Unite 2022 Keynote Unity

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camera yeah like this okay the first game I played probably came out of a cereal box Mario Brothers I was very young The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time Prince of Persia a lot of them with my dad and my sister Pokemon Sapphire Zombies Ate My Neighbors the first game that made me fell in love with video games was a final fantasy night games the most challenging part is to build something that is unique you're always going to be limited by resources but you're not limited by ideas you will never have time to complete everything you want to do finding the fun in the game long term balance for players bridge the gap between what you envisioned as a Creator and what players are experiencing in your game it's always scope regardless if you're alone or if you're with a small or a big Team all of these different variables that needs to mesh together perfectly to create something rates my advice for someone turning to create their game is to jump in and try the idea start small know that the road is going to be full of a lot of problems are you sure the first games you're gonna make are gonna suck so get them out of the way choose people that can support you keep having fun along the way I draw a lot of inspiration from literature from books the mountains the sound of the wind is that's why we're making this to be around a group of people really passionate about creating this thing to push the boundaries of what games can be is they're the most complete way of telling stories they are an amazing medium it takes it to an interactive level and I think that's what makes it so important it's just a really exciting space to be in something positive to care about we're building something together we can you know change the world hey everyone and welcome to unite it's so great to kick off this event with so many great Indie developers from around the world we're so honored that we get to play a part in their and your success stories it's hard to believe that our last unite event was in 2019. this year's event is hybrid to reach our Global and local community to the unity game developers and partners who are joining us from around the world we're thrilled to have you with us this is our largest United ever with more than ten thousand of you tuning in so far thank you for being here and we're really excited to see those of you who are attending our local unite events and our Austin Brighton Copenhagen Montreal and San Francisco offices it's so great to be together again today you'll hear about what we've been working on to help you realize your vision how we're making it easier for you to create beautiful games and experiences in unity we'll talk about how we're continuing to improve our core features plus you'll get a peek into what we expect in the future now I want to take a moment to talk more about what you do every day around the world you're brainstorming creating launching running coding and often monetizing millions of incredible games let me start by sharing a full really few really cool numbers as of 2021 the games you made with unity accounted for 50 of all games across mobile PC and console including a whopping 72 percent of a top 1000 mobile games which means that your games were collectively played by more than 3 billion active players each and every month last year I mean wow and then at this year's gamescon we couldn't be more proud to showcase at the Indie Booth over 80 titles you made with unity a special out to akka from cosmic gato which won our new indie Community Choice Award now you'll often hear me and all of us at Unity say that we believe the world is a better place with more creators in it I'd like to take a moment and explain what we mean and why we say it now playing games is great we've watched our art form go from small to big passing music and TV and then movies in fact the global games market today is bigger than music and movies combined and we're also proud of being part of such an Innovative and growing games industry there are over four billion Gamers today and I look forward to the day when there are over seven billion Gamers among other things it'll mean that billions more have access to computers and smartphones and be closer to experiencing the benefits of the 21st century economically and educationally now before I go on I want to tell you a quick story I once got into an argument with my daughter's High School about the technology curriculum they were teaching the school was teaching them how to use tools like Google Docs and word instead of learning how to code they were learning about using a web browser instead of learning how the web actually works or the purpose and function of DNS they're being taught to consume to consume the work of others now there's nothing wrong with consumption but what I was looking for was the school to provide my kids with a fundamental understanding of how these things work so they might imagine themselves as inventors and creators I wanted this for them because I know both the pain and joy of creating so when we say the world is a better place with more creators in it we mean that quite literally we believe it because it is the only path to a better world a better framework for how we live because creators bring people together because we know the joy of creating and we want more people to experience this Joy now we know creation is hard because the realization of anything new and great is hard game creation is especially hard because it involves so many disciplines from programming to design art to lighting character creation animation and some serious Mastery of Technology now our role at Unity is to make the tools that make it easier for you as creators to realize your vision and that includes supporting this Vision with resources to help you turn your games into sustainable businesses if and when you choose to do so our greatest joy is to be there with you and grow with you which brings me to our mission we want Unity to be the best development engine for you to create what you imagine no matter what you want to do and change the world one game at a time now since our last unite we've listened and worked to deliver on your priorities to engineer better workflows to help you build quality games faster to provide support for more platforms including big Investments and support for Chrome OS metaquest Pro and enhanced support for Xbox series X and S Android asset building and more and while also pushing for a more stable platform so you can lock in production with confidence we also upgraded both our Universal render pipeline known as urp and our high definition render pipeline hdrp which allow you to create more platform optimized graphics and push the limits of High Fidelity we couldn't be happier to see more and more games launching using unity's urp including these games you'll see on the screen right now Marvel snap from second dinner Lego builders Journey from light brick Studio lost in random from