The Role of Science and Technology in Disaster Risk Reduction

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foreign everyone so I've as I was saying uh technology like advances technology have made it possible to you know predict and monitor natural disasters and also you know enable early warnings to the affected communities uh in addition we also know that during a scientific research and DM is essential for understanding the underlying causes of natural resource disasters um you know we can understand the importance of Science and Tech in DLR with the examples of let's say early warning system in Japan you know where they monitor like you know the network of seismometers and detect the first signs of an earthquake and you know sends alerts to cell phones and broadcast mornings and TV and radio stations like giving people a minute several minutes to you know several seconds of a warning it might not sound like much of a time but it can actually make a bigger difference in terms of you know saving lives and minimizing and we also saw in the recent earthquake which like which hit turkey the magnitude was 6.4 and around 6 people uh well not the death was confirmed and the surprising thing was this happened in the same area for the second time and you know this could have been avoided you know if there was effective use of Science and Technology in identifying these disasters so anyway understanding this importance here in the academy in collaboration with climate action Resource Network Asia Pacific is organizing this webinar to uh delve into the role of Science and Technology in drr so this session will explore the various ways in which science can be used to minimize the impact of DLR so once again thank you everyone for joining us today and I hope that you will find this webinar very informative and engaging so before starting I'll give a brief introduction to our speakers and a panelists today so starting with Dr Abita department head remote sensing GIS University of Jammu he has carried out the research in the field of remote ngis application and Water Resources climate change and hydrology land use change scenario cryosphere desertification vulnerability urban and rural planning with more than 30 years of research experience he has published more than 40 research articles in National International journals he has carried out various research projects in funded and collaboration with ISRO iaers National remote sensing Center Ministry of Science and Technology and government of India and Etc so welcome to you sir moving on we have Dr Sheikh Thor Islam who is a professor and director of The Institute of remote sensing and GIS based in jahangir nagar University Bangladesh Dr Islam received his PhD degree from the Department of geography Durham University under British Commonwealth scholarship program he has produced more than 100 academic journals and professional Works Dr Islam has been working in the interface between man and nature and uses both quantitative I.E geospatial technique science data and qualitative methods using different conceptual framework and social theories to examine and better understand the societal info environmental problems in changing climatic context he has been working in disaster impact assessment climate change impact adaptation issues for more than a Decay and contributed to the public policy formulation reform processes we welcome you also to the event sir moving on we have our moderator Dr papiya majumdar a lecturer in global health school of politics and International Studies faculty of social science university of Leeds UK she is a human geographer and demographer by training papier has over 15 years of postdoctoral experience in population health research in Social South in South Asian context besides her role as an academic she has worked in proximity with policy makers and other stakeholders across multiple states in India through multiple research and advocacy assignments building honor academic and a research background she is currently studying risk and impacting of climate change adversities of for population physical and mental health outcomes based on our University of cleats fam she is a core member of newly initiated climate action and Global Health Advisory Group coordinated by Priestly International Center for climate change with this I would like to open the session and over to you Dr Pepper yeah I think I don't have much to say because Hannah has set the tone so very well and we are just kind of you know reiterating the importance of disaster risk reduction in our context and coming from um the setting like South Asia as we all know that it's it's beyond our kind of you know comprehension how frequent this disaster risk has been over the previous few years and decades and we are only expected to get these uh more in future years to come so the role of Science and Technology cannot be ignored anymore I think um we have a very good strength in academic as well as uh implementation of Science and Technology in the country and the region um and we are just here to sort of uh you know get some case studies and the overall understanding of how science and technology is being kind of used at the moment um and uh with a without further Ado I would like to go to um Dr Sheikh Islam from uh Yankee nagar University and so please um carry on with your presentations we can come back with a question and answer at the end of the session right okay so over to you Dr tawheed uh thank you so much can I share my screen [Music] uh can you see my screen yeah we can thank you uh okay uh good morning uh ladies and uh gentlemen uh welcome to my presentation uh title uh the role of Science and Technology and disaster risk reduction uh I'm uh I'm a professor and a director in The Institute of remote sensing and GIS uh and Jamie nagar University this is a public University in Bangladesh first of all I would like to