The Walking Dead Seasons 1 - 10 RECAP

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welcome to the man of recaps this is the walking  dead seasons 1 through 10 leading up to the 11th   and final season that's right the first part of  the walking dead's final season is almost here   and it looks like it's going to be epic if you've  ever been a fan of the show now is the time to get   back into it so get caught up with this recap  then sign up for amc plus click the link in the   description to start your free trial and join in  for the beginning of the end of the walking dead   now on to the recap meet rick grimes he's a cop  down in georgia who one day gets shot in the line   of duty and winds up in a coma when he wakes  up civilization has collapsed and the dead are   a walk-in yes he slept right through the zombie  apocalypse he goes home to find his family instead   he meets morgan jones a nice guy who gives him the  rules on how zombies work if you get bit you turn   into one head shots are the only way to take them  out for good they are attracted to noise though   so avoid guns when possible and most importantly  they never actually say zombie in this show every   group has a different name for them but our group  mostly calls them walkers so rick says cool thanks   man maybe i'll catch you later and now works on  a mission to find his family riding a horse into   the ruins of atlanta epic shot turns out though  major cities are not where you want to be because   densely populated areas are now densely packed  with zombies luckily we're saved by a friendly   guy glenn who introduces him to our season 1 ogs  there's andrea t-dog and merle who's a real a-hole   picks a fight with t-dog but sheriff rick's here  to lay down the law handcuffs them to the roof to   cool off but now the group is trapped so they come  up with a disgusting plan to rub zombie guts all   over themselves yes if you smell like the dead the  zombies kind of ignore you more on this later then   as the group's leaving t-dog accidentally drops  the handcuff key down the drain sorry man you   suck anyway merle's abandoned on the roof this  group has a nice campsite outside the city and   wouldn't you know it rick's family is here he's  reunited with his wife lori and his son carl aka   coral his best friend and partner shane is here  too but while they thought rick was dead he and   laurie started getting it on now that rick's back  though lori puts an end to that real quick in this   group his old man dale who owns the rv and mostly  stands on top of it keeping watch then there's   carol the meek little housewife who has an abusive  husband and there's daryl merle's hot-headed   younger brother who's a real cool hunter type with  a crossbow he is not happy they left his brother   handcuffed to the roof but when they go down to  rescue him he's already gone oh he found a saw   and cut his hand off to escape one night at camp a  bunch of zombies get in and eat all the background   characters including andrea's sister amy who comes  back as a zombie and oh it's traumatizing andrea's   gotta put her down carol's abusive husband though  not sad good riddance so with the camp not safe   anymore the group hits the road they go to the  center for disease control hoping it's still up   and running looking for a cure unfortunately it's  not there's only one scientist left alive they   never even got close to a cure and the group  showed up just in time this place is about to   self-destruct so our group gets out of there boom  and they leave the cdc a smoking ruin in season   two our group hits a traffic jam and a whole herd  of zombies are coming they hide under the cars but   carol's daughter sophia gets spotted and has to  run away and they can't find her they do find a   deer but oh what carl gets shot girl yeah it was  a random hunting accident from this guy who lived   nearby on herschel's farm conveniently herschel  is a doctor well a veterinarian but close enough   to save carl he needs more meds though so shane  and this guy go on a run to get him but on the   way back they're swarmed they're not gonna make  it so sheen's like sorry guy i pick carl over you   shoots him in the leg uses him as zombie bait  to get away hardcore shane then shane shaves his   head to reflect his new hardcore persona so carl  survives rick gives him a sheriff's hat which he   never takes off for the rest of the series so if  he is still missing though so the search continues   and it's daryl who's the mvp here with his  survivalist track and skills and we get to see his   softer side here he really bonds with the grieving  mother carol these two become best friends hershel   has a daughter maggie who goes on a run to town  with glenn he finds the last box of condoms and   maggie's like well it's the apocalypse why not  but these two fall in love and aren't together   the rest of the series then there's a problem when  herschel's barn is