The AMAZON of Cryptocurrency BEST NEW PROJECT Code-Free Smart Contracts Interview Transient CEO

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i think the differentiator is clear in terms of  the ability for non-coders you don't know need   to know any solidity you don't need to know  what the blockchain is you don't need to know   um you know have any dev any dev tools um uh it's  it's really for any for anyone accessible anytime   um and yeah the adapter speak to themselves so  i'd yeah recommend your community to get onto   our twitter or youtube and check out the tutorials  um and we might even have a few sneaky testnet   access slots available as well so yeah  definitely get in and check what it's all about welcome back everybody to altcoin daily today we  are joined by ceo of transient the great bo olsen   transient describes itself as the amazon of  smart contracts an ecosystem built from the   ground up to facilitate and increase blockchain  adoption across every sphere of industry and   life i'm excited to talk to bo about what  exactly this means bo how are you doing today   doing great thank you how are you guys doing  excellent thank you so much for very good   joining us today transient has gotten our on  our radar recently so we're going to talk all   about it um but i guess just first you know how  you feeling about cryptocurrency in in general   absolutely excited um i think it's it's a really  good good point of time to to be in the in the   industry and really pushing the boundaries  with some not just the technology but the the   mainstream adoption that we're starting to see in  in many industries um not just the hours now but   um you know extending into into the mainstream  through whether it's uh new ecosystems whether   it's new chains whether it's press and coverage i  think it's a really good time to be in the space   hell yeah so let's get into this before we get  into transient could you tell us a little bit   about yourself since you're the ceo of the company  what's your background how did you get into crypto   and how did you find yourself a transient yeah  sure so um yeah i've been in the tech industry   and it's the broader sort of ecosystem for my  best part of my career so the last 15 years   um i've been in senior leadership roles  across many multinational corporations   in australia in asia and europe and a lot  of my focus has been around infrastructure   program management delivery management platform  management pretty much anything under the domain   of of software development and engineering so  um coming into the space um using a lot of that   uh experience to identify a couple  of opportunities in the crypto space   um the idea actually started as just a crypto  use case um you know providing the ability for   users to create smart contracts a lot easier and  obviously with a little bit of my experience and   those conversations being had in those sorts of  rooms and through those corporations i've seen a   really big opportunity to really span out and  yeah increase that across multiple industries   and you you kind of just said it but for somebody  who's just coming into the space has never heard   of transient can you just go over what is it why  does it matter yeah so transient where we're hell   bent around building an ecosystem and providing  the world a smart contract global marketplace um   so we want to be the the place that people come  where whether you're a coder or a non-coder   gives you the ability to actually create a smart  contract from scratch using our um intuitive and   best-in-class ui um we give users the ability  to create smart contracts anywhere um for   anyone at any time so really breaking down  the barriers to mass adoption and from a ui   and design perspective as well as giving a  really a simple and safe entry point for those   not familiar with the blockchain space i like  it so when you describe yourself as the amazon   of smart contracts what does that mean yeah it's a  really good point and that's one that's definitely   um caught some attention um given where i've been  in the space i've worked a lot with those guys   in terms of the their ecosystem and the behemoth  they're built and to be sort of put into the same   conversation with that will be great one day  um but the the intent behind the the amazon   pitch was around the marketplace that we  will be providing so today you would go   onto amazon whether it's for ec2 instances  whether you're spinning up your own cloud   posts whether you're buying a book the marketplace  itself as amazon its ecosystem um you know caters   to anything you need at any point in time and  where we're going with our dap creation and being   able to create dapps on the ecosystem that caters  to every walk of life um in every industry we   want to be that central point of the marketplace  feel um for when you need a smart contract and   correct me if i'm wrong but we've seen blockchain  as a service projects and crypto before how is   transient different than that previous competition  yeah so um and this is something i've spoken to   a couple of potential partners early on so  working particularly within the derivatives   safety exchange and online entertainment  businesses so through my contacts we've been   prototyping and talking around what this looks  like and the big thing that came out to us was   there was either two options to get into the space  um so one as you said the blockchain is a service   where you know the big guys are providing a really  good service but at a really hefty price you know   innovative companies particularly in the online  entertainment space through gambling esports and   the like uh technology first and generally like to  be able to build their own stuff and keep their ip   so something we found is the the opportunity for  transient to be almost a middleman within that   and