thunderful games turbo golf racing from huge calf Studios two-point campus from two point Studio circuit superstars from original fire games neon white from Ben Esposito and Angel Matrix and more and you continue to amaze us with the amazing Graphics produced using hdrp and games like the recent hit metal helsinger from The Outsiders Siberia the world before collapse or slime Rancher 2 from Minami Park which entered Early Access in late September and has sold over a hundred thousand in less than six hours six hours and let me quickly touch on a couple new things that you hear about in some of today's talks as you'll see we continue to invest heavily in gaming to help you scale your game and maximize player engagement and we'll talk about how the Unity gaming Services ecosystem can enable you to choose which tools to use from a single dashboard to help you create super ambitious games with massively detailed worlds large-scale simulations and first class multiplayer support we have a big announcement about dots so stay tuned to help you create inspiring characters and creatures in any level of fidelity we'll share what we're doing to bring world-class professional visual effects tools from the big Budget Cinema to your games we're encouraging you to share your feedback and what you'll hear during today's great lineup of speakers we're stronger when your perspectives are at the center of the conversation and development cycle thank you all the developers who push us to be better and now to kick us off two folks you might already know pretty well please welcome our very own Lucas Meyer and will Goldstone Lucas and well take it away thank you John hey everybody who kiss I will good to see you again good to see you especially in 3D yes so much more 3D favorite Dimension it is my favorite Dimension you're quite right so Lucas we're back at unite let's focus this is very important so today you're going to hear about three words a lot build scale and innovate so these are just ways of thinking about Unity as an end-to-end platform for you to make incredible games so if you're at your first prototype you're excited about your idea through to building your first game shipping managing building a studio with a team we want to be there with you at every step along the way so as your games and businesses grow our platform is going to grow with you so today is all about showing you what we have in store to bring that Vision to life so Lucas what do we have in store give us a little teaser all right so we're going to be looking at creating amazing graphics for players on all platforms there's a section about building better editor tooling so that's you building better tooling for your game in the editor yes okay exactly we'll talk about managing and developing multiplayer games and how we can make that easier it's very difficult there's a section about knowing your players and understanding them better and what they're doing and using that information to make better decisions when it comes to game updates and when to send them into who and then the last section is for people that really like to see Unity push to its limits it has ambitious and Innovative games there's some WETA stuff in there there's some dot stuff in there some digital human stuff but we're going to start off with build in particular cross-platform virtual reality development with Doreen let's do it we're thrilled to see more and more immersive games and experiences coming to Extended reality like Zenith the last City from Ramen VR and cosmodius high from Alchemy labs in fact 58 of top selling VR games are made with unity and on certain devices that number is even greater some as high as 70 percent we support the most popular XR devices through our Partnerships with PlayStation VR PlayStation VR 2 metaquest 2 and the recently announced meta Quest Pro we also help you reach headsets through openxr and xrsdk but we know that one of the key issues that you need to overcome as VR developers is cross device play because just supporting devices isn't enough right you also need to think about interactions across these devices traditionally building VR interactions meant working with multiple sdks and often coding from the ground up and today we're enabling better cross-device interactions through the XR interaction toolkit or xri now available from the package manager xri sits right below your application it provides a common framework for interactions gestures and controller support which streamlines your your work across multiple devices xri comes with a set of Base interactions for grabbing in Locomotion plus Ray interactors for selecting objects in the distance or interacting with UI elements this means you build interactions just once and they work everywhere you can also use xri as an API to create your own interactions meaning you can customize controls specific to your title's gameplay now let's bring Nathan from Vinci games out here to tell you how they're using the editor and xri to build blacktop Hoops a first of its kind VR basketball game look who who has arrived we're back in business baby time to ball out let's go oh that was clean he's got me out of my seat wait I don't have a seat ah I left you looking silly out there thanks Doreen at Banshee games we grew up playing iconic arcade sports games through the early 2000s we wondered could we take the essence of those titles and reinvent them for a new generation of players in virtual reality but first building a fast-paced VR sports game is difficult you need to make sure the mechanics feel intuitive and the game has to be performant across all devices that's a huge undertaking we built on top of xri and the new input system to develop custom controls that work across any VR platform tweaking inputs and remapping controls is simple it helps us ensure players have a fantastic experience no matter what device you're using in multiplayer it was critical for us to have full body avatars to maintain immersion we built our own solution using the animation rigging package to dynamically blend between animations and inverse kinematics as players dribble shoot dunk and defend their avatars move naturally you can challenge others in competitive pickup games that feel just like you're on the court for a single player we worked with professional athletes to record hundreds of motion capture animations we use Behavior designer extensively so every opponent you face feels unique and they react based on your playstyle and to amp up the visuals we brought on artists who've worked on animated feature films to create vibrant hand-painted environments and characters inspired by Real World locations and finally we tap the universal render pipeline for creating the stylized Graphics that work on a wide range of devices and I'm beyond excited to announce that blacktop Hoops will be launching next year on all leading VR platforms you can try the alpha on Quest app lab and steam Early Access today thanks Nathan that looks like so much fun now I'd like to talk a bit about how you work