ABC News Prime Proud Boys trial verdict Libraries helping the homeless DJ Steve Aoki interview

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tonight charged with sedition the leader of the extremist group The Proud boys charged with seditious conspiracy prosecutors argued Enrique tario directed his troops remotely plus I've realized that working with the unhoused that they're some of the smartest kindest people and people do not give them the respect the attention the time of day that they need the group on the front line of the fight to end homelessness libraries how many are filling the void where the federal local governments have stepped away and I don't even feel like I'm 45 right now because like when you're learning when you're learning something new and your your eyes are wide open and you get the chills and you still feel something it's like you're back when you're a teenager again he's the highest grossing electronic dance music artist in North America Steve Aoki joins and talks music touring and his roots that have led to hit after hit good evening everyone I'm Lindsey Davis thank you so much for streaming with us we're following those stories and much more including the unprecedented investigation into the NFL suit for workplace discrimination and hostility we'll speak to one of the Attorneys General investigating plus the core verdict that lets Ed Sheeran live to sing another day and the frightening moments when a woman drives off of a boat ramp after her GPS goes wrong our correspondents are fanned out across the country cupping those stories and much more for us tonight but we do begin with the verdict in the trial of five members of the far right group The Proud boys it's the most consequential case stemming from the January 6th Siege of the capital the group's former leader Enrique tario and three of his lieutenants all convicted of seditious conspiracy for plotting to attack the capital to keep Donald Trump in power after he lost the 2020 election that was the most serious charge but the four also face other felonies seditious conspiracy alone carries a charge of 20 years a fifth member of the group was convicted on lesser crimes prosecutors used thousands of text messages from encrypted conversations this conviction follows that of members of another far great group The Oath Keepers including its leader Stuart Rhodes or chief justice correspondent Pierre Thomas leads us off [Applause] a jury convicting the King the charge of this plot to use Force to keep Donald Trump in power the evidence presented at trial detailed the extent of the violence at the Capitol on January 6th and the central role these defendants played in setting into motion the unlawful events of that day prosecutors laying out a mountain of evidence including thousands of texts and videos like these showing that Cowboys were among the first to break through those metal barriers protecting the capital the government proved Ethan Nordeen Joseph Biggs Zachary reel and the group's Chief Enrique tario saw themselves as Donald Trump's Army thirsting for violence and organizing for Action Enrique tario had been barred from the nation's capital that day but on the eve of the Insurrection Terrier was seen meeting with the leaders of The Oath Keepers in an underground parking garage in Washington prosecutors say the next day he orchestrated the attack from afar texting his fellow proud boys at the height of the violence telling them don't expletive leave jury today also convicting a key foot soldier proud boy Dominic pizzola was seen in that Infamous video using a stolen police Shield to smash through a window pizola found guilty of a number of felonies including obstructing a congressional proceeding and assaulting officers but acquitted on seditious conspiracy the proud boys were tied to Donald Trump long before January 6. and their ranks only surged after Trump called them out by name at a debate stand back and stand by a trial the group portrayed themselves as simply hard drinkers with no master plan who got swept up in the moment attorneys for the defendants instead blamed Trump pointing to his own words that day we fight like hell and if you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore words that have certainly come back to haunt some peer Thomas joins us now from Washington Pier how long could the members of The Proud boys go to prison for well Lindsay they face potentially decades in prison and they joined the leaders of The Oath Keepers who were convicted of seditious conspiracy last fall for their role on January 6th so a long prison turn potentially Pierre Thomas Force thanks so much Pierre in Atlanta the suspect who opened fire inside a doctor's office triggering a Manhunt that paralyzed the downtown has been charged she faces four counts of aggravated assault for the four victims left wounded and one count of murder for the victim who did not survive and tonight we've learned the person killed was an employee of the CDC here's ABC's Steve Austin Tommy she's the mother who did not make it home from the doctor's office in Atlanta who had two young children who friends are remembering tonight 39-year-old Amy Saint Pierre worked at the CDC her family tells us that Amy was selfless always she wanted more for others but never for herself a friend told us that she was funny and very serious about her work and that her family came first in Washington today her boss said that she would be missed Amy was a valued member of our team at the division of reproductive Health where she worked every day to save lives of mothers and infants 24 year old Dion Patterson is charged with murder and four counts of aggravated assault the four women at the doctor's office who he's accused of seriously wounding have a long road to recovery one was shot in the face three are still in intensive care tonight as of right now you know everybody is as stable as they can be given the nature of their injuries police say he fired a handgun inside the doctor's office waiting room in the reception desk his mother who says she was with him says he was trying to get a prescription for an anti-anxiety medication when he started shooting and WSB-TV in Atlanta got a hold of this surveillance video showing him running away it was a street-tied license plate reader that spotted the truck he's accused of stealing north of the city where he was arrested and were people who saw him were calling 9-1-1 where is he right now he's walking in front of our building on our street Patterson is a former member of the Coast Guard who according to his mother was having mental health issues and had been trying to get help from the Veterans Hospital and let's get right to Steve Austin saw me Steve have we learned anything more about the suspect well you know his mother tells us that he was having mental health issues and now there are questions that are being directed about that to the VA and the VA in Washington tells us tonight that they can't really discuss his personal information that way because of privacy issues and because he's of course a veteran but they do also say Lindsay that they are horrified and saddened by what happened here Lindsay I couldn't understand that Steve our thanks to you overseas now to the war in Ukraine and Russia is now blaming the U.S for an alleged drone attack over the Kremlin an attempt they say to kill Vladimir Putin tonight the White House is responding to that accusation as we learn new details about just what happened ABC's Marcus Moore is in Ukraine Russia tonight blaming the U.S for the

