To push or not to push - The future of HTTP/2 server push - Patrick Hamann

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I last, full-stack first and, thank. You very much for having me it's a great privilege to be standing on this stage right now I've. Been admiring this conference for years I've never been able to make it so I'm honored that I was invited to come and speak here today as. Well you said my name is Patrick Heyman you can catch me on Twitter there and, please. Come in ask questions in the break afterwards, I love finding out about what you're currently working on your current, to performance, wins or, woes and, I just love chatting and, oh. No. The, clicker is. Working. That's very weird right. I'm. A software engineer at the edge cloud provider fastly, essentially, we're a CDN, and we're we specialize in real-time. Content, delivery, for some of the world's largest, brands, but. My role that firstly gives, me the opportunity to think and do a lot of research about, how we can make our customers websites, load, as fast as possible. And that's, precisely what I'm here to talk to you about today so why. Am I here to talk to you and why have I been invited in what, they are probably wondering, what the title to, push or not, to push even means it's a very loaded title, I apologize. For that no I'm, not going to come and recite, Shakespeare to. You even, though that's where the line are kind of the meaning comes from so, why am i and it's all because of this right. It's. Like me you may have heard lots of people say this in the past before that HTTP. 2 is going to solve this, performance, problem hates b.push it's, going to solve all of our performance worries as soon as I turn that on it's gonna be fine and I've, actually been, party. To this I've been part of that problem I've sat on stages, like this around, the world and told people that h2, is gonna solve everything but, unfortunately, that, simply, is not the case and h2. Isn't the magic golden, silver, bullet from the golden smoking gun that we thought it was going to be and, it's, because resource loading in the browser is a very, very hard problem but. Hopefully under this to ask this talk you can have a much better understanding of. Why, resource, loading in the browser is hard and what, the techniques, that we have today, in our tool chest to help us but also the new specifications. That are landing in the future that are going to make it even easy. So. Why, is it hard right I made a bold statement there resource loading in the browser is a very hard thing and it's because of a couple of things, performance, is tightly coupled to latency right the speed of light is never, going to change that is physics the closer that your user is to, your servers and your clients, the faster your experience is going to be we can't undo. That connection. Costs are high every time that we download a resource, and we force a browser to create a new TCP, connection, it's a very expensive thing it takes between six out 600. To 1200, milliseconds. On a 3G connection here, in new Europe, to create a new connection before you can even do anything and congestion. Control TCPS, congestion control, algorithms. Are there for very good reasons but, they penalize us right, at the beginning of the loading experience, of a web page as we, open that congestion window and ramp up so, because. Of these two things we're actually with, band which was often underutilized and, the critical resources, such as fonts, or application. Data are normally, hidden from the browser the browser actually can't see them upfront and so the browser can't do its prioritization, because, all of this becomes. A really really hard thing and the reason why bandwidth is often underutilized as, well as most of the time these days the, browser is spent, sitting. Executing. JavaScript because. We like to send a lot of JavaScript down the wire these days and so we can't act the pipe is left open we, could be using that open, connection, but we're waiting for JavaScript, to pars and execute first. So. How can we load our resources most efficiently, and that's, what I want this this thing is what I want to focus on today and what best practice, and patterns, that we have now, and in the future to help us solve this problems, so. To, do this I first want to do a fort exercise, let's, think about the website that you're building today think, about a project that you've worked on recently or, just look at the homepage, up here and if you could only deliver three, assets, or four critical.

