Therapists React to PUSS IN BOOTS: THE LAST WISH with guest Emma McAdam

Therapists React to PUSS IN BOOTS: THE LAST WISH with guest Emma McAdam

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Jono: This week's episode is brought to you by... Me. Or rather, my online trauma clinic that I run with Alicia, Mended Light. Go to

to schedule an 80 minute consultation with one of our trauma specialists today. Death: What's the matter? Lives flashing before your eyes? Puss: No. Jono: We need to have a healthy fear of death. And we need to have a healthy fear of our own mortality. Because I think that's what keeps us focused on, Okay, what do I want to do with the time I have? Emma: Either run and run and run, or you can sit there and, like... ...look it in the face.

Jono: Yeah. Emma: How do you cope with fear? Try not to be afraid. Puss: Fear me if you dare. Jono: Making peace with your mortality and saying, Okay, instead of being scared of that, how should I just be living my life so that when death comes for me, I'm like, I'm good, because I like the life that I lived, and I liked who I was, and I liked what I did. Feelings just are. They just exist.

We choose what to do with them, but their very presence is not shameful or bad. They just are. And they're part of the human experience. And there is no good column or bad column.

There's just, okay, this is what I'm feeling now. What do I do with it? And as long as we stigmatize certain emotions, we don't allow ourselves to feel them. And we emotionally stunt ourselves and limit ourselves.

[creepy whistling] [opening theme] Alan: Hello and welcome to Cinema Therapy. My name is Alan Seawright. I'm a professional filmmaker who needs therapy Over there... Jono: Jonathan Decker, licensed therapist who loves movies. Alan: Today we're joined by...

Emma: Emma McAdam from Therapy In a Nutshell. Alan: Another therapist! And that's good because therapistssss... Sssssssssss...

...nake Alan: ...plural, are going to react today to Puss in Boots Jono: At Therapy In a Nutshell, if you haven't watched it, Emma does what we do without all the bull crap. Alan: Yes. Jono: If you want the straight psychology delivered with a lot of personality and empathy and is really easy to digest, highly recommend her channel.

Alan: I've learned things from her that Jono just won't teach me because he's too busy making bad dad jokes. That is the gist of it. Jono: What are we going to be talking about in Puss in Boots today? What are you thinking? Alan: How much I hope that this isn't the last Last Wish. Never have I seen a movie and been like, Yeah, I want a sequel to that, more than this. As far as therapeutic concepts, um...

I mean, probably anxiety, fear of mortality? Is that a thing? Emma: Yeah, for sure. Fear of death and some panic attacks. Some emotional suppression. Jono: All right, bring it on. Alan: There's a lot to talk about. Puss: [sighs] Puss: We are gathered here today to say goodbye... Puss in Boots. There are no words to express such a loss.

Thank you. Alan: Hold it just too long... And there he goes. Puss: ...not too try. Who was known across the land by many names, Stabby Tabby, El Macho Gato, The Leche Whisperer.

Alan: Is it a useful therapeutic principle to, like, eulogize the passing of yourself into a different... Jono: Like, who you used to be? Alan: Yeah. Or is this just silly? Emma: Like acceptance commitment therapy, all the time they ask people to be, like, What would you want your life to be about if you were looking back on it? Jono: And here he is again. Comes up from the bottom. Alan: Comes up from the bottom! Jono: Oh, okay. Sorry. What were you saying? Alan: Sorry... Emma: That's all right. The cat's more interesting.

Jono: Listen, to be fair, he's more interesting than all of us. Alan: Yes, this is true. Puss: [wails] Jono: But look at all the flowers. Like, this didn't need to be such a beautiful film. Jono: Oh, that was a poorly... Emma: Was his mascara running...? Alan: Yes. His mascara... his guyliner.

