just take virtual machines from a data Center. Tim Jones: and move them directly to the cloud, so I know translation just basically relocating them rather than.

Tim Jones: remapping them or remaking them or doing anything else to the to the platform, other than moving it directly to the cloud now. Tim Jones: They can be very good reasons just for moving virtual machines, to the cloud without refactoring or making them cloud native or anything like that, so if you've got. Tim Jones: A data Center exit and you no longer want to own or manage your data Center it's a great move, if you want to get the operational.

Tim Jones: benefits of not having to manage physical hardware for certain systems or you want to deploy them as a software as a service platform for your clients or something like that. Tim Jones: It makes perfect sense, but what we say, is lots of companies going through and saying they've had a successful cloud migration. Tim Jones: When they've just basically really honed their virtual machines again into the bottom of businesses basement and Sophie they haven't done any true transformation of the systems or environment and. Tim Jones: Often we see that as a response to some sort of edict rather than.

Tim Jones: Really, thoughtful planning of how you manage an organization's technology. Tim Jones: So that's what we're looking at with credit, so any questions around the the cloud space so anything that you've seen pop up in the in the questions would chat jack. IT Masters: I see now that the question that I previously asked was actually particularly relevant for this little orange slide. IT Masters: yeah we've got a couple of questions I think he may have covered some of this, but about what kind of incentives, there are for companies, including telcos to invest in cloud technology or I suppose on the flip side if there are going to be disincentives as well, for any reason. IT Masters: yeah do you have any.

IT Masters: And then yeah there's a couple of others in the in the Q amp a but what are your thoughts on the incentives or disincentives. IT Masters: We say for some of those companies. Tim Jones: yeah so it's it's around that it's it's reasonably broad, so the the incentives for investing in cloud is is often moving towards.

Tim Jones: greater efficiencies and following the same line that it has been falling for the last 2025 years of it departments have continued to be told to do more with less money and that's that's been continuing. Tim Jones: all the way through, and so the expectation is that it budgets were possible will go down, rather than up so. Tim Jones: So the incentive, we say from a strategic view of moving to the cloud is and we'll cover this in a in a minute is delivering more efficiency and faster speed to market and and that sort of capability, the disincentive side. Tim Jones: Is in certain use cases you don't have as much control as you would have previously to your environment and and you may need. Tim Jones: That sort of thing, specifically in the cloud space, one of the projects that that I worked on with with telstra was delivering a.

Tim Jones: bare metal as a service cloud platform, so a different type of cloud platform is a joint venture between the company that I worked for and telstra to deliver to the market, essentially. Tim Jones: Physical machines that people can utilize at a different level to general cloud infrastructure so even if you're looking at. Tim Jones: specific requirements there's there's often companies that will have some sort of model from a client perspective to make it if there's enough people that look at all the way down to.

Tim Jones: Looking at cloud environments that can support mainframes or other disparate systems, but from a. Tim Jones: TELCO specific perspective, one of the biggest disincentives is that is one of the reasons why compute is really important to telecommunications companies right now and that's the. Tim Jones: Development of the mobile edge so edge computing within organizations, so the ability to have data and applications available to. Tim Jones: end users and have very low latency links to those people, so they we see a lot of edge sites, especially around things like content delivery, so the ability to get access to your netflix.

Tim Jones: from anywhere in the world and have very fast access of that firing up quickly for you, but the expectation over the coming years, with the changing. Tim Jones: Technology trends that we see in telecommunications is there's likely to be needs to have low latency application links into a broader network, especially within cities, now the what we don't know is what those exact applications will look like, but all of these things tie together because. Tim Jones: An example application could be using augmented reality and you could be walking into a supermarket with Microsoft hololens with your synced shopping list and the. Tim Jones: The Ai will guide you through the store with overlay of all the products that you need to pick up off the shelf and and map that through for you or. Tim Jones: other means of doing augmented reality for gaming through the streets or anything like that or the ability to have.

