UFOs and the Occult

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on a Hot August Night in 1952 George hunt Williamson and his wife Betty cleared away the dinner they'd enjoyed with another couple at their home in Winslow Arizona next Williamson produced a homemade Ouija board with a shot glass serving as the board's pointer the 26 year old Williamson and his friend Alfred Bailey moved the glass around the board while Betty Williamson took notes and Bailey's wife also named Betty looked on mystified the men weren't trying to contact anyone's dear departed Aunt Tilly no they were trying to contact extraterrestrials whom they called the space intelligences a mutual fascination with flying saucers had sparked their correspondence two months earlier that Curiosity persuaded bayley to make the two-hour drive from Winslow to Prescott his in Williamson's hope of making contact that night wasn't disappointed the Ouija board conjured up space intelligences with exotic names such as Zoe of Neptune Zago of Mars and na nine the contact sessions continued over the next few months first switching to Morse code Transmissions via shortwave radio and then to Williamson acting as a Channel or medium in other words instead of using modern technology Williamson ultimately opted for a method employed by countless shamans Sorcerers Mystics and profits before him he listened to the voices in his head Williamson displayed a remarkable talent for channeling many different aliens from many different planets in many different voices he and Bailey would co-author a book about their experience the saucer speak which remains a classic of UFO lore so what did the voices say we'll come back to that in this episode we're going to plunge into the wild weird and very woolly realm of unidentified flying objects Alfred Bailey quickly faded from the scene but George hunt Williamson went on to become a major figure in the so-called contactee movement I.E those who believe they'd made personal contact be it physical or psychic with extraterrestrial beings indeed Williamson became one of the four Georges of the golden age of flying saucers along with George damsky George King and George Van Tassel what these men had in common besides UFOs was their immersion in occult beliefs and practices in popular imagination UFOs are usually connected with space aliens advanced technology and science not trans mediums magic and just maybe demons but they are it's a good place to recall scientist and author Arthur C Clarke's Third Law any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from Magic the modern UFO age arguably began in June 1947 when pilot Kenneth Arnold spotted nine gleaming bouncing unidentified craft near Washington's Mount Rainier Arnold was pretty much a nuts and bolts guy but even he came to believe that there was something well Supernatural about the saucers the subject of UFOs remains wide open for debate today but there's no doubting the reality of the UFO phenomenon even the U.S military admits that after eliminating all of the misidentification swamp gas and flat out hoaxes there remains a disturbing number of UFO sightings that defy explanation to Seekers like George hunt Williamson UFOs became part of that vast hidden reality that only occultism can access and reveal I'd agree the UFO phenomenon and the Occult have much in common two sides of the same saucer if you will so we'll focus attention on the Golden Age of flying saucers the decade or so after Arnold's initial sighting a period when a cult ufoed him sprang forth in all its Glory George hunt Williamson had a vivid Fantasy Life that's another way of saying that he was a habitual liar still Williamson was able to manifest some of those fantasies into a semblance of reality for example he repeatedly claimed to hold an academic doctorate in fact he never even completed a bachelor's degree but through what occultist Aleister Crowley might call an active will plus some decent acting he was able to convince most people that he did Williamson was drawn to the occult early on he recalled psychic experiences as a boy and an out of body episode in college he also dabbled in spiritualism when he first encountered Ouija boards and channeling Williamson also found inspiration in the book owaspe a new Bible this is an 1880s work channeled by a spiritualist dentist named John nubrow who put a new Twist on automatic writing by using a typewriter through these Revelations new Bro learned that Angelic ambassadors piloting Starships came to Earth eighty thousand years ago to initiate the physical and spiritual evolution of humans another influence on Williamson was the I am movement founded by the Californian guy Ballard it was basically a 20th century American rehash of Helena blavasky's theosophical Society in the 1930s it garnered more than a million followers Ballard claimed to have been whisked away on a flaming Circle to meet ascended masters from Venus in the Grand Teton Mountains these same venusians allegedly channeled Timeless wisdom to Ballard to share with his followers just like the space intelligences would later do for Williamson and George hunt Williamson's psychic Adventures lead straight to our next George Georgia damski arguably the most famous of the early contactees the polish-born adamsky's career included stints as a Cavalry trooper and house painter but mostly he met his living as a purveyor of mysticism in the 1930s he founded the Royal order of Tibet in where else Southern California it promised to dispense the teachings of universal magic as channeled by adamsky from superhuman llamas somewhere in the Himalayas