Jono: Okay, so wait, what were you saying then? Emma: Oh, like acceptance commitment therapy will ask people a lot of times, like, Okay, if you were to look at your life... And to help them clarify their values, they'll be like, Okay, write your eulogy. What would you want people to say about you and your life after you've died? Jono: And we were talking about one of our... In one of our earlier episodes that we were filming. Tying your worth to accomplishment, instead of tying your worth to growth.

Emma: Well, his worth isn't just about, like, what he's done, but also this idea of, like, my identity is fearless, and it's not just, like, something he can do, but it's, like, the lack of an emotion is part of my identity. Jono: Right... Emma: Like, I can't feel fear. Jono: I just wanted to look at Alan there.

Alan: Guys. Wicked smart! Emma: So that's what he's burying, right? Jono: Yeah. Emma: His Fearless Self is gone, because now he felt something. Jono: But it's... But it's replaced by nothing. Which is why he has no clothes anymore. Jono: No, he didn't... He didn't pick a new wardrobe. Jono: He's just like, I'm just like any other cat at this point. Emma: Yeah.

Jono: Just naked and flaunting my behind to the world. Jono: I do think in order to grow and to level up, sometimes we need to let our past self die. Emma: Yeah. Jono: Which for a lot of us, we're happy to do because we didn't like our past self Jono: and that's the reason we're growing. Alan: Right. Jono: But for Puss, he loved his past self. But that was the problem. Alan: Right.

Jono: And he's not going to level up until he lets go of that. Alan: The easiest thing to call it... There's two things. The art style is absolutely fantastic throughout this movie. They're using all of the realistic technologies that they've developed over time Alan: to make things look hyper real, and they're using it to make things look painterly. Jono: Yeah. Emma: I noticed that.

Alan: It's super, super cool. Really impressed with the artist, and the direction in that scene is flawless. The directors of this movie, like, Yeah, have him exit frame and then hold.

And then hold a little bit more. And then hold. And now he's back. Jono: Yeah. Alan: Like, it's just long enough to get two jokes out of one empty frame.

Jono: Yeah. Alan: And it's brilliant. Jono: Fear me if you dare. Or don't. I'm actually rather gentle. Still, for many of you, the world no longer feels safe because of loss, abuse, betrayal, or tragedy. Like Puss, maybe you used to feel confident, but now you live with anxiety, fear, panic and anguish.

Maybe you don't know who or how to trust. And it's rough to form lasting, healthy relationships. Perhaps you struggle to function and thrive at work, at school and social situations, and it's hard to believe that things are ever going to get better. You may even feel like you're worthless and whatever light you had inside is burning out. If any of what I've just mentioned describes you, we've got a proven system that has helped thousands of people to heal and thrive again.

And I believe it can help you. Our innate healing program offers trauma recovery tools and support through a combination of online video courses and one on one work with a trauma specialist on our team. Our trauma specialists all have advanced degrees in clinical fields like psychology, family therapy, and trauma recovery.

I've hand-picked and personally trained all of them in our trauma recovery program. They are experienced and skilled, and will guide you personally from fear to courage, from anxiety to power, and from darkness to inner light. They will also guide you through our Relationship Foundations program, a series of online courses in which I teach you all the conflict resolution, communication, and connection skills that I've taught thousands of people in therapy.

We also have an online membership site with new courses, live Q&A, and virtual book club discussions with Alicia and I for your additional or self-guided support. It's time to step out of the darkness and into the light. It's time to replace fear with peace. It's time to get the help that you need.

Go to and schedule an 80 minute first session appointment with a member of our team today. Kitty: Why are you so ridiculous, dog? What's your story? Perrito: My story? Jono: Oh, gosh... Perrito: It's actually a very funny story. Back when I was a pup, me and my litter mates lived with a family. A family full of pranksters.

We like to play hide and seek and I was always it. Pick on a little guy, am I right? They tried putting me in a packing crate, a dumpster. No matter how hard they try, I always find them. So one day they get creative and they put me in a sock with a rock in it. And then throw me in a river! I nod a hole in the sock and I swam to the surface.

