Top Secret Military Inventions REVEALED

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top secret are there any two more enticing words well free pie comes close but I'm watching my figure anyway war is Big Business and countless incredible technological Marvels have been devised on behalf of this controversial industry understandably the development of these game-changing weapons has to be kept super Hush Hush so from nuclear-powered tanks to covert heart attack guns here's some of the most unbelievable top secret military weapons revealed thank you covert control oh to be a fly on the wall when a U.S official demanded secretive research be carried out into a telepathic ray guns wait what yeah yeah I heard that correctly a Declassified U.S army report from 1998 revealed that at one point the CIA was considering utilizing a selection of energy weapons capable of disorienting targets creating artificial fevers and even beaming voices into people's heads seriously and while some of these insane weapons stayed purely conceptual others were actually tested the wildest was something akin to a telepathic ray gun essentially when fired at someone it could make them hear things that weren't audible to anybody else whoa it worked using something called the frey effect hear me out it turns out that due to its Dimensions the human head is a good antenna for picking up microwave radiation because of this microwaves can induce a slight temperature change in certain parts of our brain and auditory system this change causes them to expand slightly becoming temporarily misshapen and causing to hear sounds like clicking and buzzing that technically aren't really there right you can imagine the potential the CIA would have seen this for I don't know mind control or something fortunately it seems that despite successful testing the weapons were never actually used in the field or have I just been programmed to tell you that colossal Cannon throughout World War II Allied and axis forces decimated each other's cities with Air Raids but as the war raged on Germany wanted a new more effective way to strike directly at the heart of London without the British knowing what was coming their answer enormous 430 foot long Mega cannons called v3s Damn but hold on how do you keep a project this big even remotely secret from the Brits you construct the weapons 100 feet underground within a sprawling Hidden Fortress of course the Germans began installing the ginormous guns and axis occupied northern France so they could be aimed perfectly across the channel at London yes these guns were devised to hit their target from up to 100 miles away the massive barrels were fitted with pairs of explosive boosters which triggered when the projectile was fired up the chamber past them propelling it faster and further and there wasn't going to be just one or two of these monstrosities oh no 25 were commissioned to be built as an extra precaution German military referred to the project as Hawk through Pompa or high pressure pump so any prying ears wouldn't know what they were talking about London was doomed surely well it turns out building a huge underground Fortress filled with 25 massive cannons isn't so easy to keep secret a special RAF surveillance unit quickly noticed the suspic delicious aberration and though they weren't sure what it was correctly assume it wasn't good news so in November 1943 British forces dropped over 4 000 tons of aerial bombs onto the site despite all this Firepower though the attacks had little impact due to the strength of the underground structure however a redoubled effort in 1944 fared much better the second attempt used special deep penetration bombs and ended up obliterating the Cannons causing the Fortress to cave in and ultimately saving London as it turns out though the guns might never have fired anyway we now know that the V3 was plagued with technical problems from day one and initial tests weren't very promising whatever happened to that famous German engineering spy and fly from the end of World War II through till 1991 the U.S and Russia were locked in a battle of conflicting ideologies known as the Cold War though not a war in the traditional sense it was a time of great paranoia with both sides constantly trying to develop new ways of spying on one another U.S manufacturer

Lockheed Martin had a solution the SR-71 Blackbird introduced in 1966 but in secret development for years beforehand it's widely considered one of the most advanced reconnaissance planes in existence that unique angled shape reflects enemy radar signals in a special paint covers the jet which absorbs any signals that aren't bounced off making it tough for enemy systems to detect outside of its stealth prowess though the SR-71 had another stunning advantage this spy plane was fast very fast despite being built around 50 years ago it still holds the speed record for sustained flight capable of hitting mach 3.3 put simply mach speed is when an object moves faster than the speed of sound so mach 3.3 is roughly 3.3 times faster than the speed at which sound waves travel or about 2 100 miles per hour whoa if this jet black jet was under attack rather than beginning evasive maneuvers it'd simply accelerate to avoid enemy muzzles crazy during the Blackbirds development in the 1960s Lockheed needed a way to transport the beast from its Factory in California all the way to the test site in Area 51 without revealing what they were moving the solution they set up a fake delivery company called Roadrunner International Now That's What I Call commitment to a bit disguised CIA and Air Force operatives covered the humongous cargo from prying eyes and drove at some 250 miles across country and nobody was any the wiser sounds like something out of a