CSC Webinar on development of printable solar photo devices towards achieving net zero targets

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so i have now started the recording um welcome everyone who've just joined us um recently um this cses knowledgehub webinar is on drone technology and agricultural development with focus on awareness and adoption of this in nigeria and this topic will be presented by femi adekoya a 2019 commonwealth shared scholar from nigeria femi has completed his msc in integrated pest management from the harper adams university which is also where he found and pursued his passion in drone technology femi proudly calls himself a farmer and he is an agricultural professional with strong interest and experience in agricultural innovations and technologies femi is also the founder of agrideck limited he is a drone strategist and the head of flight operations at integrated aerial precision i'm now in white family to talk about his passion to work with drone technologies to help farmers and relevant stakeholders who are directly or indirectly linked to the agricultural sector in nigeria and beyond so fermi over to you all right thank you so much eva for the introduction and i hope you can hear me clearly also um i counted a very great opportunity to be presenting um something i'm passionate about and which is joint technology uh as relates to agriculture so i am femi hadikoya and i'm popularly known as femi farmer the flying farmer yeah in my country and i love to be called that so i'll be taking you through the topic of today's webinar drone technology and agricultural development awareness and adoption in nigeria but before i go ahead to establish a topic of the day or into the body of it i like us to be at the same page um as to what drones are you know many people are um do not really know the concept of drones so that is why i just brought up this um this slide to enlighten us as to what drone means okay in simple terms drones are referred to as unmanned aerial vehicles and uh place emphasis on the world on man to tell you that these are vehicles area vehicles that do not require a human i mean a human being male or female to be on board to control the aircraft as compared to your um conventional aircraft like helicopters um airplanes and the lights drones are also remotely piloted aircraft because they are command they are remotely piloted aircraft and just like you can see at the right side of the slide the picture showing you a drone and a remote controller to pilot the drone but you don't have heart but they can operate they can be operated autonomously or they can fly autonomously that is true and that is because of um getting better systems in them and through the work um and also gps that's geographic positioning system they are also called robots okay we can also call drones area robots so let's get further so and i know that you are also interested to know how i as an agricultural professional um got to know about drone technology and also you be using drone technology but first i'd like you to know that it is my goal and that means my career goal to be an athlete professional in the field of agriculture contributing to local and global food security within the context of a sustainable environment through proven scientific um knowledge and technological innovations this is my stay i and this is with this objective or this goal of mine um i was awarded the commonwealth scholarship to study at adams university one of the best school to study agriculture in the uk and i really thank the commonwealth sheet scholarship for this opportunity uh while on my course i and someone so much interested in agricultural technologies i got to know about doing technologies in agriculture more deeply other than that before coming to the uk i've just been hearing about doing technologies and reading about it um just in few places but on this my course that is the messy course i was able to get the knowledge of drones and i determined to to take up a a certification or a licensing course um in this line to further uh deepen my interest and also get into the world of drones so and as you can see at the far right of the um of the slide you have um the certification that i got after i went through trainings that's some months of training um thanks to cobit19 adding to adding to the lens of time but i got myself um a gvc visual lineup site certificate now before we go ahead also more into talking about adoptions and awareness and adoption i like us to know this facts these are facts that we need to know um going forward why or to know the importance of drones in agriculture why are they necessary why do we need them and what what impact are they gonna make with agriculture or in agriculture number one it is estimated that nine billion people would have nine billion people on the face of the planet by 2050 and that means that our global food productions won't increase and that's what's increased by 70 percent and that's so significant 70 percent and while we are doing that we must not increase um the land use more than five percent that seems like an alkaline tax 70 percent is so significant but that's the fact agricultural impacts on climate change it's it would surprise you that 17 percent of greenhouse gases greenhouse gases emission is supplied or contributed by agriculture and in turn climate change is also impacting agriculture or more specifically our food production negatively it is for example in nigeria we've been having places flooded some part of the country experiencing drought and much more than that as even as an integrated pest management expert climate change is also causing disruption in