uh give thanks to the organizers uh there are two organizers here one is a sphere India Academy and climate action Resource Network Asia Pacific and supported by UNICEF uh for inviting me in this particular webinar series and maybe this is the third in the row uh thank you so much uh basically my presentation uh is it stuck can you see my second slide or it is still on the first slide yeah yeah sometime I think okay yeah now it has come now it's okay yeah yeah uh my uh slides presentation slides uh I have just uh grouped all the slides and the discussions into three categories uh one is I'll I'll talk a little bit about the disaster risk management or digital received action issues uh then I'll bring in some of the results uh that we have been doing uh in this particular area on uh this particular subsequences where we used extensively science and technology and then I'll talk about some of the challenges uh in using the size of diversity and disaster risk management so can you uh give me a kind of uh idea of how much time uh elevated for me sorry um Hannah is that like 15 minutes yes ma'am 15 minutes yeah yeah thank you yeah okay okay yeah uh so uh we uh I thought that uh we need to just uh and send this particular phenomenon a bit clearly otherwise uh jumping into uh data service management who I would just use uh science interviews it might be a bit difficult to understand how to uh start with and what we will do using this particular Technologies so that's why these are three groups uh so if we go to the next slide it will give us it is still maybe taking time uh still at the second slide uh yes yeah sorry I think it's it's a bit slow network issues Maybe foreign there was a problem internet issue big national issue today happened yeah so I I'm just wondering Hannah since um Professor Islam has already sent um his slides would you be able to share screen and show it to um the audience yes from your side yeah yeah yes I could let me try I think you are sharing the screen right now okay um yeah do you want me to do it uh I can yeah I think you could do it though although there is a PDF yeah yeah this is a PDF so I think you know we can go with it right as of now yeah yeah so yeah and the next slide in the next one yeah yeah basically this is uh the uh equation that we all are using uh to understand uh the risk issues uh we received we got it from uh Ben wissner pass Blakey Terry Cannon uh uh in the book at risk so uh they they said uh that that the risk or the disaster risk is the advocate value or a score of many variables for our hazards exposure social vulnerability uh uh comes in so you understand that particular uh equation tells us that uh so many variables we need to just get data where science suppose our regular demographic data from secondary sources all are needed so it's uh this equation could just give us the wide breadth of the issues that are involved in uh understanding the disaster risk issues and we recently used this equation to identify uh developer societies vulnerable people are the groups of the houses in a river and area and I have just brought those slides uh the the slides to uh uh let you know how did you use uh uh Science and Technology to identify uh the vulnerable family families and developed a list of potential beneficiaries to receive the relief items and other things we could go to the next slide this is their list where we [Music] used a number of uh information from different sources and we identified people with a specific national ID number their location why they are they should be given in the priority list based on the risk score and what they need for rebuilding their uh revealing the situation so all these information that we derived from a number of data sources so if you go to the next slide next Hana next uh next we worked in kurigram uh Korean is a district located in the another part of Bangladesh in the uh River Basin is is a flood last year flood um and uh let's let's slide uh this is the list uh where we gathered household information and we use that particular equation to identify the uh to calculate the uh risk score and based on the risk score we identified that particular group of people and we checked it with the uh with the government list the local government list they have also their list their own list uh based on which they distribute the relative items and provide other supports and it is uh quite uh matching we found it and it is uh that was a real good exercise where we use artificial intelligence uh and analytics engine and remote sensing data different data sources are there and finally we just got a list beneficial list based on the availability uh different dimensions of the uh elements or the parameters of the vulnerabilities so this is one example how uh we could just use different data in different Technologies for to identify the uh a list of vulnerable people who are suffering from Flat risk at least in this particular case in kurigram please go to the next slide here we use the Bangladesh board of statistics secondary information we did this survey we use cloud computing system and data analytics over there and finally we put all the results in a web GIS dashboard where you could just calculate you could see uh the the results in many different dimensions where based on which you could just take the distance the government took the direction uh that was a pilot project just so it is a have been deployed by the government system but it was widely appreciated uh go to the next slide slide uh this is the dashboard uh where vulnerability uh uh based on basically the human vulnerability and this is additional support system for the minister of producer management of Bangladesh government um so this is one example that I mentioned yeah the next slide Miss Hannah yeah we could skip that one this is a similar thing next slide next one uh basically and so that is uh the uh the the