The Phantom Prisoners of Ohio State Penitentiary
So here we are the road to Ohio State Reformatory, another. Prison for the boys they're. Opening up the prison for us. We're. Here to find some ghosts and. This, looks like a place we'll find them. This. Week on BuzzFeed unsolved, we investigate, Ohio State Reformatory in, Mansfield, Ohio as, part of our ongoing investigation. Into the question are ghosts. Real this. Enormous prison, was notorious, for violence and poor conditions, and is considered one of the most haunted places in the US right, now we're sitting in a holding cell this is where people would go before they. Were sent off to whatever block they were gonna go very appropriate, as we're about to dive. Let's. Get into it opening. On September, 15th. 1896. Ohio. State Reformatory was. Constructed, in Mansfield. Ohio on, top, of the former site of a Union, Army training, ground in the Civil War at, current. Day the, main building, of the reformatory. Has a gargantuan. Footprint. Of. 250,000. Square feet, in fact, the. Six story East cellblock, containing. 600 cells is the, largest freestanding steel. Cellblock, in the world the architecture. Conceived, by architect, Levi T Schofield. Is gothic, in nature invoking, the feeling of castles. Conditions. Inside of the prison mixed, with the design would, earn the Reformatory the unaffectionate, nickname, of quote, Dracula's. Castle and, quote, this. Is the administrative, building that's why everything is so nice I mean it was gonna say look at this beautiful, tile work Air. Force one they filmed Air Force One here Air, Force one actually now that I think of it remember. The. Reason they hijacked, the plane is to release for the go ahead and cut you off right there because I don't give a, we're, gonna move over here. Okay. Now. Here's here's an appropriate, movie, references, I haven't even seen Shawshank, but I know those steps, oh so, you can make movie references, because it's very visual, look at it that well, there's no there's no plaque here for that there was a plaque for the Air Force one because you don't need a plaque is here like yeah those are the stairs believable. Whoa. Yeah. They keep going wow. You're. Quite taken with these I mean I get. It it's kind of this weird juxtaposition. Dracula's. Castle perhaps, you know appropriate no no yeah. Some. Nice exposed brick here yeah but it's tasteful. Yeah the. Reformatory, began, with good intentions, as it was meant to be a place where first-time, offenders, and minor, criminals, would come to literally reform, themselves, there was a school a gym, industrial. Training areas to teach the inmates, a trade and, regular. Chapel service however, as, funds, diminished, and the need for prisons base escalated.
The Reformatory, eventually. Became overcrowded. Sometimes. Stuffing, for inmates, to a sell and the facilities, fell into disrepair, to, make matters worse the. Prison was no longer exclusive. To minor offenders, and eventually. Became, a maximum-security. Prison. Taking, in hardened, and violent, criminals, for people in a Cell that's a lot I mean you put any normal, people in a room that's too small like if you're in a dorm in college if, you hate your roommate it's, a tough business, listening, to music too glad when I'm trying to study cooking. A Top Ramen in the microwave, when I'm trying to sleep you got some axes to grind no. You Roland, Roland as the. Population, increased, and the conditions, worsened, mistreatment. From guards, became, commonplace, for. Instance, as early, as July 15th 1898. A story, ran in the New York Times stating, 45 prisoners, were hung by their thumbs, after. Going on a strike because they, no longer had, access to, tobacco they. Were also given only one meal a day as punishment, hung, by their thumbs that, why. That's. Why would you do that they wouldn't shut up it doesn't sound like the worst possible thing to do to me won't. They just pop right out of the sockets, oh I don't like that one bit if, they hung me by my thumbs then I'd be pretty upset well, it's again it's not the worst thing you could do they could give you a little you know a paddle, to the bottom or whatever you would rather be hung by your thumbs then take a little spanking it could be a big. Big paddle, did. You not get spanked when you were a kid no that makes a lot of sense actually. What. The is all. I have to say to that nothing. Like the thumb talk do, you not like the thumb talk was a too much don't talk I thought we went about two minutes long than them they. Don't like the thumb talk. Holy. Holy. Holy, if, you're one of the people who had that thumb thing happened you had sex what. Was it like. What. Do you think you're gonna get right now I feel like would you go see what that is to be honest. We. Were walking over to the, source. Of the disturbance. But. There was - it's. Not that I wasn't that. Hello. I'm. Gonna lose my mind. So. Did that twice with. Me in the span of ten seconds but nothing else confirm, that this it did sound like this right. Yeah. That, was the sound do. You think the winds gonna do that twice. Not. Moving. Well. So. Hopefully, we find some good stuff tonight okay. This. Isn't me long night, alright. Are. You. Kidding me are you. Kidding me now, there is a lot of wind moving through now so. That did what is it that, didn't hurt who. Is it what did happen right as the wind picked up you. Didn't. Notice that but. Now it came from over here yeah. There. It is. It's. That. Way. There's. Your is it white worries there's a logical, explanation for, you ah okay.
There It is well, there. We go there, you go, but. If we hadn't seen that if. We hadn't seen that you wouldn't we wouldn't be fooled well no we wouldn't have been fooled you would have been telling me for months. The. Conditions, inside the reformatory, eventually. Led to the prison being shut down permanently, in. 1990. During, its time as a working prison these walls played, home to one hundred, and fifty-four, thousand, inmates some, of whom never, walked out whether, it was violence or disease at least. 215. Perished. During their time at the reformatory. And at, least one guard which healed by inmates so. This is the East cellblock, this. Is the bigger of the two blocks inside this whole joint I mean. This is like classic prison. Is. This. What. Are you doing I mean. You're, going past the chain what we're gonna investigate, it alright good lord. This. Is the largest standing steel, cellblock in the, world. Really. Something that's a lot of metal it, is a lot of metal a lot of men I'm. Hearing a lot of a little. Noises yeah I am too what do you suppose those are I. Don't. Know I could. Certainly see how he one would lose their mind in a situation, like this yeah. This looks Pleasant. This so. Hard dude. This. Is, terrible it's, the opportunity of a lifetime of being here. We, are high, up we, are in the top of the wall right now but no, you can't see well, I have the thermal up we're gonna get some ocean lights up here we're gonna have a real party up here in this sixth floor huh, let's, party baby. There. He goes hello. There. He comes. Home. By himself I'm, separating, from the group it's. An ideal time to kill him yeah I mean if I were gonna die in camera, it would be a pretty noble thing future. Ghost Hunters would be like this is the spot where, Ryan. Bergara, got. Murked oh my god this keeps stretching, I don't, understand what's wrong with running sometimes. What. Was that I, didn't. Say anything. You. Sure you didn't say anything Shane no, go back and set them off to make sure they work I got a better idea why don't you go yourself okay and I won't do that all right so. If there's anything on this 6-tier. On. The, south side. Just. Walk towards our voice. If, you turn on those lights you'll go to heaven okay see now that's taking it too far. While, some desks were the results of violence, from other inmates, other deaths, were self-inflicted, it. Said that one inmate, named James Lockhart, covered, himself in turpentine, stolen, from the prison furniture shop and set, himself on fire in, his cell, James's. Spirit is considered, one of the more violent, within the prison. 16. 15. 14. 13. All. Right. Coming. In James. It's. Tight it's tight squeeze. We. Can barely move around in here right now just the two of us this is insane, could, you imagine every, time there's leaving it here with four that's crazy, James. I get it I just want to say that up front if, I had to be trapped in here even. If it was only for 15 years. Too. Much so, when did he was 22, when he set himself on fire, he.
Had Been in here since he was seven, what. He, was trapped in here for 15 years no no he had he was his sentence was 15 years I see, it, said that other people walked by at the guards walking, in over here seeing. A man trapped in here on fire I mean it was probably gruesome. Yeah I just Jesus. Christ. I'm. Gonna turn something on that may help, you talk to us and. It's even, - James you're gonna do this I'm, gonna do this - James sorry, James. All. Right jeans I don't think I properly introduce myself before I'm Ryan that Shane you say any of our names back to us. There. Lawfully, I don't. Know, that was awful. James. Are you in here. Classical. Music huh. What. Say. That again. Is. Your last fans this use this energy this is giving off to say something. Turn. It off. Well. James. We're. Gonna leave your cell here but, before. We leave once again Tsar you what happened you happen to you pretty. Awful may you know peace. Another. Less graphic debt that occurred in the prison happened, in the wardens living quarters on November, 5th 1950. Helen, glad K the, wife of the reformatory, superintendent. Was, attempting, to grab a jewelry, box from a shelf in her closet when, she accidentally. Knocked down a handgun, the heme gun hit the floor and discharged. Shooting Helen. In the chest resulting. In Helens death a couple days later, visitors. To the living quarters report smelling her prominent, rose scented perfume, and catching. Glimpses of her walking into her pink bathroom, all, right so this is the second floor it's. Up here where Helen's. Living quarters were as well as the her two, sons. Seems. Like a fun place to grow up if you're a child. You. Have a very different definition of fun. We. Hear you have a very lovely rose scented perfume, we'd love to smell it so you want to smell it why don't we close our eyes and smell, okay. You know heighten our sense of smell and see if we could smell any kind of perfume yeah, you. Too yeah. I'm happy to hey ready yeah. Get, maybe backup I mean I could feel your air intake. It's. Like a gross nasal jet I don't know. It. Smells like old wood yeah, I was gonna say old wood rotting plaster, well Helen if you aren't here or if you are here we, sure can't smell you which is a weird sentence to say we. Can't smell you Helen or. If, you're a little busy right now we can always smell, you later. Oh. You're. Back we're, gonna do an investigation okay. One. Room that is particularly active, and mysterious, in nature, is a room on the third floor of the administration. Building referred, to as the, chair room the, room which, is one of the only rooms, in the reformatory, without, windows, has, a single, chair sitting, in the center of his paranormal. Investigators. Claim that when the chair is moved from the center of the room the, chair will return to the center of the room on its, own one. Investigator, even, claimed to be pushed and scratched by, the enemies in this room and. As. The name would suggest I, present. You the chair this. Chair looks. Stupid, in the middle of the room actually, thing looks rather nice I like what you've done with the place really sets the room right well we disagree and.
I'm The guy who's gonna move it don't move the chair come on man hey I tried, to stop him seriously. That's just rude you're gonna come into his room or it's good whatever is in this room I'm sorry, we're, from California don't let this be representative, of all Californians, we're the Hollywood elite I. Don't. Think you're strong enough to move it back whoever. You are are you even human, or you may be a demon. Whoever's. Here move that chair back that's. Not the center of the room at all, move. It back I'll. Stand right over here you throw it right at me if you want move. That chair. Moving. He's. Gonna take your chair he's gonna take it outside he's, gonna spread his butt cheeks and he's gonna lay a fat turd or Idol over the center of it I mean. Sure. Yeah I'm painting a vivid image very, vivid yep that's what I'm gonna do and. I'm gonna take photos of it and put it on Instagram how, about this if whatever. Is in here moved this chair back to the center we. Won't do anything to the chair we'll leave it alone sound. Like a fair deal yeah, sounds like a fair deal you see that he, said if you move it back he won't mess with it. Look. Tough, season for the book no no no no wait a second, wait don't, you realize this, happening, would be incredible, right yeah would be it, certainly would be unborn. One. Thing that also happens in this room is, people get scratched if they get a little too rambunctious. Scratch. Me that's, what I'm here for I'm here for the scratches, I keep forgetting now I don't really think you're, actually giving it wrong what do you want them to scratch, me they're very asshole he's back. Scratch. Me up make me bleed oh the sheeny hack is back baby that's my heart, holy she cracks up my insides yeah internal, bleeding, watch, it blood how about that he's getting medical latch herself, onto my soul come, back to Hollywood with me and destroy, the lives of all my friends and co-workers isn't hard to follow but I like, where you're going Ryan's family has a. Real. Good what you wanted me to give it my own that portrays, our first table insults. Not personal, information, you're, giving him a dossier on my life you, know this was supposed to be the season of respecting, ghosts. And every time I've tried to do that you yell, at me to, disrespect, them I'm telling, you to be true, to who you are I mean that is certainly valid. It. Was I am living a lie otherwise, well then we're talking to air. The. Chapel, is also, an active, area of the Reformatory there, are rumors of the chapel being used as a place of executions. Prior to becoming a chapel, and ghosts. Are known to grab people, who attempt to leave we're. Coming up, this. Would be a good, place though right it should be then. Again you would also think that spirits. That. Are hanging out in the chapel were kind of mocking things in you baby, yeah.
But Jesus is. Jesus here I have, no idea. At. This moment our audio, recorder, picks up a voice saying, I am, NOT is, Jesus here I have, no idea. What. Well. Clearly he is. Yeah. Because he says I he's. Answering I'm. Not. I'm. Not here it's you that or it's the devil I don't know I just, put the then Jesus is the devil, I'm. Saying it's the devil pretending, to be Jesus he's playing like a little game but then he would say I am here it's me Jesus, that's true I guess it that doesn't really you know what it is I just am nervous. Ring. A question about Jesus, that's a ghost hanging, out in a chapel for some reason which seems like a weird, place for someone to spend if they're trapped for eternity I don't. Know you, know chalk, it up to the usuals I think, it's pretty clear chalk it up to the usuals that's gonna be a new go-to answer okay well I think it's a pretty clear voice and it. Answered your question in, a little a. Little tricky way but intelligently, I have not. Holy-moly. This. Is quite a room I mean. It is a chapel I gotta, say for a prison chapel I did not expect it to be this expansive. Which. Would harmonize. Wasn't. Bad alright my. Name is Ryan that Shane and. We're. Here, to. Make a connection, with you, we. Want you to feel comfortable and safe. When. You reach out to us so please know that we. Are very non-judgmental. We. Don't care about what, crimes you've committed, this. Is a place of worship and. Forgiveness. And. We. Respect, you. It. Must be lonely. If. You don't want us to leave, you. Should say something now. Place. Sucks. You. Could go home with him you could he'll break you out of this joint. Hop. On me I'll give you a little piggyback ride all the way home to sunny Los Angeles. Last. Chance. What's. Your name. Is, that muffled, conversation. It's very peculiar. Where. Is it coming from. Oh. I. See it there's, a bird right there oh there's, a bunch up there, hey. Bros. Now. That is one, big pile of hey. When. It comes to guards with a penchant, for doling, out punishment our, last location is, perhaps the, darkest, a place, referred, to as the, hole the. Hole was, the name given to the solitary confinement cell, block of the prison this, block was reserved for those being punished, legend. Has it that in the late 1930s, as, punishment, for a riot. 120. Prisoners, were forced to shove themselves, into, the 12 solitary, confinement, cells for a week without food, this incident, reportedly, resulted, in madness, and some deaths. Reportedly. Horrifying. Happenings, occurred in the hall including an, inmate hanging himself a guard, being killed by inmates, an inmate, lighting, himself on fire one. Instance, where two inmates entered, the hall together and only. One walked, out with, the other being discovered, dead his, body stuffed. Under, the bunk in, other words this, is a rather horrible place, and as, with most horrible, places we'll investigate, it individually. We're, gonna do that thing where I go first and you go second, and that'll. Be fun for you because you, get to build up the anticipation, and get very scared yeah really good well I just walk around and probably won't take it very seriously, good, bye good, bye. If. There's anyone here, my, name's Shane and. I'd. Like to talk to you I have. A microphone, in my pocket, and if, you put your lips are real close to it and whisper. Something my. Friend will have proved that. Ghosts, are, real. How. Did it come to this you know I. Really. Do wonder sometimes how did I end up in this spot. Walking. Through solitary, confinement by myself, in. The middle of the night in a haunted prison, is. This what I wanted from life I don't, think it is. Please. Try to say something intelligent and. Coherent. You. Know say I don't. Like the food here or. This. Is a bad time for, me. Or. Can. You please stop talking something, I'm, gonna give you the floor now you know, what for the hell of it I'm gonna turn out my light just, gonna be pitch-black here, and a prisoner.
Here, We go. You. Know I didn't, walk down West cellblock. Doot-doot. Doot-doot. Doot-doot. Doot-doot doot-doot doot-doot, here's a nice thing well if somebody looks like they beat the out of this. Not. Sure know what that is Oh. Yells. Uh now, these appear to be the. Solitary. Rooms I think because. They have those tiny little doors on them. I'm. Gonna jump into one of these. Feel. Out the space. I'm. Going to be quiet now if. You're a ghost, reach. Out to me communicate, I, welcome. Your, thoughts I, respect. You, because. That's what I'm doing, this season or, at least attempting, to do, here, I go I'm going to be quiet now. Let. Er rip. It's. Nice over here I like it. If. That's somebody up there make that noise again on your cell. Ah. Hate this place. I really do. But. It's, got some charm. I'm. Not even I'm not even kidding about that time. To face the music huh. Let's. Send the reigai to the hole, very. Scary, the things you said to me I don't know if my friend Ryan is gonna respond, quite so well. You. Do know I hate you right it's. Pretty spooky I sent one of the solitary cells and just really just really tried. To put myself in their shoes and, I think I learned a, little. Bit. Wow. I hate. This part of the episode you know I mean ghosts, here he comes, Jesus Christ that's loud here comes your boy Ryan Vergara. Okay. Well, good luck off. You go. Okay. Well, as mr. Shane said my. Name is Ryan. I'm. Very scared right now. So. Know that if you're scared I promise. You I'm more scared Ryan's. Out there doing his little thing. Do. Know that if you show yourself, I have a camera I will, see you and, everybody. Will know you exist, and I win he. Seems to be handling them well this season proud. Of him, growing. Up you know if there's anybody up here with me and I just got the chills of he. Had to do it sometime I don't. Know how he's gonna fare he was a little rattled, earlier. In the night well. I'm, gonna sit on one of these and they're. Disgusting. Okay. Sitting. In a solitary cell. By. Myself. Good. Right. Okay. Let's, fire up the spirit, box. All. Right. My, name is Ryan you. See lying back. You. Say Ryan. No. Escape huh. What's. The name of the jail wherever now. Psycho. Who. Is in this out who. Sell my end. Can. You say my name my name is Ryan Bergara. What. Did you do why you here. Good. Obviously. You were good. Crank. Marks or that what, what, does it say it sounds to me like it's saying we first board at dusk we. First, board, at dusk, yeah let's do it again. So. We, were. Speaking to, the ghouls and we said please tell. Us an important, message and he. Got up to the mic and said first. Board that does it, could be a metaphor I don't know why. Would ghosts be speaking, in metaphors, I don't, know I would go speak Oh. Checkmate. It's. Alright, I'm gonna turn this off for the last part here. It. Is alarmingly, silent, now in here. What. Was that who was that. Reveal. Yourself, could, you make noise can you bang on one of your cells I'll come to you. Who. Is that. Please. Oops. If. You, want a top god I have such all the hair standing up in my body. Time's. Up thank. God too late, won't get to know. Sayonara. The. Right guy is out what. Are you gonna say to them yeah, take, a good look at this face ya, ain't never gonna see it again you had your chance. See. That little dance that's. The last thing you're ever gonna see a Dios.
Oh. I forgot the spirit box show, go get it. I have, my hands are full well try your best. I'm. Back ha, ha ha isn't that funny how that happens. Where did I leave this. Boy. What, have. You done Ryan what have you done. I found. You. Haha. This is the best part one I just feel so much joy and happiness, and I remember all that's good in the world this, is you at your most loathsome yeah. After. Spending a night roaming, the unsettling, cell blocks of Ohio, State Reformatory I. Can see why many feel the prison is haunted. Even. Without the history the, visuals presented. Are enough, to make the imagination. Run wild but. Whether or not Ohio State Reformatory is, definitively, haunted, will remain, unsolved. So. Right now we're gonna go retrieve the. Static cam from the chair room and if this chair is not where I left it I'm gonna lose my mind. What. If the chairs are stacked like in full toga that would be equally. Insane oh. This. Is so weird. There. Are in the same spot in the same spot. Very, curious, very good. Some. About the citizens, long fishing that. Ghost is supposed to move that he lies and, I can't say I'm not disappointed because, I am disappointed. With whatever's, in this room. Tough. Season for the boo Cara's it's a big ask, once again tough season. You.
2018-05-18 13:33
BuzzFeedBlue why don't they try and get their hands on a wonder box from huff paranormal?
G yawn.
BuzzFeedBlue where tf did the other chair come from in the chair room?!!!
27:40 sounds like "My firstborn is dust," maybe implying that person killed their child. Then again, it's just jibberish
My sister is s big fan of you guys
You should do the story of the mysterious ships full of corpses being sent to japan.
So thAt we can see the turd on the chair
This is all boring... u aint gonna get anything at the end and for all of your future supernatural videos... u should make unsolved cases.. that was better than this...
BuzzFeedBlue the amityville horror house would be great to see
(the guarapiranga case) do this one it's the most brutal alien abduction in history.
BuzzFeedBlue do a video with Robert the doll!!
definitely like the short intro better than the long one :D
BuzzFeedBlue 19:19 weired pipe sound
BuzzFeedBlue I
you guys should definitely do the case of Kenneka Jenkins. SOLVE IT !!!
Can BUZZFEED UNSOLVED get their own channel?
Please go to Arizona Stardust Ranch :(
BuzzFeedBlue do Mel’s hole next, very interesting story about the supernatural
BuzzFeedBlue W
hey arround 10:50 through 10:54 you hear a wisper say no
why you guys dont stayed there for a week or at least 3 days?