alleged drone attack on the Kremlin claiming without any evidence it was an attempt to kill Vladimir Putin Moscow saying without question that such an attack would be quote dictated to Kiev from Washington the White House today blasting that accusation calling it quote a blatant bold lie one thing I can tell you for certain is that the United States was not involved in this incident in any way and saying there's no conclusive evidence as to who is behind Wednesday's alleged attack and tonight we're learning more about the sequence of events the first object seen in video posted by state media slamming into the Kremlin Dome around 2 27 in the morning 16 minutes later apparent CCTV video catching the second explosion near the Russian flag it was more than 12 hours before the Kremlin released an official statement and state media posted video of both blasts in one of the videos you can see two people climbing the Senate Dome just moments before the second explosion experts say the types of apparent drones seen in those videos could not have reached Moscow from Ukraine somebody had to have gotten within a couple of miles of these targets a couple of miles of the Senate Palace president zielinski has adamantly denied Ukraine was involved and let's get right to Marcus Moore who joins us in Ukraine Marcus Washington is calling Russia's claims a quote blatant bold lie what more are U.S officials saying tonight Lindsay we know U.S officials have been pouring over that video that we showed you to try to figure out exactly what happened but so far they have come to no conclusions but a top U.S intelligence

official confirms that the drones that appear to have been involved potentially would have required someone in close proximity to operate Lindsay Marcus Moore our thanks to you next tonight to the strong reactions after the death of a black man on a New York City subway was ruled a homicide Witnesses say the man was shouting at passengers when other passengers tackled him a white Marine veteran on the subway car put him in a choke hold for several minutes he did not survive the Marine has not been charged Stephanie Ramos reports in a warning some may find a video that you're about to see disturbing tonight authorities in New York City pouring over this video showing a former Marine restraining an allegedly erratic man in a deadly Chokehold on a subway police say 30-year-old Jordan Neely who was homeless was on the train in lower Manhattan Monday afternoon when he began threatening passengers he interrupted in the train and then started yelling violence language I don't care if I've died I don't care if we are going to jail that's when police say the 24 year old former Marine put Neely in that Chokehold Neely struggling as another passenger holds his arms police say the Marine did ask others to call 9-1-1 after several minutes Neely losing Consciousness and later pronounced dead at a hospital the medical examiner ruling his death a homicide by compression of the neck nearly once known for his Michael Jackson impersonation police sources say he had a documented Mental Health history and more than 40 arrests including for assault and disorderly conduct overnight protesters gathering at the train station to demand Justice for Neely New York Governor Kathy hokel calling the Chokehold an extreme response just looking at that video you know it's wrong no one has the right to take the life of another person but tonight mayor Eric Adams urging patients the district attorney the police department there during their investigations and I'm going to respect that there are many layers to this Stephanie Ramos joins us now from New York Stephanie what comes next in this investigation well we know that police are asking for any tips they're asking for Witnesses more witnesses to come forward with any information they have from that scene we also know that that former Marine whose name has not been released was interviewed by police and let go we also just learned a few moments ago that both Neely's family and that former Marine have retained attorneys Lindsay Stephanie Ramos for us thanks so much Stephanie authorities in Phoenix are asking for the Public's help after a woman was killed on a popular trail near her home 29 year old Lauren heike was found dead after police say she was attacked from behind while out walking they released surveillance video showing a man in the area who they are now calling a suspect in the murder signs have also been posted at the trailhead warning people not to hike alone in Northern California police announced an arrest in three stabbings that left two people dead and the UC Davis Campus on edge Davis police identified 21-year-old Carlos Dominguez as a suspect he's accused of killing a homeless man in the first attack and a UC Davis Senior in the second on Monday a woman was critically injured but survived when she was stabbed through her tent at a homeless encampment Dominguez was a UC Davis student until just last week police say they found a large knife when they made the arrest now to a new investigation into the NFL with the attorneys General from New York and California announcing today that they have launched a joint probe examining the workplace culture of the league as part of the investigation the AG subpoenaed the NFL seeking information regarding allegations of gender disparities in compensation harassment retaliation and gender and race discrimination and joining us now is California attorney general Rob bonta who's joined New York's attorney general in bringing this investigation thank you so much for your time tonight so New York and California are home to more than a thousand NFL employees explain your thinking on why this sort of Investigation is needed at this moment and your time frame for your probe the investigation is needed to protect Californians and other NFL employees from potential discrimination the allegations that we've seen that are being consistent over a number of years paints a picture that is very concerning and very disturbing about the work environment at the NFL takes a picture of discrimination based on race and gender harassment retaliation pay and equity and so we're issuing subpoenas to get information from the NFL to further analyze and and study and evaluate those allegations and where we asked to receive documents by early July the AP reports that the league said that it would cooperate with the investigation but said in a statement I'll quote here these allegations are entirely inconsistent with the NFL's values and practices the NFL offices are places where employees of all genders races and backgrounds Thrive we do not tolerate discrimination