The Transistor That Won the World

The Transistor That Won the World

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In the early years of microelectronics,  there were many types of transistors. But one rose up to rule all the others. Based on  an idea that physicists have chased for decades. And today, we have made more of it than anything  else we have ever made in human history. In this video we talk about the MOSFET  - the transistor that won the world.

## Beginnings Before we begin, I want to recommend  a fantastic history book on the MOS   transistor - "To the Digital Age", by  Ross Bassett. It wasn't the only source   I consulted for this video,  but it was by far the best. Okay let's roll. The key idea behind the  MOS transistor is the "field effect".

Simply put, the Field Effect describes  a solid's ability to change how well   it conducts a current when in the  presence of an external electric field. Physicists have long known about the field  effect basically since the 1800s. However,   no one had yet been able to understand  and build devices to take advantage of it. Notably, in 1928 the Polish-American  physicist Julius Lilienfeld filed   several patents for solid-state devices,  including a potential field effect device.

The patents describe devices that  are kind of similar to modern   ones. But Lilienfield lacked modern  theoretical knowledge and techniques. So the devices could not have worked. His patents  did not attract much attention at the time. A few years later in 1935, the German  physicist Oskar Heil files another set   of patents for a more advanced device. However,   same as with Lilienfeld’s patents, there is  no evidence that a real device was ever made.

I wonder then if such a thing  can even be patented. But they   also gave Amazon a patent for buying  stuff with one-click so who knows. ## The Missing Field Effect While at Bell Labs, William Shockley  was in search of the field effect. He, like the rest of Bell Labs, sought a  solid-state device that could do the work   of the vacuum tube. Back then, the tube  was the dominant device for switching and  

amplifying signals. But its unreliability  incentivized people to find an alternative. In mid-1945, Shockley and his partner  Gerard Pearson crafted an experiment to   try and create this device. Here is how it worked. You had a layer of semiconducting material,  laying on top of an insulating support. And then set very close to that  semiconductor layer - separated   by less than a millimeter - we  had a metal capacitor plate. In the experiment, Shockley applied a  voltage to the metal plate. If all goes well,  

then a strong current should flow over  through to the semiconductor material. However, when Shockley ran the experiment he found  the actual effect to be far weaker than expected. This puzzling discrepancy led theorist  John Bardeen to suggest in March 1946   that there were traps on the semiconductor's   surfaces keeping the electric field from  affecting the rest of the semiconductor. This led Shockley, Bardeen, and  experimentalist William Brattain   down the path to the point contact  transistor - the first transistor. ## The First Transistor I covered this story in a prior video  but we should discuss it even if passing.

Bell Labs' 1948 announcement of the Point  Contact transistor set off a flurry of research. But that particular transistor was not  commercially viable. It consisted of   two metal contacts barely touching the  surface of chemically treated germanium.

For this reason, they were difficult to build  and easily broke. Worse yet, people did not   very well understand the physics behind how  it worked - which made it hard to build upon. William Shockley pivoted away from his  Field Effect ideas and towards what he   named as the “minority carrier injection”  concept. And then based on that concept,   he creates the bipolar junction transistor. ## Bipolar's Rise The bipolar junction transistor is  basically a semiconductor sandwich. The first such transistors were  made from a single crystal of   germanium with three sections -  an emitter, base, and collector.

The emitter and collector would be made from  the same P-type or N-type doped germanium,   but the opposite of that used for  the very thin base. So there are two   barriers or PN junctions - between the  base and the emitter and the collector. The "bipolar" in the name refers to the  fact that when the device is in operation,   both electrons and electron  holes travel through the base. It took some time and precision to actually  make this device. But finally in 1950,   Bell Labs' Gordon Sparks and  Morgan Teal leveraged their   crystal-growing skills to produce  these bipolar junction transistors.

The bipolar junction transistor  very quickly replaced the point   contact transistor as the era's  dominant transistor technology.   It was far sturdier and we better  understood its electrical behavior. But it was still a tricky thing to make -  particularly the crystal-growing techniques   to produce the very thin base layer in  between the emitter and the collector.  