wide range of issues I wanted to I tried to uh make a kind of make you understand that white range of issues so indeed where data and science could just help us um then now uh um vulnerability context uh how could we just use a remote sensing yes and other information uh of the uh of the the systems uh the Improvement systems the uh hydrometers systems so even the uh agriculture the soil system so uh we need a range of data on many different issues uh so I'm not explaining that one go the next slide that will take a bit more time I have just a few minutes uh go to the next slide yeah uh basically I don't know this is right uh before yeah uh this slide will just tell you that we are depending on uh vital uh environmental systems here the river One River is uh uh shown uh it was captured by a drone uh drone uh plane and you could just see the river is the lifetime at the same time it would uh just put all the communities people uh their settlements the infrastructure and the agriculture crops underwater during the flood times and it is uh highly uh flood affected area it was taken in uh the Wetland regions in the uh uh North Eastern sides of Bangladesh so uh so we need to understand the uh um interdependence or interdependence of this button using this particular resources for their benefit so we need data for all those particular things we need some we uh need uh to understand the uh properties of the soil so you need to understand the availability of water for integration purposes so all this data we need to understand the uh the the the very processes how people are depending on the natural resources for maintaining their agricultural works but uh production systems based on which they are availability or their strength or the resilience will be developed so uh so this is uh this is this is all photograph that just gives us different dimensions of the information that we need and where uh the the Science and Technology could just play very useful roles uh sometimes you don't have information in hand readily in hand we if we if I just give you an example that the last reverse survey data uh we received from Bangladesh water department board here in Bangladesh in 2011. so there is a there is a foreign but those rivers are receiving huge amount of sediment and water from the onesium areas every year and uh the the hydraulic properties and the river catchment areas in many ways it has been changed so we don't have the updated data and it is it is very expensive as well for the government to go for whatever updating of the data and without um whether those data it is really difficult to identify the valuable conditions of the houses that you are just uh looking in this particular photograph so uh uh data are needed and and for updating data for generating new data uh Science and Technology uh which are now uh very much easily available and some some of the data are free freely available at this moment but uh those are not happening in that box are the way we need it so go to the next slide uh this is uh this is uh one example how um it is done the University of uh Regional skill and local skills uh Associates from uh soil development processes so many other things so uh I'll not just go uh deep into that particular thing so please proceed thank you yeah yeah you could stay here yeah a good example to show you that uh the reversal uh changing their courses uh uh in in in in in in our part basically in Bangladesh we see a huge River Course change in the upper other Slide the slide previously foreign yeah this is the slide another the other one okay uh should I go up our link down up I think yeah so the Meandering engineering River yeah the entering Rivers the handbrake hand drawn yeah just the previous one this one yeah okay no no not this one the next one is this one this this color this one yeah just he's begging Hannah you just stay for a second okay yeah basically this is a uh the river got shipped uh from 1989 to 2020. uh

just uh almost I think 30 years of time you will just see how uh the rapid changes this is [Music] Lam I think you're having some technical issues can you hear me and now this is clear yeah but we couldn't hear you what you just said uh basically I was telling that this is a typical River in Bangladesh common River uh where uh where rivers are reversed uh can you can you can you hear me now yes sir we can hear you uh it is lagging a bit basically we had we had a very big internet issue today this is very unfortunate today I was ready but but um yeah basically uh the river catchments the river alignments are consciously changing in the country and in other parts of the uh South Asian country as well I imagine that these particular change is a common phenomenon and people just leave uh by this particular rivers and they every year just uh uh lose their settlements their agricultural crops and they become the uh you know uh displaced and become poor come to the urban area so this is a huge big issue uh happening in Bangladesh and without having uh remote sensing data without having time series data without having uh um you know gns is that as well GPS data and GIS it is very difficult to understand the pattern of the river uh uh that happened uh here in this particular case for functions and the processes I think uh I think uh we this is one example uh which people should just do the proactive activities so go next I think there are people are just giving comments uh like they are requesting for these slides the disruptions are there yeah uh go to the next slide or yes I have sent uh the uh [Music] PDF uh this is uh you could just see uh the the color of the river is black and this is really plain this is even more dark than you just look now uh the river watercolor and we just discuss all all the things to this particular River and we have they take more than 10 feet a thick uh solid layer in the bottom of the river now so uh so we we