in any form do you believe that you might uncover information that will dispute that yes the allegations multiple allegations over many years dispute that I'm pleased that they are committed to cooperating I'm pleased that they have articulated values that are consistent but with what we would like to see but um action speeds speaks louder than words we need to see the action employees passed in present uh continue to make allegations of discrimination and from where we stand they have not been addressed and so we're going to dig in and see we're going to see what they've done or haven't done as you're well aware Congress has held hearings and issued reports on the NFL's workplace in recent years including public testimony from several former female employees who allege to hostile work environment what do you believe that your investigation might be able to uncover that Congress was not able to commercial instead as that are abroad and get at the heart of the allegations not just that were made in Congress but that were revealed in news articles like the New York Times investigative report like the different lawsuits that have been initiated and brought in forward across uh the country we um feel that the tools that we have are able to fully uncover the full um range of potential discrimination that may exist in the NFL so we're gonna uh heavily scrutinize the NFL's practices procedures and work environment we're going to look closely uh and turn all the stones and see what's there and do a thorough review that the employees of the NFL deserve that the people of California deserve that the people of New York deserve that um no entity institution or Corporation no matter how big they are how powerful or how popular um is above the law and must comply with our laws including laws to create work environments free discrimination lastly what do you hope comes out of this and what do you think that the fans of the NFL should think about this investigation I hope you had a fair the investigation uncovers discrimination that what comes out of this is an end to the Discrimination change practices reform a new culture uh a inclusive environment that does not retaliate against employees that it does not provide a hostile work environment that doesn't harass um uh that is not a boys club if that's what we find to be true based on our investigation the allegations suggest that all those things are present but we'll determine for ourselves we're not prejudging we're not predetermining uh but we're looking for discrimination food workplaces in all um uh work uh environments including the one that the NFL provides for its employees there might also be the possibility of financial penalties California attorney general Rob onto me thank you so much for your time really appreciate you coming on the show thanks for having me now to new reporting on Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas after Pro publica unveiled Thomas accepted at least 150 thousand dollars in private school tuition for his Grand nephew who he was Raising as a son this is from the same GOP Mega donor who gifted him vacations and who bought Thomas's mother's home none of those gifts were disclosed and it's leading ethics Watchdogs to cry foul here's ABC's Chief Washington correspondent Jonathan Carl New Revelations today that billionaire Republican Mega donor Harlan Crowe paid for the private school tuition of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas's Grand nephew who the Justice raised as a son no comment today from Justice Thomas who has called Crow a dear friend but the billionaire did acknowledge paying the tuition saying he has quote been passionate about the importance of quality education and giving back to those less fortunate especially at-risk youth pro-publica says they've uncovered evidence Crow paid for tuition at two different private schools and while the exact amount is unknown the cost of one of the schools was six thousand dollars a month Thomas did not reveal any of this in his financial disclosure reports this comes after propublica reported that the same billionaire donor took Thomas and his wife on lavish vacations including travel on a private jet and a super yacht Thomas didn't disclose those either or the fact that Mr Crowe also bought Tom Thomas's mother's house the reports have prompted Democrats to call for new Supreme Court ethics rules the reputation of the Supreme Court is at stake here other justices have faced ethics questions Justice Sonia Sotomayor for example was criticized for not recusing herself from a case involving a publisher that paid her over three million dollars to write her books unlike Thomas however Sotomayor disclosed that income and even though some Republicans say Thomas is being unfairly singled out there is a rare bipartisan agreement on one thing those fact patterns should be something that the Supreme Court should look at and figure out what they should do to update their ethics Jonathan Carl joins us now from Washington John how are the justices responding to the scrutiny and if there should be any new rules policing them well just last week the justices all nine of them liberal and conservative signed a rare joint statement making it clear that they believe that it should be up to the court itself to police its ethics not to Congress or any other entity so the justices says basically leave it up to them they'll take care of it themselves they'll police themselves yes precisely Jonathan Carl from the Supreme Court for us thanks so much John thank you Lindsay here songwriter Ed Sheeran winning his bitter copyright battle a federal jury found that he did not Marvin Gaye song After the verdict Sharon said that he was happy but frustrated that he had spent the last eight years defending a song containing musical building blocks that are used by songwriters every day all over the world here's ABC's Ariel reschef today tonight that major legal victory for Superstar Ed Sheeran a federal jury in Manhattan finding the singer not liable for copyright infringement I'm obviously very happy with the outcome of the case and it looks like I'm not having to retire from my day job after all during the two-week trial at times the courtroom turning into a concert venue with the musician playing guitar and belting out a mashup of songs from the witness stand in an effort to prove he did not copy this hit song by Marvin Gaye no [Music] to write his own chart topper [Music] will be loving you until it was seventy she are ensued by the family of the late Ed Townsend the co-writer of Let's Get It On claiming the Grammy winner lifted the exact cords for thinking out loud these chords are common building blocks which were used to create music long before Let's Get It On was written the judge instructing the jury that similarities do not equate to copyright infringement and after just three hours of deliberations the jury citing was Sheeran we ultimately came to what we thought was the right interpretation of the law that we were given and Lindsey Townsend's daughter testified that she had hoped to avoid a trial but she wanted