Assets And you weren't allowed to send any more assets down to the browser what, would they be for. Your website that you're building today can. You do that for exercise, do. We think that it's the logo, is it. The font file I mean think about why, did someone come to read there, to homepage they, probably came to read the news what is that core, user experience, what is that the core thing that the user came here to do today optimize. The delivery of those assets, and nothing, else so, for the FT it's probably the branding, you need to tell them who you are so the logo the, hero image which. Is about, that main article, that I'm interested, in reading and the fonts to be able to read it and then. We also need to think about interactivity, as well there's, no running good to just. Sending. Down all of those critical assets and then I try and click on your hamburger icon and I can't actually do anything, and. So we, talked a lot about when. We're talking about resource, loading about. The critical, path and, critical. Request is what I've just said I've just made you think about what are your critical requests so my, friend an industry, colleague Ben Schwartz of calibre, describes, a critical quest as one that contains an asset that is essential. To, the content, within the users viewport, and I would extend that and say that is essential, to the users core experience, of the thing that they came to your website to do it's highly likely the user only came to perform one action, so, you need to think about that in terms of resources what, are the resources that that user needs, in their, browser to, be able to do the thing that they came here for is it, that, lazy, loaded, content, at the bottom of the screen on this that. Is it the adverts, is it the comment section below the fold unfortunately, the fold does, exist, it is a real thing and so you need to optimize for that core user experience, at the beginning so. The question then is what are your critical resources I've, mentioned, fonts before it's, probably the critical, CSS required, just to render that above the VOAD viewport.

The Thing that the user came to do not, the rest of the CSS for the rest of the site hopefully. You're starting to consider delivering. Your CSS and JavaScript, as routes, for. Specific. Bundles, CEO. After this talk after the break is going to be talking specifically, about this they're, probably your fonts right, the user needs to read something but, unfortunately, we're sending a lot of custom fonts down the wire these days your. Initial, application route, as I said if you're doing bundling, just the JavaScript required, to initialize, your your. Application, not the rest of it and something that I think that we don't talk enough about as well as your application data you probably. A single-page web app maybe that you've delivered with a JavaScript but the first thing it does is then, make a fetch request to fetch some user data or hit your database, that, is a hidden critical. Sub resource the browser doesn't know that you're about to perform that and you need to be optimizing, their delivery and prioritizing. The networking, for that so that we can load as fast as possible and, so. Once you've identified what, the requests are we, need to determine again, I'm stressing this fact that we if they add, to the user experience is that request, needed, for the first meaningful paint do. I need to deliver that JavaScript, so that I can get interactivity. And so when they click on that hamburger, icon something's, actually going to happen and so, it's this portion, of the. Page the lifecycle that I'm going to focus on today how, can we prioritize, the delivery of those assets, so, we can send them down and allow, the browser to get on with it as much as fast as possible and so, we can summarize that a good loading strategy, is one that prioritizes. Above-the-fold, rendering, the fold truly does exist, prioritizes. For interactivity, ie, your JavaScript, your application, data. It's. Easy to use we talked a lot about this. Paradigm. Between developer. Experience, and user experience and I always say it you as it's finished first but for you as a developer the, strategy, for you to prioritize those resource and needs to be easy for you to apply and for browsers to consume and understands, we'll talk a bit about this later and most, importantly, is easy to measure there's no point in you doing performance, optimizations.

