GZERO World S2E3 Senator Marco Rubio

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Here's the bottom line North Korea wants to end and China wants to end war games with South Korea then, get rid of nuclear weapons get, rid of ballistic, missiles have it be verifiable, and then we won't need war games there'll be nothing to war game about. Nearly. Two weeks on and the Trump Putin summit is the gift that keeps on backtracking, and flip-flopping. And backtracking. Again and in, Iran and all, caps, POTUS, tweet puts the Islamic, Republic, on DEFCON, two eighty two hundred eighty characters, that is you, can't make this stuff up welcome, to your g0 world on me in Bremer here, in the West Village of New York, City for. Your big interview this week I head down to Washington, DC to. Interview Florida, senator and Poland, Springs brand ambassador, Marco, Rubio remember all the water that he was drinking all the time no okay, I'll also be taking your questions on all things geopolitics. In office. Hours and on puppet regime Kim, jong-un gets schooled on the court paging. Dennis Rodman the first award from the folks who help us keep the lights on. United. States and Russia. Enormous. Amount, of opposition to. Trump's, big, press, conference saying. He gave away the store, president. Trump backtracked. A tiny bit then. Took it back now, saying that there wasn't Russian, election, interference, it was dreamt up by Democrats, as an excuse, for Clinton's, defeat, we, still don't know what, Trump and Putin discussed, exactly, in their private, one-on-one bilateral. Lasting, over two hours and when I say we I include. Members of his own administration, that have not been fully briefed on the, discussion, so, is it possible they talked about Russian, hacking, or even what they're gonna do in the midterms in 2020, literally, we have no idea and yet, there's, also virtually. No change, in US, policy. Towards. Russia Trump. Himself claims, he gave up nothing and in reality that, may well be true because. The United, States isn't. Recognizing. Crimea. As a part of Russia isn't. Stopping. Its, military, exercises, with, NATO in the Baltic, States isn't, taking. Troops out of Germany isn't, even, reducing, sanctions, against, the Russian government in fact later on this year if anything. US Congress, is likely to increase, marginally. Those, sanctions against Russia because members of Congress, including the Republican leadership so. Opposed, the idea of a reset, but, maybe the most important. Fact is this some. 66, percent of Republicans, approved, of trumps, Helsinki. Performance, with Putin and despite, all the controversy, last week Trump's approval, rating rose to 45, percent the highest so far of his presidency, if the, media is really worried about us-russia. Relations, the average American, is not there. Was 1124 p.m., on Sunday, evening a quiet time but in the White House President Trump, tweeted, the following, to Iranian, president. Rouhani never. Ever threaten the United States again where you will suffer consequences, the likes of which few throughout history have ever suffered before we. Are no longer, country that will stand for your demented, words of violence, and death be, cautious demented. Being the word that stands out to me there maybe for you it's a different one President, rouhani himself, had warned the United States that war with Tehran would be the mother of all wars for some reason feminism, gets aligned, with, blowing up another country seems unfair we can talk about that later Iran's response, to the tweet typical.