Only one such base could be made for each  crystal, which then had to be cut out and   manually located for processing. It was  both kind of wasteful and also very manual. Nevertheless, the bipolar junction quickly became   the dominant transistor of the 1960s.  They were the transistors used for the   first transistorized electronics goods  like hearing aids, computers, and radios. ## Alloy Junction and the JFET In 1952, General Electric  announced a way to simplify   the bipolar junction transistor technique. This ingenious technique had you alloying  two very small pellets of indium - about   a millimeter large - on opposite sides of a thin  slice of germanium. You can align them with dots.

This worked well, and for a brief time alloy  junction transistors were the dominant transistor   technology of the age. It also inspired  Shockley to go back to the field effect idea. In 1951, he came up with an idea. What  if we were to use a similar set up to   "pinch" off the flow of a current  passing through a semiconductor? You create a semiconductor bar with a  source on one side and a drain on the   other. In between you have the channel and a  pair of gates on both sides of that channel. When you apply a certain voltage to the gates,   it grows what is called a depletion region  in the semiconductor. A depletion region  

is sort of like a void with no electrons nor  electron holes and so acts like an insulator. A higher voltage can pinch  off the flow of electrons   or electron holes - depending on  the material - passing through the   semiconductor. Just like how you can  pinch off a hose with your fingers. Shockley passed this idea to two  team members to work on - George   Dacey and Ian Ross. That last name ring a bell? Ian Ross was a student of Charles Oatley, the  scanning electron microscope pioneer at Cambridge! I covered him in a former video. Ross later   became the president of Bell Labs. The  "Semiconductor Shared Universe" grows. Dacey and Ross worked together  and in 1952 eventually created   the Junction Field Effect Transistor  or JFET - the first practical field   effect transistor. The thing worked  exactly how the theory said it would.

But Ross recalls that it did not work better  than the bipolar junction transistor nor was   it any easier to make so they set it aside.  The JFET as it was so called would later   make a resurgence with the rise  of silicon carbide technologies. ## Passivation There was a reason why the Bipolar  Junction Transistor worked so well   for people like General Electric, Bell  Labs and Texas Instruments at first. John Bardeen had been right. The existence  of traps on the surface of the Semiconductor  

did indeed cause the field effect to  not work as well as it should have. The bipolar junction and the junction field  transistors worked so well because electrons   or electron holes are traveling through  the entirety of the material. This way,   we can somewhat bypass these  troublesome surface effects. But the surface effects do still exist.  We can't just ignore them. They are worth  

studying. And in the late 1950s, a peculiar pair  at Bell Labs figured out something important. Mohamed "John" Atalla was born in Egypt,   and graduated from Cairo University with a  degree in electrical engineering. He then   received a PhD from Perdue University  and joined Bell Labs after that. While studying the surface effects of  silicon, John discovered something. The   reason why the surfaces of semiconductors like  germanium or silicon can "trap" electrons or   electron holes is because they have  what are called "dangling bonds". These dangling bonds grab electrons like how  carnivorous sundew plants grab flies and eat them   - interfering with the semiconductor's electrical  properties in the presence of an electric field.

But. If we are to grow a layer of silicon dioxide  on top of the silicon using heat, oxygen and   water, we can "passivate" these dangling bonds and  prevent them from messing with our electric vibes. So passivating silicon with silicon  dioxide stabilizes the surface for   electrons or electron holes to travel  along it like asphalt for a highway. Atalla's work on silicon surface passivation   eventually caught the eye  of a guy named Jean Hoerni. Jean Hoerni of the Traitorous Eight and Fairchild?   The Semiconductor Shared  Universe just keeps growing! In December 1957, while thinking  about these ideas in the shower,   Hoerni parlayed this idea into a fabrication  method that used silicon dioxide to protect   PN junctions from the elements. He  wrote his ideas down and set it aside.