If You haven't got a baseline first or haven't, measured your site to know that those optimizations, are actually making any difference, at, all and. So. We've identified what, we should be loading our critical, resources. Let's, dive straight into how we can do this efficiently and so the first technique. That I want to talk about today is the preload API which is part of the resource hints API, and the. Paradigm here is what if we could tell the browser about. All of those critical resources, that we've identified we've, listed four resources that we need the browser to download what we could tell them upfront you. Are going to need these resources you, might have not found them yet but I'm telling you about them please, prioritize, the. Delivery. Of those resources, and so. We earlier, we identified, that fonts are a critical resource but, the problem with fonts is that there the network. Request for a font is dispatched, very, very late in the page lifecycle, and why is this and this is their because they're known as hidden, critical. Sub resources and to understand, why this is we, need to first understand, how browsers go about actually, making. The request. For the the font and painting, to the page so first we, make, a get request for the index.html. Of the home page for example we. Start to receive bytes down the Y from that and we can parse the. HTML incrementally. And, construct. The document object model or the Dom that we all know it and this is the beauty of the HTML specification is, that we can pause it it, incrementally we don't have to wait for the full file to be downloaded before. We can start constructing, the Dom which is very very powerful halfway. Through that parsing, of the Dom we, find a link element to a stylesheet, or a script element. To a JavaScript. And we have to stop Dom, construction at that point and we have to go and perform the networking for them so this is why CSS, and JavaScript are known as render blocking resources because, they block construction, of the Dom we then have to go and perform the networking for the CSS file unfortunately. CSS can't be paused, incrementally, because we're positive incrementally, we're painting to the screen because, of the nature of the Cascade something, that comes later in the file change, the color or moves an element so for that reason we actually have to download all of the CSS file before, we can construct the CSS object model the. CSS object model and then the Dom together, finally. Get combined to known as something called the render tree and why am I telling you this is. That this exact, point when we have a render tree is the, only time that the browser will initiate a font request. To the network because. If I had a paragraph. In the Dom that, actually, the CSS, later said, display:none, and that paragraph had a custom font attached to it it would actually be wasteful. If we downloaded all the fronts up front so, the render tree is all of the items in the Dom that are actually, going to be rendered to the screen not the items they're hidden and so it's only at that point but the browser goes okay this, paragraph is going to be rendered but it has a custom form and so I'm going to go and perform the networking for it now and, the reason why I've told you all of this is because fonts are hidden critical, sub resources and they're one example, of them but your application data may some third-party JavaScript. Or a module that you lazy load that's actually critical, later on are all hidden from the browser the browser can't, see them and, this is where, the. Preload, API comes in so here are some of those fonts your application data your application routes and maybe some async third, parties that I just discussed and so, preload, provides, a declarative, fetch, primitive, that, initiates, an early fetch and it, separates fetching, from resource execution, and what does this mean this basically has a way for you to tell the browser go, and preload this, font file you're, not actually going to find it until you've constructed the render tree so, do, the networking now save, it for later because. You'll find it later on then you'll go oh hey I've already downloaded that and that's exactly how the preload works so, now we have three new primitives, we, have the, link element, with the rel attribute of preload in HTML. My, favorite, method is at the top the HTTP. Header so you can decorate your your. HTTP, responses. With, preloads. Saying. Preload, this front preload, my application, data preload, my JavaScript, module and the. Really exciting one that I don't think a lot of people use enough is that we can obviously then dynamically. Create and programmatically. Inject, preload elements, based, on user interaction, let's say you had your hovering you had a user hovering, over a carousel, button, and it's, when they click that button their image carousel link, loads, so why not as they're hovering inject.

Loads Of preload elements, to preload the images so that when the carousel does open they've actually already loaded. So, I think it's really really powerful primitives, here and this is how simple it is so. What, let's look at what the impact that actually has that, com, home page again this is the network waterfall if we're to load it normally so, notes how low down in the waterfall the font files are without, preload, and this is because it's a hidden sub resource it's but could they're not initiated, until the render tree is constructed, and that's. Terrible right the user needed, to read so that means the user can't read anything from the screen until after, these network requests. To finish so just by applying some preload, headers to tell the browser to, download the fonts upfront, this. Is the impact that it can have on your network waterfall we've prioritized the delivery. Of our critical resources and therefore, we're going to actually dramatically. Decrease. The time to text paint for the ectoderm homepage. Fussy. Customer Shopify, switched, to pre loading fonts and they saw a 50%, improvement. In, their time to text paint there's, a whole, 1.2. Seconds. On their. Free ji loading. Experience, right I've been working in the performance industry for a very long time now and I've never had, a single technique, that can shave 1.2. Seconds, on your render experience, just, by adding one, HTTP, header, to my experience so, it's that easy. But. The question I want to pose is, are, indicating. Our resource hints like this to the browser via. The HTML, response, ie we have to wait for that HTML. Response to be generated, by the server in fact, actually too late, in the connection lifecycle, and, this. Is what HB - server push was, designed to solve so, let's have, a look at that now, this. Is the traditional, request, flow that the. Browser and the server makes, to, load a web page first we make, a get request for that home page you may have a CDN, or a proxy a load balance or a cache in the middle that goes to your application, data we then have to our application, has to do some thinking it has to might have to go and make some database, requests, do some templating, merge lots of stuff together until it renders, your HTML, and returns, that 200, response the, browser gets that it parses, constricts, the the, render to the kind of CSS object model it has to then go and make the request for the CSS file but.