our ecosystem and also causing a lot of pests to grow and that's for example the east africa low-cost invasion these are cause of climate change going further i'd like you to also know that small dog farmers are the most vulnerable of this climate change is beyond just a threat it has become a reality to us and smaller farmers are the most vulnerable it's safe to say that sixty percent that is nearly three out of three of nigerian population are engaged in agriculture and that means that throughout the value chain of agriculture two or nearly two out of three of nigerians are involved in this value chain that is they get their income and their means of livelihood in agriculture agriculture attracted by climate change also the agricultural sector remains appears unattractive to the youth it appears unattractive to the youth and these are hard facts that we need to know going further it will surprise you that agriculture is the least digitized of all major industries amongst oil and gas industry you say energy mining um telecommunication various industries banking finance analysis agriculture which happens to be the backbone of them hall is the least digitized of all this industry according to mackenzie global institute digitization index and that's surprising to me and not because i'm not in agriculture or not familiar with the industry but because of the importance of agriculture agricultural sector needs to get smart and then when i mean smart it means that it needs to get digital now this let's answer this question why are drones representing using agricultural industry or we put it in another context what's the importance how is how our drones contributing to agricultural industry how are they changing the industry positively and contributing uh to solving the problems in the sector number one they are relatively cheap i mean drones demand area vehicles they are relatively cheap in acquisition as compared to existing technologies essentially technologies such as satellites such as helicopters and and so many more you know aircraft to sprays feeds and their lives so drones are relatively cheap in terms of appreciation another point is that they are smart and they are portable i know you will be able to relate with this because you have smartphone majority of us may have smart phones now drones are now making life easier for professionals to have tools smart tools for them to work the ease of data collection and also on on-demand imagery or data collection this means that with the use with the with the head of drones we can collect data more easily and on demand imagery as compared to fast light imagery satellite image you may need to wait hours and some time to acquire this um images all right but with uh drone technology you can collect images real time and just when you want them with drones we now have reduced the labor intensity and that means fast expedition of tax a drone a sprayer drone of 16 liter can spray can be used to spray um over 10 hectares of land just in minutes just in minutes as compared to 16 liters knobs up backed by three person um depending on the crop to spray and hectare of lunch so there is a withdrawn we cannot reduce labor intensity and also faster expedition attacks ease of introducing integration opportunity drones canal because of iot drones cannot communicate with other machinery on the field and we've seen john deere a prominent tractor maker or producer um having a project communicating with drones and the tractor working [Music] autonomously and drones are relatively safe they're relatively safe for use and also they also promote safety seti as an integrated pest management expert i am familiar with the effect i mean the exact that drones uh that's that agrochemicals uh pattern agrochemicals cause um to to applicator uh applicator those who apply them farmers use hybrid chemicals um on their fields and these hydrochemicals are exaggerous or some of them are exaggerous but with the use of drones the applica the operator is far away and you can send the drone on an errand to be able to do the tax without being exposed to agrochemicals that are addressed furthermore drones are energy efficient and i would also me and i would also say that they are happily arguably um of low carbon footprint they have low carbon footprint and that is contributing towards fighting climate change and helping us to adapt or mitigate climate change they're energy efficient i must stress that because many drones that we have now now use lithium polymer batteries um to work and not fossil fuel although there are drones that could use fossil fuels but they are far even more efficient in use as compared to machineries like tractors boom sprayers on the labs autonomous system and operation this is how drones are revolutionized in agriculture because you can send drones on an errand and they will perform the tasks efficiently without missing any support on the field collecting data for you or expediting a particular task distributing um materials on the field and autonomously and that is why they are revolutionizing the agricultural industry we are we now have um drones can now provide efficient decision making that means that withdrawn data with images collected uh by by with drones or other sensors you can be able to make data-driven decisions for example even data-driven abnormally data-driven agriculture as a case may be they also promote resilience agri-food system resilience agri-food system or in the times of covet we've been able to see drones being used uh on the field because they reduced the numbers of liberals or um on the field they also promote digitization and digitalization in agriculture drones are