This NEW US Aircraft Carrier Controlling The South China Sea

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the situation in the South China Sea is getting worse every day we're seeing the US gradually pulling most of its warships into the area and looking at this one question comes to mind who really controls the South China Sea while the United States is openly building up its power China is acting more cunningly the Chinese government realizes that the presence of the United States is dramatically changing the economic and strategic position of the country China makes billions of dollars in profit through seed trade and of course the government does not want to lose its money so it's trying its best to draw Global attention to this situation for example China accused the United States of trying to interfere in its conflict with the Philippines this attracted public attention and angry comments were sent to the United States but America is not backing down from its position in defense of the Philippines for this purpose one of the largest aircraft carriers in the world the USS Ronald Reay arrived in the South China Sea the USS Ronald Reagan is A5 billion nimit class aircraft carrier with more than 60 Fighters worth more than $30 million each and with 5,000 crew members so all of the latest improvements have been uh put on board the ship even one such Behemoth can become a real threat to the whole world because each fighter on board is capable of destroying an enemy stronghold with precise Hypersonic missiles and we've not even mentioned the bombers carrying nuclear weapons and cluster Munitions which can wipe out a large city there are several dozens such bombers on the aircraft carrier the warship is ready for battle 24/7 and China is aware of this and most importantly it's already making attempts to scare the United States with further sanctions and the deployment of its troops but the Pentagon does not care because it's confident in its weapons especially in fighter jets things that we can do the power projection that we can bring to any shore at any time uh helps I think in a whole keep the United States a lot safer you may be surprised to learn that the USS Ronald Reagan is equipped with F-15 Fighters a standard you might think that these aircraft are quite old but they have characteristics that even the latest F35 do not have the F-15 Eagle is one of the most successful and well-known fighters in the world this aircraft is famous for its outstanding maneuverability it's capable of Performing complex Maneuvers at a speed of 1925 mph just think of it the F-15 was very effective at sweeping them out of the sky and if they had any airplanes they weren't flying in addition to its speed this fighter has a range of 2,980 Mi while the range of the F-35 is 1365 Mi so that in some modifications the F-15 can be turned into a multi-roll bomber we were really building a fight Fighter for the 21st century that could take on uh all of the advanced threats when China sees an F-15 it'll be prepared for it to attack with cruise missiles but it will obviously not expect an aircraft that's more than 40 years old to suddenly fly twice the speed of sound over its base and dropped several cluster Munitions all in all the F-15 is one of the most versatile and successful fighter jets that's demonstrated its Effectiveness in many conflicts taking into account the number of such aircraft on board the carrier 60 of them One Flight of the entire Squadron will be enough to cover more than 75 square miles with fire we can take this carrier strike group anywhere in the world that we want to with only the permission of the president of the United States but this was not enough for NATO to protect the aircraft carrier from Chinese ships the United States and its allies have deployed their own warships which create an even greater Advantage for America in terms of its ability to control the South China Sea one of the main ships was the taon deroga class cruiser these ships are among the most powerful in the world and are widely used by the US Navy to intimidate its opponents the Cruiser has the means to search for and attack submarines including deep sea Torpedoes but the most interesting feature is the ability to attack ground targets with tomaha guided missiles what's the specialty of this missile its incredible range of 995 mil the missile is capable a of carrying any type of Warhead from a high explosive to a cluster munition so it's an extremely dangerous long range and versatile weapon but in reality it's a weapon of War designed to destroy an enemy's capacity to fight the taond Rogue is also equipped with the AIS system which is perhaps the best set of protection against enemy attacks this system combines a modern Target detection and acquisition system as well as sm2 and sm6 missile systems that can easily deal deal with enemy aircraft at a distance of 220 Mi along with the tyoga cruiser four more equally dangerous arlay Burk class destroyers and several similar ships from France and the United Kingdom arrived in the South China Sea the arlay Burke is the main class of Destroyers operated by the US Navy they're capable of striking the Chinese Army using Harpoon anti-ship missiles which can destroy enemy ships at a distance of 250 Mi the unique function of the Harpoon missile is it extremely high maneuverability and ability to fly at an altitude of about 16 ft above sea level such a missile is almost impossible to shoot down with other missiles and the enemy can only use machine guns to defend itself each Destroyer is also equipped with a 5-in mk45 artillery gun Torpedoes and unmanned aerial Vehicles the ships are equipped with modern electronics and communication systems that ensure constant connection and information integration with other ships that's why the USS Ronald Reagan is under the close protection of its allies together they can scout the territory using drones transmit data to each other and attack enemies from a great Distance by the way if each Destroyer fires all its missiles at the same time they'll be able to destroy 56 enemy ships of course China's afraid of losing its