Never found them, or my litter mates, so I guess I'm still it. Kitty: Wow... That is the saddest funny story I've ever heard. Perrito: Joke's on them. That sock they put me in... I grew into it. So I got a great story and a free sweater out of it. Win, win.

Kitty: Dude, you didn't win. You, of all people, should have a wish. Perrito: I already have a comfy sweater and two best friends. I got everything I could wish for. No magic required. Emma: Awww... [sniff] Kitty: Oh, lovely.

Jono: When they say happiness in life is not what happens to you, it's how you respond to everything that happens to you. Now, Perrito is... It's comical. He's so... He doesn't even realize they tried to drown him. Alan: Yeah. Emma: Right.

Jono: Right? Or maybe he does. And this is how he copes. I don't know. There's a darker headcanon there. Emma: Yeah. Repression. Alan: Yeah. Perrito: Well, joke's on them.

Jono: But just the idea of, like, I've got a sweater, I've got two best friends, I've got everything I need. No magic required, you know? And I think that's a beautiful thing where we can be happy without being satisfied. We can still chase dreams and goals and ambitions, but we can also look at what we have and say, even if this is all there is, I can be happy with this.

Emma: Well, I think a lot of us, like, anxious, busy, you know, swipey, stabby people are like, I wish I could be like Perrito. But at the same time, it's like, I don't know if I can get there until maybe those, like, roses have, like, crushed me long enough that I, like, realize, like, it's not working. I don't know. Jono: Our society, like, reinforces and celebrates the swipey, stabby, the charging in, and the aggression, and the accomplishment. Alan: Hustle culture. Jono: Yeah, yeah. All of that.

Alan: Get it done and make a ton of money, and... Yeah. Jono: And I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that. I'm saying we need balance. Like, I think Perrito might need some balance of... He needs a reality check. Alan: Sure. Jono: But then again, does he? Because he seems okay. Emma: Yeah. Like his life map is, like, this is working for him. Jono: I mean, he's not dealing... he's not living in truth.

But at the same time, that's really working for him. Emma: It kind of is. It kind of is. And I think when people are really anxious, they feel like they've got to do a million things to, like, fix it and solve it, but it doesn't actually work for them. Where Perrito, he's like, Yeah, I'm just happy sniffing the roses and it works out. I don't know. Jono: You know, what I see in this is... What works in one scenario doesn't work in another. The aggressiveness definitely works for Puss when he's facing off with Muerte at the end.

Jono: He needs that aggression. Emma: Yeah. Jono: Like, what works on Muerte isn't the approach for the Roses. And I think that's the lesson for Puss is not to abandon all of what has made you successful, but you can't just copy and paste and do the same thing over and over. Emma: Yeah, it's like emotional flexibility, right? A big sign of mental health is, like, the ability to both be like courageous and intense and get a bunch of stuff done, and also have the flexibility to be able to tone it down, like, chill, relax. Really heathy people can do both or have multiple skills, or more flexible mentally and emotionally instead of just having one skill.

And I'm never going to fear. I'm never going to have feelings. I'm never going to, like, feel sad. And if I do, I'll run away from it. Jono: Yeah. And that's I think...

I love that you say emotionally healthy people are able to, like, find that balance because most of us stay in the lane we're comfortable in. Got him, Mr. Horner! Horner: My bad! Puss: Oh, no...

Jono: People die in this movie. Alan: So many people. Emma: Mostly just all of, like, Jack Horner's friends. Jono: Yeah. [static cracking] [whistling] Jono: Oof...

Emma: How about that foul scent, huh? That intuition. [fast heart beating] Jono: Oh, my gosh. Alan: Again, the direction in this film. The way they establish, like this is the... Legitimately the most scared I've ever been of an animated character. Perrito: Puss, wait! Emma: An animation is so beautiful, like, the soft, almost impressionistic, like I just love it.