so yes it too we see it another rip-off of theosophy when the whale of Tibetan wisdom ran dry adamsky turned to the new craze of flying saucers on November 20th 1952 Williamson Bailey and their wives joined the damski on a saucer Hunting Expedition in California's Mojave Desert this allegedly led to adamsky's famous face-to-face encounter with a blonde androgynous platitude-spouting venusian named orthon and what did orthon Zoe Zago and the rest of the space intelligences have to say well they didn't offer any practical pointers for space travel or cure for cancer instead they lectured about Humanity's desperate need for Spiritual Enlightenment and the cataclysmic Perils of nuclear energy the rest of the Galaxy it seems was very very worried about us others were getting the same message or in on the same Act in May 1954 London cabbie George King said he was driving along when a voice popped into his head proclaiming prepare yourself you are to become the voice of the interplanetary parliament King duly formed the aetherius society which is still around members conduct rituals to soar psychic prayer energy or magical intention in radionic batteries during the mid-1950s California Psychics Ernest and Ruth Norman also began channeling interplanetary light beings and soon expanded into a full-fledged saucer cult called The unarius Academy of Science they emphasized reincarnation and elaborate costumed Karma cleansing rituals which they dubbed psychodramas while the space Brothers generally presented a benevolent if condescending facade there was often the direct or implied threat that if humans couldn't get their act together outside intervention would be necessary now if you think that sounds straight out of the 1951 film The Day the Earth Stood Still you're right the question is did the movie influence the saucer Cults or did they influence it from an occult standpoint maybe the most significant thing is that like the angels of old the saucer men carefully selected those to whom they imparted Celestial wisdom oddly these were almost never scientists mainstream religious leaders or politicians maybe the aliens knew better than to trust anyone who'd already screwed up so badly in occultism one must be worthy of Enlightenment that leads us to another George George Van Tassel who quit his job as an inspector with Lockheed aircraft in the Fateful year of 1947 and moved his family to an isolated spot in the Mojave Desert about 50 miles north of Palm Springs called giant rock the spot boasted a massive Granite Boulder seven stories tall plus a small Airfield and Cafe that phantasel ran as a dude ranch for weekend Pilots George Van Tassel seemed a pretty regular guy until 1952 when he too started getting telepathic messages from space beings the most notable was ashtar later a favorite of other occultist contactees some have noted that ashtar sounds a lot like ashtaroth or osteroth a powerful demon or Fallen Angel mentioned in old grimoires astoroth was said to project a fair appearance and to be knowledgeable of every science regardless of who or what Van Tassel was communicating with he held his channeling sessions in a kind of Crypt carved out beneath the giant rock a typical session would begin with Van Tassel tuning in to his alien guides and blurting out something like I am Knute I bring you love he produced a book about his experiences titled I wrote a flying saucer but his biggest contribution to the emerging field of ufology was organizing the first interplanetary spacecraft convention in 1953 it became an annual event a kind of Burning Man for saucer heads drawing thousands for nearly a quarter century adamsky and Williamson were regular attendees Van Tassel also founded the College of universal wisdom to promote the benign philosophy of the space people under their alleged guidance he began to build a large Observatory looking structure dubbed the Integratron by focusing intentions and Cosmic energies and using harmonic resonance the Integratron was supposed to manifest all manner of Miracles most importantly it would extend human life so that we could attain Enlightenment without all those pesky reincarnations the Integratron remained unfinished when Van Tassel passed on in 1978 but it still stands as this giant rock some argue that the whole UFO phenomenon has its origins in an occult working conducted in the Mojave in early 1946. at the center of it was one of English magician Aleister Crowley's followers rocket scientist John Whiteside Parsons along with being a pioneer of caltech's jet propulsion laboratory and the U.S Space Program Jack Parsons was an avid occultist he liked to invoke pan at Rocket tests and even proclaimed himself the Antichrist but he became most obsessed with the idea of incarnating the Goddess Babylon the Scarlet woman of Revelation his aim to acquire a magical soulmate to accomplish this Parsons recruited another aspiring occultist ex-navy officer and future founder of Scientology L Ron Hubbard soon after Parsons met the love of his life a fiery redhead named Marjorie Cameron but the theory goes He unwittingly managed more than that Parsons opened a door and something flew in the something being flying saucers and the Demonic entities controlling them this notion became the fixation of another shadowy group popping up in 1952 the so-called Collins Elite ostensibly formed by U.S military and intelligence officials the Collins Elite concluded that the intelligences behind UFOs were nothing less than demonic entities From Another Dimension bent on consuming human Souls Jack Parsons died in a mysterious explosion in June 1952.

