The True Origin Of Humanity: Our History Is NOT What We Are Told!

The True Origin Of Humanity: Our History Is NOT What We Are Told!

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Who were the first civilizations to set foot on  our planet? Our history is written by the notes   of the winners, of their power and influence over  the centuries. But in a certain period of time,   people from primitive Hunters turned into  intelligent civilizations that created monuments,   calendars and ancient writings all this has  evolved to the present day and we are the   descendants of some relatively intelligent  beings but what if it's not that simple   what if the story is told by ancient civilizations  the tales of gods and angels of Giants and great   disasters were more literal than they first  appeared what if we received ancient knowledge   beyond our human understanding if we look  at some of the details an entirely alternate   history of the human race suddenly surfaces  one that completely overturns conventional   knowledge and the history we've been taught this  version has mostly been consciously censored,   forgotten or worse - ignored. Until now  welcome to the new episode of Secret Origins. foreign [Music] In the beginning of 1946 in the area currently  known as the West Bank a group of between   teenagers tends their sheep and goats near the  ancient settlement of qumran to pass the time they   tossed around the stones they find true across the  uneven desert terrain when one of these Stones is   thrown into the dark side of a cave the teenagers  are shocked because they hear a loud shattering   noise echoink inside when they decide to follow  their curiosity although slightly scared they   discover a collection of large clay pots while  not realizing it at the time these teenagers make   a historical discovery of great importance inside  the clay pots are hidden series of ancient Scrolls   subsequently various archaeologists historians  and treasure Hunters found additional fragments   of Scrolls in 10 other caves in the area bringing  the total number of manuscripts found to almost   900. these manuscripts became known to the  masses as the Dead Sea Scrolls strangely among   these manuscripts there are large portions of  a mysterious non-canonical religious texts long   forgotten by human civilization or so they thought  in our days this text is known as The Book of   Enoch in its entirety The Book of Enoch consists  of Five Books the book of Watchers the book of   Parables the astronomical book the book of dream  visions and the Epistles of Enoch containing about   a hundred chapters altogether these chapters tell  the story of the seventh patriarch in the Book of   Genesis Enoch the father of metocella and the  grandfather of Noah the same Noah we know from   the Bible however this is not the biblical story  of Noah's Ark in fact The Book of Enoch provides   an entirely different perspective on events  leading up to the great flood of Noah's time   as that is a completely different story it  tells of the Watchers explained in biblical   terms as Fallen Angels sent to Earth to watch  over humans at some unspecified and ancient   point in time according to one of the earliest  Legends related to Enoch he is the founder of the   knowledge of astronomy and he's responsible  for the compilation of the solar calendar or the sons of God or Gods number several hundreds  they are said to descend on Earth at Mount Harmon   it was a sacred place for both the canonotites and  the Jews who invaded their lands in later times   sanctuaries of the Gods ball Zeus Helios Pan and  the goddess are starting were built on its slopes   and the term Watcher is used to describe one who  watches those who watch those who are awake or   those who are not asleep these names reflect the  unique relationship between the Watchers and the   human race since ancient times Over time however  they abandoned their role as observers and began   to have sexual contact with some of the humans  mostly women and began to create what we know   now as hybrids or cross breaths The Book of Enoch  tales of the Nephilim the children born through   this very cross-breeding between the Watchers  and the humans the Nephilim are described as   Giants and Savages who threatened and plundered  mankind or to put it in another words Supernatural   man-eating Giants angered by what the Watchers  had done those described in the book as mighty   Gods sent the Watchers to an underground prison  deep within the bowels of Earth Enoch became   the mediator between the gods and the imprisoned  Watchers this further provokes the wrath of Yahweh   and according to the Bible the consequence of  this mingling between the fallen and The Mortals   leads to the creation of half Angelic how human  offspring the book describes Enoch's Journeys   Between Heaven and Earth in his role as mediator  how he flies with angels and sees the rivers and   the mountains and the Very ends of the Earth from  above despite Enoch's intervention the gods decide   that because of what the planet has become it and  all its inhabitants must be punished of course the   punishment is a great flood this flood destroys  the Nephilim and leaves the Watchers in their   prison before that however Enoch has been taken  to heaven in a chariot of Fire this is not the   only place in the biblical canon in which the  Nephilim appear the Israelites visited a land   inhabited by Nephilim who were so large that they  made the Israelites look like locusts of course   many things in the Bible were seen in modern times  as allegorical and this is more of a philosophical   myth than a historical record but there is  archaeological evidence for one particular great   flood in Earth's history which is mentioned in  countless religions and cultural Traditions around   the world these creatures like the Nephilim really  exist many people say that it is just fiction and   there is no evidence but what if there is in fact  there are numerous stories about Giants in human   history the well-known traveler and explorer Marco  Polo once wrote of a race of Giants in Zanzibar   who were so strong that they could carry as much  as four ordinary men while the people of modern   Tangier Morocco once claimed that the founder of  their city was a giant named andias according to   an Irish myth the so-called the Giants Causeway on  the north east coast of Ireland an astonishing 40   000 interlocking Rock columns was built by  the Irish giant Finn McCool to cross the sea   to Scotland and fight another giant apart from  Norse Legends ancient Greek mythology is full   of stories about Giants perhaps if giants really  existed as records from countless cultures suggest   then the Book of Enoch begins to look less and  less metaphorical and allegorical less like a   fantasy myth and more like a manuscript based on  actual history the idea idea of semi-divine Heroes   was born from ancient myths about alliances  between gods and Mortals The Poet and writer   pindan described the heroes of the past as a  race between Gods and Men additional references   allude to experiments that led to the creation  of monsters by Crossing animals of different   and unrelated species in modern philosophical  occultism there are legends of Los Atlantis where   it is claimed that its scientists bred how human  half animal hybrids as the slave race records of   such events can be found in the