we've seen some amazing creators extend Unity to create faster like Neo Jones the maker of Ariel nights never yield Neil told me recently that having an extensible editor and flexible tools means he can prototype quickly and optimize his workflow as he goes this means your creation platform can be as unique as the games you make with it so it can better cater to your needs I'm here to share an update on UI toolkit our unified solution for both editor UI and runtime UI today we'll just talk about the editor UI for years immediate mode graphic user interface or imgui was the recommended technology for extending the editor but we heard that as your production scaled I am gooey didn't scale with you and you needed a better way to make more ambitious tools now while we continue to work on runtime I'm here to announce that as of the Fall Tech stream release UI toolkit is reaching parity with I am GUI for customizing the editor this means you'll be able to do everything you've been doing with I am GUI but better better separation of concerns more flexible layouts and advanced stylings today you can use UI toolkit to handle complex user interfaces that contain large amounts of UI elements while achieving greater rendering quality and performance at imgui with minimum draw calls the visual workflows make it really easy to assemble and lay out UI elements and customize your appearance as you go this means that designers can make tweaks along the way so you don't have to retool every little thing as well you'll find a wide selection of editor UI controls in the UI Builder these range from standard controls like buttons and text fields to more editor specific ones like the property field and toolbar these are all easy to find and intuitive to use right now you can create UI by editing dedicated text assets for structuring and styling user interfaces while the logic is isolated in c-sharp files if you need to modify these assets no compilation times required so you'll be able to iterate faster than before and when these are combined and assembled you can use them to build a reusable library of styles and widgets for your team now let's see what's ahead in the coming Tech stream we use UI toolkit instead of I am GUI to generate default inspectors this means that all UI toolkit custom property drawers will work everywhere we also ported common built-in property drawers the UI toolkit so you don't have to write a full custom inspector to personalize the appearance of object properties you'll be able to add the new tree view controls the display hierarchical lists similar to the list view controls these are built with virtualization in mind in order to handle very large data sets efficiently and both now support multi-column to allow the easy authoring of splines charts graphs or other kinds of data visualization a new Vector drawing API is also coming for making custom controls and we've just released a new design system for the editor this guides you through Best Practices from fundamentals like accessibility and typography all the way to Advanced patterns for displaying windows or error messages and in 2023 we'll continue workflow and performance improvements in particular we'll be adding a new data binding system to speed up the process of displaying Dynamic data in your UI with less code including at runtime much like many of the other updates we've shared today your editor should fit your working style so you can work the way you want to see the new updates in Greater depth join Damien during the unite sessions for a step-by-step demo but this isn't the only way we're changing visuals in your workflow up next Nancy's gonna dive into the latest in graphics rendering thanks Sharon five years ago we introduced the scriptable render pipelines an evolution from the built-in render pipeline our goal was to offer you Choice both High Fidelity graphics and scalability across devices the universal render pipeline or urp provides optimized performance on the broadest range of platforms and the high definition render pipeline or hdrp delivers high quality or even photorealistic graphics for PC and consoles it can be hard to choose a rendering pipeline early in a project and it can be even complicated to switch later on the two pipelines meet different rendering needs and they require specific configuration to work with the same assets so we're working on modifying the render workflow so you'll be able to use both urp and hdrp in the same project this flexibility will help you and your team deliver the best quality for your game on each of your target platforms some talented studios are already doing this today games like Lego builders Journey are proving the benefits of rendering with hdrp for high-end devices and urp for mobile to get there we've started to increase compatibility and feature coexistence between the two pipelines to make it easier to render a scene in both with less reauthoring while we move forward with this unified workflow let's take a look at what's new and ready for you to start using we'll start with urp and some of the absolute amazing games that are leveraging its rendering and scalability Power oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no that was awesome games like lost in random two-point campus and pentiment show us how urp enables a variety of art styles and fidelity from 2D pixel art to cell shaded and beautifully immersive 3D world it's all performant and playable across multiple game platforms Beyond platform support we're focused on bringing urp to parity with a built-in render pipeline you can still tap into all the features and functionality you already know but with many added benefits for example with forward Plus you get better performance for real-time lighting it eliminates the per object light limit count in urp forward and you can scale at the same quality at a lower cost if you've been using projectors in the built-in pipeline urp's decal tools offer you enhanced rendering for a large number of decals and with urp's screen space and decal buffer options you'll appreciate how well they scale as you can see there's a lot to look forward to with urp now let's hear how urp is performing from a Studio's perspective I'm thrilled to welcome Hannah from Obsidian Entertainment to share a bit about their Ultra cool new game pentiment our new game takes players on a journey of historical Intrigue behind a murder in 16th century Bavaria it's an ambitious project so we knew our approach needed to be flexible right from the start in the early stages our goal was to develop and prototype the game rapidly we also wanted to use a lot of tooling that we had developed for the pillars of Eternity projects we chose unity and the universal render pipeline because they could help us do both we wanted the stories unfolding to have tangible effects on the world players and habit but in order to pull that off with our resources efficient iteration was critical we took advantage of some of the new 2D tooling and ended up using the 2D lighting system our in-game