The World in 2030: Top 10 Future Technologies (Ranked)

The World in 2030: Top 10 Future Technologies (Ranked)

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technology evolves fast and it's accelerating  every day from self-driving cars to 3D printed   organs today I'm going to rank 10 of the most  revolutionary Technologies by 2030 to rank   these Technologies I've given each a score out of  five in three key areas first is impact on society   we'll look at how significantly each technology  will influence our daily lives Industries and   even Global issues next feasibility we'll assess  How likely it is that each of these technologies   will be widely adopted and operational by 2030  and finally The Innovation level will measure the   degree of novelty and breakthrough involved with  each technology make sure you stick around to the   end because I guarantee the final technology on  this list will change the world let's dive in once   a concept confined to the realm of Science Fiction  space tourism is now on the verge of becoming a   mainstream industry by 2030 the landscape of  space tourism is expected to look dramatically   different driven by technological advancements  increased investment and growing public interest   so how will this industry grow first we have sub  orbital flights led by companies like blue origin   and virgin Galactic these flights will offer  passengers a few minutes of weightlessness and   a breathtaking view of Earth from the edge of  space next we'll see the development of orbital   space flights offering longer stays in space  including trips to private space stations and   potentially even the moon however with current  price prices at around $600,000 per person for   a Virgin Galactic flight this will remain an  activity for the wealthy Beyond just flights   space hotels are likely to become a reality these  space hotels will offer luxury accommodations and   unique experiences like the chance to see Earth  from orbit and experience life in a microgravity   environment now let's rank space tourism based on  our three criteria societal impact feasibility and   Innovation while it's sure to be an unforgettable  experience for those lucky enough to afford it   space tourism is just that it's an experience  it won't fundamentally change the way that we   live by 2030 given its cost it's unlikely to be an  experience shared by many so for societal impact   space tourism gets one star the feasibility of  space tourism by 2030 is supported by the rapid   pace of innovation and investment in the industry  companies like SpaceX and blue origin have already   demonstrated the capability to safely send tourist  to space however it remains to be seen whether   this will catch on with a broader audience so  for feasibility we give it three stars by 2030   space tourism will drive significant technological  advancements including reusable Rockets Advanced   propulsion systems modular spacecraft designs  and the development of private space stations and   hotels so for Innovation it gets a full five stars  with nine out of 15 Stars space tourism lands on   the 10th spot of our list by 2030 DNA data storage  will revolutionize how we preserve information as   data generation skyrockets traditional storage  methods like hard drives and magnetic tapes   are struggling to keep up some of you might be  wondering what is DNA data storage in a nutshell   it involves using the building blocks of DNA to  store digital information here's how it works we   create man-made DNA and encode it with binary data  by converting the ones and zeros of your computer   computer into four building blocks of DNA then we  safely store the data in stable conditions when   we need to retrieve it Technologies read the DNA  and translate it back into binary data that our   computers can read pretty simple right but you  might be thinking that's a cool biology drol but   why change from what we currently have the answer  is simple data generation is growing so fast   and traditional methods can't keep up DNA data  storage offers immense capacity in a tiny space   incredible durability lasting thousands of years  and a much lower environmental impact since it   doesn't need continuous energy for cooling imagine  storing the entire internet in a space no larger   than a sugar cube something impossible  with traditional storage DNA data storage   will also have a significant impact on society  but immediate advantages are likely to be felt   primarily by big corporations and for this I'm  giving it a two out of five for societal impact   achieving widespread DNA data storage by 20 30 is  ambitious but possible collaborative efforts by   organizations like DNA data storage Alliance which  includes IBM and Microsoft are working on the tech   however the cost of creating DNA and coding data  along with slow speed and high error rates pose   major challenges developing infrastructure to  handle large scale production and retrieval of   DNA data is also a complex and costly Endeavor so  for feasibility DNA data storage gets two out of   five stars it does however get five out of five  stars for technological innovation due to its   groundbreaking potential to push the boundaries  of current technology and drive interdisciplinary   innovation in biotechnology Computing and data  management overall DNA data storage scores a 9   out of 15 however I do think it'll have a bigger  impact on society than space travel so it gets   ninth on our list D Extinction