I call it the good future as a theme in my work because good is not just about financial success or Prosperity if you are my age good means successful hardworking Prosperity growth right if you the age of my son who is 35 Prosperity is also good right but you also think of people the planet the purpose and we're in the middle of this huge shift in what actually good is defined and how we can Define good on a global level we will have 10 billion people right so this is a key question what is good you know what is a good City look like what is a good real estate development strategy look like and all of that is changing because of what we see around how can I brighten your day today okay yeah so I'm going to show you um a selfie of what I look like and then I'd like you to try to see emotions I'm feeling based on how I'm looking sounds like a fun challenge go ahead and show me that selfie and I'll put my emotional detective hat on okay so here's me so what kind of emotions do you think I'm feeling H it seems like I'm looking at a picture of a wooden surface this is Chad jpt you can speak to Chad jpt and I think it's actually Scarlet Johansson right pretty close is this good or is it heaven or is it hell if you can speak to a machine the machine can speak to you the Comm the machine can pretend to be another human we can eventually marry the machine like in the movie her right is that good or bad is technology going to help us in that future or where is it going it's helping me a lot you know I before any engagement that I do now I go to chat GPT I ask questions about the future of this is quite obviously the future of PR uh and you can see how good the machine is it has half finished cars broken down sidewalks cars going backwards you know Minor Details right so uh this is how good the machine is today but basically this was done by a graphic artist yeah but it's also very interesting when you see the future vision of what cities look like a little bit reminds of that movie with Tom Cruz you know the what's it called deterrence or something uh basically you have this idea of having PA having green sustainability and of course being very rich to have those kind of places uh just two days ago Elon Musk came up with a big event about his robotex he calls this the robo van but he says Robo van I don't know quite Robo van right uh where's the Rob Van okay there it is um that he showed to the world and of course in true Elon Musk fashion it was fake right so the M the people driving the robot were actually remote controlling it you know wasn't driving itself I guess that's how you do a safe demo uh and then we have many places like Saudi Arabia you know that are dreaming of the future of cities in the wildest possible way this is what you have to do when you're in Saudi Arabia yeah uh but the imagination of City is is like it's truly like Hollywood yeah I think they hired some Hollywood people to design this new place called Magna with the most imaginative title straight out from Star Trek right so very interesting what happens here we have more serious sport SS like tooa in the US by a bunch of billionaires who are building a city in California from scratch right I mean mindboggling plans for that future we have of course all of the collage around the world we have a new way of thinking of how we're going to work with apple Vision Pro if you can ever try it you should it's pretty mindboggling if you're a developer you can dive into the future and pretend the city is already built around you it's only €4,000 EUR still so yeah to to buy this but I mean it's really been an experience uh to try Apple Vision Pro when if you want to think about the future I think it's quite clear where we are going and then again I used CH GPT to ask about the good future it shows me this as the good future right I'm like okay obviously you're a robot right and talking about a robot uh we do have our special friend here uh Mr Zuckerberg right and he says this about the future he says the metaverse you know the virtual reality place that he's building that's why the company is now called meta right uh it's about a time when immersive digital worlds become the primary way we live our lives to what I would say uh I'm not sure what you've been doing but there are some people who prefer real life yeah uh not the Digital Life and if that is true you're out of a job we won't we just need digital cities there and digital partners and Digital Sex and sorry all about all of those things right I call it the meta perverse yeah yeah cuz it's kind of like it's like really are you serious you I think for working it could be great if I'm a judge or a lawyer or doctor policeman you know I can look at the data like Minority Report great but for other reasons I'm not so sure so it's safe to say this is our key challenge the future is not like the past and the present in Europe we love the past right I'm from Germany where we we prefer the past maybe the present over the future because the future is uncertain and it can't be perfect yet in Switzerland where I live the future is a risk so we don't want to talk about it but I here to tell you that the future is unlikely to be like the present every single industry is completely changing to be completely different than the present the music industry doesn't sell records anymore very soon the farmer industry doesn't sell pills and it sells digital Therapeutics cars have become software so if you think that your business is going to stay here and just be faster you're mistaken and a lot of the uh change of course for this kind of uh Paradigm comes from the outside it doesn't come from the people in the business who changed the music industry Apple Spotify bunch of other companies who's changing the farmer industry not fer and Raj but gen and tech companies like that which is now owned by Raj of course right but basically this is what's happening all around us the future is not an extension of the present so if you here building a a glob development a real estate development that's going to be on the market in 10 years you have to think about the future you have to try to imagine what people want then rather than what they want now like ownership people my age want to own things my son doesn't even want to own a car the other one wants to desperately own a house it's just a cultural thing you know but it's changing completely and of course our world is also exponentially changing you can see this here if you take 30 steps in a linear way 1 2 3 4 5 you go across the room you take 30 steps exponential you go around the world and we're now in an exponential world the next 10 years will bring more change than the previous 100 years I don't know if you're ready for that we're talking about things that used