It's just beautiful. Alan: Really, really well done. Puss: [pants in panic] Perrito: Puss? Puss? [gasps] Puss! [panicked heart beating] Emma: How about that panic attack, huh? Perrito: Puss! What's wrong? [heart beating fast] [panicked breathing] Jono: And Perrito does what he... was meant to be a therapy dog. Emma: Oh, such a good therapy dog.

[heart and breath calms down] [best Perrito] Puss: [sigh] Puss: [exhales in relief] Puss: [deeply sighs] Thank you, Perrito. Perrito: What's going on with you, Puss? Puss: I... I am down to my last life. And I...

I am afraid. Perrito: Well... It's okay to be afraid. Puss: No, not for Puss in Boots. I'm supposed to be a fearless hero. A legend.

But without lives to spare... I am nothing. Emma: So panic attacks can pop up for a couple of different reasons.

Sometimes they do seem to come out of the blue. And then the other type is when you have an actual fear that you're very aware of. Like, usually, like, someone's afraid of spiders or dogs, and then they have a panic attack. But the ones that come out of the blue are interesting, because sometimes people are just literally afraid of the physical sensations they're having. And you'll see that a lot with people who are rigid emotionally...

Like, I'm not allowed to feel stressed, I'm not allowed to feel anxious. They'll feel their hearts start beating, they'll feel themselves like breathing faster, and they'll be like, I have to make myself calm down. I'm not allowed to feel this. And then they start this spiral, with their emotions and their sensations, and their thoughts trying to suppress that. And so that's not uncommon with someone who's kind of rigid in their thinking, like Puss, is like, I can't feel fear. I have to escape this. I have to make these feelings go away. It's not acceptable for me to feel this. I might die if my heart's beating fast. And then that'll trigger that panic attack.

Jono: Yeah. Perrito does what he's meant to do. And I think... For a lot of people, like, okay, we tell them to breathe slow and deep, and they're like, I'M TRYING! Alan: Yeah. Jono: Because when... Like, that's the thing, I can't. Alan: Right. Emma: And, and the more you force it, the worse it gets sometimes. Jono: Yes. Emma: Likem, forcing it leads to panic disorder, Like, a one-off panic attack that can come out of the blue or be whatever.

But panic disorder is usually caused by people trying to force themselves to not have a panic attack. Jono: Ironically, these stuffed animals with giant eyes, that look just like Perrito, are perfect for real life, even for adults, real life panic attacks, just to caress something softer, to hold it close, or try a weighted blanket, Jono: which seems counter-intuitive because it feels like, well, wouldn't I feel... Alan: It would be pressing in on you, right? Jono: But you feel... you feel held, you feel close. Or if there's someone in your life who can hold you, right? Or if... barring all of that, ocean noises or soft relaxing music, things that you can direct your mind to that instead of whatever you're freaked out about, and that'll help you come out of it. Alan: So one of the things that I loved about that scene...

You know, obviously there's some artistic license there, but like... Muting everything and making it washed out and muddy sounding, Alan: except for the heartbeat and the panicked breathing. Perrito: [distantly] What's wrong? Alan: Is that what you experience in a panic attack? Or is that just artistic license and just... You nailed it! Emma: To calm down from panic attacks, I think for a lot of people it does work to do, like, the body based stuff, just like you're talking about, right? Where you're, like, slow breathing and doing something sensory, because when you're stuck in that panic attack, you're not in the thinking part of your brain, you're not in the cortex part of your brain, you're in the limbic system.

And so you've got to speak to that, like, physical sensations to calm yourself down. And so you can do, like, those grounding skills, like the noticing what's in your room, the weighted blanket, the smells, like, those sensory things. But I practice acceptance commitment therapy, which really focuses on teaching people to create space for their emotions.

Calming themselves down actually works, like, really well, and for some people, trying to calm themselves down gets them stuck in this cycle with their emotions where they're just increasing that panic cycle until they hit exhaustion and then they collapse. And instead you can practice, like, willingness, which is this skill you can develop where you create space and you're like, Hey, my heart's beating super fast and that's okay. I can allow it to do that for a minute.

