Space Technology And Rockets Existed In Antiquity And The Middle Ages

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it is well known that the first flights  of earthlings into space took place in   the 20th century but this is the official version  meanwhile there is evidence indicating that space   exploration could have begun much earlier  for example in the days of ancient egypt   or the renaissance imitation control panel  the leading museum of antiquities in 1828   acquired a certain ancient egyptian artifact whose  age is 4 500 years old which makes it possible   to attribute to the time of the fifth dynasty  of the pharaohs unfortunately the place where   the object was found is not known exactly but the  egyptologists say that it is unique and completely   different from everything that was produced in  this era by the egyptians this is a massive tablet   made of alabaster measuring about 49 centimeters  in diameter and 13 centimeters in height it weighs   approximately 75 kilograms it has round holes and  embossed protrusions on the surface of the tablet   there are inscriptions and herroglides but only  one of the messages has been deciphered to date   experts believe that the artifact was used during  the funeral rituals when high-ranking egyptians   were bedded but in appearance the object is very  similar to the control panel of a modern aircraft   some researchers suggest that this is a copy of  an even more ancient technological object built   either much earlier or even belong to another  civilization after all there are many myths about   deities descending to earth there is a version  that these are aliens who flew to our planet   on starships and perhaps the representatives of  then terrestrial civilization had a chance to see   the internal structure of these spaceships however  this is just a hypothesis not a statement the   first rocket was launched in the 16th century  also of considerable interest is the so-called   cbo manuscript or the haas manuscript this 450  page document was accidentally found in 1961   in the archives of the romanian city of cebu by  doru todorikiyo a professor at the university of   buturis it turned out that the manuscript  in german was created in the 16th century   it described rocket science in detail with  drawings and calculations in particular how   to build a three-stage as well as manned space  rocket it was mentioned that rockets require the   use of liquid fuel the autoship of this work is  attributed to the military engineer cornered haas   of either austrian or transylvanian origin  it is believed that it was he who invented   the first rocket engine and perhaps his work was  not purely theoretical there is evidence that in   cebu in 1550 and even similar to the launch of  a space rocket happened a loss no documentary   information about this has been preserved prince's  money and gunsmith's life before the story of the   house manuscript it was believed that the idea  of crafting three-stage rocket belongs to the   polish expert in the field of artillery casimir  saminovic who in 1650 published a book called   artist magnate artillery parse primer which also  described the construction of rockets at the same   time the images of space technology suspiciously  resemble drawings from the sibiu manuscript   therefore it can be assumed that either saminovic  plagiarized or both he and his predecessor haas   took information from the same sources by the  way the design of the cylindrical thrust chamber   filled with powder fuel with a conical hole  for a gradual increase in the combustion area   described in both books continues to be used in  rocket technology today at the same time both haas   and seminoic and the descriptions completely lack  any means of stabilizing the flight of a rocket   which suggests that after all we have only a  concept and not an actual guide to rocket science   it is possible that haas knew how to build rockets  in practice but did not really want it since they   could be used for military purposes the manuscript  contains the following lines but my advice is more   peace than war leave your guns under the roof  bullets do not shoot gunpowder does not burn wet   so that the prince kept his money the gunsmith  his life this is the advice conrad haas gives you in 1926 professor a.w beckerton declared the  concept of shooting at the moon to be foolish   and impossible in 1935 the noted astronomer  f.r moulton wrote that man could never travel   in outer space in 1957 dr richard van der reit  volley former astronomer roy called the idea   of space travel utter build eight months later  sputnik one was orbiting the earth in a remote   northern area of tibet lie the ruins of the  hissing new capital discovered by dupark in in   1725 within the city the park came upon a mass  of monolith once coated with silver apparently   part of a tower of blue proceed and a royal palace  containing thrones with sun and moon images there   was also a large milky white stone surrounded by  exquisite dry now for the stunning sequel in 1952   a soviet expedition arrived the group was shown  by a tibetan mob some ancient documents whose   descriptions agreed with those of dupar but here  is the breathtaking part the milky white stone   so said the document was brought from the moon  moon rock is it possible could men actually have   left his earth and gone to the moon in aegis  path while space travel are natural adjunct to   his civilization are there clues indeed there  are indications of the reality of ancient space   travel do came from widely separated parts of the  world written and oral tradition is widespread and   it seems reliable chinese historian in particular  never tried to please their rulers at the expense   of truth that was preferred to untruthful reports  of history as an example we have the fate of   historians in the reign of chi in 547 bc we should  therefore take seriously the historical reports   of china even if they seem at first to be far fat  