mythologies of  ancient peoples around the world and especially   among the Babylonians of Middle East the story  of Noah and the flood in the Old Testament   is said to have originated in the Babylonian  and Sumerian myths it is known that around 10   000 there appears to have been a catastrophic  event that transformed early Humanity at the   end of the last ice age the first signs of  Agriculture appeared in the Middle East with   a shift from a nomadic Hunter gathered lifestyle  to one of a settled agriculture it is interesting   to know that for centuries the Book of Enoch has  been an important part of Christian and Jewish   religious Traditions many of these religious  sects accept the book as scripture furthermore   some even suggest that the Book of Enoch was the  inspiration for the Book of Genesis due to their   many parallels and overlapping stories therefore  the question that arises is what has happened why   the Book of Enoch is not part of the Bible and why  does this question sound so unimportant nowadays   in attempt to answer this question we will go  back to the early centuries after the physical   death of Christ far from the 39 canons of the Old  Testament and the 27 New Testament the books that   we today know as the Bible originally there were  many gospels and religious texts that made up the   broad spectrum of the Christian tradition as the  Christians started spreading after the death of   Jesus the growing Christian Church gradually  began to choose which text would be read and   followed which texts would be considered divinely  inspired the church needed unity and to create   it the establishment of an official Canon was  required in Dan Brown's book Da Vinci Code this   canonization is remembered as something rather  nefarious that happened at the First Council of   nicaea in the 4th Century according to the book it  was there that emperor Constantine and the others   high-ranking Church authorities led by their own  secrets and desires shaped official Christian   Canon unfortunately this is not historically  accurate the Council of nicaea did not send the   official Christian Canon but let's not blame them  Brown the famous philosopher Voltaire also made a   similar claim in the 18th century although the  story is not factually accurate it is accurate   in a sense why the high-ranking members of  the church are certainly there choosing what   is included in the official biblical Canon they  argue among themselves portrayed their opponents   as Heretics and almost certainly seek to expand  their own power however all this did not happen   into one particular Council but rather it was  a long process that continued between the first   and the 4th century when the process was completed  and the Bible was officially compiled The Book of   Enoch was not included but how could something as  meaningful and Powerful as The Book of Enoch have   been left out didn't they know about it in the  search for answers one can examine other gospels   that were also censored from the final version  for example the gospel of Peter a fragment of   which was found in Egypt in 1886 which sells the  long missing story of the reborn Jesus leaving his   tomb and includes two giant angels and a floating  cross that says and they heard a voice from Heaven   saying you have preached to those who sleep and  an answer was heard from the cross yes or consider   the Gospel of Mary that notorious script in which  Mary Magdalene is listed not only as one of Jesus   disciples but as his beloved perhaps even his  wife in this gospel Peter asks why he and the   other disciples should listen to Mary a woman to  which Matthew replies If the Savior has made her   worthy who are you indeed to reject her certainly  the Savior knows her well that's why he loved her   more than us although censored even forgotten by  many The Book of Enoch never truly disappeared   there is something deeper behind it and its  incredible stories something that goes beyond the   familiar and ordinary regardless of whether  it is a part of the Christian Canon or not the   ancient Greeks believed that Enoch and the god of  wisdom Hermes were the same person but who was he   in legends of the jewels of antiquity Enoch is  King over man who reigned exactly 243 years he   was overflowing with wisdom and the whole world  consulted him according to the ancient Egyptians   Enoch was the builder of the Great Pyramid writes  the geographer and historican tagi at Din Ahmad in   his work he taught he notes that Enoch was known  among the peoples under four different names   saurith Hermes Idris and Enoch for the Arabs  Idris means Sage or forefather and for Jewish   as well as Christian theology in is the seven of  the ten forefathers one of the Patriarchs Before   the Flood Enoch was the father of Meto Salah  who nevertheless lived to the biblical age of   969. in the Old Testament in the Book of Genesis  Enoch is mentioned with as many as five sentences   there we also read and Enoch walked after God and  disappeared because God took him just like that he   suddenly disappears in Hebrew the name Enoch means  initiated enlightened nowhere and this initiate   does just that he makes sure that his knowledge  does not disappear Without a Trace the examples   could go on and so it is fair to ask why Enoch  regardless of his name continues to appear in   the traditions of almost all ancient civilizations  the answer may be found much further back than the   Greeks the Egyptians or even the Babylonians  perhaps even beyond the time of ancient Sumer   according to Sumerian texts the Earth was visited  by a group of supernatural beings sometime in   the distant past these visitors are described in  Sumerian tradition in a way that is eerily similar   to the descriptions of the Watchers in The Book  of Enoch instead of Watchers however the Sumerians   call these beings Anunnaki which literally means  those who came from Heavens they were perceived   as gods to the Sumerians and according to Modern  thinkers such as Zechariah sichin and Erin fondant   they are an ancient race of extraterrestrial  beings who came to Earth interestingly the   Sumerian texts tell stories of the Anunnaki who  like the Watchers began to interbreed with human   beings in this process a hybrid race with entirely  new species known as the Nephilim was created   like the gods of the Book of Enoch the Anunnaki  were angered by the state of the earth and caused   a great flood same story told in a slightly  different way as you will remember and know   it is not the form that matters but the content  perhaps maybe this is the only way we can read   the true codes of our reality could it be that the  Book of Enoch as well as other related Traditions   are simply retelling the older Sumerian story of  the Anunnaki or simply over time the same story   has been wrapped and reshaped all the way to the  present not only that the Book of Enoch is written   in first person but the altar repeatedly asserts  his authorship in the text as if he feared that   future interpreters would be so limited that they  would not understand him in the first month of the   300 1365th year on the first day of the first  month I Enoch was in my house alone when two   huge men appeared to me the like of which I had  never seen on Earth let's consider The Agrarian   Revolution that began around 10 000 BC during  which humans moved from a lifestyle of hunting   and