allow these industries and corporations to  take their first step into blockchain but with   the non-requirement of having solidity debts or  people with experience within the blockchain and   transient provides that in the form of the easy to  use um creation and really does mirror itself on   today's sorts of practices whether it's in cms  management whether it's in marketing and crm   a very familiar feel to how they'd be operating  day-to-day from an operational perspective and we   think that the familiarity and also the ease of  use um really does you know take out the uh the   incorrect notion of the ability  to creating a smart contract is   um some sort of black magic so we hope to remove  that um and uh yeah be that middleman between the   blockchain as a service and doing it all yourself  nice i like it i understand you guys are you know   just recently launched i'm pretty sure but i  know you have four daps to come out in the next   several months can you kind of touch on those  four daps what broad industries are they in and   then you know what other types of industries is  transient uh targeting in the in these next couple   years you know for instance real estate medical  law but but please first touch on the ford apps   yeah sure um when we initially looked at the  roadmap for transients and um taking you know   that software development sort of principle of  incremental value um you know the whole agile   thing around inspection and adaption um that was  really critical for us to be able to understand   where we wanted to get to um so those industries  like you said um you know outside of the crypto   space um very traditional very hierarchical very  red tape based um organizations and industries   that's definitely where we want to get to we want  to get to a stage and we'll put it really bluntly   that we want to get to a stage where we're seeing  instantaneous smart contracts created um in in an   automated fashion through existing etl methods for  these corporations and you know we'll talk about   um chains and the ability to to do that soon but  you know that's inevitably where we want to get to   um however we need to start somewhere so in the  form of the adapter we'll be creating it really   is a stepping stone by providing incremental value  to our users um receiving feedback and then moving   on into the next phases of our our projects  and our dapps um so the first one is tsc core   so this is really close um and the team have yeah  done a mountain of work to get it to this far   um audits are undergoing as we speak and that  should be signed off as our last artifact before   locking in mainnet um within the next couple of  weeks um tfc core is around providing an entry   sort of foundational layer for crypto use case um  if with the ability for anybody coder or non-coder   to create a smart contract um to service that  effectively deposit of erc 20 tokens deposit   of eighth transfer of those tokens zenith and  also the ability to upload a digital signature   um so a really good example of that one is if  i'm a freelancer um i'm doing some work for a   crypto company they've got their sole payment  method in usdt as a freelancer i can create a   smart contract between myself and the clients  i can put some executable rules around that   around when is it going to expire what is the  payment that i expect to receive um what the   actions are and what the client or partner  will actually receive as a as a reward or or   um as a point at which they actually complete the  transaction and all this is done in a number of   steps um within our form on on our tc called that  so as i said and and the guys can jump onto our   twitter and youtube around seeing some tutorials  around how easy it is to use but that's a really   a four-step process of some data being loaded no  coding required and you're able to answer into   that contract um yeah with the executable time  rules as soon as that transaction either occurs or   we actually um it may be time-bound at a certain  point in time if that transaction isn't fulfilled   then it self-terminates itself as well so removing  any type of chance of of non-payments or actually   providing goods or services without that benefit  of instant payment so that's one use case i'm   really excited about that that one gives us the  opportunity to get real world feedback really   quickly and allows us to tweak our foundational  products um tsa core will be the basis of which   our adapts are built into the future and we were  really um uh focused on ensuring that whatever   we built with tsc core would be the foundation  we'd be able to build on which allows us to be   scalable and and flexible in terms of how we built  upon that and that's something we spent a lot   of time on to ensure that from a chain agnostic  perspective it was um evm based that at the moment   which allows us to operate with the likes of  ecochain through ubi's network works on going with   finance smart chain um and we're currently looking  at what chains next to effectively facilitate   our next use cases so really gives us a really  good grounding as to where we can go to next   um the next one is our crypto pool which um  i think you know the buzz around prices and   predictions at the moment is obviously ongoing  as it is um you know quite generally within the   crypto space um and that's giving the community an  ability to actually create prediction pools within   our zaps where you would effectively set a  time period um a number of options or brackets   um for certain price uh gaps um and be able  to have the community actually uh put their   money where their mouth is so to say um and look  at predicting prices at a certain point in time so   you know what's the theory i'm going to be  at midnight on the 24th of october um i can   put that up as my own market or competition um the  community can then