Of Trumps bullying, words by the way a fun fact you can't actually do, all caps and Persian it doesn't really translate so much so they got that national security visor to trump John Bolton, reiterated. Trump's threats and the. President's stance that if Iran does anything at all if the negative they will pay a price like few countries have ever, paid, before for. Its part Iran has shown no signs of reneging on the nuclear deal but, Trump has already pulled the United States out and Washington, is preparing to reimpose, the punishing sanctions that brought them to the table in the first place that means that by the end of this year almost. A million barrels, a day of Iranian crude will be taken off the table and next, year Iran's, economy will. Be in serious, decline I am. More worried, that the u.s. is heading towards confrontation, with Iran than, I ever was with the North Koreans for a few reasons first, of all because, Obama, did, the Iran deal so Trump wants, to blow it up on North Korea Obama. Didn't get anything done so Trump's like I can make a deal happen, also, with North Korea, President. Trump never really, had a credible, pre-emptive. Military strike, on the table in the case of Iran many. Around Trump believe that there is a threat, here and they're willing to go after the Iranians, finally. It's the advisers, themselves, on North Korea everyone was trying to restrain Trump on, Iran there's, a lot of people around Trump let's say let's, lean into regime change let's, make this much tougher on Iran we can absolutely, cow. Them into submission put. All that together and I fear, that us-iran. Relations are headed towards escalation, and more conflict not. Towards. A more stable frozen. Place, that's. Enough for me now, let's hear from you it's office hours when I take questions submitted, from viewers just like you. With. The rise of democratically. Elected, undemocratic. Governments, like Poland, Hungary and Turkey do. You see this, improving. In the future or spreading, further hi, Danny yes what you're talking about is kind of a liberal democracy you, kind of vote him in and suddenly they're more authoritarian, money we're absolutely seeing. More of that it's the anti-establishment, push. In Turkey. Her Diwan was legitimately. Democratically. Elected, and his, country, is more, authoritarian, as a consequence, heck in Venezuela. I mean the original election, of Hugo Chavez was, absolutely. Democratic and now they've, unwound. A democratic, system and it's basically authoritarian, I don't, see that happening in the United States or in, Western. Europe or in Japan or in Canada but in lots of emerging. Markets, and in some of the weaker, advanced democracies. Authoritarians. Are increasingly. Winning at the, ballot box that's. Your office hours for this week if you want to ask a question just submit a short video to submissions. At g0, Mediacom. This. Week I sit down with Senator Marco, Rubio from. Florida he. Was of course a US presidential, candidate in 2016, and has recently become an advocate for a new reform, conservative, movement, today, I'll ask him about North Korea that tricky, Trump Putin relationship, and why he's somewhat soured on free trade but, first we, talked China quote, from you you're. Concerned about China's all-out effort, to change the, world order to, displace the United States as the world's most powerful, and, influential. Country. And make China. Yeah, that's been their plan for a long time now they just admitted and. Which. Is fine if it's competition because, America can compete but. It has to be fair and it's not I mean many, of their gains are coming from the forced. Transfer of Technology. Obviously. Old-fashioned. Corporate espionage, and also heavy protectionism, which we've allowed them to get away with for 20 years under the sort, of conventional, wisdom that had.

Existed, That when China got richer and more prosperous they'd, become more democratic and, they would adhere to these rules of, fair play but that hasn't been the way it's played out and so you. Can see basically as it stands out they they want unfettered, access for, example to our markets into Europe but. On the other hand they protect, their own home, industries, and do not allow foreign, competition to come in and if. In fact they do allow them to come in because they haven't developed enough in those industries and they force you to joint venture with them in, which they own a majority they, force you to transfer technology and then, once they can do what you can do they don't need you anymore, so the. Competition's, five has got to be fair and right now is not now we're talking tough certainly. About trade, with. China as well as with most, other countries at this point, have. Been. Talking some tariffs specifically. What, do you think we need to do well. It's a great question I think part of it is gonna have to be unfortunately the threat of tariffs, but but I don't want to just focus on tariffs because a lot of these tariffs are on legacy industries, which are important, but. If you look at what China's focused on under made in China 2020, they, are focused, on or, made in China 2025, they are focused on the industries, of the future, biomedicine. Artificial. Intelligence quantum computing, telecommunications, aerospace. Those. Are the industries that are gonna drive future economic, growth and those are the ones they seek to establish dominance, and those, are the ones that our policy, should be focused on and I've offered a bill that that law that prohibits, for example the force transfer, of, key. Technologies. Prohibits. American companies from doing it denies. Access to Chinese companies to our own market in many ways it's a small, the, ZTE fight is a small part of a bigger Chinese telecom their right to take that on but, ultimately I mean that's really what we should be focused on in this rebalancing, and it's, difficult, because, China has knows, how to play our system they know there are American, companies who, want to have good quarterly, returns to, have good quarterly returns they want access to the one point four billion people market, the China represents. And they, know that they can go to these companies and tell them, here's. If you support, these, tough US policies, you're gonna have a tough time in China but, if you go to it in Washington, and you, advocate. Against these things then we'll speak well of you and you'll have a very positive environment. Now you've been reasonably, positive about. The American, outreach, to Kim jong-un and. So. I, think. We, have to have some common sense here okay. Kim. Jong-un has nuclear, weapons some. Estimates 5060, nuclear warheads least thirty an. Established, program of long-range, missiles, so they. Probably have the range to hit the US he's probably not very good at aiming but he's gonna hit something and it's a nuclear weapon, so, the, alternative is you don't know we're not gonna allow him to have those weapons you go to war I think the president, has been presented, with what that would look like the, massive loss of life would be extraordinary it's easy to talk about these things but that's the real world you know people would die and so. I give, him the, benefit of the doubt and the credit in the sense that if there is a way to avoid that scenario let's, pursue it I'm fine, with that am i uncomfortable. Watching. This monster. Lunatic. Evil, human being kim jeong-hoon standing, by American, flags shaking, the president's, hand yeah, it makes me uncomfortable, but I understand, what. The president, is trying to do at, the end of the day none of this is gonna matter it's gonna come down to one, of two scenarios either. He will denuclearize, and get rid of his missiles in a way that's verifiable, and permanent, or he doesn't that's it how, we get there it's probably gonna be a rollercoaster ride anything. Short of that is an unacceptable, deal now. Within the confines of that pathway we have to be concerned about him for example. Seeking. To elongate, this I mean Robert Kim jung-un I think what he's going to do and what China is probably encouraging, him to do is drag. This thing out turn. It into a series, of reciprocal. Concessions. On, both sides and, ultimately. You know, maybe. Never do anything that's permanent, on the nuclear weapons but for example I would I would venture to guess that one of the things he probably will want to say but we won't make any more weapons or will. Agree to get rid of our weapons but the inspection, system won't be robust, but. You've got to get troops out you've got to get rid of the fad missile, defense system which which China wants us to get out of there as well so we got to be clear about what our goal is and what, the, only acceptable, outcome is and anything short of that we should be willing to walk away now, president Trump has made it clear that he'd like to see a way to, end these, very expensive.