This Whole time we've, left we've had a TCP, connection open between the client and the browser and, we've left it idle during, that server think time sometimes, server think time could be between 200. To 800 milliseconds. That we observe on average at fastly and that's a lot of time that we could have, been prioritizing, delivery. Of content whilst. The, server was thinking. So. What, if the server could actually predict, upfront. That I, know that the next resource you were going to request as the browser is the main dot CSS file because, I as the author knew. That and you as the document, authors you know that probably, that font file that CSS and that JavaScript file are, really important and the browser is going to do that and so now with HP server push there, has a new push promise, data frame that, the server can say here, I promise that I'm going to give you this file and I'm going to flush the bytes down for them now so, you don't need to request it and so, this new data frame is, a new terminology for us and so to understand how that works you first need to understand, what how. The communication. Within HTTP - it's actually performed, all, h2. Connections. And now everything, is performed on a single, TCP connection, we know now no longer have to open multiple, TCP connections, to the same host so currently a browser, will open between 6 to 8 connections. To the same host name because. Of head-of-line, blocking in, HB 1 we, had to wait for, the first request to finish before, we could then request the next because there was no wave interleaving. Those requests together but. H to have solved this by this terminology, of streams. Messages. And data frames so now all, H, P messages the request and the response are broken, down into Byner binary, data framing, rails and the reason why this is powerful, is it allows us to interleave, two responses. At the same time and then, the client, can just connect, them back up together so that allows us to do what's known as multiplexing. And we can send multiple, messages. Down the same TCP, connection, at the same time which is why h2 is much more efficient than h1, the, reason why I'm telling you this is our friend the data frame here the push promise is just a new one of those data frames we we, don't just have to send.

Response. Data down the wire we can also send, other data such as a push promise, so. The question is you now you're probably wondering how, you can push and this. Is exactly how we've, in the industry we've converged, upon using our friend the link preload, header as a way of you indicating, from your application to your hb2, enabled server that, I want to push this resource now there's a very big debate including. Myself of whether or not this is the good semantics to use for this but, that's another discussion for another day you can come and talk to me in the break and the. Caveat here is you have to have a h2 enabled server and your h2 enabled server also needs to have push enabled. But the majority of the main proxy. Service that you probably use such as Apache nginx. Is, AWS. GCP Heroku, that all of them now supports, h2, and. You don't want to push and you only want the preload semantics then you can put this and no push. Attribute. At the end of them so. Let's take a look at the typical water before using server push and then after using server fish note. That, in the top before we use server push we have that idle time once the browser has made the request for the CSS file and we're waiting for that term to 5 bytes for the server to respond if, I pushed the, CSS file the, browser no longer has that idle, waiting time because, it never needs to make the request because the server said I'm going to push you this resource here, it is and it starts flushing the bytes down the wire so, we have a whole one round-trip saving, and depending, on how, long the distance between your client and the server that round-trip, could actually be a very very big. Saving so this is great if our, RTT time has. High latency especially, in developing countries where we have highly latent connections, on mobile. But. Note that we still got this idle time right in the beginning of the. Exit of the TCP connection whilst we're waiting for, the server to respond, of its HTML and, this, makes me really sad. Let's. Have a look why right, I thought hey push, was meant to solve that problem but. Because push. Is indicated. Via that link header on the response, of our. Index dot HTML we, had to still wait for the server Fink time before. The server could push the resource right, and, that's, that's a bad thing because, we've got this idle, time on the connection. So. To recap server push gives us the benefits of a one round-trip time saving because, we don't have to the browser no longer has to request that resource it's, useful, if we've got long server sync times and long Artie T's but. Again that question of is indicating. Links. Preloads. And, pushes via the response of your HTML in fact too late. So. How. Can we achieve that holy grail that pushed actually, set out to achieve, and told us that we actually deliver, our critical resources using, that ID or TCP connection time and to do this we need to be actually decouple our push logic from, our HTML, HTTP, responses, and this is what a farsi would call a sync push, a more. Common architecture as you've seen in my diagram so far is that you've probably got a load balancer or, a CDN, or a proxy of some kind that sits in front of your application, server like, nginx, or Apache and so why if we had programmatic, access to the underlying network connection we, can dispatch, that push as, soon as the request is received and, then send the rest or let the application, do its thing and do it server think time and then, we'll be utilizing that. Idle connection time and that makes me really happy so. Let's have a look at that this is just using node standard, hb2, standard. Library but you could do this of you any kind of middleware Express. It's happy etc, you, have a request coming, in and if you have programmatic access to the underlying connection here, I'm creating a stream.

