Top 5 cloud cyber security certifications

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hello guys and welcome back to my YouTube channel and one of the reason you might be watching this video is me just joking most probably you want to start a career in booming field of cloud security and take my word this is the best time ever and why first Enterprise I.T spending on public cloud computing within addressable market segments will overtake spending on traditional I.T in 2025. this is according to Gardner by

2025 51 of it spending in these four categories will have shifted from traditional solutions to the public Cloud compared to 41 in 2022. almost two-thirds 65.9 percent of spending on application software will be directed thirds Cloud Technologies in 2025. now according to a study of burning glass Technologies name protecting the future the fastest growing cyber security skills the demand for cloud security is estimated to grow by 115 between 2020 and 2025. so let's not waste any further time and begin [Music] so first thing first I will not be wasting your time and my time actually talking about the cost of the examination the duration the number of questions the number of years experience required etc etc etc all of that you guys can do easily and find information on the respective website and I will provide the link in the description below so no need to to search it however I will talk to you about the information that you will not find anywhere else because that's where I think I can bring a value and if you will stand until the end of the video I'm going to share my best advice on which Cloud security set you must go for so definitely something to worth waiting for but one thing this video is for entertainment and educational purposes I am not sponsored by any organization and recommendation for the top five Cloud security certificates are based only on my experience in the cyber security domain and my view the goal is to share some advices with youngsters and people that would like to make a shift in their career in order to try and help making the right decision in my opinion This Cloud security cells can certainly help you Skyrocket your career like any rocket launch it will certainly not be easy but I assure you the view will be worth the effort once you are on the moon actually I like this statement let's see again the the rocket launch so on the fifth certification we've compare Cloud plus we are living in an era where data is everything right a CompTIA Cloud plus certification announces your expertise and validates the skills required to deploy an automate secure Cloud environment necessary to support the high availability and security of Business Systems and data so here are a few things I would like you to know before we talk about why you should go for CompTIA Cloud plus certification first thing CompTIA Cloud plus is the sole Performance Based ID certification that considered cloud-based infrastructure Services as critical to it system operations irrespectively of the platform so in a nutshell it's a platform agnostic second the computer Cloud plus certification equips you with skills in Cloud security eye level cloud architecture and design Cloud deployment operation and support and troubleshooting issues related to cloud computing so who should go for CompTIA Cloud Plus so if you have five years of experience in the it domain you are eligible to acquire the computer Cloud plus certification but note that you must have two to three years of working experience in Information Technology a system analyst or system administration type of all second would you like to know what kind of jobs you can get with this computer Cloud plus certification you have job opportunities like Senior Systems administrator senior network engineer and Senior network administrator Cloud project manager Cloud engineer Cloud specialist and system engineer so why this certification is number five in my list I think first CompTIA is quite an old and established organization still it has yet to build its name equivalent to Sans isc2 and isaca especially in asean APAC email regions second it is intermediate career cell that enables candidate to upgrade their qualification and enhance the utility to the organizations but in a theoretical way this is no actual ends on lab certification Fair the third is valid for three years from the exam date so you will have to ensure to renew it by updating your knowledge proof activities and training related to your certification content definitely it can be a minus it can be a plus because you are closing your Gap but this is something you must know solve this certification mainly focuses on cloud security fundamentals Cloud resource related automation processes cloud backup restore operations and business continuity and Disaster Recovery in the cloud the CompTIA Cloud plus is a job role-based certification that covers all Cloud Technologies regardless of the platform and vendors so I hope by now you have got some Fair idea of why CompTIA plus is at number five so let's jump on the next one at number four number four is ccsk which means certificate of cloud security knowledge and this is a certificate that is widely recognized as a little higher than basic but a great certification in Cloud security expertise this one of the best search I've recommend you to start your journey in the cloud why wait I will come to that later in a few seconds so with more organizations migrating to the cloud there is tremendous scope for Information Security Professionals the certification is perfect as it provides a cohesive and vendor neutral or CSP agnostic understanding of how to secure your information Assets in the cloud so if you are looking for an additional qualification in Cloud security you can do well to acquire the ccsk however the first thing to note is that ccsk is the idle certification that can provide you with the knowledge to develop a holistic Cloud security program that can stand up to Global squanty developing the best practices for a shared responsibility model in the cloud has become essential because incidents or of data breaches to malicious insiders are increasing ccsk covers critical Cloud security areas like data encryption IAM Pam shared responsibility model which is super important in my view Cloud incident response and application security CSK could be the first step for the acquiring better qualification like ccak certificate of cloud auditing knowledge cissp cism cisa Etc so we should go for ccsk and are you looking to increase your employability coordinate so get your ccsk because this certification enables you to feel the skill Gap especially if you are a cloud certified professional second you are the right person to go for the ccsk If You