survival to farming and settlement according  to historical data as early as 9500 BC at the   lands where current recordistan is now barely wet  dry oats peas and lentils were grown and goats and   sheep were domesticated interestingly the Kurdish  people claimed to be descendants of the children   of the Jinn or the children of the spirits  is this an ancient cultural reference to the   interbreeding between the Anunnaki and human women  the ancient near East is also known as the cradle   of civilization and the earliest city-states were  found in the Mesopotamia region the Region's early   indigenous inhabitants the Sumerians and the  acadians developed the first written language   studied astronomy and created libraries the  Babylonians and Assyrians followed them in the   mythologies all of these races there are stories  of how the gods came down to earth and taught them   their arts and knowledge in another passage  from The Book of Enoch Enoch testifies to the   mysterious of lighting and Mysteries of Thunder  some suggest that this chapter is intended to   illuminate the mysteries of energy and electricity  when we hear energy and electricity we cannot help   but mention Nikola Tesla who let's not forget said  the following if you want to find the secrets of   the universe think in terms of energy frequency  and vibration it may sound ridiculous or hard to   believe that such mind-blowing stories as those  of the Watchers the Anunnaki and the Nephilim   Lions have been forgotten the Sumerians ignored  or even deleted deliberately from the pantheon   of ancient civilizations The Book of Enoch  along with the Gospel of Mary and Thomas also   censored from the biblical Canon however given  the way these stories fundamentally change our   understanding of human history by presenting  a new or well forgotten all perspective on   who we really are their exclusion is perhaps no  surprise at all but these stories have not been   completely erased if we look at one of the  most famous stories known to mankind the one   about Adam Eve and the Garden of Eden if we read  the text not literally nor philosophically but   as an allegory metaphorically God creates Adam to  watch over the Earth just as the godsend Watchers   to do so in the Book of Enoch from Adam's rip God  created Eve adamant Eve reproduced representing   the cross breeding between the Watchers and human  women Adam and E4 said to be able to eat anything   they wanted in the Garden of Eden except for the  fruit from the Tree of knowledge a of course they   tried a forbidden fruit from the Tree of knowledge  which symbolizes the Watchers who bring advanced   technology and knowledge to human beings who may  not have been mentally developed enough to handle   it on their own when the two tastes the forbidden  fruit from the Tree of knowledge of Good and Evil   in the garden of Heaven they are said to become  aware of each other their first realization is   that their physical cloaks of Flesh are bare they  rush to cover their genitals because they have   realized the so-called serpent power or Kundalini  which can be educated through intercourse and   non-reproductive sexual acts they tasted from  the Tree of Life which initiates the cycle of   bird life death and rebirth and of the human  Souls incarnating into physical form by reading   the story of Adam and Eve in this way it is easy  to see the parallels between the story itself The   Book of Enoch and other ancient writings and  maybe that was exactly the goal perhaps those   who wrote the story of Adam and Eve were simply  retelling the stories in The Book of Enoch in   their own way retelling the Sumerian story of the  Anunnaki like so many other religions and cultures   inserting this important part of human history  allegorically into their own religious Canon so   that these ancient records may continue to exist  through time and though in a different form be   reminded of us so that we may one day remember our  own history not by the human way but by the cosmic   human Lifeline what is human history is it what  we know from officially approved history books or   is it something deeper something more incredible  something forgotten maybe the answers have been   in front of our eyes all this time have you ever  wondered why in school we learned so little about   one of the first civilizations on our planet the  Sumerian civilization for example did you know   that they created a calendar based on the moon  cycles the whale the glass and the sailboat they   are the first society that uses canals creates  maps of its cities and lands use makeup and   jewelry before the Egyptians and even create beer  with over 500 different recipes they're believed   to have spoken the first language in general and  most importantly left the first written evidence   for the time period we're talking about this is  one very Advanced civilization then why don't we   talk more about them we dare to say that if we  get to know our history well and deeply we'll   be extremely good prepared for what lies ahead  despite all of this to this day the Eternal debate   between history and archaeologists continues over  which one was the first civilization to set foot   on our planet and where do we come from is the  human civilization created by a Gods called the   Anunnaki today we'll try to find out together  in the new episode of secret Origins welcome interestingly the Sumerians are creators of  extremely Advanced inventions and we learn   and talk about them as if they were part of some  famous mythology well if we pay enough attention   to their recorded story we would have known a  completely different version of our existence   here's what their notes say about the past of  our civilization in 1949 British archaeologists   discovered 14 plates in Sumer today they are  known as the most ancient records in history   dating back to the 24th century BC it is true  that what they write is very similar to other   civilizations we know but the interesting  moment is when they mention the father of   every beginning or rather some kind of super  Sovereign being in the places told that in the   beginning of all Adam Eve the Garden of Eden  these are polyesteric deded or not from here   the whole of the first two plates explain who they  are and where they came from and the third for the   sixth day of creation then continues with how the  human race was genetically manipulated from these   beings and its evolution is not at the whim of  Fate according to Sumerians themselves all that   they used as technology and development came from  these creatures before the Greek and the Egyptian   gods there were those worshiped by Sumerians in  Mesopotamia they were worshiped by the Sumerians   their name comes from an the chief God who rules  all the other gods they were Celestial deities   and according to Babylonian myths there were 300  Annunaki Guardians of the heavens and 300 Anunnaki   Guardians of the underworld according to the  ancient texts 445 000 years ago the gods create   Traders came to Earth at that time there were only  Untamed animals and very Ancient Ancient version   of the first people Anunnaki also translates  into those who came from Heaven to Earth they   lived on the distant planet Nibiru which orbits  our solar system for a period of 3600 years they   describe it as a place multiplied many times the  diameter of the planet Earth full of iron oxide   which