James Bond flick but amazingly it's all true though it is a little strange that a truck this big didn't draw any suspicion these days it'd be all over Twitter in an hour my latest videos won't be though they're staying right here and if you want to keep up to date with all my amazing content the solutions no secret hit those like And subscribe buttons down below all finished great stuff let's take another peek into these classified files I stumbled across us the kiss of death the Cold War era saw the use of a huge variety of Secrets by Weaponry many of which are so ingenious Inspector Gadget would have been proud to wield them meet the lipstick gun known affectionately as the kiss of death this little device looked like an ordinary too with lipstick but it was actually a cleverly concealed firearm when the lipstick's case was swiveled in the right way a single bullet would be fired from the barrel you only got one shot and it was wildly inaccurate Beyond a couple of feet away but if a covert assassin got close enough to their target it was more than enough to do the trick the makeup weapon was discovered in West Berlin at an American checkpoint in 1965. it was confiscated from a Soviet spy though we can't be sure who they were intending to use it on now it's safely housed in the International Spy Museum in Washington DC given the secretive nature of spy weapons there's no telling how many were manufactured or how many were effectively used you know what they say though nif Looks Could Kill laughs saucer Speeders just like everybody else in the world I'm still waiting for my hover car if things had gone a little differently however we may have already had them back in 1952 the Canadian government funded a project to create a vertical takeoff saucer capable of flying at supersonic speeds meet the Avro car it could float by utilizing an air cushion created by the exhaust of a single jet powered rotor on the underside of the vehicle so yes this is a literal Flying Saucer or at least it would have been in 1958 the U.S took over the project after Canada deemed it too expensive to continue the Army wanted to use it as a troop transport and the Air Force wanted to use it as a supersonic Recon plane two test cars were eventually produced but neither of them were fit for either purpose apart from being supersonic the saucers could barely hit 35 miles per hour you know about 22 times slower on top of this they couldn't make it Fly any higher than three feet off the ground before it became completely unstable considering how expensive it was looking to carry on the U.S decided to just pull the plug and cut their losses man don't get me wrong the average car was cool as hell but cool doesn't defend a nation if it did they just send me to do all their dirty work mystery Jets and now from the studio that brought you the SR-71 Blackbird it's the next step in bizarre sci-fi looking stealth planes secretly introduced to the U.S Air Force

in 1983 this is the F-117 Nighthawk and it used similar principles to the SR-71 to remain Incognito this time however its radar reflective shape was so odd that experienced Pilots didn't even believe it could get airborne when they first saw it they were wrong of course although only capable of flying at a third of the speed of lockheed's SR-71 the Nighthawk was a very capable flyer designed not as a reconnaissance plane but an attack Jet as such Nighthawk Pilots didn't participate in dogfights but instead targeted Ground Forces with surprise stealth attacks the Nighthawk was kept so secret that when it was finally acknowledged by the US government in 1988 it had already been flying for five years and it wouldn't be shown to the public for another two years after that in 1990 despite eventually being phased out in favor of more modern craft these striking planes are still used for military training today and have a firm place in popular culture the government shroud of secrecy has also given rise to Legends of other classified aircraft like this one the Aurora black triangle sightings of this mystery jet began in the 80s and persisted until the early 2000s despite the U.S government denying it ever existed according to rumor it was designed as a successor to the iconic Blackbird and could reach outrageous speeds of Mach 6. the specifics of its capabilities vary from source to Source though as is often the case with hearsay given what we know about how secret that Nighthawk was at the time do you think that something like the Aurora was or is being flown around above us or is it just aliens let me know down below choo choo pain for all the ingenious breakthroughs made during the second world war there were a fair few dots enter the Gustav rail Cannon this beastly Behemoth was an enormous 155 foot long cannon that weighed 1490 tons and traveled along rail tracks and Theory creating transportable Ordnance of immense power the gun was covertly conceived by German arms manufacturer group before the war had even started to assist German forces with a potential Invasion of France the only thing was by the time they actually did invade France in 1940 the gun wasn't ready good start right it was ready however to be used in the German invasion of Russia two years later the only problem was it turned out to be a complete logistical nightmare the cannon was to be transported to Crimea in May 1942 for its first proper usage only to move it the whole thing needed to be dismantled transported then rebuilt again and that's a whole lot of heavy Parts it took thousands of soldiers over a month to set it all up and build the tracks required to move it from Germany to Crimea jeez so after all that how did it go well impressively it worked the Colossal weapon was deployed in the siege of Sebastopol and fired devastating