BuzzFeedBlue hey try the white house hunted house in baguio in the philippines
I got an idea try bringing the try guys on one of your episodes
BuzzFeedBlue ryan got angry cause his scared. Shut up poor shane
why didn't they sleep in the chair room? :(
BuzzFeedBlue explore the may stringer house
to a haunted place
please come to india
How awesome would it be if its travelling around to visit haunted houses?
BuzzFeedBlue don’t let the bois break up. This is my favourite series
i used to be obsessed with these but they are too long now and i have a really short attention span
BuzzFeedBlue 7:30 wtf that was a coincidence because i had a dream about that exact place or its because it looks really similar
The chapel one where you mentioned Jesus, it sounded like I hope, not I am not.
Da bois
It said "I hope not" not "I am not"
if your not excepting of ghost then ghosts won't communicate because of the negative energy.
you guys should do the taxes chain saw massacre plz
do slenderman next because i want to know
Shane please tells us about AIR FORCE ONE LOL :)
It's mean to cut Shane off when he's talking about something he's interested in :((
BuzzFeedBlue Ryan they probably were trying to say "we are more active at dusk"
BuzzFeedBlue 11:15 “don’t laugh at me” 17:47”I hope” or “ I hope not “
BuzzFeedBlue The bois should go to Uncommon Objects in TX.
Currently studying ‘Dracula’ while watching this lol
G shut up
BuzzFeedBlue The boys should visit the Anoka County Asylums in Anoka, Minnesota
BuzzFeedBlue Lindenwood University is said to be haunted. It was built in the 1800s. The most haunted building is the old theater.
BuzzFeedBlue Do Chupacabra please.
BuzzFeedBlue plz do one over the lead mask case
BuzzFeedBlue you have two orbs around 8:20 from Shane's right side or that is just a dust ...
Guys, who's or what's moving behind Shane in 22:04? Cameramen? Crew? Or something? Btw I think this is the most active-haunted place, compared other older videos in this program. So many sounds & activities there.
BuzzFeedBlue You guys should go to the Devil’s Tramping Ground its a wooded section of Chatham County, North Carolina. A forty foot diameter circle can be found there any object that appears inside the circle will mysteriously disappear or get moved from within the circle. No wildlife, no vegetation or inanimate objects can be found within the circle. This phenomenon was discovered in the earl 1800s and is believed that Satan paces around this circle and ponders about ways to undo mankind. Boy scout troops have tried camping on it and woken up in their tents a few miles away. Some guys tried to stay up all night in a tent on the spot and later reported that a soft, soothing melodic voice lulled them to sleep and they too woke up a few miles away Please do this one!
BuzzFeedBlue Donner party. Explore Donner pass. If any place has restless ghosts it is there
BuzzFeedBlue come to Cleveland and do Franklin Castle in Ohio city
BuzzFeedBlue when the voice said “I am not” I actually heard “I hope” but that could just be me.
it's pronounced "bwa" you imbeciles
Guys I found a recipe for Apple taters!!! The plot thickens
You guys should go to penhurse Pennsylvania it’s super creepy and haunted it was an insane asylums
BuzzFeedBlue boiiiiii!
BuzzFeedBlue do something in India plz.
You didn't realise that he stayed in cell 13 ??? 13 13 13
G , what even lmaooo
Ohh make them go to the hotel The Shining was based off of. I heard that place is incredibly haunted.
❤️ Wħо wants to play witħ me? Şee mу SeXy photos аnd vìdeos ❤️ ❥ ❥
BuzzFeedBlue he said "I hope not" not "I am not"
Lola Heatherton yeh i did sound like dont laugh at me...i dont know how they didnt hear that
BuzzFeedBlue what's wrong with Ryan? Why is he so grumpy? :(
I love watching your video's keep up the good work lads. Big fan from the uk
BuzzFeedBlue I was kinda interested in the Air Force 1 story but okay I guess :/
OooooooO ooooooooO ooooooooO
The jon bois? Wrong channel?
hey there demons, it me ya boi
BuzzFeedBlue Ryan is a rude coward and Shane is the best, I wish Shane just find a better partner !
BuzzFeedBlue hmm why not try go global? Like visit haunted places outside America?
Investigate the amytivylle house bois
When will you guys make more episodes of true crime?
16:07 !!! TWO CHAIRS NOT ONE .... HOW???
Haha I live in Ohio
wouldn't it be funny is shane got locked in the cell block
There's one chair in the middle of that room right? So why are there two at around 16 minutes in? am I missing something?
Wow, Ryan, a little grouchy that night?
dang shane, trim those nose hairs
Wait, what happen to the comments?
I've been there! It definitely does have a very creepy vibe. Plus it's enormous. I went to college not far from Mansfield and they do a haunted tour through there around Halloween. :)
0:11 is this Outlast?? *insert meme here*
100% percent sure it says "don't laugh at me" at 11:13
Damn... I bet ryan would flip if he slept a night at Mellow Bird's house
“let’s send the ry guy to the hole” XD
*Who We Aspire To Be:* _Shane_ *Who We Actually Are:* _Ryan_
AgentZ430 A legend
Lemon Flavored Bleach Shane: The most chillest guy you’ve ever seen
AgentZ430 I aspire to be like Shane
Lemon Flavored Bleach exactly
The more I watch these the more skeptical I become
Long episode !!! But the unsolved cases were a good series too ! Hopefully we get some this season !!
27:57 am I the only one who heard 'wait there's more of us'?
“I’m back haha”
Shane is very Tom Green.
"Checkmate." Pfftt LMAO HAHA
Fuk ya boissss
Ryan is so funny when he's sceard
"Though season for Ryan"
Can you visit the titanic museum
818 dislikes from the spirits offended by the thumb talk
go to the winchester house
Sounds like "I hope"
16:15 I really shouldn't be watching this in the library if this is the type of content in the videos LMAO
Who is the guy/s behind the camera tho?!!!
Ryan was a bit moody then wasn't he.....
Whos the camera man is it a ghost
Ryan and Shane harmonizing reconfirms my theory of next season being *”Buzzfeed Unsolved the Musical”*
i love this place. i've been there 3 times for ink in the clink
Can you guys please do Jimmy Hoffa
At 11:14 it sounded like the voice said "don't laugh at me"
the i am not sounded a lot like i hope lol
I heard "I hope" instead of "I am not"....
re for ma to ry
Maybe there was a guy at the penitentiary who is named Jesus and he thought you were referencing him so for fun Z’s he said he said “I’m not here”.
Ryan please stop being so mean to shane. He's so cute and sweet.
ryan being aggressive must mean he was possessed
I legit LOLed at "smell ya later!"
its scarier to me because I live in OHIO and went there once so yeet
Who else thinks this should be a tv show???
Ryan is a whole mood
On James' Cell, he said 'dont laugh at me."
I thought Buzzfeed couldn't get any worse, guess I was wrong
Ohio sonny
10:54 idk if it was the camera man but I heard “No” also at 11:16 it sounded like “don’t laugh at me”
they should get some type of sports watch that records their heart rate during the walk through of abandoned places to see ryan’s freak out and shane’s remain constant
“if you turn on those lights, you’ll go to heaven!” i can’t with shane
I love that the cell number was 13, and that i have 9 projects due 4 thins week and this ids what im doing in my spear time, #prioriteys
Poor Mickey...
I hate it when paranormal investigators go literally anywhere and are like "this is the most haunted place in America/on Earth". Like there are so many places that claim that, what makes this specific one more haunted than that other one? It just bugs me when I hear it in literally every episode of any paranormal thing ever.
Hey Ricky goldsworth how are you doing today
I’ve been there and literally live so close to there!
GUYS! Please please please please please come to Missouri State Penitentiary in Jefferson City, MO!! It’s known as one of the most haunted prisons in the world!
well y'all can hop off my boy Ryan because he's not doing anything. y'all are just over analyzing stuff , chill.
How about visiting demonoligists Ed and Lorraine Warren's museum, mostly known for The Conjuring or Amytiville cases, their museum consists of all the evidence and dolls which they exorcised in haunted homes and places
Omgggg Ryan! You had to go back in! Im dead.
ryan and shane, stop fighting. also.... more spirit box! :)
11:25 oh golly that reminds me of the Shawshank Redemption when Red is playing the records and stuff
lmao its weird seeing this as video. I went here for a field trip this year. I was in the cell where James was. And also in the wardens living quarters its rumored to be a kittens spirit that runs around. Some people said you can feel it rubbing your legs or you can hear faint meows. It was a fun trip and I had an anxiety attack since we went to the top of the cell blocks and then walked all the way down again (I don't like heights)
Why were there two chairs???
Shane is my favorite
fucking hell ryan annoyed me this episode
At 28:42 am I the only one that heard “nope nope” it like a gulp sound
That totally sounded like "midnight warden" to me
The spirit box is the worst, get a new gadget.
you guys should go to alcatraz!
Probably since it’s a union camp they were talking about boarding some boats for the anaconda plan
If Ryan went in by himself, he would lose his fucking mind!! Let's all thank Shane...
Los angeles asylum
did anybody else hear "hello ryan"?
1) My personal opinion re the thumbs stuff is the logical explanation might have been set off by somebody extremely pissed off, lol - my dad spent various points in his life doing hard time and he had plenty of tales to tell about the hole, guards beating the hell out of the inmates with rolled up newspapers because it didn't leave bruises, and yep, meals being withheld unless the inmate pulled a favor - in Dad's case, he was told to beat the hell out of an unruly fellow prisoner so the inmate would be scared blind to breathe any which way.... He instead beat the hell out of the guard, and back to the hole he went. (I love and miss my dad, stand up guy, RIP). But anyhow, don't play light on what these guys went thru, surprised you didn't have more issues. Still love you guys, too -
And yes, I kept having to say beat the hell out of whatever because the Boys have got so many younger fans, Kids - I tried to clean it up, lol!
You two are a fucking laugh, i enjoy every video you guys are in! hahah Hook A BROTHER a SHOUT OUTTT
I heard "don't laugh at me"...? when ryan used the spirit box while trying to communicate with james..
Ivy Hin same
rough season for ryan
I live in Ohio
27:44 Yanny or Laurel?
when the voice says "i am not" i don't hear that. I hear either "I Hope" or "Michael".
whats up with the metal cling at 19:18 ?
yet another great episode!!!! y'all bring joy to my life :') also, instead of 'psycho', it sounded to me like the voice said 'michael's'. and when ryan asked what they did, after the 'good', it sounded like they said 'i never [unintelligible]'. maybe they were actually innocent, or perhaps refusing to admit what they did??? and when ryan was in the west wing, it sounded like there was someone/something screaming faintly in the background.
*Shane gets viciously slashed in the back, thrown across the room, has his arm broken by something invisible, a knife starts levitating and starts stabbing him in the legs* Shane: "You know, sometimes places are just like that."
I really wish that while they were arguing the chair slowly moved back to the center and they never noticed.
I cant believe these mother fuckers went to ohio );
You know when you hear stuff and they didnt point it out sooo youre I might be wrong buuuut, there's so many tiny noises in between you can hear but I might be tripping .
Well jesus is the great I am maybe they were saying I am not like the great I am is not here.
"May you know peace" very sweet, Shane.
It says ryan and i dont know
10:54 ?
How about going to that haunted ship Shane dawson went to ._,
why you snippy w Sean in the beginnin fo?
BuzzFeedBlue I was born in July 15
do one on chopper
*Ryan speaking* At 20:00 does anyone else hear the creepy music???? Shooketh to the core man!!
Shane looks like a taller version of the telletubbies sometimes
looks like outlast to be honest
How about rfk asassination for true crime
11:12 - It sounds like "Don't laugh at me"
Ryan is on a roll in this episode... I LOVE IT
That was some beautiful harmony guys
One day one day he will believe
Shane : "...ryan has a dog... " Ryan : " ddddddd... insult not personal information!!" That makes my fuckin' day
Maybe the voices they hear. Is a voice talking to each other in the past?
not gonna lie, this episode scares me a little bit
They should really go back to the Sally House
4:11 why are you asking the white people why?
The audio recorder in the chapel after you said “Is Jesus here?” sounded like “I hope” to me. I always wait for y’all to get hurt in these videos.
I love your guy’s bromance.
I Kinda felt uncomfortable while watching this Ep as Ryan cutting off Shane hit me through the heart
I would like for you guys to visit The Myrtles Plantation in ST Francisville, LA. It is supposedly one of the most haunted locations in America.
When I have my P.A.Ts I sneak my phone into class and watch your supernatural videos
Shane! Ryan! Love the series! For your next True Crime season you should investigate the disappearance of Natalee Holloway and the disappearance of Madeleine McCan.
When are you guys making a trip to the LaLaurie Mansion? If the owners will allow it... Lol
Those noses though
I would suggest investigating "La Pascualita" which is located in Chihuahua, Mexico where I was raised. I was never clear if the mannequin was the real body of the owner's daughter of the shop back in the old days or just a mannequin made to look like a corpse. Either way, there are many stories of her appearances in the shop and to me her case has been unsolved till today. You guys should totally check it out and see what you guys think! Thanks for always giving us great content and always be safe!
This is low key becoming my favorite Buzzfeed series
No chill
Always wanted to know the camera man behind these videos
Great video to watch before going to bed eh?
Do one about Michael Jackson or the patin twins
My hometown!
seems to be animosity between you guys. hope things are ok
Clinton Road, New Jersey
that was german at 11:33
People should WD40 door hinges so that they do not squeak and scare everyone to death.
Yoo do Alcatraz
Tbh I’m always terrified when they go to these abandoned places because of trespassers could be lurker
When Shane whispered Ryan's name towards the end, I thought it was a demon or something becuase it was sooo clear and I was shitting bricks, with my mouth hanging to the floor, and I was screeching with shock like the Mothman. I was sooo triggered but relieved at the same time when I found out the true becuase though I want convincing evidence, I ain' trying to get possessed through my computer or let Ryan get killed for views. #boogara #facepalm
Go to Zak museum in Las Vegas!!
U guys should come to san angelo texas hi yes im from san angelo texas we have a supposedly haunted bridge its called lone wolf crossing bridge
Y’all should go to the house where the True story of the Conjuring happened
Ryan:*cusses out ghosts* *forgets spirit box* * immediately regrets cussing out ghosts*
So my ,local area is hellllaaaa haunted (Niagara Falls/ St. Catharines/ Welland ONTARIO). We got two whole haunted tunnels, two old war forts, lots of deaths from he Welland canal. It's wild and spooky. Lovely hiking as well.
Ok, how long do they ACTUALLY have the Spirit Box on? Because it feels like they have no Patience when it comes to waiting for a response. You need to have patience and wait. Also asking the right questions when using a Spirit Box is critical. I wish they would do an episode with real paranormal investigators so they would get good feedback. I live in Ohio and everyone knows about this place. There ARE entities here. This is not a good example since this investigation is done by amateurs. One of them being a skeptic and a taunter.
ryan was very sassy in this one
Wow, you laughed at the dog being thrown, Shane? I see you in a very different light
At 11:29 it sounds like they are saying "you are wasting time"
who films for the bois™️?
Y’all should go to Norwich State hospital. I’m pretty sure it’s the Abandoned insane asylum I️ went to with my cousins. Lol you can’t go inside because of the aspect-us. Don’t want y’all to die but y’all should defiantly go to Connecticut because they got tons of haunted places
ohh okay, i've never heard of that lol
It pronounced ah- specs- TuS
taylor b I️ don’t know it’s some fungus thing in old building I️ don’t know how to spell it lol
wait do you mean asbestos ?
When the “voice” “spoke” I did hear it but I heard it say hi sooo
22:25 me when im in social class thinking about life and existentialism
Ryan questioning his life choices!!! XD
at 27:31 i heard a voice say 'hello ryan'
Then at 27:41 i heard a voice say 'we was good'
shane: does anything me: well THAT was particularly demonic :/
I'm going full screen wish me luck
Gud luck XD
O god my birthday is September 15 how lovely is that (sarcastically stated )
I wonder if you put the spirit box on the highest setting or something would the voice come out more clearly?
11:14 "john lasseter"
ghosties like disney
10:53 he says no did u hear it
Did you hear it say no
I think they’d rather love seeing the chair being destroyed.
11:17 "Don't burn me" that's what I heard
Why didnt they just leave the room with the chair for a while and go do whatever and then come back to the room to see if its back in the middle.
ive been there! wow
Is it just me, or do they not get along?
Go back to the Sally House
I feel like shane had a wild childhood. I also bet he was super edgy
If y’all are gonna do more prisons, you should do Missouri State Penitentiary
Sounded like James said "Don't laugh at me" at 11:25
I wonder if the “I am not” is a reference to the way Jesus claimed he was god by re-visiting the old testement when god said that he is “I Am” idk for sure though, I only remember that ‘cause I did bible study right before watching this lmao
sounded kinda like james said "please stop" and the solitary said "good to meet you" right before the box turned off.
If you turn on those lights you’ll go to heaven oommmffggg
Does anyone else hear a voice before Shane starts to speak at 24:20?
Where are my Ohioans at?
At 10:55 when Ryan is talking about the white noise box you can hear “No”
I really like this show! Great clash between believer and skeptic that mixes well. I also find it funny that Ryan practically jumps out of his skin when a noise is heard but when there is no noise after he’s talking to them while alone, he starts saying stuff like “Go to hell motherfuckers, I’ll never see you again”.
You should go to Alcatraz
Where Ryan got murked
does ryan not know what wind sounds like when its going through an object. come to kansas itll become really familiar
16:24...... where did the other chair come from that is behind shane suddenly.......
That harmonizing really wasn't bad.
I love Shane, taunting spirits all the time.
16:29 arittititititititititititi
Winchester house next pls :)
So this "Spirit Box" is basically an FM radio that jumps from frequency to frequency... and you're surprised that voices come through?
Do the lalaurie mansion
11:13 I heard "don't laugh at me"
The wheeze man. I love it.
The only people who never make up things or spice things up for view
I heard James say “don’t laugh at me”
i feel like before they were jokingly being annoyed with each other but it sometimes feels like they genuinely hate each other nowadays oof
"I am not" next they'll be drinking coca cola and blasting district 9
During the static box thing I heard “don’t laugh at me”
It sounded like he said “don’t laugh at me” 11:25
Use the PX Device or Ovilus 2 to get better evidence
i live in a converted boys reformatory school eek
Nerdgal 569 yes i heard that too!
At 3:22 the voice says “hello Ryan”
You guys should do an unsolved video on Queen Mary, I have heard it is has a lot of paranormal activity!! Perhaps sleep there for a night :)
*Next buzzfeed video:* *I bought a mystery Demon from Amazon*
Lol 1:57
Do Kurt Cobain
On 22:04 that seemed like a hand above Shane's shoulder
Four inmates in a cell? *You should visit Philippines’ prisons*
Shane: but Jesus... is Jesus here? IM ACTUALLY DYINGG HAHHAHA
I want me 31 mins of life back..Your facts r way off about OSR/P....Show some RESPECT!!
I went on a tour of the reformatory honestly it was an amazing tour with a strange feeling as you walk through.
U both make me sick. how can u disrespect the dead the way u do?! it's distasteful && disgraceful && absolutely utterly disgusting. get lives.
There’s a mystery in England in the town where I live where a thirteen year old girl called Lindsay Rimer was murdered. The case is still open but is unsolved. It’s a really interesting case. Also about twenty minutes away is The Old Silent Inn which is said to be the most haunted pub in northern England. Me and my sister have heard some very creepy stuff while staying there.
Omg when he leaves the spirit box in the cell I was dead
even the dust tried to leave when they harmonised omfg
I wonder if Ryan would have left shane in the solitary cell had that door slammed shut or if he would have tried to help him.
Did anyone else see the weird shadow in the bottom left at around 17:15? To me it looks kinda like a hand and it moves around for a while before disappearing.
11:19 "don't laugh at me"
Shane in the chair room lmao
Ghost be like: ... But i wanted to see Shane lay a turd on the chair and put it on insta...
I don’t think Ryan was actually upset or pissed off. His nerves are clearly high and they seem even higher this episode which makes him more irritable. Take things into perspective and stop assuming.
Come to Idaho State Penitentiary!
ngl i dont hear 'we board at dusk' i thought it sounded like 'theres good in us' :')
I'd like to see these two tough guys talk smack like that without their torches in complete darkness.
Why were there 2 chairs
Your Like the Ghost Busters But Real.
The fact that Ryan cut Shane off when he was talking about Air Force 1
Is this outlast?
Our audio recorder picks up a voice, saying : [Ur Mom Gay]
At 27:31 did yall hear laurel or yanny??
*under a table in Hell* Ooooooooooooo... a new episode... a chair room... is that my missing chair? Lucifer: Nobody cares about ur missing chair Ghosty: DON'T TOUCH MY CHAIR!!!! *hisses* This comment was pointless
I've been here!!! It's so much cooler in the light but the cells are so creepy y'all don't even know
This is like 9 miles from me
the only kind of buzzfeed that i watch y’all
I’ve been to this prison before and the only weird thing was a really strong smell of maple syrup
To be fair people are over reacting, but Ryan is being a little more hostile then usual, I can see it, but once again, over reactions are annoying too!
lots of ~demonic resonance~ in this episode. think yall need to go see the priest again
omg i love shane
I just press this video and I just get chills
"Why would a ghost talk in metaphors?" "Why would a ghost talk?" "Checkmate.."