makes it mostly red in color Nibiru is  a gas giant plasma and was once like the earth   green and beautiful but the irrational activity  of its inhabitants gradually transformed it in   a burning sphere translated its name means the  point of intersection for something like a door   it is supposed that it's an artificial asteroid  that has been used as a vehicle and was probably   carved from the inside like a comet or an asteroid  according to the plates nibiru's atmosphere began   to deteriorate and the atmosphere was no longer  suitable for any conditions for living to restore   it they needed a very valuable resource gold and  here are a few interesting facts in this regard   it is proven that nanoparticles for example gold  can repair and restore the ozone layer practically   it becomes like a radiation Shield which explains  why NASA uses gold foil in their space stations in   2008 in a cave in the Iraqi desert a tomb was  discovered intact worthy of a true king full   of all kinds of gold treasures and in the middle  was found a black stone sarcophagus with Sumerian   inscriptions when the sarcophagus was opened  scientists have come across a three meter giant   with long fading Signs of Life adorned with a huge  amount of gold jewelry interesting moment is that   the mummy looked as if it had fallen asleep two  hours ago and of course it's believed that this   is one of these so-called Gods Anunnaki Scholars  find profound similarities between the myths of   the Anunnaki and the Nephilim in 1971 Edward  Lipinski published a scientific analysis of   several ancient texts including an old Babylonian  version of the Epic of Gilgamesh they all contain   important details revealing the real location  of the sanctuary of the Anunnaki in the sense   of the ancient Eastern thought and cosmology what  Lipinski finds that is actually the old Babylonian   version of the Epic Gilgamesh identifies Mount  Hermon in Lebanon as the dwelling of the Anunnaki   he underlines 12 to 21 of the old Babylonian  Gilgamesh which narrated destruction of humbaba   Guardian of the Proclamation of the Gods after  Gilgamesh and His companion ankido penetrated the   forest and opened the sacred sanctuary and a boat  of the Annunaki in later mythologies of course   we have different locations for the Annunaki  home Lipinski explains that the oldest text of   Mesopotamia and the near Eastern Can-Am point  to the southern forest in the mountain Hermann   traces of older culture can be found mentioning  the mountain was the Abode of the Gods and whose   access to it was hidden by the cedar Forest  whose Guardian is humbaba the mountain was   in our opinion until Lebanon Hermann therefore  the southern part of anti-lebanon is probably   the mountain where the Anunnaki lived according  to the ancient Babylonian version of the Epic of   Gilgamesh thus Mountain Hermann was supposed to be  the home of the Gods Lipinski also points out that   the mountain was very important he says it is a  cosmic Mountain that connects Heaven and Earth the   same concept is hidden in an episode from The Book  of Enoch in which the sons of God the heavenly   beings gather on the top of Mount Hermon because  this is the mountain of the Gods Hermann Peak is   located at the southern end of the anti-lebanon  mountain chain Crossing in the borders of Syria   and Lebanon the highest peak of Hermann reaches  2832 meters and the area abounds in ancient altars   and sanctuaries interestingly some of them were  used in the time of Constantine the Great when the   Anunnaki arrived they could live for thousands of  years as they said at gold mining station called   ereduk Earth Station 1 and the Persian Gulf under  the leadership of enki the Curious Thing is that   they were not alone and they did take someone  another race they called them ijiji who worked   like slaves and mined gold for the Anunnaki and  these stories coincident with the Babylonian   plates from the 18th century BC when the humanoid  Gods carried the loads and the burden the God's   output was great the great Anunnaki made EG do  all the work after a long time centuries of work   ijiji decides to oppose their masters thinking  they have any chance at all to oppose them guess   what they're brutally mistaken the defeat destroys  almost the whole race and this leaves the Anunnaki   with no Workforce thinking of new options the  master of all Arnold orders his son enki to   create a genetically new race of slaves that is  intelligent enough to cope with technological   work but at the same time to obey the Anunnaki a  ton of experiments eventually led to a successful   result hybrid between cavemen Homo erectus and the  Anunnaki themselves the hybrid we know very well   today known as Homo sapiens the plates describe  the first such hybrid or man as Adamo in Hebrew   adamu means human Anunnaki continued their work by  placing Homo sapiens in the minds of Mesopotamia   the Semitic word a vote literally means working  for someone or something according to these   ancient texts the Anunnaki who we know have lived  for thousands of years are even quite taller than   Homo sapiens practically straight Giants because  the meaning of their existence was to serve the   Anunnaki they in return learned many social and  technological skills since Homo sapiens reduced   it was necessary that they could reproduce which  later led to overpopulation and most of those who   had been evicted from their homes began to tell  the story of the Garden of Eden and that they were   ousted from heaven on Earth as time goes on our  civilization becomes more and more intelligent   and some of the Nike were in contact with the  people the result of this love interactions   were called nephilims according to the Bible the  nephilims the Fallen ones who were The Offspring   of sexual relations between sons of God and human  daughters one of the most mentioned ancient texts   that described the Nephilim is the Book of Enoch  which is believed to have been written by the   patriarch Enoch son of Jared father of Methuselah  today this book is considered an apocryphal text   and it's rejected by most Christian churches but  it hasn't been always like this many of the early   church fathers such as athenagoras Clement of  Alexandria iranoyes and tertullian have taken   parts of this book fragments of it in our mind  were found among the Dead Sea Scrolls Judah in his   own Gospel quotes The Book of Enoch It is believed  that the New Testament has its least several   hundred references from its records the plates say  that all this enraged the Anunnaki leader Enloe   who is the brother of enki and he wanted to ensure  that no one would ever reach to the strength and   potential to rule Nibiru but that was beyond his  control the human civilization had grown so much   that forced nature to intervene to maintain  balance during one of these Cycles at 3600 BC   nibiru's orbit created catharsis or Devastation on  the Sun and Earth Nibiru is called the destroyer   in the Colburn Bible which is a collection  of ancient texts hidden for centuries It is   believed to have been written by various authors  the descriptions sound more scientific than a myth   for example inside it says that the cause of  the global flood was a comet strike and more   people forgot the days of the Destroyer only the  wise know where he went and that he'll return at   a certain time the Destroyer its bright color  and