if we just consider that this is the lifeline this is the uh this is a natural resource that uh just helped us to uh develop our resilience by providing different uh goods and ecosystem services but we are destroying this particular environmental resources continuously by doing many different activities and we are just uh going towards so yeah that that vulnerability just lead us to uh ah sort of disaster so when there is a there's a hazard so uh um I'm just showing that thing in this particular slide if you just go next um professori can I just request you to uh um kind of you know conclude your presentations maybe yeah last last slide go to the last just last or say you want me to go to the last the like the 45th slide yeah okay yeah just just before uh yeah okay okay so basically I am I'm sorry that I had a number of slides and those are the case stories we could have a good uh sharing sessions how uh how uh the data would be used for different uh purposes uh especially individual studies management but uh I was not very successful in doing that but there are some challenges I have uh during my last 20 years of professional career I have found that there are certain there are there are many technologies that we could use to uh take the right decisions and to manage the disaster risks May efficiently but uh I one two three four five I have just listed at least five major challenges one is the skills cap we are still having a huge shortage of skills Gap to use this particular data um and also uh skill retention is another major issue uh we have qualified people here and when they got trained or received sorry um the you know understanding of the uh how the data should be used and uh do the analysis and other things they get good jobs and we cannot just uh hold them so this is one of the issues where the government should just take some strategy uh then the data we have data in many systems but those are not compatible so you cannot use the data in integrated fashion uh to make distance number three is uh political commitment is uh seriously absent in this period in the whole regime that's why our uh the the organizational organogram uh and the the financial resources that are required for updating the machines and and procuring all those particular scientific instruments and tools sometimes we cannot do that uh data access issues are still complicated in our uh areas so this is another issue and last thing is social engineering engineering is engineering is missing in the whole Spectrum uh we have many technologies that came and disappeared the wiki doctor we did not just able to make sure that those particular Technologies just helped us significantly to uh to to to mitigate those challenges efficiently so those are five challenge areas [Music] hello I think there is issue yeah yeah um foreign [Music] thank you very much and if you are willing uh Professor tahit then we can share the slides with our um audience today if that is okay with you yes yeah okay all right yeah yeah that's wonderful to know and thank you very much I think um UB definitely will come back to you with the examples that you have you wanted to uh sort of discuss today but I think there's a little bit of problem and we are all kind of you know succumbed to that so thank you for your presentation and without taking any further uh time can I request um Professor just rothia to continue with his presentation for today and Sir can I just say that it's for about 15 minutes if you can stick to and then we come back with a question and answer at the end of your slide presentation thank you everyone yeah you are very much yeah uh my my presentation is visible to everyone yes the title slide yes okay how much time you have to time slot is a lot to yes I think it's uh that's what I requested about 15 minutes from now okay no problem man four five minutes or minutes left and you can suppose remind me so that's sure sure okay yeah foreign [Music] technology in the flood disaster reduction and management focus on the flooding part of Bangladesh and resigning area I have I will focus on the part of this Landslide subsidence of land and SQL nowadays there is a big laugh in the India is a landsliding and substance of land either in the uttarakhand up State as in the jetk so according to that I focus on only the two components disaster reduction management in the less lighting and the earthquake so there is a number of natural disaster Avalanche is just on fire forest fire will start flood and so on I will focus on the the part of the the two mainly on the the flood the lens riding and the subsidence of land now uh I love you aware of this nowadays there's a lot of you can cry in the India that a lot of landsliding is occur in the area in the uttarakhand and the gnk simultaneously the subsidence of land and that's why the space and disaster management [Music] landsliding and the the response planning preparedness predictions what are the forecast model mainly we use and digital system we have to score generate space Technologies can give us a lot of help about this about the pre-disaster and up then accordingly space Technologies also help us the disaster notification areas immediate response relief recoveries Rehabilitation and impact study is a part of the poster disaster no disaster mitigation in the measures we have to monitoring the predictions assessment disaster system disaster prevention disaster leaves recovery Rehabilitation insurance now this is a basically is the remote rule of proportion sin how we monitor which areas the landsliding for known areas according to that we prepare the landslide information Maps assessment of that area disaster system disaster relief resettlement and Rehabilitation according to that for that we need require the data of the geological map geographical structure your morphology land use damage existing of land test car anthropogenic activity chain deduction