The Soft Skills That Make A Difference In Tech

The Soft Skills That Make A Difference In Tech

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one minute thank you so much sir all right sir uh we have uh joining us online to do a presentation of soft skill we have been here in code Campus Learning the art skills and in the real world only the art skills is not enough to drive so we need to know about such SK that we need that will be useful for us to drive in the marketplace so we have with us Davido is an accomplished iOS s engineer with over four years of experience delivering Innovative mobile solution across various Industries currently at I I David leads efforts in app redesign and optimization leveraging expertise in Swift sft UI UI and UI keys to craft scalable and high performing application his carer spans inartful roles including transitioning architectural from Viper to VMP reducing app cross rate is to an impressive 92 99.92% crash pre section spearheading features implementing implementation like carbon spal P functionality David's commitment to Excellence is evident in his collaboration with global Brands like for digital media where it contributed to many of the largest head applications and his mentorship of engineers in Native iOS development at a season professional skill in methodology and art performance enhancement David tried on sharing his knowledge mentoring others and discussing advancement in Mobile technology ladies and gentlemen with a l ofation let's welcome um good is it morning good afternoon everybody can you hear am I audible enough am I a enough yes you are okay um so I will start by congratulating everybody that um is graduating today congratulations and welcome to the tech word it's not easy to embark on the journey I know what U we went through when we were starting um when you go through tutorials and then at the end of the day you do exactly what the um tutor is writing but then you seeing something else for you to be at this stage right now is a good is a good achievement and you should be proud of yourselves congratulations once more um so today I'll be talking on the I speaking on the topic um I can present right go ahead so I'll be speaking on a topic that says um the topic is driving in Tech and I be the subtitle will be the key to driving a fastpaced collaborative environment uh can you see my screen my screen no okay one moment you can see my screen now right yes please so like I said the topic is thriving in Tech with the subtitle the key to thriving in fastpaced collaborative environment um first of all I congratulated you on your achievement on getting here it's not easy um but then as you are here the first thing you should start thinking about is how to make yourself better because education is a continuous process there's no way you say um because youve graduated today you will stop growing anybody that stops growing according to the same starts dying so you need to keep on on the path and make yourself better so um I'll be speaking on solving technical challenges the role of mentorship and then soft skills so let's start with soft skills why do you think you need soft skills even though you're you you are very vast in technical abilities but then it is it is not enough because um people that are better people that become managers they have good sub skills they can at least they can communicate with people they can interact they can share their views and they can do a lot of things so um the shift in Tech today companies are not just looking for somebody who knows how to program they're looking for somebody who can fit in with others who can communicate who can adjust to fast changes who can who when um they tell the person what you're doing is not good the person will not go and start trying person can change and do something better that is the kind of um Tech experts companies are looking for that is the kind of people aspire to be so what are soft skills byin self skills are technical skills related to your work and interpersonal interactions there are various sub scales out there they range from but the ones we'll be considering today are just communication problem solving time management adaptability and emotional intelligence these are the ones that I feel that are very important to anybody that is in Tech either you're going to Tech you're already in Tech it is very important let's start with communication um why does communication matter it helps to reduce um errors it enhances teamwork and then it helps you to build your project and when you have clear aligned communication for instance Let's uh you you're working on a project together with people and you're not able to explain what you are let's say you're having a blocker you're not able to explain it to somebody there is no way the person can understand what you're talking about and be able to help you or when you are trying to um explain a tech stuff to um like somebody like a project manager that doesn't understand anything I have to do with tech by telling the person um this is this should be a set I'm trying to get the state and the person is saying what are you talking about put it in L terms like John Paul said Paul said communication works for those who work at it this means if you don't build on your communication there's no way communication work for you the whole thing boyss down to for instance at the end of the day you meet your manager and you're asking for a pay rise and you're not able to communicate why you need the money and the achievement you've done and why you should be the person that is getting that it will not work for you so you need to dedicate your time work on your communication skills seek feedback no communication is when you speak or let's say you there's a feedback that is when communication circle is complete but when you keep blabbing and blabbing and nobody's understanding it's just a One Direction and it's not communication at all let's talk about problem solving the whole idea of um Tech is to solve a problem take for instance um the op the p and the other F Tex there was a problem in the banking sector whereby the banks charge the customers a lot and there is a lot of hles to create an account if you want to create an account with asset Bank you have to go to asset bank and let's say you have a tight schedule there's no way you can seek um for leave to just to go and create an account but ftech companies they saw this problem though they made it easy so that you can just from the comfort of your