put their money through and you   know if you're correct great and you'll be able  to get some winnings within that and distributed   automatically through our smart contract so that  one is is quite exciting once again gives us that   another point in in reference to continue to build  and get some feedback around usage as we move into   our um dabs down down the road um the big one just  as i think i see the water um yeah i appreciate   all this information you're sharing with us uh i  love going over these daps we mentioned tsa core   you just mentioned crypto pool um i like that  i like we have two more i think yeah we do um   so the the big one that i'm looking forward to and  this is something that we've put a lot of time in   um around you know partnerships and and strategy  so we've we've teamed up with a strategic partner   in the esports space based out of australia  and we'll be dropping some details around those   in the next couple of days but um we've partnered  with them to really get a ability to have a   footprint in the in the esports ecosystem and  what is you know i think value over a billion   dollars now just from a tournament perspective um  into next year and speed sports that will provide   the next level and complementary experience to how  gamers and and esports consumers um consume their   content and um be part of the action so similar to  crypto pool um will be giving users the ability to   create their own uh pools and competitions um  based on official tournaments across the world   so we have a dota tournament coming up and  we've got a 64 match round robin tournament   i could effectively create a competition um myself  with the matches that i want to be better upon and   open that up to the community once again a great  rivalry great usage of your knowledge within the   space and using our smart contracts uh winnings  are distributed um you know automatically so   um yeah really really good feature um second to  that is and something that i i'm not seeing in the   market today um is the ability for us to really do  peer-to-peer um social betting and that's for me   playing fifa against you um being able to create  our own market i'm an ethical community as well   actually um take a part in in that action  so really really interesting um within the   esports space so just uh there's a couple that  you mentioned uh digital identity for finance   for other things etc esports market prediction  why would somebody choose to do that on transient   rather than the other blockchains out there is it  the ease of use yeah 100 um so once you do get on   and we've just had a really good round of test net  so we had over 3 000 requests um to get onto our   test net over 95 positive feedback um which mostly  related to the ui and ease of ease of use um so it   really is that you could be going on to any other  website um traditional or otherwise um and have   you know the same experiences in terms of uh ui  ux and the ability to um execute what you need   to do as you get there so it's also the the um the  differentiator of experience so particularly the   um the esports and the crypto pool um sort of  principles around community-led um creation of   experiences um there's sports books out there  today there's esports um you know bookmakers   and and that's but we're we're really focused on  giving the power back to the user in the community   to create the content and experiences they want  to see and allow their peers and and communities   to actually interact with that and that's the  core differentiator we're looking at are you uh   are you a sports fan like what sports teams do you  like yeah so you probably heard from my um accent   on australian so aussie rules is a big one um and  my background is 10 years in the betting industry   across the flooder group which yeah operates out  of australia and europe and now the us so a lot of   time in that and you'll see through um you know  some of the daps and the experiences we create   um uh you know with knowledge and and i  suppose expertise in in talking marks around   the industry and the opportunities that  represents um you know sports betting and   that sort of ecosystem is something that i don't  want to get into specifically as yet and we've   really targeted um esports as that demographic um  and that comes back to a really close alignment to   the principles of the crypto and esports and  gamers gaming communities um through our research   we've found that you know technology first um  decentralization all that good stuff around what   makes you know blockchain and the crypto space  freight is is some real fundamentals of the   gamer and esports community so we see some really  great synergies there um and you know we if the   time is right we may look into that broader sports  market um but yeah for now it is quite direct on   on the esports play that's perfect i mean like  uh your background in that kind of stuff now it   makes sense why you're starting with these because  these are things that you can kill right away and   esports is like exploding just like cryptocurrency  right it is yeah definitely um you know   in terms of not just the experiences we  create but um the ability for these these uh   teams and competitions to be able to operate you  know um without a central authority like a team   manager or a tournament official um with smart  contracts allows us to give back in another way   to the community as well so you know there's quite  a bit of um not fraudulent activity but there are   some scams within the esports ecosystem where  people are not being paid out for winnings you   know and agreements based on their contribution  to tournament so once again with transient and   this will be what we're working with our esports  um strategic partner on is how do we actually give   a supplementary um that or experience to those  who alleviate