study length hydrogenations are these so these are the landsliding moment of surface and near the surface the Earth so we what is the unit of depletion unit of accumulation sleep and scarf I'm not going detailed in the park so this is a basically the rotation landsliding mud flow what are the different landsliding controlling Factor what are the different type of Bedrock is there what are the important result of that to you the better you morphology the badgering may be the possibility erosion and the position vegetation hydrogen the volcanic active and so on slow and Rapids as we discuss here also now method of landsliding hydration for that we have to get to message the humor fuzzy methods mapping and the landsliding distribution analysis for that the indirect method is the knowledge defense index overlay fertilizing and so on planning and disaster management are required maps are very limited in areas one is equal to 25 000 scale along the major road have been generated organized less than a project using remote sensing at yes the many more critical area to be covered under similar program tasks and responsibility of the very side Nation to prepare the landslide in eventually landsliding position math and early burning Hazard mitigation study development Club data for them so this is the slamming of the right back of the potential area where the last sliding is occurred in that area this is another and this is a pulse scrap exposed in the right Bank of the slope in ganga river near the Confluence of the election of the rivers so this is again the listen pass much data of the particular area in that area this is again the part of the rotation uh slide around earthquake induced Rock Falls at the bhupeshwar and this is the rotation of landslides to feel you are and satellite view of the earthquake use Rock fall around the facial area there may be the possibility that our Landslide is occur in the period field and Central review of the personal slide rock slide at the Village along the river file now snaptube give you a close view of the rock slide around that in the area close the other raffle and then another area though the IRS list particular areas again merge data showing the landslide of that area so this is the left side area that is the prepared by the under the issue project this is a 1990s data FCC this is a free landsliding and this is a post line sliding map of that area so this is the hazard unit map of this area and what are the precautions supposed to taken when the landsliding is occur in the area this is the Field view relation established for each class and map value were replaced by the statute value all maps are integrated then classified into hazard classes then classified map is class with legislative math result validation for the successful rate and prediction rates so what are the different data is used for that this basically study is carried out by the by the IRS in the ISRO project they have taken the use the data of the iris One release three and Panama's data this is the base map one is equal to 25000 what are the public theological map or the GSA and other with the different methods now this is the map of the Indian this is the Himachal Pradesh this is a landsliding map of the London national highway from bilasport to sundernagar to Kulu areas earlier is from the uttarakhand area and this is from the Himachal State assessment is the part of Northeast India these are the different methodologies what are the different data they have to use either settler data the survey data the genital map either one of the literature early rupees and preparing of the different thematic layer either mythology and the humorphology or the structure or the ligament and the land use slope aspect there is battery inside slow deep condition and what are the anthropogenic activity according to that land generation in the north Northeast India is prepared for that wherever the very low and whereas the very high according to mitigation plan is supposed to generate let's learn sorry um can you wrap it up by another four minutes please these are the different uh Maps these are the linear these are the ndva image this is a landscillation map and then I'm supposed to go too fast this is myself as then the study in the from area prepare the landsliding map of that area and what are the difference according to that we have to prepare the land origination map of that area where which area is very high organizations according to that now this is earthquake study of the different promotions yes now for that we need the new planning and trying to identify the active far surface deformation through the SAR information data liquidation studies seismic microagination using a gs-based modeling with the remote sensitive data and suitable site for the reconstruction and emergency input so these are the different earthquakes occur in India and one of the weak earthquake in 2001 in along the major fall cut means landfall at in the bhuj area so these are we have this is the efficiency of the earthquake of touch area regions in this is a photograph from um foreign magnitude map before and this one is after so this is a the data free and post events data address panelism smart data remote sensing processing as well so we have to suppose to use the different imagery Imaging differencing Special Band combination he's going to see saturation principle component analysis process the remote sensing data and then result better appreciation you automatically understand that before the disaster and after the disaster of that particular area around the area around the epicenter before that Cube and area surface changed along the efficient in that area now I suppose to go fast so this is a main lamp fire type where that cake is occurs that's your side from the says small from the satellite image this is a free list data and this is a post span data it means with this area