Technology in science fiction Wikipedia audio article

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Technology. In science fiction examines. The possibilities. And implications. Of new technological. Concepts. Authors. Have taken, or created. New innovations. And technologies. And elaborated. On what they might be and how they might be used, this. Exchange, goes in both directions sometimes, the technology appears. First in science, fiction then, becomes, reality such. As space travel, and other times the real technology. Comes first, and science, fiction, authors, speculate. About how it might be used and how it might affect the, human condition. Likewise. The accuracy. Of the technology. Portrayed, spans, a wide range, sometimes, it, is existing, technology. Sometimes. It is a physically. Realistic, portrayal. Of a far-out technology. And sometimes. It is simply, a plot, device that. Looks scientific but. Has no basis, in science. Examples. Drawn from space travel, in science, fiction include. Realistic. Case space, suits, these. Are almost always, based, on existing, suits, or near-term. Extrapolation. Of their capabilities. Extrapolation. Travel. Within the solar system as of. 2018. Humans, have only traveled, in Earth orbit or from Earth to moon and back. However. Traveling. Within the solar system violates. No physical, principles. Plot. Device, faster-than-light. Dry. It is, unsupported. By physics, as we know it but needed, for galaxy wide or intergalactic, plots. With human lifespans. Topic. Fictional. Technologies. That have since been realized. Almost. Every, new technology that, becomes, practical. Was previously. Used in science, fiction the. Following. Are a few examples, from. A very large set. Transparent. Aluminum. As featured, in the Star Trek universe has. Since become a reality as, aluminium oxide. I tried alon tum' patented. In, 1985. And, as different, from metallic. Aluminium as, rust as from iron. Rather. Than being used as transparent. Blast shielding. As in the fictional, enterprise, class starships. This transparent. Ceramic. Is used as the chemically. Similar and similarly. Expensive. Corundum, crystal. And aluminum, oxide has, long been used in, tough windows. Tractor. Repulsor. Beams have been realized, as laser based, optical. Tweezers, and more recently, as a pair, of Bessel beams. These. Instruments, use the radiation, from the laser beam, to manipulate. Microscopic. Particles, in what is called an optical, trap. Along. The length of the beam as desired. Fictional. Tractor, beams have been prominently. Used in, the Star Wars universe, and. In the Star Trek universe in. An. Early, scene of Star Wars a, new hope a large spaceship. Uses, such a beam, to seize a small, one in order to capture the, protagonists. Artificial. Vision prosthetic. Eyes visual, prosthesis has, been a topic of experiments. Since the late 20th, century. Notable. Characters. Using artificial, vision, include, all characters. From the ghost in the shell' series, who use prosthetic, bodies, eg. Bat. Ooze Ranger, eyes Saito's. Left eye and motoko. Kusanagi. Artificial. Eyes Geordi. LaForge from. The Star Trek The Next Generation. Series. Who made use of a visor and, later ocular. Implants. Robocop. From the Robocop. Series, spike, Spiegel from, the Cowboy Bebop anime. Series and the elusive, man from the Mass Effect series of, video games. Tricorder. The lab-on-a-chip. Application. Development, portable. Test system, LOC. Ad, pts. Used, by astronauts. On the International Space. Station, as designed, specifically. To, biochemical. Molecules. With the purpose, of, identifying. Microbes. On space, station. Services. Through. Use of the gram staining, method, though less advanced. Than the fictional, tricorder. Of the Star Trek series the. LOC, ad, pts. Has useful for, quickly identifying. Bacteria. And fungi, on the international. Space station without. Having, to send samples back to earth thus, risking, contamination. Or degradation. Sungai, have proven, to be a hazard, if left unchecked on, the space station as, they managed to decompose. Some Russian electronics. The tricorder, featured, in the Star Trek universe was. Capable of measuring almost, anything. From the chemical, composition. Of explosives. To the life signs of a dying humanoid. The. LOC, ad pts.