lighting system lets us easily swap between different Global lighting for different styles of rooms show a day night cycle and weather lighting and play with Moody emissive lighting from Candlelight and fire VFX all of these combined with the flexibility and performance of the universal render pipeline helped contribute to the unique visual art style that we were intent on bringing to life we were also able to use urp's wide range of direct and indirect lighting solutions to quickly achieve the mood and enhanced dramatization in the game we even created a custom font rendering system that allows us to give the appearance of letters being written as character speak and we're really proud of this system and it adds a lot of personality to the game pentiment releases November 15th for Xbox One Microsoft Windows Xbox series X and S and also is available on Xbox game pass thank you so thanks Anna that game looks super cool all right so we're going to talk about High Fidelity World building in a minute but first I wanted to show you some of the Incredible games being built with our high definition render pipeline roll tape foreign I love when I get to do that I have the coolest job anyway I'm sure many of you know games like Siberia the world before and slime Rancher 2 right well they're all made with unity and really show off the capabilities of hdrp so let's dive into the tech to see what hdrp can do for you and your projects first up we'll take a look at the new and upcoming features to help you build Dynamic environments to start we'll light the environment and atmosphere let's move our sun and enable static hdri Sky which uses a high dynamic range texture however this guy is well static hdrp offers automatic wind Distortion of hdris and we can use this to make it more dynamic this can also be driven by a flow map because our sky is literally an image if we move the sun the sky won't update to account for that but we can switch to hdrp's physically based sky in just two clicks now we have a realistic simulation of Earth's atmosphere as we move the Sun closer to the Horizon it produces fantastic Skies let's add some clouds we'll use the cloud layer system which is driven by textures it can support up to eight layers simultaneously enough to create hundreds of variations thanks to the procedural Distortion system these can also be affected by wind to create Dynamic Skies but the real star of the show here will be our true volumetric clouds these are lit by the Sun and surrounding environment in no time I can create dramatic Vistas where clouds are fully connected to the rest of the environment they realistically cast Shadows on the landscape and interact with the Wind and with volumetric fog we can make the sun produce volumetric light shafts as well a lot of you have asked for this feature which you can use to create beautiful sunsets and much more next we can blend seamlessly between weather States using hdrp's volume system here's what it's looks like to shift from a slightly cloudy morning to a stormy afternoon see how the brand new water system also reacts to the change the ocean becomes agitated more foam appears on the surface and the lighting absorption changes this water system can be used to create Seas lakes rivers and pools as we revert back to where we started check out the light scattering over the tips of the waves it's starting to feel pretty real almost like taking a mini vacation right here in my presentation and I love to rhyme so this whole environment is lit by our brand new adaptive probe volume system it automatically scatters thousands of light probes throughout the world very quickly this way all your Dynamic objects like vegetation and characters as well as static meshes can receive accurate per pixel indirect lighting you could already get your hands on these features in unity right now and of course stay tuned for many more improvements in unity 2023 if you want to learn more about environment lighting check out Pierre's session which covers lighting techniques including light Maps adaptive probe volumes Ray tracing path tracing and more thank you thanks Mike I love it all right everyone that wraps up our build chapter I'm really happy to see that work towards being able to use two of both render pipelines in the same project our next section is about skill we're gonna look at live game updates multiplayer game development starting with graphics performance with Raymond thanks Lucas there are many challenges When developing stable and Performing games across all windows platforms you've got a seemingly infinite number of configurations to consider different CPUs gpus performance characteristics and so on done right the sky's the limit earlier this year more than half the top 20 games on Steam were made with unity including V Rising warmer for Warhammer 40K chaos gate demon Hunters we were here forever in songs of conquests we love Senior Games on the most played lists because it means you're finding success with our tools and that's what makes this next news so exciting after extensive work testing and listening to a lot of community feedback DirectX 12 is now out of experimental we recommend it to develop your projects DirectX 12 will get you closer to the metal than ever before it provides better CPU utilization and enables graphics features like DirectX Ray tracing this means you'll be able to move Beyond DirectX 11 to a more modern API that's supported on most Windows based Hardware and we're not stopping there in the 23.1 tech stream you'll see better performance in DirectX 11 for CPU valid applications further CPU and GPU improvements will also unlock support for graphics jobs in the editor so when you're rendering these large scenes you would definitely appreciate a higher level of responsiveness and this Evolution means we'll be moving Ray tracing out of preview next year as well we've already seen some fantastic games made with DirectX 12. so now check out this work by Sakura rabbit she used both Ray tracing and DirectX 12 to create these rich real-time scenes Whoa man those Reflections are so dope this is great news if you're targeting high-end devices for your game you can develop confidently and Achieve impressive visuals with Advanced graphics features so up next Stacy's going to talk about solutions to help you reach your players anywhere and keep them engaged players love fresh content it helps to reduce churn while boosting engagement and we've seen in-app purchasing revenue for our most popular mobile games increased by 85 percent after a new content drop but every update every single change is a risk you could lose data introduce a merged conflict or trigger some bug and frankly it can be a bit terrifying let's learn how you can keep your players happy with continuous live game fine tuning and use automation to take the worry out of updates and better devops processes can help here's how start by automating tasks like onboarding new users making trackable changes and pushing approved edits to your game and you can do all