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[music] [music] hello everyone, my name is Vyacheslav and this is a channel without fear on which we expose the most popular youtube channels with paranormal posts but you and phenomena that have been deceiving viewers for years and showing frank anti-scientific today we open the season with a new video format from theory to practice we will use practical methods to destroy all the paranormal tales and fairy tales that bloggers show you in their theatrical booths about the other world, and if you like this format of experiments, put your thumbs up and write us in the comments your opinion to continue this format of experiments or not dear and beloved subscribers and just viewers now you can contribute to the development of the channel without fear laboratory of horror and mystery and diversify the content your support will help us release videos more often and improve it we do not set a personal goal to make money on material benefits from subscribers and viewers of the channel we will be happy If the channel at least covers the costs of its support and publishers, all the funds raised will definitely go to support our new projects of experiments and will significantly speed up their release for the entire audience of the channel, becoming a friend of the channel is very simple now a new button will appear next to the subscribe button, you can choose the one that suits you level and make your contribution to the development of the channel, all conditions and levels will be available by the new button sponsor, of course, your gratitude will not be forgotten and we will voice our sponsors thanks to which content will appear more often on our channel, and now a special thank you from our team of our subscribers or simply the viewer Anastasia drove today we arrived at the ancient cursed ducks where, according to legend, even the wolves were afraid for a period of time in the remains of this ancient hut there is still so much strange unknown and mystical and this is exactly what we need this energetically strong place that is supposedly guarded by otherworldly forces from strangers an anomalous zone where a strange phenomenon is noted and old legends have remained in force for many years and what they just do not tell about this place and about ominous lights and about spirits and about an ominous howl and gnashing local residents feature old people do not really like this abandoned place and even they do not want to talk about it at all the place is considered a cursed witchcraft neighborhood of the den, even now , many decades later, local residents warn that it is better not to appear on the farm carefully, in no case take anything with you as a souvenir, according to legend, on this farm even in Soviet times there lived one prosperous century with an assistant, they felt great here they stayed wet on the farm of love and it was believed that this place was chosen by the month itself and ordinary people were wary of coming here, but there were daredevils who wanted to conclude an agreement with evil spirits malfunctions in the household welcome to the witch she always will give a sensible one and as a reward you will take something the prices for services paid with money in gold silver ornaments with cattle and even food if you want to get married it is enough to wait completely and come in Vienna to damage it is not a question of such a task we will cope not only on individual people legs on entire families trees and terrain but when the Soviet government started a war with religion and the search for something valuable in favor of the communist future, this particular place became their 1 victims and the reason for everything was written by an anonymous denunciation by one of the residents of the nearby strike, the denunciation began a template dear comrade Stalin, I ask you to check why I was taken measures on the farm we will catch the signal due to whose fault the enemies of the people have not yet been exposed not revealed such a message very quickly interested the special services and they visited this farm, usually under cover of night, turning the whole house in search of jewelry and anti-Soviet agitation, according to the denunciation, they obviously did not find anything valuable most likely everything of value was right yatano and him in the house due to strange circumstances, the case of the witches and assistants was found only a few days later, drowned in this well, after a while, the local brave residents plundered this house and did not even bury the bodies of the former owners as befits according to local customs, because they were afraid of the sight not after all they buried them, too, in a special way, they made a human-sized cross from a young tree, lowered it into a pit and put a coffin on top of it only so the body could finally find peace, faith in sorcerers and devils at that time was so strong that even after the revolution in nineteen hundred the twenties , the peasants of the nearest villages saw devils and ghosts in the area of modern settlements, so after all the events on this farm, the inhabitants began to feel otherworldly forces on the farm , strange inexplicable things began to happen people began to disappear people were sick cattle and dying babies were in a bad harvest in a strange way many houses burned residents dreamed of the ghost of a witch from to the assistant who carry them along with them to the next world and the superstitious inhabitants began to gradually leave this strange place, according to the legend, ghosts, the visibility of the assistant, namely