making this possible because they are digital tools they're making digitalization and digitization possible in agriculture and this is most interesting for me and i'm very very happy about drones are making agriculture more attractive to the youth it is more lovely or more uh sweet to say you are doing operators in agriculture or you you drum pilots in agriculture you are using drones in agriculture or as compared to the traditional methods of whole and cutlasses so it is making more people focus and because of the career path that drones are creating is making agriculture more attractive to the youth now johnson agriculture um this webinar is not a time for us to divert so much into the intricacies and various use cases of drones in agriculture um but i have provided you a link or a handset to that uh you could just check to there is this text on this slide in red uh red color and that's a webinar i i i facilitated uh with some other um drum professionals in the uk zimbabwe another part of africa where we talked around technology in agriculture so that's drone for drones for ag ng professional network webinar so you can check that on youtube but going ahead with this webinar a drone is a tool used to gather data and deliver solution and that's the way i would sum it up when you talk about drones in agriculture we mean that is a tool that could be used to gather data to collect data and also to deliver solutions where you want them and i like to classify these drones in agriculture into two one here we have the sensor drones and we also have the actuation drones the next slide will reveal to you the difference i'll make a difference between the same soldier drones and the attrition drones now the sensor drone just at the wrap at the left side of um of this slide the picture on the left side that is me standing there with a drone called a blue grass made by parrot a prominent maker of drones but this particular drone is made for agriculture because it is equipped with multi-spectral sensor to take images multi-spectral images of fields and just at the right and it is a sensor drill okay we have a lot of sensors dependent we have rgb sensors you know depending on what your drone carries um that is what would classify them um if your drone carries cameras sensors and likes to to collect data and send some students are used to collect data to to stress that and we also have the actuation job that is me standing here with a massive agricultural drone used to spray solutions in the field this drone is it's about 15 liters 15 liters and it can be used it's an attraction tool and it can be used to spray or apply agrochemicals um not only agrochemicals if you also have an organic farmer you can also spray some other organic substance or impute for example we can spray biologicals biologicals like anthropogenic nematode through the sprayer okay so you what i'm just trying to say is that with this attraction you can be able to deliver solution at the right spot at the right time on your field with this device or such like it now it's i hope that i've been able to wait to advertise to be able to know the context of drones in agriculture what are drones doing or how are they helping us but the question is if drones have this enormous opportunity prospect in agriculture what's now drawing us back from adopting this drone what's now um uh what has limitated the the spread or the of the adoption particularly in africa uh african agriculture number one that's the relatively high cost of the technology yes those are still relatively expensive um to to the smaller farmers the smaller farmers and some of them will leave and or many of them i would say we need less than a dollar per day or two dollars per day you know so this drone is still this technology is still relatively expensive number two regulations and complex licensing system i can't i need to talk more of this the regulations that we have particularly in nigerians or another part of africa has limited the abductions of drugs for example the process and the complex the the complexity involved in getting licensed to be a drone pilot or to have a license to operate drones legally in nigeria can leave you with so much stress it's it's complex to get and there is still shouldn't around security and this is limiting and it is bringing setback as to the adoptions of drones in agriculture in particular i have to stress that regulations in developed countries like the uk to which our we are strange as a drone pilot is actually different from what we find in nigeria but um that's the reality and that is what is um and that is what is limiting the adoption another point is that we because of the previous point i mentioned is that we have few players in the aqua space industry just to stress it again we just have 20 licensed not more than 20 licensed drone organizations in nigeria to serve close to a more than um 200 million citizens of population that's so few and now to scale down amongst this to scale down to those who are involved in the agro industry i mean the agriculture are servicing the agricultural industry we have few and this is why we have limited adoption we also have um drone operator with inadequate knowledge we have drones are being used in various industries those in telecommunications and mining in energy and their lives you know but drones um john pilot or john operators in operating uh in in in agricultural sectors some of them are not adequately equipped with knowledge that can make them creatively use drones and solve solutions um give solutions and solve problems of farmers another point is that we have collaboration what i call collaboration deficiency there is no we do