You said the room only has one chair what was the other one doing there in the room
the scariest part of this video is ryan saying he hasnt seen the shawshank redemption
Shane is my hero because he makes dad jokes to ghosts and then wheeze laughs
I feel like ghost or demons will get you if you dont have feel intentions of getting them caught on camera like they know how to predict your movements and you have to be not predictable i dont know i feel like you get results of getting a ghost
I have never been scared by the camera-man until this video. My heart almost stopped a few times
I hear something talking over Shane just after 24:20 but it sounds like it's saying "Red Bull".
At 17:36 I hear "I hope". Not, "I am not"
Ryan is such a cute little midget compared to Shane
the audio recording sound to me like ryan saying " i hope not"
this has to be their funniest episode. i love ryan
“Yeah, but Jesus” -Shane 2018
i like the freaking foot lettuce like voice
are you serious, I was literally here on that weekend. So close too being on buzzfeed.
Shane laughing at his own pun I love him
Shane: If you turn on those lights you’ll go to heaven! Ryan: okay that’s going too far
The Ryan in this episode is some illuminati stuff. Ryan is now replaced by Ricky Goldsworth
Thermopoly?... I heard "Don't laugh at me"....
I think the ghost are sleeping
Shane’s face at 23:18 is honest to god the funniest thing ever
Four inmates a cell? In ph there’s like 10 a cell
Why are the violent spirits always in the spooky numbered cells/houses/etc Like do ppl just go "oop! Looks like he's a spooky guy let's put him in cell 13"
OH MY GOD OHIO. I live there! O-H!
You guys need to come to the old Idaho penitentiary.
Ryan got SUPER brave this episode, omg
Can you guys go back to the sally house with all the upgraded equipment like the spirit box ?
Why are there two chairs in that room?
So is it reformatory or a penitentiary? Anyone?
Holy crap one of the most haunted places in the U.S. LOL I've been there numerous times. Had no idea.
Outlast: Buzzfeed edition
they didnt check if the chair moved back ?
The true story of Veronica!!!!
that harmony was so fucking good
I'm 100% a shaniac.. but the amount of swearing ryan did on this episode made me feel like he's also a kindred spirit
Hoia Baciu forest pls
Do “Murder of Mary Phagan”
16:25 two chairs?
27:16 i heard ''Micheal's''
The FaZe rug tunnel
Do Robert the doll
at 27:27 i heard "can't get in" 27:34 "no, ryan" 27:35 when it says good maybe it's trying to say it was innocent... at 27:43 i heard "prisoners are going to escape" 28:24 righ before Ryan turns the "box" off i heard "we´re in trouble"... that's what i heard.... not saying they did or that it was an actual ghost or whatever just what it sounded like to me
It was the Hash Slinging Slasher.
16:40 where tf did the other chair come from
they have a walk through haunted house every year and it's the best haunted house i've ever been to
So Lame
What is behind Shane in 22:04
Go to Aston hall in England a little boy had hung himself, a lady was murdered and a girl diedof hunger in the attic
In Ireland we have this place called loftus hall and it’s where the devil supposedly came in disguise the place has so much history and you can also stay overnight like sleep there it also has the exact same stairs that were in the titanic and in Vietnam
1:51 And that's were I will no longer watch these as that showed too much bad tude.
Of course I happen to watch this at night
You guys should get Steve Huff on here. His Wonder Box is really interesting I’m not 100% it’s real but it’s sure as hell interesting
i was just here a couple months ago! its a really beautiful building with an interesting history. so cool to watch yall explore it
when you guys were harmonizing Ryan sounds like a lawn mower XD
When Shane was talking and Ryan shut him up, that is totally me and my brother
Look into either Pine Barrens or The Poinsett Bridge
27:30 į think it said "hi Ryan"
The voice at 27:30 sounds like I don’t want to
"if you turn on those lights you'll go to heaven" DJHFJSHSJ SHANE!
You should still do a video about the end of the world ( April 18th 2018)
Erika Charlotte Alexander and also name one patriarchal reference he makes
Erika Charlotte Alexander why are you assuming he is privileged just because he is white and male you don’t know the struggles of being discriminated by women on every action we make
shane actually got scared when ryan said "i think we should go see what that is"
“HAHAAAAA you”ll never see this face again!” *forgets spirit box and comes back*
Always looking forward to that disapproval head shake.0:30
Roland you been mentioned ryan just mad there look at his eyes
Stop whining and use the spirit box more.
16:20 wow Shane hush the fuq up
Omg I love Shane
can you guys do the beast of bray road next 3/4 shaniack 1/4 bugara
at 8:04 there's like a shadow, I guess it's Ryan's but it looks like something is following his moves... and the color of it is pretty strange.
Please do Clinton road PLS
Should do one episode of buzzfeed solved. Then I can spend even more time watching cartoons after each episode KNOWING ghosts are real.
lol ryan is such a savage
At 10.57 there appeRz to be a whispered voice possibly saying "how", did anyone else pick up on this?
"Please." "oops"
When Shane asks "is Jesus here?" I heard a voice say "I hope" before it cut to them saying the tape picked up something
heyyy i would like see this story
i’m starting to think the camera man is mute maybe he’s a hostage and shane and ryan are keeping him hostage and making him video tape then and he has ducktape on his mouth or a choke.
ryan is just nervous.thats all.
I was there last summer and I loved it!! Definitely got a super creepy vibe, especially when an actual former prisoner was giving a tour and telling stories about his time there!
Try your best
He hasn’t seen Shawshank redemption?? No freaking way
I have finals in two weeks and I'm watching Buzzfeed Unsolved
I just started watching these videos after ignoring them for so long, and I've been missing out Shane's worry free approach and isn't afraid and Ryan being the total opposite brings me life
please use the spirit box more! ahh, i feel like doing that could prove more truth if ghosts are truly real [:
19:05 "Should we harmonize?"
27:15 sounds an awful lot like "Michael". The body of a man, Lawrence Michael 'Mike' Hensley, a murderer of 3 teen girls and a teacher, was found dead of an apparent suicide in Ohio State Penitentiary 3 years ago.
I have a HUGE CHALLENGE for Ryan and Shane (mainly Ryan bc he is a baby and can contain himself when he is scared) but I dare both of you to not curse for an ENTIRE EPISODE
have you ever solved a single "mystery" on this channel? lol
you guys should try taking random pictures or selfies and maybe something would show up
“is jesus here?” “i don’t know.”
i swear when they talked about the thumb punishment my window also made two consecutive noises ! it's like someone threw rocks on my windwo !!!
At 3:39
Everypne always makes fun of Ryan for being the scared one but if I was there I would have booked it back out the moment I heard anything
17:00 yo I almost cried ghost could you not
*Say I don't like the food here*
damn that wind !!!
I don't know if this is important but, why are there two chairs? 16:07
I didn't even know about the reformatory and I live in Ohio lol.
Ryan may be a phsycho
could you guys use the spirit box more often? pleeease
I’m from and currently live in Ohio, Mansfield is like 30 minuets away from me!
When ryann said and at this moment I fell off my bed and peed my self don’t do THAT FOR THE LAST CE OF GOD I LOVE THESE PANTS
You both should explore Chernobyl or the suicide forest!,!,!
ryan seemed very on edge in this one
huuhh, Checkmate!
So Ryan's a baritone and Shane's a tenor. Your harmonization was lovely, by the way
stay alive 27:29
11:58 ?
That chair though.
10:53-10:55 WTF was that?!!! It sounded like someone saying No or yawning or something.... But didn't see Ryan or Shane move their mouths and I don't think it was the camera guy or the wind because if it was the wind there would've been a longer blow or some sort of whistle... I'm a Shaniac all the way but that was rlly weird
Change it to inverted colors and you can see clearly
It could be the ghost saying he is not jesus
Anyone else hear “no”’ or “hello” at 10:54???
I live like 15 minutes from here!
Me as a ghost Ryan: Say something Me:Im sexy and I know it Shane: What Me: I got a pen I got a pineapple oh pineaple pen Ryan and Shane Laugh Is Yanny Shane: No it's..... Me: The dress is black and blue Ryan: Lets turn this off now Me: Trololooolllolol.... Ryan: Lets go
Doesn’t anyone else wanna know what happens in Airforces 1??
The Bois
Something saids help at 10:47 loud and clear
Do the san carlos hotel in phoenix arizona
Can we just have an episode where shane Dawson and ryland also join them so I can be Shane Ryan and Shane and ryland
Wow they seem so harsh to each other
i wanna know whether their other cameraman believes in ghosts or is more neutral like shane
You guys should of told me because I live in bellville Ohio
That “I am no” actually sounded to me like “I hope.”
13:52 how he says myserious
lol they dont realize that when theyre talkin using the recorder that it will capt theyre voices... XD
i love counting shane's nostril hairs
Ok at 10:54 I heard a voice say “NO!” Anyone else?
Go to fort mead insane asylum in Maryland it is said to be really haunted and many murders have occurred there
Y is shane such a white dad
"I'm backk"
This is fire entertainment. Them ghosts was prolly clowning y'all.
Sounds more like "I hope" when they asked about Jesus
The shaniac is back haha I love it
They should investigate Robert the doll. I'd love to see Shane just openly insulting a doll who's known to bring bad things to people who disrespect it.
only 215? over the course of 100+ years? that's surprisingly low tbh
Why is Ryan so mean to Shane this episode??
*_"whAT ARE YOU dOiNg?!"_* *_'what do you mean?'_* *_"you're going past THE CHAIN!"_* *_'well we're going to investigate it.'_* *_"oh. alright."_*
I love how Ryan just starts saying “WHO IS IT!” When the cabinet started slamming like he was a guard at the prison
I went there. I remember reading about James
Not even Yeo I got the perfect place for y’all to come look at in my hometown in jersey.
@buzzfeedblue let me tag along for one episode plz !
soooo.... the boys were an hour and a half away from me and nobody told me
*They should just yell THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU*
It’s funny when they entered the hole, the most horrifying place, and there’s just a big lit up exit sign
10:51 is it just editing or does anyone else hear a raspy *no*
Props to the camera man for having to be there before them in some cases to get a good shot and for following them from behind ☠️
I feel like Ryan got braver
I heard at 17:45, "I hope" not, "I am not."
Hey did you guys notice that the guy who killed lit himself on fire was in cell 13...
Ohio's version of California's Alcatraz
Hey @BuzzFeedBlue play back to 10:54 because that ghost definitely said “No” after Ryan said he was gonna try to talk to it.
"Is Jesus here?"
tbh I'd rather see more of the unsolved supernatural episodes compared to the unsolved true crimes
Doris Bother case pls
Shane n Ryan u should be to Goa n investigate the demello house also borim bridge
Go to Orange County area for black star falls they have a haunted tour or do Downey asylum
They should try investigating the Amityville House
Bruh Ryan the dude who gets killed in a horror movie.
I think Shane doesn't like this series. I can't blame him. Real life crime episodes were way more interesting.
Audio Recorder: Hey, guys I was a prisoner here. Ryan: OH MY F***ING GOD Shane: Sounds like a door creaking or the building settling Sums up every episode more or less
This entire episode was a FUCKING mistake
It's coming from the fucking dark corner that you don't fucking go to omw
Unsolved is the reason I'm still alive today. Cause I know not to go into dark places or scream at demons ..
Can you please do a video of the girls who disappeared at hanging rock in Australia
When Shane said "we're here to make a connection," my entire YouTube closed down and when i reopened, it went back to "move the chair back to the center". Do not play me demons, LET ME WATCH RYAN AND SHANE MAKE A CONNECTION FOR ONCE. IT SOUNDED LIKE THE BOYES WERE ON A BLIND DATE WITH GHOSTS.
I'm still waiting for them to run into teens breaking into one of these places
What a joke
damn Roland 880 accounts to dislike this?
I want 500 more episodes of Buzzfeed unsolved
"Hey Bros!!!"
you guys should do an investigation in a concentration camp or old prison in Germany.
I love how logical shane is
I live like not even 1 hour from there
10:54 a nooo. Or a dont before u say u are going turn something on that he can talk to. Then u caught him saying not happening which goes with him saying nooo he didnt want to talk in the ghost box.
20:29 there's a bird dude, it knows what's good.
“Don’t go past the chain!... Oh, okay.” Shane is me. Bahaha.
Guys! You should go at the Queen Mary Ship in the room B340, and do an overnight video! It is open to the public for like a month or two! It would be really nice
has anyone in the comments commited redrum? (flip the text)
I heard a no
does anyone else think maybe the ghosts just don’t like cameras?
Smell Ya Later...
Do something on the jersey devil! it's a road, it is a place where people (Maybe?) did some witchcraft.
I think what they should do is go back to the rooms that say something will happen, and see if something even happened but if that chair moved back I would be amazed. I love these kind of videos
In James room, James said "Ryan and Shane" if you listen closely.
Someone name scofield?? and a maximum security prison??? omg I knew one man escapes from there before...
you guys should come to Vancouver bc we have multiple haunted places ;)
It's true, the "Hole" Is real because the last time my dad was in jail for 2 years he sometimes got in trouble and went to the hole. When your time is over they take you out of a cage like a dog.
At 11:14 a voice says "Not happening"
BuzzFeedBlue after 19:18 you can hear like a sheet of iron fall in the distance.
11:13 definitely sounded like "dont laugh at me" like- dead clear
They don’t like the thumb talk OMG
Im eating ramen right now and its 11 at night...
"We can't smell you, Helen. Or if you're a little busy right now we can always smell you later" - Shane
scratch my HEART
Ryan I think you guys should colab with Patty and the G Team Paranormal . She gets great evps on the spirit box that you might actually stunp Shane with . I still love Shane he brings some good humor and logic.i would like to see him debate about the evps with Patty and the g team paranormal. For real tho I think her documents and experiences are very compelling.
they should've gone back in the chair room to see if it moved
Please do the exorcist house
The problem with your spirit box, which I assume is sifting through radio frequencies much like others, is that the radio is still managing to come through, hence the random different types of voices...
"he's getting medical"
7:39 i heard a foot steep
5:53 the cameraman was literally like oh shi*, oh sh*t and ran for his life!
I wonder if the serial killer Carl Panzaram haunts areas of the penitentiary
Also, youre suppose to leave the room after moving the chair. The entity doesnt always like showin.
do videos on Princess Diana's death & Marilyn Monroes death
Ive been putting off watching this for a few days all because ive actually been to this place. Its a really cool place to go visit durin the day if you ever have the time! Very beautiful and creepy
they were in ohio and I DIDFNT KNOW
here after watching the 3 dollar vs 100 dollar fries video after he tried impersonating these guys
when the thing said "I am not" I think its the Spanish name for Jesus
Does the camera man ever get scared
it said say what when ryan said can you say ryan
I'm soooo scared
I'm so happy that we can get to see their pupils dilated. Pupils don't lie :))) luvlots boys
Again?! The hell, I remember the episode when the Ghost Adventures crew came here, too. Ugh
At 19:19 you can hear a banging noise in the background but I am just right now watching so idk if they later acknowledged this or not
what was the device used to allow them to talk in cell 13?
Ryan: This place is nice. [Some whistling and knocking sounds later] Ryan: I don't like this place...
"Or perhaps if you're busy, we could....... smell ya later"
Do an episode on The Devil's Tramping Ground
1:53 poor Shane
I feel like the voice at 11:15 is saying “Going rapidly” by that it probably means that the radio stations are going by rapidly.I know no one will see this comment but it was worth saying
Anyone else think the chapel EVP says, "I hope." When they ask if Jesus is there???
If I was ghost, I would be like "my name jeff;" then like "nah im just messing its Anthony"
Did shane say no at 10:53 or was that something else?
My state really is terrifying
Ohio State you say? Welcome to my world- er... state. Welcome to my spooky state! We welcome many wheezes.
You know I am not scared of scary stuff even if it is real I would just Think it is a candy land even if I see a ghost I would just ignore it so if the most haunted demon or ghost I would just be in space
There is a hotel in Boston that was a prison and asylum
When they harmonized it actually sounded really good!!!
Smell you later
Ryan really has to stop being so rude, telling Shane to go f--- himself and telling him what he's saying isn't interesting. That isn't remotely funny and is the reason I may abandon this series.
they are FRIENDS. THEY JOKE AROUND ALL THE TIME. you know this is edited right???
At 11:15 it sounds like it said “not happening” after Ryan asked if they could say their names...
The Congress Hotel in Chicago, check it out
"Smell ya later......"
The beginning... administrative building remind me of the game outlast.
Behind the scenes
they just spoiled thst michael scofield escaped because levi scofield gave him the bbs
Maybe Jesus was a hispanic ghost.
What if the camera man is a demon and has been with them this whole time
WAIT!!!!!! A guy named Scofield made the prison!!!!
10:54 when they ask if they want to talk you can hear a no
0:30 that solves it then.
27:28 I heard "Hello Ryan"
*JeSUs oN A sCoOTEr?*
these guys make the ghost hunter shows look bad .haha ffs
Should’ve brought Steven, it would have been nice for him to be back in Ohio
I am N U T
BuzzFeedBlue I wish I could be part of your crew your so funny lmao
the best [art of the video is at 27 minutes bc the spirit box deadass just starts beatboxing
Ryan perhaps saw Gonjiam movie the night before he got there and because of that he's really scared
"we can't smell ya, helen"
11:16 “run along quickly” Idk
I miss true crime
They should do the midnight challenge or use a ouija bord like sam and Colby
also Shane cackling to himself after his joke at 13:35 is a fucken mood and I am here for it.
am i the only one who doesn't believe that a shotgun just "fell" and shot Helen. Theory: Helen was fucken murked y'all. #justice4helen
The prison looks like the prison in Outlast or is it just me. I’m in 22 seconds so I might be wrong
roland you got beef incoming bro
Investigate Al Capone's hideout in Hayward, WI!!!!
If I were a trapped spirit in that prison I would be trolling Shane and Ryan throughout their whole visit. I wouldn't mind poking Ryan in the head just to hear him squeal
Im confused ...... isnt it also catching radio waves from radio stations ? a lot of these sound like radio stations
Sounded more like "I hope not"
I live right by the reformetory and guards used to sleep in my house
Is Jesus here, I am not maybe it’s not Jesus Christ maybe is a Mexican guy named Jesus
Who heard something drop at 19:18
Air Force One was filmed there. That is AWESOME!
When do we get Buzzfeed Unsolved - Supernatural: Shane the Demon because we all know he is one
I know this may seem exteme but if you can visit the Jones town site.
07:40 Error 404 ghost not found
can you guys do the Trenton Psychiatric Hospital? it has a dark past marred by allegations of torture and other terrors. It is said that the hospital director, Dr Henry Cotton, believed that he could cure mental illness by removing organs. He very often experimented with such procedures without the use of anaesthesia and dozens of patients died under his care. It comes as no surprise that the spirits of his victims are still trapped in the building can can be heard screaming or even manifesting as shadow figures.
do Mr Cruel!!!!!!
5:46 who’s got the cheetos bag
You guys should do amityville here in NY !
James said "Don't laugh at me" thats what I heard anyway.
you should go to the jail hostel in ottawa
*that’s a lot a metal!*
So there is a haunted hotel in Eureka springs, Arkansas!!
they need to leave the spirit box on longer. (the thing that lets the ghosts speak/show their voices) they might cut out how long it’s actually on but it seems very short, maybe a good 10-15 mins? i feel like they leave it on for such a short amount of time.
You guys should do the murder of the hae min lee next season for true crime. even though adnan was locked up because he is believed to have murdered her, he is getting a re-trial and it is still controversial whether or not Adnan murdered her.
Y'all can harmonize better than me... and that's part of my freaking job XD
You guys NEED to go to the exorcist house
In the solitary area I thought shane seemed scared ?
Ok. MY bois are in the buckeye state I know know that the state I live in is home too something of one of the most haunted place in the USA
Do the Girl Scout camp murders in Oklahoma in 1977...creepiest unsolved murder I've heard about. There's a good, but old doc on it that explains all the mystery (both supernatural and scientific) surrounding it, but you guys would do a better job discussing it!
Just because people love Shane, they're calling Ryan rude? SMH.
Go to the Black Monk House
It sounded like he said "don't laugh at me."
20:48 I thought that was the 1975 album cover
Honestly anyone involved in the running of this prison that’s still alive should be thrown in the abandoned prison for life, this was a human rights atrocity that never got justice. Prison culture will never change as long as justice is governed by money
You guys should visit the Hanging Jail/ Gothic Jail in Deridder, Louisiana. People still report sights of prisoners and guards in the jail; also, Myrtles Plantation in New Orleans!!
Anyone else hear "No" whispered at 10:53?
ryan: i think we should go check [that] out! shane: *looks directly at camera and shakes head* *2 seconds later* shane: were checking out the source of that disturbance...
11:15 It's Laurel Shane!
Make an episode on andrea yates, a mother who killed her children in 2001
Y'all please do the lady of the lake in Texas!!!
Is that person on the left Ryan, a camera man, or a ghost? 20:14
Who is the camera man
I love how Ryan laughs and goes " I fuckin hate this place I really do" and laughs again.
If I was Shane I would've like pretended to get pulled backwards and freak out Ryan. In the chapel would of been perfect timing when they heard the noise to just scare him to death.
Do you hear the no in 10:53
The voice at 11:15 was clearly saying "don't laugh at me"
Cutting to those static cams have to be the most tense moments for me. Oh the suspense!
i always get so scared but then i hear ryan and shane start making funny comments and i'm ok
“if you turn on those lights you’ll go to heaven”
Hope Roland sees this.
