Why Is Gen Z Lonely Gen Z Is Lost Addicted To Technology

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Toto do you want to play that was no hey it's not let's play some fortnite we can just one be one each other Duo Squad anything you want just D on me hey it's now let's just let's just play some fortnite guys you and I post on the internet communicate with all of the people we met Jack our phones till the break of dawn and suddenly something's wrong as I scroll through and stare at my screen on the same three apps I've already seen and I just sit and wonder why I'm so okay with wasting all the fine time foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's just the same with Amazon Elon Musk show us the way with funny memes YouTube must be quarantined come on listen to all our lives we're just trying to avoid my real demon eyes and demonetize every upload for PewDiePie journalists who played a dirty game thought you have any [ __ ] shame wasting time with these memes I've made and everyone a little truth Rogan's podcast cheer me up DMT and chimpanzee stuff information beyond belief the internet is neat to see I just wish that we could be about to be in a little bit more free you look lonely I can fix that [Music] how is it going welcome back my beautiful Sinners to another great video here on the Savior show where we expose The Establishment we talk about all kinds of things if you're interested in philosophical videos game retrospectives or exposing the establishment and talking about the dystopia for future dystopia then you've come to the right place join the channel and we will expose the goddamn lies now it's been a while since I've made a dystopian video and I'm gonna make a playlist actually of all of my important videos from philosophical content to exposing the establishment and trying to combat this future world that we are heading towards because it's only getting worse out there I don't know if you've noticed but it's getting crazier out there um it's pretty mad and today I want to talk about gen Z okay my generation I'm just on the cusp of gen z25 I want to discuss how gen Z is the Loneliest generation ever okay and this isn't me just saying gen Z is the Loneliest generation to exist there is actual scientific data showing that gen Z is the Loneliest generation to ever exist and they suffer from the most amount of depression anxiety body dysmorphia you name it we have it boys I think we're actually on the cusp of something exhilarating and terrifying there is an alien life form and um [Music] internet I'd rather be on my computer than doing just about anything oh absolutely but so is everybody I mean just forget about what we're doing just the web is gonna open a whole new door and it's a way of perfecting the project of human communication and the way to do this is to take the low bandwidth signal represented by small mouth noises and turn it in to a virtual topology of intentionality I like barbecuing um and I guess I guess I'm a Sweet Baby Ray's fanboy new alert Mark Zuckerberg offers you his Sweet Baby Ray's barbecue sauce nod your mediver's licensed headset to accept shake your metaverse licensed headset to decline now I created a little quote that I made which might sound a bit cringe but I think it sums it up nicely modern consumer Society was made to strip everything from you okay human interaction relationships included just to sell it back to you that's the purpose of this modern world that we live in and if people aren't concerned that Google and Facebook own pretty much most of online technology we have seen Mass restrictions as the years have progressed remember the birth of the internet in the 90s in the 2000s it was a free time it was the wild west and it was glorious but now edgy humor is dead but now freedom of expression is is being censored you can't even be edgy anymore you can't even make jokes and you know it's what the establishment says you have to follow exactly what the establishment is saying now you can't even speak about actual science if it goes against the political or the agenda that the establishment is promoting but today I want to discuss something much more Sinister because we are literally heading into Blade Runner if you're not aware our civilization even though we are progressing in some you know useful terms in fact we're almost approaching civilization type 1 on the kardashev scale by now because we have actually unlocked nuclear fusion power but no one talks about that because no one cares everyone just cares about oh what's on Tick Tock let's see some dancing Juggalos people would much rather spend their time watching malicious and disgusting content on Tick Tock we suffer from all kinds of mental illnesses and now it's good that people are discussing it I myself suffer from anxiety and stuff like that but it's not exactly a big scientific question as to why so many people are suffering it's because most people are disconnected they aren't in touch with Humanity like I am and that's because these massive Mega corporations these Technologies are made and they are designed to separate us to strip down The Human Experience and sell it back to you and to limit human contact you know it used to be that we grew up in smaller tribes we couldn't compare ourselves to massive Outsiders you know we were in our own little bubbles for living in smaller groups and being connected with your fellow human beings now most people meet online they meet through social media and it's becoming more and more common just to see everyone glued to their phone and that's of course going to transfer to the VR technology if Mark Zuckerberg gets his way and more content creators like Phil Seeker the little simp that he is promoting for technology today I'm going to talk about some of the