not really have that synergy um to cause this massive adoption there's a low level of public awareness low level of public awareness we also have bad pressure misinformation people have heard a lot about drones i mean the negatives and overhyped negative aspects of drone technology and they are misinformed many of you may have had different stories around drones or different impressions around drones but um this is this these are one of this is one of um the the setbacks we have in adoption of drones in agriculture lack of training on drone software and hardware you need training you need to be trained to operate drones you need to be trained to process and to have um to process drone data you need training to operate to use doing softwares and address we also have a lack of indigenous manufacturers because we we we don't we do not have local manufacturer we understand our context we understand our landscape we understand our environment our climatic environment and social uh social environment um we do not really have that context specific or tailored we are custom-made drones and we need them and we also have little academia or research attention and that's maybe due to funding and a lot of reasons now i've talked around the problems and then the question is what am i doing uh myself what i've what have i been able to do to push this awareness to push the awareness and the adoption of drugs in agriculture in my country upon return back home so i've been involved with training and capacity duty yes such as um in forms of symposium webinars workshops talks in school and so on training and programs you can see the pictures are there to just show you a bit of what i've been doing um the first picture is on hands-on training with an agricultural organization here in nigeria destiny battle and also um workshop seminars or sections in in university are called in a university called landmark university and i've also had in-class trainings on basic drum piloting and and and so many more i've also been involved in mentorship i also recognize that i am not the only one who is passionate around doing technologies and particularly in agriculture i've been also will be able to bring up young folks together who are interested in this technology train them answer a lot of questions and guide them as to how to build carriers career in this line taught leadership um through my social media blog posts information sharing sections television and radio communications i've been on television um bcos that's in new york to sensitize people about drones and it was really amazing um on instagram you know talking with other fellow um specialists um of drones in agriculture and other sections information sharing sections i've been through my involvement with integrated area precision um i've been i've been involved with mapping and i've been able to map well over a thousand hectares of land of agriculture farmland particularly and um crop scouting and health assessment have been able to provide that performance and i'm also doing that still doing that um crop spraying and inspection on surveillance can you can see um the the picture of the far left is is a digital model um that's an elevation map you know we can use that to plan um farm structures irrigations and the lags um the the picture in the middle is that's which um we're flying um for crop dusting you know and also i was also inspecting over 10 entertainers um in a beautiful nigeria for clients the roots are inspecting the roots where the leaks are very um solar rigged have been removed or exposed this is another way to which i contribute stakeholder engagement i do not deal with this i'm part of um the youth and data delegates of the city i am a global consultant of agricultural research i'm young i'm a young agricultural professional um i've been involved with conferences uh for example we just concluded the conference if the force of this kind in nigeria and that's i'm so excited to be part of the um to the conference and volunteering my my time and my skill to make it happen and that's john john tech x the picture in the video just shows some few of the my seniors and participants in this training on the stakeholders in particular when we um sharing questions and submission of how to move the industry forward um sharing within universities going around universities private and government sectors that stakeholder engagement now how it is important for us to know that drones bring development and they align very well to achieving developmental goals and that's number one the the global goal which is um the johan united nation sustainable development goal um in 2010 uh which expect that 2030. number one you know i can i can rightly defend that um from go one to go 17 drones are particularly useful and they are useful i mean yes but i've carefully selected um goes to which drones are particularly unique tremendous making drones are used to make tremendous efforts in delivery number one no poverty because um small with the farmers because drones are helping smaller farmers too to manage their best even at a reduced cost and it is also reducing poverty taking away poverty and achieving the no poverty will go on and go two which is very very important for me zero hunger because drones are now delivering solutions helping farmers to produce more food and not even more food but efficiently with a heart we're not achieving zero longer drones technology technology are also providing decent work and economic growth for example i am a drum pilot a joint strategist so that's a decent work for me and it is also increasing my and many other people that which we have been training i will have this cue