the Ferocious and ever-changing appearance   a cruel body of flames the plates describe  exactly one catastrophic event that happened   when Nibiru approached the planet Earth first  black spots appeared on the surface of the Sun   the magnetic field on Earth became much weaker  and the ice began to melt this event of course   we know today as the great flood for many days  before the great flood the Earth suffered as if   it was in great pain many nights before the  disaster in the heavens Nibiru was seen as   a shining star apparently the ruler knew about  this cycle and what would happen that's why he   leaves the planet Earth seeing the opportunity to  erase the Unworthy according to him of course but   many of the Anunnaki decided to stay next to  the people watching the great flood in their   Heavenly boats as they described them circling  the earth at this time the great glaciers of the   South Pole are melting and falling into the ocean  this forms a multitude tsunamis from the north to   the gold mines in Africa the flute continues  until it reaches the city of the Gods one of   the first places where the Anunnaki lived and  now perhaps located somewhere at the bottom of   the Persian Gulf seeing the cataclysm enki felt  concerned for their own creatures and instruct   his chosen ones to build boats to survive the  flood one of the chosen that leads Humanity to   a new age as you may have guessed is Noah and  his family the big storm with the heavy rains   started the waves were wild and did not stop  for seven days until they finally called but   the rains lasted another 40 days and nights  and the story of the great flood is recorded   in almost every civilization on our planet after  the flood the plates sell how the Anunnaki built   their buildings in complete compliance with the  location of the Stars when the Anunnaki left   the planet Earth their legacy was literally  scattered throughout the planet Mesopotamia   India and South America as their last gift to  humanity of course the Sumerian civilization   according to zecharia sitchin the mass Exodus  of the Anunnaki took place about 6 000 years ago   before they left they decided to give Humanity a  final impetus which partly explains the emergence   of the Sumerian civilization which is extremely  intelligent cultured and aridit for its time as   if it came out of nowhere but was it really out  of nowhere the Anunnaki thought the Sumerians   their way of life and created Royal dynasties the  king acted as their Messenger on Earth and had the   task to rule his people this chosen bloodline was  additionally enhanced by the genes of the Anunnaki   and they were trained in medicine mathematics  astronomy and Technology development this theory   of course has been met with great skepticism by  science and in support of his theory sichin relies   on several ancient manuscripts and discoveries  the Babylonian epic of creation and pneuma Ellis   tells how our solar system was formed according  to this epic the Earth did not yet exist when a   Wandering planet called Nibiru was captured  by the gravitational field of the sun then   Nibiru collided with Tiamat a planet that once  was located between Mars and Jupiter of course   there are also many artifacts of extraterrestrial  Origins such as the buck hot batteries or the   Sakara bird according to sitchin these artifacts  are due to a very ancient and very Advanced   civilization we also have the proof of the gold  processing of the Anunnaki discovered in Mount   Hari by Flinders Patriot in 1889. archaeological  excavations in the ancient Mesopotamian city of   Nineveh have revealed 400 intact clay tablets from  the azure urbanipol Library these tablets describe   in details the activities of the Anunnaki the  tablets show the location of genetic Laboratories   of the Anunnaki in Central and East Africa the  location of these labs and the time they have   functioned amazing little lines with the views  of modern science about the origin of the first   modern people and even more interesting is that  in these areas they have discovered gold mines   more than a hundred thousand years old one of the  tablets depicts the solar system just as we know   it today but how how is it possible to have had  knowledge of objects so far from our land given   that they have just discovered Agriculture and  the wheel for example the tablet dates back 5   000 years before we realized that the planets  move around the Sun and when we talk about the   first telescope we know that in 1608 the glasses  manufacture hands slippery requests the first   patent in the Netherlands for an instrument that  sees far although he may not be the first man   to ever build something like a telescope he is  considered the inventor of the telescope because   he was the first to apply for a patent leper his  device and others such as Jake matlos device could   zoom objects only about three times it took the  efforts of the famous Italian scientists Galileo   Galilei who built a better telescope and used it  of course to study Stars Galileo learned about   the new device in 1609 and without seeing it he  created his version but how so without any means   they knew with accuracy the layout of the solar  system and the stars the Anunnaki passed on their   knowledge to the Sumerians and created monarchs  the Kings ruled as their representatives on Earth   and respected noticed it is believed that the  royal bloodlines were genetically made by the   Annunaki and some speculate that exactly they  successfully have managed to control Humanity   precisely through these chosen blood connections  for millennia others claimed that when the planet   Nibiru approaches Earth again they will return  to continue their reign and that would pretty   well explain the well-kept secrets around the  history of the entire Sumerian civilization   European folklore is Rich with stories of giants  fighting and building Monumental stone structures   Legends of giants can be found in all cultures and  eras it is crucial to re-examine the evidence with   an open mind the mainstream academic Community  claims that giant Cyclops and other similar   creatures are mere myths and that bones believe to  be Giant's bones are actually those of prehistoric   animals this is the commonly accepted stance when  discussing Ancient Giants but it appears there   may be more to the story than many are willing  to acknowledge we will first take a look at the   Bible and see if it tells us anything about Giants  in the time after the great flood the Bible tells   of a 36 tribes of giants fighting for control  of the Holy Land these giant tribes were the   descendants of the Nephilim beings created from a  cross between the Fallen Angels also described in   The Book of Enoch as the Watchers and human women  in an attempt to destroy the Deeds Done by the   Watchers the gods and the fluid to restore human  civilization however some of the Nephilim survived one of these giant tribes that survived the flood  was the amalekites who originated in the southern   Arabia before migrating to Modern Israel given  their role in ancient history it seems reasonable   that the amalekites had a pure strain of Nephilim  DNA running through their giant veins number 1328   confirmed that the amalekites were not only  ancient but also directly related to the   Nephilim the oldest race of giants that gave birth  to the anakim or sons of anak the MIM lived