to be science fiction becoming science fact I mean this device here now has 20 things on it that used to be somewhere else the bank the dating the music the films of course the phone right everything is in here now that used to be science fiction remember that Star Trek you know Communicator so that is what we're up against or with so I want to talk about the imminent kind of Paradigm changes that are happening as we move here the most important one is really the three waves of change and the first one is climate change okay climate change fortunately is something that we can solve we have the tech we have the science we kind of have the money we need about 9 trillion a year to solve this but you know like Co when there's an emergency we find the money and we are having emergency now we thought there was going to be emergency in 2040 but it's geing up much quicker climate refugees if it goes on like it does now two to 3% global warming you talk about 100 million climate refugees all coming to prag no just kidding but they they will all come to Europe you from the places that you can't live anymore 2 Dees warmer in India means you die outside you just die if you don't have access to air condition so this is all happening around us the next one of course is thinking machines artificial intelligence which are an extension of computing to where computers are no longer stupid think of it like that it doesn't mean that they're intelligent like us that's actually a very bad word because we have not really defined human intelligence yet you know it's very hard to to describe some people have emotional intelligence and social intelligence and kinesthetic intelligence the body computers have one kind of intelligence logic if you looked at the world only in logic how much of the real world would you see you know today people are saying where computer systems can realize 5 to 10% of the real real world 5 to 10% and eventually it'll be 20 or 30 but of course they only seeing facts and figures so this really important to keep in mind as we see this the last one is synthetic biology so in construction for example this is huge we're talking about recyclable concrete about new materials that can be brought up and down printed on demand all that stuff has been discussed for 30 years but it's finally happening right so now you can have a sustainable Airline fuel which is you know less than 1% of but we're developing it and you can have artificial meat grown in a lab I mean all again sounds like science fiction but it's happening so we have to keep that in mind what's happening here and we have to keep in mind that these are the people who are bringing the change it's not people like me I try but it's the Millennials you know people between 25 and 40 some of them in this room they're taken over from people My Generation they inheriting the money they are inheriting the politics and this will be a big deal because these people were in bad shape in covid and afterwards locked up now they're coming out so in the next few years we're going to see a lot of that taken over women coming into uh leadership positions much more than ever before uh the Millennials coming in tackling that wave and you can see the charts here as the money is Shifting the Millennials are getting into the money which means they're getting into the power so a lot of Millennials would never ever invest in oil and gas companies in fact many people that are studying now at University if they see the oil company recruiting at the University they complain right because for them the oil and gas business is a crime Zone I mean this is completely the My Generation we kind of ignored it you know because it was doing other things that we liked Millennials also were like a different way of living you know I don't know whether this is going to be an interesting way of living but uh you got to have a nice boat to live there I suppose but the paradigms are changing number one we go away from the obsession with economy making money to obsession with having a planet and of course they not contradictory necessarily right it's a question of objective and which where we going the energy is going from carbon to clean in the next decade so there's many things that many cities are doing for example in Beijing you can't register a regular motorcycle it has to be electric because in China you can do anything because the state just describes it and and then it happens so be much more harder to do here the other Paradigm is happening in the culture we're going from the sort of Boomer Centric My Generation to Millennial Centric and Millennials are already like j z Global Citizens yeah they may be Czech people or German people but they think of themselves as being part of a global thing and the world is kind of at their picking and so work is also shifting we're going from physical work to digital world so if you're working in an office you know you already are digital in the future we could be anywhere the only reason we go to work is to actually see people not to see more computers and so the digital work thing is really exploding it has of course to do with what happened in Co but now we're in this change phase and look at this like an iceberg you know where we're going up this curve at today where all the old stuff is going away and the new stuff isn't here and so Millennials dramatic geopolitical changes technological disruption economic paradigms climate change emergency all at the same time so what that means for us crisis confusion challenges bizarre behavior like the vote in Germany the other day so of course people when they are fearing for their future they vote for simple people simple answer simple question simple solution all wrong but find out later and this is what we see on a global level we see this change Paradigm really in a very in a really big way changing absolutely everything by 2030 we're going to switch to this new economics it has been described by the guy who just won the Nobel Prize for economics I for forget his name the MIT guy um in a different way basically we're switching into a new paradigm of words about the four piece people planet purpose and prosperity not just Prosperity if we pursue the course of just Prosperity we're going to be finished by 2050 not just with climate change because we're going to start using machines for jobs that humans do and when we have machines with an IQ of 5,000 we become the second intelligent species which basically means it's finished right and we do that all because it makes money so we're going to think about things a little bit differently and I think this is a major Trend that we're seeing around the world this Mega Challenge from economy to climate you can see in this statistic here what we have