entire fleet and was ready to take the risk of sending submarines which are very difficult to detect but NATO was ahead of China because the newest us submarine was spotted in it Waters and this is not just another submarine armed with nuclear weapons but the most modern and technologically advanced development for which $2.5 billion were allocated she provided uh new capability she revolutionized anti-surface and anti-submarine warfare the engineers managed to design a real Behemoth that can end the conflict with China in just 30 seconds the USS Virginia has many technological advantages for for example a huge nuclear reactor that allows it to stay in the water for 25 years without a break nuclear supersonic missiles the most powerful Torpedoes capable of maneuvering and stealth coating which makes a huge submarine completely invisible to the enemy it's uh very capable it's very quiet so that's uh the most important thing I think in submarine warfare the Virginia represents an entirely new class of us submarine the most modern and versatile in the world it has amazing abilities equipped with the latest stealth Technologies Virginia is able to sail to the shore and secretly monitor the information of potential enemies while being fully prepared to strike back with indestructible force in fact the Virginia is one big weapons Depot the submarine can launch devastating attacks on warships using torpedo bays located in the front of the hole moreover it uses not conventional Torpedoes flying in a straight line but missiles that maneuver underwater we think you realize that it's impossible to shoot down such a weapon because China and indeed the rest of the world does not have highquality underwater air defense against ground targets the Virginia can launch nuclear capable cruise missiles at a distance of 930 Mi with the highest possible accuracy the submarine has a total of 20 launch silos and all missiles can be launched in just 120 seconds we think there's no need to say what would happen to if such a fleet of nuclear missiles were to hit it the sole purpose of a of a submarine being invented was to take the fight there L although the territorial dispute has been going on for several decades the situation in the South China Sea is escalated right now and it's the first time that the United States has taken the lead in controlling this area the United States is seeking to prevent Chinese invasion of Taiwan by all available means in recent years the Philippines has become an important component of us strategy given the level of conflict that already exists between the United States and communist China recent events could become a prerequisite for a World War one side is launching reconnaissance balloons into the United States which did not happen even in World War II while the other is increasing its presence around Taiwan these specifics of us presence in the Philippines are due to the geographical location of the islands with military bases in this country and Japanese okanawa Taiwan will be protected from all sides except the West and Northwest in addition the US presence in the east of the South China Sea significantly limits the military and transportation capabilities of China in the region in the case of war the next challenge to stability in the region will be the joint us Philippines exercises in 2024 the USS Carl venson also called America's favorite aircraft carrier is already on patrol in the South China Sea it can carry about 60 Fighters helicopters and radar reconnaissance aircraft let's take a close look at what the Americans are going to use to defend Taiwan and whatever they're planning to do there in the meantime please like this video And subscribe to our channel it's thanks to you that the YouTube algorithms offer our videos to new viewers and we're becoming more numerous here we go there are three types of Fighters at the USS Vincent f-35c F18 block 2 and block three the f-35c is not just any ordinary fifth generation Fighter for $110 million this is a special version for the US Navy designed specifically for taking off from an aircraft carrier it's optimized to withstand catapult launches and carrier Landings with larger wings and a stronger landing gear than the f-35b has it's the best flying aircrafts I've had the opportunity to fly the newer c-s series jet also has an extended range as its internal tanks can hold as much as 9 tons of jet fuel thanks to this the aircraft can fly 1380 Mi this is enough for a one-way flight from Manila to Shanghai however the fuel consumption is not insignificant about 171 gallons per hour of operation in normal mode during combat missions the consumption can reach a huge 9 tons per hour the F35 uses far too much gas it's lucky if it can hang around for an hour or an hour and a half at most the maneuverability is laughable we're not sure about the maneuverability but the compactness is visible visually the f-35c has a folding Wing which allows for the deployment of 60 aircraft on the aircraft carrier deck this aircraft is not lacking in weapons either it can carry about 10 tons of weapons which is too much to list in this video just believe that there's a lot of it to deploy the missiles the aircraft has 10 slots two of which are hidden for use in stealth mode which will allow the target to be hit unnoticed because of stealth it's designed really to carry the weapons internally the neighbor of the F35 on the deck of the giant USS Carl vinon is the well-known F-18 fighter The Hornet was the first all-weather fighter in attack aircraft designed for interception and close air support in the past you may have needed you know a whole strike from a carrier to be able to do that now you just do it with one airplane this unique aircraft was designed to meet the needs of the Navy you know versus an Air Force aircraft it's just look at how beefy the landing gear are on any Navy airplane the fa 18 EF Super Hornet block 2 is the full name of the aircraft which is quite easy to decipher F fighter a attack aircraft EF single dual seed version Super Hornet directly indicates a significant modernization of the previous version of The fa18 Hornet