there   in past times and people great numerous and tall  like the anakim who were also accounted Giants   as the Anakin but the moabites call them emim  that was also regarded as land of giants Giants   formerly dwelt there but the ammonites called them  Zam zumim the rep Heim also known as anakites or   aim were a giant biblical people who lived during  the time of Abraham they inhabited both Palestine   and mope the moabates called them Emmy mommy and  the amenities called them zamzumium they're also   referred to as anakites or the sons of anak or  Enoch in the Bible the prophet Isaiah stated   that the Lord had destroyed the referee and  erased all memory of them however the names   of the megalith wheel of spirits and the Valley of  the refiam in Israel remain as a reminder of them   in the 1930s a collection of giant bones was  discovered on Mount Carmel in Israel but they   have since disappeared and attention was directed  towards new discoveries of Neanderthal bones it   is possible that the authorities did not want to  acknowledge that the bones could have belonged to   the Nephilim or one of their descendants despite  this the Bible lists 22 Giants by name including   arba Oak bielasat orgius Gog magok gok magok and  most of these Giants were rulers and Kings perhaps   the most famous ancient giant from the Bible is  the legendary Goliath in Kings 17 4 it is said a   champion named Goliad who was from goth came out  of the Philistine Camp his height was 6 cubits   and a span he had a bronze helmet on his head and  wore a code of scale armor of bronze weighing 5   000 shekels on his legs he wore bronze Greaves  and a bronze Javelin was slung on his back   the story of David and Goliath while now primarily  seen as a children's tale was once considered to   be based on historical events another ancient  giant is the legendary Gilgamesh considered the   first hero of the ancient world and the historical  Builder and ruler of the city of Europe nearly 5   000 years ago the poem that tells his story is  the Epic of Gilgamesh is the oldest known epic   poem in existence and also includes a flood myth  almost identical to the one found in the Bible   thousands of years later Gilgamesh was the son of  the goddess ninson and the King priest lugulbanda   he ruled for 126 years and had superhuman strength  in the Epic Gilgamesh is described as famous   for his great stature and surpassing all other  kings and on clay tablets he is depicted as an   extremely tall man holding a lion in his hand if  we compare the length of the line to the height of   the depicted Gilgamesh he should be about 5 meters  tall mysterious monuments and tales of giants can   be found in ancient Egypt as well as depicted in  hieroglyphs on the walls of ancient temples some   of the pharaoh's depictions show a significant  difference in height compared to the normal people   suggesting the possibility of giants rather than  artistic expression in 1881 Professor Timmerman   discovered a series series of tomes containing  the remains of a prehistoric race of giants while   examining the ruins of an ancient Temple of Isis  on the banks of the Nile 16 miles below not jar   Jafar the smallest skeleton found was seven feet  eight inches long while the largest was 11 feet 1   inch or about 310 centimeters in 2001 Howard  University archaeologist excavated the Giza   mulhorn giant skeleton from a thump in Cemetery  2500 in Western Giza the skeleton measured 6.5  

feet but its skull and Jawbone were unusually  large leading mainstream Academia to declare   it as the first known case in ancient Egypt  about Giants however the skull was kept hidden   from the Academia and the remaining bones were  quickly covered up additionally hundreds of giant   sarcophagi were discovered but they were empty the  possibility of giants existing could explain how   some of the massive megalith structures around  the world were built as they currently have no   known explanation for how they were moved one  example of a massive Mega lit structure that   could have been built by Giants is the southern  Stone in balbec Lebanon which Waits a staggering   1242 tons in southern Siberia researchers have  found a massive woe of granite stones on Mount   Sharia some of these giant Granite Boulders are  estimated to weight over 3000 tons which is more   than twice the weight of those in Lebanon raising  questions about how they were arranged it's an   old Worthy that the original name of Stonehenge  was the Ring of the giant Stonehenge is a later   Saxon name meaning hanging stones in Syria at  the Ancient Temple of ayindara several large   Footprints measuring three feet in length can be  found in the courtyard leading to the Shrine of   the temple these Footprints suggest the existence  of a giant who was at least four six meters tall in 2005 a group of Russian scientists led  by Professor Ernest moldash announced that   they had found numerous Graves of giants  near the site of the Giant's Footprints in   ayindara as well as throughout Syria however  due to various reasons such as Politico and   ideological they were unable to excavate them  Giants are also part of Celtic Greek Roman Hindu   Buddhists Scandinavian and Japanese folklore Irish  mythology is Rich with stories of giants such as   the legend of the giant seafaring fomorians and  their leader Balor according to the legend they   came to Irish Shores after surviving the great  flood the origins of Baylor and his fomorians   is unknown but some Scholars suggest they may have  originated from Atlantis the ancient British lands   of England Scotland and Wales are home to numerous  megalytics monuments with Legends claiming they   were built by survivors of Atlantis ancient  Britain was even known as Albion named after   one of the giant Kings of Atlantis it's possible  that Atlantis was part of Ireland at some point   in prehistory some scientists theorized that an  Irish Atlantis was submerged by a flood caused by   a rock Comet which caused Earth's crust to shift  the surviving Atlantean Giants may have then been   responsible for the structures found in Europe and  Beyond as the exploration of the coast of America   began Spanish Navigators also reported sightings  of living Giants during their expeditions to the   Americas three Spanish ship captains as well as  Sir Francis Drake and Captain John Smith report   started encountering beings that taller than  the native population here is what Captain John   Smith writes about them upon this River inhabit  a people called Sasuke hanok 60 of them came to   the discoverers with skins bows arrows targets  beads swords and tobacco pipes for presents   such great and well-proportioned men are seldom  seen for they seemed like giants to the English in 1519 Spanish explorer Alonso Alvarez de  Pineda mapped the northern Coastline of the Gulf   of Mexico noting various Rivers based landmarks  and potential Harbors near where the Mississippi   River flows into the Gulf of Mexico he discovered  a large city and around 40 nearby Villages pinada   described the tribes that settled near the river  as a race of giants from 10 to 11 Palms High and a   race of pajamas only 5 or 6 Palms High perhaps  the most well-known and intriguing account of   true Giants from the Age of Exploration is from  the famous Portuguese explorer Fernando Magellan   between 1519 and 1522 magilan embarked on his most  famous voyage an ambitious