full of zombies yeah he doesn't   admit their daddy thinks they're sick and will one  day be cured shane is like oh hell no and leads   the group on a zombie barn massacre and turns  out zombie sofia has been in there the whole time   oh it's tragic rick and jane argue over this but  shane's like rick you're too soft for this world   there's no good and bad anymore the right decision  is the one that keeps us alive meanwhile laurie   finds out she's pregnant so she tells rick about  her and shane which was fair they thought he was   dead but shane's not letting it go laurie can't  take two steps this season without shane coming   onto her in fact back at the cdc shane got  drunk and stepped way over the line so these   best friends continue to butt heads one day they  meet some strangers who teach him the lesson you   can't trust anyone in the zombie apocalypse  long story short they end up with a prisoner   and the group takes a vote on what to do with them  dale's the only one who's like we can't kill this   guy we gotta be good people unfortunately that  night a zombie gets in and bites stale oh r.i.p   dale and eric decides to let this guy live and  shane doesn't approve he takes him out to the   woods and kills him then roughs his face ups as  the prisoner escaped so they go out searching for   him and shane leads rick to a deserted meadow  yeah he's gonna kill him it's like rick you're   too soft you can't keep your family safe so i'm  gonna do it for you but maybe rick's not too soft   because oh sneaky knife stabs his former best  friend r.i.p shane but shane doesn't stay dead   what how's that possible he wasn't bit turns  out there's a secret rick learned back at the   cdc that he finally shares with the group everyone  is infected the bite just gives you a fever that   kills you but no matter how you die everyone comes  back that same night a zombie heard shows up beats   the rest of the background characters and our  group leaves the farm a smoking ruin everyone's   arguing about what to do next but rick's in no  mood he's like look this ain't a democracy anymore   it's a rictator ship so in season three the  group's on the road they're really rough and it's   eating dog food but soon they hit the jackpot when  they find a prison with real tall fences that once   kept prisoners in now it'll keep the zombies out  first they have to clear all the walkers already   inside and our groups become expert zombie killers  now but there's always danger herschel gets bit on   the leg and rick has to amputate hoping to stop  the infection which luckily works so life at the   prison's good for a while but zombies always get  in and no one gets t-dog ript dog and wouldn't you   know what the baby's coming right now maggie's  gotta do an emergency c-section baby judith is   okay but laurie dies r.i.p laurie and young carl  has to shoot his mom in the head before she turns  

oh it's traumatizing no coral rex dramatized  two he spends a few episodes hallucinating lori   and is generally unhinged meanwhile andrea got  separated from the group back at the farm she   gets saved though by someone with a katana and  zombies chained to them what this is michonne   the katana wielding badass her walker bodyguards  act as camouflage similar to the guts trick and   since she cut out their mouths they can't bite  her one day they're too noisy though she has to   kill him but it doesn't help they're still found  by merle yes he survived and now has an awesome   knife hand he takes them to the town of woodbury  a huge successful survivors community because   they built big walls and seems like an amazing  happy place it's led by a handsome charismatic   man they call the governor he's like hey you  guys are welcome to stay and andrea is like   yeah of course in fact these two start hooking up  but michonne doesn't trust this guy decides to go   off on her own of course she was right he is a  bad dude and immediately sends merle to go kill   her instead merle finds maggie and glenn it's like  hey man sorry about the handcuff roof thing but he   takes him prisoner and instead of the friendly  welcome andrea got he gives them the decidedly   unfriendly welcome michonne finds the prison fills  the group in they go for a rescue mission where   michonne finds another of the governor's secrets  he's got a zombie daughter yeah he refuses to   accept she's really gone it's like don't hurt her  but she's like man this a zombie and all katana   this pushes him over the edge he's full crazy now  and in their ensuing fight michonne oh stabs him   in the eye that's okay though he gets to wear an  eye patch now which just makes him look cooler   merle tries to join our crew but no one wants him  there except his brother daryl to earn his keep   merle goes on a solo assassination mission but  oh he misses the governor and the governor does   not miss so when daryl arrives he finds zombie  merle you were a bad guy but still my