the Super Hornet is a capability to draw from more advanced technology and then also the stuff that was designed for the super or back fit block 2 means that the electronic system of the model was updated in the mid 2000s bringing the capability to detect targets at a distance of up to 93 miles since 2005 the US Navy has received a total of 608 such Fighters the block 2 version includes a radar with an active electronically scanned antenna array improved sensors and avionics increased range and the ability to use an arsenal of precision weapons the radar can track up the 24 Airborne targets and simultaneously control fire on eight of them the electronics can simultaneously operate in airto a and air to ground modes allowing a Twan team to combat ground and surface targets well of course the F18 has smart technology built into almost all of the weapon systems almost all of the hardpoint uh pylons and and launchers are are Smart Technologies a new Mission computer was also developed for the Super Hornet block 2 aircraft using the latest generation of Civilian processor the type 3 AMC computer was created at General Dynamics it has significantly increased the design capabilities of the systems of the aircraft the latest modernization of the aircraft block 3 extends its surface life and range it has an infrared search and track function to detect targets at a greater distance without using Active Radar as well as improved satellite Communications and a new fuselage coating to reduce radar visibility the aircraft were modernized to increase their service life from 6,000 to 10,000 hours in June 2020 Boeing provided the US Navy with two fa18 block 3 Super Hornet test aircraft and signed a contract to deliver 78 new fa8 block 3 aircraft by 2024 the fa18 is by far the most capable aircraft that these young Pilots have ever flown in but everyone's favorite Osprey which was actively used in this area May no longer be able to please us with its presence the US milit AR has decided to land its Fleet of v22 tilt rotor this decision was made a little more than a week after the cv22 crash near yakushima Island Japan on November 29th 2023 which killed eight soldiers in particular the US Air Force Special Operations Command said that according to preliminary information the accident could have been caused by equipment failure but the main cause of the failure is currently unknown the extent to which Ospreys have been recalled and whether they'll return to the USS Carl vinon is also unknown in addition it's worth noting the fact that American Aviation in the Philippines is deployed not only on water but also on land in April 2023 the first landing of a fifth generation F-22 fighter jet in the history of this country took place at the former Clark Air Force Base these are very good aircraft the engines of the F-22 generate more thrust than any modern fighter jet combination of sophisticated aerodynamic design and increased thrust allows the the F-22 to cruise at supersonic speeds of more than 1120 mph without the use of afterburner super Cruise significantly extends the operating range of the F-22 in both speed and range compared to current Fighters which must use fuel consuming afterburners to operate at supersonic speeds we were really building a fighter for the 21st century that could take on uh all of the advanced threats that but there are also disadvantages an hour of F-22 flight cost 7 $1,000 in this respect it's second only to the B2 Spirit you walk around the airplane everywhere you look uh what you see is uh something that's designed to do the job in the most efficient and effective way and no wasted space no wasted uh capability uh it's truly an airplane as of the beginning of 2024 it's not known whether these aircraft are still in the Philippines and whether any aircraft are stationed there on land in general one aircraft carrier group is certainly not enough to attack China or defend against China the main task of US troops in the region is to show their presence like look we're right here don't do anything stupid whether it'll work or not it's hard to say the most massive Maritime conflict in the last decade is happening right now the UK warships attack the Chinese Coast Guard in the South China Sea two Royal Navy warships patrolling the sea suddenly attack the Chinese Coast Guard threatening to sink any vessel that continues to threaten Philippine ships these actions were provoked by a recent incident involving Chinese aggression against the Philippines in support Britain sent two of its strongest ships including the new type 45 Destroyer HMS daring this ship built in 2009 was the first of a new type of destroyer and there are currently six such ships in service in the UK culminating point of all those lessons being learned if we'd had one type 45 in Admiral Woodward's task group The Situation would have been very very different it's even called The Predator among ships for a reason as it has sea vipers missiles that can destroy aircraft cruise missiles and drones at a distance of up to 74 Mi Pam's anti-aircraft missile systems also fit perfectly here providing the best cover from air attacks at the same time six silver BLS launchers for 48 missiles will also come to the defense and this powerful list is completed by the Harpoon missile which is capable of sinking ships by attacking the most vulnerable areas and what a wonderful thing for this country and for the Navy that we've got these Ships coming in it was the Harpoon missile that attacked the Chinese Coast Guard leading to a great deal of unrest we'll talk about this a little later but first let's move to another part of the sea where a Japanese Coast Guard helicopter attacked Chinese ships a uh60 Blackhawk pilot spotted 87 Chinese fishing vessels entering the territory of makako Island you might think what's wrong with that however this water area is located in the exclusive economic zone of Japan the Coast Guard sent a uh60 blackhaw helicopter to intercept the vessels and ordered them to leave the area when the boats ignored the warning the helicopter fired several warning shots in the air we can say that Chinese fishermen