expedition to search   for a good route to the maluku islands in the East  Indies which were the key to the strategically   important and highly profitable spice trade the  voyage eventually led to the first successful   circumnavigation of the globe Magellan was in  command of five ships and when they reached the   southern tip of South America in the distant land  of Patagonia the Expedition encountered a puzzling   sight here is an excerpt from the Diary of Antonio  pigafetta Magellan's official chronicler leaving   this place we at least reached 49 and a half  degrees to the Antarctic pole as it was Winter   the ships entered a safe harbor for wintering  we spent two months in this place without seeing   anyone but one day without anyone expecting it we  saw a giant who was on the shore quite naked and   who danced leaped and sank while he sang he drew  sand and dust on his head our captain sent one   of his men toward him charging him to leave and  sing like the other in order to reassure him and   to show him friendship which he did immediately  the man of the ship started dancing LED this   giant to a small island where the captain awaited  him and when he was before us he began to Marvel   and to be afraid and he raised one finger upward  believing that we came from heaven and he was so   tall that the tallest of us only came up to his  waist he was well proportioned the captain named   the people of this sword patagoni it's important  to know that the above account is taken from the   Journal of the official chronicler of Magellan's  Voyage of Discovery this is the person tasked   with recording and maintaining the most accurate  records of events and activities whether exotic   or London this man is responsible not only to the  commander of the voyage but also to the king and   the country for his eyewitness accounts as a full  precise and accurate testimony of the events that   occurred during the voyage given his position  and responsibilities can we trust his testimony   about encounters with giants to be accepted as  factual information from an impeccable Witness some years later in 1539 an account by Hernando de  Soto another Explorer appeared describing how he   came across numerous Giants during his travels  through the Southeastern part of what is now   the United States DeSoto set out from Tampa Bay  Florida with a group of hundreds of men and along   his Road he's said to have frequently encountered  tribes of natives ruled by Giants one of these was   Chief tuscalosa who was found in Western Alabama  and was said to be a towering giant of man who   was taller than everyone else the Conquistador  Francisco Coronado also recorded meeting entire   tribes of giants during his missions through the  Southwest in search of the legendary El Dorado   in some cases physical evidence of these giants  has been found as well reportedly the case with   the Conquistador Bernal dice Castillo who served  under Hernan Cortez during the Spanish conquest   of Mexico in the pages of his detailed record of  the conquest and subsequent collapse of the Aztec   empire there is a strange account of a race of  giants about which the telescope attack Indians   claimed once inhabited the area according  to the Conquistadors the native people they   encountered told stories passed down from their  ancestors about very tall men and women with huge   bones who once lived among them they said these  Giants were bad people with bad Customs so they   fought against them and killed them and those who  remained disappeared to demonstrate how large were   giants the native people brought the Conquistadors  the leg bone of one giant which was the height of   an ordinary man the conquistadors were Amazed by  these bones and believed that there must have been   Giants in the this land there are still many  accounts of real giants fought throughout the   Americans during the Age of Exploration but  they have largely been forgotten over time   however some evidence of these Giants remains in  the form of megalit structures and carvings which   are literally written in stone one such example  is the giant footprint in South Africa which   is considered to be the most spectacular Rock  footprint ever found on Earth it was discovered   in 1931 by a farmer named stoffelkatsi while  he was hunting the footprint is around four   feet suggesting the creature that left it would  have been 24 to 27 feet tall the locals refer   to it as the god footprint or goliads footprint  and their stories of Ancient Giants throughout   the region Skeptics argue that the giant  footprint was formed by natural erosion but   Professor Peter Wagoner of the University of  Port Elizabeth in South Africa suggests that   it's more likely that little green men arrive  from space then it was created by a natural   ocean based on the accounts and discoveries listed  it is possible that Giants may have existed in the   past during the 19th and early 20th century  in the United States almost every year there   were reports of the discovery of ancient giant  skeletons in the newspapers it was not uncommon   for people to come across news stories such as  a skull of heroic size and unique shape found   Among The Valleys of the Red River today however  no news media mentions anything about Ancient   Giants or bone fines and if a giant skeleton is  found somewhere it is certainly classified and   hidden from the public is it possible that  somewhere in some remote place a species of   these enigmatic creatures is still alive hiding  from Mankind we cannot end this episode without   mentioning the most famous encounter with giants  that didn't happen in ancient times but in 2002 I   actually this event which is still classified by  the US government was revealed on a popular radio   show after witnesses to the event anonymously told  their stories the events took place in 2002 in the   deserts of Afghanistan where a U.S army Squad went  missing and another Special Operations team was   sent to investigate their whereabouts upon arrival  the soldiers found an entrance to a large cave   surrounded by Broken American military equipment  and Scatter equipment with blood scenes according   to the story the squad was about to enter the  cave to search for the missing soldiers when a   13 foot tall red-haired humanoid with double fangs  appeared and attacked them according to Witnesses   the giant impaled one of the soldiers with its  long spear killing him on the spot before the   rest of the squad managed to take him down by  him in the face for 30 seconds after the giant   Falls dead the task force enters the caves and  finds the remains of human bones leading the   military to think the creature is a cannibal  when the incident was reported to headquarters   the Giant's body was backed and loaded into a  helicopter and flown to a secret location in   the U.S for examination the giant waited about  500 Kilograms according to the team's estimate   he was dressed and shot in animal skins If there  really was a living giant that hit for so many   years in the caves of Afghanistan without being  discovered is it possible that he was not the   only one of his kind living on this planet so  is there any evidence of giants living among   us today some people claim that there are still  giant skeletons buried deep in the earth waiting   to be discovered and that some of them have been  found and kept secret by the government others   