brother   r.i.p merle and one episode morgan is back but  he's crazy now tries to kill everyone on site so   now the governor's right into war busts in there  guns blazing but our group's ready for him and   manages to chase him off the governor is like  hey you cowards turn back and fight but they're   like wait we're not soldiers we're just civilians  but he's crazy and all mows them all down also we   found out andrea betrayed him left her there with  a zombie so when the group gets there oh she's bit   r.i.p andrea so in season four the group takes in  all the woodbury survivors most notably tyrese and   his sister sasha we learned the three interview  questions to see if you can join the group how   many walkers are killed how many people he killed  and why rick's trying to get some farming going   but when a pig gets sick some people catch the pig  flu when tyrese goes to visit his girlfriend and   quarantine oh someone has killed her and the  killer is carol who hoped to stop the spread   yes carol is no longer the meek house wife we knew  she's a hardened survivor secretly teaching the   kids to use knives she's like look rick i did  what had to be done for the good of the group   but rick's like yo that wasn't your call to make  you are banished and it didn't work anyway thus   sickness spreads all the rest of the extras die  luckily our main characters all make it but now   there's a new threat because the governor is  back after the battle he went home and left   woodbury a smoking ruin he wandered the earth  grew depression beard met some sisters who had a   daughter that renewed his will to live ended up in  a new camp that notably had a tank so he decided   he should be in charge he took the tank and some  hostages over to the prison and to show he means   business oh beheaded herschel no rip herschel  so it's governor fight round two tank boogaloo   daryl busts out his sick call of duty skills  takes out the tank no problem and the governor   oh katana through the chest governor is defeated  so our group survives but they're all split up and   they've left the prison a smoking ruin rick's out  of commish for a while and with no dad rules carl   eats a whole tub of pudding but when rick's back  in action he's not messing around he's kill you   first ask questions later shane would be proud in  fact it's right here when rick puts on his famous   murder jacket so named because he becomes a feral  beast who bites people's necks out tyreese made it   out with baby judith and meets up with some more  kids and carol who decides not to tell him she   killed his girlfriend they find a map to terminus  which claims to be a safe place unfortunately   though one of these girls is crazy and thinks  zombies are friends in fact she kills her sister   so she can have a fun sister zombie friend oh  god what do you do here and it's the famous   scene look at the flowers as carol puts her down  daryl winds up with beth who is maggie's younger   sister she tried to kill herself in season two but  now she's a hard survivor so far though she's been   a bit of a background character mostly just holds  judith while rick's busy she and daryl find some   moonshine so they get drunk and have a big fight  then have a good cry then burn their house down   you know as you do they get separated though when  beth is abducted by a random car and more on that   later maggie and glenn got separated too by the  way last season he stole an engagement ring from a   zombie and proposed cute she's off looking for him  but turns out glenn was still at the prison there   he finds tara one of the sisters the governor  befriended she's the snarky one they work together   to escape and soon find a new group abraham's  a funny bad-mouthed military guy rosita's his   cool sexy girlfriend eugene apparently is a top  scientist who abraham's taken to dc to help cure   the zombie apocalypse but it's like really the  guy with the mullet long story short all our   groups find maps to terminus and reunite there  it's a happy friendly place here have a burger i   promise we aren't cannibals turns out though they  are cannibals and our group's on the menu so in   season 5 things look bleak as our group's about to  be butchered but at the last second boom explosion   yes carol and tyrese were late to the party and  quickly discerned the situation so carol goes full   commando mode and single-handedly bloom blasts a  hole in terminus that's just the distraction our   group needed they all escape and leave terminus  a smoking ruin so are groups back on the road   pretty soon they find a priest father gabriel  who's got a nice secluded church with a bunch   of canned food right then though terminus comes  back for revenge but our group takes them out   immediately abraham tells the rest of the group  about their mission how eugene's a top scientist   they have to get to dc and he can cure the zombie  apocalypse and it's like wow this is great