Belong To The Rare Breed of cyber Security Professionals like security engineer compliance manager seesaw Security Consultants or analyst cyber security analyst a security architecture Enterprise architecture system and journey and Security administrator five minutes later why is this certification on number four you may ask and I told you in the beginning that this is one of the best search I'd recommend to start your journey in the cloud and here are a few reasons you seriously want to know about it interestingly many few people know that ccsk is an open book exam but still challenges a candidate understanding of cloud security Concept in depth CSA is a well-established name in the cloud security space Also CSA CCM the cloud controls metric is used by many multinational companies and organizations and the exam covers many aspects of it fourth the ccsa's star program star is an assessment from CSA that stands for security trust assurance and risk and is popular among organization is leveraged by many mncs now while the minimum passing score is 80 percent you have two attempts to clear the course within two years time the ccsk course covers various topics in Cloud security that include governance and Enterprise risk management compliance and audit management and incident response and application security third one is gcsa and Gia Cloud security automation or C cak certificate of cloud auditing knowledge and we have come to number three on this list of best cloud security certifications for skyrocketing your career and what do we have here and we have a tie actually between Gia Cloud security automation the gcsa and certificate of cloud auditing knowledge the cca-k so basically the gcsa is a comprehensive course that covers Cloud Security Services the latest Dev security Ops practices security Automation in the cloud Etc is used for building and deploying and securing Cloud systems and application on the other hand the ccak ranks as the industry first Global auditing credential so if you have an aptitude for accounting risk management assurance and auditing the ccik should be to be your liking and first thing to note about ccak is that cloud ID auditing is crucial in any environment because it helps Cloud Security Professionals like you follow the right and ethical practices to secure the cloud infrastructure the cca-k is a higher qualification than the ccsk certification discussed earlier because it leverages the C csa's Cloud expertise and isaca's auditing power while combining the knowledge and practical experience in developing and delivering the best solution for cloud auditing education fell the ccik is for you if you are in a cloud security audit or control the assessment type of work so who should go for ccik if you have an accounting background and are working as an internal or external auditor you can enhance your value by earning the cca-k certification similarly the cca-k is an ideal platform for csos information security officers data protection and Chief privacy officers to move up the corporate ladder especially in these days and if you are working in a cloud security environment like compliance manager security and privacy Consultants procurement officers vendor program managers or sales and solution Architects the ccik certification can prove a stepping stone for the more fruitful career if you are a ccsk certificate holder the next step in your career should definitely be the cca-k certification so why is ccak at number three and the first reason is CSA has developed ccak in collaboration with isaca and both are well known and trusted Cloud security advisors in this space Also ccak offers guidance on cloudgrc governance risk management and compliance and at the same time it also explains how to leverage and operationalize csa's framework and best practices such as the cloud controls metric and their style program though the ccsk is not the ultimate course in Cloud security it does provide you with working knowledge of risk management and auditing around the cloud security controls you learn how to assess and evaluate risk in the cloud environment fourth this course provides you with a deep insight into governance issues and make you aware of the importance of compliance in the cloud environment and fifth ccak is an ideal certification course that enables you to know more about internal security and continuous monitoring so who should go for gcsa and compared to the ccik the gcsa is a different certification course and it has different requirements so if you work in public cloud or devops environment you are the ideal candidate for the gcsa and does it mean the auditor and risk management experts are not eligible on the contrary you are the most welcome to earn the gcsa certification as it helps you upgrade your qualifications third the beauty of gcsa is that you need not to be an auditing professional to be eligible for the course software architectures a operation engineer system administrator security analyst and Security Consultants can become more valuable to their organizations after obtaining the gcsa certification so why is gcsa at number three as well so giac is more multiple search in each security domain of which gcsa is one and gcsa ranks among the top Cloud security certifications because it covers a diverse range of areas like secure devops principles automating configuration management and continuous monitoring and delivery gcsa is also a mid-career certification that can take you close to the top Cloud Security Professionals this certification enhances your value as a cloud Security Experts by making you proficient in microservice security container security configuration management Cloud security monitoring and data protection and secrets management and number two again we have a tie and these are AWS security specialty and Microsoft Azure security Google professional Cloud security engineer and until now we have been discussing the the general Cloud security certification that can take you up to the middle management level in the industry but if you are ambitious and career-minded you should not stop by it acquiring the certification discussed earlier you should move into the rare field environments and acquire specific qualification according to the cloud service environment you're working so if you are comfortable with Amazon cloud service you go for the AWS certified security specialty by the way who is not comfortable with AWS right on the other hand Microsoft Azure security should be your priority if you wish to gain expertise in the Microsoft cloud Google professional should not be left out because you have the Google professional Cloud security engineer certifications to look up to so you have a very good options between these three hyperscales and the first