that issue and and you know not   just add the entertainment value but also add  the the real world human value of um you know   being paid when you've been said to be paid um and  not being you know screwed over by a team manager   or an official that they've you know got you to  to play a tournament for so there's definitely   a number of ways we can cut that um yeah to  ensure that we're adding value in a real way   totally and it's not just esports this is just the  beginning but on your website it listed um other   uh industries as well there's real estate there's  medical there's law there's all sorts of stuff   um as you guys continue to go forward what kind  of industries do you see yourself tackling next   yeah so law law is a big one but it's complicated  clearly i'm not going to try to put any professor   hat on this very shiny head um but uh what we what  we do know is that the need and the ability for   the legal profession in in general to have access  to easily um verifiable data via digital contracts   or as we're coining them within transit next  gen contracts um things like nba so we're   in development of our mda or non-disclosure um  agreement stat which in principle is is a pretty   simple um and straightforward approach but no  one's doing it today so using once again a very   similar design pattern and ui um we're able to  actually create a three or four step process to   digitally create an nda um that can be shared in  a very similar manner to our tsc core operates by   me as an owner creating a contract myself putting  the parameters around that sending it to you as a   partner to accept um and then we allow the smart  contracts to self-execute and um self-terminate as   they need to so if i have an agreement with  yourselves for the next five years which i'm sure   we will um we effectively go into an agreement  for that period of time um and at that expiry   will both be notified that it is now ceased um and  be allowed to enter into a new uh agreement so now   we're working through this and through you know  the startup phase you know whether it's investors   that you're talking to whether it's you know  partners that you're talking to whoever it is um   ndas and these sorts of agreements are very common  um and our role now is to actually see how we can   alleviate that that strain and pressure and make  it as absolutely simple as possible um so mda adap   is also in development at the moment and that it's  the the legal side um one that i'm i think you   know really passionate about and this is a real  you know use case in the sense of human value is   the insurance sector um so out of my most recent  experience it's around how do you get um claims   and you know whether it's health insurance whether  it's personal insurance whether it's car insurance   i'm really trying to cut out the number of  manual steps and the bureaucracy and red tape and   centralization of um using central banks for  payments and the like to really put the consumer   back in in the poll position um and allow them to  control their own destiny um so we all know if we   put in insurance claim that the sort of lead time  that takes um to actually be accepted um you then   have to call the contact center you then wait for  information to come back you then get your claim   approved you then get it sent to your bank and  that's probably three or four weeks after wouldn't   it be great if you've got your car repaired um the  repairer takes it off within transients and you're   paid into your crypto wallet automatically a  pretty good world um absolutely that's that's yeah   and it's not too far away the technology's  there um we think we have the industry uh   connections to get there um and yeah that  definitely is one that excites me from the   human value well anything that we can cut out the  middleman and just have a smart contract do it and   put the consumer back in control i support like  that's obviously why a lot of us are in crypto   with all those use cases what is the use  case of the transient token why is it needed   yeah um so for the token itself will  provide utility across the marketplace   first of all so um you'll you'll require some some  tsct within that um to be able to operate across   the ecosystem uh we're also looking at um  and we'll be announcing a tier structure so   transient tears that will come out some in the  next few days and that's really geared towards   providing differentiated experiences for our token  holders who obviously have loyalty in terms of the   amount they hold and also the period that they're  holding um so if you look at the esports example   a real clear one is around exclusive promotions  exclusive content and the ability to join prize   pools that may not be accessible for all users  um so as you provide you know your your loyalty   and the reward will be there for that um in terms  of the smart contract side it's also opening up   the number of smart contracts it having an active  base um so uh yeah if you at the the maximum tier   unlimited access you might the most subscription  um types that will be utilized throughout the   token and but then also a sharing revenue  model and this will be sharing revenue sorry   um for any transaction fees that come through  the transit network will be putting back into   the community and we'll be announcing some um  details around that shortly but whether it's   in form of raw tokens or a mechanism for for  us to buy back and burn so that's a couple of   uh you know pieces that we're putting together and  publishing we've already decided on it and it's   just around timing to get that out um but yeah  that's how we'll be looking to utilize utility   and reward those that believe in the project and  and they're using it frequently now the token is   an erc20 token i believe you mentioned it was  blockchain agnostic is that because it's