Full Demoshow - Komatsu at bauma 2022

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Ladies and gentlemen dear guests and visitors I  would like to welcome you all to the Bauma here   in Munich and I would like to especially welcome  you to the demo site of Komatsu great to have you   here we have put together an exciting show for  you and in the next 30 minutes we would like to   show you a variety of Komatsu machines now if you  have any questions regarding the Komatsu machines   or also the services that we are offering please  do not hesitate to contact my colleagues either   here on the demo side or just across the road in  Hall C6 where we have our booth but now I'd say   let's get started let's get started for sure  a very good morning dear Bauma audience come   on make some noise are you there very good  great to have you with us here today for our   very first show we started the engines and we are  ready to go coming in here on my right side is my   wonderful colleague is coming in on a PC 24 mr-5  over here we have Lars also wonderful colleague   Lars is coming in on a pc18 mr-5 now these as  well as all other Komatsu utility machines are   a combination of the most modern technology  as well as komatsu's Decades of experience and   the result Mom you can see it right here we have  compact versatile and super user-friendly machines   with first case performance rates so   Komatsu is of course offering machines in all  weights and size classes and I invite you check   them out maybe a little bit later in Hall C6 where  we have exhibited them for you so now thank you   very much to Lars and thank you also to Rhino with  that let me come just a little bit closer to you   now we started small I'd say next let's go big  and not just a little bit big but very very big   so I don't know if you can see behind me it's  sort of hard to miss we have komatsu's PC 4000e   right there and all the way up there I believe  is uh Matthias the lights are so blinding I can   hardly see you good morning Matthias how are  you Matthias is waving the key so why don't you   put the key inside and start your engine and he's  gonna show us a little bit of what he can do what   we have right here is a 400 ton Mining Excavator  it was developed in Dusseldorf that's also where   it's being manufactured there you go you got  it in okay so go for it show us what you can do   so right here at Boma we are showing you the  electrically powered version of which Komatsu   already has sold 370 units worldwide together with  its smaller as well as larger Brothers yes there   is larger versions of this Komatsu has sold 1700  large excavators to customers all around the world   now some of these machines they were delivered as  early as the 1980s they are still up and running   today and they have operating hours amazing 170  000 and there is no stopping them so uh we've had   gotten a couple of quick facts together for you  that you might want to know now I said there's a   lot of power in this how much power exactly 7  200 volts are in action here and if you would   like to check out the power cable that we have  in the back it is gigantic also in the back we   have a special entrance Door through which you  can be led in onto our little demo area here so   if you want to take a picture inside the bucket  with let's say your 35 closest friends you can   do that and I can guarantee we're gonna put it  down so you can just step in easily you don't   have to jump up to this height now Matthias  over here he said to me you know I'd really   like to drive this Mining Excavator to Palma  you know just drive it there in one piece but   we said it's just gonna take too long the  top speed here is only 2.1 kilometers an   hour so we had to take it apart into 16 heavy  duty trucks and then reassemble it here and I   think they did a really good job so with that  that was the PC4000 let's move on to new very   special machines that I'd like to show to  you now so here they are come on inbound foreign we can see Vans coming in on an HD785-8 rigid  dump truck this one right here is used in mines   and quarries all over the world and although  the dimensions are gigantic the driving Comfort   actually isn't that much different from say a  regular Highway truck of course you know the   payload is a little bit different than what we're  talking here is a length of more than 11 meters   a width of more than five meters and band here can  take a total weight of 188 tons hey band how are   you doing up there so band here when he goes to  the gas station he has to bring a very very very   very big wallet because this gas tank here fits  1 300 liters so it's going to be quite expensive   so you might have noticed the stickers on  the side this right here is the 1000 HD 785   that Komatsu has sold to a customer in Europe  so right after Bauma we're gonna wash it all   up get it nice and clean again and then it's  gonna be delivered to a very happy customer   in Germany and this puts Komatsu by far in the  market leading position in the 100 ton class   so I think bounce a little bit lonely let's give  him some company now coming in now is the WA800-8   to go together with that dump truck and it's  going to be brought in by our Peter over here   so what you see coming into our area now is a  wheel loader offers a very comfortable working   environment a very spacious and modern cabin  and what our Peter here is enjoying is the ajss   steering which is of course the joystick steering  and you're going to see him in just a moment when we have placed a video camera