there is a tendency in scientific circles nowadays   to regard ancient documents and even methodology  and folklore as sources of history anthony roberts   expresses it this way legends are like time  capsule that preserved their content through   ages of ignorance in regard to some of the  chronicles cited hereafter internal evidence   will carry its own proofs of intensity internal  evidence will carry its own proofs of intensity   my first source is an old manuscript described  by james churchward the english scholar who wrote   decades before people spoke of artificial  satellites and spaceship one india vehicles   that could revolve around the earth i a satellite  their fuel is drawn from the air in a very simple   and cheap way the motor is something like a modern  turbine it works from one chamber to another and   does not stop or stall unless switched off if  nothing happens it continues to function the   ship in which it is built could revolve as long  as it liked around earth only failing when the   parts of which it is made were burnt up to india  philosophers and scientists who orbited the earth   below the moon and above the cloud are spoken of  in the ancient surya siddhanta giant satellites   made of shiny metal and turning about an axis are  described in detail in ancient sun secret text   right down to their dimensions and interior as  well as smaller craft that fly between them and   the r3 caldera two modern rockets emitting rays  at the rear a box-like loudspeaker and a copy of   gemini capsule are engraved on a copper chisel  unearthed at ur for summary pictographic text   described three related objects on display in  cypher the golden sphere command module the gir   gir a long arrow-shaped object divided  into several compartments andalic maharati   meaning advancer that makes vassal go i.e a  motor or an engine together they look very much   like a three-part rocket ship another explicit  sign is the combination of two words dine and gir   when joined together to form the word god the  tale of the finlay gir fits perfectly into the   opening of the rocket-like den which exhausts  fire from its take 5 pero a clay vessel 81-2   inches high portrays a kind of space capsule on  which motor and exhaust are clearly recognizable   sick italy a painting discovered in the niche  of a room under room palatine hill in 1961   porter is what is to be a rock it stands on  a launching pad from it runs guys our cable   behind is a tall wall resembling a counter  blast wall 7 japan excavations have uncovered   clay figurines of people clad in peculiar space  suit with helmets entirely covering their hat   on the helmets are representations of something  like slit type glasses breath filter antenna   hearing aid and even night sight device 8 india  the mahabharata describes two-story sky carriers   with many windows ejecting red flames that race  up into the sky until they look like comet to the   regions of both the sun and the star number nine  gote mala another ancient descriptions mentions a   circular chariot of gold mirroring 12 000 cubits  in circumference and able to reach the star 10.   india other references speak off portion sailing  in golden ships across the ocean of the sky   garuda a celestial bird carrying lord vishnu in  cosmic journey aerial flight through the region   of the sky permanent which is above the region of  the wind the ancients of space dimension 11. new   zealand maori legends style of flying machines and  journeys to the moon 12 china third century beasts   trying to zoo in a work entitled travel to the  infinite related a trip he made into space to 32   500 miles from the air thirteen tibet and  mongolia ancient buddhist books speak of   iron serpents which devour space with fire and  smoke reaching as far as the distant star 14.  

tibbett the three levels of pyramid in the haitian  new capital commemorated three historical periods   in the remote past the pre-space travel era  the time when men were able to visit one of the   heavenly bodies and then afterward when they came  back to earth and lost the power of space travel   it was here that they're imposed on the altar a  stone brought from the moon 15 babylon the epic   of atana 4700 years old applies us with the very  accurate descriptions of the earth surface from   progressive altitudes description which were  not verified in our own era until the high   altitude aerial flights of the 1950s and the first  space chart of the 1960s the description of these   ancient space flight departs exactly what happens  when men leave the earth the concept of the round   earth which becomes small due to perspective as  distance increases and changes into particular   color 16. book of enoch the ancient book of enoch  says that in spain it was hot as fire and cold as   i where objects get hot on the side illuminated  by the sun and icy cold on the shaded side and a   dark abbot 17. ion prevents china engravings  of cylindrical rocket-like machines which   are shown climbing skyward were discovered on a  pyramid which suddenly emerged from the floor of   lake kunming during an earthquake 80 greece lucian  pictured the moon as a body like the earth which   could be reached in eight days and wrote a fiction  of a moon trip 19 china desolate cold and glass   in the year 1309 bc the engineer of emperor  yao decided to go to the moon the celestial   bird provided him with information on his trip he  explored space by mounting the current of luminous   air the exhaust of a fiery rocket how he flew  into spain where he did not perceive the rotary   movement of the sun this statement is of paramount  importance in corroborating the story because   it is only in space that man cannot see the sun  rise or set on the moon he saw the frozen looking   horizon and erected a building the palace of ko  his wife chang nego likewise flew to the moon   which he found a luminous sphere shining  like glove of enormous size and very cold   the light of the moon has its birth in the sun  she declared chang nugu moon exploration report   was correct apollo 2 astronauts found the moon  desolate with a glass-like soil and the parts   of it even paved with pieces of glass most of the  moon at any given time is in the throes of extreme   core it plunges to minus 250 degrees fahrenheit at  midnight the ancient greek scientist imparticals   had also declared that the moon was made of  glass such precise knowledge implies on-site   inspection of the moon in the remote path 20.  