the residents of this house, still wanders in this place and guard their hidden treasure, which no one has yet found the goal of our expedition will check the legend paint than from the maps in this place and will the paranormal phenomenon that bloggers on youtube channels have shown you for years will help us in this, I hope the ghosts and spirits of this place will show us today where the real treasure is hidden money coins gold rings jewelry all that what they brought to the peasants in exchange for a desire to conclude an agreement with evil spirits, I don’t want to just communicate with ghosts without receiving a material reward today, but in general I don’t understand why bloggers who have such direct contacts with the vast world every week from year to year on youtube channels and they are still such rogue the truth is the question for me is also the place of dos The correct description under the video leaves his bank cards or the cards of his relatives begs for money on the streams under various pretexts for cameras flashlights batteries games in the receiver of equipment equipment repair and other crap, for example, let's take the famous channels with paranormal booth me with the help of gm. these are such channels as taboo seekers of the paranormal the witcher's penis stabs the dark mystic a breath of fear blogging bypass Lyosha you kilo alexei alekseevich anal. and other novice pioneers who use the radio to communicate with the world of spirits, but so far they have not answered, of course , our main question, which law of physics allows an ordinary radio receiver to communicate with ghosts and the dead bloggers, you can ask your spirits with the help of your games where the buried is treasure with money, gold, diamonds ornaments all that is hidden away from wives and prying eyes and it is stupid to come to dig it out, because each of your spirit clearly has somewhere a stash, or you can only ask living people on youtube what pond from such communication with your spirits over the years according to the same scenario without a good material bonus on your content, therefore, dear viewers, when such cheeks are asked for money from you again and again, advise Kim to ask them and gf radio and spirits where the real treasure lies and let them find it and do not waste it their savings for their staged content is not research but paranormal clowning for those who wants more information subscribe to our facebook community paranormal news there is a link in the community of our channel and under each of our videos, for the purity of our experiment, we will search for treasure using three methods, we will divide the area of the treasure search into sectors in which we will search for valuable artifacts using the first the method is anti-scientific gf radio that we collected for $ 8 for experimental purposes, I wonder what the spirits in this place will tell us by Hercules and whether the second method will say at all this treasure search with dowsing frameworks I want to say pleases the first in all sorts of otherworldly entities and other devilry, I am a skeptic I only believe in physics I consider science and conversation at a table with a small weight on a string or a bent wire to be stupid and quackery and the third method for testing 1 and 2 is a technology this is a ground metal detector, the cost of which can fluctuate by $ 300 and up to cosmic heights so that you can understand the algorithm of the search experiment but it will be like this at first, according to the first method, we ask the spirits of this place about the presence of a treasure and listen to the answer through the gf radio, then scan the same square with a search for dowsing frames and check the result of a ground metal detector and what will come of this experiment and what will we win obscurantism or technology we will see in this video we will return to the first method of our research is treasure hunting with the help of a gf radio which, as I said, we collected for only $ 8, this design is its own gf radio and an ordinary gbr column, since here the speaker is very quiet, we decided it slightly strengthen this column so let's start turning it on so we didn't turn it on we meet the busting of channels by the way if this topic is interesting to you how to assemble such a gf radio as we have for our experiment we will publish a step-by-step video guide on how to assemble the end of the radio in 5 minutes does not even have experience in the department for channel sponsors the spirit of this place [music] the spirit of this place, tell me to lower the jewels more gently, made the height disassembled, write be sure to comment on the spirit of this place, tell me if there are earrings, rings and other values shorter than guys, the only thing I can tell you about this garbage is that the antenna just catches and some signals that go there is nothing sensible in this from some local radio higher, so I think this is a full river, we will move on to the second method of squirrels to an absurd framework, the idea is that they should be kept in parallel if the framework with the movement intersects, it means that there is something that is, if they do not diverge, then there is nothing here, but to me a little hard to believe, of course, that it won't work again, let's try so let's start, we ask a question mentally if we have something valuable here and start searching on anal [music] you know about him show either the way to the exit or the devil knows [music] can we they just want to send somewhere, but oh well, in short, we have not returned here a few circles around this plane