seven-ton shells at the city day in day out within a month savastapol lay in Ruins however despite the gun's Effectiveness it was the only time it would ever be used it was disassembled and moved near Leningrad in preparation for another attack but the attack never went ahead with no further use for it the Germans destroyed the cannon to prevent it from being captured and reverse engineered wow what a massive waste get it because it was really big you can have that one if you want atomic heart if you think of a futuristic nuclear-powered tank something like this probably comes to mind high-tech intimidating and frankly pretty damn cool unfortunately though this tank isn't real it's just some Nifty artwork that's been doing the rounds on the internet the real first draft of a futuristic nuclear power tank was a lot different see after World War II ended everybody thought everything was going to be nuclear-powered cars homes and of course weapons so in the 1950s U.S automobile manufacturer Chrysler began designing an atomic tank the Chrysler TV8 hmm it looks more like a bathtub than a lethal machine the idea was that everything essential would be stored safely inside that weird Fishbowl turret from the engine to the crew apparently the strange shape would help the tank cope with the effects of a nuclear blast right I don't really see how do you more understandable is the fuel source the low enriched uranium that was to be used as fuel was a colossa 108 000 times more efficient than diesel so whilst the traditional gasoline tank would need to be frequently refueled the TV8 could keep on rolling pretty much forever or indeed keep on swimming yep the turret was designed to be watertight and buoyant and the back of the tank was equipped with jets so it could Propel itself through the water cool so why don't we see Atomic tanks rolling through battlefields today well ultimately they just weren't deemed to have any noticeable advantage over conventional tanks sure they could travel for ages but in battle most tanks are lost because of other tanks not because they run out of fuel plus come on this thing is nuclear powered if it did get destroyed it'd probably irradiate a huge part of the battlefield creating even more casualties yeah no tanks Wonder Weapons as we know the second world war didn't go so well for the German Army as the tide of battle turned against Germany it's increasingly desperate leadership scrambled to turn things around one answer was the development of so-called Wonder Weapons or vundavatha these weapons ranged from a giant orbital Space Gun to stealth bombers and had varying levels of success as you might have guessed the Space Gun didn't make it off the drawing board but it was seriously considered though development was kept tightly under wraps from most of the weapons the German propaganda machine proudly showed some of them up to boost in ailing domestic Public's morale Juan vundavafa that saw actual use in the field was the stg-44 rifle the first true assault rifle ever made and the inspiration for both the AK-47 and M16 but the STG is run-of-the-mill compared to some of the Wonder Weapons that were rumored to be in production the most iconic of these is the glocka or the Bell what the hell was the Bell well we don't really know other than it was apparently big and bell-shaped okay then some say it was a UFO others an anti-gravity machine there's still a time machine whatever the mysterious machine was it's rumored that the technology used to create it was traded to the US after the war in exchange for a captive German officer of course there's absolutely no evidence to back this up or that d-glocka itself ever existed in the first place if America really did gain access to this Tech where are all the UFO cars or time machines on street corners still their rumors had to come from somewhere didn't they spooky Spirit as we've established stealthy aircrafts were all the rage during the Cold War and in the early 80s secretive plans were well underway for the B-2 Spirit a U.S stealth bomber capable of dropping both conventional and nuclear explosives in other words an absolute unit so it would have been pretty big news if the Soviets had caught drift of it wouldn't you agree well in 1984 Thomas Kavanaugh an aerospace engineer who was working on the bomber saw an opportunity for big profit see Kavanaugh was going through a tough divorce and was in a lot of debt needless to say he needed a cash injection so in desperation he managed to get in contact with some Soviet spies and offer over the secrets of the B-2 Spirit unfortunately for crafty Kavanaugh however the Soviet spies he was dealing with turned out to be undercover FBI agents yikes he was promptly arrested and in prison for 16 years damn the B2 itself wouldn't even interactive service until 1997 when Kavanaugh was in his 12th year of imprisonment and by that time the Cold War was very much over because of that and the fact just one of these bad boys cost an astronomical 1 billion dollars to produce only 21 planes were ever made one billion if I was president we'd be putting that money towards useful things like bma's merchandise foreign oon everyone knows about the moon landing in 1969. it was the culmination of an epic space race between the USA and Russia to essentially prove who had the biggest uh rocket but what if both sides had reached the moon at the same time and things had gotten tense while the Pentagon had a top secret plan for that Moon guns no I'm not kidding a totally real branch of the US Army called the Future Weapons office spent the 50s and 60s conceiving a series of weapons that could be used to battle the Communists for control of the Moon see conventional guns wouldn't be very useful in space for one the extreme temperatures