evm   ethereum virtual machine compatible and because  like binance smart chain is evm compatible is   that is that what you mean by blockchain agnostic  yeah so uh for the initial depths um so yeah it's   not affected the evm definitely is is where we're  playing um so the way we've built though is the   the core code base and as we extend expand expand  into our new dapps we'll be able to look at the   most effective chain for that so in terms of  of core and the daps we have today um evm base   and we're extending to um head coach at  ecochain um and bsc yes that's correct   but if um if it became more advantageous to go on  a blockchain that's not evm compatible you could   do that in the future or yes we could yeah yes we  could um so particularly the underlying functions   that we've created will be reusable across that  there will obviously be some work um identifying   for which use case we would be extending to and  the value that brings back to the project and the   ecosystem itself um but as i've said to my guys  um whether it's been around for five minutes or   five years um if someone is working on a chain  or a solution to get to where we want to get to   i want to be talking with them i want to be  prototyping and want to be experimenting around   how that may assist us into the future so um  yeah there's there's plenty happening all the   time we just need to find how it can better our  use case um going forward i want to take a little   step back just to get a wider view of the whole  crypto market the ethereum ecosystem in general   are you a big believer like where do you see each  the king right now where do you see in the next   few years yeah i think it's it's next few years i  think is going to be a really um not challenging   but uh not and also not corrective but the view  is going to be a little bit different so i think   particularly from an industrialized and  institutional perspective we can see that   um the type of coverage that's happening etfs  publications all happening at the same time we're   not just in a bull market in the sense of price  but i think into next year um these institutions   of corporations are going to be starting to talk  around their strategic approach to blockchain   um and how they will fit into the ecosystem so i  think that becomes part of the conversation around   the longevity of where we are today and what  we're using today um because i think there'll   be some movement um forced upon upon the space  and in being able to adapt with how non-crypto   use cases start to come into the into the  blockchain um in terms of where we are today um   we're clearly clearly doing something right yeah  so we can see transactions increasing on bsc and   the like but um anchored generally on on ethereum  so um i can't see that shifting in the next   you know sort of a short period of time um as long  as people are continuing to build on projects of   building and transactions and um improvements are  being made to the ecosystem um for me personally   for transient um we i can't see doing a complete  you know 180 or you know 360 completely um however   um i think there will be a demand for a more  of a a an institutional slash um strategic   understanding of of how different sectors and  different um industries and the crypto space   in itself actually starts to leverage um various  chains and and also that cross-train mentality of   where you know it makes sense so um yeah strong  believer still um until we can see a you know   a chain with the longevity of what we've seen  today um it's hard to uh to you know question   otherwise so eth is the king right now but there  is a multi-chain future out there depending on   yeah there has to be um yeah for me it's yeah we  can see it already but you know there will be a   number of avenues and a number of forks in the  road that um there will be industry and there'll   be use cases that will be utilizing various  chains and i think it's around the compatibility   and interoperability of those chains and how  you get that um you know into a single ecosystem   inevitably and just for fun we like to ask this  of a lot of our guests if bitcoin does well this   cycle where could you see ethereum just for this  cycle while it is king where could you see it   wow as as as much as it yeah i i think um   yeah endless truthfully um in terms of  price i'm not going to do any ta here but um   yeah from where we are i think it yeah it may  stabilize um but i think we're still going so yeah   definitely one to watch and continue to be excited  about as as it continues to grow you're going to   have to get on crypto pool and the betting pools  on transfer 100 to get that information definitely   yeah and yeah once it's live put all of your your  recommendations and guesses in there because it's   going to drive a lot of conversations it does as  it does today um but yeah can't wait for crypto   pool and and still adapts to get live and get the  the world to start consuming some some great user   experience and really start break down those uh  those barriers to adoption we've seen in the past   so what does success look like for transient say  five years from now or five years plus from now   yeah i think five years plus is is um we've  hit our marketplace we've got you know 20   different daps across different industry but  the key for me is around that instantaneous   um smart con smart contract creation um  within industry and the mainstream so   we're talking thousands of transactions per second  with it you know talking um immutability we're   talking interruptability um and for transient to  say that we've done what we need to do and set   out to achieve um that is being able to leverage  automated smart contracts for corporate size um   you know uh volumes and transactions and you know  by then with all the training conversations we've   had and um