in Peter's cabin so   you can peek over his shoulders and what  we're going to do next is we're going to   get Peter in perfect position and you  will be able to watch a loading game so here we go and getting into the perfect  spot and if we watch Peter over here if   Peter wants to fill one bucket fully he could  take the weight of 312 washing machines and a   band over here was a fully loaded he could  take the weight of 1 162 washing machines   or also 62 Mercedes C-Class or 14  elephants I don't know what you'd   like to transport that's all possible  so here we go with the loading game features that are Peter here enjoys are  the auto kickdown function we have the   automatic bucket filling system we have  the integrated weighing system they are   of course just some of the many features  that support our Peter or the operator here   in the daily work and in the safe  use of this very powerful machine [Music] Ben's taking a coffee break you need a little sip   of coffee right forget that for the  now you have your coffee okay then   here super relaxed while Peter has to do  all the work well and so it is sometimes foreign and we will be moving on to the next topic now  an interesting fact and something that maybe   some of you might or might not know but we're  going to change that now is that Komatsu makes   machines for forestry that happens in Umeå  that's in Northern Sweden and that's where   the Komatsu Harvesters and forwarders are built  and based on our wealth of experience we have   decided to develop the wa-475-10 tool linkage in  Hanover here it is being brought in by our Lars   foreign so let me take a quick peek here around  the side Lars likes to drive with an open cabin   for us so we can peek inside and what we see right  here is that Lars is enjoying joystick steering   show us just how easy comfortable and ergonomic  your work is do you have a cup of coffee also   no no coffee for you do you have a cot in the back  there you go oh water okay very important that our   operators have enough fluid and food with them so  let's put Lars to work again now this machine as   you see it here was specifically designed for  this purpose that we have prepared for you it   is equipped with special lifting kinematics to  meet the demanding challenges of loading logs   at Peak Performance the features include a newly  designed boom we have the special reversing lever   as well as the revised hydraulic cylinders they  all ensure an extremely even power transfer and   that's what we need when listing out these logs  here from any position and you know what I think   a lot should be put to work now let's have him  lift up not one not two not three all of these   logs right now and take them for a little spin on  our demo area come on Lars show us what you got [Music] thank you [Music] not a problem for our Lars   so lifting all those logs and taking them  for a little spin in our demo area [Music]   great work Lars [Music] what we can see  here also is a very small turning radius   very agile fluid movements and let's set those logs back down foreign [Music] as you may or may not know are also  active in the very important Demolition and   recycling Market segment and a key machine here  is the mobile Crusher that is our BR380 and we're   gonna bring this baby onto our demo area now  it is being operated by a remote control which   you'll see just on the big screen here now by  our operator Peter and Peter as you can see   can multitask he can operate the pc290 as well  as bring in the BR380 via the remote control   what we see here is komatsu's first zero two  machine in Europe and you may ask yourself how   is that possible very easy Komatsu purchases  the equivalent of CO2 produced by the machine   every year for the lifetime of the machine it  is a self-propelled machine that feeds material   into the jaw Crusher via the vibrating Hopper  and then crushes it to a variable size between   50 to 400 millimeters now what you will have  seen here on the side is that our Lars already   connected the water holes and that is so we  don't have so much dust now in the air so I'd   say Let's uh load up this mobile Crusher and  see it be put to work come on Peter go for it thing you're going to see is that on the  right side the smaller fragments as well   as sand are being ejected so let's get rid of  those first [Music] and now let's go for it foreign [Music] parts are being removed with the  magnetic separator and the separated material is   being conveyed with the injection belt we also  have internal sensors that work here so in case   there is a blockage they immediately registered  and they stop the blocker if need be before any   damage can occur [Applause] and this is quite  spectacular actually from the shows we've done   during the rest of Bauma is that as I mentioned  we have the water connected now so there's no dust   and particles flying through the air right  now so I'd say let's wait just a moment   until it's finished Lars is gonna check  right now see how much we still have got   a little bit still in there but I think it's  looking good now all the parameters for the   crusher as well as the conveyor belt they  can be very easily read and checked just on   the side on the input panel and then they can  be controlled on the color display and that's   what you're going to be seeing in just a few  moments Lars will be showing that to you [Music]   see now Lars is opening up the side panel  to show you you can see the color display   everything seems A-Okay and what Lars is also  going to do he's going