could cause the Firearms to either freeze up or explode secondly recoil and zero gravity could quite literally send a soldier flying off backwards after firing to remedy this the space shooters were conceived as gas powered or spring-loaded Dart weapons that would work whatever the temperature and have minimal recoil and some of them were utterly wild this is a handheld Claymore rifle the Claymore at the end would detonate and fire shrapnel forward at foes then this so-called micro gun is some kind of pistol-style dart gun finally we've got this which well it looks more like a BB gun than anything capable of doing damage regardless the wacky Concepts never made it out of the design phase which I'm just fine with the moon doesn't need to be turned into a fortnight Arena thanks ghost ship cast your mind back a few minutes remember the Nighthawk jet well after its massive success Lockheed Martin set their sights on using the same Stealth Tech on different things stealth toasters stealth toilets stealth boats okay only that last one though there could still be a gap in the market for a covert toaster the goal was to apply the stealth principles of the Nighthawk to a boat which they called the sea Shadow this robotic looking ship was manufactured in 1984 in complete secrecy to keep the project Under Wraps its entire construction took place inside a submersible barge in California I mean it'd be way too obvious to have huge Parts lugged down to the dogs every day just look how a piece of one of the UK's Dreadnought submarines was transported it's not exactly subtle Is It Anyway for all the effort that was put into keeping the shadow a secret after its testing phase it mysteriously seized development and we don't really know why eventually in 2006 the U.S Navy put the boat up for

sale under one condition the buyer couldn't actually sail it and it was only to be used for scrap so unsurprisingly it didn't Garner much interest man and I was looking for a new location for my super villain Lair too laughs cardiac coal back in the 1970s the U.S Public's faith and their government was at a historic low Point President Nixon had just been found guilty of corruption and Congress had been forced to investigate America's intelligence agencies they found something utterly insane a hitherto unknown CIA heart attack gun Yep this modified Colt M1911 was designed to silently fire darts made from Frozen water mixed with deadly shellfish toxin straight after penetrating the victim's skin the darts would melt releasing the toxin within and shutting down the victim's cardiovascular system to an onlooker and indeed even post autopsy it appeared to have been nothing more than a natural heart attack shellfish talks and is incredibly hard to detect and with no bullet there's no way to trace something like this back to its source nobody to hold accountable oh whether the pistol was actually ever used or not we just don't know but my BET's on it was the ninja bomb next in the super wacky weapon catalog is the U.S military's latest and greatest the r9x missile also known as the ninja bomb this thing is absolutely crazy see unlike most missiles the r9x doesn't actually you know explode so what the heck's the point get this when the missile is about to make impact with its Target six massive metal blades fold out of it like some enormous angry Swiss army knife the idea is that this unconventional weapon will land directly on top of its Target and get to work without any collateral damage or unnecessary casualties hmm I get it but man that sounds horrific for the unfortunate sucker this thing has been programmed to hit and it's being utilized right now as recently as August 2022 President Joe Biden announced the uh removal of Al qaeda's number one operative and it turns out the then classified r9x was responsible it may sound like something out of Itchy and Scratchy but it definitely seems effective factor and absolutely terrifying Ragnarok buckle up we've had attempts to cause heart attacks beam thoughts into people's heads and wage war on the moon but none of those Declassified calamities compared to the one you're about to see in 1967 a U.S scientist wrote to the CIA with a seemingly Bonkers idea what if we could control lightning I'm totally serious rather than throw the letter straight into the trash the CIA generally considered the logistics of harnessing lightning storms as deadly weapons the court principle was very basic lightning is formed of electricity which has attracted to metal so by unfurling long lines of metal wire from an aircraft the CIA hoped the wires would attract lightning manipulating its path and sending it wherever the U.S commanded okay then the best part it'd be almost impossible to pin the blame for such an attack on anybody in other words it was the perfect covert weapon I mean it'd have to be put down to freak accident right it wasn't me it was Thor hahaha but there were a few layering issues first you'd only be able to utilize lightning if a lightning storm was about to happen which is one pretty huge if let's say the weather was on your side though even then your target would need to be practically inside the storm for the plane to successfully fly overhead catch lightning on the wire and lead the electrified wire close enough to the Target to shock them oh yeah and there's also the little thing of flying a plane through a storm in the first place man forget it you know I'm beginning to see why people just use guns well I'd better stop revealing all these secrets to you now I don't want the FBI on my tail again which of those super secret weapons did you think was the most mind-blowing let me know down in the comments below and thanks for watching [Music]


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