a lot of Destruction is occurred after the accused so this is a merge affordable Imaging before I spoke after earthquake butter body and butter channel of the surface little bit part is not visible here after excuse a particular area and pores are spoke of that area liquification results from that Cube this is a pre-list data and this is a post-less data and this one is the ratio image of to execute size liquid questions ground future land verification of friend of catch so this is the surface class so this is a pc1 PC2 PC3 and four they have to generate for the rock surface validation liquefaction on the side between this is a rice specific fall near the medical indication that's what movements pre and post are grouped so this is a chain of connection through the pan a pre and the post images are free and is the left and the post are the right foreign and and this is the liquification feature of the 2005 and evidence of the value near the Jammu channels to display the map showing the fracture and distribution sand flow in the Abundant flux plane of Boulevard River simple camp near Jammu and sand glue and features service yeah thank you very much uh Professor jashratia I think it's like you know it's such a heavy subject uh for both of you to sort of you know get these um completed within 10 20 minutes it's just absolute Injustice uh and you have both of you have done so much of work you have so many examples to show us that how Science and Technology have been used in past initiatives of mitigating disaster risk so I think it's just we are just requesting you to do some impossible things to show us your examples within just 10 to 20 minutes but anyhow I think it has been fantastic as of now and I'm I'm very sure that all our participants today will have some questions I do have one um uh question I think it's posted uh in the meeting chat and I think um Mr navneet Singh is asking about whether we are doing anything to sort of get people uh aware of the situations which um kind of you know risk which might happen in future or which is likely to happen because he thinks that we are too unprepared and he's talking in terms of only I think a specific location in Delhi that region and do you have any idea I think it's a question for um you Professor jasratia that do you think that any awareness program or any preparedness program is being run in Delhi do you think that the preparedness are in position if some um earthquake set of risk happens in future do you think that we are prepared to do or mitigate the risk as of now uh for that series of lectures and series of program is required to mitigate the this problem that natural disasters can occur at any time anywhere no one can predict that stroke in the world and still as a geologist that everyone can give the idea that the earthquake is accurate this and that area of a lot of disaster has took place but before that it is very difficult to predict anything at what time that could make may occur but generally when we prepare the micro generation map of the different cities for that we can take the precautionary measure so that much distance this section are not supposed to occur so therefore that required series of lecture the series of program is required for that in India nowadays the the natural disasters uh the subsidence of land and less riding is a lot of problem nowadays either in the in the uttarakhand up or the gnk state this is the situation is very alarming that people are supposed to shift from their migrate from their original location earlier is the Yoshi Mata but now in the ramban area and the gnk state and Doda itself is resistant to the Raman itself is a big problem that people a lot of migration is apparently a lot of Destruction there is a big big cracks are developed in their houses subsidence of land earlier there is a man-made problem earlier there is a natural problem but nowadays it is a man-made problem because a lot of hydrocarbon project light on hydropower uh dams we have to construct in the Himalaya from Kashmir to Assam so that is one of the the the today the land substance of landsliding and the subsequence of land and landsliding has a big problem in the in the banal area that is one of the big tunnel was 7.1 kilometer 4.4 mile tunnel in that particular area but that tunnel has diagonally cut the this Murray thrust so that because of the four marira formation that's substitute a lot of substance of land in that area and then the the tunnel is basically the northwest southeast Direction and there the tunnel is basically moving from the south to North side and this maritas is Northwestern Southeast Direction when it cut diagonally to that to that there may be the lack of CPS of water lot of rainfall is earlier the problem but nowadays when we construct the tunnel by the hydropower dams and other things so lot of problems occur in in the either in the uttarakashi either in the in the state thank you so much I think you have touched upon very important issues of how we do environmental clearance for this infrastructure projects and which has got kind of domino effect on later on this hazard's been kind of you know especially earthquakes and landslides and subsidence I think that's a very good uh kind of you know pointer from you uh Professor um and we definitely need preparation I don't see thank you very much for that but I don't really see any more hands raised and no question no more question but you still have maybe one or two minutes our audience please feel free to sort of um raise your question to two of our speaker any of our speaker today uh and if I can have this um you know opportunity to ask something to Professor tahit if that's okay yes uh it's okay for me but uh yeah yeah so it's just um I'm just thinking of like you know we do have a lot of these uh you know civilization is quite old if you're talking about um the countries like India and uh Bangladesh I mean