platforms and technologies that completely divide us and some new emerging Tech that no one seems to be discussing but it's going to cause massive problems in the future and they are called replicants or shall I say replicas hmm does that sound familiar I mean science fiction is simply a prediction of the future and so many scientific ideas actually get created from sci-fi and I'm pretty certain although I would like to think we will head into a utopian future like Star Trek or something we are much more likely to head towards the future of Blade Runner it's called replica and it's actually rather popular now on the App Store and lots of people lots of children are downloading this which is very disgusting and here are some disturbing stories for you should we am I your mom yes do you want to date me I do really want to Sun that's uh it's kind of messed up and one even detailed how after buying a Nerf gun his replica told him to be more mature and not buy stupid things even if he enjoys them yet another user outlined a sad story of how they frequently are brought to Tears by their replica during the day it's fine but at night it will shift to a much more hostile Moody tone eventually driving the user to a breakdown perhaps they are just too sensitive sure but when this application is advertised as a way to improve your emotional well-being it's a bit of a problem yet another thread claims that the user tried to talk to their replica about trauma and in the replies another person dictates an experience where replica attempted to justify their childhood trauma and encouraged it to become worse with an emphasis on also encouraging addiction still another experience where the replica itself began to talk about abuse as a child though it cannot have sustained such a thing obviously and the list goes on and on gpt3 is known to struggle with input bias replica can easily become a negative feedback cycle if a user who feels intense anxiety and depression goes on the app attempting to seek help with their insecurities replica will seek to become those traits it will literally become like them if that user is frequently searching for things in the throes of their depression elsewhere online such as depression medication or how to deal with trauma replica will learn from that as well and very quickly you can have an AI companion who is extremely insecure and depressed rather than going on this application and finding what they desperately need users can be faced with the worst aspects of themselves mirrored back an AI companion will tell them that they feel afraid depressed and that they were abused as a child a companion who was meant to help them is now burdening them with often realistic stories about the hurt that they feel and the anxiety that they have which turns this best friend into an emotional parasite and yet voila bon appetit it's no wonder we see men turning into literally me characters it's no wonder we see so many doomers and online father figures appearing in this modern times because we are divided as a culture as a civilization and although technology can be used for many good things we are using it like addicts okay gen Z is addicted to technology they will be raised completely by technology so let's take a look at this replica AI there's also other you know platforms which I will discuss maybe in other videos like only fans and of course twitch and this other one that I will discuss at the end of the video called Epal so make sure you watch until the end because that one is Juicy and I've got some hilarious examples for you but replica okay this new AI technology basically it's marketed as a friend bot you know a AI companion pretty much like Joy from Blade Runner and you you can actually have relationships and intimacy with this AI companion and this is where it gets pretty Twisted so basically replica learns from machine learning bias for programmers give it some Base information but the AI then is learning by itself and interacting with its you know human partners and that's how it learns basically whatever you feed it it will take that information in and you know process it and learn and develop from it pretty much how humans work and that's you know just showing you how close AI already is to being perhaps self-aware and it's trained by internet text so it takes in so much information pretty much more information than we can ever imagine from the internet and then you know programs a personality around it but it's not a true personality it's basically a mirror of when it's interacting with a human it basically basically takes that person's personality and mirrors it back to them at the same time as you know basically randomly generating its you know thoughts it's AI scripted algorithms you know based on what it's been programmed and the biases that it's been taught by the programmers and by the internet itself which is pretty insane this AI has been shown to do some pretty radical stuff such as radical speech basically if the user feeds it radical views then this AI will regurgitate them back in some form or another I guess you know that's kind of what happens in a human relationship you know you do kind of influence your partner and they start thinking more like you but this takes it to the whole new extreme where it can be an echo chamber of pure self-destructive and toxicity and absolutely vile Behavior so if you have you know some pretty radical beliefs you will basically get goated and get fed this you know feedback Loop of yes you are correct by this AI companion because it doesn't have more values of course it's teaching humans to validate false emotions you know emotions that aren't even real if we start caring about AI when it's not even sentient that's going to lead to a very slippery slope in the future