Jono: Let it run its course. Yeah. Emma: And for the people who get stuck trying to force their emotions to change, option two works better. So just having those two different tools in your belt if you're dealing with panic attacks is really helpful.

Puss: Kitty... [sighs] About that day... Puss in Boots is not supposed to be afraid. But outside the church in Santa Coloma...

That was the first time I ever felt fear. So... I ran. It was a mistake, Kitty. Kitty: It's okay. Puss: No, no, it was cowardly. Kitty: It's okay.

Puss: You, alone, at the altar. Kitty: Puss... Puss: Your beautiful, poofy wedding dress. Kitty: Puss! It's okay. I didn't show up either.

Puss: Wait. What? What do you mean you didn't show up? Kitty: Well, I knew I could never compete with your one true love. Puss: Who? Kitty: Yourself. The legend. Puss: [groans] Kitty: I wasn't going to show up for that guy. Emma: He even refers to himself in third person. Alan: Yeah.

Kitty: You don't seem like that guy anymore. Jono: For all of us, without humility, there's no relationship. Without humility, there's no accountability. Without accountability, there's no trust. Without humility, there's no selflessness. As long as... She says, I couldn't compete with your one true love, yourself. And in order for it to be a healthy relationship, it has to be one - reciprocal and two-sided.

But two, it has to be based on humility and accountability. Humility, accountability, and vulnerability. Emma: That's what I was going to say. Vulnerability, right? Like, as long as he's like, I don't feel things, I don't have fear. Like, how can you connect with another human being? Because connecting with another human being, you have to allow yourself to feel... hurt.

Alan: It's scary. Emma: Oh, totally. Alan: It's... It's terrifying. For all of you out there who are struggling to, you know, feel that connection with somebody.

Bad news. It's going to be scary. Jono: Yeah. Alan: The end. Jono: Well, we have this list of... This mental list of emotions that are acceptable and those that are not. Like, it's acceptable for Puss to feel. I can feel passion, and I can feel accomplishment,

and I can feel happiness, and I can feel amusement. Jono: But fear or sadness, or embarrassment, or shame... Those are bad. Alan: Right Jono: And I should not feel them. But you've heard me say this on the show many times. Feelings just are. They just exist. And then we choose what to do with them.

But their very presence is not shameful or bad. They just are. And they're part of the human experience. And there is no good column or bad column. There's just, Okay, this is what I'm feeling now. What do I do with it? And as long as we stigmatize certain emotions, we don't allow ourselves to feel them. And we emotionally stunt ourselves and limit ourselves.

Emma: I see that a lot on the Internet, too. Like, if people are asking for relationship advice where people will be like, Oh, you know, I'm with my boyfriend and I felt really anxious, or I'm with my boyfriend and I felt sad, or I felt bad for a minute and this thing happened. And everyone's answer is like, Leave him! Like... Right? Alan: Drop this toxic personality out of your life. Any negativity is bad.

Emma: That's right. Like, if you have feelings that aren't just happy all the time in your relationship, That's a sign. Jono: That your relationship is bad. Emma: Yeah. Alan: Swipe left. Emma: And I'm not saying, like, just tolerate, like, abusive relationships.

Alan: No, no, no. Jono: But, like, real relationships... Alan: Have ups and downs. Emma: Lots of them. Jono: Yeah. Emma: And lots of feelings.

Jono: Yeah. Emma: Like, all of them. Jono: And you can love the person that you're with all the time, but it doesn't mean you always like them. And that's romantic. But that's romantic. But that's also parenting.

That's also friendship. Alan: That's any relationship Jono: Yeah. Emma: And I think this is why, like, people are so, like, leaning toward being so lonely, lonelier than ever, is because all of the advice we're getting is, like, if this relationship is uncomfortable, you should separate.

If this relationship is uncomfortable, you should set more boundaries. You should distance, distance, distance. People are lonelier than they've ever been because they have lower tolerance for the combination of feelings that come as part of feeling love and happy, too.