china a story from this same period states that   an enormous ship appeared on the sea at night  with brilliant light which were extinguished   during the day it could also sail to the moon  and the star hence its name a ship hanging   among the star or the boat to the moon the  giant ship which could travel in the sky or   sail the seas was seen for 12 years 21 china the  xi xing book says that when the emperor saw crime   and vice rising in the world he commanded chong  and lee to cut off communication between the earth   and the sky and since then there has been no more  going up or down is this not a clear indication   of the cessation of space travel in the past 22.  san secret documents discovered by chinese at losa  

are claimed to contain directions for building  interplanetary spaceship flight to the moon is   mentioned though it is not stated whether this was  undertaken or just planned the chinese have stated   that certain of the data were being studied for  inclusion in their space program 23 relics on the   moon reports have been made concerning strange  messages on the surface of the moon an object   shaped like a sword near the crater birds trained  cross formations in the crater aratos denise   and at faramara angular lines in their creator  gazente and seven spots in the shape of the greek   capital gamma on the floor of the crater two giant  sets of letters under maris cerrini tala to the   left of murray tranquilla title which read paya  and job black letters easily discernible strange   tracks running right up the wall of a crate if  such geometric constrictions were found on earth   speculation would rate as to the men who left them  not every discovery has been announced by nasa and   exploration has curiously begun already nasa has  run out of budget for further moon visit it is by   no means impossible that future astronauts will  discover objects of installations showing that   other human beings came to the moon in the distant  past 24 it was july 20 1969 the occasion of the   first moon landing during the last reconnaissance  flight around the moon seeding the landing one of   the astronauts made an unexpected announcement  he had just seen the contour of what seemed to   be some sort of seven-story structure what was  it that he saw might it have been the palace   of core why did they subsequently deleted a full  11 minute including this from rebroadcast but it   was too late we had already heard it if there is a  single ancient long abandoned artifice on the moon   if there is a single object indicating earlier  intelligence if there is still one recognizable   rock drawing to be found then just think what such  a find would do to our conventional history but   wait news has continued to filter through not  only from the moon but from 40 million miles   away on the small planet mar 25 a soviet scientist  who defected to the west claims that photographs   by an orbiting satellite clearly showed the ruined  temples of a civilization on the planet mars   58 years old scientist was a high echelon member  of an elite team that has worked together since   1961 when was talk one carried yuri a gregorian as  the man in spain but russia's growing emphasize on   the development of a nuclearized star wars  satellite system in space prompted him to   flee russia he now lives under an assumed identity  in switzerland he reports that several years ago   a soviet satellite was launched for mars it  reached that destination in 1982 and has been   orbiting the red planet ever since its sole  purpose was to be in photographs and other   data back to manned satellite orbiting earth the  task was accomplished with incredible success   the photographs are computer enhanced and in full  color the detail they show is far beyond anything   produced in america and there is no mistaking  what they reveal the city scan by satellite's   camera is three times the size of moscow and it is  ringed by white boulevard one inside the other and   linked together by smaller avenues like the spokes  of a caught fish the temples must have been healed   most are in ruin as though crumbled by a  tremendous mars quick but some still sports   state gray dome that measure 2 to 4 miles in  damage the soviet union will never admit to this   incredible discovery because it would reveal  too much of their technological progress end   of this story no not quite on february 4 1985 the  melbourne australia age reported the belief of 30   u.s scientists the two photographs sent back from  mars in 1976 by the viking spacecraft indicate   the existence of an ancient civilization richard  hogland science writer and member of the group of   scientists known as the mars investigation group  said the photos show what appears to be four huge   pyramids lined up symmetrically with the face dr  c west churchman a professor at the university   of california at berkeley said there are too many  details pointing to the possibility of an extinct   habitation on mars what then i ask is the real  truth about our past have we been to mars before   if you enjoy this video and want to see more like  it please consider subscribing to us and hitting   the like button feel free to write a comment below  and suggest which theory you want to see next if   you'd like to further support this channel please  consider joining our membership link will be   found in the description box below we appreciate  your support and as always thanks for watching


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