## Atalla and Kahang Atalla meanwhile revitalized some of the designs  done in previous years by Shockley and others,   and proposed to use pure silicon dioxide as   the gate oxide for another crack  at the field effect transistor. He recruits someone to implement this  idea. Dawon Kahng was born in Seoul,   South Korea and traveled to the  United States to do his PhD at   Ohio State. At this time he had just  joined Bell Labs - a new graduate.

Kahng and Atalla leveraged the work of  their Bell Labs colleague Joseph R. Ligenza,   who in 1959 discovered and patented a method of  growing high quality silicon dioxide layers on   top of silicon with high pressure hot steam.  A precursor of thermal oxidation furnaces. They presented the results of their work at a  conference in 1960. They noted its potential   usefulness for integrated circuits -  then only invented two years earlier.

The thing did not have a name at that  time. Their paper simply referred to   the notion of Silicon and Silicon  Dioxide Surfaces - “Silicon-Silicon   Dioxide Surface Device". Which points  to the key item of the discovery. ## How It Works So why did this device work and all the  previous ones did not? Let us go through it. We have the source and the drain. In  between them is the gate stack - which  

is made from an aluminium gate sitting on  top of the thermally grown silicon dioxide   gate oxide. These all sit on a substrate  made from either N-type or P-type silicon. N-type, meaning that the silicon is doped   to have more electrons. In the  industry, we call these NMOS. P-type meaning that it is doped to have  more electron holes. We call these PMOS. Together, PMOS and NMOS make Complementary   MOS - CMOS. CMOS is Asia's breakthrough  low-power semiconductor technology and   the dominant configuration of all  today's big digital logic devices. Anyway back to our simple example.  When a voltage is applied to the gate,  

it creates an electric field. This field repels same-charged particles out   of the doped silicon while also  attracting opposite-charged ones. So if the silicon substrate was P-type,   then it has an excess of electron holes.  We apply a negative voltage to the gate,   which repels those holes out of the immediate  area while also attracting electrons into them.

When we reach the threshold voltage, there is  enough opposite-charged particles brought up   to the surface to conduct a current from the  source to the drain. This is your channel. The fact we basically inverted the mix  of electrons or electron holes in the   surface layer of the semiconductor give  us the name - “inversion surface channel”,   a critical component of the MOSFET. So why did it not work before?  The key point was the oxide layer,   which passivated the dangling bonds in the  silicon surface and made it possible for   the current to travel - essentially  paving the highway with asphalt.

Furthermore, the substrate  silicon has to be very clean,   and the silicon gate oxide must be  very pure. Looking back at it now,   there was no way it could have been done  earlier. It barely worked even then. ## Cool Reception You might imagine that this is the part where the   world immediately adopts the new  invention and everything changes. Not the case at all. The MOSFET wasn't even  the main attraction of that 1960 conference.  

Far more people were enthralled in  an announcement by Bell Labs about   the creation of junction transistors  using epitaxy, a form of vapor growth. Though I have to admit this was  a real manufacturing breakthrough   that greatly improved existing junction transistor   yield and performance. The rest of the  industry rapidly adopted this technique. General disinterest in this early MOS device was  in part due to the fact that there were already   multiple field effect devices floating around  at the time. JT Wallmark of RCA filed a patent   for a field effect transistor in 1957,  though they didn't do anything with it. Another company called Crystalonics  was marketing JFETs. The French had  

their own version of it, the Technitron. So on. More importantly, this first device did not appear  all that great nor reliable. Kahng's technical   memo at the time noted the device's inconsistency  from one fabrication attempt to another. This was at a time when the semiconductor  industry was really focused on bipolar   transistors. Bipolar technology was more  mature, and critically, more reliable. If the whole point of the venture was  to replace unreliable vacuum tubes,   then it sort of invalidates everything if the   replacements are just as unreliable. And  that was the case with this early device.