are lucky because the uh60 Blackhawk is a really powerful weapon manufactured by the US sakori aircraft company it'll give you every bit of the performance that it's supposed to and just a little bit more it's mainly designed to transport cargo and troops but it also carries a serious weapon the helicopter is famous for its survivability thanks to two General Electric engines with a capacity of 1620 horsepower each in the case of a fault and one engine the Blackhawk can continue to fly on the other the same engines are responsible for a high payload of up to 24,000 lb among all the cargo weapons stand out which can be adapted to the needs for example two six barrel 134 machine guns or larger Gatling guns can be installed in the cockpit AGM 114 Hellfire guided missiles against ground targets or f92 missiles against air targets are mounted on external suspensions there are two sets of controls and for all intens and purposes they're exact duplicates of each other the Blackhawk is really a great helicopter but China was trying to get another one cunningly not long ago the Chinese military offered a Taiwanese pilot $16 million to desert with a ch47 shinook heavy helicopter they plan to land a helicopter on board of the amphibious assault ship sailing through the Taiwan straight a typical cunning tactic for China which they've repeatedly practiced to get foreign weapon study it and create your own version this is what they did with the Ukrainian varag aircraft carrier which became the leoning in Chinese hands and now they wanted to do it with the ch47 shinuk the most dangerous maneuver that we do is doing sling load operations this legendary helicopter is a real Hollywood celebrity as you've definitely seen it in movies however it deserved its Fame for a reason during the Vietnam war the shinuk proved its worth in addition to its Transportation purpose it was used as an installer of smoke barriers an aerosol sprayer and a tow truck for damaged and abandoned aircraft four units of flying artillery were even tested on its basis but the idea was later rejected about two seats right here and there's enough room to lay patients on the floor the ch47 chinuk also set a record in the transportation of man power 147 people with their stuff if this number of armed soldiers landing on a mission may not surprise you how would you react to the fact that 17,500 US troops have arrived at Subic Bay Philippines in the South China Sea Airborne training from legendary mc-130j is currently underway there this is an American medium and long-range military transport aircraft which is the most common military transport aircraft in the world and it it really is a crew airplane and all the best sense of the word a new Allison t-56 turbo prop engine with a maximum output of up to 4100 horsepower and a speed of 430 mph was developed specifically for it in its latest modification the mc-130j received completely updated electronic equipment including a satellite navigation system the super Hercules has been used in all known military conflict since its release in 1956 and has proven to be an incredibly reliable Transport Aircraft it's mainly used to transport military troops ammunition medicines and even tanks like the Abrams it's amazing for such a huge airplane uh it really does anything you want by the way in addition to the US Philippine paratroopers conducting joint exercises the Hercules also delivered equipment including the Avenger air defense system along with the fim 92 Stinger surface to air missile The Avengers is a lightweight self-propelled anti-aircraft system with missile and machine gun weapons and intended for use against air targets it must fight enemy tactical and military aircraft if I saw the m3p 50 caliber machine gun and the Avenger weapon system on the battlefield the Avenger is equipped with a freely rotating operator cab and a fire control module the module is equipped with two launchers that can accommodate eight fim 92 missiles this is a single stage solid fuel missile with an infrared homing head that works on a fire and forget basis despite its compact size the fim 92 is very agile its flight speed reaches 2460 ft per second and its range is 2 mi the Avenger system first came to notori it was used to protect the Pentagon it performs well against low flying targets such as helicopters and cargo airplanes the system can also be an excellent Defender against slow kamakazi drones which are increasingly used in Warfare this equipment came specifically for the first Battalion of the 174th artillery Regiment of the US Army which also arrived in the Philippines to help the military undergo the bacatan training these exercises are aimed at strengthening bilateral trust the ability to act together and reinforce the cooperation built over Decades of joint experience even the name of the exercise balikatan has a special meaning as it means side by side in Filipino which once again emphasizes the Deep rooted partnership between the two countries this significant event marks the beginning of joint training between the US and Philippine military one of the planed trainings includes an mc-130j Airborne assault however don't you think it's strange that such a massive exercise is taking place at a time when tensions between the US Britain and China are on the brink hundreds of Australian ground troops who also arrived in the Philippines for a major joint military exercise joined the group so we know what our actual we system is capable of we have hands on we're ready to do that whenever we need to well these exercises really take place as planned or is this a global plan of the US Britain Philippines tandem to launch a military operation there's a reason why the US military took their equipment however it's very difficult to comment on the situation at the moment and as soon as we have accurate information we'll share it with you subscribe to the channel so you don't miss a new video and also put precious likes on this video you motivate us to search for truthful information and create videos for you thank you for watching and see you soon


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