home with as far as you have your dvn and your name you just create an account they have solved that problem so problem solving it helps us to locate the floor and build a a solution that will meet to that particular problem so you have to employ things like Define analyze solve evaluate to efficiently address issues adaptability said the measure of intelligence is the ability to change so if you don't have the ability to change I don't think Tech is for you because um every day we see new things and new Innovations back in the day we were um we're using horse for transportation today there's aircraft there is there is self driving cars that is changes so if you don't if you're not built in such a way that you can adapt to changes um jump on new trends and Technologies and be able to use them effectively it will be difficult for you to to cope in this fast moving enironment because Tech like I said is a fast moving environment everything that everything is changing every year you see apple um introduce new devices with new changes even if they are minor changes but then they are new changes Apple developers have to adapt to these changes for them to be relevant in their Community or their environment so you have to be able to change emotional intelligence let's take for instance um you create a PR and somebody bashed you in the pr and dropped a million and one comments you don't go and start crying or you don't take it the wrong way you just have to say Okay this is what this person want and see these things that's constructive ISM rather than destructive it will help you to grow when things are changing you you aware the components of of emotional intelligence there are self need in any environment if you are not able to associate with people it be hard for you to cope so you need this very very well time management time management is very important if you are not able to manage your time and prioritize your tax you will have things like B out fatig you can even give up I've seen people that when they go into Tech and they're not able to manage your time they'll be like ah Tech is not for me it is studos and some people say um Tech doesn't unlike doing blood money with other people's blood Tech will ask for your own blood so it will it is demanding you need to be able to manage your time properly different ways you can manage your time like the example I gave you using the Pomo technique this is a technique whereby say you have five things to do you can divide them okay I work 25 minutes on 25 on tax B 25 on tax C and just like that when you start working on tax a and 25 minutes is up you have to stop working on that tax start working on tax B so that you don't encroach into the time of tax b or for instance you're working with a team and someone is depending on your tax when you don't know how to manage your time properly you will one you will delay your team and also delay yourself so for you to be able to do this you have to be able to manage your time many te they use things like notion and J for managing tax and prioritization you see things like um medium high and low that is a um priority of the tax so so when you're picking a tax you check the priority level if it is high that is one you should work on first so that is how you manage your time um reward application let's look at this scenario you are in charge of a project with intricate specifications and short timeline technical proficiency by itself won't guarantee success you must effectively communicate to stakeholders adjust evolving needs like we said you have to adjust things that are because Tech is evolving just have to adopt to evolving needs quickly resolve unfor seen issues effectively manage both your own and team's time keep your spirits up and your outlook up bit especially when things are tough so um a lot of things are using a methodologies whereby things requirements keep evolving you might come today um your project manager will say okay that button at the top remove it you remove it today tomorrow the person will come and say I didn't see that I cannot see that button anymore he said Bo you created the T to remove it we no longer removing it just changing the color and bringing it down things are changing so you have to adapt and with good spirits that's why the last one say keep your spirits up and your outlook upbe you have to look sharp look good not because you're changing something that you've done before your spirit will not be demoralized for you to Hope in Tech environment you have to be able to adapt all this you have to um be not not being short you don't have to be short F whereby small things would just easily provoke you and you say I'm no longer interested in this anymore tips for developing soft skills engage interactive listening by giving meetings and conversation your whole attention and trying to understand before reacting if you have to pay attention to what you're doing not you don't your attention don't have to be divided seek seek feedback when you're working like I said initially you need feedback feedback is when you communicate and then you get response you have your friends say say you are preparing for a talk you have your friends you can present what you're talking to them and then they will give you feedback also you need mentors in your life as a tech person or any career you need mentors take part in cross functional projects this helps you to to expand your skills when you interact with people from different different areas of expertise invest in your growth by reading books taking leadership Comm communication and emotional intelligence classes or attending Workshop like I said education is a continuous process I'm still buying courses on Udi to further improve myself I still um like last month I bought about three of them and then I set Target for each of the courses I buy this is how I improve myself and this is also how you can improve yourself there there are videos on YouTube videos in case you said um you don't have the money to get this there are free videos on YouTube where you can learn whatever field you are in very important for us to utilize them measuring the impact of self skills there this survey I I I saw according to the survey a LinkedIn survey 92% of managers consider soft skills poly or more important than technical skills like we said initially it is good to have technical skills but then it is very very important to have soft skills because it sets you apart role of a mentor the role of mentorship and why it matters