to protect her father's Legacy Sheeran expressing frustration that these types of copyright Claims can make it to court at all Lindsay Ariel thank you still much more to get to here on Prime tonight coming up heart stopping video shows a woman falling and her child's stroller rolling toward oncoming traffic see the moment a Good Samaritan steps in to help but next in tonight's Prime Focus while many libraries offer multiple services for the public they're also providing something they never plan for shelter how Librarians are stepping up to care for some of the most vulnerable in their communities when you got into this industry did you ever expect this no but it's one of the reasons I stayed I did not expect it I didn't realize the ramifications of so many people being on the house that they would need resources like this foreign [Music] families here in Poland here in Kentucky no match for the Tornado from Monterey Park California on the ground in Ukraine reporting from Uvalde Texas NBC News live is right there everywhere from the scene of that deadly missile strike in danipro Ukraine reporting from the earthquake in Turkey Nepal Truckee California covering record snowfall traveling with the president in Mexico City wherever the story here at this airport in Tampa it's already shut down recording from Jerusalem here at 10 Downing Street in London streaming live to you wherever the story is wherever the story is wherever the story is we're going to take you there you're streaming ABC News live ABC News live you're streaming ABC News live ABC News live streaming free everywhere America's number one streaming news with so much happening these days it's hard to keep up things change hour by hour minute by minute the historic weather that's now unfolding the worries on Wall Street we're bringing you the right now we've been a nationwide teacher shortage the right now look at the day ahead an alert this morning for dog owners and the key takeaways from the biggest story world news now and America this morning America's number one early morning news today does feel a little different early mornings on ABC News live all right here we go you ready let's do it yes it's the show America wants and America needs right now this is what would you do let's go how are you yeah so what will you be watching Saturdays on ABC News live what would you do hey I guess I just found out the what would you do marathon two to six Eastern every Saturday on ABC News live my favorite show welcome back everyone last night ABC News live Prime explored the scarcity of affordable housing in tonight's Prime Focus we're taking you to one of the last free public spaces in the United States that acts as a refuge for those seeking shelter a Lifeline to internet access and technology and a place to make critical connections with people who can help at the Forefront of our country's homelessness crisis is the public library and their workers who are Bridging the Gap for so many ABC's Jacqueline Lee shows us how [Music] Mary [Music] just another Library filled with generations of stories a sanctuary for silence [Music] this one sits on the outskirts of Philadelphia in Delaware County Pennsylvania this building is a critical Lifeline for some how are you good haven't seen you in a while we are everything to everybody we are a place for the children to come after school so it becomes a hangout spot in our teen area for these seniors it was a place where somebody can help them load their phone for the people that are unhoused to come near to use our free Wi-Fi our electricity to get heat air conditioning of course we have books you know if you try breaking bread at 107 a long Lane but there is more here than just chapters on pages it tells the story of Refuge for those with nowhere to go you can only go near from 7 A.M to 7 P.M on the front lines are people like Donna Fontaine it's first come first serve so you need to be over there you're welcome it happened so often that I forget it happens like I'm just so used to dealing with it Donna is the branch manager here in Upper Darby she has become a familiar face to the dozens of people that walk through the doors of the municipal Branch Library each day many of them turning to her in their most desperate times do you feel like you are on the front lines of the homelessness crisis in America yes um we're close to Philadelphia and we're also close to two shelters in our area so we see a lot of them come in some we see for years and years some will see periodically the public library has become one of the last free resources left in the United States the access to Internet Technologies books even electricity that libraries provide are essential for all patrons but are particularly life-changing for those experiencing extreme poverty and homelessness when you got into this industry did you ever expect this no but it's one of the reasons I stayed I did not expect it I didn't realize the ramifications of so many people being on the house that they would need resources like this we see an influx of people all the time and they may be on house for three six months and they'll move on to something else but we gave them sometimes the tools and the resources and the opportunity to apply for the housing and apply for the jobs to be able to move on to the next step we might slide our belongings back here so we're not bringing all that baggage with us and having a look maybe we shaved back here before we got ourselves together Shawn wood lives this reality every day using the tight quarters behind the building here's my stuff right here he stashes the few belongings he has to his name we slept back here we ate back here we prayed back here times where things was just too rough for us so one of us has an overwhelming uh situation we've came back here and prayed for each other back here the library is at times his only home there is a few tables that are normally out here one and then there'll be one over here so this is where I've actually stayed Sean has been unhoused since 2017 and this library has become his Safe Haven not only an escape from the harsh weather but providing him important resources like free Wi-Fi to apply for housing and jobs uh what you've been up to and introducing him to people who would become instrumental lifelines he remembers the moment he met Miss Donna would you say she changed her life definitely I'm so thankful for meeting her and I'm just so grateful for the way that she embraced me and the things that she's a show thanks to her yeah I used one of those places to get washed and dressed today they gave me these sneakers I didn't even have any nice sneakers to wear they gave me these sneakers today [Music] libraries are the safe stigma-free place where people can go with no resources at all Dr Beth Waller is director of the School of Social Work at the University of North Carolina and studies the importance of libraries in communities we see consistently that the top areas of Patron need that they're experiencing are homelessness and housing instability mental health problems and substance use in her research she