to switch to manual   control as you saw a little bit earlier Peter  was using the remote control to bring it in so   let's switch it up to manual now so that Lars can  use the upper Drive control to park the machine   first of course we have to disconnect the water  hose [Applause] [Music] Nina over here waiting   very patiently on the wa320 which I'll tell you  about in just a few moments [Applause] [Music]   okay next thing that Lars needs to do is he needs  to make sure that the pre-screening is stowed away and close the side panel  and then we are good to go [Music] and there we have the crushed material by the  way if you want to take a peek [Applause] [Music]   okay here's our Lars coming back  up now if you could just park it   back over there because we need our demo  area free again okay [Applause] [Music]   so right now as mentioned we can see right here  in the WA320-8 this is a 16 ton wheel loader with   zed kinematics and fast reacting hydrostatic  drive it is equipped as you saw already with   a hydraulic quick coupler and it has its  place on any construction site this wheel   loader right here is equipped with of course the  comfortable support system that you have gotten   accustomed to by Komatsu so let me hit you with  a couple of keywords we have torque control we   have Smart loader logic we have variable shift  control and that's just to name a few they all   Supply a very ergonomic and also easy workplace  for our Arena doing an excellent job over here   so now let's clean up this area right now an  example here are our Komatsu dozers they're   well known well proven I would say they're even  famous and the example that we are showing you   now is the D51PXi-24 this is a bulldozer with  hydrostatic drive a six-way blade control and   integrated 3D control it weighs approximately  14 tons it's super light makes it perfect for a   quick transport from one job site to the next the  electronic hydrostatic HST transmission developed   by Komatsu and the Palm commands control they  offer a very comfortable working environment   on one of the most efficient machines on the  market now this particular machine right here   has Factory integrated 3D control and what it  does is it makes our operator hear our Peter   apply or remove material with millimeter Precision  also has a very simple and intuitive to use touch   screen monitor built in here and by the way the  same 3D control you can find just over here on   the PC290 and if you'd like to know more about our  3D control we're going to put band over there near   the 290 to tell you all about it but first we  need band in action wheeled excavators they can   be found on many construction sites and right here  we have our PW1XX it is the newest member of the   Komatsu wheeled excavator series and it gives  us a little bit of a glimpse into the future [Music] it's super strong it's very versatile this   is what the next generation of wheeled  excavators by Komatsu will look like so much Happening Here in our demo area now the development of our wheeled  excavator is not quite finished yet   as you can see in the stickers  on the side but this prototype   already proves to be just as versatile  as a Swiss Army knife [Music] foreign so let's put bam to work here [Music] thanks to the full hydraulic quick coupler  can be quickly adapted to the job at hand   with very little effort all the required tool  settings for the oil flows and the pressure they   can be stored in the system and very easily  selected when the Tool change is due [Music] thank you the further development of our wheeled excavator  looks quite promising and already shows just how   versatile these machines can be what we  see here are compact dimensions a very   low transport height we are talking  under four meters here we have a very   powerful Drive super strong when lifting  and working with heavy tools this wheeled   excavator by Komatsu will be available  at your local Komatsu dealer in 2024. [Music] so let's watch one more tool change one quick tool change [Music]   great work bound we'll see you a little bit  later if you have questions about our 3D   system please be sure to talk to Bent who's  going to be over there on the PC290 in just   a little bit and with that I'd like to direct  your attention over here we have Peter in action   on a machine designed for the requirements of the  Demolition and recycling market right here we see   of course the PC490HRD and HRDstands for High  Reach demolition well one very special thing   about our new demolition machine is the method  to change the boom configuration at the moment   we have mounted the Dig boom on the base unit  and Peter now will change this configuration to   a high reach Demolition and he's going to do it  all on his own because I will not help him this   morning and you're not going to help him you stay  where you are and he's not even going to have to   leave his cabin because he can do it all from  just inside there very fast using the patented   Quick Change system so fast that we're going to  set a timer now and see how fast he can do it he   honked his horn that was the uh that's how we like  to communicate he honks at me and I set the timer   the timer is going now and let's see just how  fast our Peter here can change the configuration   Peter very concentrated at work already if you  want you can watch this process from over here   or you can of course also watch here on our  big video screen and what you see in the top   right corner is called a guidance Monitor and  it will help our Peter here and show