Provocative. Military, exercises as he caught it calls them, 32,000. American troops in South Korea why do they need to be there on the one hand you could say that's facilitating. South, Koreans, efforts for peace on the other hand it's given the store to the Chinese what do you think about that well, I don't find those war games to be provocative I find them to be a necessity you've, got a madman, with. Nuclear. Weapons and missiles and an. Aggressive sort. Of past and you've. Got to be militarily, prepared to confront that and you've got to exercise, those capability, we should keep the exercises, well I most certainly think we need to keep our reticent net readiness exercises. And at. Some point the truth is if he gets rid of his nuclear weapons if here's, the bottom line North Korea wants to end and China wants to end war games with South Korea then, get rid of nuclear weapons get, rid of ballistic, missiles have it be verifiable, and then we won't need wargames there'll be nothing to war game about one other big. Issue that gets way too much media play but I have to ask you about at least briefly yeah is the Putin issue where. You, know Russia obviously. No friend of the United States right now and yet clearly a lot of desire by the American, president to find ways to engage. More closely with him, what. Do you think the Americans, should, be doing with the Russians president, well we understand, what the deal is first so, Vladimir Putin wants, Russia to be a global world. Power again he, doesn't have the economy, for them is two trillion dollars is the size of you know Italy. In Spain good great countries but that's the so the Russia is not an economic superpower, number. Two is they are not a conventional, military superpower, though they have significant, conventional, military capabilities. And they've invested, in it they, do have a nuclear arsenal and they are developing tactical, nuclear weapons, to use in the battlefield, as part of their military doctrine, now is to escalate, in order to de-escalate so that makes him relevant and that's, what gives him his veto vote at the UN Security, Council so, he knows that the only way he can be powerful in the world is by. Asymmetric. Means and low-cost means that allowing the in that the exert, maximum influence, at minimal cost so, he doesn't flood Syria. With Russian troops is not a 500,000. Troop presence it's, enough air strikes to save Assad and, wind. Up with a unified, Syria, pro-russian. Government and access to basing, rights including, to the Mediterranean, he's, now doing the same in Libya it's, the reason why he does these influence, campaigns, on the West it didn't cost him a lot of money to do the things they did in 2016. But, it makes us talk about him and it makes him influential, and that's, how he's trying to finagle his way into somehow being part of the North Korea talks as well that's what he's trying to do that's the threat that he poses and we.

Need To understand, it for what it is and we need to confront it for what it is and and. That's what I hope the administration will continue to do now the rhetoric is one thing the policies, are another so, the policy, is moving forward I just. Think it's important for us to constantly remind all, of our policy makers of, what Vladimir Putin, the risk, and the threat he poses but ultimately what his goal is he wants to be an indispensable global, leader and the only way he can do that is by, creating, problems. That force people to deal with him and, that's you know it'll be interesting to watch what happens in Syria because. Is trying to get closer to Israel and he is probably trying to get Iran out of Southwest Syria, because, that's what makes Israel uncomfortable. And the, Iranians are pushing back and saying okay thank you for your help you're not needed here anymore, Isis, is gone and, from. The ground right and so there'll be a little bit of a friction, there between and, I'm not sure that Russia has the influence over Syria, or or Iran for that matter I think if Syria had to choose or the Saud had to choose he, would side with the. Iranians. Over the the Russians, they're there longer term they're, there longer term there's all sorts of reasons. Why and. And again it'll. Be an interesting thing to watch about the limits on Putin's influence so let's. Turn a little closer home you'd said that, we couldn't leave the. Fate of Americans. To the free market because if we do millions. Are not going to be able to adapt well, to the. Free market alone yes we, have to understand what is it the core what, is economic. Policies what is the goal of economic policy, the goal of economic policy. Is to, create jobs that are dignified, so, that people have the dignity of work and the ability to provide for their family we, have lost that perspective. Today both, the left and the right view Americans as consumers, that. Means happiness. Is measured by how many things you can buy and whether, you get the money to buy it from a trust fund a job or a government. Check it doesn't matter as long as you have the money to buy things that's, how we define happiness that's, not true there, is inherent, in all human beings the dignity, of work and our economic, policy should be about dignity of work now what, creates dignified, jobs economic, growth and I believe that free enterprise is, the best way to create economic growth so we can get these trust fund kids to actually do something useful well yeah I mean they love me some of them do and some of them you know, some.