a mentor is someone who guides you in your career paths technical skills and then help you to navigate your work space so um how do you find the Mentor you can find a mentor by attending meetups conferences workshops even on LinkedIn and I've seen people getting mentors on Twitter space you can use things like Mentor mentorship platforms like mentoring club I'm a I'm a member here I'm a certified mentor on Mentor mentoring Club then you can also build how can you not build this relationship with your Mentor when you're when you are booking a session with your Mentor when you want to interact with your Mentor you have specific goals in mind this is these are the things we want to discuss set the agenda these are the things you and then you said okay this is the goal this is what I want to achieve from this particular conversation with my mentor just go straight to the point don't beat about the bush there was this U manager I had um the ear early stages of my career when you send him a message hello he doesn't reply when you greet him he you might just not reply but he said why would you waste your time sending me hello when you can just send what you want I know you blocked or something just go straight to the point so that is how I learned I don't just say hello I can say hello and then type what the remaining things I want to put there messages messages you want to send across so commitment and updates regularly so when someone takes you under his wings as a mentor you have to be regularly keep that person updated with your career growth so that the person will know okay you following what I'm saying it is very important tackling technical challenges how to approach technical problems like we said initially use Frameworks like Define Alli s you have to break it down because um when you're looking at a B tax you can easily get tired when you break it down to bits it's easy to build bits up then okay for instance um you are tax to work on the CH pyramid and then you are you want to take something very large to the top of the pyramid is very difficult but when it is broken down to bits you can easily take these bits up and then assemble them there so it is good to break it down utilize resources on there are online communities and open source projects and documentations you can use to um solve problems you find along the way things like sa it is very necessary that every Tech professional knows how to use St overflow it's very important so you can also collaborate with u with your peers and have by P programming and then mindset mindset shift Telles as growth opportunities don't see challenges as things that we discourage you um so that it would be something that you look forward to that is this um about I said not AB um Thomas Edison when he did the light B he said um reporter asked him we had you filed 999 times he said no light bulb is a 1,00 step process that he he also saw he saw 99 ways in which like B cannot be produced so these are the kind of mindsets you should have so step by step breakdown of problems you have to identify the problem first then gather the information analyze the problem develop a solution implement the solution but before then when you gather when you're doing the ga information gathering you have to also research to make sure that people don't have there's that problem doesn't exist anywhere or there's no existing solution to that problem that's why you have things like C overflow most times when you have a a blocker and and you search it on Google might see somebody that have sped something similar and then in St overl can might see Solutions there too people bring Solutions there I'm also an active member on St overflow so evaluate the solution learn and improve prove it is very important when you have a problem and um you learn from that problem so that you don't repeat that same pain when you have a when you have this blocker and tomorrow you have that same blocker next you have that same blocker it means that you're not improving so when you learn something grow with that additional tips it is important to not rush when you're solving a a problem don't rush just slow and Ste the saing the r be creative think outside the box and explore unconventional Solutions there was this um there was this custom view I buil some time ago um I was looking for something to use in building navigation bar that has to select between two views and when you tap on this a different view shows there's a custom way there is a a way the IR implements that but I don't like that it wasn't the sign I had in mind I had to build mine from the scratch I explored unconventional Solutions and along the line um two years letter A friend of mine was looking to build something similar he used my code the code I wrote for that particular thing to build it which is very good I was I was happy that my solution is being utilize by someone else so we need to collaborate is very important to collaborate with your peers as you're graduating today it's good to keep in touch so that um tomorrow um apart from giving Solutions you might as well be the reason someone gets a job it's very important to keep to collaborate stay positive maintain a positive attitude believe in your ability to solve a problem then be persistent don't give up even if you fail 99 times the last the 100 time might just be the charm might be the time that you Excel the most most so um conclusions what are the things that we should take away from this discussion consider that soft skills are critical to Career growth and success in PE you need a mentor it is very important to your growth then how do you solve problems it's good to solve problems in a strategic with a strategic approach I'll leave you with this inspirational quote your journey in Tech is defined by how well you solve challenges and the guidance you Embrace along the way thank you any questions thank you so much let's appreciate Mr David for bringing the presentation apprciate [Music] so much you have any question for Mr David from the audience before s please any question from from his presentation do you have anything you or whatever question all right we've learned the importance of art skill Mr David seems there is no questions the presentation is clear and we have gotten the G thank you so much for the presentation once again thank you're [Music] welcome all right Mr David see you some other times okay have a nice one thank you for coming sir bye

2024-12-08 10:01

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