this   must be the start of the main plot where our group  saves the world our group splits up for now though   because they have to go save beth beth was brought  to a hospital where doctors and cops are still   playing dress-up but this place is also secretly  devious and she's a prisoner here very long story   short they do a hostage exchange but beth's like  hey you're evil and stabs her then oh get shot   in the head no they were so close r.i.p beth the  dc mission's also a failure they immediately run   into car trouble and pretty soon eugene is forced  to admit he's not actually a top scientist he's   just a regular nerd when he saw this big beefy  guy used a bunch of big words to convince him to   be his bodyguard that's right curing the zombie  apocalypse is not where this show's going the   zombies are here to stay so now our group has no  clear destination they try this one neighborhood   where tyrese gets bit no they try to amputate but  it was too late to rip tyrese and now our group   has hit rock bottom no vehicles no food or water  wandering the earth without purpose or direction   the imagery of this shot exposes the duality of  the title the walking dead referring not just   to the reanimated corpses but to our survivors  themselves and in case you didn't pick up on that   rick says it five minutes later but now we meet  a stranger who's this nerdy justin timberlake   looking guy he's like hey guys my name's aaron  you can come join my nice safe community but   it's like no offense bub the last people who said  that tried to eat us but the group's got to check   it out and so we've made it to alexandria it's an  upscale virginia neighborhood that's been totally   unscathed because right at the beginning they  built giant walls and it's not run by cannibals   or an unhinged megalomaniac the leader is this  nice woman deanna she videotapes rick to document   his sexy apocalypse beard because this place was  designed to be self-sustaining it runs on its own   grid they've got power and water so yeah nothing  devious here just people that got really lucky   rick's like hey they're all soft if we don't  like how they do things we'll just take it   from them they had to turn in all their guns but  carol puts on an act as the meek housewife again   bakes cookies for everyone so no one suspects her  of unlocking the armory and stealing some back   carl's a teenager now and he meets a teenage girl  enid she came in from the outside too and is also   having trouble adjusting she has a motto jss just  survive somehow and so naturally these two form a   romance rick gets a love interest too but turns  out she has an abusive husband but rick's not   standing for that he's gonna murder this guy in  the town square deanna's like whoa rick we don't   do that here but rick pulls out a gun and gives  an unhinged rant about how they're all too soft   shane would be proud so michonne knocks him out  for his own good so diana wants to kick rick out   but father gabriel doesn't understand how locks  work so zombies get in but rick saves the day like   hey you guys need me just then randomly morgan  is back he's a pacifist now who's taking a bow   never to kill again so he fights with a stick the  least lethal of all weapons so season six begins   when our group finds a big zombie herd luckily  they've got a good plan on how to hurt it away   from alexandria but some loud noises draws the  herd right towards it cause alexandria is under   attack by a group of raiders called the wolf pack  rick gets back just in time but alexandria is   surrounded glenn is still out there trapped on a  dumpster but this guy opts for a quick death and   like a douchebag takes glenn down with him no not  glenn oh r.i.p glenn just kidding actually five   episodes later we find out glenn's okay he hid  under the dumpster some more of our crew is still   outside sasha and abraham start flirting in fact  soon they end up together abraham dumps rosita but   for now they find a rocket launcher daryl makes  friends with the married couple dwight and sherry   but they're on the run from another bad group  and decide to jack his motorcycle and crossbow   at alexandria the situation's grim brick and  family tried the old-fashioned guts trick to   try to sneak on out of there but it only works  if you act like a zombie and this kid draws too   much attention to himself gets eaten and then  rick's girlfriend screams too all her other son   blames rick so michonne's got to stab him but he  fires and hits carl in the eye coral so with the   stealth mission a complete failure it's time for  plan b kill all the zombies our group are pros   but they're getting overwhelmed luckily just then  the cavalry comes back with a convenient gas truck   and a rocket launcher luckily zombies are dumb  they all walk into the fire and alexandria is not   a smoking ruin they manage to rebuild carl's  fine too he gets to wear an eye patch now which   just