well, and this is complete heresy here the only thing that all depends on your hands, I think that for this method to somehow work, you just need to fix it tightly and because you go you everything moves everything twitches and they, in essence, hang out like propellers so guys we proceed to the third method this is the method technologically this is a metal detector and so the guys we are proceeding with the third method is to search for treasures with the help of technology in this case it is a metal detector and so we turn it on so now we build it up from the ground we all rebuilt it and now we go looking for our jewelry [music] [applause] so but I don’t see anything here, so there’s no point any further, we’ll ask in another location, we changed the location, I want to ask the spirits of this place if the treasures can be within this house, so let's get down to the spirit of this place, or even here will be said the veteran brought some treasures within this house the spirits of this place tell me if the treasures are within this yes in short it is always guys five these are some kind of radio waves from local radio stations good now let's return to our second method this is to the method of bio location frames let's see what they show us [music] and so this too and now let's return to the third method this is the method of technology we do the same thing including [music] so well, judging by the signal level, this is black metal that we are not interested in, we need non-ferrous metals, these are nails [music] but this is an interesting signal beats color beats color, you can try to dig us by the way there is such a device as ben point people call it a carrot we can see exactly where it is [music] it is some kind of garbage [music] [music] that you guys see what we see we see a coin 62 year 5 kopecks [music] looking further [music ] let's see what else you can find here here is also an interesting signal [music] also beats color right here oops I can already see and see more here there is some old bell that is high, a super good find that we already have coins and a bell [music] and what can I say guys so far the technologies are winning look further guys we changed the location it will be in the third one of ours. basically let's see what wins let's see what is behind this house again we come to the method of playing of radio we turn on we ask so the spirit of this place tell me where your treasures are [music] guys this method as you will see it is effective this help third attempt the third time we use these dowsing the frames let's see what they show us here again mentally we ask the question where the treasures are so let's start [music] in short guys when it doesn't work it's like fairy tales and the third time where I went to the sea and pulled it out not empty so it's nothing too it works and so on for the third time now we will check the technology and it will be our metal detector we will enter now the search with the metal detector we will start this black metal [music] all black metal [music] all the same, as you can see gf radio these frames did not lead to anything black metal that nails usually buried something near the trees hid [music] so he hits a little in the color of met [muses yka] you can try to search [music] such stones everywhere tried to search here [music] these are coals roots intro nothing something does not take let's try to watch flew search again [music] I already have something [music] got to someone signal oh for a coin royal penny one penny in 1919, look in what good save so one more find plus let's see what else we have here is carnations [music] the main thing is to take the shovel away from the coil you may be false signals [music] that's some local metal is not very deep now let's see what we have here [music] but the signal is very unstable [music] not clear here not all this something I don’t find [music] what the guys are not here see what is next [music] about but here the aunties signal and beats in the color of meth let's see [music] such an interesting bump let's dig now see what a beauty another coin that we have 2 kopecks [music] 1911 see rub what a beauty and it has been preserved because it is good that there is sand here and so guys what can I tell you the technologies rule, we will now check one more theory that in the old days there was such a tradition as to lay valuable coins under the first crown and this corner was considered red where the icons hung and, in theory, the sun should rise there and we will now check it, we will now raise this corner and see what is there for this case, we have such heavy artillery that we brought with us and now we will do it Valera yours has come time since we need to get to this Welch we need people childless of this house, they will put a jack on it and it was all constructions [music] and so we sawed off this quarter now we have to raise it, see what happens next we sawed out a piece of this corner now we will put it under it a log jack and raise it [music] and so the house has already passed up [music] enough, let's see, but there is a mon I ’ll probably leave you to live, and it will probably be difficult to see, but I’ll try I now you carry such a spokes Madonna, here she is, and these 5 kopecks coin in 1909, the royal coin is the third in which cool one we will keep, and this is because it was in the wood of what I can tell the guys technologies rule subscribe to the channel put likes write comments to everyone who was interested and do not forget about our community on facebook thank you all and bye


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