For The critical CSS file and I'm pushing that down the wire down my connection, way, before I dispatch, my database. Calls done my user lookups, did some templating, etc. And this is how you can do async push and not relying on link preload headers and. Your hate speech server to do those things now. If we did async push now, we've got a push example, at the top where, yes we had the one Transit's time-saving but with async we've managed to achieve that, holy grail of pushing, during the idle time right at the beginning of the connection now the browser has all of the information it needs before. It's even started to, construct the document object model and so we can have really, fast instant painting. And. That makes me really really happy. So. Whilst. Push is really useful enough on the first view like this I'm. Hoping some of you started to question okay well what happens on the repeat view if I had that same logic am. I just going to push again and what. If the the client has already got that asset cached right hopefully, the critical resources that we identified, at the beginning of the talk your, secrets, ago CSS your fonts and your application, data they, should be highly, cacheable resources, you should have long, max-age, headers on them or you're using immutable, URLs of hashes. In them and but, what, would happen with push we're. Actually gonna push it again and. The problem here is that the server has no knowledge of what, the client has brought in its cache so, all we're going to do is actually push, that resource every time the, user requests, our HTML, especially, if we're using the, preload link headers to push we're, just going to keep on doing this and the fact what ends up happening is we're going to over push and this is much more detrimental than pushing at all because, you're actually going to create contention, on the network and, slow, down the, building, of the DOM and the rendering to the screen and both. Myself. At far-seeing our colleagues and our colleagues at Google have been noticing that over, pushing is actually become more of a detriment than pushing, at all has. But. If you want to overcome that problem one, solution, is to use the purple pattern, if you're in more interested in especially you've got a progressive. Web app and, you're using a serviceworker the, pattern is that you push beyond, the initial load you actually push all of the resources required, for. The entire application you. Then they get filled and populated, in the serviceworker cache and, then on the repeat view everything. It's coming from the serviceworker cache and will never hit the network so you'll never have the problem, of over pushing if you're interested in that I. Urge. You to check out Adi and Eva's talk from Google i/o this year and they detail the pattern a lot more so. The, servers got no knowledge of the client cache tape and this. Is the problem here with push but. In all of this theory is right and everything I've told you it still sounds like an awesome technique, and I can dramatically, improve. My. My. Render time if I pushed my critical resources, but. Adoptions it has been extremely low and it has to be can look quite tricky to implement and so what, is the problem here, in. Fact first I'd like to ask you a question how many people are using hb2 in production. Okay. Not that many and how many people keep your hands up if you're using push. Right. Wow that's like no one okay. So. My, point thankfully. Stands. Here is that what is the problem why aren't we using it if it's such a great technique so. Let's, have a look at some of the problems after, we sent that push promise and we flushed the bytes down the wire I actually lied to you early on the, client does have a way of resetting. That in the repeat view of saying no I've got that in my cache and don't, send it to me and this is in the form of a reset stream frame that the client can send to the server saying reset, the stream for that HTC. Ttp response, I don't, need it I've got in my cash but the problem here is that by, the time the browser sent to that it's probably far too late because the server is already flushed all of the bikes especially of your critical resources are small things like a critical, CSS file, it's, far too late or it's flushed them into the TCP kernel on the server and then that's in kernel space and not user space and there's no way of telling, the kernel to do that and um, and, and by, that and they're probably all on the network link anyway, and so actually it's far too late when the server receives this, the. New quic protocol, this, is, going to solve this the, superseded. To TCP because, they're moving a lot of this. Type of work into user space and out of kernel space but it's going to be years until, I come back to the stage to talk to you about quick, and.