makes him look cooler rick and michonne  living as platonic roommates but one day it's   not so platonic these two get it on and they're  together the rest of the series so life is good   for a bit and things are quiet but soon we meet a  new character who's a kung fu master people call   him jesus for obvious reasons he's a friendly guy  and he's here as an envoy from another survivor's   community the hilltop they've got a lot of food  but they don't have any guns and there's a gang   who calls themselves the saviors that are taking  half their stuff every week rick's like hey no   sweat my people are very good at killing so they  go to the savior outpost and slaughter them all   but soon after the road is blocked by a couple  more saviors and turns out every road is blocked   by even more saviors this gang might be bigger  than we thought soon our group is surrounded   on their knees in the woods and it's time to meet  the big man himself it's negan he wears a leather   jacket and carries a baseball bat loose seal he's  a smiley charismatic type of psychopath and man   does he love to hear himself talk he explains he's  not going to kill them all he needs them alive so   he can take half their stuff every week but to  make a point he's got to kill one of them right   now he's going to pick randomly and season 6 ends  on a cliffhanger we don't see who it is but you're   watching the recap you don't have to wait to find  out that he picks abraham no oh r.i.p abraham   daryl's not having this he tries to fight back  but that's against the rules and for his insolence   sneakin's gonna kill another one no glenn no not  glenn he was the best of us been around since   episode one and his wife maggie is pregnant  but negan don't care he kills him brutally   and so in season seven they spend the first half  of the season at the mercy of negan's whims you   never know if he's gonna cook you spaghetti or  cut your guts out but finally rick has had enough   it's time to fight back the leader of hilltop is  this slimy politician gregory but the people of   hilltop find a new leader in maggie yeah she's  been living there since she was pregnant and   they had a doctor and she's proven herself to be  leadership material but we'll need more allies   for this fight so it's time to meet the kingdom  so named because their leader is the king king   ezekiel who's really committed to the character of  a fantasy king jerry is his best friend and loyal   bodyguard who's just having fun with it his other  bodyguard is shiva his pet tiger carol's like what   show am i on ezekiel's actually a normal chill  dude though he just used to do community theater   and was a zookeeper and he's got a crush on carol  eventually these two get together but the kingdom   is also under the thumb of the saviors and so  long story short rick convinces them to join   them there's also oceanside a coastal community of  all women because the saviors killed all their men   so now they don't like strangers long story short  tara befriends them although they don't actually   agree to help fight our group kind of just  takes their guns then there's the trash people   a bunch of goths who live in the dump and have  very quickly developed their own strange culture   but rick eventually convinces them to join too  now the savior home base is a big scary industrial   building called the sanctuary daryl is a prisoner  there for a while and soon negan takes eugene too   earlier he found out that eugene's a smartypants  who knows how to manufacture bullets he wants   eugene to make bullets for him but ideally not as  a prisoner as a full-blown member of negan's gang   with all the rights and privileges that entails  when eugene sees the price of disloyalty he's   like yup negan i'm in all the way and he starts  to really enjoy his position of power as chief   engineer another of negan's top lieutenants is  dwight the guy who stole daryl's motorcycle and   crossbow apparently negan caught them and forced  jerry to become one of his wives and ex-boyfriends   of negan's wives get hot ironed to the face so  that's what happened to dwight obviously dwight   hates negan but he's been broken there's nothing  left in him but obedience but one day sherry   escapes so dwight goes back to their home but  she's left him a note i didn't know if you turned   me back into negan so i'm not here and it's tragic  cause he wasn't gonna he brought beer and pretzels   like they always said they would so after this  dwight finds our crew like hey negan's gotta go   down i'll be your man on the inside so soon negan  rolls up in force to punish their disobedience   sasha was captured earlier so he threatens to  execute her but well she's already dead yeah   she pleaded to eugene for help but the help he  gave her was a suicide pill but she figured what   the heck i'll turn myself into a weapon and oh  she almost gets negan r.i.p sasha but now rick  