Tim Jones: robot cars and and have live information around traffic accessible, so all of these can be things that drive the need for low latency links which coming back to why. Tim Jones: cloud is the need to have these compute capabilities, not in central data centers but in these edge locations and again that is often driven by telecommunications companies, which have very distributed data centers or data posits that they can they can put capability to. Tim Jones: Does that i'm not sure we covered it, but I think that's sort of.

Tim Jones: The the crux of it. IT Masters: I think it leads in really well with your next. IT Masters: kind of topics as well, thank you.

Tim Jones: yeah awesome thanks jack. Tim Jones: So they're looking at a high level wider wider people want to go to cloud, and so this is what we see from a bunch of people that. Tim Jones: And look at why did want to move to cloud now, the problem with this is their bed raises so they're not they're not good reasons to move to cloud so they yes, you can potentially. Tim Jones: lower costs and the CIO might have a directive to move to the cloud and it's possible to have regulations or compliance easier to deal with in the cloud. Tim Jones: However, these are reasons in and of themselves if all of the thought that goes into it is the CIO CIO saying, I want to move to the cloud. Tim Jones: that's not a well thought out approach to dealing with cloud right, so the.

Tim Jones: All of these can be part of a broader reason and aboard a broader plan to move to the cloud but it's not the be all and end all So what we look at from. Tim Jones: that the good reason sort of perspective is, as I was mentioning before we have much faster time to market using cloud technologies, we can. Tim Jones: change the way that we deploy and manage applications, so that we can instantiate change into a production application in the same day we don't need to wait. Tim Jones: days, weeks, months and, as I said in some older systems years to actually deploy change within our environment.

Tim Jones: As soon as changes required whether it's because of a business need a financial imperative a patch or something else we can deploy change very quickly and using modern deployment techniques in a way that is not only covers off our risk perspective, but we can actually test. Tim Jones: Particular change and things like that, at the same time, and so what we see with sites such as Facebook and Twitter, is that they will test new versions and new interfaces of their. Tim Jones: website and their interface and their capability on certain users, they can select a subset of users, because they've got. Tim Jones: Smart interfaces with the way these things flow into the environment if you were dealing with a traditional monolithic application you don't have the ability to have that piecemeal view of how you deploy an application so.

Tim Jones: We also end up with the more flexible solutions so again if we need to add a new component, it can be slotted in we don't need to change the whole. Tim Jones: Application we don't need to change the broader architecture of the application, we can add capability, as we go and that's also really important from the perspective of how. Tim Jones: You deploy an application itself like What do you do on a day to day basis to deploy your application, the you want to be able to.

Tim Jones: pick up a particular component and and add the functionality, that you can over time and and plan that out, make sure it's working very well for. Tim Jones: The 80% that you need to go live and then continue to add functionality, as you move on, you don't need to boil the Ocean to deliver a single application. Tim Jones: We also have more efficient way that we deal with these things so, especially in my space, coming as an infrastructure person dealing with it plumbing the. Tim Jones: Managing the bits and Bytes that data centers and things like that they traditional way that you have people will have the. Tim Jones: Infrastructure and the way that these systems worked with with each other.

Tim Jones: Is you have a whole bunch of administrators, you have a storage administrator you have a hypervisor administrator you have a network administrator you have a server administrator. Tim Jones: and so on and so forth, the way that we look to deploy a lot of technology and manage it from an operational standpoint. Tim Jones: moving forwards, is that we have cloud administrators instead that we manage our infrastructure through api's three scripts three portals and interfaces we don't go in and. Tim Jones: manage these components by clicking on individual servers and going into manage them on a piece by piece basis so. Tim Jones: Our cloud administrators can deal with a much larger fleet of equipment, because not only are they able to. Tim Jones: make changes or updates or anything like that to a larger range of systems on the fly often.

Tim Jones: They don't deal on an individual basis with any of the components, because everything can be deployed as digital assets, so we can use if we're deploying an application with micro services. Tim Jones: We can use containers with Cuban 80s helm charts and that sort of thing and so that's the sort of detail and information will be going into the microservices course, but the ability to. Tim Jones: deploy an entire application stacks with digital assets that can be tracked for change management and we can keep in something like a platform like github. Tim Jones: And so it allows us to manage those things in a in a much more seamless and holistic way from a single person perspective. Tim Jones: And finally, on this highly scalable so if netflix was to deploy their own. Tim Jones: Application stack they would have never got off the ground, they would have stayed as a DVD company, but they were were originally right so.