interoperability you know cross-chain  all that sort of stuff we can hopefully be in   a position where we're um you know ensuring  the decentralization but continue to push the   boundaries in terms of you know scalability and  security so for us it's it's a big partner it's   millions of transactions it's instantaneous and  it's completely code free accessible to anyone   anywhere anytime i want to end this conversation  just by talking about big picture cryptocurrency   type stuff but is there anything we didn't  cover with transients that you want to share   no i think we definitely covered the the  principle of it um with i think the is clear   in terms of the ability for non-coders you don't  know need to know any solidity you don't need   to know what the blockchain is you don't need  to know um you know have any dev any devtools   it's it's really for any for anyone accessible  anytime um and yeah the adapter speak to   themselves so yeah recommend your community to  get onto our twitter or youtube and check out the   tutorials um and we might even have a few sneaky  testnet uh access slots um available as well so   yeah definitely get in and check what it's all  about love it uh zooming out to more big picture   stuff if you had a friend that comes to you today  and asks for some advice about getting into crypto   what what's a piece of advice you would give to  a new cryptocurrency investor coming into space yeah i think um research research  research um i think that the principles of   projects and you know and we've been challenged  with this with transiting is around the   use case yeah we need to be really clear around  the utility and the ability to influence change um   and as an investor generally um you know there  are some exceptions but you need to be really   clear around your value proposition and  what you expect to see from a project   um the inevitability of um you know gains and  subtraction you know within any any project is   based on the fundamentals of a project so i think  that's the key for me um ta graphs um red green is   all great um but if it comes back to bring in the  principle and the fundamentals of the project and   what the team have behind it um i  think is a really great starting point   and consume what you want to consume so there's  no there's a there's a lot of investment there's   a lot of emotional investment in in crypto and i  mean anywhere that you're trying to utilize your   your knowledge and expertise to um you know create  either wealth or or an experience for yourself   that you may not otherwise have um but be really  selective around the content you choose to consume   as well and and really take each as a individual  point of view um to allow you to make a collective   decision around your investments so research  research research and also take the emotion out   of it if your friend asks you a follow-up question  or besides the white paper besides the website   like what research outlets do you personally use  like what would some you recommend that you like   yeah i like the um some of the more  technology focused so i like to to see   um you know things like it news and these sorts  where not specifically just blockchain but you   know that um where there's a conversation being  had outside of our ecosystem um is something   that you need to keep an eye on because what  that shows is and you say with it um ripple   and you see it with these guys that are making  headlines that um there there is a um a real   need for consuming this content and you know  that there's change of foot once that's actually   happening so i wouldn't necessarily be confined to  you know the the crypto first um articles and and   publications but um clearly it's a really  good mechanism to use where um you can see the   momentum that's being gathered um across some of  those technology and it's more technical focused   publications so i like to keep in those and yeah  usually generally trends and the light come up   um but look twitter as well and you know seeing  seeing you know guys talking about projects at   a granular level and organic level you know  through conversations like this is a really good   way to understand the team that you're working  with and and who you're investing in um so it has   to work for you as well so um you know i think  you need to find your right balance and find a   source of source of information that yeah you want  to consume and consume as much of it as you want   and then you know i like that you said you know  look at the team i assume you mean you know can   they execute what they're planning to do what do  you look for when you're researching a team is it   the past experience how do you define or how do  you look at a good team versus a bad team or how   do you think about it yeah i don't think um and  for for me his um ambassador is not too uh judge   whether they're good or bad but how what  do they bring in the tangible uh pieces   of of their either experience or motivation or  expertise so they're generally the three things   um what have they done in the past to prove you  know how how they may or have a reflection of   how they may go in the future the expertise  that they have so the industries they've been   in the projects they've delivered um and then  what their motivation is around the project um   generally if you can get you know two out  of three of those uh sort of eight percent   or more in your own head then generally you're  going to be into an understanding that the team   behind it is able to execute the plan they have  because generally if you've got a team of 10 or   20 or 50 um most will be able to leverage each  other's experiences and skills to make up that   three sort of phase approach so yeah definitely  experience motivation and then the expertise oh i'm gonna give you a fun one now a fun question   um what is your bitcoin price prediction for the  end of the year and why if you are bullish why   are you bullish if you're bearish why just  a fun question nobody can tell the future   oh by the end of the year um or the end of  the cycle maybe this cycle goes into 2022.   