noticed an alarming Trend during and after the covid-19 pandemic it left some of the country's most vulnerable population with nowhere to go we saw even more people coming to their Library who really were falling through the cracks in other places and needed help and needed resources and Library staff facing the brunt of growing psychosocial needs libraries are on the front line of homelessness across our country right now they see the gaps that exist in every Community because those are the populations that are coming in their doors much for coming here for our training day enter Ryan down he hopes to provide solutions to these challenges so I've spent most of my career running a large homeless shelter outside of Chicago this company focuses on de-escalation training for Library staff who interact with individuals experiencing homelessness what are some of the key things that you try to teach them when you do these trainings a lot of it comes back to empathy and so a lot of it's helping someone from the middle class to understand someone who's who's experiencing very very deep poverty and then you combine that with here's the skills to to work with someone who might have experienced profound trauma or traumatic brain injury or suffering from schizophrenia and so it's that combination of empathy combined with skills that's really really the game changer you're wondering after working at home shelters at the incredible need for training on how to interact with those dealing with hardships they don't fit any of our stereotypes of homelessness here in Upper Darby Library staff are learning the proper ways to de-escalate potential situations dowd's trainings are used by over 2 000 organizations in eight different countries do you think that's all in the approach when you know how to work with someone how to de-escalate conflict how to help somebody through some sort of trauma or whatnot in a way that that leaves them some dignity everybody wins humor no humor during conflict doesn't work Houston Public Libraries so a very large library in a very Urban core I think it was 550 of their staff take the training and they came back later and they said our problematic Behavior dropped by 80 percent yeah that's phenomenal to meet the needs of the public the president of the American Library Association says libraries need their own needs met that comes in the form of funding and resources on the local level we've been seeing a lot of budget cuts to libraries communities suffer because the library is not open as many hours there are not as many books and movies and resources available to our communities and there aren't enough Library workers to provide the services that our communities need at its core libraries are about Connections connecting with information with stories both new and old and for Donna and those who frequent the municipal Branch it's about connecting with each other I've always volunteered in some capacity and I've realized that working with the unhoused that they're some of the smartest kindest people and to recognize that this may be your next millionaire your doctor just giving them the access to what they need makes a difference [Music] our thanks to the people like Donna and our thanks to Jacqueline for bringing us that still much more to get to coming up chilling chilling remastered and armed teams jump onto a bus trying to get to a 14 year old passenger plus he's collaborated with everyone from BTS and Backstreet Boys but it's his passion for music that keeps him going we're on the stage with Steve Aoki when I first found it like 14 14. yeah that's when you first discovered music when I first discovered Community Music Community like of course I was like you know I love music throughout like you know before then right but I didn't know a community of where like this is everything that I'm going to become every decision I make right but next May the fourth be with you this Star Wars day we're taking a look at the global box office sensation that's lasted for Generations by the numbers [Music] [Applause] [Music] with so much at stake so much on the line more Americans turn here than any other newscast ABC News World News Tonight with David Muir America's number one most watched newscast across all of television this is ABC News live it's been crushing families here in Poland at Refugee centers on the ground in Ukraine close to the front line from the capitol destructive Cat four stores America's number one streaming news anytime anywhere streaming 24 7 straight to you for free thank you for making ABC News live America's number one streaming news from America's number one news comes the all-new ABC News app breaking news Incredible video faster smarter and customizable to your interests if you love being in the know you're gonna love this experience the all-new ABC News app download it now Brooke Shields the most photographed woman in the world a sexualized child modeled exploitation what happened to her isn't really about hers it's just about women I let myself be vulnerable and this is the first time I've ever spoken about and what happened I thought in my one no Should Have Been Enough you know when someone like Brooke Shields talks about it it makes a difference I'm amazed that I survived any of it it's so much happening these days it's hard to keep up things change hour by hour minute by minute the historic weather that's now unfolding the worries on Wall Street we're bringing you the right now we've been a nationwide teacher shortage the right now look at the day ahead an alert this morning for dog owners and the biggest store stores now and America This Morning America's number one early morning news today does feel a little different early mornings on ABC News live you never know what you're going to get on this show that's all I'm going to tell you yes whooping this Nikon can you hear me out there behind the scenes is always a better show absolutely absolutely that's what people don't see during the commercial break right they don't what happens I have no idea really what I was getting myself into that day that we walked out I I treasure that day I'm just I couldn't sit there I'm doing good enjoy you're doing good oh yeah baby it was crazy behind the table listen wherever you get your podcast almond mom is a little bit bought into diet culture but it tends to Veer on the side of overdoing it I had to hit spin class you know I had to earn this food to be in a restrictive mode with food is almost like the worst joke ever food should not be good or bad every Soul's body is important no matter what size it is where body positivity has the potential to become detrimental is the na girl you're good impact by Nightline now streaming on Hulu this is where the newsmakers come first in the morning to be heard America's number one morning show how would your mom feel about your relationship with your brother now I can't imagine what it feels like to go from 20 billion dollars to a hundred thousand dollars yeah are you worried about going to jail right that you had great to get out of that wherever the story ABC's Good Morning