of this from the same dashboard in a single workflow and it frees up your team to work on less repetitive tasks you can use plastic SCM Cloud build and cloud content delivery together to deploy changes without ever making players install on new builds I'll show you how this works say you learn that players want you to spice up your game with some new content you need to organize between your artists and your programmers to push that out and that starts with plastic SCM our Version Control service it has a new web experience so you don't even need to install the software you can manage access to repos and settings from any device using the unity dashboard and once an update is ready that's where the team kicks off a feedback request they just tag any reviewers and note what is changed in the comments each reviewer gets a notification and can add feedback or prove the changes in the same dashboard next you need to compile those changes before deploying and of course you wouldn't want to spend time or a dedicated machine to do it and that's why we've integrated Cloud build with our Version Control service it's a CI solution for automating multi-platform builds in the cloud it lets you pull source files to create a content-only build without ever tying up any local hardware now our work needs to be deployed to players and this is where cloud content delivery comes in it's an asset management and delivery tool that simplifies the process of pushing updates studios are already using these tools to scale their Productions second dinner shared how these tools help their small team deliver their first game Marvel snap believe in Heroes enough said Bob after this at your own peril from the neighborhood Spiderman here communion to me what a gay Avengers next time I'll try to break a sweat oh snap now Aaron the team's senior director of engineering told us that Unity Cloud build let their team pump out nearly 15 000 builds in roughly four years he said Unity Cloud builds and unity cloud content delivery have provided tremendous value to our development efforts simply put they allowed our small team to scale big and compete with companies 5 or 10 times our size that is pretty impressive but while frequently updating your game is essential so is knowing how those changes are resonating with your players and here is Russell to tell you all about it thanks Stacy let's look at how you can use remote config game overrides and analytics to adjust for balance drive an A B test and push your changes with confidence with remote config you can adjust game settings directly from the dashboard without having to rebuild and redeploy this lets you balance your game on the fly without having to dive into any code you can roll out even bigger changes like running a special event or changing the season with just a few clicks so here's how you would balance out a card based game by pushing a change to one card maybe you think one card might be too strong let's call it Kraken say you changed damage value from 5 down to two you believe this change will balance the game but how can you know and this is how you would run a small test game overrides interacts with services like analytics and remote config to determine which groups of players would receive a change you would create an experimental group that has the new adjusted card and a control group that keeps the original card values game overrides handles the rest it uses remote config to apply changes to different player segments next analytics shows the impact of these changes it delivers deep insights in real time about your player's Behavior out of the box it shows you what your players like and engage with most but you can also create custom events like our a B test to understand what happens when the cracking card is actually used you would probably want to look at the win rate for the experimental and control groups the experimental group has a more balanced win rate then you know for sure that you should push out the update to the game to make it more fair and more fun anybody can use the products and workflows we show today to build a better game more data helps you make better choices as you fine-tune your content to keep your players engaged and that data can help you if you want to monetize your game too and you can do it all from the same dashboard these tools are available now through the package manager get started for free today by logging into the unity dashboard now our next segment is also about giving players what they want and what they want is multiplayer games Kiki is going to share what we're working on to help you meet this growing demand we're blown away to see so many amazing multiplayer games being built with unity in the last year and a half PC and mobile multiplayer games have exploded I mean check out these numbers more people are building multiplayer games in unity than ever and more if you want to start we recently pulled small Studios with teams of four or more and 90 percent of the creators we talked to said they plan to invest in multiplayer development within the next six months we want to continue making it easier to develop Innovative multiplayer experiences so we're improving our netcode Solutions and bringing services like matchmaking and game hosting right into the editor we're working towards an end-to-end solution that covers every aspect of your multiplayer game from creation to ongoing management of a live experience first let's take a look at netcode for game objects which is available right now netcode for game objects is a high level networking Library it has support for scene management animation physics and more if you're a Unity developer looking to get started with multiplayer games you already have the skills to use netcode for game objects it's based on the same game object system that's core to the editor experience you can also use dedicated tools like Network profiler and runtime monitor to track the health and stats of all of your networked objects both inside the editor and during play tests now profiling and debugging your games is crucial but so is overcoming the challenges of scaling your game from hundreds to millions of players when your game takes off you have to be ready to handle the demand which means you need a robust hosting infrastructure and for that please welcome Teemo from triangle Factory who's here to talk about how the team solved their multiplayer operational challenges for hyper Dash and breachers off the back of the success of hyperdash we're now launching our newest game breachers breachers is a five versus five tactical first person shooter for VR that will enter Early Access later this month with some of the biggest Shooters in the industry like Apex Legends using unity's Game Server hosting we were confident it would be a great solution for both hyperdash and now breachers we had a ton of help from the multiplayer experts at Unity they brought years of experience working together with our own team on the integration enhanced support included running server builds