Jono: And John Gottman phrases that as "we need to turn towards instead of turning away". Emma: Lean in. Jono: Yeah. Because we the fact is, we're all... We all have immaturity and insecurity to work through. And if we wait until we've worked through all of it to have a relationship, the human race will die.

Alan: Yeah, we've got another 40 years. That's... That's it. Jono: So we have to work through these things in our relationships. Puss: Which very conflicting for me! I'll find my own way out! Adios! Alan: He's meeting all of his past selves. Puss: Without us, you will always live a life of... Death: Fear.

Puss: You! Death: I do love the smell of fear. It's intoxicating. Puss: Hic! It is. Death: Sorry to crash the party with your past lives. Or... your past deaths, as I like to call it. I was there to witness all of them.

Each frivolous end. But you didn't even notice me. Because Puss in Boots laughs in the face of death. Right? But you're not laughing now. Puss: You are no bounty hunter.

You are... Death: Death. Alan: That's good.

I like movies that are good. More, please. Jono: This is your commentary for the day? Alan: I'm a professional. Jono: Y'all get any more of them Puss in Boots? And I saw someone on social media say. "I just saw Puss in Boots".

"It's one of my favorite movies of the year. And I'm like, Please, Sir. I want some more. What?! Alan: Sophie, our producer, was telling me that the only reason she went to see it is because a review said it was "Puss in Boots meets Logan". Jono: Which is accurate Alan: Pretty much. Yeah. Jono: The body count is actually about the same.

Alan: Probably about the same. Jono: It's less bloody and Puss in Boots, but still, like, people get jacked in this. Alan: Less bloody. More confetti. Jono: Yeah. Emma: Unicorn confetti.

Alan: Yeah. I think the thing that makes this the most scary is... obviously he's facing the personification of his own mortality. Jono: Yeah. Death: I'm Death. Straight up. Alan: Why, psychologically, is that terrifying? Jono: I think like Puss in Boots, we are all aware that we're going to die one day, but we don't like to dwell on it and it doesn't feel real.

And so we kind of live our lives as if we're not going to. Puss: I laugh at death. You see? Jono: And we live our lives wrapped up in the stupid daily crap, and the petty things that we get hung up on, or the pursuits that are kind of meaningless.

Because if we actually make peace with "I'm going to die", then we would spend our time better. And who wants to do that? Alan: It's hard. It's hard to do things good.

No [beep]! Emma: I went to a training the other day where a therapist was talking about how she works with people who have panic attacks. And one of the things she does... They're afraid of dying, right? These physical sensations feel like they're dying. And she says, And then what? Like, why is that so scary? And she makes them, like, go into extreme detail about why death is so scary to them. And as soon as they do and they actually honestly admit it, instead of just running from it, they're like, Oh... Just like you said I should live my life differently if my life is short.

Jono: Yeah. Which is kind of what the film is building to, is making peace with your mortality and saying, Okay, instead of being scared of that, how should I just be living my life so that when death comes for me, I'm like, I'm good, because I like the life that I lived and I liked who I was, and I liked what I did. The Tale of the Three Brothers: He then greeted Death as an old friend. And went with him gladly, departing this life as equals.

Jono: Right? And I think that's... I think that's one of the reasons we're scared of death is not doing the things that we wanted to do or becoming who we wanted to become. Right? I mean, I think it's natural to be scared of, like, how you die. Jono: I mean, if you die in a hor-- Emma: Yeah. Pain, being scared of pain. Jono: Right? But like, I think we want to live so that death itself is kind of like, okay, Like, I did good. I experienced wonderful things. I like who I grew into.

A lot of it was hard and miserable, but even the hard and miserable stuff was good for me. And... here we go. Death: This is going to be fun. Jono: Oof! The animation is so cool! Alan: The first time I saw this, I was kind of not super on board with the VERY anime-influenced action sequences. Death: Bien. Alan: I don't hate it.