America is right there reporting from the earthquake in Turkey I'm David Muir wherever the story will take you there you're streaming ABC News live welcome back everyone actress Carrie Fisher was posthumously awarded a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame today with her daughter as well as Star Wars co-stars Mark Hamill R2D2 and C-3PO all there fisher had a diverse career as a TV actress and author but she'll always be best known for her portrayal of Princess Leia orgata in the Star Wars movies and today May 4th is also unofficially known as Star Wars day thanks to the pun May the fourth be with you we hear a prime remarking the occasion with a look at the Star Wars franchise by the Numbers When A New Hope debuted 46 years ago it brought in 775 million dollars at the global box office and launched one of the most successful movie franchises of all time it's also one of the most profitable the Star Wars Universe now spans 12 Movies including one of the highest grossing movies of all time the rise of Skywalker which took in more than two billion dollars in box office revenue worldwide that's more than eight times what it costs to make for those who like calculations as much as C3PO it's estimated 813 million 920 179 tickets were sold to see Star Wars original releases between 1977 and 2019. that's 2.4 times the total current U.S

population more movies are all in the way and the franchise continues to expand it now includes eight animated Star Wars series and four live-action series four more shows have already been announced altogether the Star Wars Empire is the third highest grossing film franchise ever valued at an estimated 51.8 billion dollars at Trails only Pokemon and Mickey Mouse and friends who rank in more in merchandise sales Star Wars we should note is owned by Disney the parent company of ABC News and of course May the fourth be with you and we still have much more ahead on Prime tonight bowing out why actress Drew Barrymore will no longer be hosting MTV's movie and TV Awards and an update from actor Jamie Foxx weeks after his family revealed he experienced a medical complication it takes asking the straightforward tough questions do you believe that Donald Trump should ever be president again how would your mom feel about your relationship with your brother now I can't imagine what it feels like to go from 20 billion dollars to a hundred thousand dollars yeah are you worried about going to jail you write that you had low grade depression how did you get out of that the says there was six friends one of them was sick yeah do you have future political aspirations going to the front line the search for survivors how does this war end and getting to the to the heart of the story thank you for being here we'll be here for the long run ABC News number one in the morning the number one newscast number one in daytime talk Friday nights Sunday mornings versus the competition and the number one streaming news thank you for making ABC News America's trusted straightforward First Choice it's so much happening these days it's hard to keep up things change hour by hour minute by minute the historic weather that's now unfolding the worries on Wall Street we're bringing you the right now we've been a nationwide teacher shortage the right now look at the day ahead an alert this morning for [Music] dogs America This Morning America's number one early morning news today does feel a little different early mornings on ABC News live this is ABC News live Mr crushing families here in Poland at Refugee centers on the ground in Ukraine close to the front line from the capitol destructive Cat four stores America's number one streaming news anytime anywhere streaming 24 7 straight to you for free thank you for making ABC News live America's number one streaming news almond mom is a little bit bought into diet culture but it tends to Veer on the side of overdoing it I had to hit spin class you know I had to earn this food to be in a restrictive mode with food is almost like the worst joke ever food should not be good or bad every Soul's body is important no matter what size it is where body positivity has the potential to become detrimental is the na girl you're good impact by Nightline now streaming on Hulu get ready America every Friday the hottest Trends Styles and must-have what's the right stuff to buy right now I really love that it's time to buy the right stuff yes and save big time too The Right Stuff Fridays on GMA You're Gonna Love It 13 women open their doors to the man who would end their lives truth and lies The Boston Strangler the new True Crime podcast series listen now wherever you get your podcasts and watch Boston Strangler starring Keira Knightley streaming on Hulu all right here we go you ready let's do it yes it's the show America wants and America needs right now this is what would you do let's go how are you yeah so what will you be watching Saturdays on ABC News live what would you do hey I guess I just found out the what would you do marathon two to six Eastern every Saturday on ABC News live my favorite Style the terrifying moments a stroller rolls toward oncoming traffic the allegations that led to the firing of a college baseball coach and a car maker issues a do not drive warning for thousands of its cars these stores and More in tonight's Rundown [Music] baby we're having some technical difficulties there actor Jamie Foxx makes his first online post since being hospitalized three weeks ago for an undisclosed medical emergency ABC's DeMarco Morgan has the details on this glimmer of hope for his recovery a new message from actor Jamie Foxx after nearly three weeks at Atlanta hospital for a medical complication a post on the 55 year olds Instagram saying appreciate all the love feeling blessed foreign [Music] the update comes amid mystery and concern for the oscar-winning actress Health after his daughter Corinne posted on her social media shortly after he was hospitalized writing due to quick action and great care he is already on his way to recovery still questions mounting about what exactly is happening with the actor's Health unfortunately we really still don't know much about what is going on with Jamie Foxx his daughter first released the statement about his medical scare three weeks ago and here we are nearly a month later and we still have no official statement or details about how he is doing you want to walk out of here with the Forty one thousand dollars or do you want to try and beat Shazam and now we have new details about Fox's hit musical game show beat Shazam Executives announcing actor and comedian Nick Cannon will fill in as host fox has served as host since 2017 a role he has shared with his daughter the show's resident DJ yo this is my magic piano right here everybody know about this magic piano when I play this piano you never know who's gonna stop by a post on Fox's Instagram story think counting saying appreciate you my boy see you all soon clearly Jamie isn't ready to give up his hosting duties on this show this is simply another friend stepping in to take the plate while he undergoes