Does Not differentiate. Between live. And dead test, material. Yet. Topic. Spaceflight. Since. The principles. Of rocketry, were worked out in the early 20th, century writers. Have used straightforward. Extrapolation. To support, stories, of interplanetary. Exploration. Colonization. Conquest. And so forth. With. New developments. In space exploration and. Technology. The idea of space exploration, became. A reality. Though. Many writers explored. Space travel. Before these events and inventions. The reality. Of new technologies. And the evidence, that space, exploration. Was now possible opened. New doors to, create more, fantastical. Ideas, of space travel. Many. Science, fiction topics. Are born from reality but, turn these new technologies. To create imagined. Realities. Thus creating. Science, fiction, in itself. 1903. The Wright brothers. Invented the. First motored, and manned airplane, launching. The age of human flight. 1920s. Robert, Goddard, and Wernher, von Braun, developed. Liquid-fueled. Rockets, later, applied, as the v2, in war. Fictional. Spaceships. Of the 1950s. Were typically. Shaped like the v2. Later. Long-range. Missiles, influenced. Later fiction. The. Space race between the US, and Soviet Union, inspired. More precise, depiction. Of technology. Already under, development. The. Launch of the first man-made, object. To orbit, Earth, USSR. Sputnik. 1 October. 4th 1957. Space. Station's, first presented. In crude form, by the brick moon were popularized. In, the 1960s. By books agitating. For further, development. Those. Little, resembled, the Salyut, 1 or later actual. Stations. 2001. A Space, Odyssey film, presented. The, rotating, wheel, space, station, of the. 1960's. But few others did the. Long-running. Fictional. Deep space 9 space, station, and Babylon. 5 space, station. Little resembled, any of the above. Topic. Faster-than-light. Galactic. Scale stories. Usually call, for interstellar, travel in, human, lifetimes, which is not supported, by existing. Science, so this technology, is more speculative. Among. The earliest, introductions. To this concept. Include, EE doc. Smith's. Element, ex powered, spaceship. In the Skylark. And lensman, series. 1920s. The. So called ex solution, unlocked, the atomic, power of copper, which is then used to power an advanced, propulsion system. In these. Narratives. The ships are inertial. S, this. Inertialess. Drive makes, travel, effortless, that huge, multiples. Of the speed of light. The. Faster, than light travel was. Also, explained, in Isaac, Asimov's. Foundation. Series, and became, a familiar term, thereafter. Particularly. Since the concept, was also, used by the Star, Wars films. As well as other fictional. Intergalactic. Narratives. Hyperspace. Commonly. Designates. One class, of technology. Where infinite, speeds are possible, a ship may jump to hyperspace or. Star drive clutching. At the very fabric, of time itself. Thus. Making travel. That would normally take thousands. Of years possible. In no time at all, one. Example, of narrative, descriptions. For hyperspace, was, John east its. Conceptualization. In the novel, redshift, rendevouz. 1990. The. Author described. That a spacecraft. Operating. In a hyperspace. Moves at exactly. 1024. Times the speed of light relative. To normal space-time, with, the speed of light lower than. 300,000. Kilometers. Per second. Topic. Mechanical. Life androids.