yeah i think you know 75 is is where i but yeah  very bullish um i don't think we're going to see   it stop i think the trains trains on the tracks  and it and it's going um and i don't think you   know for us it's um as we look into the next cycle  um from you know marketing from dap development   from everything like that it's not going to stop  us either way but i think in the end of this cycle   um there'll be some very happy people but continue  to allow the investment to grow within the   ecosystem so yeah very excited but also i think  that will be i'm showing within the price as well   so i think above 100 000 above two  hundred thousand what are you personally   what's your opinion yeah i think yeah i think  over 100 yeah definitely um i think for us um   that's sort of where we're marking it at the  moment um yeah i think it's not going to stop   um there will be some correction but um i don't  think it's going to be like we've seen in the past   um and as we continue to you know become  uh more part of the conversation globally   as it's happening every day um  that momentum will continue i think   i love you keeping it real i appreciate that and  um do you are you do you buy into bitcoin being   digital gold are you a bitcoin believer um yeah  i i am um you know i was even a physical gold   believer um you know in earlier life so in  terms of scarcity and the um finite sort of   supply of something appeals to me um you know and  that's where i think bitcoin plays that role um   and really is from an anchor perspective what the  industry and ecosystems being built fundamentally   from so i'm a believer bitcoin um it's part of my  portfolio um and i'll continue to um yeah look to   where opportunities are at the right price so yeah  definitely a firm believer but also as we've seen   um you know through particularly the last 12 to  24 months i think there's the space is big enough   um but it is also what the individual wants to get  out of their their investments and and where they   see fit in terms of their their options they  have and the choice they they need to make   i appreciate you coming on today and uh educating  us and telling us about transient i feel like i   have a much better understanding of it um  would you be able to give final thoughts   for our altcoin daily audience and tell us  where we can do more research on transient   yeah sure um and we'll pop some some links  but our website twitter and telegram are   the best and we'll pop those on here  um but yeah just summing up i think   in terms of the proposition and where we are  today um we really are going to be providing a   marketplace globally um where anyone can create a  smart contract regardless of coding skills um and   it'll be accessible anywhere anytime so um as a  summary that that is it spoken enough around the   detail but um it really is knocking down adoption  uh barriers um one by one and and that starts with   the super simple my grandma can use type creation  of smart contracts um then you'll see that not   too long um into the future with tsa core um you  know be on main net within the next two weeks so   um it's not far away and yeah absolutely thrilled  with the team to get this far this quickly and   be able to to put something out onto mainnet  you know sort of the weekend a bit after our   listing is is a really great accomplishment by  the team and yeah with the pump to get it out   awesome links are down below in the video  description bo thank you so much for your   time and uh like always let us know what  you think down below in the comment section   thank you very much guys appreciate  it thanks bro boom that was awesome every guy yeah that was really good that was  really good i think that's going to be good   good good rehearsal should we record one  now just kidding that's good i think we've   got all the points across i think this will be  great i think this will be a great video for um   it's just a different way to con consume content  a great video for people to return to if they   ever have questions on on the value prop as  new people come into the space over time yeah   yeah you should have jumped in if i was talking  too much no that's what we want you were   no that was awesome man our audience has heard us  we want to hear you very good excellent that's so   what's the process from here is that um some  editing and stuff will just go raw and then   drop or basic editing and gonna come up with a 30  second clip to put at the beginning and then i'm   going to pull two individual clips to release on  their own at the exact same time um did you um i   can't remember we wanted to release this next week  or um if you're not sure i can just talk with the   the telegram group yeah i'm pretty sure next week  um if possible yeah yeah totally no problem at all   so it'll be out next week we'll tag you and stuff  great any feedback around the project itself or   what you've heard you guys uh i'm not really  just like pretty pretty neutral to positive   yeah it interests me it's definitely on my radar  i mean people in our comment section there's some   people who said good things but you know generally  it wasn't the majority and the majority were   just you know neutral and then like i did hear  some good things saying oh it's a good project   cool but it's hard to tell just based on like  one or two comments in the comment section but   yeah exactly yeah generally good yeah excellent  great guys thank you very much i really appreciate   the opportunity appreciate it bo thank you  so much have a good night cheers guys cheers


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