LOL Shane is me.
Wow the wind surely is on queue when they talked about thumbs
Imagine someone talking to you, being such a rude jerk saying "Hi, my name's rYAan, cAn yoU SaY Ryan bAaAck?"
$5 Ghost vs. $5000 Ghost.
Damn Ryan, what crawled up yer bum and died? You don't just hurt my boi Shane like that! So ashamed Ryan i thought better of my ghosty boi.. I wanted to hear what Shane had to say..
did anyone else hear the no when they were pulling out the device with james
Joe Perez Steve huff charges like $1500 for one it's kinda ridiculous
Lexie Lavs there are new owners and they don't want people bothering them and trying to film the house unfortunately
I lived about 20 minutes from this place and on Halloween they give tours of parts of the grounds. It's like $20 I think. I've never been, but all my friends did and they said it was cool but terrifying.
"Yeah but Jesus, is Jesus here" -Shane
"You went past the chain!" "we're gonna investigate it" "oh ok" its not crime if you're investigating
Ooooh Ryan was grumpy through the whole thing. Did someone have a lot of gas in the car on the way? Or was he hangry? If he was hangry, I can totally relate...
Poor shane xd
I really love this episode
11:22 it sound like a female voice saying: so possibly?
Hi can you look up the erie pennsylvania pizza bomber?? can you make an episode about it? thank you
Ehhdididididididi -Ryan Bergara
Shane has clearly never felt the wrath of a Latina mother that hits you with her chancla. Shane
You guys need a couple of multi light spectrum cameras to record with. Zac Baggins says it pics picks up ghost shadows and if the spirit is really strong you can record a full bodied apparition. Just use the multispectrum cameras only. They would aerve as night vision too. This way you guy's would be in the dark.
1:58 triggered
The Broncos lost
« Take a good look at this face, yain’t gonna ever see it again » that’s a mood
29:28 RYAN forgetting the sprit box lol how ironic
Lmao I can’t tell what’s real paranormal activity and what’s a sound affect
I honestly don’t think the voice saying “I am not” is saying “I am not” . I believe it is actually saying “I hope not” . Did anyone else think this?
29:00 shane scared the crap out of me
I was just listening with my eyes closed to the end and heard something about an attachment?
Credits to the cameraman that stood in the empty, dark hallway while Ryan and Shane were in the cell... You the real OG
No thank you
You should do spirit summoning games like Daruma-san, Kokkuri-San, the three kings game, and etc.
Bisbee, AZ or Tombstone, AZ!
Plz do Marilyn Monroe
PI Bedugul Taman Rekreasi Hotel & Resort, Bali please
My homework can wait-
I remember trying to write an essay about the American prison reform but instead reading about Ohio penitentiary ghost stories for hours
i feel like they should have gone back and checked if the chair had moved
yesyes ive been there it's spookkkkk
11:14 sounds like " Don't mess with me"
Do a video on the Osage Murders
"please" "Oops"
Come to bachelors grove in Chicago it’s the most haunted place in the US
I feel like you should go back and check on that chair....why didn’t you???
11:26 does it kind of sound like “you’re not going to reach ...(insert word here...” to anyone else?
I love you guys
Ryan: Are ghosts real? Shane:
My fiancé’s grandpa spent time in OSR because of my uncle
That EVP sounded like I hope not to me when you asked if Jesus is here
Dont joke around the dead. You will be haunted for life (especially asians)
I love how Shane is always so extra
Make one on the bell witch!!! She’s super active and it’s hard to visit the bell farm without seeing some sort of activity
My personal opinion is that ghosts only find reason to present themselves to a person who believes in them. I think they feed off the energy.
The bunny man bridge. Lorton Virginia please
7:56 To die yes Shane
You guys should go to the Sensabaugh Hollow Road/ Sensabaugh Tunnel in Tennessee.
u guys should to this other place in Ohio where like thousands or hundreds of people died from tuberculosis mostly children
shane wants to die so bad
I feel that even if Shane got raped by a prisoner ghost, he would say it's faulty electronic equipment or the wind
This entire episode is just Ryan trying to figure out how wind works. "Do you really think the wind would do that twice?" Yes Ryan. That's how wind works.
18:06 I need ASMR version of that yes thank you so fucking much
Who is your camera man tho :b
I think Ryan tends to forget that it takes a string of words for the spirit box to be considered 'accurate'. A single word could just be something being said on one of the channels.
Come check out our haunted cemetery\portal to hell.
am i the only prison break fan here???? #SCOFIELD
at 17:44 you can see a persons outline behind shane
I love how the ghost promotes my boys stray kids at 17:42
Plot twist; Shane is a ghost
You know how that static machine thing they used to hear voices, it played classical music so weren’t they just connecting to a radio station? #Solved
I always want to know who is the cameraman
amityville horror house is a good place. the cellar is haunting. when are you going to do an x? I would really like to see them.
Was Michael Scofield of Prison Break purposely named after the architect of this prison?
Could you do the Bennington triangle
Ghosts don't exist. Deal with it.
Can you do the death of anna nicole smith!!
If you close your eyes and think about it , that Asian guy sounds like Ryan reynolds / Dedpul . Awesome
Ryan seems extra salty in this episode...ghost proof
James said, "Don't laugh at me," and "Had good reason."
9:12 Yoooo I am dead.
Shane looks so hot at 16:55-16:59
Why does the dude at 1:10 sound like the foot lettuce guy
17:43 I wonder if it was a spirit that was there that said "I am not" in response to Shane asking if Jesus was there.
*fuckyouroland* *rOLaNd*
They should do the blair witch house
I remember reading a wired article about some weird AM radio station that ... radio people (people who like to scan AM stations? Idk) would find that had like, random beeps and a voice giving words in russian, and they theorized it was like some old cold war broadcast or something. I think it's known as UVB-76. That would be a neat one to see here, I remember scaring the crap out of myself when I was younger reading about it.
My cousin is a professional photographer that got his start with graduation and wedding pictures. Once, back before they changed their reservation availability, my cousin had a wedding photo-shoot at the Mansfield reformatory. He told me the things that happened: all of his camera batteries dying (despite being charged and brand new) the night before, the corrupted files when he took photos of the bridal party in one of the most haunted halls, the way the staff seemed uncomfortable and nervous when asked about their personal experiences. He told me that until that wedding he had never believed in ghosts, but he definitely does now.
Those stairs I do not remember being in shawshank.
When he said smell you later I cracked up! That was hilarious!
I totally heard “I am here” — the word after “am” clearly started with an “h” sound.
oh helllll no, i live(d) in mansfield. hell i still go to visit my dad, nooooo
When Ryan says "heh classical music" it sounds like it says did my voice come through?
I bet all the voices they hear on the spirit box is just radio
This legit scared me and stressed me out
two place in Massachusetts to check out: 1 - Cordage Park, Plymouth Ma. .. e largest rope-making factory in the world. After World War II, the company couldn't compete against a more advanced form of rope made from fiber. In 1964, the factory finally closed down, ending its 140-year run. Many stories have been told of music being played throughout the old factory as well as children laughing too. Other stories tell of the old elevator operating on its own, and spirits that roam throughout.[citation needed] Another story is told of a boy who got caught in the smokestack and died. The stories of Cordage Park are always told because it is such a creepy place. Some people who have worked at Cordage Park such as night security guards have confirmed these stories. Such as walking up to one of the elevators in the back and saying "Hey can you get that for me", and the elevator opens on its own. 2- the Barnstable House. West Barnstable, MA.
i wish i could be as calm as shane
yo that looks like that haunted house from that animated movie haunted house had a child and then that child got raped by a ghost and they had little ghost children and then it pooped 1 gorgeous baby and then a poop baby (aka Shane is the poop baby)
If you turn on those lights you'll go to heaven
Do a video of the zodiac killer
You guys should go to Sloss Furnaces in Birmingham, Alabama
Yayaya last day of school ima be watching this every damn day
You guys should go to the Eberline house in Rochester, Michigan. It’s one of the oldest houses in the county. It’s part of the Stoney Creek Historic Village, which is older than Rochester itself, but has been absorbed into the town. It’s haunted by a very active little boy, named Billy, who died while playing hide and seek in the house. When it was for sale, we walked through it with our realtor, and we heard lots of noises and a couple door slams. My mother had been a neighbor of Mrs. Eberline, who told her that she heard cabinet doors opening and closing at night. The house was built in the 1800s, and the Eberlines lived for over 50 years.
I swear Ryan and Shane are the most funnest people ever
when ryan thought the voice said psycho i heard "michael"
Do the mysterious disappearance of Isabel Celis
It's obvious to me that the "I am not" was in reference to them saying that the ghosts were mocking the church...if this was edited chronologically
I thought at 17:55sounds like i hope
Why are there two chairs in the chair room?
Y'know I don't really believe in ghosts but I definitely heard "I hope so" and not "I am not" when they were walking up to the chapel.
27:30 "hello, Ryan"
hehe I would like to see his reaction
watching this in class, and my teacher just started blasting thunderstruck by AC/DC
man where's my true crime
You should do MH370 the misterious missing plane at 2014 wuth 277 passengers all gone, with no trace.
27:00 wow I love that Nine Inch Nails song
Love how Ryan burned Shane
I thought it said Michael at 13:37 and also at 27:16 could it be one of the prisoners?
The more I see the use of this radio spirit box, the more it seems like total bullcrap.
Shane is the ultimate Chad.
Do a video on the mystery of Madeleine McCann
I think you guys should go to the crescent hotel in Arkansas! It’s supposedly extremely haunted and is said to be the most haunted hotel in America!
Do one on Princess Diana’s death
You should do a video on the Skripals
11:25 I'm sorry but the fact that that music played so clearly, I'm gonna go ahead and discredit everything that machine has ever done
you guys should have went back to the chair room to see if its back at center or not, would have been cool if its back at center
at this moment, our audio recorder picks up a voice saying: gsjdkld.
Is anyone else noticing that Shane doesn't seem as skeptical as he has in the past? I mean, he still obviously doubts it's real, but in these recent episodes his demeanor seems different. I wonder if Ryan is wearing him down...
Hey Shane I'm still waiting for that pic of a chair with a turd on Instagram
Is this for real
Ryan's been really mean to shane this episode :(
that spirit box is nightmare fuel
My 2 fav duos of youtube 1. Shane dawson and Ryland Adams (his real name is Ryan) 2. Shane Madej and Ryan Bergara
Reminds me of outlast
imagine if they had gone back to the chair room and it had gone back to the center of the room
At 17:47 it really sounds like it said "I HOPE", but that's just me.
the more i watch unsolved, the more of a skeptic i become .. and i was a strong believer rip lol
Have you guys investigated the San Pedro haunting of Jackie Hernandez? There's footage of a man being hung on camera by an entity. There's been so many shows that have covered the story it was even on paranormal witness it still gives me goosebumps.
You guys should come to Savannah, GA! We have tons of ghosts down here! Plus, I would love to see you down in the South!
17:46: "I hope not".
11:13: "Don't laugh at me".
Why the hell would you go there
Did anybody else hear “ i hope not” when they asked if God was there!?
I love our shows
For a conspiracy theory video I’d love them to talk about former Canadian Defence Minister Paul Hellyer and his claims of aliens working with the Canadian and U.S. government.
Go to the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, Colorado
4:37 It cracks me up when Paranormal groups go looking for proof of spirit activity, and then get scared shitless when they maybe find it LOL
I LOVE BUZZFEED UNSOLVED!! That being said, I think there should be a separate series dedicated to Cryptids/ Urban Legends!! Along with those, also have The Ghosts/Supernatural and then the true crime!!
*f u c c* *u* *r o l l n d*
Go to the haunted jail in Ottawa!!!
19:06 this sounds SO fucking majestic
He says, “I hope” when you guys we going up to see the chaple
I heard "I hope" instead of "I am not"
Suggestion for an episode on the disappearance of Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon in Panama!
At 19:19 you can her metal hit the floor
From around 18:26- Maybe they are saying they are not Jesus.
anyone else heard Michael instead of psycho
i thought the metal cell doors were creaking really loudly but it was my brother on the floor below turning the blender on and off lmao
just casually hiding in the comments
At 10:53 the is a voice that Says 'hello'
I'm unsure if you guys have done it but it'd be honestly awesome if you could check out the Winchester house.
Smell ya later hahahahaha
lmao Shane seemed a little bit scared
Do a video on Noida case in India
I think ryan is on his period
Who is the camera-man following you?
Great, now I need buzzfeed to have a barbershop quartet...
the james guy said dont laugh at me
"Smell ya later ;)" Subscribed.
“We’re talking to air!!!!”
Ryan and friends can you all please go to Singapore and go to old Changi hospital I heard that the place is very haunted
at 11:14 it sounds like "not happening"
I waNNa HeAr aBoUt ThE aiR fOrCe oNe
I have been there before. Very scary place
James said “not happening !”
Ryan just ripping into Shane is fucking hilarious
I make ramen in the microwave when my sister is sleeping
Ryan:f**k you Roland Shane:Roland!
Ohio state reformatory
ok, am I the only one that hears something at 10:53? Like I rewatched that moment to see if there was a mess up with the mics but that didn't seem like a shift or anything. I need some confirmation.
this was posted on my birthday and I didn't even notice
*Is Jesus here* I love Shane
28:09 initially i heard "we're very good, sir"
I wonder if they brought along a female, they would get more paranormal evidence
I heard “I hope not” very clearly. I didn’t hear “I am not” at all
13:36 i love this man
16:06 I love Ryan's underlying commentary while Shane is telling the entity/air (however you look at it) to scratch him. It's halarious.
we can smell ya later helen
27:25 to me it sounded like "He did it"
is it just me or is ryan mean in this one
You guys should do an investigation on Robert the doll.
11:16 Don’t laugh at me
you guys should do the Point Sur lighthouse; there are multiple grade A evp's!
If anyone is interested, we do full length paranormal investigations on our channel! Come check it out!
Did you hear that at 10mins and 53 sec u can hear help
Try the Horton Mine, that place can be pretty crazy
"This is the spot where Ryan Bergara got murked" LOL
I love how Shane talks about Ryan as though he’s his supportive soccer mom.
Lol shane is just chilled AF after the *thumps*...
It's funny how Ryan always freaks out when Shane gives his personal information. I mean in paranormal activities, the ghost could simply cling onto the human being and follow him everywhere so I don't think giving a personal information is a big deal. lmao
Watching at 10:05 PM here. xD
The spirit box has slight energy which allows spirits to communicate. But. If you get a lot of energy it can interrupt the spirits which means it creates a rip. Causing a portal for the spirits to cross through. But to get enough energy you need super human powers basically.
Ryan...the ghost said of the jail is Micheal..
Well ghost in their old times learned Metaphor
"I am not" hey the ghost is a fan of stray kids!
I have indeed .... Nothing to deww
The reason why when shane and ryan went to the chair room is beacuse shane is a daring person and we all know ghost are scared of humans more then we scared of them so if shane is pressing the ghost or daring the ghost im guessing the ghost is afraid or doesnt want to get exposed
Maybe the chairs switched places ^_-
Anybody hear "not happening" when Shane says he thinks the spirit said monopoly
The "I am not" sounded like either "I hope so" or an "I hope not" to me.
it’s nice over here i like it !
move that cHaIR
Can we all agree these guys are the only thing keeping buzzfeed alive
damn ryan is so salty
19:01 why would you not sing the halo 3 theme wtf such a missed opportunity
also the 8:30 "this is where ryan got merked"
It sounded like he said not happening
Sooooo... Not trying to be a "Party Pooper" but at the same time I wanted to say this for so long... *sighs*... "Spirit boxes" as you call them work with radio frequency, right?! What are you expecting to hear if not radio voices for a short period of time?! It is like with old radios when you try to find the frequency you want... I just don't get this. Sorry. The only thing I see in this video are what I just said and old building noises caused by wind and rustiness.
they should go to the West Virginia Penitentiary
Teacher: You know, when I was in high school... Me: 1:53
Why is there two chairs in the room when there was only one.
The voice at 27:31 kind of sounds like it says “Hello Ryan”
Gilderoy lockhart- that’s what I thought
At 11:15 I think it said in a woman’s voice “have mercy”
So you guys have met Jesus... okay.
I go to Ohio State and didn’t know about this omg y’all should come to Morrill Tower & see if Jeffrey Dahmer’s ghost haunts there because me and all my friends who’ve lived there heard that story.
fact: ryan is secretly a mongolian throat singer
anyone just scrolling threw comments while listening to the video
At 10:54 when Ryan said something I heard someone wisher “who”
When are they gonna get the answer to the question “are ghosts real” in like season fucking 21
I went there last summer. It was during the day, but it still felt really ghostly. They have a kitchen where a gaurd said he could smell someone cooking breakfast in it. When we walked out into the hallway we smelt maple syrup. I also sat in the chair in the chair room. I was all alone but it felt like spirits were all around me. It was crazy. It's definitely the most haunted place I've ever been!
"The SHANIAC is bAcK, BaBy!"
@10:56 heard a NO
When the im not here thing go's I hear I wish
At 22:03 i thought that was person behind shane but it was just a window
Ryan its hard to see you in such a foul mood!
I've been here before. They do ghost tours and it's pretty creepy, but very exaggerated.
You guys should do a video on the Shoebox Murder in Connecticut, it's super weird and unsolved here's a link to the basic story. A historical society in a nearby town dug up a lot more on it, and it's very weird.
At 10:54 when they are in jame's cell and ryan says that he is going to turn on the voice recorder so that it will help him talk.....did anyone else hear a really deep creepy "no"?
am I the only one who covers my eyes when I watch this cuz I feel like somethings gonna happen ?
out of every state why does it have to be my mine
Hannah Rupe, they've done that.
Brina Shiloff, lmao!
Whitney Dahlin agreed. Good suggestion.
Did anyone else see the black hand on the door at 17:21
If these spirits are reals wouldn’t saying “Jesus Christ” deter them
You guys are my favorite “ghost busters “
When Ryan asks if they can say his name at 27.30, it really sounds it says "Hello Ryan"
I felt like Ryan was more hostile in this place lmao
Does anyone else find it funny when they say quote, Dracula’s castles , end quote
Did any one els hear “don’t laugh at me” at 11:10?
Just watched the friggn postmortem on this episode and this post is irrelevant.
Preston Castle is interesting. You should investigate.
You should really do Prestons Castle in Ione, CA. Used to be a hospital turned correctional facility for boys. Super scary and haunted!
The “I am not” sounds more like an “I hope” to me. And that would be really funny if it did say “I hope” because all the ghosts are just like “I really hope Jesus is here soon”
I think the voice at 11:26 was “don’t laugh at me.”
27:31 sounds like “hello ryan”
Is it had I lived in ohio my whole life and never knew of this prison
“Is Jesus here?” “I have no idea” is my favorite line from the episode tbh
11:21 I heard "dont mess with me"
Sendo do Brasil o negócio de terem 4 pessoas numa cela só não me chocou
It sounded like that one voice said "don't laugh at me" and then the next one said "---- frisky"
11:15 I thought it sounded like “Don’t laugh at me” anyone else?
i heard a "hello ryan" at 27:31
"he's getting medical" THAT'S a t-shirt
Shane sounded so proud for a moment
how does that little annoying ghost voice box thingy work? lol. It creeps me out whenever they turn it on
11:14 the woman's voice says "Not happening" i stg
It’s not a Buzzfeed Unsolved without a wheeze
Do the guys ever considered that the ghost that answer "I am not" could just be a guy named Jesus. Just saying
8:37 “ I don’t understand what is wrong with Ryan sometimes “ :v I mean it look like Ryan is mad at Shane and he doesn’t know why :3?
Ryan was being mean to Shane :-(
Anyone else hear "Dont laugh at me" at 11:13 ?
If I were a ghost the place I would want to spend the rest of eternity would be Disneyland because it is kinda like heaven right because it was nicknamed the happiest place on earth.
Did you guys do Alcatraz yet?
The way Ryan is acting recently, it's annoying..he is getting too cocky. Honestly Ryan, if you lose Shane for this show, it's over. No one is gonna watch buzzfeed unsolved after that. So respect him and his opinions
They're just teasing each other, don't take it so seriously. They disagree but and have always debated each other while staying good friends, that's not changing now. Even Ryan commented about it.
The Hollywood elite
That device hes using to “let the ghost talk” is just an AM radio flipping through channels.
How is Dracula’s castle a juxtaposition?
Anyone think Ryan was somewhat rude to Shane? Don’t get me wrong I love them both just noticed that this episode.
Maybe there's rats
Lmao Shane didn't get spanked and that DOES make a lot of sense
Ryan and Shane harmonizing gives me life
y'all should investigate my house cause damn.
Hooray for parents NOT spanking their kids.
Jesus is everywhere
Winchester mansion!!
Am I the only one who thought the voice said 'don't laugh at me'??
Stop hiding in the comments and get back up there solider
16:40 I'm living a lie otherwise
On 13:34 you heard Ryan
19:06 i was expecting fortnite theme but nevemind
Shane is souch a man, i would never done something like this
*stray kids voice* i am not
Anyone else awake at 5am because they can't sleep?
Do Edgar Allan Poe!
This is the spot......that Ryan merced
Ya’ll should go to the Winchester house
13:33 “Hi”???????????
There is no scientific evidence that ghosts exist because ghosts do not exist. The human mind is much more fascinating anyway. Look at how your mind can convince you that there is something there when there clearly isn't.