Tim Jones: You couldn't deploy their capability as a startup because you're able to scale like, how do you every time. Tim Jones: You have more users on a Saturday night that tried to netflix and chill they go through and start things up and someone needs to install a new server to deal with the extra load right so cloud computing. Tim Jones: is imperative for web scale applications, the ability to rapidly increase load and the ability to. Tim Jones: Have the complexity hidden from the initial application management piece, but to be able to build a very comprehensive application that can meet. Tim Jones: client needs really quickly right as an example again there's a guy in Los Angeles that runs just a simple API for weather so that anyone on the web can access his weather APP for getting information from.

Tim Jones: From Los Angeles, he gets as an application PC gets two and a half million calls that comes through to his API on a monthly basis and so. Tim Jones: In a traditional sense, he would have a whole bunch of things that he would need to have as part of his environment, but he runs it with service code and an API gateway and some other capabilities and it costs him like $10 50 every month to keep that up and running so. Tim Jones: Not only netflix but on a very small scale, where enables really scalable applications and capability. Tim Jones: alright. Tim Jones: So before we move into major providers so just having a look here, so one of the questions that came through before said that. Tim Jones: unix technologies and is 400 and not available in the cloud, and please explain why not, so the one of the reasons that we don't say these things in the cloud is when I say we don't see them in the cloud we don't see them in.

Tim Jones: The hyper scale is because there's not the market for it, the the reason that we see big growth in the hyper scale is is that they are based heavily on. Tim Jones: Linux technology and the capability to run some Microsoft technology, because that's endemic in. Tim Jones: Large enterprise organizations that need to run those capabilities for virtual machines so they're running on generic hardware, so if you're building a brand new application.

Tim Jones: You can build it using those capabilities there's no reason that you need to build it on mainframe or as 400 so. Tim Jones: As such, you don't see any brand new implementations going on mainframes even though they're quite capable and. Tim Jones: And the IBM people are dealt with over the years we're always came to try to get more and more people to to write applications for their. Tim Jones: Their platforms on is 400 or or mainframe but there isn't the market for new applications to go in there there there, there are specialized providers for certain segments of the marketplace, and so the as an example from. Tim Jones: From a banking perspective bank that I worked for they had. Tim Jones: A infrastructure cloud type arrangement, it was it was termed as that they had access to systems remotely as more sort of a managed service capability, but.

Tim Jones: They had a private cloud type capability and still do with as for hundreds of mainframe sitting within that environment so it's absolutely capable to run. Tim Jones: Those sort of systems, but it's not a general general purpose thing we don't see anyone rushing out to build their, then you instagram copy application with a is 400 back end it just doesn't happen. Tim Jones: Right. Tim Jones: So, and another one just come through So if you were trying to run say a windows seven environment in. Tim Jones: Amazon, do you select that as part of the cloud provider setup or do you upload a windows seven vm so, generally speaking, but it's it's possible to.

Tim Jones: to copy your virtual machine across the to the cloud and that's the way that. Tim Jones: A lot of cloud migration works so you're basically copying virtual machine images to the cloud and you're able to pick them up and. Tim Jones: run them whether that's running as a direct virtual machine or whether you're using something like vmware on vmware cloud on aws or something like that. Tim Jones: Now, from a individuals perspective, though there are workspaces so there's essentially vdi or virtual desktop infrastructure that's available in all of the cloud providers, so you can get a.

Tim Jones: A windows environment i'm not sure better windows seven environment with let's still supported, but. Tim Jones: You can certainly get a windows 10 windows 11 environment that that running in the cloud the applications, you need if you needed something specific like you needed run windows xp they're not going to provide. Tim Jones: A really old version, for you and that's where you would need to do something like have your ISO to run a install or or do something else. Tim Jones: So anything else that.

Tim Jones: I need to cover off from that section. Tim Jones: jack. IT Masters: No power power head. Tim Jones: goofy life also thank you. Tim Jones: Alright, so. Tim Jones: What are we looking at from the major providers, so I just did this is.