him how he   needs to approach the lock system and what  he has to do is he has to line up the blue   lines perfectly sounds very easy it is very  easy for our Peter here you can watch this   process closely on the screen we are getting  very very close so Peter doesn't have to guess   he doesn't have to hope all he needs to do is  aim perfectly and if he does and we'll see that   now he gets the blue thumbs up the system  says yes Peter you did a great great job   and let's wait for him to honk the horn again  the time 71 seconds so well under 100 seconds   I think that's worth a huge round of applause  for our Peter right now give it up for Peter so what you're going to hear next potentially  is a little bit of a rattling sound it's totally   normal what you hear is the intensifier and we  need the intensifier because it supports the   lifting of the equipment now as you can also  see we still have the support stand mounted   so I'd say first let's get rid of that and then  what we're going to do next is attach the tool   now in the longest configuration with the  mounted extension the Komatsu PC490HRD is   able to work with a maximum two and a half ton  equipment and that in a height of 32 meters   and once we get rid of the support  stand that is what we are going to do   here of course you also have the opportunity to  watch it live especially nice for our audience   just on this side over here or you can of course  also watch it right here on our big screen   and you can watch how precise and how  concentrated our Peter is at work here   very important information of course also all  hydraulic and electrical lines they were connected   automatically so let's take a look how it's going  for Peter and he is ready to go I believe we are   now ready to go up to a height of 32 meters 32  meters how high is that well we're gonna check   it out right now you can watch it live over there  or we have also prepared a little bit of a video   clip for you which you will be seeing right now  here it is so if you are ready fasten your seat   belts make sure your tray tables are stored away  we are going high up into the sky with our Peter now what you may or may not notice is that when  we're looking up see I have to hold on to my hat   and I'm straining my neck a little bit but that's  something I have to do potentially you but not our   Peter all he did was just tilt back the cabin so  that he can lean back and work very concentrated   up high up in the sky at a height of 32 meters  and that's the sign we have reached 32 minutes   32 meters not in 32 minutes it was of course a lot  faster so thank you very much to our video oh here   you can see the Tilted cabin you can peek inside  there we are Peter looking high up into the sky   so while I have your attention looking up and  around I'd like to direct your attention over   here Hall C6 remember we have a couple of very  nice exhibition pieces that we'd like to invite   you to take a look at but even before Hall C6 we  have something fantastic that we like to show you   we have a PC950-11 crawler excavator it's brand  new and it will be available very very soon so if   you'd like to know more be sure to check with one  of my colleagues so with the PW1XX we already sort   of had a little bit of a glimpse into the future  and now it's time to go just one step further   Komatsu has set itself the goal of reaching  carbon neutrality by the year 2015 and in the   midterm Komatsu plans to reduce CO2 emissions down  to 50 percent and increase the use of renewable   energies by 50 to the year 2030 and that is when  compared to the numbers of 2010. so to reach   Cisco Komatsu's investing a lot of time money  expertise in alternative Drive Concepts and of   course electromobility is a key word here so in  this context we're very happy to show you a few   hydraulic excavators all with electric Drive in  different sizes up to the PC210 just in there in   Hall C6 but you're out here I need to impress  you out here so ladies and Gentlemen please   welcome the very first electrically driven  wheel loader by Komatsu here it is [Music]   foreign audience we have someone's very excited  over here and of course we are tools the wa   electric is a prototype under tests in which  the travel Drive the steering and all the   work equipment cylinders they are all operated  electrically the quick coupler is still actuated   hydraulically and this enables us to control  hydraulic attachments and operate them in the   same way as with a conventional wheel loader  in the final expansion stage of this concert   what we are planning to do is we're planning  to use the battery a very powerful battery one   then will allow us to work on the job site for  a full day under regular working conditions so   we're very excited about that hopefully happening  very very soon so dear Palma audience you have   been fantastic we are at the end of our 30 minutes  already thank you so much for being with us here   today thank you that we could talk a little bit  about Komatsu's fantastic machines if you have   questions please be sure to talk to my colleagues  they can tell you all about the machines as well   as the services thank you so much and right here  we have Lars coming in I think Lars feels the same   way as you is that you have been a fantastic Bauma  audience and we have got some gifts for you so   thank you so much for being with us right here at  Komatsu have a great day take it easy and goodbye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]


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