The Ver common areas how the, the, browser actually push it caches, the pushed, resource, that you pushed to it when. A network request leaves, the page it, actually goes on this little dance through. All of the browsers caches before it actually goes to the network first, it looks at the memory cache so, that's all the resources that have been loaded for this session of that host name and for. That lifecycle, of this page then. It goes into a serviceworker, cache checks, if the resource is there then, it goes to finally into the HTTP, cache the one that we all know about with our cache control semantics, and it is a resource passed and finally. The last cache it will look in is the push cache so, even if you've pushed that resource but actually it already existed, in one of the first three what, you've done is you've over pushed again and actually you've sent far too many bytes down the wire and you've created contention, on your network the, worst thing is well is that push caches are separate, for each at. H2. Connection, that you have to the same host name so, if you have a resource that's credentialed, like a so. Non credentialed, like a font file that's, actually gonna be on a separate request then, your credential, main host. Connection. For your main host name so you'll never actually claim it at all. So. I've detailed some of these issues that surrounding, here that the connection has to be Authority for the resource so you again, that's the connector at the credential, problem it only lives for the lifetime, of the connection so if you push it for. That connection that gets closed and then a user opens up a new tab to your same web site it's, not the, than what the resource that you push initially can't be claimed they, can only be claimed once so, if you have two tabs open, to, the same website. You push a resource tab, to can't, also. Claim the resource, that was pushed in tab 1 which is extremely, inefficient so, you have to send it again and it's, that last cache so, it's highly likely that it may be in one of the other caches before, you pushed but, the worst thing I think is that it's not Specht at all and so that, leads to browser inconsistencies. If you want to push and there, many people that have done some extensive, research into history push and it's inconsistency, so I urge you to check our jaycara, Blues blog post on that, but. The problem is that it really results. In is that we can only really use push reliably, in Chrome, and Firefox Edge has got the one connection, per tab it does it doesn't support um the, fetch API to, use, the. Push semantics, and Safari is completely, non-deterministic sometimes. You'll, get the pushed items sometimes you won't so, this kind of leaves us to resorting, to having to use user, agent sniffing on the server to, determine whether or not we actually want to push a resource at all and, hopefully like, me you know where that's going to end up if you know it's starting to do you a sniffing, and it will everything you've just created a whole nother problem for yourself. But. Lastly the rate of adoption of push is extremely, low so we've, been doing some research or fasting we observed that only eight hundred out of a million requests that we see are push initiated. And, if it was meant to be this amazing, technique, that solves, all of our performance, problems surely, more people would be using this and just. To give you some comparison, we do, around six million to seven million requests a second and so, that, number is extremely, extremely small, to be us observing, that on our network, the. Rate of adoption is so low that it's even leading to many implementers. To completely. Potentially. Abandoned, the idea so this is research from Akamai and Google with the latest ITF, meeting two, months ago Google. Have run an experiment where they've actually disabled. Push in Chrome, and to, see what, impact it, had on the.