has the trash people on his side but oh they  double-cross him negan made him a better offer   and so once again rick is on his knees and to  teach him a lesson this time negan's gonna kill   carl but oh tiger attack yes hilltop in the  kingdom arrive just in time chase negan off   for now and now the triple alliance is ready for  all-out war so in season 8 it's zombie apocalypse   warfare time which sometimes involves just wasting  a lot of bullets but there's other cool stuff like   armored cars and using zombie herds against your  enemies it's kind of a convoluted season a lot   of back and forth but the most noteworthy things  the king's tiger dies shiva father gabriel loses   sight in one eye and morgan gives up on his no  killing bow he starts killing everyone again maybe   there's a middle ground there but the biggest  loss of them all is carl he got bit no coal   yes even though he's a seasoned zombie killer  now it's always dangerous sometimes you get bit   r.i.p carl now they still have dwight as an inside  man and one day he leaked some plans but turns out   negan knew he was a traitor and gave him fake  plans so our group walks into an ambush and are   totally surrounded now the saviors have plenty of  bullets left because eugene's been manufacturing   them but now at the last battle they all backfire  yes eugene finally grew a spine and a conscience   and saved the day so our group easily wins the  day rick has his final showdown with negan the   question is what to do with the other saviors but  rick goes into mercy mode gives an impassioned   speech about how the living need to stick together  because the real enemy is the dead and indeed many   of these saviors become valued members of the  group like this nice guy alden in fact rick lets   negan live too yeah he sentences him to prison for  life to prove that they're the good guys morgan   renews his vows of non-violence and decides to  cross over to fear the walking dead and become the   new main character over there and dwight goes back  to find that sherry liked his offering of beer and   pretzels she says come find me so they go off to  fear too so in season nine the good guys won and   the future looks bright maggie though is not happy  that negan's still alive she's gonna kill him but   when she sees how much he hates being locked up  she's like never mind i'm gonna leave you here   to rot so life in the zombie apocalypse is pretty  good now with all the communities working together   until the bridge that connects them all finally  collapses so rick has got to lead a massive   construction project one day though rick runs  into some zombie trouble and oh ends up in a   bad situation trying to make it home but instead  he leads the horde right to the bridge he's gotta   stop him from crossing so the dynamite he's gonna  take the shot oh rick grimes boom blows the bridge   and himself up all the ultimate sacrifice to save  the communities miraculously though rick survives   and in fact he's found just then by the leader  of the trash people jadis there's been a whole   mystery with her she's in communication with  some super group that has helicopters in fear   the walking dead and the world beyond we learn  a little bit about this group the civic republic   military the crm they're gonna give her a ride in  exchange for a prisoner so she's like well that   was a freebie so rick grimes our main character  flying off the show on a helicopter off to a   whole new series of adventures in theoretically  his own spin-off movies we immediately cut to a   whole new group of characters having some zombie  trouble when they're saved by a little girl   with rick and carl's sheriff's hat yes this is  a grown-up judith grimes we've had a time jump   alexandria is still prospering they have a  windmill now but they're not very friendly   these days they went through some bad stuff during  the time jump in fact they've been out of contact   with the other communities rick's bridge was never  rebuilt this new group is magna the hot-headed one   yumiko the cool level-headed one incidentally  these two are dating there's also connie who's   deaf and her sister kelly and luke the funny  music nerd they quickly proved themselves to   be capable survivors and yeah they're fighting  with slingshots and bow and arrows eugene's   bullet factory didn't work out i guess and now a  decade after the start of the zombie apocalypse   there's no ammo left there's also no gas left we  don't do cars anymore we're riding horses over at   the kingdom carol has grown out long hair and is  officially married to king ezekiel they adopted   this kid henry who's been training in morgan's  way of the stick but the kingdom is starting to   fall apart ezekiel's trying to organize an inner  community fair to bring everyone back together so   carol and henry go on an adventure and their first  stop is the old hermit of the woods obi-wan daryl   kenobi he never stopped looking for rick grimes  