we are all one country actually basically so uh we do have a lot of indigenous knowledge right uh how to mitigate um various risks or maybe even assessments do you see the application nowadays is coming is basically citizen science which is a separate uh entity altogether than indigenous knowledge so very briefly uh Professor tawheed do you see any value of indigenous knowledge in Risk medication even before the disaster happens could take some importance in this entire scenario of disaster risk reduction thank you uh basically um it is uh you know uh near me yeah um indigenous knowledge yeah their knowledge out there with the communities uh and uh in my words uh I think you could have there is a present there's a slight and I mean it goes to just uh to share uh the previous slides uh the PDF one as well PPT one uh with everyone so that at least they could just see what uh these slides were uh in a slide that was developed where you will just see a kind of a schematic diagram of uh of a how how uh in our part uh uh house are the wetlands large water bodies are called how and you will see a number of uh social Dimensions social uh socially um you know embedded knowledge issues were there decisions what they do uh the agricultural practice how do they cope with the situation those who are there in the infograph so uh what I have been uh doing uh I am I'm a geographer basically but but I uh trying to extensively use data uh the remote sensing data Jazz data other data to talk about the problem of the communities they talk about the uh conditions of the environment and the natural resources but I try to use the information so uh it's just uh breathing uh the two things together that the human uh geography or given dimensions of the crisis and the physical systems but data are the the the bridge to understand better so uh yeah we do a citizen science We There are you know we people are now having their monitor at mobile phones and the softwares the data are easily uh could be downloaded they are just developing the uh open State uh you know the best and there is a humanitarian open estate uh map system that was that is supported by a U.N spider when there is this uh there is a disaster then your spider opens up the data they purchase the data and they facilitate the process so that people could just particular location so once those particular maps are ready then the people from NGO professionals from government agencies they could just use the ready prepared map to deploy their service system in those particular areas so these are the citizen science but traditional knowledge definitely there's a slide at the bottom uh the the end of five slides if we just see that how the local knowledge could be translated into Innovations in new ways to just mitigate some of the problems that we have been facing you will see some interactions Innovations [Music] we I went there and I saw a number of uh very good Innovations those are very much locally local knowledge based you will see a number of I think eight nine slides as well as small photographs are there you will see how local Technologies could be used uh for uh giving some of the solutions to certain problems so yeah it is there but we need to just combine science hard science with this sort of Science and the local knowledge otherwise uh many different very good science scientific Innovations might come in but if that is not in the benefit of uh the communities there was the point of just having those Technologies uh uh to access to our uh to spend on that uh spend the resources to that thank you so much thank you all right so I think we are almost to the end of the session and uh so we have quite a little bit overboard on the time too so I since everybody have like you know other plans today so I think we uh quickly uh close the meeting so uh do we have Mr Tampa from science Direct for the vote of thanks uh do we have any representative of the science Direct thanks Mr Anthony Mr Tapas baby yeah but I know someone and I'm you are from science connected uh hello uh uh well I think there is yeah some technical difficulties so I'll just uh if there is no one from the organization it's not I think I will continue is that okay Dr Islam uh yeah since they are from Bangladesh maybe I could just play the role uh there is there's a huge internet issue at this moment in the in the country about our country as so maybe that's that's the reason uh so maybe I could just uh just uh the last word uh thank you uh for uh very nice uh presentations uh by Professor after Singh and also for organizing very nice sessions uh biosphere India in Switzerland Academy this is a really good sessions I was also the in the other two sessions those are very fantastic uh people oriented technology oriented and that showed us how uh the disaster uh race reduction initials could be uh uh could be the everyone's business to make sure that we are resident and we are prepared to um uh you know prepare to just face the next sort of disasters in a much better much stronger way uh thank you so much uh and we'll be looking forward to uh see you soon again in the next session our next presentation thank you so much thank you to both the speakers especially Professor then also sheikhism and also to our moderator who wonderfully coordinated the session uh thank you for your time it was uh very informative very technical and I'm sure every key like you know attendees benefited from it uh once again I would like to thank you all and for your time and uh just reminding you our upcoming session will be on the topic macro policy challenges in disaster management and importance of looking at it as a professional which will be on the second of March same time so we look forward to see you all then uh so thank you all once again have a good day thank you very much thank you thank you very much foreign


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