And the one big thing that Kahng suggested  their device can do - mass manufacture on   integrated circuits - was not yet appreciated  by the industry. Nobody believed that a large   Integrated Circuit can be relied upon  without bad yields crippling the device. ## Aftermath So at the time, the response to the  1960 announcement was like "Cool,   another proof of the Field Effect" - and then  everyone went back to their bipolar transistors.

In part due to this cool  reception of his breakthroughs,   John Atalla grew discontent at Bell Labs  and left to join Hewlett-Packard. There,   he helped found their research labs  and directed their solid state work. He retired but came back to work on ATM  technology, inventing the Atalla Box - a   hardware security module that is still  used today as the de facto standard. So yes, the co-inventor of the MOSFET is  also responsible for your ATM PIN code. As for Kahng, he would stay at Bell Labs for  over 28 years. Along with the late Simon Sze,   he did pioneering work in flash memory  and eventually became a Bell Labs Fellow.

After retiring in 1988, he joined  the NEC Research Institute as its   founding president but passed a few years  later after suffering an aortic aneurysm. ## RCA Atalla and Kahng's presentation in 1960  did catch a few people's attention. One of the companies was RCA, who  instantly recognized how the duo's   transistor structure had value as compared  against Bipolar Junction transistors. First, the MOS transistor structure  scaled down well, physically. Bipolar Junction Transistors on the other hand   suffered worsening delays  as its dimensions shrank. Second, the structure inherently protected  its most important part - the gate oxide.

Right after you make the gate oxide, it gets  covered up and protected by the metal gate. And third, fabricating MOS transistors  required fewer steps than that for Bipolar   Junction Transistors. And being  an essentially flat transistor,   you can potentially stuff more of  them onto a single piece of silicon. With RCA in the midst of a major  foray into the computing industry,   they assigned a team to an MOS effort.

Two years later, Steve Hofstein and Fred Heineman   presented the first ICs with  these types of transistors. They called them the "INSULATED GATE  FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR" or "IGFET". ## Fairchild At around the same time, the iconic Fairchild  Semiconductor started getting into MOSFETs too. Remember Jean Hoerni? Back in 1957 he wrote down his idea for using  silicon oxide to protect the critical PN Junctions   of a transistor, cutting holes into it as  necessary to add the transistor’s other features.

Two years later he went back to this idea,  creating the "planar process" in 1959. At the time, Fairchild produced a different  type of transistor called the "mesa",   called as such because it looked like one. After  applying the planar process, he confusingly called   this modified mesa the "planar transistor",  which is not the same as the "planar MOSFET". A member of Fairchild's R&D team,  Frank Wanlass - who first learned   about MOSFETs from RCA's work while he was  doing his doctorate - fabricated MOSFETs at   Fairchild using the planar process. It worked  wonderfully and Fairchild decided to sell them. Side note. During his brief time  at Fairchild - just a year and a  

half - Wanlass also came up with the  aforementioned CMOS concept. Legend. Fairchild's marketing department came  up with the MOSFET name in October 1962,   though the MOS phrase had been around since 1959  when a guy at Bell Labs named John Moll coined it. When RCA caught wind that Fairchild was  about to release a MOSFET, they rushed out   theirs too in February 1963. Though neither  would hit the market in volume until 1964. RCA marketed their transistors with the  IGFET name, leading to a period of time   when the industry could not decide between  IGFET or MOSFET. MOSFET thankfully won when  

everyone realized that nobody  knew how to pronounce "IGFET". ## Improvements None of these early MOSFETs in the  1963-1966 period worked all that well. They suffered serious reliability problems -  the gate oxide kept breaking down - and the   transistors' failed to perform as  well as their bipolar competitors. Then in 1966 through 1968, a series of discoveries  found that sodium ions were infiltrating the gate   oxide after its fabrication, causing  it to break down after a few years.