economically goal 12 which is responsible consumption and production because drones are now making um with drones we cannot have sustainable environments because we do not have excessive use of of agrochemicals or other resources or wastage of resources we can now use them efficiently in precision agriculture and lastly that i will mention is partnership because drone technology brings together interdisciplinary um um different sectors together to achieve um are bringing this these various people onto what in partnership to achieve the sdg goals another development goal which is very very uh important for me to mention is the malibu montpelier panel recommendation and it is a very uh robust recommendation but focusing on transforming our food system and digital uh with digital technology that's one of the points that which i will mention here transforming food systems so drones are transforming food system and because they are digital technology um bringing this um csc development thing inside technology for development because those are making this possible also strengthen the resilience and strengthen resilience and response to crisis drones are used to collect and also be able to tackle um crisis such as wildfires yes drones are used to to collect data estimate the the extent of damage and government can be able to provide um solution or interventions to this crisis and also then um it results into resilience of farmers and many other uh industry now bringing this down to the context of nigeria then we then have national development um plan on agriculture uh which expect that from this year to 2025 so joints are contributing to these um to these goals and i'm happy about to share that with you now going forward what are the solutions what should we be doing going forward what should be our focus in order for us to have the the benefit that don't bring to the agricultural industry what should we do yeah my recommendation number one we must have inclusive regulation the fact is that drones are miss other industries um i mean agricultural amazing industry we use it is unique to its own self we do not need one size fit or regulation we do not need one size fit or regulation um particularly even for the agricultural industry i think most of uh the sprayer drones do not even fly beyond three meters or four meters as the case may be and because compared to many other industry that requires it to go higher so we need to reduce not reduce but make it inclusive um that's the right would make the revolution inclusive for agriculture and so that we can adopt this technology there's a need for more funding funding to businesses promoting the use of drones in agriculture and not only for businesses but even for research research decisions and academia for them to be able to um do more in research and moving the industry forward giving us scotland technologies uh to to work with establishment of training centers it is very very vital that we have training centers so there is a need for establishment of training centers this is very very important to me catch them young initiative i mean drones in stepping education um we we now begin to plan to go to secondary schools i mean high schools and uh even universities to introduce to these students these puppies kids that drones are what are there are the two is the two of the future the unmanned area technology is the tool of the of the future and they could be able to imagine themselves see this and how they can align with this technology to use this in the future development of innovation culture there is a need for us to develop innovation in innovation culture and miso that means in nigeria and some other part of africa cooperative farming system yes don't encourage the large production large production drones are not um are not um drones are encouraging encourages large-scale production so it is necessary because it is unnecessary because we as africans particularly sub-saharan africa we our states and smaller farmers and we cannot compare ourselves with the developed world like the uk and the u.s we have that strong with us that's our system of production but we can come together as a cooperative to use drones and enhance the benefits and uh the benefits that drones bring into our operation we need to be compliant and safety conscious and this is particularly to um uh fellow drone pilots and professionals we need to be regulation compliant ethics we must have that so that we do not have misinformation and bad press going forward we also need public awareness massive public awareness and campaign collaboration is very very key and i'm always excited collaborating with fellow scholars and even other stakeholders and professionals in the industry i've been able to work with uh work with other fellow scholars and i mean the commonwealth scholars um those in gis uh and related feeds demonstration the farmers do not believe you because of your word i am a farmer i know this i'm not the farmer psychology they do not they cannot believe you just because you said drones are good you have to demonstrate it you have to show it you have to show them the cost benefit and this is where demonstration is very very key research like i've also mentioned we need more research more research into battery technology more research in how we can make drones more efficient use drone data to deliver specific and uh effective solutions to the farms manufacturing like i also mentioned we need local manufacturer we also need to extend the balance this is very very important the drone industries presently is new dominated and we need more women we believe i believe personally that when we have more women in this