seeks to revive  extinct species through Advanced Technologies   like selective breeding genome editing and stem  cell technology by extracting and sequencing DN   from preserved specimens scientists can edit the  genomes of living relatives to create hybrids   that Express traits of the extinct species once  spreading captivity these individuals could be   reintroduced to their natural habitats to restore  ecological balance environmentally D Extinction   could help restore biodiversity and ecosystems by  reintroducing keystone species that play crucial   roles in ecological balance for example the  reintroduction of woolly mammoths could convert   Tundra back to grasslands potentially reducing  carbon release from permafrost and aiding in   climate regulation however de Extinction  comes with substantial ethical social and   Technical challenges ethically the idea of  playing God raises questions about Humanity's   responsibility in correcting past extinctions  and the moral implications of revising species   socially there are debates about the allocation  of resources some people argue that effort should   be focused on conserving existing endangered  species rather than Reviving extinct ones for   those reasons D Extinction receives three out of  five for societal impact the feasibility of De   Extinction also depends on overcoming biological  challenges such as ensuring genetic diversity in   revived populations and addressing the ecological  Readiness of habitats additionally scientists must   navigate significant Regulatory and ethical  hurdles making the outlook for de extinction   by 2030 quite dire so it gets a one out of five  for feasibility technically achieving successful   D Extinction requires major advancements in genome  editing and bioinformatics to ensure the viability   and health of revived species the level of  innovation required to make this technology   reality is undeniable earning it a five out of  five for Innovation so while the extinction offers   promising potential for biodiversity restoration  and climate change mitigation achieving this   will require continued Innovations and genetic  engineering so with a total score of 9 out of 15   de Extinction comes in on our list and eth  cultivated meat also known as lab grown or   cell cultured meat is an emerging industry pois  to revolutionize the way we produce and consume   meat instead of raising and slaughtering animals  cultivated meat is produced by replicating animal   cells in a controlled environment we already  have some cultivated Meats like chicken and   beef which have received regulatory approvals  and are being served in high-end restaurants   but by 2030 the industry could see substantial  cost reductions making making cultivated meat   more competitive with conventional meat options  Additionally the range of products is expected to   diversify offering options Beyond beef and chicken  to include pork seafood and even exotic meats like   kangaroo and ostrich cultivated meat will have two  big impacts on society one is enhanced nutrition   with advancements in technology cultivated meat  will offer improved nutritional profiles making   it a healthier option and two is environmental  benefits as the industry grows it will play a   crucial role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions  conserving natural resources and providing ethical   alternatives to traditional meat this will  ultimately benefit people animals and the   planet so for these reasons cultivated meat earns  a five out of five stars for societal impact by   2030 the feasibility of cultivated meat is quite  High cultivated chicken beef and pork will likely   be available in select supermarkets and high-end  restaurants with production costs comparable to   Conventional me meat convincing the average  person to eat meat grown in a lab might take   some time especially given the slow adoption of  plant-based Alternatives would you eat meat in   a lab let me know in the comments for feasibility  cultivated meat scores two out of five stars many   of the core Innovations needed to create lab based  meat like cell culture techniques and bioreactive   design already exist genetic modification  technology and advanced tissue engineering   techniques will allow us to create tastier and  more diverse products but it remains to be seen   whether these Innovations will be in place by 2030  for Innovation cultivated meat earns a three out   of five stars overall lab grown meat scores a 10  out of 15 placing it seventh on our list imagine   a world where personalized organs can be printed  on demand eliminating the weight for donor matches   and reducing the risk of rejection if you need  an organ you get one this could be the reality   by 2030 3D organ printing uses special bio  printers to layer living cells mixed with a   gel called bio-ink to create tissues and organs  the printed structure grows and develops in a   controlled environment until it's ready for use  the impact of 3D organ printing Society could be   enormous millions of people are currently waiting  for organ transplants in the us alone over 100,000   people are on transplant waiting lists and every  day 17 people die waiting for an organ by 2030 3D   organ printing could begin to reduce those numbers  allowing patients to avoid long waights and risk   of organ rejection since these these organs will  be made from their own cells the impacts extend   beyond medicine as well cosmetic companies are  already using bioprinted