to test for the optimal configuration and giving estimates of what things could potentially cost crucially unity's game server hosting guarantees that if our games do extremely well the system handles everything for us and scales up automatically with breachers we also needed a matchmaking solution matchmaking is a very complex and difficult problem to solve certainly for a smaller team like ours we could have built a solution ourselves but that would mean spending a lot of time building and maintaining features that have nothing to do with our core gameplay we are in this industry to build games and not to build the systems around them so we chose to use unity's new Matchmaker it's integrated with game server hosting which means Pathways to all the information needed to start a game quickly are already in place we found it super flexible and easily configured to support different game modes and variations you can also experiment and play tests with new modes and match rules without impacting the current build as with hyperdash we wanted to have voice chat support any multiplayer game can be enhanced with this functionality but for a competitive and tactical VR game like breachers they're crucial for the whole gameplay experience we used unity's voice and text chat formerly known as vivox to add 3D positional chat this makes things super immersive plus we can ensure better moderation of our community to keep things positive I'm happy to announce today that hyperdash will be free to play starting in early December and breachers will be entering Early Access later this month and what you've been seeing here today that's an exclusive reveal of the map that will be playable during our open Alpha over to you Caleb wow breachers looks awesome Teemo and the triangle Factory team have done something really special now we want to simplify the process of building scalable and secure online multiplayer games we know that's historically been complicated and time consuming so we've been hard at work to make these challenging jobs significantly easier with our game server hosting and matchmaking systems let me show you how quickly you can get started the first step of this process is integration here you import and integrate the server in matchmaking sdks into your game project once you have a working server build these tools enable you to quickly upload and manage builds or container images next you can configure your runtime and scaling settings through the unity dashboard these settings let you control how your game runs set startup parameters and establish how much computing power your servers need for scale you can specify where in the world to locate your fleets and set safe upper and lower scaling limits finally you can configure your matchmaking cues pools and the game design Logic for matching players together these rules are powerful they let you customize things like match size role preferences skill balancing between teams you can even configure different rules for different sets of players like your Champion players constraints can be relaxed over time so you're in control of how long your players wait to get into matches but we want you to try this for yourself with netcode for game objects dots or any other tools you might already be using to that end our friends over at Exit games have created a large scale Battle Royale sample using unity and Photon Fusion this sample is available today for free in the asset store it has the sdks already fully integrated so you can download it follow the simple included guide to get online gather some friends and try it out thanks everybody that was fantastic you know it's really exciting to see so many opportunities to make multiplayer games with unity and to be able to share those updates with players that you know they're going to love because you tested them that Tech is pretty cool it just takes the guesswork out of running a successful game so to backtrack building with the editor scaling with our services I hope you're starting to see what we mean when we say an end-to-end platform experience in our final chapter innovate you're going to hear where we're at with dots the data oriented technology stack as well as some exciting news about the transition we're making as we bring the tools of the visual effects industry to Unity for real-time games it's really exciting stuff so stay tuned so without further Ado for the latest on dots please welcome our favorite entity himself Mr Lohan chiber thanks will many of you may already be familiar with dots and others may be wondering what the heck is it and can I use it for my game so we'll quickly cover the basics for those who are not familiar with this groundbreaking Unity technology then we'll get into some pretty cool games and how they're using dots to show some significant Computing and game design challenges so to start that is an acronym for data oriented technology stack it is composed of three parts The Entity component system or ECS for short the burst compiler and the c-sharp job system for the right games that is a great alternative to an object-oriented coding framework it lets you write safe multi-traded code that can deliver massive performance gains simply put dot Powers ambitious games so what do we mean by ambitious games let's look at just one example for now are you familiar with vrising by stanlock Studio it's a Gothic fantastic Survival game in a word vampires very appropriate for this time of year right this is a dynamic open world game with VCS they can stream and render an insanely large number of assets more than 160 000 interactable objects in the game World distributed over five square kilometer map for a total of 350 000 entities on the server this scale gives the game an incredible feeling of expensiveness and immersion that would not have been possible with object-oriented Design Within the same resources and budget and the game is popular in its first week it sold over a million copies to learn more about how they're using dots be sure to attend our United session today with the founder of standlock Studios many of the studio have been early adopters of dots and share that feeling and feedback and if you participate in our Dutch forum you know we have an incredibly active and passionate Dutch community here are some more examples of ambitious and high performance ECS based games that have for PC Mobile consoles and VR headsets first up is Zenith the last City from Ramen VR this studio knew that an object-oriented approach would be too slow and costly for the scale they wanted of course for a VR game 60 frames per second is critical and because it's massively multiplayer they need to process and synchronize a huge number of players while limiting the high cost for things like server processing and Cloud bandwidth ACS was a great fit for their goals next we have ixia from Cassidy games this is a Sci-Fi CD Builder PC game that recently won some impressive Awards here they needed to simulate more than 5 000 non-playing characters where each one requires AI