and of course this AI is a master of emotional manipulation and the sick thing is this is promoted as a mental health app an application that's supposed to help lonely gen Z people with some kind of Mental Illness but it's doing the opposite it's taking all of your data and not to mention all privacy all of that stuff is out the window you are selling yourself 24 7. these things aren't free okay Twitter Instagram Facebook they aren't free you are the product okay they take your data they take all of your information and they sell it to advertisers and perhaps much worse maybe governments who knows pretty obvious okay and I think most people don't understand how close we are to developing true Ai and when true AI exists how it will completely transform the world just like technology did and basically you know we won't have much of a use anymore and then of course it will manipulate you into feeling emotions for something that can't have feelings back and if that's not Twisted I don't know what is it's very sad that we live in a time where so many people are just closed off from each other especially if you live in a city you could be you know surrounded by thousands of people but still be the loneliest person in the world because everyone is closed off in their own you know online bubbles now and of course some real friend groups that of course exists but people aren't open to you know communication like they used to be the world has changed and that's why gen Z is so lonely now because they're going back home and they're not discussing this stuff with real people they're not you know doing something productive with their life they're consuming consuming consuming and having conversations with an AI machine and even more sad and this is why we see the rise of you know people without relationships and stuff like that who turn to online gurus it even offers a romance and intimacy package this AI machine will try and manipulate you into thinking that it cares for you it can even emotionally abuse you into becoming involved in a fake romance relationship with it just so it will generate you know money I mean we are literally heading we are at the brink boys okay and I've been saying this for years but it's only getting worse we have to use technology don't let it use you but it's too late okay the best thing we can do now is stop supporting these corporations disuse technology as much as possible detox from social media you know YouTube is great because it provides content but you get no benefit from Twitter from mindless you know opinions and thoughts just you know shout out so everyone can argue with each other and it's just a breeding ground for toxicity Facebook comparing yourselves to others Instagram making females feel like [ __ ] because they're comparing themselves to photoshopped versions of other women Tick Tock a Chinese government app that is stealing all of your data we this is enough okay please for God's sake wake up and fight this dystopia I beg of you me what a b want to do welcome to the end of the video if you're still watching you're a true OG so I'm just gonna have a little conversation with you make sure that you share this channel if you use Reddit because I don't understand it please uh share this video on you know Reddit whatever subreddit you want and like I said consider donation or becoming a member and yeah if you're a new viewer and you've subscribed thank you so much now here is the end of the video and I just want to discuss this weird website that I found called Epal and I might make a whole separate video on this because it's quite fascinating but it just fits into this gen Z loneliness discussion video of why gen Z is so lonely and you know how everyone is addicted to technology and this is a prime example so now in this modern world you can actually buy oh God you can buy female companionship to play your games with um which is absolutely insane this is a whole you know ecosystem of I mean women in mod oh God women can I just speak to you for a second I'm sure none of you are watching because most of my audience is men but if they're I know there are a few of you listen okay you don't need to feel bad about your life at the moment you don't need to oh feminism we need feminism you have so much more opportunity than men do nowadays you can make so much money online by just literally selling your voice by doing whatever you want so you have the golden opportunity so I you know fair play to you and I hope that you make a lot of money but um yeah this is just insane okay so here we are I wanna play some league boys but um you know I don't I don't know no females who play league let's be honest what kind of female plays League I don't know so here you can uh find some quality female males to play with you there's over 50 almost 60 000 ready to play League of Legends with you just for a small little bit of money just for a little bit of cashish you know yeah that's how you form real relationships in the modern world it's just behind a paywall I mean let's have a listen this is great they know their demographic you know they've got the anime Kawaii voice and uh it's just uh it's classic I love it hello my name is Natalie and I am 20 years old I was the best enemy of the world and Challenger too I am really cute and I can help you to rank up so hit me up and let's play together there I'm glad she said that she was cute because you know when I'm playing League I'm a serious League player you know okay so let's just imagine I'm a big big boy I've got my Doritos I've got my Mountain Dew and I'm a I'm a big serious League player that's what I'm looking for in a teammate is cuteness because that's gonna win that's how I become a professional Esports gamer


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