skin to test products   which could completely eliminate animal testing  for these reasons 3D organ printing earns a five   out of five for societal impact while the journey  to making 3D printed organs a reality is promising   we still have a long way to go we're seeing rapid  progress in the technology from the printers   themselves to the bioinks used to create the  tissues we've had successes of simpler tissues but   creating complex organs like hearts and kidneys  remains a challenge we might also try to create   enhanced organs with improved functionalities  such as a heart with additional valves for better   performance but this will still be a topic  of ethical debate and scientific exploration   rather than common practice so for feasibility I'm  giving 3D organ printing a two out of five stars   however the Innovation Driving 3D organ printing  is groundbreaking by 2030 we could and emphasis on   could here have bioprinters capable of creating  detailed and functional organs possibly even in   space to avoid issues caused by Earth's gravity  it's remarkable stuff and definitely deserves   a five out of five for Innovation overall 3D  bioprinting scores are 12 out of 15 placing it   sixth on our list by 2030 self-driving Vehicles  will be widespread and have a significant impact   on society they'll make our roads much safer  by drastically reducing the number of accidents   caused by human era imagine a world where you  don't have to focus on driving for hours every day   autonomous vehicles will free up your time reduce  congestion and lower pollution as driving becomes   perfectly optimized one exciting use case is  autonomous Freight transport self-driving trucks   will handle Long Highway trips reducing the need  for drivers cutting costs and making the delivery   of goods more reliable benefiting everyone from  businesses to Consumers self-driving Vehicles   will have a widespread effect on society earning a  four out of five stars for societal impact so How   likely is it that we'll see these Technologies  used widely by 2030 well it's actually pretty   likely we've made significant advancements in  the tech needed for autonomous driving like   AI sensors and vehicle communication systems  however challenges remain such as the building   of necessary infrastructure ensuring that the  technology Works in all conditions and getting   the public on board with the idea so while  we might not see self-driving vehicles in all   environments by 2030 they will be pretty common  earning a four out of five for feasibility The   Innovation required to develop self-driving  Vehicles is significant it demands major   breakthroughs in artificial intelligence machine  learning and sense of Technology while we've made   advancements in these areas creating systems that  can safely navigate the complexities of real world   driving is still a work in progress this shift  towards autonomous driving represents one of   the most significant technological changes in the  automotive industry since Henry Ford WS assembly   line earning a 4 out of five for Innovation with a  total score of 12 out of 15 self-driving Vehicles   come in fifth on our list Quantum Computing is  a new kind of computing that uses tiny particles   called cubits instead of regular bits unlike  bits which can only be zero or one cubits can   be both zero and one at the same time this special  ability allows quantum computers to explore many   possibilities simultaneously imagine trying to  solve a complex maze a regular computer computer   would try one path at a time checking each route  until it finds the exit this can take a lot   of time but a quantum computer can explore many  paths all at once finding the exit much faster in   Practical terms this means the quantum computers  can solve incredibly complex problems in seconds   that might take regular computers thousands of  years for example they could help us discover   new medicines by simulating how millions of  molecules interact or improve weather forecast by   analyzing vast amounts of data points in a split  second imagine a world where diseases are cured   faster energy is cleaner and resources are  used more efficiently that's the potential   of quantum Computing so for societal impact  Quantum Computing earns a five out of five so   how feasible is quantum Computing by 2030 while  we're making incredible strides quantum computers   are still in early stages we need to overcome  challenges like Cubit stability and error rate   to make them reliable and scalable by 2030 experts  believe we'll achieve Quantum Advantage where   quantum computers solve specific tasks better than  classical computers but it might still be pretty   limited so for feasibility I give it a three out  of five for Innovation Quantum Computing scores   a five out of five this high score reflects the  groundbreaking nature of quantum Computing so with   a total score of 13 out of 15 Quantum Computing  is poised to be one of the most transformative   Technologies by 2030 and it comes in fourth on  our list brain computer interfaces or bcis allow   for the control of devices using your brain by  2030 brain computer interfaces are poised to   have a profound impact on society in healthcare  they'll revolutionize the treatment options for   individuals with disabilities enabling them to  control Prosthetics and communicate through neural   signals in gaming and entertainment bcis will  offer immersive experiences allowing users to   control game