Is... is ryan nervous?
If I was a ghost in the chapel I’ll say “ayyyy my name rick I want a piggyback ride
How tf does someone get shot like that
omg at 17:29 after he comes up the stairs you can see a shadow of some one
I live in a small shipbuilding town called Bath, Maine. Bath Iron Works has been building ships for the navy for ages. They have all sorts of houses on the water front that are super haunted, and supposedly used to belong to old captains and sailors from the mid 1800s. It's super cool and you guys should totally check those places out. My friends and I used to get scared shitless by voices, footsteps, noises, things moving....all the ghostly goodness. It's a pretty good place for investigating, and I know this from experience.
Love u guys
Shane: "Yeah, is Jesus here?" Very serious Ryan: "I don't know"
Shane does too muchhh
I have been there. I was fine touring it until we got to the East wing where the burning man was. The West wing is was fine. I have family in Mansfield and we love going there and watching Shawshank redemption. Love this place!
Jailhouse rock
"I haven't even seen shawshank" fucking EXCUSE YOU RYAN YOU NEED TO SEE IT
13:38 Hey guys its your boy, Gary Oak here! Heres some perfume for free! Smell ya later!
1:45-1:56, damn Ryan. I laughed so hard, I had to pause the video!
Well the video is done “I will smell ya later “ ;)
Oh yes Johnny!
The east cell block reminds me of the one from guardians of the galaxy
Wait Who was the camera man ???!!!!?? hallelujah to them Also 16:08 you can see two chairs ANNNNDDD the “I am not” sounded like “I am god” to me
Is ryan okay? I feel like hes a bit moody in this episode its as if hes mad at shane or something
Shane is dressed like a...skier and Ryan...a six year old playing in the snow
Ohio's where i'm from
smell you later helen
sounds like the voice at 17:48 is saying "I hope" not "I am not"
Swamp gas.
11:25, music
The hole wtf who names that Boss:come on we need a terriffiying name Guard:how about the hole Boss:THAT IS GOOD ONE!!!
Wait why didn't u guys put a camera at the door of the chair room
Sept 15 1896 burger king foot lettuce
My friend went here one time and said that nothing happened but she got weird feelings from it
Like the scary boys
ryan is rude lmaoo, 1:51
who's Roland
Is jesus here LMFAOO
Your killing me here guys. I’m actually laying in bed at 1.45am crying with laughter. Neither of you are right in the head - Off the hook boys
He said not happening
We also have a haunted Drive-in. There are lots of other haunted places in Ohio
I feel bad for the cameraman
I heard " I hope" not "I am not
You guys are fucking hilarious
This is 2 miles from my house
Ryan and shane harmonizing gives me life
It sounds more like "I hope"
11:13 i heard "Ryan and Shane".
Everyone is saying Ryan was agitated, is probably because he believes in ghosts and Shane doesn’t and makes fun of the ghosts and Ryan was probs terrified from the beginning when they heard the door slam, or the spirit energy was affecting him.
I listened to almost all of it I can’t watch it cause I’m working but I laugh a lot when they joke
Go to St. Augustine, FL! The nations' oldest city!!
Ryan! Don’t be so mean to Shane! Get along damn it. Ya’ll can tease, but not so harsh sheesh!
Shane sounded like a reality show host when he was talking to the ghosts in the chapel
I want true crime........not supernatural
“Is Jesus here?”
ryan makes me very uncomfortable in this ep. he's so snappy :c
Go to the russian experiment room if u dare
I live in ohio
BuzzFeedBlue Next video could you go to Azzurina ‘ s castle in Romania
BuzzFeedBlue You both are so fucking fake!!!!
Be respectful when talking about religion.
Every supernatural episode I'm waiting for something to happen and nothing. Damn, still love it though and will never stop watching
The box phrase to me sounded like "Don't laugh at me"
11:13 Dont laugh at me
la llorona
You guys should totally visit moonville tunnel people around here are terrified of it.
The voice that says "I am not" sounds more like "I'm old" to me
16:19 "he's gettin' medical"
Oh! The Mansfield reformatory! My brother visited that place for a three day field trip, my mom took a tour there, and I'm pretty sure they still have movie props from Shaw Shank Redemption inside the building. I wanna visit it too
For a moment I thought a ghost wanted to spank Shane.
17:46 felix's soul is there
Ryan seems bitchier in this one
“dont laught at me”
why is ryan so salty
"...smell ya later..."
I am not the fucking Jesus but I am Jesus in a disguise
Things get real when Ryan say "at this moment"
They should of bout a ouijj board
I think their time line is off. They said that 1900 the jail closed but then said the wife died in 1950??? Whattt?! Yeah..okay
17:54 I hear I hope Is Jesus here? I hope
I feel like they're accidentally tuning in to radio stations
Why does the ice cream truck have to pass by with that creepy song lol
This stuff is so fake
So I've done an overnight investigation here and experienced some seriously freaky things. But I wonder how long they actually spend in the places they investigate? I was there for 8 hours and only witnessed about 4 things. Sometimes it feels like they don't spend enough time in each spot.
I was literally here
ryan is an odd dude
13:10 would be a perfect time to fart
1:53 that's a whole mood
You need to go to the jail in Charleston, NC
to me it sounds like the ghost said I hope not
If you go to 10:50 in the video he says he will turn something on to help him talk to them, u will hear a no in the audio
at 27:25 "Can you say my name. My name is Ryan Bergara" "Hello ryan"
Its nice over here, I like it. Whistling. I fucking hate this place.. -Ryan.
When ryan and shane tried to smell the perfume I actually farted
I like how there's climatic music but nothing happens at the end of it XD
I feel so much anger between those two.. What happened. :o
16:10 and 16:38 there are two chairs
Execution’s in the chapel really? The house of the lord?
A piece of metal dropped at 19:18
I’m not a huge fan of the clips in the sound booth, it’s funnier when it’s the black screen with the writing
Don’t you guys worry about asbestos or something like that?
i think that when ryan was talking to the ghost there was more than one having a conversation because i heard two different voices
wtf Ryan? did u break up or smthng? why you so maaad bro?
I miss the days when Ryan was afraid of everything
When they were in James cell, the voice 100% said "don't laugh at me"
5:06 When did Ryan become a white girl in a horror movie??
My bad like 17 min. .and actually yes! it does sound like I HOPE!
At bout 18min he says "is Jesus here? " and the response is "I AM! "
I feel that Ryan has become less of a scardy cat. You go Ryan!
Go to the riddle house West palm beach florida
When you're home alone 28:25 to 28:40
@ 17:49 it sounds like “I hope”
11:24 I think he said "don't look at me" or "don't look for me" idk maybe it was monopoly
When they sang together i fucking lost it
Ok so when I was living in this mission in Oregon I found a doll on the ground by woods and of course I picked it up and then I had nightmares for a week
he's gonna spread his buttcheeks and take a big fat turd on it
I dont really like buzzfeed but this show is amazing
You guys should talk about cicada 3301
So technically there’s always three people at least at a location? Because of your camera man?
“Is Jesus here?” *[Wispers]* “I am not.”
Shane “Air Force one actually now that I think of it, the reason they hijacked the plane i..” Ryan “Im ganna cut you off right there because I don’t give a shit” I’m literally dying
at 19:02 , I swear I heard a voice say "song" when Shayne was singing
@11:14 I heard "New York City"
17:45 sounds more like ¨I hope.¨
At 11:24 the voice said “don’t laugh at me”
Am I the only one, screening the background to find some shadows?
anyone else die when they started harmonizing in the chapel?
Swear I heard “help” at 10:55-56
I feel like someone said at 11:13 "don't laugh at me" and not monopoly lol
At 27:30 it sounds like... are you ready?... "Hello Ryan!"
“he's getting medical”
Ryan is getting annoying
10:53 something whispers no
21:53 when shane's outside matches his true demon nature
I feel Ryans courage keeps braking more and more and he's losing his mind :/
I could see Shane going to James cell and saying “hmm I smell barbecue smells good”
why are all the darkest places named "the hole"??? lol
At 27:30 after Ryan says 'Can you say my name? My name is Ryan Bergara.' I'm relatively sure I hear the voice say 'Hello, Ryan'
Oof Ryan kinda dickish right off the bat about Airforce One. I mean... I wanted to know
Do you ever get the feeling that these two really don't like each other?
Am I the only one who heard "don't look at me" when they were talking to James?
this is way better than my history class
You gotta love the Ry-Guy.
It sounded like James said “don’t laugh at me”
the way shane says "hey bros" oof
get a ouija board you noobs
ooooooooooo those window noises really gave me the spoops
"He was trapped in here sense he was 7?" Lool
If you turn on those lights youll go to heaven....LOOLL!!!
You can tell Ryan was really on edge this episode. Shane was really careful with his words, not like he usually is. But they do these things a lot so it's kinda normal for them to not always be happy peppy while doing them. They're people, so yeah.
This place is actually open to visitors where you can stay during the night and they supply food. It costs around $90 I think
Omg I've been there! My dad is from Ohio!
I’m just going to pretend like he didn’t just say Ohio
Hey can someone tell me what episode the sallie house is in?
Tbh after they said " good" i swear to god it sounded like they said " im innocent"
What was the thing at 20:14
I think Ryan is nervous but also with spirits and stuff you can feel their anger sometimes. They're in a prison.
I'm sorry but if James said "hi sisters" i would pe e myself
I could hear someone at 28:39-28:43 saying uh nope. Idk if its just me tho
Love this show. Watch it all the time AMAZING
i hear "i hope" when in the chapel after asking
16:25 why tf are there 2 chairs
BuzzFeedBlue Sloss Furnace in Birmingham Alabama is awesome!!!!! Also Sleepy Hollow New York
Why do Ryan always say that he have a camera to the ghosts and demons. If you're trying to talk to em, don't scare them. Make the ghosts feel confident and safe to talk to you, as for demons, taunt them but do not talk like you will win. Shane's approach is the best for demons and poltergeist. Ryan's approach is not good for any entity, and he always turn off the voice box when the ghosts are finally talking, it's disrespectful and disappointing for the ghosts I think. Be serious guys, it's okay to horse around but when it comes to talking to the supernatural, be more serious about it.
Please go to suicide forest japan: Aokigahara
ryan is salty af
did....did jesus just reply to yall.......relatable
Maybe the at dusk part was actually saying something about a warden. And that the warden was psycho.
Was so scared
Well which is the most hunted place??
On 11:15 it sounded like a woman’s voice saying “not happening.”
When he was saying bad things to the ghost when they went in the hole and then he had to go back and get the box
I felt sp bad for Shane when Ryan snapped at him. He seemed geuinly sad
Hey! Keep the sprit box on longer.
Shane and Ryan, good combo of character and attitude for a supernatural and paranormal trip.
Alot of Hostility between Ryan and Shane ! What's wrong guys! Huh it out man.
when they heard i am not maybe it was two crew members: "did you fart?" "i am not
This place is overrated. Not haunted.
Shane:I’m going to be quiet *still talks*
Shane: what are you doing Ryan:what do you mean Shane:you passed the chain Ryan:we are going to investigate Shane:oh alright
At 27:31 it sounds like the spirit box is saying Hello Ryan? That might just be me though idk if anyone else heard it too?
At 27:30, it sounds like it said "hello Ryan".
“I’ll put it on instagram!!”ghost:what is Instagram?
I give this show 9.9/10 and its that cause .1 is it being on buzzfeed and not netflix
Why would Jesus be in a prison lol
16:39 there's 2 chairs..
in this episode it doesn't seem Ryan likes Shane as much
I like how they progressively hate each other more and more.
24:45 sounds like me attempting to play my recorder
It just me or was Ryan a little more anxiety than usual in this video
"I'm proud of him." Aww. BROTP
11:14 "Don't laugh at me"
Ryan with the existential crisis. Lol
even though they still have not caught solid proof that ghosts are real , im still really frightened of them
you guys should stop with the excessive cussing and unnecessary sarcastic humor and talking. i cant really enjoy a single episode with too much shananigan!either tell the story and/or investigate right, please.
am i the only one that heard a voice at 10:53
This is the video I'm up to. I'm so behind on these videos.
I wish shane will experience the real thing. I wonder what reaction he will show.
Smell ya later. Pokemon reference?
The clown motel in tonopah nevada
17:45 I’m think they said “I hope”
How many chairs are there in the chair room
27:15 sounds like micheal then the next one sounds like a different voice but may be the same it sounds as though it's says I did it or he did it , and man named Michael but went by mike was held here because he killed 3 girls and died here .... well to my knowledge
“Move that chair, throw it right at me” *ghost throws chair at him* Shane: *”Well the wind was blowing right about now idk if that’s evidence”*
In James' cell it said "Don't laugh at me"
I mean, I hear " Ryan and Shane" (11:10) maybe that's just me
Shaniac is probably one of my favorite parts, COME AT ME GHOST SCRATCH OUT MY INSIDES.... MAKE ME BLLEEEDDDD
Is it me or each episode comes by, Ryan just kinda sounds aggressive. I mean Ik their joking but like ,Ryan just sounds really pissed off especially since I've been following this series for a long time and Ryan just acts completely different from before. Maybe it's probably due to paranoia or sth but like this is just my thoughts
27:53 It sounds something like "We aren't supposed to do that."
Every video... *(WHEEZE)*
look in the upper left corner behind shane at 22:04
Play that track with the mid and high end and low end out see if changing the frequencies does anything
That voice from the chapel sounds like it's saying "I hope"
Go to Waverly Hills Sanatorium!!! I heard there's the ghost of a child that if you bring toys, it will play with you
I’m just imagining a little group of ghosts just standing there and then the most hot-headed one is like IMMA KILL HIM FOR SAYING THAT and the rest are just holding him back going GREG THEY’VE GOT CAMERAS
Wtf 10:54
27:23 "who is in this cell" "EKSETIT!"
They should do the original Ohio Penitentiary in Columbus because even my dad who is very against spiritual stuff said he saw ghosts at his old work (down town where the pent. Used to be)
Am I the only one who heard two different voices say "Stay Away" at 27:30 ?
The scariest thing is that how did they get the cameras in places that they havent been in...
31:23 omfg top right corner ish... I see hellen
I laughed to the point where I was crying when they were in the chair room
opened on my damn birthday
It’s not even enough crime in Ohio for a prison that big and cruel
the chapel voice sounded like "I hope" to me, and to be fair I heard it say that before ryan mentioned there was a voice picked up
I’ve been there. It’s crazy. The stories you here are horrifying.
The voice in the chapel after "is God here?" sounds a lot more like "I hope" than "I am not"... Seems cooler too
27:30 Sounds like the ghosty dude is saying "Hello Ryan" sp00ky
Even if I was a ghost I would mess with Ryan, look how he squirms
Holy crap, 30 mins
O...M...G FJDHCIAJCJAHCUAH sorry that was just me freaking out cause i live in ohio
omfg shane was so funny this video i’m-
Damn Ryan not in a good mood this episode
"Is Jesus here?" "I am not" LMFAO
Lmaoo Shane just threw his dog into the mix telling the ghost/demon to do whatever he wants to him omg I would've killed my friend if they had done that I'd be like well if it has to take my dog then it's gonna have to take your cat too
There’s always a good and bad time to live in Ohio
In James’s cell, it sounded like “don’t laugh at me.”
I don’t mean to offend u but one flu looks like. Cartoon gofer and a zebra
Yes! I've been here with my uncle! I even got locked in one of the cells.
no u
BuzzFeedBlue is it snowing there. I am so excited to see a video of snow because l have never felt snow before because l live in Malaysia
Thanks for risking your life for these vids, extremely funny.
at 10:53 ? did the camera guy say "no"? 11:14 it said "not happening".
THEORY: Jesus left when they walked in. Father Thomas would be disappointed
i can't watch the whole show it's so uncomfortable
In the chapel: *insert Halo theme*
Tell can be in an acapella group, that was pretty good
Haw Is Shane so brave?
Does anyone else think that at 19:08 Ryan sounded like Tina from bobs burgers when she moans?
“Hahaha, smell ya later”
Does anyone else just sit on the couch eating while watching YouTube?? (Don’t lie
I love this series so much
Anybody near anything at 10:55
I don't like the food here.
What if the reason the ghost don’t respond is because they think they aren’t a ghost and they are scared of them
for some reason, ryan in this episode KILLED me.. i keep laughing so hard lmao
Why can I see the ghost saying "I switched the chairs you dummies!'
omg ryan is so mean in this episode!!! shane is super nice for not punching him in the face omg
11:13 hmm idk i kinda heard 'dont laugh at me'
You should know ghosts can follow you
I’ve been to this place more than I should.
You guys should investigate La llorona in Mexico
10:52 you can hear somthing saying no in a whisper is that real or was that edited in?
He's not possessed he just has rabies
Says a doctor to a priest
I have permanently peed and pooped my pants.
Did anyone else hear the “No”? 10:54
11:16 don't laugh at me
I guess maybe there used to be? ッ
What's with the static camera footage . Does it show anything , I can't see
In the cell before you start it says no
17:35, that was definitely "I hope" to me, and did anyone else hear the gaspy throaty sound at 10:55 when they were in John's cell and Ryan said he had something that would help John talk to them???
They don't like the thumb talk.
Ryan you have the same last name or middle is Bagara. you are Ryan Bagara i am Neiman Bagara
Bet Ryan is possessed bro he always so scared of everything
I wish they would have gone back to the chair room to see if it had been moved back!
They should go to calico town in California it's old gold/silver mines. I think it would be an interesting episode to watch.☺
Meant to put it has old
11:14 who else hears "ur mum gey"
That spirit box is some buuullllll it’s jut flipping through radio channels and all you hear are snippets of radio talk show or the weather
Might as well call her smellen
When Ryan asked them to say his name; at 27:32 I heard "Hello Ryan"
honestly i used to watch ghost adventures occasionally but i couldn't handle it bc they were so damn serious about the whole thing... like the humor that these two bring to these terrifying places is the only reason i actually enjoy it
they should’ve went to see if the chair was back in the center of the room
27:43 Wait for us at (Can’t Make Out)
27:32 Caroline
27:26 Aiden
27:16 Michael
Did anyone else hear that heaving “No” at 10:53?
Im super close to Mansfield like a few minutes I might go there!
i love how they complain about being alone in the dark when there's the cameraman. cameraman appreciation comment.
Mo no ply
i didnt realize that machine picked up stations and i thought so a magic ghost machine starts fucking playing classical music and your reaction is “thats some classical music”
Sounded more like "I hope" than "I'm not"
"if you turn on those lights you'll go to heaven" ahh... classic shane.
I think the voice talking at the end says "please walk to us".
it dosent sound like "i am not" it sound like "i hope not" like if it were evil
11.14 i heard 'not happening'
Uhmm, why are there 2 chairs?
No escape. Well, that fucking sucks.
Shane wants to die. LITERALLY.
omg SHANE IS SO FUNNYYYY AHAHAH especially when he's at the chair room
come to indonesia please, :)
James said “Please go” at 11:30
Go to the Winchester house
At 10:55 it actually sounded like something whispering “no” or was that just Shane?
I thought the jesus one said,”I hope not”
I’m disappointed that at the end of the video they didn’t go back into the chair room to see if it got moved! Now we’ll never know
11:15 sounds like "don't laugh at me"
3:47 Is that guy wearing vans?
probably meant he wasn’t jesus like I am not jesus
I mean, maybe sometimes ghosts talk about everyday things, they could be thinking they are still alive and are stuck in a loop?
I think james might’ve been a little too “hot headed” to say anything
Ghost: I am not Me: did it say IHOP
I'm a skeptic but I really do want to believe ghosts are real, and I can't wait until one day shane pisses off a demon and it actually does something, like throw a chair at him. ah.
My thoughts : Levi..... *attack on titan theme goes off*
Does anyone know what made that weird sound at 10:53?
21:06 If you did the math, there were 10 people per confinement cell without food for a week??? Being stuck in a room without food with ten people for that long would obviously do something to their already unstable psyche.
I can't get over the fact that my picture of the chair room has a completely different chair!
When complete online strangers try to mediate in a friendship they’ve only watched in videos. I’m pretty sure they’re both big boys and can deal with snippy comments
At 11:15 it sounded like she said “don’t talk to me” or “don’t bother me”
Look at 17:00 to 17:05 and see the change
7:42 don't say I'm the only one that heard someone crying. I also live in ohio. I live on the southern part of it though. I live four streets away from the Ohio River. Lol
I am a HUGE fan of you guys! I am from Iowa and we have a really cool mystery about around a Villisca Axe Murder House! I would love to see you guys cover it and hear your theories! It’s a mystery AND ghosts!!! :)
Is this true?
At 27:41 it sounds like "I think this boy is upset" or "I think this boy is obsessed"
*smell u later*
11:13 I heard "Don't laugh at me"...
Translation of "I am not": I hear you but I have forsaken this place
my old house in Atlanta Georgia is said to be haunted, if you are interested
ryan seemed snippy in this video
it said "don't talk to me" and "please stop"
I have never seen Ryan so snappy. that got me thinking that maybe along with the fact that he was horribly nervous in that place, something or some vibe of that place was affecting Ryan's mood negatively. Feeding off of his aura or positivity or something.
Yes it’s still fucking freezing in Ohio during May
ya should've gone back to see if the chair was back in the middle of the room.