Robots. While, now as of, 2017. There are companies, that are fully, devoted, to creating robots. And artificial, intelligence, these. Ideas, were long present, in science, fiction before, they started, to become real technology. Mechanical. And artificial. Characters. Were derived, both, from, extrapolations. Of real engineering. Efforts, and from the whims and imaginations. Of the authors. This. Technology. Has given writers, as well as other forms of art the inspiration. To create non-human. Characters. Topic. Early. Fiction, about mechanical. Life. Olimpia. The, Sandman, a short. Story by ETA, Hoffmann. 1816. Marius. Are you, are a play, by Karel, Capek. 1920. Maria. Metropolis. Film. 1927. Revolt. Of the pedestrian. Novel, by David H, Keller. 1932. Asimov's. Robots. Short stories. 1954. To 1992. Robby, The Forbidden Planet film. 1956. Daleks. Doctor who. 1963. Cybermen. Doctor, Who. 1966. The. Iron man novel. By Ted Hughes. 1968. The. Stepford, Wives by, Ira Levin, novel. 1972. The. Questor, tapes. 1974. The. Bicentennial. Man by Isaac, Asimov. 1976. C-3po. Star. Wars Episode four. A new hope. 1977. Darth. Vader Star. Wars Episode four. A new hope. 1977. K9. Doctor Who. 1977. Marvin. The Paranoid Android, the. Hitchhiker's, Guide to the galaxy. 1978. Topic. Definitions. Artificial. Intelligence. Also, known as machine, intelligence. And often abbreviated. As AI is, intelligence. Exhibited. By any manufactured. Not grown system. The. Term is often applied to general-purpose. Computers. And also in the field of scientific. Investigation. Into the theory, and practical. Application. Of AI a. Robot. As an electromechanical. Or. Biomechanical. Device or group of devices, that can perform, autonomous. Or pre-programmed. Tasks. An. Android. As a robot, made to resemble a human usually. Both in appearance, and behavior. The. Word derives from the Greek andr. Meaning. Man. Male, and, the, suffix, EADS used to mean of the. Species alike. From. A DOS. Species. A. Cyborg. As a cybernetic. Organism, which. Adds to or enhances. Its abilities, by using technology. Topic. Early. Timeline. Of real-world. Technology. 19:57. Applied, Physics Laboratory. Ice. Begins, with focus, on learning machines. And, self-organizing. Systems. 1961. Minos, won first, perceptron. Machine, responds. To a pattern, of binary, inputs, using weights. 1966. Artificial. Intelligence. Center is formed. 1966. To, 1972. Shaky. The robot, first autonomous, mobile, robots, controlled, from, radio, and TV links. 1968. Asterisk. Algorithm. Graph searching, algorithm. Used to route planning, solver. For navigation. 1969. Strips. Planning engine. For shakey. 1969. Qa3, and, QA for, automated. Problem solving. Topic. ESP. Psychic. Powers, sigh, phenomena. You. With, new developments. In science, and technology, helping. To study and promote. Parapsychology. Or sigh phenomena. Many SF, writers felt, the need to incorporate, and, elaborate. On these subjects. In their stories. While. Technology, helped. The investigation into. SCI phenomena. It also created, questions. That many SF, writers chose, to answer through their stories, in their own unique, way if, we. Look at some of the examples, of SCI phenomena. Prominent, in stories, they may have stemmed from how science, would take this experimentation. With SCI phenomena. And use it in. Stephen. King's the. Dead zone we. See how precognition. Was used to affect political candidates. The. Idea, that someone, could harness, this power and, use it for good or evil was, one that many SF, writers, elaborated. On in. The. Foreign, hand tie by. Randall, Garrett espionage. Takes on a new form via telepathy through. Twins. When. Science, and technology. Can be used to anchor something. In reality. Via. Experimentation. Or exploration, and, yield, results. It creates. Controversy. That society. May fear or even fantasize. About. Throughout. SF, history, SCI, phenomena. Can be seen to be used for good and evil and through new science, and technological, discoveries. This, genre then becomes, more real and more elaborate. Topic. Terms, commonly. Used. Telepathy. The, ability, to read minds. Precognition. The, ability, to see the future. Telekinesis. The ability to, move objects. With mental, force. Psychokinesis. PK, for short or mind. Over matter. Teleportation. The ability, to move oneself. From one place, to the other or, back, and forward, in time. Telepathy. Emotion. Reading. Remote. Viewing clairvoyance. Scrying, the ability, for seeing, things not actually. Before your eyes. Psychometry. The ability, to sense what has touched a certain, physical object.