recovery Fox was most recently seen filming in Atlanta with co-star Cameron Diaz on the set of Netflix's upcoming film back in action the action comedy is said to be released in 2024. the movie resumed filming without Fox using a stun double scene and these photos from daily thank you or thanks to DeMarco for that and best wishes for a speedy recovery Paul eats shows like a spectacle area lineup songs and remixes for decades Steve Aoki has been the quintessential DJ his sets provide a one-of-a-kind experience for fans the famed artist love for music came from his childhood and his passion for impressing the people who listened has never slowed down our Phil Lipoff sat down with a music icon for tonight's Prime playlist a playlist that has a sweet ending foreign [Music] Terminal 5 in New York City you can feel the bass beating in your chest [Music] the fans packed in shoulder to shoulder eyes focused on [Music] Steve Aoki Center Stage working the crowd fever pitch his energy Non-Stop and infectious we joined Steve backstage for a few Quiet Moments before his set I prefer having low heart rate and as Zen as possible before I hit the stage a Steve Aoki show is more like an experience it's an exciting mix of electronic dance music stunning visual effects explosive smoke machines flying confetti champagne popping and of course those Infamous cakes my hands get you ready for some cake [Music] and this is just one night Aoki relentlessly tours some years hundreds of shows in 2014 he said a Guinness world record for most traveled musician 161 shows in 41 countries I hate the complacent life I don't want that I want to always like be disciplined and find that edge to to you know do more [Music] Steve pumping out so many mega hits like mic drop [Music] wasted on me and pursuit of happiness [Music] stream more than half a billion times he's been doing this for almost three decades seven Studio albums two Grammy nominations and collaborations with everyone from K-pop sensation BTS Lincoln Park and the Backstreet Boys to Lil Uzi vert and Kid Cudi one two three let's go the 45 year old is now considered a legend in the world of EDM still when he was a teen the son of Japanese immigrants he didn't feel like he belonged and struggled to make friends in high school eventually finding Rhythm through music how old were you at this time when I first found it like 14 14. yeah that's when you first discovered music when I first discovered Community Music Community like of course I was like you know I love music throughout like you know before then right but I didn't know a community of where like this is everything that I'm going to become every decision I make right and there was no looking back even when he went to college the hardcore punk scene was in full swing when Steve got to the University of California Santa Barbara his apartment known as the pickle patch bands playing live in his living room from the music to the clothes Punk was popular Steve heavy into a subset of the genre called straight edge hardcore some of the ideologies of Hardcore is one PMA positive mental attitude it's just really it's a really good thing for a kid to like really align themselves absolutely so at 19 he formed a band with three of his college buddies he met in Ceramics class forming his record label Dimock before moving back to Los Angeles all while trying to live up to his famous fathers Larger than Life Legacy You're Gonna Play so am I it's up to you Rocky Aoki founder of the popular Japanese restaurant chain Benihana Rocky known for his obsession with work his love of speed on the water and in the air in 1981 he crewed the first balloon to successfully cross the Pacific Ocean my father's like you know looming presence and what he's done with culture has definitely shaped me proving to his dad that he could make it in music became a driving force so he bought some equipment and the rest is music history when quickly gaining a reputation for his high intensity performances in connection with the crowd major festivals thank you a residency in Ibiza the EDM capital of the world [Applause] adding crowd surfing a throwback from his hardcore days and of course his trademark move caking [Music] so popular now fans come to shows hoping to be caked wearing shirts and holding signs he brings at least a dozen to every show and he is impressively accurate growing from about 30 feet out the cake space is styrofoam and it's mostly made of very sticky soft icing because the goal is not to hurt it's to have fun what does it feel like when it hits right like when it's a direct hit amazing it's like I mean the best way to explain it is like if you're Tom Brady and you score that Hail Mary you throw that that touchdown goal to the receiver and like the whole crowd goes crazy the goat of cake throwing has taken criticism over the years from some in the EDM World calling out is on stage Antics they said we're not going to book you we don't like the cakes we don't think it's cheesy I think I stopped for like a year and and you know what happened after I stopped fans got upset they didn't book me so that would be the last time he would bend the knee to anyone doing what he does best DJ the art of mixing music live in front of amped up fans this is why I don't drink wild before I DJ because you need to have Clarity of thought and be able to think like a chess player a laser focus strong-willed hard-hitting and fast-paced bringing something new to his profession a lot like his father before him me being directly and indirectly around him has shaped me for sure no doubt about it because is a very this is a very traditional Japanese way of thinking to put work first a work ethic he inherited a legacy He is building on I don't even feel like I'm 45 right now because like when you're learning when you're learning something new and your your eyes are wide open and you you get the chills and you still feel something it's like you're back when you're a teenager again and since that boundless youthful energy is contagious how could I not ah how do you think he was going to be running did it hurt no I told you no you gotta trust me you're like a master I don't oh I gotta wash up my nose Steve yeah thank you have a good night great show oh my god did you just really do that did you see what he did I ate it off my face [Music] I love that film what a sport getting kicked are things to Philip off for that the terrifying moments the stroller rolls toward oncoming traffic the allegations that led to the firing of a college baseball coach and a car maker issues a do not drive warning for thousands of its cars these stories and More in tonight's Rundown [Music] dramatic video shows the heroic actions of a Good Samaritan preventing a baby stroller from rolling into traffic in California the stroller is seen rolling away from the vehicle with an adult nearby attempting to grab it but Falling before they could just before the stroller entered a busy roadway a nearby Man rushed over to stop the stroller pushing it back where it came from a wild scene at a Hawaiian Harper that Witnesses say may have been a case