Torn.E.b restoration and testing. German WW2 radio.

Torn.E.b restoration and testing. German WW2 radio.

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hello I'm Lima Alpha 6 November Charlie Alpha in this video I will try to repair and test this torn AB it just arrived in my lab I check if all buttons work the frequency setting is a bit stuck the reaction button is completely stuck I don't like dust so I brush it with a paintbrush I open the radio by the three big bolts it looks very nice inside it also has the distinct smell of German WW2 radio early production 1938 I removed the screen cover it looks so nice all parts look fine no corrosion look how nicely it is designed I'm testing the radio have connected 2 volt and 90 volt power I am sending in a powerful radio signal nothing happens since several of the buttons are stuck and it doesn't work I choose to disassemble the radio this one is missing the screw the screws on the front plate are difficult to loosen I will show how I loosen almost all such screws I put pressure on the screw in many small twists I keep add it until it loosens preferably up to 100 times or more all the screws came loose the antenna tuner capacitor is removed the volume control is removed a row of soldering terminals must be soldered apart I detach the beautiful holder for the coil Center I have to be careful if is fragile the entire part is cast except for the part in the center which is machined the four wires connecting the two main parts are unsoldered this plate lifts up all the contacts of the coil drum I attach it so that the drum is free I remove the arrow now I can remove the entire RF part the antenna wire must be unsoldered here the entire RF section is taken out very nice so I will try to take out the audio amplifier this one is also well built I had to unsolder a wire from the power connector finally I want to remove the large coil drum a very solid spring with a wheel ensures that the drum stops in the right place the volume control must be removed it loosens look at the amazing coil drum I don't need to remove the shaft and the knob it is easy to test the audio amplifier I have soldered on cables from 2 volts and 90 volts power an audio monitor with amplifiers also connected this is the audio input terminal I have connected a signal generator via a capacitor the in put has 90 volts great it works great frequency range I turn on the CW filter [Music] we see how the filter [Music] works this is without [Music] filter and now I can use this amplifier to check the tubes I twist a bit like this to remove corrosion okay this tube is much weaker think I need to replace this I have disconnected one of the capacitors and connected a capacitor meter it measures good the Q value is also good I'm also checking one of these and now the RF part I brush away the dust if there is a lot I use compressed air now we will look at the tuning capacitor I spray on lubrication and cleaning spray everything is stuck so I use spray to loosen the parts it gets better this one is completely stuck perfect I also measure one of the capacitors here measures fine I think the others are fine too the front panel is painted over with an ugly glossy paint the result was surprisingly good here are the tools I used and here are all the parts here is everything in place also the plexiglass looks nice spray grease on the axle I mount the large coil drum spring is mounted the spring is attached the cable is attached the RF section is attached the antenna cable is soldered the RF section is attached with screws [Music] the audio section is mounted checks that everything can move properly the contact Springs must be lowered to the drum great the beautiful molded drum holder is installed I tap it down gently I hear on the sound that it is down the audio input cable is mounted the instrument belonging to this radio was removed I take it back from another radio the glass is glued and everything is cleaned now I want to test the radio power is connected one of the tubes was weak so I have a new one exciting to open a new tube which has been in the Box for 80 years it says week 20 years year 1944 absolutely amazing everything works fine corrosion on the contacts is removed in this way I test with a 1 microvolt signal on 80 M the receiver works perfectly I connect an antenna [Music] the AM stations come in fine and here is the result it was almost like new I move out and connect a transmitter it is a medium wave transmitter 5 Watts SB with power the receiver's antenna is connected to the transmitter I tune the antenna which is 25 M High T antenna adjust to maximum [Music] current here is the nice power uh I will now try to call Lima Alpha One Tango Hilo Alpha on 160 m tangil so over [Applause] yeah it's worked very well and if you like my video please uh press the Subscribe button and please write a comment below thank you thanks to all the viewers please leave a comment and hit the Subscribe button if you liked it camera Maryanne V thanks to la1 TKA who is always ready to answer my calls

2025-01-22 19:49

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