soon after much of the country including Washington DC was swarmed with UFO sightings his mate Marjorie Cameron interpreted this as Cosmic acknowledgment of Parsons death Marjorie Cameron went on to experience strange encounters with UFOs for the rest of her life even becoming Pals with George Van Tassel it was also around the time of Parsons fiery death that Williamson adamsky Van Tassel and others started channeling their Spacemen did Parsons open some sort of portal or was there something else in the air or the water and what about Aleister Crowley did he have any E.T connections well maybe Crowley's death in 1947 and the appearance of UFOs that same year seems more than coincidental according to Modern occultist Alan Greenfield some also smell a UFO Connection in Crowley's reported encounters with non-human entities such as I was and lamb iwas was the being who dictated the so-called book of the law to Crowley in 1904. lamb was another entity who Crowley magically summoned in 1918 and 1919. Crowley's portrait of lamb shows a bulbous head with small features in which many see the familiar face of a modern gray alien though to be honest I don't UFOs and strange beings connected to them didn't just suddenly appear in 1947.

UFO researcher Jacques valet makes an excellent case that modern alien encounters including alleged abductions strongly resemble old Tales of fairies gin and demons it raises the unsettling possibility that we might be dealing with beings capable of assuming many different faces in pursuit of some hidden that is a cult agenda with that in mind let's look at a pre-1947 UFO Incident That's a sort of Steampunk meets X-Files it took place in Utah during World War One in the spring of 1917 Salt Lake City Newspapers ran reports of mystery lights and strange airships Witnesses were mostly respectable folk including a County Sheriff some local men popped up to claim that they were the builders and operators of The Craft the United States had just entered the first world war so there was concern that these nocturnal Antics could be part of some dastardly German plot Leon bone the Federal Bureau of Investigations local agent decided to get to the bottom of things he looked up the men and found them more than willing to talk their leader was a local Freemason named John Van valkenberg and he proceeded to spin agent bone an incredible Tale it began out in the Nevada desert where Van valkenberg claimed that he had encountered a being variously called the Adept The Fountainhead the superpower the old man or the above one according to Van valkenburg the Adept lived in a giant airship in stationary orbit high above the Earth the being gave him a small spinning disc device no bigger than a human fist which van valkenberg and his Pals used to power the craft that they used to reach the mothership and zip around at night then valkenberg fantastically claimed that the craft could travel at a thousand miles an hour to any altitude was immune to weather and more amazingly yet consumed no fuel the disc thingy simply negated gravity van valkenberg mentioned Visiting San Francisco Washington DC and also a marvelous land inhabited by a peaceful technologically advanced race which sounds a lot like later contact D descriptions of another planet on a more occult note van valkenberg claimed that the Adept communicated with him telepathically and could assume the forms of friends and family alive or dead the Adept also had an agenda just like the future space Brothers he had come to cure Humanity of its evil ways and Usher in Universal Brotherhood van valkenberg was chosen to recruit others to get the ball rolling but it wasn't all love peace and happiness those lights weren't just for illumination according to Van valkenberg they could transform into a death ray capable of melting mountains and destroying whole armies such technology the Adept warned had to be kept out of the hands of the Unworthy especially war-like governments agent bone found Van valkenberg's Story utterly unbelievable but he was also intrigued like many later contactees van valkenberg seemed unshakable in his conviction no matter how goofy his story sounded bone decided to join the cult in Hope of finding out what was really going on he was subjected to a masonic style initiation and spiritual tests supposedly demanded by the addict Boone discovered that the whole business was somehow mixed up with the esoteric fringes of Mormonism among other things the Adept promised to reveal the location of Mormon prophet Joseph Smith's missing remains the story also resonated with semi-apocryphal Mormon beliefs in God's many worlds and the Heavenly father's supposed home on a star or planet named kolobe unfortunately bone never solved the mystery concerns arose that he'd become too close to the cult and lost objectivity in early 1918 another FBI investigator Robert Whitson took over the case and prosecuted van valkenberg and his comrades as suspected spies when that didn't pan out Whitson had van valkenberg and his key Lieutenant declared selectively insane and packed off to the state Asylum they didn't stay long but whether they got up by recanting their improbable story or just agreeing to shut up about it is another unknown what makes the story important I think is that aside from the differences in terminology it sounds almost exactly like something that might have come out of the mouth of a contactee 40 years later it also argues that the experiences of adamsky Van Tassel and others can't be wholly dismissed as confabulations based on science fiction movies and Cold War paranoia maybe the spookiest element of the emerging UFO Mythos with a Sinister Men In Black or mibs a very sanitized version of mibs would later star in a string of popular films but the real thing got its start with a strange case of Albert Bender of Connecticut Bender made a big splash on the UFO scene in 1952 when he founded the international Flying Saucer Bureau a research group that boasted 1500 members following year he sensationally announced that he'd solved the mystery of the saucers and would soon reveal all instead the 32 year old UFO researcher would even more sensationally claim that his Revelation had been quashed by the order of a higher source he shut down his research operation and stepped away from flying saucers Bender explained that