Ryan: it's kind of a weird juxtaposition Me, an intellectual: hhh stairs go UP
The thing that makes the video scary is the music edited in...
I hate this because I LIVE IN OHIO STATE! and the best part is, I LIVE AN HOUR AWAY..
The Ryan guy is an A-hole. Total attitude the entire video
10:52 voice says no
I realize the name of the show which is buzzfeed unsolved yet every single episode i expect them to solve a case or see a ghost
There was a shadow in the white chapel when Ryan or Shane cam up on the left
“He’s getting medical”
EL PASO HIGH SCHOOL in El Paso, Texas one of the most (if not the most) haunted location in Texas.
11:29 it sounds like 'Please don't go' to me
ghosts have already been confirmed by a british ghost hunting group called most haunted
why does Ryan seem so rude and not as skeptical lately? He was being super rude to Shane this entire episode and he was willing to investigate BY HIMSELF.
I personally don't believe in ghosts but I swear I heard the voice say "Hello Ryan" at 27:30
Next vid : The creepy concentration camp , Auchwitz
Shane: I'm going to be nice this season Shane: this episode
Am I the only one who heard James saying “Don’t laugh at me”? And that would make sense
11:15 "Get off of me"
Any other Stray Kids fan smile when the “ghost” said “I am not”
When you reliaze you live in ohio and near it...
The I am not thing sounded more like “i hope” to me.
"If you turn on those lights, you'll go to heaven"
I went to Fremantle prison and I saw this little girl who looked almost like me as a young child with even a small dress I wore to a wedding I went to... I watched her run around the small library and I asked if anyone else could see her but no one else could until she started to sing London Bridge is falling down and then she grabbed my wrist and I had a bruise around my wrist for like 2 weeks after that...
the voice at 11:15 said “dont laugh at me” and then “excuse me” i think
“Is Jesus here?”
not trying to be hater but ryan is kinda mean or rude
At 11:14 I heard “don’t laugh at me”
Whelp I'm moving bye
“That did hap- SHUT UP!”lmao poor Shane
Go to the Biltmore in Asheville North Carolina
That NOSE shane !!!!! Loving it
I've been there twice and it's so cool to know that Ryan and Shane have been there
I love your episodes
I live way to close to there
why do they play the witch's whine from left 4 dead in the background ? that's just rude
11:15 "Not happening" maybe?
1:58 I feel so bad for Shane.
Myrtles plantation in Louisiana
when the audio said "i am not" i heard my name and got scared as hell! at the same time i felt a sting in by back, so i actually jumped.
Why is Ryan so snippy in this episode????
This place gives me Briarcliff vibes
it said "dont laugh at me" anyone else here that
ryan seems like he was on his period
At 27:31 it sounds like it said "Hello ryan" after ryan asked the spirit to say his name
The Bois can solve anything
You should do an episode where you just sit in a room for like 10 mins and use the spirit box
I've been there and it's amazing. And The Shawshank Redemption isa great movie, it's the whole reason we went. My family and I are big fans of the movie so
My grandma used to work there
Come back to this place and be dressed up as a guard and have everything with you but he dressed up like a guard and to to the room were the guard died and see if they attack you like how they did to that guard
shane: is jesus here rayn: i don't think so jesus: i am not here nobody's here
Ryan seems to be on his man period
I went there last year abd it does give super spooky vibes. Especially in the "hole"
I’ve been there before during day time and I used a thermal camera and saw a ghost so I’m guessing it’s haunted
so scary... so .... legitamate.... ok ... my young brain is full of this now XD
29:38-29:41 my anxiety be like
I would legit stop watching. Their banter and perspectives to the situations is what sets this show apart. If I wanted a 'serious' investigation I'd watch any of the 500 cookie cutter ghost hunter shows on tv. They also get plenty of possible evidence, and nothing less compelling than any of those other shows, so they must be doing something right.
We can’t yet escape that’s what I heard in 20:28
BuzzFeedBlue At 20:28 I heard we can’t get escape.
Well they surely didn't like the thumb talk.
of course the arsonist burnt himself in cell 13. Offff course.
The voice at 11:14 sounds like its saying “ dont laugh at me”
27:30 sounds like "hello Ryan"
Is it just me or does he seem to be more and more agitated with the investigations
Ryan seems extra cranky in this episode
“hung by their thumbs?!”
If you turn the light on, you'll go to heaven
In the beginning I was so hyped about this wierd sounds and I was happy for a sec because I thought that they'd found the ghosts BUT THIS VENTILATION RUINED EVERYTHING
11:28 it's free real estate
Ryan’s angst in this episode is insane..
How unlucky for the guy who was burned his cells number was 13
You should of put the static camera in the chair room
Is it just me or did it sound like at 11:17 that the voice that came in said 'Don't laugh at me'?
1:53 ;)
I actually went there last summer. That place was utter hell, even going in broad daylight
As someone who has been there I can confirm the place is GIGANTIC!
Did nobody else hear the “no” at 10:56 when Ryan said he was gonna turn on the spirit box?
From 28:39-28:41 it sounds like somebody says “ uhh nope”
I think the voice in the chapel was real but I think it said "hello"
''It's nice down here, i like it'' NOICE ''I hate this place'' XD
The harmonizing part was actually pretty good
when they were in the cell trying to talk to James I heard "don't laugh at me"
The spirit box is the stupidest thing I have ever seen. Of course you’re going to hear short bursts of’re scanning a bunch of channels. It also played a bit of classical music and if we could hear that consecutively, it really ruled out the whole spirit box for me.
Do the 1977 girl scout camp murders. By far creepiest unsolved murder case ive heard
When Ryan went into the chapel I thought Ryan was a nun and it scared the crap out of me then I realized jt was Ryan
0:58 look at the shore of the pond it says "Tory"
Umm I live in Ohio
Ryan was very salty in this video
*It's free real state*
I’m like Shane in these situations lol
I live 10 min from here
Don't use that spirit box, it's definitely picking up radio stations.
i thought it said "everybody do the schnitzel " but ummm apparently im wrong
Welcome to ohio
Am i the only one noticed that the chapel looks like the chapel from the walking dead game series? Or im just high
omffgg i noticed that right now
Boi u back tracked so hard you gave yourself whiplash
BuzzFeedBlue .
I sometimes think if you're a ghost you're banned from doing anything that could give ghosts away, eg on camera, like the magic people in Harry Potter
did anyone else hear "don't laugh at me" at 11:14?
Who is doing the camera??..
You guys should visit india there are so sensitive areas in india regarding ghosts.
has someone already said that the whistling is actually a couple of cats squaring off
I think he said “I hope”
RyAN thATs NOt veRY NiCE
Can yall make merch with cheesy shane jokes plz
"If you go to the light you will go to heaven." "No thats going to far."
"He's getting Medical" I FUCKING love Ryan
Anyone else hear "Don't Laugh At Me?" twice around 11:15ish. right before the classical music plays?? no? just me? aight.
Darylan Kotyk OMFG YESSSSS
When Shane said “if you turn on those lights you’ll go to heaven” my lights all flickered
@17:50 it sounds like they said “I hope not”
I believe the ghost that said"good" after they asked why they were there was the policeman that was killed
Wait, wait, wait. When Shane asks "is Jesus here?" I honestly think I heard "I hope" instead of "I am not".
Did anyone else notice that Ryan had a short fuse this episode. Sure they disagree and argue all the time but this time it was a little more extreme. Example. Air Force One Reference, Static Camera etc. They always have a kind of playful attitude but this time they were more serious or intense.
O man I live in ohio!
You guys should go to Alcatraz island it’s haunted af like so they can see
I feel like if that chair would have been thrown at Shane he would blame the nonexistent wind in the windowless room
Do the Crescent Hotel and Spa in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. It was an old fake cancer research hospital and it’s pretty cool and haunted. And the whole town is basically haunted sitting on a few spring basins. The basin hotel is haunted as well.
11:27 it sounds like it's saying "please don't go" but I could be wrong
do the Marie Celeste
I love how I'm 2-3 hours away from every haunted thing in ohio
Just waiting for that one day where they finally have [SOLVED] across the screen. Got I love this show.
some of these men had really awful deaths,please be respectful and mindfull of this, you would want people to be rectfull of your memory when u pass away! call me a prude I don't care and stop cursing ok?
Is jesus here?
I guess number13 is UNLUCKY FOR SOME! Now that's what I call a coinsodence,that man killed himself and he stayed in cell 13!
Shane: "Is Jesus here?!" Lil Ghostie Boi: "I am NO SUCH THING!"
Y’all go to Virginia City, Goldfield, or Carson City in Nevada There’s some spooks
37:40 Sounds like Donald Trump to me.
-Southside” “Serpents?”
Right after the classical music played that weird voice sounded like it said "that's classical music?"
“Moaning Myrtle. This looks like your kind of joint”
95% sure instead of monopoly, it said "Don't laugh at me!"
21:53 That face in nightmare inducing.
My uncle served time in Mansfield reformatory and was not a model inmate he wasn't the worst
*He is getting medical* -Ryan
are all shanes just unafraid of supernatural things
BuzzFeedBlue you should go to merrehope in Mississippi and the Frank Williams house which is on the same lot
I don't hear i'm not. I hear " i am mad"
Imagine being so unbothered by ghosts and demons like Shane. I can't even walk into a dark room without thinking Satan is coming for me
16:10 had me crying
A sudden change in ryan's courage and shane is a bit cautious now. Hmmmmm
Ryan's voice acting during voiceovers is over the fucking top
does no one notice that the spirit box says “don’t laugh at me”
When you live in Ohio....
11:15 sounds like they’re saying “don’t laugh at me” to me I heard that immediately
Shane has me laughing so hard, “SCRATCH ME!”
"I am not?" I heard "I hope."
leap castle Ireland
Really, *smell you later* ? Everyone *nose* how bad that was.
Something weird happened just now my phone literally started to reset then it stopped did that happen to anyone else???
Is that a microphone in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
cuba road!
How do you hang a person by the thumb?
James from Statefarm isn't pleased.
Dracula Castel is in Romania-Transilvania-Brasov andDracula it name becose Vlad Tepes it have an obseson to put Turkey army into stripes made of wood and to the make obseson of justice to civizates of Valahia what the Romania was names in 1403 1878 then romania united and then become The Small Romania united with Moldova and then in 1918 united whit Transilvania and become the Romania what is new
how does shane still not believe in ghosts?
Missed Opportunity to sing the Halo Theme song in the Chapel.
the spirit box is so fucking trash there is no ghosts ffs
In the Jesus I am not part I hear I hope
I feel bad for the camera man, if that were me i would just run out yelling "HELL NO"
LMFAOOO “Ryan’s family has a little dog” Ryan:Dedededededeeee
Ive been there oof
At 27:30 it sounded like it said hello Ryan
I am just catching up now to the season. What I straight up noticed is how scared Ryan is judging by how rude he is. Hahaha Props to Shane for keeping his cool because it doesn't feel good being cut off and told to shut up. I'm still halfway through the episode sooo hope it gets better.
Jesus is spying on the demons lol you blew his cover
"I respect you because that's what I'm doing this this season; or at least attempting to do..." - Shane
Dayum harmony.
The Shaniac is back baby
"I don't understand what's wrong with Ryan sometimes."
Friggin' Roland.
I swear to god I heard James say "Don't laugh at me"
okay HI ryan is cute as hell
I closed my eyes and smelt perfume
At 27:31, after he said "my name is Ryan", it sounds like the spirit box says "hello Ryan"
dyre lane in sacramento, california???? history of KKK meetings, the ghost of a dead cop, girl's dead body found in the feild next to it not too long ago
11:15 sounds like someone said “not happening”
Ryan seems a little saltier in this episode than usual
Well This is the only interesting thing in Ohio, believe me
"I said I'd smell you later... consider yourself smelled."
when he turns off the spirit box right at the end in the solitary cell and says he's about to, the voice definitely sounds like it says "please don't go"
At 20:12 you can here something moving. Also you should ho back to the prison and move the chair out of the center, explore, and then come back to see if the chair moved
10:49 - 10:54
SHANE is always disapproving every thing ryan says its so funny lol
4:47 - 5:00
3:27 - 3:40
Nice harmony!!
I didn’t hear “I am not” I heard “I am” like it’s saying “Jesus isn’t here but I am”
Maybe the one that said good was wrongfully convicted
they need to have a sign in front saying "enter if you wish to die! please let us know if you do"
The story behind the hole is that 2 men walked in and only one came out. This is true. The funny thing is is that the one in mate that walked out of the cell killed the other in mate was taller than the guy who walked out. The smaller in mate who walked out of solitary confinement crunched the taller guy under his bed while he was sleeping. This killed the taller in mate by crushing him.
Did anyone hear at 10:54 help or hell can't tell
I live 2 minutes away from Mansfield
Yeah u guys went to Ohio!!
27:28 i hear no escape, Michael,ended it, stay alive, good , What's wrong
you should go to philippines boi you can find some aswang and kapre lMaO
I'm sure the spirit box said "don't laugh at me".
what time is it where your at ? 3:05Am
The way prisons in the US are handled makes me so confused. The prisoners have such dirty cells, how are they gonna become better people when they’re being treated so poorly?
Idk you bruh but i’m watching this alone at 3:06 am
Hey! I wanted to hear the stroy!
at 22:45 if you see the cell's bathroom or toilet it looks like a ghost
I hear from the spirit box is "i cant" and "what are you saying"
Ryan: “I like this place, it’s nice.” Ryan Later: “I freaking hate this place, I really do.” Me: “MAKE UP YOUR MIND PLEASE!”
At 27:31 I heard hello ryan
So James, how ya feeling buddy? "Pretty lit"
I'm sorry why is no one talking about "Is Jesus here?" the way he says he says that cracks me up.
I swear at 11:16 it sounds like the voice sounds like it says "DONT LAUGH AT ME"
Fun fact: one man killed another man during his time and was put into solitary confinement for I think around two years (correct me if I’m wrong) and it didn’t count for his time
My grandma lives down the street from this so I know this place like the back of my hand lmaoo
Am i the only one who saw that when they entered the chair room there were only one chair but in some moments you can see another fucking chair near the moved chair
is nobody going to talk about that whistling when Ryan was around
How come they don't stay the night anymore?
I feel bad for Shane because every time he tries to say something, Ryan would tell him to shut up..:(
Why is it that there are 2 chairs at 16:07??? 0.0
"...fuk u Roland." "ROLAND???"
At 27:59 I hear "Wave your sword at... Us."
gothic architecture, sounds legit
Why don't you ever leave the spirit box on for a little while seem not not give them much of a chance to speak. Ten seconds for us is double if not triple for them...they need a little more time just saying
Is anyone watching this video? I am not
I live down the road from here
I know damn well I can’t be the only one who hear a voice say “Noo” slowly at 10:57
It was at 10:54
Remain implement tuck middle teenage endure scream base extent drawing small.
The chair would move when no one was in the room O O F
okay but is ´prison break´ inspired by this?? scofield, the hole, abusive prison guards, (idk lol)
Watching this at night hah
17:35 It coulda been some guy named Jesus responding... you know, like some ordinary guy, not the savior. And he's not there, cuz he's hereafter.
Ryan @24:36 - it's nice over here. I like it also Ryan @25:01 - I fucking hate this place
They should do an investigation about the mannequin in Mexico thats looks hyper realistic like she actually freaks people out because she's very much like a human. People claim that she moves and her eyes follow them too
28:40 I thought that was ma stomach.
17:45 I don’t hear “I am not” I hear “I hope”. I can hear a clear “I” And a clear “hope”. I don’t hear three syllables or anything close to “I am not.” Anyone else?
How many people are actualy with them when they record or is it just them.
You guys should go to Canada Nova Scotia Halifax in the five fisherman and the church in downtown Halifax it is really haunted ever since the Halifax explosion happend
27:31 I swear after he said his name the ghost said “hello Ryan”
I am so helen... My name is helen... XD. Tbh if i died i would love to give off a rose scented scent xD
Unsolve the Bhanghar Fort mystery, it is the most haunted place in India
Ryan seemed different in this episode
“We can always smell ya later”
17:05 am I am the only one who heard that laugh?
You should do something in Charleston SC, they jave a lot of different ghost stories
beautiful harmony
At 11:15 he Said dont laugh at me
at 11:14 I hear "Don't laugh at me"
22:04 Oh hey there Doctor Strange
BuzzFeedBlue best everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
I live in Ohio and have never heard of this. I live in Dayton a 3 hour drive from Mansfield.
27:15 “Michael” 27:26 “Hey Jennet” 27:30 “Hello Mike”
You guys should make the frequency go faster so you don't pick up small amounts of radio stations that make it sound like voices
I went there during spring break
I’m going there in Halloween
I think what "the ghost" was trying to say by "i am not" is i am not jesus... Anyway I luv u both sooo much and im looking forward to see more investigations ❤
I live so close to that place I need to visit it
Welcome to Ohio, where even the ghosts hate it here
at 27:30 it sounded like it said hello ryan
29:38 when i make a dash out of school and a teacher downtown sees me and hauls me back
“or if you’re a little busy right now, we can always, *smell ya later* “
So perfume can become a ghost too
Okay that “no escape” was very clear to me. Anyone else? Also I heard three names afterwards. Tell me if you disagree. I heard Michael, Anthony, and Emily.
I heard 21st board at dusk
16:09 Shane’s Ironman
“did you get spankins when you were young?” “no” “makes more sense” hell yea it makes more sense lmao. i’ll take a spankin anytime over getting hung by my thumbs lmao
I ask myself all the time 22:30
16:30 i lost my shit
At 7:30 I wanted all the cells to open and close
17:19 the shadow moves on the left
Yall do realise that telling the ghosts they’ll be caught on camera and such will make them *not want to show themselves*
*im sorry do you mean Cell Block Tango*
They didn’t tell us why they thought there was ghost
Damn Ryan was so mean in this episode ._.
Have they ever thought that the reason they don't see ghosts is because they go at night and the ghosts won't talk to them cause they're sleeping?
You guys should go to the Missouri state penitentiary it spooks my bones
“Smell you later
So did shane end up shitting on the chair?
Lol... I like how Shawn gets a kick outta seeing Ryan's reaction to unexpected outside noises. "Priceless"!
Your telling me they were 20 mins away from my house at one point?
Why did he was to say that to me like what did I do to him. Gosh bro
Oh i found you mutherfucka
2:08-2:38: is this property brothers
You guys have to see if you can come to Athens, Ohio to go to The Ridges! It used to be an insane asylum. It's pretty haunted, there's a stain of a woman's body in one room and a girl that touched the stain ended up committing suicide in her dorm at Ohio University. Billy Milligan was also a patient there, he was my grandpas roommate so that's kinda interesting.
Oh poopy I live near Mansfield and a demonic bridge
For the box I heard Micheal and ryan
mark reyes i think there is few people. like another person filming them or 2 people and a sound guy probably?
I just notice the tall guy looks like kakashi
Lmfao "is Hesus here"? Mexican prisoner: No amigo
At 27:57 I heard we’re not here for reasons that you Think. Far fetched but kinda of makes sense
shane: go 'head and throw it [the chair] at me if you want. *chair room spirit chucks the chair at shane* shane: wind. shane: c'mon! scratch me! scratch me up! make me bleed! *chair room spirit digs its nails into shane's chest* shane: wind.
“Don’t laugh at me.” Am I the only one hearing that?!?!
11:14 I swear its saying "don't laugh at me"
this reminds of of mob of the dead , the map in bo2.... i can’t be the only one who thought of that map
16:69 me when a person I hate starts talking to me XD
16:29 , gosh I literally love Shane for doing that XDD
I love how at 15:43 , the background music just stops playing and Ryan goes: "look" ,and all seriousness is gone at that moment XD.
Is jesus here? Idk.... I am not
The name for God is yahwe that translates to I am
My brother’s name is Roland
Ryan was very touchy in this episode.
Ryan “it’s nice over here, i like it” *hears loud noise* “fuckin hate this place, i really do”
Shane: hey Ryan: hehehehehahahehehahaha (wheeze)
Y'all should investigate The Lizard Man
17:35 I hear ,,I hope’’
try mention the name of jesus christ everytime u guys investigate on a hunted places, try mention all stuff related to jesus
Omg the harmonizing was amazing
I lIvE iN OhIo
“Smell ya later” oh shane you silly goose lol
they should have moved the chair from the center of the room and came back to check on it later to see if it moved
Lockhart is my algebra teachers name
I wish y’all would use the spirit box more and for a longer period of time!
Ryan sounds like that Burger King foot lettuce guy
I swear if I'd have seen something running down that long hallway on the static cam I would've shat myself
I love Shane and Ryan they really complement each other nicely and they make their videos scary and hilarious
4:50 - 4:59 is so funny
27:31 sounded like “hello Ryan”
I think that at 11:14, the voice said "don't laugh at me" and I was just laughing at Ryan and Shane asking if it was monopoly XD
September 15 2005 is my sisters birthday
do the Hoia Baciu forest in Romania,it would take a while to travel...but u will get some spoops
I AM is one of the names for God. So I Am not..means God not. You guyz are creepy
1:25 look i now this is someone else but i cant help but fangirl scream at Levi. (Only AOT fans knows this)
Architecture by "Levi T. Scofield" ..... *Levi*..... *Levi*............... *Levi*........................ (Plays attack on titan opening)
Can I get a like for the Tennessee boys and gals? #volstate
" *Four inmates into a cell* " woaaaaah so inhumane. Here we stick 12 inmates in a cell as large as a common cell. And people look at it normally.