he's been living out here by himself this whole   time well not totally by himself because he has  a dog now named dog eventually we get a flashback   to see how they met he belonged to a woman leia  and she and daryl fell in love but one day she   too disappeared without a trace maybe that'll  come up later now the hilltop is also thriving   but maggie's not the leader anymore in fact she  left the show she met a woman named georgie who's   apparently an expert on medieval technologies and  drives around the country teaching people how to   build windmills and stuff maggie was like hey  i could use a change of scenery i'm coming with   you and big bad negan is not very scary anymore  he's befriended young judith grimes and is just   the funny man that lives under the stairs but in  six years no one taught father gabriel how to lock   a gate and so one day the negan is friggin  he goes on a bit of a walkabout but realizes   there's nothing out here for him anymore he just  goes back to his cell later during a blizzard he   risks his life to save judith and dog yes negan is  trying for a redemption arc now the main problem   this season begins when rosita and eugene run  into a zombie herd but this is no normal herd   because the zombies are whispering to each  other smart talking zombies are they evolving   what the butt our crew ends up cornered in a  cemetery and they are expert zombie slayers but   not when they dodge then stab you with a knife  all these new walkers are terrifying turns out   though they're not smart evolved walkers they are  just people who wear zombie masks yes this group   is called the whisperers and they've taken the  guts trick to the extreme they wear zombie faces   and live among them full time luckily they're a  lot less scary when they don't have the element   of surprise and soon our group takes one prisoner  this young girl named lydia she's like hey please   don't send me back they are awful especially their  leader my mother alpha she's a cult leader like   figure who's been completely broken by the zombie  apocalypse and eventually we learn the whispers   have no reasonable motivation their motto is we  are the end of the world alpha has completely rid   herself of human emotions in fact she's abusive  to her daughter to make her stronger but daryl's   not gonna stand for that he's leading a rescue  mission with stickboy henry who in a very quick   time formed a romance with lydia so on the day of  the inter-community fair everyone's having a great   time including some whisperers in disguise they  end up capturing a bunch of our group and reveal   their true power alpha has a absolutely massive  zombie horde that her people are controlling she's   like look if you guys cross into our territory  we'll unleash it on ya and to mark the border of   that territory heads on pikes yes alpha killed  like a dozen minor characters in one fell swoop   but also some bigger ones like enid yeah carl's  old girlfriend who's an adult now and started   dating nice savior alvin r.i.p enid and tara who's  been around for a long time now and grew into the   leader of hilltop r.i.p tara and say it ain't so  it's stick boy henry tennis years after carol lost   sofia she's right back here again so now in season  10 our group is at the mercy of the whisperers for   now they seem to have a cold war standoff kind of  tense peace but more bad things start happening is   this coincidence or is it the whisperers leads  to unrest in the community silence the whispers   graffiti a lot of this hate is unfairly directed  at lydia so she goes to another outcast for advice   it's negan yes he's allowed out of his cell these  days for good behavior and he really befriends   lydia here becomes her uncle negan one night some  people try to kill lydia but negan's there to save   her unfortunately he pushed this one way too hard  and killed her that definitely violates his parole   the council votes to finally just execute him but  before they can someone's let him out of his cell   negan is friggin once again and now he goes to  alpha like hey they were going to execute me   let me join you although negan's not a good  fit for the whisperers this guy really loves   to hear himself talk back at alexandria there's  a new baby yes it's rosita's she's dating father   gabriel these days and somewhere along the line he  became kind of a badass but father gabriel is not   the father it's actually siddique who rosita was  dating before him he's alexandria's doctor and a   real good guy but he's been having ptsd lately  because he was with the whisperers when they   beheaded everyone and made him watch luckily a new  doctor joined the group this nice guy dante who's   here to help out but when dante comes to comfort  him he does the tongue click tick which sadiq   remembers the whisperer that was holding him down  also did dante's an undercover whisperer and he   kills him are a piece of deak one day this