Loading Experience, in mobiles on, mobile connections the, evidence what it was they had no. Packed and so just by they're considering, completely, ripping it out to the chrome chrome codebase, Akamai. Tried. Some other tests, they're really interested in push they, did see some benefits, but most of the blue lines is that they actually most of the tests that couldn't even reach statistically, significance, to determine, whether or not ie it was so close that we don't even know so the proof is that actually in the wild, even it's not doing what we were hoping it would do so should. You really push only. If you've got long round trip times but again you should probably be solving, that problem before, can. You only if you can use the async push pattern instead. Of the preload pattern and, if. You've got a client rendered app shell and you could use purple pattern so if you've got a progressive, web app I would actually advise. You to look into this pattern because it could speed things up even more and if, you can control, control, the client cache like, an electron, app or you, have a serviceworker. So. The question really is is that one round-trip time saving, actually, worth the complexity. That it brings and I personally, would argue no and. Are there other solutions out there there must be solutions. And. I wouldn't be sitting on this stage if I couldn't give you some solutions to these problems so most, of the techniques I presented so far have. All got trade-offs with them however. I personally am really excited about the future and some of the new techniques and specifications. Are about to land in browsers that are going to solve some of these problems for us so, the first question is can we just fix push right. There are a couple of inconsistencies, maybe we can just make that better and the biggest problem was, about the server not knowing the knowledge of what is inside the clients, cache tape and this is where the cache digest specification, comes in what. If the browser could send an end indication. To the server every time it opens a TCP connection and it says here, were the items that are in my cache for. The hostname that you're afraid to for that's very important for security reasons we don't want to tell other host names things, that we've got cache for other host names and he says and so this is where custard just comes in it's a data frame that, uses a cuckoo filter which is a probabilistic, data structure, that the, server then you can say okay do they have main.css and look inside that bloom filter if it does or it doesn't okay, I'm going to push now so, the server can use that knowledge to determine, what, it wants to push and I Percy I'm really excited about this spec not because of push, because, of the possibilities, that opens for doing some really intelligent optimization. For our build systems, what, if webpack, could, know that the, browser the client has already got module, a D, and Z, inside. Its client cache I could then create a bundle. That was optimized, for not just the things missing, them and so we can actually become really, really intelligent if we, had client cache tape on the server side and. So. That solves our repeat view problem with push that, on the repeat view we could see the client the cache digest ago they've already got it in their cache I'm not, going to push it again and, there's a big win for me and Patrick is very happy. The. Specification, is being actively worked on and it's, been accepted by the ITF it was proposed by my colleague Kazuo at fastly Akamai, advice, is our. Friend is also working on it with us fast. These open source hates to be too server if you're interested, in is one of the first working implementations. Of this Chrome, and Firefox are, extremely interested, and discussing. Implementing, but. That still seems a bit, through complicated right having, this client. And server, state, that, we're having to manage right HTTP. One of the beautiful things about about, the whole protocol, is it that is stateless, and this is creating, state and knowledge between them which which I don't really like and.

That's Where the 103, early, hint status code comes in its, proposed by my colleague Kazuo it firstly again who here is heard of the 100. Informational, ranges, of status codes at all. Not. That many of you I hadn't heard of them the - I've only heard of 200 and above and the, one Ephriam, early, hints is an informational, status code that, indicates to the client that the server is likely to. Send some, other resources, with, the final response, and. What. Does that actually look like it. Looked like this that I client, performs, the get request and whilst, the service doing its think time and actually generating, that page I can send a 103 with. A list of resources saying, here the resources that you may need but, the reason why I like this unlike cache digests, is it moves that decision, back, to the client the browser is a very intelligent things of optimizing, its prioritization, and the browser can then say Oh. I've already got style dot CSS oh that, looks like a Maine dot new main.js file, so I'm gonna download that oh and, I don't have that JSON data so you're giving, that power back to the client to make those decisions was extremely, powerful what's, also interesting here, is that this is actually a pattern that we've been doing for years so when you make a search, on Google and you're, waiting for the search result space to come the, first thing that the Google search server server does is it flushes, the, head of your document, ie the head element of your document down to the client way, before they've sent, your search query, to, the search database, because, that allows the client to start doing, the networking for the CSS and the JavaScript required. And then when they've got the search result back that's, when they flush the read off the rest of this document but the problem with that pattern is what, if the search result ended in a 500, or a 404 you've, sent all of this, data. Down assuming, that it was going to be a 200, and this is where this standardizing. It this way becomes extremely powerful, because the next response still could be a 500, or 4/4 and you're just giving a hint to, the browser these are my critical resources you, can do what, you want with that knowledge, again. It's been accepted by the ITF it's, in draft mode we. Have a working implementation Akamai, are working on implementation, and Chrome, extremely, excited and discussing. Implementing, so, it's the same benefits, as push it's. Much much simpler, it overcomes. A lot of those problems it leverages, the browser's cache it lets the browser do that and it allows clients to initiate fetches.