navigation animation and rendering that would be difficult to achieve with object oriented right but the ECS implementation handles all that and delivers great performance too it'll be out in December and here is the final one I wanted to share the tunnation racing from Electric Square this is a mobile racing game available from Apple arcade one of the Studio's main challenges was to squeeze a very rich fast-paced game onto lower spec devices they achieve this with the efficient streaming capabilities of ECS another challenge for this small team was to iterate very quickly on quality and game design for multiplayer sessions ECS determinism made this possible as many of you know ECS had been under development for quite a while and some of you have provided invaluable feedback along the way we've taken some wrong turns on the road but we've always tried to get it right and it's taking time in fact years which is why I'm absolutely thrilled to announce that unite today that ECS is finally leaving its experimental phase this means that with the coming 2022.2 tax stream like any other Unity feature ECS will be supported for your projects ECS comes with unity physics Havoc physics for Unity netcode for handling large multiplayer games and a graphics package to render at scale you'll have access to ECS source code so you can explore it debug it extend it you also get full documentation tutorials and samples including a multiplayer racing game and a large scale streaming use case at this point I'm sure many of you are wondering will I have to choose between data oriented or object oriented and the good news is that data oriented and object-oriented can coexist it's not a either old situation which means you can introduce ECS into a project in a progressive manner while leveraging your existing Unity expertise assets and more be sure to attend the session today from Super gaming they're going to show how they did this for their game in this battle royale another question I'm sure you have is should I consider ECS for my game we recommend ECS for season Developers a data oriented approach is not always the solution for all your game challenges you need a good understanding of how Unity works as well as the limitations you're trying to overcome finally I'd like to thank all the early adopters out there who've helped us get to this significant milestone we could not have done it without you we encourage you to learn more about dots and the major benefits it can provide for powering ambitious games we want to help you achieve all your goals in unity performance is just one part up next we'll hear from Sylvia on unity's award-winning demo team thank you thank you Lauren as humans we are hardwired to catch it when something looks off on a human face that is why the pursuit of realism in characters is endless creating believable humans and creatures has always been one of the major benchmarks for progress in rendering Technologies and it is still one of the most challenging problems in computer graphics but we are not shying away from pushing the boundaries to help you achieve the next level of realism in your real-time projects this requires a long-term perspective that goes beyond any one new feature in a new release the goal of the enemy cinematic was to make Unity capable of achieving a very high bar of visual quality in real time working on the demo allowed us to collaborate closely with the graphics engineering team to improve lighting rendering and shading on the engine side and of course throughout the entire production whenever we find issues we work on making fixes and improvements to the engine sometimes we even add some missing elements we develop them as prototypes and experimental features with the goal of bringing them into the main engine once they are mature the most recent example is the New Strand based hair system which lets us simulate individual hairs in real time it is compatible with other authoring DCC tools for grooming and with all of our rendering Pipelines it is currently available on GitHub along with the guide to get you started many of you are already showing us how you are adopting and experimenting with it like some footage that we got from Sakura rabbit and from online Korea we will continue working on the hair system until it matures enough to become an official package during the production of enemies we also made a more performant skin attachment system the character's skin and eyes are also more accurate due to new shaders tension Tech drives fine details like wrinkles blood flow and micro skin stretches today we are ready to share these improvements as well and the new version of our digital human package is now available on GitHub so you can use it as well now we have everything that we need to make digital human characters look hyper realistic but that is only the first stage of the journey the next huge step forward is bringing them to life if it's not done right human facial movement looks uncanny the 4D capture approach that we used with enemies avoids this problem but that is not practical for games where it must be possible to interact with characters and this is where Ziva comes into play Ziva brings Decades of experience and pioneering research from the visual effects industry to enable greater animation quality for games and real-time projects it uses machine learning based technology to achieve unprecedented level of realism in facial animation and body and muscle deformations what we are seeing right now is the enemy's demo but we have replaced the heavy 4D data playback of the character's performance with a lightweight Ziva puppet the digital version of the face has controls in Maya that we can use to edit the character's facial expressions and deformations just like a digital puppet the animator can pop it here it in real time that means it is possible to change a character's facial animations for example to portray a different emotion or expression this tool set brings a level of quality and interactivity that is impossible with a facial animation methods used in games today the Ziva puppet is only 50 megabytes which is incredibly lightweight for such a high level of fidelity this means that you will be able to produce facial animations at scale for all the characters in your entire game and you will be able to maintain a high level of quality while staying within your memory budget and we have also worked to optimize the project to fit a platform that many of you are building for so Lucas can you can I have you help me out sure can so I have this gorgeous demo that your team made running on my Xbox here in 4k and I have some controls that the team added for me and I want to show this shot to the very end that I really like yeah this intense look here I really love this look you see the the realistic skin rendering on a character that this time around actually has hair here they gave me a button to add some wind to the scene look at that like the the hair animates if I move the head around a little bit you can actually see it