Of Them are, consumers, but, but, let me go back to the point of where, I think the free market sometimes does I, think where we overreach, is when. We say paid, family leave the market will take care of it it. Won't take, care of it and, and and and it can't take care of it because oh and, if it does it may in 20 or 30 or 40 years but, in the meantime millions, of people gonna be left behind, the same is true of free trade yes. It's true free trade will create 20 million new jobs even, as it destroys 10 okay but those 10 that lost their jobs a lot, of them are not going to be the people to fill the 20 new ones those. Are not going to happen simultaneously, it's. Gonna take a while to create the new 20 million jobs the other ones go away in some cases instantaneously. And those, 10 million are not machines, that you turned off they are human beings who are part of communities, and a part of families and there's, been an insensitivity. To it we treat economics, as a laboratory experiment, we're, dealing with people and and when that erodes, when you lose the fact that the economy is there to serve people not people to serve the economy it creates, a chain of societal, issues that, manifest, themselves culturally. And menís off manifests, himself politically, and it's not a u.s. phenomenon you're seeing it and developed. Economies, around the world and what will be interesting to watch is and. And you've written about this is the, impact those trends are gonna have on developing, countries whose, economic, growth has been driven by low. Wage, force. I read, this morning about China. Took a warehouse fully automated all people out of work imagine when that starts hitting Vietnam and other places and those, government's don't have the wherewithal to provide the transition, and the buffer yeah so if you could actually get a couple things done in the United States that you think would really address this either the governmental or national. Or at the local, and state level right it would be what we have to completely rethink about what higher education means, it's no longer about teaching eighteen year olds to go to college get four-year degrees and get a job somewhere it's, about capacitating. People with the skills they need for 21st century jobs which, may or may not be a traditional four-year degree and number. Two as, higher, education system capable, of retraining, people multiple times throughout, their lives so they can quickly adjust I think. That's the first thing that I think we need to absolutely do sooner rather, than later anyone. Doing this well right now yes, their pockets so there's a School District in Southwest.

Florida That. Over half their students graduate certified, ready to work in different industries but. We need to be ready because, we, have to be honest with them you're 19 years old you're 20 years old you're gonna go work somewhere that, job might disappear, in a decade you're have to come back and retrain in something else we just have to be prepared for that I think, the second thing that we have to do is we have to invest, in the institutions, like community, and family, that's why I'm such a strong supporter, of some, way to provide options for paid family leave because. I do think that that's not just that's an impediment to families, having, a child should not be an, economic. Crisis inducing, event but it is for millions of Americans. So. So those are the kinds of things that I but but I think the educational. Piece is the most important, and we, have to have economic policies, and trade, policies, and regulatory policies, that, make America the best place in world for these cutting-edge industries in, the history of mankind no nation has ableman able to go back to the past Marco, Rubio thank, you thank you very much Thanks. Finally. It's time for puppet regime where, North Korean, supreme leader Kim jong-un gets, schooled on the court by some authoritarian, bullies so Mr Kim what's. It like between you and the old axis. Of evil crowd these days. It's. Been different. Can. I get in. Sub. Kim. What. I don't. Know wanting to tell us what, yes, mister, I am best friends with Great Satan now, what. No. You don't understand, it you. Changed, man no, no. Don't, you see it's like, tell. Him how this movie will end two years can I give it two years and then one day America. Will just walk, out on you death. To America. Why. Can't you guys just be, happy, for me axis, of evil, isn't about being happy Kim, it's about being evil, you are either with us or against. Us, he's. Right man you, have to choose. I. Choose. That's. Our show for this week, next. Week come back we've got David Sanger he is the national security correspondent and a pupil surprise winner for the New York Times fantastic, conversation, with him if you like what you've seen check, us out in the meantime on g0, Mediacom.


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