Lastly. Now. That we know how to decorate our HTTP, responses with our critical resources what about that other sub resources, in your page what if we could also decorate, our HTML, and the sub resources, and to change their, priorities and, tell the browser give the browser more indication, of this and this is where priority. Hints comes in. So. You, as the application, author know. What, you think the priority of these resources should be let's imagine you have a hero image, at the top of your page and then four images below that, are lazy loaded or you don't really care about you, can now decorate your HTML, with, importance to tell the browser this. Is a really, really important resource I want you to prioritize. That delivery, but actually this one I, parable and so it's giving a lot more metadata, to the browser allowing, the browser to become a lot more intelligent, again with, your fetch requests and JavaScript, we now can say and this is actually quite low importance, but I might, need it later do it asynchronously, and so, Chrome have already implemented it it's landed, already it's, in I forget. My chrome numbers these days but it's definitely in canary so. Go check it out if you're interested if you want to join the discussion and influence because it's still a working spec go, and read, about it on the github repo. Here and get involved with the discussion so. I've done, over time it's. Been a whirlwind, tour of asset loading in the browser and, I've only just scratched the surface for. Each methodology, but I hope I've given you some new techniques that you can use today and some that are coming in the future, so. Unfortunately hates, v2 doesn't solve, everything. Resource. Loading in the browser is, very. Hard and I hope you now have a better understanding of why it, is hard and. I can't stress this enough I stressed it at the beginning that performance is for humans there's, no point in doing this micro, optimization. If it doesn't have a good impact on your user experience that's, a thing that the user came here to do so, always think about the user first, before you do any optimization.

And. If you take away one photo, or anything, from this talk I've, summarized, it here for you now, identify your critical resources, preload. Those hidden sub resources like it's fonts your application routes your. Application. Data pre. Connect to any third critical third parties. Avoid. Using push. With preload if you, want to push use async push but. In the future priority, hints early hints and cache digests, hopefully, are going to solve a lot of these problems for me for, us rather, that's. Yes thank you very much Jim, Pat scrunch it to there and my. Slides will be online there. There. Were a couple of questions. One. Of them was, about, your. Use of system font was that just an example or is that the kind of thing that people would in fact be considering, a critical resource for. The. What sorry are, you have you had is one of your examples using, a font is yes I know the fonts definitely. Of all. The things that eyelid I listed as hidden sub resources fonts. Are the most important, because of the way that I described, the fonts. I the. Network requests for them are initiated, so late in the life cycle we really, really need to tell browsers. About them and I gave, the Shopify example, of saving, about 1.2, seconds unloading that's, like in there, already quite fast website we've seen other. People. Save up to 3 to 5 seconds, just by adding that single, preload. Header to a load their font file fantastic. My other advice though is would, be just to reduce the amount of custom fonts that you're delivering, but, I know that we all like, to have aesthetically, pleasing and, nice-looking, websites so, one, of the great things I saw is that there's another question which was hey you know what if I'm hosting on firebase what if I'm hosting static assets. With s3 and we already got some people starting a conversation which is fantastic. This is a peer-to-peer conference. But, if, we could just get your quick opinion, what about people who aren't running their own elaborate, server server, set, up you have a comment about yes. So like it specifically, the preload API is friendly. For you because of this so even, though I said that the, header.

Version, Of it is my preferred method you. Can still use, the Dom version, of it just have a link element in your Dom I'm assuming if you're you, still have access to that your actual underlying application, code even though it's being hosted by a third party so, you can still press preload. And priety, hints in your HTML so, just decorate your HTML then and not have to worry about the networking side of it and, then also send, an email to your hosting support company to get interested. In in, preload, and push well. Fantastic folks please continue the conversation, in our forums thank you so much thank, you.


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