thing to note is do not compare these three to each other because all three have a different difficulty levels however I have kept all at the same level by keeping in mind that everyone might be already walking with one specific CSP for example if you're already working in AWS for quiet time time it makes sense for you to go for AWS security specialty second these are Cloud platform specific certification and ends should not be compared against each other because there is variations third working knowledge in each of these three Cloud environments is essential if you wish to take up the respective certification courses so if your ambition is to reach the top in your respective Cloud security environment these certification courses can help you reach your destination quicker who should go for these search and would you be happy to hear that there are no prerequisites to becoming a Google Cloud security professional however it is better to have a minimum of two years of Industry experience including a year in designing and managing solution using the Google Cloud similar in this the case with Microsoft Azure security certification and practical experience in the administration of azure and hybrid environment should prove useful when enrolling yourself for this certification however the AWS certified security specialist requires you to have at least two years of Endzone experience securing AWS workloads besides you must have five years of I.T security experience and complete working knowledge of AWS security services so why is this certification ranked as number two and all these three certifications are technical so it requires you to have ends on experience with each Cloud security platform I see it as a very good thing compared to the certification courses discussed earlier this certification in visagio to do a lot of lab exercises in csp's free lab environment if you wish to establish yourself as a security specialist in a specific CSP domain this certification can pave the way to becoming indispensable to your organization I also believe that this certification can make you an authority on cloud Security in your respective environment hence you become a capable of making a trade of decisions regarding costs security and deployment complexity to meet various application requirements and this sets help you become proficient in IAM Implement platform protection manage security duration and secure applications and information assets if this certification can take you close to becoming an expert in Cloud security you must be obnoxious to know what lies ahead but all your losses as we reach to the final leg of our takeoff into orbit and reach the destination the Hidden Gem my best advice in this video so think of a combination of two or more sets if you really want to establish yourself as a two expert or professional in the cloud security space complement one knowledge base set in example ccsp with one ends on search either AWS gcp or Azure security and no one is asking you to stop if you own a fly eye you know what I mean so ccsp certified Cloud Security Professionals and there are no points for guessing the top Cloud security certification because the isc2 certified Cloud security professional the ccsp is a hands down winner by a mile ask any IT professional about what they plan to achieve next in their career and you will get an answer I wish to become a ccsp it is considered the ultimate Cloud security certification with almost all leading organizations globally accrediting recognizing and endorsing the isc2 ccsp certification in Cloud security how much does ccsp make and according to ISC to survey here are some stats and you can read the stats below and I will also leave a link in the description and the first thing to know do you know that the ccsp is the most sought after certification in 2021 annual salary survey listed by the certification magazine also isc2 is a well-established and respected brand in the cyber security space you can become an isc2 candidate even before becoming a fully certified and third ccsp occupies the prime position amongst other isc2 certification like cissp sscp cap csslp Etc and the ccsp certification has six domains Cloud concept architecture and design cloud data security Cloud platform and infrastructure security Cloud application security Cloud Security operation and legal risk and compliance and a certified ISC member becomes a part of the global community of certified cyber Security Professionals committed to inspiring a safe and secure world so we should go for ccsp and you should be eligible for the ccsp certification if you want positions such as cyber security manager information security or cyber security Auditors senior security analysts or Cloud security consultant however merely holding this position is not enough you must pass the examination and have a minimum of five views of cumulative work information in I.T three of these five

years should be in the field of information security and at least one in any one other or more domains of isc-2 CSP common Book of Knowledge but having the CSA ccsk certification can help you substitute one year's experience and reduce it to the two in the field of information security so that's that's a good tip might be do you know that earnings the ISC CIS speak credential allows you to skip the entire ccssp experience so why is ccsp Certification Number One I think I already mentioned it but we'll summarize very quickly the first reason that makes it so popular and acceptable is the isc2 the ccsp certification is one of the first few sets in Cloud security spaces for the ccsp is one of the most challenging certifications among the ones listed here because it's very low pass rate and requires serious cloud security and controls understanding fourth almost this could be called the cissp of cloud computing the ultimate certification in Cloud security and finally I have some great news for you the ccsp certification enables you to belong to the is salary earning bracket in your industry so let's sum it up five four three two one becoming a certified Cloud security professional by acquiring these five high quality certifications depending on your field of expertise each of these certifications as its difficulty level and qualification conditions however through Cloud Security Professionals should look forward to upgrading their knowledge by acquiring these certification we believe that this certification can help you reach the Pinnacle in your respective Fields so go ahead and reach the top I wish you all the best please keep supporting me and enable to me to create more meaningful videos that could go on to benefit many others thanks so much and have a great day


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