industry will be able to have more color and and a better abduction rate because of women and lastly i'm a data um data analysis and i know that withdrawn data we can have big data integration okay we can we can we can promote big data integration that would then stem into the use of ai um a high technology and i in particular i'm focused on focusing my research on data-driven economy where i'll be using drone technologies um in various forms using machine learning and machine learning and deep learning and algorithmic computer vision to help farmers solve their problem using drone imagery or drones as vehicle um thank you so much i've come to the end of this webinar all right so you can also connect with me always on the csu knowledge of so that we can continue this conversation thank you so much eva thank you so much um femi uh your presentation was interesting and it was really good good to know about how you use drone technologies in um in africa within the uh agricultural sector specifically in nigeria as well and it was really interesting to know more about your passion to work with different stakeholders um to work on this technology so thank you so much for your presentation on this um i will now move to the q a session i do have a couple of questions coming for you uh but if attendees would like to ask any questions please use the chat box to send your questions in i will invite you to unmute yourself and ask the question yourself to the speaker to femi um however please note that this webinar is being recorded so if you do not want to unmute yourself that's completely fine uh please highlight this in your chat box and i will ask your question for you um to femi so please use the chat box to send in your questions um for femi um femi while we wait for a few questions to come in um we do have a couple of questions that we have received in advance um so one of the question for you is what is the legal framework inclusive of regulations that are established in nigeria to facilitate the utilization of drone technology okay um presently in the nigerian context for you to open drones legally you need to be certified by an organization a government organization called the national civil aviation authority and these people are the one administering this license however for you to get this license it's between uh you will you'll be able to submit your application as an organization not individual this is very very important to know in the in the uk i was licensed or certified individually but presently in nigeria you cannot go just you need an organization okay you are fully certified as an organization and you would then pass through the national security agency to then be tested and then you can be given if you are counted body you can be then awarded this licensing and then you can start your operations in nigeria um that's that's the legal framework that you need um primarily apart from your training and that you proving your competence um to to use drones or to pilot drones i hope i answered the question okay thank you so much yes that was a really good response to the question thank you um my next question for you is around the challenges that you faced um so what are your uh what are the challenges that you have faced in applying drone technology and how have you overcome skepticism over applying new technologies within the agricultural sector oh i think i missed this i'm sorry no problem all right um the question again please i was distracted by the both of this okay you can ask the question again i i lost you yes um so the question is around the challenges that you have faced in applying drone technologies and how have you overcome skepticism over applying these technologies okay uh i will quickly address skepticism because i think i've been able to share the problems or the challenges facing the adoption of green technologies nigeria but i will quickly talk around skepticism um skepticism yes because this is a new technology a relatively new technology it's utilized to itself skepticism like is this real um is this for good you know and we as humans i believe that we are more attracted um to the negative aspect of of things or the use the abuse of things because we um drones my privacy and the likes but number one because there are regulations and drones um i call them drone code for drone pilots those who are um armed with the knowledge you know to have for you to be a drone pilot you have to know this the hectic behind um you should not intrude into private people privacy there are codes and conducts for you and even in flying and also skepticism as to adoption that's why i mentioned demonstration for us to take away skepticism we have to demonstrate to people this is what this do this is the good that i bring to you with drone technology um and we also have to um promote community engagement community engagement you cannot just get into a a community and begin to fly drones you are complicating um the the the misinformation of bad press with it but when you have community engagement when you want to map out a place but communicating with with the community you can be able to take away the idea of skepticism and explain to them what you're trying to do and they'll be able to adopt accept and also be aware which is very very important going forward in the use of technology thank you femi um we have a question from um jacob um jacob would you like to admit yourself to um ask your question yes i thanks so much for the presentation thank you yes i want to find out what are some of the practical problems that this technology can solve especially for small scale or medium scale farmers just to yeah just to i think