So Fairchild added a silicon nitride  overcoat over the whole chip - instantly   making the MOSFET as reliable as  anything you can possibly get. But there was still one last problem  - performance. Many of the early MOS   transistor-based integrated circuits still  failed to outperform bipolar transistors,   speed-wise. They also suffered  from high threshold voltages. ## Making MOSFETs The issue was in the MOSFET's  metal gates. But to explain that,   I first need to explain how we made  these things in the late 1960s. Let us imagine again the  surface of a silicon wafer.

Nice and shiny like a metal pog slammer. We then grow a relatively thick layer  of oxide - about a micrometer thick - on   top of the surface of this silicon wafer. This is called "field oxidation" and was done  using a process called thermal oxidation. Which basically meant shoving the wafers into  an expensive oven with some water and oxygen.

After that, we use photolithography  to define where the source, drain,   and channel will be. You know how photolithography  works? Good, let us avoid that rabbit hole. Once we know where the source and drain will be,  we must dope those regions. Since we are in the   caveman days before the British commercialized ion  implantation technology, we need to use diffusion. With diffusion, we put the wafers into  another high temperature furnace. Then   we take the dopant - usually in a  liquid form - and heat it up along   with some oxygen. The dopant will react  with and diffuse into the silicon surface.

It amuses me how much semiconductor technology in   these days depended on just cooking  these wafers in an oven along with   some random chemicals and praying that  it comes out okay. Literal witchcraft. After the source and drain  are defined and diffused,   we use etch processes to scrape away a hole in  the field oxide layer where the gate should be. Then we can re-grow a very thin,  very pure layer of silicon dioxide   on top the silicon substrate using thermal  oxidation again. This is our gate oxide. And then on top of that, we finally deposit  the metal gate via evaporation. By now the   transistor is essentially done. Note how in  this sequence, the gate is produced last.

## Misalignment So what was wrong with the gate? It had  to do with the decision to use aluminium. Aluminium the metal melts at 660 degrees  Celsius. But diffusing silicon requires   far higher temperatures, 1,000 degrees Celsius.

What this means is that we have to do  the source and the drain BEFORE we make   the aluminium gate. This requires us  to align the aluminium gate right on   top of where the micrometer-sized  channel will be - consistently. This was hard. In response to this,  MOS manufacturers would make the   gates bigger than necessary in order to assure  alignment with the channel. This led to even   more problems because it sometimes caused  the gate to overlap the source and drain.

## The Polysilicon Gate As this dawned on the industry, a brilliant  new innovation emerged - the polysilicon gate. The "poly" in the polysilicon means that the  silicon is very pure, but its atoms are not   arranged into a single crystal format.  But other than that, it's just silicon. Replacing the aluminium gate with  a gate of heavily doped polysilicon   let the semiconductor makers make the gate  stack first before the source and the drain. Once the gate is built, it can be used to position  the source and the drain. And since the gate   is made from polysilicon and not aluminium, it  can survive the high temperatures of diffusion.

Imagine it as like - instead of trying  to fire an arrow at a bullseye target,   we fire the arrow first and then draw the  target around wherever the arrow hits. The gate being self-aligned to those doped  regions gives the technology its name:   Self-aligned gate. It was a key  breakthrough that both cut the   MOSFET's high threshold voltages  and increased its speed 3-5 times. It did somewhat invalidate the  M in the MOSFET name. Silicon  

is not a metal but a semi-metal. But whatever. ## Conclusion Four established firms came up with the  self-aligned gate technology at the same   time - General Electric, Hughes Aircraft,  Bell Labs, and Fairchild Semiconductor. But just like how Google didn't do anything  big with the Transformer architecture until   OpenAI came along, it took a new startup to  fully take advantage of this breakthrough. That startup was Intel, whose cofounder Gordon  Moore had been Fairchild's R&D head. Moore saw  

the technology in action and then hired  many of the technicians who developed it. Self-aligned gates revolutionized MOSFET  and in turn, integrated circuit technology. It allowed Intel to ship market-leading  memory chips like 1969's 1101 SRAM,   breaking into the market. And it set the paradigm for decades of   semiconductor scaling. The planar  MOSFET would not change until 2011.

2024-06-23 14:53

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