he'd been approached by three men in black suits who told him while he was right about the nature of UFOs he couldn't say anything or else some suspected he conjured up the tail to extricate himself from the UFO swamp but there was more to Albert Bender in addition to UFOs he was fascinated by you guessed it the occult he kept a room of creepy pictures and artifacts he dubbed his chamber of Horrors the occultist Alan Greenfield says it included an altar to practice ritual Magic Bender's MIB story took off when an enterprising if somewhat unscrupulous publisher named gray Barker got a hold of the story and spun it into a best-selling book they knew too much about flying saucers from that point on Men In Black are something like them became fixtures of UFO lore Georgia damski called them the silencers to George Williamson they were The Intruders or negative space intelligences the worst of them he claimed came from the dying worlds in the Orion star system enlisted after Earth's natural resources and maybe our delicious Souls besides ill-fitting FBI style black suits mibs commonly exhibited other characteristics that made them especially disquieting they usually strike witnesses as oddly foreign looking or even not quite human one sub-variety dubbed cadavers resembles gaunt reanimated corpses others seem robotic here again we get a hint of shape-shifting in occult lore the black man was a well-established figure almost always an avatar of the devil or one of his demonic lieutenants circling back to George hunt Williamson his view the space intelligences took on more metaphysical and more menacing elements over time in 1954 he connected with a Midwestern saucer group called The Seekers it was led by a 50-ish woman named Dorothy Martin with a background in theosophy and the I am movement she channeled space beings called the Guardians these Guardians warned that natural catastrophes would obliterate Chicago and other cities but her Seekers would be saved by being taken aboard flying saucers that has a certain familiar ring to it doesn't it the date of Doom was December 21st which came and went without anything calamitous happening The Seekers were thrown into utter confusion Williamson later reorganized their remnants into a new mystical order the Brotherhood of the seven rays based on additional channeled messages from ascended masters slash space beings Williamson eventually LED them off to the highlands of Peru where he hoped to make contact with the Masters and the saucer jockeys who were all part of some great Cosmic mystery that didn't happen either a very curious incident occurred along the way however in 1956 two of Williamson's followers bumped into another American Dr Andrea puharic in Mexico accidentally or not puharic was an army-trained brain specialist who took a deep interest in ESP in telepathy he was probably linked to the CIA but that's another story in 1952 there's that year again puharic conducted channeling experiments using an Indian psychic known as Dr vinod v-node made contact with entities who called themselves the nine and ultimately claimed to be extraterrestrials the nine coughed up cryptic bits of information including the first half of a complicated mathematical formula puharic was astounded to discover that Williamson had channeled the second half of the formula concluded he and Williamson were in contact with the same thing whatever it was to baharaj it confirmed that something very very weird was going on and one way or another there probably was maybe no one better epitomizes the connection between occultism and UFOs than a man I've mentioned earlier Alan H Greenfield an occultist for more than 60 years an expert in gnosticism neopythagoreanism and ritual Magic a member of The kabbalistic Alchemist Church a former member of the Ordo template orientis and a member of the society for psychical research Greenfield's also a veteran member of the national investigations committee on aerial phenomenon or nycap in the early 1990s he wrote a book titled the secret Cipher of the UFO knots which leads us back to Aleister Crowley the book's basic premise is that UFOs are manifestations of powerful non-human entities dubbed UFO knots who can appear as gods angels Devils or Secret Chiefs whether these beings are extraterrestrials or some alternate Dimension is unclear and really doesn't matter the euphonates are here and they always have been over the Millennia according to Greenfield these euphenots maintain contact with a group of Select humans who collectively constitute an informal Illuminati the illuminated humans communicate with the euphenots and among themselves through Alchemy secret societies and most importantly a cipher Aleister Crowley The Story Goes received the cipher in 1904 when the eufo not I was embedded it in the book of the law Crowley however didn't recognize it at the time the cipher was only fully worked out in the 1970s and 80s with the aid of computers much like the Kabbalah the cipher assigned numerical values to letters and the words they formed grossly oversimplified it means that different words with the same value have a cult connection or correspondence for instance the name of George adamsky's desert venusian orthon decodes a 68 which is exactly the same as Jesus but does that mean orthon is Jesus or that he's just like Jesus or even somehow the opposite of Jesus well that's where interpretation and intuition come in but for those who use the secret Cipher to unlock unseen connections things such as Origins and logic don't really matter all that matters is that it works and many swear it does the examples of UFOs in the occult I have offered here are by no means exhaustive but hopefully they've been enough to show that the two are inextricably bound up with one another and that they always have been magic seems to appear in the most unlikely places no figure of Russia's revolutionary era has received more mythologizing than grigore yaffimovic Rasputin The Mad Monk Rasputin's enemies saw him as nothing less than an instrument of evil working to destroy the tsar and Russia to hear them tell it they didn't kill a man but a devil but Rasputin's story is clouded with lies suspicion jealousy and hearsay next time we'll examine the influence of the occult in Revolutionary Russia


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