season  michonne meets this guy virgil who's like hey   i've got an island off the coast with a bunch of  weapons that can help you fight the whisperers but   long story short he has no weapons he's crazy but  michonne does find a cell phone that apparently   belongs to rick grimes the first clue they've had  in all this time so michonne says goodbye to her   stepdaughter judith and her and rick's son rick jr  all so cute mama's going back into badass mode to   bring your daddy home and so michonne leaves the  show to go find rick which now just leaves bffs   daryl and carol as the last two standing from  the first three seasons this season carol wants   revenge on alpha for killing henry and makes some  pretty reckless moves while trying to kill her   one day she chases alpha who leads our group down  into a mine shaft where she is hiding her massive   zombie horde our group finds the exit but carol  plants some dynamite which does not destroy the   herd but does trap magna and connie this is sad  for daryl he and connie had been really hitting   it off she does make it out by the end of the  season but our group doesn't find her yet and   now finally the time has come alpha's unleashing  her full horde whisperer negan has quickly risen   the ranks in fact one day she's like hey man want  a bang he's like well it's been a while i'm in but   tell me you're taking the zombie mask off and she  does not so yeah that happens and now it's time   for the battle of hilltop the commander is aaron  yeah remember nerdy justin timberlake well he lost   a boyfriend then lost an arm so he's had a drastic  transformation now with a sexy apocalypse beard   and a medieval weapon for an arm and yeah without  guns our group goes full game of thrones they're   putting up a valiant fight but the whispers make  tree sap bombs and leave hilltop a smoking ruin   after the battle alpha finally lets her guard  down around which is just what he was waiting   for because negan oh assassinates alpha sorry  girl you're kinda hot but you're too crazy and   he delivers her head to the person who let him out  of a cell just for this purpose it's carol yeah   this was part of her long game to finally avenge  henry and negan was hoping to earn some points on   his redemption arc so he could be an accepted part  of the group anyone who was there will never fully   forgive him but at least they accept he's on their  side for now but alpha had a right-hand man this   giant beta who is an absolute monster so he rounds  up the zombie horde and is coming for revenge   it's the whisperers round two beta boogaloo  he goes into alexandria with no resistance   our group evacuated to a more defensible location  pretty soon he tracks them down and so they make   their final stand things look bleak but some  reinforcements arrived who's this crazy ninja   guy in a mask turns out he's a new friend of  maggie yes she's back on the show it's a long   story short daryl kills beta and they lead the  horde off a cliff the whisperers are defeated but   life goes on there's always new problems eugene  had been reaching out on the radio looking for   other communities and one day someone answers and  it sounds like a hot girl yeah eugene has a new   radio girlfriend stephanie and they make plans to  meet up so he recruits a few chaperones into the   booty call crew along the way they meet a zany new  character princess who is a little bit crazy but   very nice and friendly but eugene's lady love does  not arrive instead our group's ambushed by a bunch   of stormtroopers what they're taken prisoner by  this advanced new group maggie has some troubles   of her own she's on the run from a group called  the reapers and when she sees that negan is out   of his cell she is not happy about that because of  course he killed her husband glenn but negan these   days seems to regret all the bad things he did  he wants to be a good guy and so what new threats   will our survivors face in season 11 how will  this journey come to an end find out on the epic   final season of the walking dead and the best  way to watch this new season of the walking dead   is on amc plus season 11 begins on august 22nd  but the first episode is dropping a week early   on amc plus only august 15th then watch each new  episode of the intense final season three days   ahead of the sunday air time on thursday be part  of the early crew who's right on the cutting edge   of the walking dead content stream it from any  device ad free you know the drill this is the   best way to watch so go ahead and click my link  in the description to start your free trial of   amc plus now and join in for the beginning of  the end the final season of the walking dead   if you like this recap hit that subscribe button  for more of the best recaps of tv and movies and   if you love this recap check out the join  button and support the channel as a member


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