"yeah but jesus... is jesus here?" hahahahahahahahahahahaha killed me
You think a chapel is a weird place to spend eternity, what about the prisoner ghosts? Id get the hell out of that prison.
I think ryan was on his man period during the filming of this.
And of course it’s fucking snowing.
Their harmonizing was amazing actually i’m—
I have been there. Very creepy.
At 10:50- 11:00 does anyone here a no? Right before Ryan uses the spirit box?
At 24:41 minutes I started to hear a slight baby screaming and crying but very very quietly *mep
Y'all should check out the Spencer Mountain Mansion in NC. Very creepy place.
That spirit box is literally picking up on radio stations
The “creepy” music playing in the background while they were in the chapel was actually quite pretty.
1:52 had me dieing
I live in Ohio... Edit: I LIVE NEXT TO MANSFIELD
18:06 could’ve been an inmate named Jesus or a worker
At 8:18 there was an orb flying past Shane on the top right
What about the yellow house or something? I heard it's extremely horrid.
ok someo of these "voices" might ust be the radio
"smell ya later" Shane's such a dork I love him
‘I am not’.... Stray Kids anyone??
he sounded like he said don't laugh at me
Some parts of the prison look like the rock. (Alkitraz)
“ I am not “it kinda sounds like I don’t know
I visited Ohio State Reformatory you missed two big parts of the Ohio State Reformatory the shower block find a room called the dark room and the whole there's that other cases happen in the hole. I do not believe most of TV shows anyways and ghost Finders or Ghost Hunters. I was down in a hole on my visit and and it's really cold down there.
BuzzFeedBlue tell them to do one on cold oak
i find myself watching these videos every night, like right before i go to bed
28:12 Same reason we dream in metaphors? :D HAHA! Seal reference!
Hey this is where I'm from!
can we get a shoutout for thr fudgin camera man?!
11:14 Don’t Laugh at me
y'all do know if one person doesn't believe they won't get any evidence?
I would be pissed
one ghost be like "Im gonna kill that guy for saying that" the other ghost be like Wait NO BOB!! they're armed WITH CAMERAS"
I'm actually eating top ramen while watching this
this place is f*cking with ryan
ryans had his share of bad roomates hahah
When ever Ryan whips out the spirit box, I close my eyes and hear way different stuff than the captions
That harmony is everything
At 11:14 that voice definitely repeated Ryan. Kinda like a "ryyyaaan?"
I love Ohio my home town ❤️❤️
They should of put a camera in the Chair Room to see if it moved back
Ok guys this is creepy .. watching this video .. my phone rang .. it was my mothers mobile phone number .. she passed away april 2018 ... and we have that mobile phone switched off .. and don't know where it is .. ok .. this is creepy .. but o so sweet from my mother !
"Smell You Later"
I live in ohio and didnt know they're coming. Foooooooork
It says "I hope"
I enjoy when they put the spirit box on.
I'm still waiting for that one day were ryan is being all cocky when he's leaving and a ghost grabs him by his ankle and drags him for being so cocky at the end
O-o I got spooked so bad at the beginning. 27:16, it sounded like a woman saying that.
any ohioans here ?
girltoshorttt Me. I was actually here today!
I think this is the bravest I've seen Ryan, lmao
“Is Jesus here?” “I am not “
this is all fake the crew is making all the noises
It sounds like, "I hope!" Which could be the spirit of an inmate in Sheoul seeking what he can't get.
I think you guys are cursed because of the things you guys done.....maybe
Ha! Yeah...I don’t think that real
i heard "don't laugh at me" in james's cell
shane: Air force one? Now that I think of it, the plane was hijacked to- Ryan: I am going to have to cut you off there, cause I don't give a sh*t lol
it said 404 in the back round so imma say something ''Error Code 404: Cell Not Found''
Wow Shane sounds so serious. Almost scary. But of course he’s taking none of it seriously.
Sounded like the voice in the cell said"Don't laugh at me".
i lost it at checkmate
Is it just me or does the beginning look like the start of Outlast
I’ve become such trash now I need merch lol
16:03 me reciting edgy teen music
Hey there is a noise that no one mentioned that I heard in 24:27 i don't know if it was just me. It's like a caugh or something
I just noticed that the ghost mostly go for Ryan then shane
Fucking Roland
Shane’s always so much nicer to Ryan than vice-versa lol.
Hey Shane and Ryan i was wondering if you could do any scary challenge like 11 miles and stuff can you pleaseeee doo it cause i wanna see Ryan screaming his lungs out LMAO
If ghosts can't see the body how do they walk and grab stuff?
At 27:32 it sounds like it says ‘hello ryan’
I wonder if that buzzy thing is just a radio
1:53-2:17 is my fave HAHAH
When they were showing the tallest steel cell all I could think about is the scene from lilo and stitch where they are going to see the creator of experiment 626.
I have a theory, if ghosts are real, maybe some higher power tells them not to interact with humans. If they do, then they are no longer a ghost? Which may be why ghosts very rarely interact with humans and when they do it’s faint.
"the hole was the name given to the solitary confinement cellblock of the prison" isnt that the name for solitary confinement in any prison
_they don't like the thumb talk_
Sloss Furnace definitely needs to be next season
The voice at 11:14 sounded like it was saying "Dont laugh at me"
hahah there is always a logic explanation to it. Maybe more infrared cameras or ones triggered by movement would have been a bit more convincing.
Good god Ryan is moody in this episode.
Great, attracting ghosts to yet another location close to where I live
Okay normally I can’t hear the stuff the ghost say but when it said “I’m not” I could hear it before Ryan said what it said. Just thought that was weird.
Shane is so funny
Either 19:19 or 19:20 there was sound that sounded like cutlery banging
I sat in that chair in the middle of that room. I had no idea.
Ive went their on a tour. It was creepy
11:10 he said Ryan and Shane and then he repeated after you saying classical music !!!
You should go back put a camera in the chair room move the chair and walk away and come back by the end of the night
How did I hear “goldfish” instead of “psycho”?
11:13 "dont laugh at me"
Is that a microphone in Shane's pocket, or is he just happy to see ya?
I feel bad that they went to Ohio all there is here is corn and homophobic racists.
I have watched 4 maybe 5 of there videos and by far my favorite moment is and might always be Ryan at 1:52-55 , thank you !
6 minutes in and Ryan starts losing the plot. It's both sad and hilarious how Ryan has an existential crisis almost every episode.
Ryan seems like he’s on his man period
Becos the thothebast
I just realized that Shane sounds exactly like Will Ferrel!
They have tours there. I actually want to go there with some friends.
They should’ve gone back to the chair room!!! Just to check if anything happened
Who agrees demons are real ?
Very disrespectful
July 15...that’s meh birthday...waaaaaaa
24:22 what on earth was that growling sound?!
I heard "don't laugh at me" really clearly.
“Don’t laugh at me” OKAY BYE
Omfg why is Ryan being so aggressive lol
The music was edited.
10:03 — 10:17 ?
Go to Sloss Furnace in Birmingham, Al or USS Alabama in Mobile, AL. But Sloss is definitely #worthit.
10:54 you can literally hear another voice whisper "no" after Ryan say they are putting the machine
11:14 "Don't laugh at me"?
Yo I used to live down a couple roads from there. My sister and my dad used to walk down there.
13:34 play in slo mo there is a guy saying hi
Silent Hill Downpour flashbacks
1:58 come on, why’d you hurt Shane like that. Poor guy.
11:20 sounds like not happening to me
A lot of people are saying Ryan was rude in this episode, I don’t think he was being serious lmao
*Shane gets slapped in the face by a ghost* Shane: “That was some strong wind.”
I’m back ha ha ha
I went there with my friends and I tripped over the chair and yelled “A GHOST” I got so many disapproving looks.
You boys need to take a little trip through Gettysburg.
You should look at UB-85
Did anyone hear the no at 10:53 I think it was james
Can you guys go to alcatraz?
Ryan: It’s nice over here. I like it. Ryan 10 seconds later: I fucking hate this place
8:43 My gosh Ryan if you can't handle the tension then don't do these videos, poor Shane :(
I need them to drop a damn album
1:49 wonder what made Ryan so rude here :( Shane was really surprised!
Wish me luck im going fullscreen
Im home alone and hiding in the comments
They should have went back to see if the chair moves. A lot of times things happen when no one is looking.
10:54 listen carefully he ask n u can hear from the camera he said no before turning the machine on. N they didnt even notice
Though Shane gives logical explanation to banging at 4:50-57 it's such a coincidence that such loud banging occurred at precise moment and not later. Or is it really a coincidence?
It's 2 am why am I here
I can’t believe i’ve lived like 20 mins from this place my whole life and didn’t even know abt it lol
kendal it’s really rad I’ve been there lmao they give tours
Do they seem a little more hateful than normal?
Andrea Chalfan IO
shanes hilarious
Is it just me or was Ryans behavior kinda off in this episode?!?! Spirits are known to sometimes emotionally effect the living and make them say and do things without a thought. Obviously he could just be joking with shane, but to me it's sometimes wierd
Hey whats up gais itz ya boi Jèsűs
Between 28:40 and 28:50 you can hear someone whisper "Ryan" if you listen closely which was pretty clear. Surprised Ryan didn't catch that lol.
i love binge watching these
My name is Ryan and this is jackass!
My names shane and this is jackass!
I heard Michael and then I heard Anthony
Y’all should visit Alcatraz
I legit thought the voice said "Airforce 1 sucks" around the 28 minute mark
damn ryan is tired of shane in this one lmao
i live in ohio 0-0
Ryan is definitely starting to become more brave than he has been in the past.
10:10 I hear not happening, the guys like nope not saying your names
When has Shane ever cared that there is a chain
Omg what was that shadowy human figure at 20:17?!?(on the left)
i love how confident Ryans got.
The bois went into the chapel and the ducking skyrim elder scrolls soundtrack just starts up
Tricky Jesus
Idk what’s scarier the toilet in those prison cells or the boys in night vision.
{ 5:40 } yeah aggressively blow to mimic the wind
my grandma worked here as a secretary for a week but quit after it got too weird
Shane is always challenging these spirits lol but its funny cause they never do anything
I like 20 mins from Mansfield I can see the Pen when I go get groceries lol
Yikes, Ryan is a grump this episode. Picking up negative energy maybe?
Oh boy. You guys should go to the Philippines! There's this Diplomat Hotel and Clark Base Hospital that are said to be haunted :)
ryan: *flies across the room into a wall* shane: it’s the wind
I kinda hate the random fake noises that they play
It's like Ryan and Shane switched mines when Ryan went across the chain cause Shane was like WHAT ARE YOU DOING and Ryan was like we have to investigate
9:11 "If you turn on those lights you"'ll go to heaven" LOL
What if when Shane said if Jesus was there, a person who died there was named Jesus? HMmMMmMmm
27:41 who else heard 1024?Or just me? Some belive that it's an "angel number."
They filmed shay shank there and my dad knows the guy who was using the fire hose in the movie so I might get to go tour there sometimes plus I live in ohio
gegin to look like horror game in real life
19:05 that’s so good lmao
27:27 When Ryan introduces himself, immediately after the spirit box says "Satan"
If I was Shane n that little dude told me to shut up, I would have scared him the whole night n scare him at every location we went to. That was fucking rude
disrespectful little assholes and they should get be attacked by ghosts for being such assholes to the dead'' , fucking morons.
At 10:54 you can hear what sounds like the word no after Ryan said he was going to use the machine that help James speak to them
RYAN: "who is it?!" SHANE: "well–" RYAN: "SHUT UP!"
Go to suicide forest in japan
i think it was saying "don't laugh at me"
Same! I'm surprised they didn't have a solid subtitle for that one... I thought it was one of the clearest ones I've heard! Even with Shane saying Thermopoly, I still hear it as "Don't laugh at me"
25:50 off ya go! XD
21:43...damn shane. Those nostrils! That face! Ugh! So beautiful! (Note the joke)
pssst, hey, it's me, jesus!
jail cells church equals outlast
outlast layout tho
why the hell are there two chairs at 16:40
It hurt me when Ryan cut off Shane while he was making that movie reference
I heard they send outdated invisible ink there so ghosts can make tattoos with it
why does ryan remind me of Mike Wazowski?
Guns don’t just ‘discharge’. It seems like her husband or whoever came up with an excuse...
When Ryan said Joint, I cringed
Adventures of The Skeptic and the Scaredy Cat!
i feel so bad for shane in this video he just wanted to talk about air force 1... rip
Asylum 49, the fear factory, there's probably more places that are haunted in Utah that idk, these are just more known
At 7:22 I don't know if I saw an orb or just a piece of dust. Spooky
"then Jesus is the devil" ....haha that's great
I heard this: "What's the name of the jail we're at right now? "Michael"
im watching this again bc i just visited lol
ryan: are ghosts real? shane: *nods head*
Does anyone else hear a “no” at 10:53?
Ouch. Ryan. I hope you’re doing better because clearly this wasn’t a good day for you. (I’m serious though, I hope everything’s alright)
11:15 "Ryan and Shane"
17:37 and 27:16 I heard “Michael” BOTH times very clearly. Maybe I’ve been watching too much of The Office but I firmly believe it’s saying Michael
I live in ohio..... a few minutes from Mansfield...
Geez Ryan had an attitude this episode..
For some reason every time the camera shakes I think the ground is shaking and they just don't care
It clearly said don’t laugh at me at 11:12
Isn't it ironic that the "most violent" spirit, james lockhart, was in cell number 13 XD
What about the camera man?
I was caught up on the fact of how rude Ryan was to Shane with the whole movie reference!! Also they were just st very hostile the whole time
wdym it's a prison and the architect is called scofield? have i been sleeping on this for years?
When you get an ad when some juicey stuff starts
ryan or shane
They put a camera on a regular corridor, but they dont even bother to check if the chair is back in the middle of the room?
I always watch these videos when I am home alone, and I am too...just... What's wrong with me?
S4Ep4 almost through the unsolved drinking game, my puke is bloody but I'm almost done
My birthday is September 15 so I'm visiting the prison with cake and I'm gonna offer some to the spirits cuz its the prisons birthday then too I'm still trying to get my friend to come with me she thinks I'm daft but oh well
This video reminds me of outlast.
ugh the "I hope" at 18 mins .!>!>!!>!>!>!
Ok but to Helen: that is a hell of a way to die. Man, I want my death to be that interesting. Reaching for a jewellery box when a gun falls and shoots by itself, getting you in the chest; what are the chances!!
Helen Phan you’re right! Since :37 there’s 2.
Does no one else notice that at 16:07 another fucking chair appears in the room?
The "I am not" sounds more like "I hope not" :x Edit: That or "I hope"
I heard "don't laugh at me" 11:20
I mean God/Jesus goes by “i am” sometimes so maybe something was saying “I am(Jesus) isn’t here”
Jesus ryan in this episode was very hostile. Its not normal
I looking in the darkness to see if I could see a ghost ,I saw my reflection and screamed ;-;
I live fifteen minutes from this place and go all the time. Every Halloween they have the haunted prison with people in costumes and stuff. Then the rest of the time you can still take normal tours of the prison
17:30 I think it sound like something said ooooooooof
20:45 *THE HOLE* (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
When Ryan tells Shane to shut up I'm like "finnaly Ryan stood up to shane"..
Shane : is Jesus here Jesus : I'm not Me : toataly
Let's smell ya later
I thought the voice said I hope not I’m not
To everyone complaining about Ryan's attitude, it could definitely be some bad energies in the prison effecting him but it's more likely that he was just having an off day. Just because he's generally a positive person on the outside doesn't mean you guys have his entire life figured out. Even optimists can be pessimistic sometimes.
“imma go ahead and cut you off right there because i dont give a shit”
11:14 sounds like *"dont laugh at me"*
Ryan at 16:30 "eiiideddeedddedddeedddddeed!!!!
shane respecting the spirits? wow tune in for buzzfeed unsolved’s ground breaking content
*Shane:* _We'll smell ya later_ *_Ryan:_* _Really_ *_Me:_* _Choking on a Cheeto_
Omg I love Shane. He’s hilarious
I feel like you shouldve gone back to the chair to see if it moved back to the center of the room after you left.
who killed xxx tentacionxxx
ryan: do you think the wind could do that twice? shane: *blows on cabinet* no
Am I the only one who heard "Hello Ryan" at 27:30?
Shayne is sitting on throne of lies
Hey have you guys thought about checking out the Trans-Allegheny lunatic Asylum!!
I live in Ohio and you can pay to visit there as a haunted house with a guide. I plan on doing it sometime soon.
You should also do Pennsylvania steal Mills around 1970's many people died from being sucked into machines and being burned smashed or crushed by the steal making process
I like how he does his job by yelling at a chair
Omg 10:53 is a clear “no” in response of Ryan wtf
I knew it looked familiar. was thinking how it bears striking resemblance to Shawshank, and then ofc he says Shawshank was filmed here.
Go to Alcatraz you can stay one night and be treated like a prisoner if you want you can go to the shore where many people tried to escape but we’re mysteriously killed
I would like to see the thoughts and reactions of the cameraman/men.
“i am not” sounded a lot like “i hope”
15:06 I’ve never seen Shane that serious before
@1:51 wow that was so rude it even hurt me. I kinda feel bad for Shane.
Wait it's snowing in May?
I heard NO at 10:54
Ryan seems mad throughout the investigation
Ohio white boy
ryan was making me roll my eyes every time he snapped
"Oh, He's gettin medical!"
"He's getting medical"
they really need to speed up the iteration time on the spirit box its just catching the local radio stations and its slow enough that you can catch up to 2 to 3 words from the radio host
I love how F- ing nervous Ryan is when he loses the spirit box I find that thing so cool and I hear weird things.
Ryan was kinda rude this episode
The real scary thing was that camera shot of Shane’s nose
I am not sounds more like I hope unless there is someone called Jesus who died there.
Ryan is being fairly mean to Shane in this I think............
The cameraman is the real MVP
Honestly. I’ve never seen Ryan so snappy and sarcastic, especially towards Shane. It’s really weird.
Jesus is everywhere Shane. Of course he probably dose not believe in that either. In which case I am sorry.
Please go to lawang sewu at indonesia It is the most haunted place in there and have many paranormal activity
10:52-10:55 i hear NO
Every time they do this it makes me want to think ghosts arent real cuz they dont get anything ever
Sometimes it sounds like Ryan Seacrest in the spirit box so I think it just picks up radio frequencies
Sooooo, what's the idea with a spirit box anyway? Is the idea that ghosts can only talk via radios? If so, what is the basis for this?
the box creates white noise that, supposedly, spirits can manipulate and use to communicate through the veil.
Is Ryan ok
my last name is mansfield
Lol yea the gun accidentally went off when it hit the floor and shot her in the chest
james said im not saying anything
I thought there was only one chair
Does anyone else feel lik shame has become more and more of a believer like if u agree
“ = Quote ”= End Quote
I was going to comment something but i forgot what I was gonna say
I feel like the reason that not much happens to them is because they’re asking for it. Ghosts and demons like to prey on weak souls, scared souls. Even tho Ryan puts up a scared facade, it’s clear that he’s doing it for show. They’re both strong souls, they’re not afraid. That’s the ONLY reason why nothing happens. Being afraid opens up a window to harm them, that window isn’t open.
Can you guys please go to Alcatraz?! I live and have been there before and i definitely feel something... they also have this old morgue and there was something weird in my picture of it..... anyways it's an island right next to san francisco! Love you guys!
its probably not a very reliable form of communication, but i love when they use the spirit box
If they take ever replace Shane I shall never watch this series again
It sounded to me like “they all murdered us”
27:25 "Can't get in"
1:59 Shane's face and little mumble made me sad. Ryan was acting so odd during this episode, I've never seen him treat Shane with such... disdain it seemed like. He didn't seem particularly fearful or paranoid so it made me wonder about how this place affected him or if maybe he just got in a fight with his girlfriend that morning or something.
did anyone got Outlast vibes in the beginning?
The hole=Punishment makes Eastern State Penitentiary=Ohio State Reformatory
11:16 it sounded more like NOT HAPPENING.
Ryan acts like hes on hes period
How do you guys sleep at night? XD
17:42 sounds more to me like "I hope"
What would we do without Shane
Poor Ryan, Shane freaks him out so much
I heard "Don't laugh at me"
Do the Hum sound.
The voice at 11:15 sounded like “Ry-an” to me. #shaneiacs
Ryan why are you so much of a baby when it comes to scare, haunted places? I mean I don't get scared I think it great to see off-the-wall place is haunted but u need to stay in a room more and ask more questions but remember to pause so they can answer
Ryan: This spirit box can pickup intelligent words that come from spirits and ghost GHOST: SPAGHETTI
Wind are always the reason for Shane maybe the wind is what are made of ghosts
4:57 that is me every night when I hear a noise
Can u guys explore the lighthouse in st. Augustine
"Gross nasal jet" lol
Can you do the phantom killer next please
Ok so I know everyone is like “Ryan is being so mean in this episode” but Shane FREAKING OFFERED RYAN’S DOG UP FOR SACRIFICE like i would be upset too
"Smell ya later" ROFL
Shane looks like iron man
Did anyone hear something at 19:18 to 19:19
The ghost box around the end there sounds like something you would hear at a rave
You guys should go to the amytavile house (Sorry if i spelled it wrong) or go to the conjuring house
I hear “I hope not” instead of “I am not”
Now the answer is are ghosts real?