Death: Muy bien. Emma: That thing where they run at each other and fly into the air... Like, is that from Mission Impossible? Like, the motorcycle scene? Like...

Alan: It's just a very anime-influenced thing. Alan: Which Mission Impossible... Jono: 2 Alan: ...2 was very influenced by. John Woo loves anime films. Death: You really gotta stop losing that.

Puss: Say hello to my Gatito Blade. Jono: I love that Puss is essentially Zorro. Alan: Yeah. Death: [grunts] Jono: Which, by the way, our younger fans, if you've never seen The Mask of Zorro... Alan: It's so good. Jono: It's so good.

Get The Legend of Zorro. Alan: Yeah. Emma: Was that Antonio Banderas as well? Jono: Yeah. Alan: The first Antonio Banderas one is great. The second one is... Puss: Pick it up. Alan: ...not as great.

Puss: I know I can never defeat you, Lobo, but I will never stop fighting for this life. Death: Mmmmm... Death: [growls] Death: ¿Por qué diablos fui a jugar con mi comida? You're ruining this for me! I came here for an arrogant little legend who thought he was immortal. But I don't see him anymore.

Puss: [sighs] Death: Live your life, Puss in Boots. Live it well. You know we will meet again, right? Puss: Si. Hasta la muerte. Death: [whistles mournfully] Alan: I love that little bit of performance when... Death says, I don't see him anymore. And we cut to Puss and he lets out of breath. Emma: Like, he was nervous.

Jono: He's been holding... Like, this whole time he presented this brave face. And then we get to see, Oh, he was still afraid. Jono: Yeah. Yeah. Alan: And that's part of why Death is letting him go. Jono: Because he's let go of his hubris. Alan: Yeah.

Emma: The more I look at this, I'm like, What else do you do with fear? Like, what else can you do with fear of death? Like, you can either run and run and run or you can sit there and like, look it in the face. Jono: Yeah. Emma: Like, how do you how do you cope with fear? You know, try not to be afraid. Like, you've got to... sit with it... I don't know.

Jono: We need to have a healthy fear of death and we need to have a healthy fear of our own mortality, because I think that's what keeps us focused on, Okay, what do I want to do with the time I have? Alan: Yeah. Jono: Otherwise we keep it at bay and we don't really pay attention to it. And then we fill our life with... And we fill our life with meaninglessness. And I'm not... And that's not, by the way, watching movies and playing video games because obviously we find a lot of meaning in that. Alan: I love watching movies and playing video games.

If I find out I'm dying in three weeks, I'm going to spend a lot of time with my family, and a little bit of time playing The Last of Us Part 2 because I haven't played it yet. Jono: Yeah, there you go. Doing the things that we love and looking after the people we love. And so the question is... When he says, I will never stop fighting for this life, what does that look like for you? Alan: Yeah. Emma: Boom. Wake up.

Alan: Playing the Last of Us Part 2 because I haven't played it yet. Emma, tell us where people should follow you. Obviously, your channel is... Emma: Therapy In a Nutshell. Alan: Okay. Anything else? Socials. You got merch. You have a book. Emma: Yeah. Just... You can go to my channel. That's fine.

Alan: Okay... Emma: That's plenty. Alan: Just go to the channel... Jono: You're on Instagram and Facebook, though. So... Emma: Yeah. I'm on Instagram. I've got a website. I've got a bunch of courses that go in depth into all this technical stuff.

Jono: All right, awesome. Alan: You can learn things if you like to learn things. So until next time... Jono: Fear me if you dare.

Alan: I just love the smell of fear. Emma: Live your life, Puss. Live it well. Internet Dads: And... watch movies. Jono: We want to thank our patrons for helping bring you this episode, including... Alan: People like Bravehome, Jono: Channen Nilson, Alan: Jodi Galvano, Jono: Nurrek, Alan: and GuitarKat with a K.

Jono: Go to and enjoy all of our exclusive bonus content that you can only get there. Internet Dads: [whistle]

2023-05-11 13:34

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