Or The imprint, it has left behind. By. Location. The ability, to be in two places at the same time. Pyrokinesis. The, capability. To start, fires by mental, action, alone. Topic. Riders to mention, these topics, GH Ryan 15. Months, in the moon 1880. Fitz, James, O'Brien the, bohemian. 1885. Arthur. C clarke childhoods. End. 1953. Parapsychology. Determines. In the end the fate of the human race. Robert. A Heinlein. Time, for the Stars. 1956. Telepathic. Twins Joanna, Russ and chaos, died. 1970. Telepathy, algis. Beaudry's rogue, moon. 1960. Chester, Aaron out of sight out of mind. 1986. Stephen. King the dead zone. 1979. Precognition. Effects. Political. Candidate, James, H mitts, these, are the arts. 1962. Telepathic. Masters, where slaves, Isaac, Asimov belief. 1953. Physics. Versus levitation. Mark Clifton, and Alex apostille, ID what thin partitions. 1953. In. Real psychokinesis. Randall, Garrett the foreign hand tie. 1961. Espionage. Via telepathy between. Identical. Twins Robert. A. Heinlein. Project. Nightmare. 1953. Clairvoyance. And a bombs. Zeena. Henderson. Ararat. 1952. The first of the, people. Stories. About, SCI gifted, aliens, who live on earth. Murray, leinster the. Leader. 1960. Long-distance. Mass hypnotism. Topic. Brief, history. Of psy phenomena. In science. While, ESP. And belief in other powers, were in the beginning mainly. Fueled by, superstitions. Religion. And tradition, the dawn of science, brought about a way to analyze, and, study these supposed. Powers. Giving. Them an anchor, in reality. The. Scientific. Revolution featured. Ideas, that life should be led. By reason, and that. The universe. As a mechanistic. Deterministic. System. Could eventually be, known accurately and. Fully through, observation. And reason. While, new science, and technology. Gave rise to, skepticism. Towards, the existence. Of SCI phenomena. It also gave, way for new technologies. To be applied, in either proving, or disproving such. Phenomena. One. Of the first experimental. Approaches. To SCI phenomena. Started, in the 1930s. And was conducted under the direction of, JB. Rhine. 1895. To 1980. Rhyme. Popularized. The now famous, methodology.

Of Card, guessing, and dice rolling, experiments. In a laboratory in. Attempt, to find statistical. Validation for. Especially in. 1957. The parapsychological. Association. Was. Formed at the pre-eminent Society. For, parapsychology. Openness. To new, parapsychology. Studies, and occult phenomena. Continued, to rise in the 1970s. Topic. Technological. Developments. The, random, number generator. Ganzfeld. Experiment. Homogenous. Unpaid. Rained sensory. Stimulation. To produce an effect similar to sensory, deprivation. Development. Of statistical. Tools by RA, Fisher. In, the 1920s. Topic. Timeline. Of probable. Influences. II. Dawson. Rogers hopes to gain new respectability. For, spiritualism. And found Society. For psychical research, in, 1882. Government. Investigations. Into. Parapsychology. Project. Stargate. Formed, in, 1970. With cooperation. From the Central, Intelligence Agency. And, Defense, Intelligence Agency. Investigates. Remote, viewing sees, nothing useful. Topic. Visitors. From other planets. Extraterrestrial. Life as, a familiar, topic in fiction, in the centuries. Since astronomers. Discovered. That planets, are worlds, people, have speculated, on the possibility. Of life existing. There though, xenobiology. Has remained, a science, without a subject. However. People. From afar, or alien, creatures, with various, powers, and purposes, provided. Fresh new material, for fiction, some. Stories, were about friendly, visitors, who got along with humans, such, as the aliens, in the keroro, gunso, series. When they give up under attempting, to take over planet, Earth. Others. Made alien, invasion. Their theme as in the 1898. Novel. War of the Worlds. Meteorites. Have long shown that foreign, bodies, sometimes enter. Earth's atmosphere. And the term flying. Saucer. Was. Coined in. 1947. Several. Science, fiction, novels, used them. Topic. Early. Writers. The, war of the worlds, by HG. Wells. First, serialized. In, 1897. Martians. Go home by Frederick, Brown. 1956. The. Moon that vanished, by Leigh Brackett. 1953. From out there by Leo margulies. 1959. To. Outrun, doomsday. By Kenneth, Ballmer. 1957. Venus, stories, by Edgar, Rice Burroughs. 1955. Topic. Other terms. Nti. Non-terrestrial. Intelligence. A term, for alien, life that. Dwells in the oceans, or otherwise, not on land. UFO. Unidentified. Flying. Object. Flying. Saucer. A certain, kind of spaceship. Topic. Timeline. Of non, science-fiction. Influences. Antiquity. Onward, philosophers. Have debated, the existence. Of extraterrestrial. Life. 1609. Galileo. Using. A telescope. To observe the heavens, discovers. That planets, or other worlds. 1877. Italian. Astronomer, Giovanni. Schiaparelli. Reported. The appearance, of certain, long thin lines he called Canali meaning, channels, in Italian. Early. 1900's. Astronomer. Percival Lowell. A science, popularizer. Wrote, the books Mars. 1895. Mars. And its canals. 1906. And Mars. As the abode of life. 1908. This, was considered, science. At the time not, fiction, but has been shown to be incorrect, by modern, missions, to Mars. 2009. NASA's. Kepler mission shows, that an assumption, of science, fiction that planets.