Ryan is so mean to Shane sometimes. If i didn't think they were acting, I'd say Ryan is jealous of Shane's comedic ability. He's so funny, but is never mean to Ryan as a person. Maybe to his theories, but never his person. Ryan is constantly ragging on Shane's quips and appearance. Hes jealous!
19:05--19:10 that was a very nice interval
To me when Ryan was in the cell alone it sounded like the box said "Man this warden sucks"
Wooow Ryan’s so brave now :))
Shane was a good sport throughout the video .I would had acted petty af
You guys need to go to Moundsville Penitentiary
Omg I saw a face at 30:15 in the ceiling I’m freaked out
Not only was Ryan being a little bit off, but Shane was too. Especially in the chair room.
I always watch these late at night. I need to go watch a family vlog now
27:30 "Hello Ryan"
“Jesus- Is Jesus here???” Dead.
5:07 just behind Shane
My name is jeff hehe
At 11:16 it sounds like he’s saying go Ryan
Are you FUCKING kidding me! Lol
The sass from ryan in this episode is
Smell you later.
Ryan seems so snappy and it hurts because he’s never really snappy :(
Shane: *looking for Ryan in a crowd* Shane: *shrugs* desperate times call for desperate measures ‘Ghosts aren’t real!’ Ryan:’I WILL SHOW YOU THESE AUDIO RECORDINGS’
It hurt me to see them argue like that... I hope their friendship isn’t in a bad state right now, they’re like my two of my favourite people
11:16 I hear "Don't talk to me"
Wooo Ohio!
I’m in ohio
scary 10:50
When they were talking to James it sounded like “don’t laugh at me” but that’s just what I heard
You guys should go to Suicide Bridge in L.A.
I think I heard Emmaline from the machine thingy that Ryan used while he was in the cell
Ryan: “just freaking out” , Shane: “This place is quite the charm” :3
I say, the harmony was on fleek!!
Shane has me dead all the time with his jokes
I live in Ohio and I go up to Mansfield all the time since that's where my mom grew up, it so cool to know that they've visited the reformatory too!
If you had to spend eternity as a ghost in fucking Ohio you'd be pretty restless too.
U should come to Chile, instituto nacional is probably one of the most haunted places here, plus is full of kids cause is a school. Tiene catacumbas :D
when did Ryan become so sassy LOL
When he forgot the box tho
At 17:46 it sounds more like a whispery “I hope” than a “I am not” , and sounded almost like someone said it under their breath.
Go visit Sudeley Castle in England! There were reported sightings of ghosts by the maids who worked there.
they should go to the anti-facsist prison in Turin, Italy
*hears a strange noise* Shane: its the wind *sees a floating demonic head* Shane: its the wind
"They dont like the tumb talk"
Maybe the chapel is keeping IN the ghost.
I visited my aunt who lives in Ohio and figured I'd do one of the tours they do here. The tour I did was the movie-oriented one and not the ghost one, but it was still insanely creepy. I had the opportunity to be locked in the solitary confinement cell briefly. I've never had a problem with being claustraphobic but that made me immmediately feel like I was suffocating. It was the weirdest creepiest thing I've ever experienced and would love to go back.
Imagine! Halen was there and as they smelled, she farted
Shane and Ryan are the most amazing pair in a supernatural show.
They should have left a camera in the chair room to see if the chair moves
i thought there was only one chair in the chair room... there was two
10 people in one solitary confinement cell..... That's not solitary confinement
Bro give Ryan a break, hes probably fucking stressed out
Ryan is so feisty in this episode!!!
“If you turn on those lights, you’ll go to heaven.”
I didn't like the thumb talk either
the best buzzfeed videos
“that wasn’t bad” HECK YES IT WASNT that was the greatest harmonizing I’ve ever heard
I think the main reason why Ryan was being do rude in this video is because of the spirits feeding on his energy. Think about it he’s the most vulnerable and this is very unlike him. I’m spooked
All these people that they talk to are probably not communicating with them bc they are to busy laughing
I heard “I am not” as “I hope not,” and legit thought it was Ryan muttering it before I found out it was EVP.
So, I gotta know. Is Jesus there or not?
27:16 the jails name is MICHAEL. OOOOOOOOOOH
I swear I heard the word "help" or "no" at around 10:54
This place reminds me of the setting out Outlast
I really enjoy the static cams I think they can provide some interesting evidence, I love how with every next season they get more and more prepared.
whats with the static camera
“ this is going to be a long night “ *SLAM* “ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!
Did Shane eat another Spicy Airport hotdog he looks pale or is it just that I’m tired and just woke up?!
It sounded like it said “don’t talk to me”
Ok but as someone who lives 10 min away from there let’s me just say you need to come back to the reformatory in October for the Halloween tour- that’s when that place gets real.
I feel attacked
I think your machine actually picked up radio music
At 11:00 ish did any one else here “don’t laugh at me” from the spirt box
BuzzFeedBlue I went to the Ohio State reformatory for a school project in fourth grade lol
Check out 24:24 when Shane turns off the light, there’s a little window and it looks like 2 faces appear, I know it’s all in my head but it’s still creepy
I heard förlåt ( the Swedish word for sorry ) when they said No Escape
At 15:51 there is one chair but at 16:38 there's two? Wtf? Am I the only one seeing this?
air forse wan
They actually do a good job, research and searching for truth. I love the fact that Ryan is a believer and Shane isn't. Reminds me of my boyfriend and I. He isn't a believer, but I am. I'm enjoying the videos, it's pretty good.
Getting a lot of Ricky vibes from Ryan this episode.. Don't like the sight of a jail, do we, Ricky?
Oh great... I don’t to far from there...
Ryan gets slammed to the ground by a demon Shane: “Woooo the wind is strong today!”
It'd be nice if they'd go somewhere in Asia
wow i love this twenty one pilots video
Don’t you think telling them you have a camera and that they’ll get caught on film increases the chance that they won’t show themselves? Is that just me?
Well grammatically “I am not” would mean “I am not Jesus” in that situation
11:14 s2g heard "don't laugh at me" i'm shitting my pants atm
I live in Ohio and I would love to visit this place along with the bellaire house
Smell you later... Creased.
Ok, so see the music at 17:18, one time I switched my laptop on, and that music started playing
i love how every time they use the little communicator thingy, shane gets so irritated with it and he's like man, even to james?
That was beautiful harmonising
Maybe it is a Mexican spirit named Jesus
I love his scepticism it is so funny and bluntly accurate haha
I heard "I hope" in the chapple
I heard "I hope"
Shane x Ryan anyone??
i thought it said " I Hope "
27:31 ‘hey Ryan’
27:25 ‘ain’t good’
LOL Shane sounds like Markus giving a speech from Detroit when they were in the chapel
The "I am not" recording sounded more like "I hope" to me but maybe that's just me. Maybe it was a prisoner hoping for God or Jesus?
Anyone else here from Mansfield Ohio
Ghosts are real and Shane’s gonna die
the ghost that said “i am not” is a stray kids stan
“If you turn that light on you’ll go to heaven “ lmfaoooooo I hate Shane
11:15 “dont laugh at me”
Maybe the dude in the chapel name is Jesus
Ryan you have been to so many prisons will u please go fucking watch Shawshank Redemption, how have you not seen that film, its a masterpiece!
what's with ryan this episode
When the spirit box said “good” my mind was just like “FRAMED THAT GHOST WAS FRAMEEEDDDDD” but I might be wrong.
when they were looking for James i heard the voice say “there’s something”
Can they expose their camera man??
I heard don't laugh at me like if you agree
21:53 Shane is the ghost
*Deadass Im like Shane, I’ll just cuss them out
Question: Why THE FK is there still power to this building?? reference to 21:36
Ryan is getting hella ballsy this season.
Ohi Alam osrs
11:15 sounds like "don't laugh at me" in my opinion.
when shane tried to blow the cabinet closed, i lost it
11:14 *dont laugh at me*
RYAN! At 2:00 that was SO MEAN TO SHANE ): Say sorry!!! You guys are friends!!! Be nice omg my heart breaks for Shane
I just gotta say, loving Shane's hair at around the 18:10 mark.
The long voice box thing they argued about sounded like “we’re not going to do that” to me
I know Ryan probably apologized after seeing how he was acting, I know when I'm scared I get extra annoyed and feisty, also it could have been his aura he probably felt extra nervous and the ghost fed into it causing him to be so snappy idk either way he better have apologized!
OKAY 17:43 IS LIKE SOME LAUREL YANNY CRAP you can hear “I am not” and “I hope” both super clearly, but can’t switch between the two easily
When y'all said "I'm turning on a device that you can talk to us" At James's cell I heard a voice say "no
I like how you tell history then go to the show part then tell more history and repeat. Its refreshing
Outlast irl?
i wanted them to go back and check on the chair
some thing says no at 10:53/ 31:21
turn on cc it easier to here
The "I am not" sounded a hell of a lot like "I hope."
shane is my dad
Sounded a lot more like "I hope" instead of "I am not"
Ryan and Shane are my favourite comedic duo
I did a stretch there for writing a bad check to Pizzahut. I only eat Papa Johns now.
27:43 "21st ward" is what he said
27:17, says Michael not pyscho
29:21 thought that was a little dancing saxophone ghost ffs
a ghost appears at 31:23
19:00 halo theme song
1:54 sassy smol child, also 8:48
You need to use the spirit box more!
10:52 wtf was that?
At 27:15 I don't think the ghost/spirit says "physco", personally I heard "Vicov". Which I learned is a village in the Czech Republic. so the ghosts are czech.
28:36 reveal yourself michael from Vsauce walks in frame "hey vsauce michael here"
11:19 "not happening"
*oR iF yOuR bUsY nOw,We CaN sMeLl YoU lAtEr!* *~Shane* *(wheeze) I think I died of laughing too hard*
this is where shawshank redemtion was filmed
I don’t like it how Ryan gets so rude and arrogant to the spirits and ghosts and stuff once’s he done the scariest part of the place. I get why he gets cocky and why he’s so elated when he’s done the scariest part, but he doesn’t need to mock the spirits when he’s leaving. I completely get why he acts like that, it’s just bothersome.
Honestly, I hear "I hope not" rather than "I am not"
I feel like it's saying "air force one conduct"
At 27:08 it gave me chills!
How come they never went and checked out the chair room again, just to see if the chair moved at all
Any got the link to the turd photo on Instagram?
It sounds like the person outside the chapel says, "I hope not" to "Is Jesus here?"
**Shane's respectful season** Shane: "If you turn on those lights, you'll go to Heaven."
I didnt hear "I am not." I heard "I hope not."
It’s so cool
I slowed it down and the ghost said “Don’t Laugh at Me” not monopoly lol it starts At 11:15
“Is Jesus Here?”
I feel like ghosts don't come out when they know they're being recorded
Look at how big of a prison they are in and tell me you wouldn’t be scared too. Ryan is just scared and terrified and it explains his moody behavior.
I feel like they have a ton of spirits following them..
when they were in the room of the guy who burned himself alive, the radio definitely said "dont laugh at me"
I have been there and It was so scary!!!
I feel bad for James. He was sentenced to fifteen years, so he killed himself, hoping to escape that Hellhole, but then ended up trapped there for all time. That's a horrible situation.
Why is Ryan so angry?
All Solitary units are referred to as the Hole. Also, it's common to see up to 3 people in a cell when in the Feds.
Ryan: let's see what that is!! Shane: (shaking his head) 5 minutes later Ryan: who's there
*LEVI* aot fans? XD
At 19:19 You can hear a clank and at 19:21 you can clearly see an orb go across the screen
Its not “I am not” but “I hope not”
I want u to solve the mystery of why the girls at my school don't want to go out with me
“Well if your busy now I’ll smell you later!”
I just wonder how the camera man feels about this...
At 28:40 after Ryan stops talking does anyone else here a whisper?
When they moved the chair they should have left and then later they should have checked on it to see if the "ghost" moved it.
oh never mind i just finished the video
Jeez I’m sorry you had to be in Ohio in the winter
Did anyone else here a whisper growl of “No!” at 10:52?
*all cabinets close and open repeatedly*. Shane: that’s what cabinets do sometimes
27:32 “hello ryan”
goddammit roland
They should do the devils hole in new jersey
It’s like ghost adventures but funny
Ryan: *gets thrown off building* Shane: oh, he must have tripped.
These guys need to come to Connecticut!!! Crazy, haunted, abandoned town that just radiates creepy vibes before you even get close.
What are the Static cameras for?
When they were talking to James I swear to god I heard “Shane” There was another time where I thought I heard “hi Ryan” after you asked to repeat your name.
27:30 To me it sounds like "Hello Ryan".
This series has gone down hill
27:15 I heard Vicose... My youtube channel name is Vicos3 (obviously) and my name is ryan. Too much coincidence
"i am not" - i heard something before they rewound and showed us what they picked up, i heard "i hope" and that to me is pretty scary tbh because they're asking if Jesus is there and the ghost is hoping he is - maybe they're looking for salvation and redemption from their crimes as they're in the chapel!
Bro I'm from Ohio and my mom goes there to hunt ghosts
You REALLY need to visit Idaho Old State Penitentiary ( ) ....It's calling you....
There was somewhere in the 19:00 min section where I saw a little white dot go across the screen!
Shane: *sees an actual fully visible ghost* “BuT iTs a HoLOgRaM!!!1!!1!2”
The voice at 17:40 sounds like "i don't know". Also, at 27:31, it says "hello Ryan".
Oh man, thought this was a re-watch for me, but apparently every other time I've tried to watch this episode I've fallen asleep
When asked if Jesus is here “I Am Not” I heard “l Hope”
11:15 “Don’t laugh at me”
Go to the Santa Fe prison in New Mexico. That place is fucked
Shane is a very funny person
24:36 Its nice up here, i like it 25:02 *ifuckinghatethisplace*
20:28 welp
“Hop on me I’ll give you a ride all the way back to sunny Los Angeles” gladly
That lady was murdered or killed herself. Guns dont just go off when you drop them
If it's a reformatory, why does the title say penitentiary?
16:30 trandion Indian dance
How does he not care about Air Force One??
You need to add a jump scare or 2. Maybe during the static video?
At 11:15 the voice is clearly saying don’t laugh at me
at 17:42 I actually hear " I hope" LOL
19:6 this is actually really beautiful
Lol their sense of humor is to great
I feel like Shane was genuinely scared in this
“Now there is a LOT of wind”
Ok when Shane asked if Jesus was there and the spirit responded to me it sounded like it said "I hope." instead of "I am not."
11:14 *"DONT LAUGH AT ME"*
I... did not expect Ryan to be a bass.
Do one on Lars Mittank
24:11 - 16:07 .......Shane
"well if there's anyone here, my name Shane" Lmao
19:06-19:11 beautiful! haha
11:14 "Don't Laugh At Me"
Should do some unsolved cases in Australia, particularly ward 21 in morriset!!
I thought it said “ I hope” not “ I am not”
The harmony was
17:04 sounds like a child laughing!?
In James’ cell, after they heard the classical music, the voice sounded like it said the words “classical music” back at them
you guys should go to myrtles plantation in st francisville louisiana !! i’ve been there, something pulled my hair
At 17:47 it doesn't sound like "I am not". To me it sounded like "I own you" which, in my opinion, is either terrifying or kind of funny...
Shane is the suburban white Dad who says ‘this move is good for us’ and ignores everyone telling him the house is haunted until he gets dragged off and killed
I would like to meet their camera guy who is silent, but appreciated
10:55 you can hear a man say help
11:30 James"not happenin"
17:35 sounds a LOT more like "I hope" and not at all like "I am not." Just sayin'
19:07 they where actually pretty good
I get the feeling that Helen's death might not have been an accident? Idk anything about the real story or anything but the gun firing when it fell on the floor seems like a really unlikely situation. It's probably possible, but I think it's also possible she might've just committed suicide and the story about the accidental discharge was a coverup.
Ryan needs a hug in this video :(
I heard 'don't laugh at me' so quick theory. What if James committed suicide because his cell mates made fun of him coupled with the fact he probably still had like 7 years to go on his sentence
BuzzFeedBlue hey buzzfeed I was wondering if you guys have investigated Villisca Iowa ask murder house yet ?? If not you guys should really check it out you can look it up on YouTube ☺️ I would love to see that video
ohio is fucked. the weather is so bad, the people are hella annoying, its always humid or cold, the only good thing we have is cedar point. it was cedar point and the cavs but we all know where that went... straight to la.
Ryan and Shane, you guy's are fucking hysterical! Love your videos guys, Keep up the great work!
I was damn sure that voice right as they entered the chapel said "I hope so" rather than "I am not"
Ryan is being so brave and cocky and agressive.... wtf manz
I want chocolate milk
You gotta love those places that start with good intentions and end up turning into hell because they couldnt afford it
Ghost always speak in a what we don't understand sometimes
27:31 it sounded like it said Emily
Rayan is agressive ..... he's been affected !
I am glad I live in Mansfield Ohio. We have a lot of haunted places and amazing Greek food from Athens.
17:49 Oh, come on, it sounded like Michael.
Did Shane say that No or was that what I think. Anyone else hear it
I'm pretty sure that the voice that they heard at 11:10 was saying : Don't Laugh at Me. I dunno, I'm just thinking that's what I heard.
I feel like I am watching someone play Outlast lol
I shouldn’t have watched this at night
Ryan: in room on his own Shane: I Ryan is doing a thing Ryan: does the thing
The cell part for Solitary seemed to say names, maybe fellow inmates? The names were Michael, Anthony, Emalia.
It's a bit reminiscent of Toluca Prison in Silent Hill 2, with all the decaying walls and such.
aww, poor shane when ryan cut him off while talking about air force 1
liked for the harmonies
The boys seemed really snappy at each other this episode like truly mean instead of friendly teasing
When they heard “I am not” it sounded more like “I hope”
this is the most savage ive seem ryan in his episodes
Mansfield is my hometown
That harmony was on point tho
for the i am not thing it sounds more like i am and then just a bump
When Ryan asked if they could name the prison I heard “I can’t” not psycho
the voice says "I hope"
When the “ghost” said “ I am not”, I thought it said “I hope”
17:47 i heard i own 'em or them
when the phantom says i am not i hear i hope not
Finally. That place is terrifying and way to close to where I live. Good to know the bois checked it out.
They hear a lot of radio static and stations tbh
17:46 Man those ghost most be fans of stray kids
If you turn on them lights you’ll go to heaven
Whill you do Clinton road ? Like if you agree
Very rude Ryan . Just because because he was making a movie reference why are so triggered. It was funny and you cut him off
who the hell is that at 20:13
Is this a fake video
He says thermopoly but i heard not happening? 11:16
24:31 man he depressed
I wonder how bored or scared the camera person is while filming these videos...
Totally agree with Shane... no such thing as ghosts. Here's an idea...try turning that ghost box to a higher frequency so you don't get all that random radio chatter. Maybe then you'll hear a "real" ghost chat.
Come to Parma Ohio it has one of the most haunted place in Ohio it called Parma dale
U guys come visit us in the worst season
Hold up wtf. Does no one eles see the pale white face smiling near the door when Shane turns off his light at 2424
I’ve done a ghost hunt here and a daytime tour. It’s beautiful but terrifying. I saw things during the ghost hunt I won’t forget. There’s so much history there and it’s amazing to see it. I recommend doing a tour! Any history buffs, ghost enthusiasts, and fans of the movie Shawshank Redemption should check it out!
Ryan is especially snappy this episode. it made me want to punch him. This is why I’m a shaniac I SHALL PROTECC LEADER SHANE lol
Im in Ohio for vacation and Im like 2 hours away from that thing...good thing I actually live in Los Ángeles.
“Smell ya later!”
I should of met him he is not far from where I live
There were two chairs in the chair room
Shane is kind of an idiot, the fact he ignores constant evidence.
He Sead font laugh at me or monopoly idk
At 17:23 at the left hand corner of the screen there is an objet that starts to slowly leave the frame as Ryan and Shane were going up the steps
11:14 Clearly "Dont laugh at me."
How did they get the shot at 7:52? I mean, did someone actually go ahead to the upstairs and shoot? I can't imagine what is it like for me to have even a half of the courage of these people.
When he was in the cell I heard Ryan
why is ryan so aggressive in this video
Does Ryan look kinda annoyed in this episode at Shane don’t you agree ?
Is Roland here in the comments??
11:05 "not happening"
Bruh when they started "harmonizing" in the chapel I laughed so hard because 1) it wasn't half bad and 2)I did NOT expect Ryan to be lower than Shane for some reason. Like I wasn't expecting that ahahahah
Instead of psycho I heard 'Michal'
Shane: *dies and becomes a ghost* Also Shane: “ghosts aren’t real.”
When they heard "I am not" I heard "I hope"
This is the bravest Ryan has ever been
This is the funniest ghost hunt ever
lmao for that ghost voice at around 18:00 i heard "i hope not" which i find to be much funnier than "i am not"
I live 10 minutes from there. A must see for all. Many movies shot here and music videos.
1426 Shane
Was Mothman in the opening???
If u turn on those light u will go to heaven
Is Jesus here? *sorry hun but Jesus isnt*
I wanted the demon to yeet the chair honestly
I live in Ohio , and my grandfather worked as a guard at Ohio state penitentiary!
At 16:41 there are 2 chairs in the room
Be sure to follow the bois on instagram!