argue that the stories of Giants are nothing  more than myths and legends regardless of what   you believe one thing is for sure the topic of  giant is a fascinating one and there is still so   much we don't know about them theories about their  origin existence and ultimate Faith continue to be   debated it is important to keep an open mind and  continue to research and explore all possibilities the evidence from the prehistoric era on the walls  of the Temple of atfu situated between Luxor and   Aswan in Upper Egypt it's really interesting this  Temple is believed to have been built in 237-257   BC scientists consider the texts on the wall  the few surviving fragments that explain the   beginning of the cosmos Professor Raymond from  the University of Manchester tells us that these   texts contain hidden references and messages it's  about certain mythical events which is why the   link of the Cornerstone the construction and the  functioning of the historic temple are all set in   the same mythical era the temple was believed  to be a creation of the Gods which leads us   to the conclusion that according to the ideas  of that time it was an immediate continuation   rejection and reflection of the mythical Temple  that had existed since the beginning of the world   now the phrase from the beginning of the world  could mean the first age which the ancient   Egyptians called Zep tepi in the same era thought  recorded the words of the wise men and delivered   them in a book that described the location of  specific sacred mounts along the Nile the title   of this lost book is description of mounts of  the ancient times the ancient inscriptions on   the walls of Temple referred to a group of seven  wise men they were the only Divine beings who knew   how to build temples and sacred cities and they  supervised the construction works on the ancient   Hill as they call it interestingly enough many  experts equate the ancient Hill on their rocks   with the location of the Pyramids of Giza another  such place is heliopolis as there was a sacred   Peak or a hill from which the first Sunrise  had been seen it sounds so beautiful [Music]   thought himself participated in the activity  of wise men and together they are believed   to have built the first mythical temples of  ancient times including the Egyptian pyramids   as thought himself recounts in his Emerald  Tablets modern archaeologists have little   information about the seven and their identity  having concluded only that they are seven in   number and have an important role in the theory  of the origin of the world's first sacred sites another interesting thing are the depictions  of the flood described as primordial waves   from which the prehistoric Hill Rises  the first thing that comes to mind is   the legend of Noah but the seven wise men  appear also in other Legends which raises   the question did they really exist or are  they a fragment of someone's imagination   for example there is scientific literature about  the origin of the seven sages who after a natural   Calamity appear as Heralds of knowledge  but all over the world there are extremely   detailed Legends which is a paradox the most  famous story is that of the flood According to   which one of the Gods decided to destroy the  civilization because of its corruption Moses   left us one of the stories of what happened in  the first book of the Old Testament as in other   Legends each time there is a chosen one in this  case a man a couple or a few people who need to   survive are warned of the impending disaster if  however we remove the mythical embellishments   what's left is a historical work that offers an  explanation of the development of Humanity's past   but the story of Noah who laid the foundations  for a better Humanity by defeating the flood   cannot be precisely dated so it's difficult  to assign it to a specific historical time   also since 1872 discoveries have been made that  suggest that the biblical account of the flood   is borrowed from older sources such as those  from the archaic deity Aya and therefore is   essentially of Egyptian origin it is closely  related to Min and set in fact in 1849 the   British archaeologist sir Austin Laird and his  assistant harmust rasan discovered several brick   covered mounts at huyun jio which prompted them  executive further in September the same year   the two discovered almost 25 000 clay tablets  covered with cuneiform inscriptions the clay   tablets contain spiritual and scientific works  on philosophy astronomy and Mathematics they also   accounted a number of ancestors of the Kings who  ruled the country before and those who ruled after   a great flood disaster and these tablets contained  mesopotamia's greatest work the Epic of Gilgamesh   this is the legend of Gilgamesh the Sumerian  hero who was two-thirds a God and one-third   man and claimed he was Immortal like the gods  if you haven't watched our episode about the   Anunnaki watch it so that you can make a link  to the Demi Gods German asurologists Professor   Theodore quasmon of the University of cologne  was able to find the first line of this work he   found them in the basement of the British museum  in London and the clay tablet red Gilgamesh who   sold the Wellspring the foundations of the land  who knew the world's ways was wise in all things   the Epic of Gilgamesh was engraved in the form  of a poem on 12 clay tablets it only managed to   survive because the newly arrived conquerors of  Mesopotamia did not consider cuneiform a writing   the quatrans 200 in number contain striking  similarities to the Bible only they were written   several Millennia before it the archaeologists who  made this discovery didn't realize how Sensational   it was and wrapped it badly before they shifted  to Britain for translation therefore due to the   incompetent treatment many of the tiles were  damaged and could no longer be read it was only   thanks to the work of George Smith a previously  unknown young employee of the British museum in   London that the historical significance of these  ancient legends became clear at that time however   no one in the so-called scholarly World knew  that there was a Babylonian Assyrian literature   that deserved to be ranked alongside the great  achievements of later writers young Smith has   just reached the spot when Gilgamesh and his  friend enkidu successfully defeated the fury   bull hombada in the Cedar Forest of present-day  Lebanon on her Triumph return the goddess Ishtar   so Gilgamesh dressed in his festive robes wearing  the Victor's Crown and fell in love with him he   on the contrary didn't wish to know anything  about his admirer and insulted her calling her   a prostitute for she already had many love affairs  after this humiliation Ishtar returned engraved to   heaven and complained to the Great Goddess then  she demanded from her father Anu the death of   Gilgamesh in response Anu created a bull of Heaven  on Earth whom 100 Warriors could not tame but   Gilgamesh stood the test and was Victorious  again with the help of his friend encido Ishtar who watched the fight from Heaven cursed  Gilgamesh and encido on the night that followed   enkidoso in a dream the counsel of the Gods  condemning him because he had aided Gilgamesh   in the destruction of humbaba the sentence was  immediately carried out and enkidu

2023-04-21 14:40

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