of GPS gone wrong a woman and her passenger driving right down a boat ramp straight into the water even smiling in confusion as their van sinks lower still rolling forward the passenger quickly making it out of the window but the driver's still inside other Witnesses including a trained rescue diver jumping into action after carefully helping them out of the vehicle and walking them back up the boat ramp the van going under officials in Maryland are searching for three suspects in connection with an attack on a school bus police say the bus had stopped to drop off students when the masked suspects believed to be juveniles boarded the bus and began to attack one of the passengers one of the suspects tried shooting the victim multiple times but officials believe the weapon malfunctioned the victim suffered minor injuries the motive is under investigation the University of Alabama fired its head baseball coach amid an investigation into suspicious bets placed against the team in a game against LSU the school said in a statement that Brad Bohannon was being let go for among other things violating the standards duties and responsibilities expected of University employees ESPN reports that the Ohio casino Control Commission is investigating two bets placed on LSU to win this past Friday from the same unidentified customer in Cincinnati Drew Barrymore will no longer host the MTV movie and TV Awards Barrymore says she pulled out of the May 7th ceremony in solidarity with the wga strike which is in its third day in a statement Barrymore said she had listened to the writers and made the decision to step down in order to fully respect them she added that she would return to host the ceremony next year variety reports that the show will now go on without a host and that the red carpet has also been canceled if you own a 3 Series 5 series or X5 made between 2 ,000 and 2006 BMW says stop driving it immediately and go get the airbag replaced that's because they have an extremely high probability of failure during a crash that stems from a defect in the Takata made airbag drivers who have an open recall notice can get replacement parts for free through their dealer as well as free towing or mobile repair 90 000 vehicles are covered in this recall Takata first came under scrutiny for defective airbags 10 years ago cool and that is our show for this hour I'm Lindsey Davis stay tuned ABC News live for more context and Analysis of the day's top stories thanks so much for streaming with us foreign coming up in the next hour the leader of the extremist group The Proud boys is charged with seditious conspiracy what a jury decided on charges for other members of the group a major investigation into the NFL by Attorneys General from two states the bombshell allegations being examined [Music] thanks so much for streaming with us live reporting breaking news exclusives award-winning powerful eye-opening ABC News live Prime with Lindsey Davis streaming weeknights thank you right now in America with so much at stake thank you for making NBC's this week America's number one news and politics show on Sunday mornings this is where the newsmakers come first in the morning to be heard America's number one morning show how would your mom feel about your relationship with your brother now I can't imagine what it feels like to go from 20 billion dollars to a hundred thousand dollars yeah are you worried about going to jail you write that you had low grade depression how'd you get out of that wherever the story ABC's Good Morning America is right there this is ABC News live the crushing families here in Poland at Refugee centers in Putin's Russia on the ground in Ukraine close to the front line from the capitol destructive Cat four stores Boston is in the bullseye let's go to BBC News live America's number one streaming news anytime any where streaming 24 7 straight to you for free thank you for making ABC newsline America's number one streaming news you never know what you're going to get on this show that's all I'm going to tell you yes whooping this Nikon can you hear me out there behind the scenes is always a better show absolutely absolutely that's what people don't see during the commercial break right they don't what happens I have no idea really what I was getting myself into that day that we walked out I I treasure that day I'm just I couldn't sit there I'm doing good enjoy you're doing good oh yeah baby it was crazy behind the table listen wherever you get your podcast all right here we go you ready let's do it yes it's the show America wants and America needs right now this is what would you do let's go how are you yeah so what will you be watching Saturdays on ABC News live what would you do hey I guess I just found out the what would you do marathon two to six Eastern every Saturday on ABC News live my favorite show is a little bit bought into diet culture but it tends to Veer on the side of overdoing it I had to hit spin class you know I had to earn this food to destructive mode with food is almost like the worst joke ever food should not be good or bad every Soul's body is important no matter what size it is where body positivity has the potential to become detrimental is that not girl you're good impact by Nightline now streaming on Hulu reporting from Monterey Park California I'm Robin Roberts wherever wherever the story is we're going to take you there you're streaming ABC News live hi there I'm Lindsey Davis thanks so much for streaming with us we're monitoring several developments here at ABC News at this hour pop Superstar Ed Sheeran emerged Victorious today from a Manhattan Court after a federal jury found him not guilty of copying the Marvin Gaye classic let's get it on and his hit song Thinking Out Loud Sharon who even played guitar on the witness stand argued his tune contains the same musical building blocks and songwriters use every day a 21 year old who was a student at the University of California Davis until just last week has been arrested for three separate stabbings that left two people dead and put the College Community on edge police identified the suspect as Carlos Dominguez he's accused of killing a homeless man in one attack in a UC Davis Senior in another a third victim was badly injured but survived the Attorneys General from New York and California have launched a joint investigation examining a workplace culture of the National Football League they've subpoenaed the NFL for information about allegations of gender disparities in compensation harassment and retaliation also gender and race discrimination the NFL says they will cooperate but added they do not tolerate discrimination in any form next to the verdict in the trial of five members of the far-right group The Proud boys it's the most consequential case stemming from the January 6th Siege of the capital the group's former leader Enrique tario and three of his lieutenants were all convicted of seditious conspiracy for plotting to attack the capital to keep Donald Trump in power after he lost the 2020 election our chief j


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