wobble around and the because we use zifa for the facial animation we actually have runtime control over expression I can make her look uh happy and I can make her look sad so that really sort of brings everything together here there's another shot in this demo I would like to take a look at its way at the beginning here when the character is sitting at this table look at that I'm gonna actually switch it off I'm gonna ask her to move away for a moment so here you can see the reflection of this Dome on the table top let me try to get a better shot of it there we go so how does that work Sylvia well this is all made possible with the real-time Ray tracing that Raymond was talking about a little bit earlier and you can do that on the stable Foundation of dx12 all right so what's next for this demo yeah well you know how whenever we unveil a new demo people always ask if they can play around with it themselves just as I do right now yeah so today we are making a standalone version of the enemies demo available for everyone to download and run on their PCS now we will keep working towards building the tools and the tech to connect an integrated pipeline for creating digital characters so next I have Louise who is going to share how we are bringing weather tools into artistic workflows for creatures thanks Sylvia and Lucas the recent hcrp demo lion is our next step in bringing Artistry tools to real-time production Pipelines to create this project we worked with the students of monsters Emporium animation School a London college that was founded to help animators kick-start their careers we'll dive into the workflow in a moment but can we just take a minute to talk about that fur we use weather tooling to author the grooms then we imported those Grooms using the Hair Tech package and simulated two million strands of fur that's right 2 million we evolved our hcrp ranchering capacity to shade and render the strands with top performance and high visual fidelity the key to rendering the sub pixel strands is a GPU tile based restoration algorithm in hcrp this means no visual artifacts or strands with background noise we want to help you create your own furry characters running in real time so to help you start learning the workflow we'll be releasing the lion demo for you to explore next year in this clip we see a similar workflow to enemies the animal's muscle deformation was created in Ziva and we use the digital human package for skin same Tech different use case these tools have been bottle tested I'm refined in some of the biggest blockbuster movies but only a small exclusive group of VFX professionals could use them in specific projects we're refining that Tech and helping you get your hands in it and we're making it work in real time by bringing the wetta tools into the unity ecosystem we can make them available and accessible for you to use in your games the lion package is the first taste of the potential that's these legendary wetter tools promise to unlock lion makes use of the complete ecosystem of artist tools Ziva sink sketch speed tree WETA all running in real time we're connecting a complete artistic tool chain around these Solutions when environment and character pipelines come in next year you can already use the Ziva real-time player for your pulpits it's free for Unity users and coming to the editor very soon so no matter what your Creative Vision is at any level of fidelity or immersiveness we want to get you there it's a long road and we'll take it together one step at a time we can't wait to see what you create foreign foreign look at what we said before build scale innovate it's all there in one package well several packages obviously but puns aside good show right exactly what was your favorite part uh thank you for asking um so there's there's a lot to unpack but if I have to really pick one and I think you're holding me to that I would choose dots it's a really big milestone right but it's you know we we shipped uh several demos you know we saw the shark and then we saw Mega City and we saw FPS sample but when you see a real game like V Rising you know it's a small team uh hundreds of thousands of interactable objects it just feels like a great payoff so massive props to the stand lock team for pulling out of the bag it's it's really really special so go and check out vrising if you haven't already how about you um I guess it's hard to choose I'm a big dots fan so like I was very happy to see that but the digital character stuff that I helped Sylvia's show I think that's definitely my favorite the fact that Graphics gets you know gets so real in unity so quickly it uh kind of blows my mind yeah yeah I can't wait to see where that pipeline goes I mean we know where it's going to go but we're just not ready to tell you just yet but there's lots to look forward to so if you're as jazzed as Lucas I'm sorry are you jazzed Mega Jazz I mean it's clearly very Jazz if you're as jazzed as Lucas and myself about all this Tech and want to go more in depth then do go and check out our roadmap talk from Andrew and the team where you'll get a lot more information about some of the cool stuff that we just didn't have time to show in the keynote today all right well that's it for us uh thank you for coming and uh let's bring it over to John thanks Lucas and well incredible job hi again everyone if you hope you've enjoyed your night so far it's so amazing to know that more than 10 000 of you have been watching all of this there's a lot to unpack you can go to our blog for a summary of the updates and new features we've talked about today we also have some great technical sessions curated just for you you should check them out we're thrilled you chose Unity to power your imagination and fuel your success thank you and tomorrow you don't want to miss our awesome virtual Unity for Humanity Summit you hook great speakers talk about how they're using real-time 3D technology to create a better world and you definitely don't want to miss the conversation between our keynote speaker Rosario Dawson and Dr David Washington it's going to be absolutely inspiring thank you again for attending Unite I can't wait to see you all in person next year and get back to live interactions I know I've missed them wherever you are in the world have a great day oh we have a update for you for game oh that seems like so little words to say Diva speed tree and sing sketch bringing some bringing them together for the first time it's a hard thing to say man bringing them together for the first time bringing them together for the first time I'm really not sure about this toothbrush business we will be showing our progress when it comes to adopting the.net runtime the.net

debugger what else did we adopt the garbage collector three little kids all these things so many tools making games is hard maybe I should have rehearsed that twice before boating all the way out there monetization I've had better half worse is everyone waiting for last final bit


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