that was one of my questions i wanted to find out okay yes okay that's that's that's interesting thank you for having that question like i said uh i'll say that this is not a webinar to really go deep into the theaters but i would quickly mention some uh uh as part of the animals uh advantage that drones bring to us uh my friend in kenya um she's using drones to help the world bank to map small without farms i mean smaller farms and this means that withdrawn technology mapping this uh their farm mapping the the diversity and the diversity of culture we're going to dive um how dispersed their farms are we can they work bank in collaboration with the government of kenya can be able to know how they can come in with interventions um how they're dispersed uh where's their farm located how far is it with the nearest hospital how far is it with the nearest social amenities and the likes okay that's number one and number two um depending on the skill of production can be used to spray like i mentioned i mean crop dusting um and also um the recent lucas invasion drones have been employed employed in east africa because of the altitude the height to which drones can operate which is a very fundamental advantage of drones over every other aircraft drones can operate as low and because these low costs also um ravage at the very low um altitude uh drones can come and be the best solution as compared to every other technology to um to combat this um the low cost uh invasion and also uh like i've also said that i can classify classify or categorize the use of johnson agriculture as data collection and also actuation so uh we can also be able to monitor crop health um with small older farmers monitor the crop out also monitor pest invasion um also monitor weeds and with the inclusion of artificial intelligence drone data can then be processed to be able to help farmers estimate um estimate youth and um do a lot of um a good of good up for the farmers i hope i've been able to answer your question with this simple um explanation yes actually yes okay thank you thank you so much femi um i do see um professor fati has raised their hand um would you want to unmute yourself professor fati um i hope i'm pronouncing your name correctly to ask your questions no all right thank you so much um uh were there any questions from our attendees for um our speaker if not i can move on to the list of questions that um we have received okay um so the next question that we have received in advance for you for you femi is um is drone applicable in small scale farming and is it cost effective okay is it cost effective um that is the question will the relative i mean um relatively um okay and how we can make that possible for smaller farmers as i mentioned is cooperative farming coming together to farm cooperatively that we do not join in host being a smaller farmers our objective is to improve and add more into a global food production or how local dog food production so but with drone technologies when these farmers uh come together as a community we can be able to serve them better and that will also reduce the cost the cooperative can get a drone for themselves and they can also employ the um employee service providers service providers like such as integrated area position in nigeria which iran to be able to help them spread their crops map out their lands know their topography do a lot of planning and it can they can exploit that okay um all right so i think this is it with our q a session um i mean we still have a few seconds of minutes to go before we end this meeting so feel free to send in your questions um for femi um but it was a pleasure um having you over with us uh femi and i would like to end this webinar but thank you so much for your presentation and i'm sure our attendees have found your session very useful um if we from our attendees if we do have any aspiring drone pilots you know whom to get in touch with um you can get in touch with femi uh over our uh cse knowledge shop science and technology for development and uh femi is more than happy to answer any questions you might have or uh if you are already partaking in any work or research uh related to drone technology or within the agricultural sector please do um get in touch with femi uh if you have any questions or would like to discuss your work further um but yeah thank you so much to everyone for uh joining our webinar today semi do you have any last um thoughts or words uh before we end the session all right i like to handle this um it is true that the drone technology could still be at the infant stage the first stage however i would like you know i would like you to re remember the smartphone 20 years ago you did not have smartphone but i know that this is a drone decade we will have the federation of this as soon as possible in every region and we must get ready to be able to adopt um be aware of what is going to be what is what it has for us in stock for us and also be ready to adopt this technology so our hand with that thank you so much for the opportunity to share it thank you family those are really great words uh to end this webinar and um to all our attendees thank you for joining i will share a webinar feedback survey form with you later so do keep an eye out for an email from us uh in uh with shortly and um in the in the in the feedback form do share your thoughts and experiences of participating in this webinar um so your thoughts are most welcome um thank you once again and i hope you all have a nice day see you everyone thank you femi thank you thank you thank you thank you bye hi yeah thank thank you everyone bye


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