environments given the transformative  potential across multiple sectors bcis earn a   four out of five stars for societal impact the  feasibility of bcis becoming widely adopted and   operational by 2030 is high given the current pace  of technological advancements and ongoing clinical   trials companies like neuralink brain gate and  clinch are currently making significant strides   in developing safe and effective BCI systems with  some already demonstrating positive outcomes in   clinical settings for feasibility BCI scored  four out of five stars The Innovation level of   bcis is exceptionally high as the technology  represents a novel and breakthrough approach   to human machine interaction the integration  of AI and machine learning with bcis has led   to significant advancements in the accuracy and  efficiency of brainwave interpretation enabling   more precise control of external devices as  research continues bcis are expected to push   the boundaries of what is possible in neuroscience  and human augmentation so for Innovation bcis earn   a five out of five stars overall bcis score 13 out  of 15 but given the incredible nature of this Tech   I put at third ahead of quantum Computing on  our list of revolutionary Technologies picture   cities where everything is connected self-driving  cars communicate with traffic lights to eliminate   traffic jams AI driven systems respond instantly  to emergencies deploying drones or rapid medical   delivery and robotic First Responders smart  cities will have have a massive impact on   everyone's lives earning a five out of five of  societal impact the feasibility of smart City   Technologies varies by region developed cities  with strong infrastructure and Financial Resources   like Singapore and Copenhagen are more likely  to fully Implement these Technologies developing   regions May face challenges due to financial  constraints lack of infrastructure and political   hurdles so smart cities get a four out of five  for feasibility Smart City Technologies involve   a high degree of innovation this will come  through breakthroughs in AI internet of things   and sustainable energy systems the novelty of  these Technologies lies in their ability to create   interconnected Urban environments that optimize  resources and improve sustainability and enhance   the quality of life for residents for Innovation  smart cities earn a five out of five stars overall   smart cities are the way of the future and have  the ability to touch everyone's lives with a score   of 4 out of 15 they rank second on our list before  we reveal the number one technology on this list   let me know in the comments if you agree with my  list so far or if there are any other Technologies   you think I've missed if you enjoyed this video  please consider subscribing as it really helps   out the channel vertical farming is an Innovative  cultural method that involves cultivating crops   in stacked layers often within controlled  environments like warehouses skyscrapers or   underground facilities by utilizing Hydroponics  aeroponics and other soiless systems ver itical   farming maximizes space efficiency and resource  use allowing for year round food production   regardless of weather conditions vertical farming  has the potential to significantly impact Society   by transforming the way food is produced and  consumed as urban populations continue to grow   vertical Farms could provide a reliable source  of fresh produce directly within the city center   reducing the need for long-distance transportation  and minimizing food waste with this technology   food will be cheaper and more plentiful and  will be exposed to scary weather events such as   hurricanes or tornadoes destroying our crops we'll  also have access to a wider range of foods year   round all this will come with a significantly  reduced environmental impact of having to   transport millions of tons of food every day so  for societal impact vertical farming earns a five   out of five stars the feasibility of widespread  adoption of vertical farming by 2030 hinges on   overcoming challenges like high energy costs  technological barriers and economic viability   by 203 vertical farming should be economically  viable and integrated into Global Food Systems   particularly in urban areas so for feasability it  earns a 5 out of five vertical farming represents   a high level of innovation combining cuttingedge  Technologies from agriculture biotechnology and   information technology the integration of  artificial intelligence Robotics and data   analytics allows for precise control of  growing conditions optimizing yields and   resource efficiency vertical farming is highly  Innovative will help to solve one of Humanity's   greatest challenges which is how do we effectively  feed everyone so for Innovation vertical farming   earns another five out of five so with a perfect  score of 15 out of 15 vertical farming comes   in at number one on our list of revolutionary  Technologies by 2030 do you agree with my list   let me know in the comments if there are any other  technologies that you think are more impactful or   if you think my ranking was off today we covered  neural interface Technologies such a cool tip if   you want to dive deeper into some practical uses  for this technology check out this video where I   uncover some of the most interesting gaming Tech  coming in the next few years thanks for watching

2024-09-16 16:04

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