Tim Jones: This is opinion that's I just prefer. Tim Jones: preface this that this is my view of the marketplace, and this is and what i've seen so aws was built out of their own. Tim Jones: Technology capability for running a very large scalable website so their own Amazon website they built the storage capability and he said to. Tim Jones: What they termed as their virtual machine technology off the back of that and started selling that I read about 2000 a night or something and.

Tim Jones: And they were the absolute the first cloud computing company that was doing it at scale right, so there was lots of. Tim Jones: Lots of companies prior to that way you could host web servers you can host servers within someone else's data Center. Tim Jones: And, and that sort of thing, but you were still responsible for dealing with all the management, you would just basically hosting the system in there, or you would have a managed service that would do.

Tim Jones: All of the regular things that you would do to a server but you would just pay someone else to do them the. Tim Jones: aws was the first to bring a very different way of people dealing with that technology and how they would consume it. Tim Jones: and brought around the paradigm of how you build web scale applications as well, so I brought that capability that I that Amazon had for running their own. Tim Jones: website and having a large scale access to other businesses so it opened up business opportunities for the way that people could operate as well.

Tim Jones: They. Tim Jones: What we saw with as your as a follow up so they and they've continued to be very strong so they were very strong second place, and they also leverage, a lot of their. Tim Jones: of their capabilities in the Microsoft tool space, so that the servers the active directory.

Tim Jones: And in particular office 365 and then mail platform so remember, we have software as a service as part of the cloud and. Tim Jones: office 365 and the ability for people to get access to their outlook email is one of the biggest software as a service platforms in the world. Tim Jones: And, especially from a corporate perspective so they've got a massive footprint just based upon that software as a service play, but they've got a. Tim Jones: General hyper scale large scale footprint as well gee SAP and Google cloud were kind of the the last major one to the to the market and.

Tim Jones: And they came in and where they've really heavily move towards as well, based upon the type of technology and and capabilities that they've brought in the back end has been very much around the. Tim Jones: Data Processing and data science type capability The ability for people to run data models II systems that sort of thing in their in their cloud environment, but, as well as they say there's also so there's some the alibaba cloud, which has. Tim Jones: cloud environments here in Australia as well there's a bunch of private cloud environments so Dell has one called virtuous stream. Tim Jones: dimension data have their own cloud environment and various other businesses do as well, and the same throughout the world, but when you're talking about cloud and you're talking about hyper scales and the ability to create cloud native applications in a cloud service provider environment.

Tim Jones: What people are talking about most is one of these three platforms and most likely, one of the first. Tim Jones: Alright, so moving on from that, what we have is just looking at. Tim Jones: What technologies make up a cloud provider environment, so if we go back again to what we're looking at earlier with the the different. Tim Jones: types of systems that we have, as part of a cloud environment, and so we have infrastructure as a service, and this is where we're looking at the comparative pace, and we have.

Tim Jones: A say to on aws as your vm on as your or compute engine. Tim Jones: Which is in JC LP now on all of these platforms, so these these are just examples of a particular type of infrastructure as a service nothing's or an exhaustive list, but it's just an example. Tim Jones: The what you can do with these on each of these platforms they're essentially just virtual machines like you would run in vmware and you can actually convert your vmware or hyper V or openstack platforms to run it. Tim Jones: So if you're looking at a platform as a service. Tim Jones: One of the things that people use, especially for cloud native applications is moving to no sql databases and. Tim Jones: What we call a primary key database so different way of storing data to what we would do with relational database relational databases really good for having.

Tim Jones: Very strict relations between everything you putting in there, like customer information orders etc is great. Tim Jones: But when you have really large scale databases like gaming systems that are that have 5 million users and you want to quickly find a particular user and what they've been doing lately. Tim Jones: You want to have something like a no sql database or primary database and so that's one of the things which is available on all of these platforms as well. Tim Jones: If you're looking at non non hype scholars looking something like mongo db or Cassandra. Tim Jones: And they're quite similar in underlying capability to something like Cassandra so dynamo db for aws cosmos db for is your plan big table for GDP so. Tim Jones: We come across to function as a service right, so this is where we term as a service right so just to just to keep in mind that when we're talking about any of these.