Are Common throughout, the galaxy. Is in fact true. Topic. Parallel. Worlds. The, notion, of parallel. Worlds have, always intrigued. Different, types of genres. Especially. The science fiction aspect. Many. Authors, have used the idea, of traveling back into prehistoric. Times or traveling, forwards, to an unknown universe. The. Idea, of entering a world that has not been touched or that has evolved, into a new incomprehensible. Parallel. Makes people, ponder, about what it could looks like or what it could be. Authors. Have used this notion of an alternate, reality and. Have created their own worlds, that have given readers, a different, view of alternate. Worlds. Topic. Early. Writers. Sideways. In time by Murray Leinster novel. 1934. Lest. Darkness fall, by L Sprague, de Kamp novel. 1939. Horse. Sense Hank in the parallel, worlds, by Nelson, s, bond. Magazine. 1942. The. Alteration. By Kingsley, Amos, novel. 1976. The. Anubis, gates by Tim powers novel. 1983. Topic. Definition. Parallel. Universe, parallel, universe, or alternate, reality, in science, fiction and fantasy as, a self-contained. Separate. Reality. Coexisting. With our own. Topic. Other terms. Multiverse, said of many universes. There. Are many specific, uses. Of the concept. As well as systems, in which a multiverse, has proposed, to exist, in. Parallel. Universe, alternate. Universes. Worlds. Realities. And dimensions, in fiction. Alternate. Reality, alternate, universes. Worlds. Realities. And dimensions. In fiction. Alternate. Future, as a possible. Future which, never comes to pass typically. Because someone, travels, back into the past and alters, it so that the events of the alternate, future cannot, occur. Topic. Early. Timeline. 1905. Albert Einstein. Proposes, special. Theory of relativity. 1905. Albert, Einstein's. Special theory. Of relativity, shows. That space, and time are relative. Not absolute and. That time, is actually a fourth, dimension. Within what he calls. Space-time. 1916. Einstein. Discovers. That space-time, is curved. 1920s. Heisenberg. Schrodinger. And Dirac. Reformulate. Mechanics. Into quantum, mechanics. Based on the uncertainty. Principle. 1922. Kaluza, Klein Theory, combine Einstein's. General, relativity and. Maxwell's. Electromagnetic. Field. Theory, in five dimensions. 1937. Mathematician. Kurt gödel proposes. That the universe, itself may, be a time machine. 1949. Gödel, demonstrates. Mathematically. That pathways. Through time are consistent. With general relativity, see. Gödel metric. 1967. U.s. physicist. John Wheeler, invents, the name black. Hole, to. Describe, singularities. In space, and time. Topic. Invisibility. The, idea, of being unseen. And hence undetectable. Has fascinated. Mankind for. Generations. This. Concept. Has generated. Scientific. Pursuit, towards, defying, our physical, parameters. Many. Authors, have toyed, with the, idea of, gaining, invisibility. Via both science-based, and, fictional, means. Invisibility. In, the actual, scientific, world, will be a very difficult achievement, one. That will involve, much more, complication. Than we have begun to delve into. Further. Technological. Developments. Bring us closer, to our goal while also broadening. The horizon. For science, fiction authors, performing. Thought experiments. On the topic, of invisibility. Topic. Mythology. And folklore, precursors. Many, myths and legends, include, gods, spirits. Angels and. Demons that, are often, invisible or, can choose to become invisible at, will. One. Of the first stories, to explore, the idea of invisibility. Was in Plato's the Republic, a, peasant. Finds a ring in the tomb of a dead king that allows him to become, invisible. He. Enters the palace, seduces. The Queen and, plots, to kill the present, King showing, that power such, as invisibility. Corrupts. Perseus. The Greek mythic, hero who helped establish the, twelve Olympians, was equipped, with a cap of invisibility to. Kill Medusa. Topic. Early. Writers. HG. Wells wrote The Invisible Man. 1897. Which was the first science, fiction novel, to explore, the idea of invisibility. The. Invisible. Man as a scientist. Named Griffin, who theorizes. That if a person's, refractive. Index, has changed, to exactly, that of air and his body does not absorb, or reflect light, then he will not be visible. He. Successfully. Carries, out this procedure, on himself but cannot, become, visible, again leading. To mental instability. JRR. Tolkien. Wrote the, Lord of the Rings series, which revolves, around the function, of a ring that renders, the user invisible. Unfortunately. It had an evil influence with, negative, effects, on the wearer's actions.