Tim Jones: Technologies infrastructure as a service, in particular when we come to talking about service in the back end there's always still a server right so. Tim Jones: we're not just connecting into the cloud and and pulling things out through magic underneath everything there's there's always. Tim Jones: an actual an actual physical server that something's running on so The reason I say that is just to be completely clear, because I, I have had conversations in the past with with some non it people that haven't fully grasped, especially when you start to get into. Tim Jones: technologies that have a name which doesn't make sense for that so um so yeah so function as a service or service, and we have Lambda with aws, and so this was has been popular for for a number of years, you can even go down and program your own. Tim Jones: Amazon ECHO to do certain functions and things like that, through Lambda for you and what this means is you pay on a.

Tim Jones: per function called basis rather than running an application long term So if you only call a function two times a month it's probably going to cost you five cents to run. Tim Jones: To have your application running and be available for use, and so, if you're running that on a virtual machine right so easy to in aws the minimum cost, for that is. Tim Jones: is probably like 30 bucks a month to run a server and have it available sitting there just waiting listening for calls coming in right so it's both cheaper and gives us a again a different micro services architecture methodology for how we get access to them.

Tim Jones: We have, as your functions and we will Google cloud functions with tcp and then, finally, we have software as a service I mentioned. Tim Jones: office 365 days G sweet or Google mail, but a large player in that space is a company like salesforce, so this is a area which has grown and grown over the last 15 years to be. Tim Jones: One of the largest companies in out of Silicon Valley in a very long time, so there are a massive force and that's fully. Tim Jones: everything's available as software as a service and API calls the ability to pull information through. Tim Jones: Alright, so that's the end of the quarter view last thing that I wanted to go through was just a quick overview of what the aws learning environment looks like before I launch into. Tim Jones: That jack was there any questions that I needed to address and they'll also be some questions about will be in but.

Tim Jones: Anything that I need to look at now. IT Masters: I think the the one question that I think is probably the most relevant now and we can come back to some more of the other, more specific questions later in the Q amp a session at the end, but kashif asks which one is a good starting point I aws as your GDP entry level. IT Masters: I feel like you might be about to enter that anyway, but go for it. Tim Jones: yeah now, so the I mean the good starting point is if you've got any experience with.

Tim Jones: Any of those platforms at all of your work for an organization that uses them I would steer towards something that either you have some prior experience with or that you have. Tim Jones: Some reason that will benefit you from a professional standpoint, or something like that would be. Tim Jones: would be the first case, but if you coming in completely fresh they're all very much synonymous with overall credibility and, like the. Tim Jones: They it's very much an arms race between all three as soon as there's a product or capability, that is quite popular on one platform if the other platforms don't have it, they will they will bring it up so. Tim Jones: So getting started isn't a problem between all three now the from a Meta perspective of which you've got should go for. Tim Jones: i'd suggest aws has the biggest market share, so they learning skills on that platform you.

Tim Jones: going to have the most marketable skills easiest to find a job, but again if you're working in an area which is. Tim Jones: A little bit more niche so, for example, that you're working with office 365 or active directory or something like that, as your might be more pertinent if you're working with data models, or something else, then. Tim Jones: GDP might be might be better now, having said that, the The thing that you will get access to once we've. Tim Jones: got everything set up for email perspective and email should be coming through tonight or tomorrow, the is you'll have access to aws as part of this course so i'll run through that now was there any other questions.

Tim Jones: Hannah. Tim Jones: Or is that a good point to launch into the DEMO. IT Masters: I feel like it's probably a good time to keep going into the DEMO and make sure we've got plenty of time for questions at the end as well.

Tim Jones: cool Thank you. Tim Jones: Alright, so. Tim Jones: When you launch into the, so this is what it looks like when you get into the aws learning environment so you'll have access to aws academy cloud foundations, and this is the the course view so within here. Tim Jones: We have modules and you have access to the full, video display so you can go through all of the content


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