Douglas. Adams, wrote The Hitchhiker's Guide, to, the galaxy. 1978. Novels. Which encompass. A humorous, concept. Of a field which makes people, believe the object, in question us. Somebody. Else's. Problem. And therefore. Do not see, it this. Concept. As explained, in the book bases, off of a statement to the effect that actual, invisibility. Is, impossible. And that the field is merely a way to make something, close to being invisible by, actually. Making it hard to notice deliberately. Philip. K dick wrote, in his, 1974. Novel A Scanner, Darkly OVA. Scramble. Suit this. Is a flexible, sheath covering, the body of the wearer with a reflective. Refractive coating. On the inside surface. That, transfers. The camouflaging. Pattern, projected. By a holographic. Lens, mounted, on the wearer's head unto, the outside, surface, of the sheath causing, a camouflage. Like invisibility. Topic. Definition. Invisibility. Is a term, that is usually, used as a fantasy. Or science fiction term, where objects, are literally, made unseeable, by magical. Or technological. Means. Topic. Invisibility. In, science, fiction. There, is an undeniable link. Between science. Fact and the ideas, that emerge, in science, fiction. Science. Fiction authors. Are inspired, by actual, scientific. And technological, discoveries. But. Allow themselves, the freedom, to project, the possible, future, course of these discoveries, and, their potential, impact on, society. Perhaps, only weakly, bound to the facts. Topic. Invisibility. In, fiction. Authors, are faced with obstacles presented. By, the realities. Of actual. Technology. However, fiction. Allows a window, for the opportunity. Of inventing. Completely. Imaginary. Technologies. To move their storyline, forward. And maybe even still, explore, the outcomes, of such power. Magic. Objects. Such as rings, and cloaks can be worn to grant the wearer permanent. Invisibility. Spells. And potions can. Be used or cast upon people. Or objects, granting, temporary, invisibility. Topic. Timeline. Of possible. Influences. Seventeenth-century. The. Refractive. Index was, developed, major. Advances. Near the end of the 19th, century raised. Authors awareness. 1670s. Omitting, or reflecting. Light outside the, wavelength, range of visible light would, result in a human-shaped black. Hole which would be completely opaque. 1930s. Chromakey, began, to develop which, is the removal, of color from one image to reveal, another image, behind, it, the. Removed, color becomes, transparent, which. Is also called, color. Keying. 1938. Stealth, technology, began. To develop it is, used with aircraft, ships, and missiles, in order, to make them less visible to certain, detection. Methods. 1966. An enemy, in a Star Trek episode, uses. A cloaking, device. Other. Fiction. Has used a cloak of invisibility. Topic. See, also. You. Weapons. In science, fiction. Science. In science fiction. Alternate-reality, disambiguation. Metaverse. List. Of fictional robots, and, androids. Cloaking. Device. Active. Camouflage. Invisibility. In, fiction. Technology. In Star Wars.


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