achieved mostly my generation the last the last 25 years right we had this industrial economy starting here invention of the steam engine and boom pollution up temperature up just up up and up the last 25 years years we've added 50% of global emissions in 25 years imagine if we go another 25 years we're going to add 5,000% in emissions I mean that obviously would not be survivable so this whole Paradigm is now coming down to one thing what we have to do because we cannot Envision a future to where we don't grow I mean think about a future like degrowth right the concept degrowth means no children no travel no fun no certain kind of fols M vegetarianism basically for everybody and it means reducing everything we do to keep the emissions down what we need to do instead and of course we have to have some degrowth like cruise ships we don't need cruise ships but we have to be able to decouple the growth the wide line from the emissions that's the key build more houses have more Transportation fly but differently that's where all the money should be going of course there are some instances where we can't keep growing clearly but what the club of Rome said 1972 we're going to have overpopulation 20 billion people no it's the opposite now Greece is shrinking because there's no people having kids many countries in Europe are shrinking only old people are left and all the the new kids are in Africa and you know that part of it is growing like crazy so that's basically what's happening as we look in this direction uh this kind of idea of decoupling the growth from carbon right it can be done it takes a lot of resources but we know how to do it it takes a lot of experimenting and pretty soon will this will be the standard truck it's hard to imagine it's like you know try to imagine Spotify 20 years ago people were like well I actually started to come like Spotify 20 years ago it didn't work CU it was too early so if you're in the car business today you got to Envision what the next generation will look like so let me introduce you to the three revolutions and exponential Technologies and a few other things first of course is the digital Revolution and this isn't new has been going on for 15 years but it's still going on digital transformation digitizing everything digit in construction one of the worst businesses in the world for uh taking advantage of digital tools construction mining all of those traditional businesses you now it's picking up like crazy so digitizing is mostly AI now and the second wave is the sustainability Revolution so that means that everything we do will be subject to gauging how good it is for the world and for going green the last one is the hardest the purpose Revolution and people ask him for something different a different bottom line goes with the waves I showed earlier but basically the bottom line is you know as if you look at this science fiction is becoming science fact in technology you want to upload your brain to the internet keep it around for later you can do that today it's complicated but in 10 years you can do it you can today freeze your body called cryonic cost €100,000 you can freeze your body and wake it up in 30 years when there's a better world in fact people are doing that over 100,000 people have done that with their kids that died I mean think about that for a second so that's true science fiction but we we're getting to a point where it's hard to say what is science fiction my Swiss colleague Bon picar Flew Around the World in a solar plane twice and everybody said if you do this you die it can't be done and it's becoming impossible the stock market Paradigm is changing because now I say sustainable is the new profitable because when you are sustainable people will buy from you more that they'll appreciate what you do it's a whole different ball game now that would take a few more years to play out but the last one is the most shocking one as I said earlier business as usual is dead or dying if you can still do business as usual consider yourself lucky but eventually it will end so the car companies are now heavily into shifting to electric vehicles but the story is not an easy story there's lots and lots of details there the companies that start from zero like Tesla they can do that much easier because they have no history they have no uh things that they have to think about so as we're go into this future with cities it is what I call Big blue not IBM technology big green and big purple purple is the color of humanity in Indian sagas so those are the three paradigms that we have to think about how do we transform digitally how do we go sustainable 100% And what do we do with humans what are cities for cities used to be for work what what happens when work is done by the machines for the most part and and we just kind of supervise them what if knowledge work is done by machines what if we don't have to work like we used to you know 12 hours a day and be in a city those are all paradigms that are being questioned right now and I think really it's this kind of holistic worldview that we need if you're in development today you have to think holistically which means those three things right you have to think circular and you have to think of human benefits and then you have to think about Prosperity right so obviously that's a tall order because now you have to expand the view and you have to do it 10 years ahead I mean 10 years ahead today exponentially we're talking about five or six times up the letter 4 8 16 32 and it's leaping in 10 years the world will be 200 times as different as today so these game changers are absolutely everywhere cloud computing human machine interfaces synthetic biology Quantum Computing all that stuff you hear about all the time and that's not even half of it much of it has been around we thought about 3D printing like 25 years ago but now it's finally happening now in countries like China and in the US people are 3D printing entire Villages they're pretty ugly but will improve right so it's actually happening construction you can 3D print a wall you don't have to actually pour it with concrete and it's still too expensive but the price will come down so the key question there is it could be heaven or it could be hell it could be hell if we use technology to look at everybody all the time and then to figure out how to make things better so in China for example you're constantly being filmed and and there's a social credit scoring system and all that stuff you know we probably wouldn't want that just to be more efficient it seems like a tall order but we have to think about this and then there are six things that are happening on top of all of that which is of course uh artificial intelligence genetic engineering synthetic biology uh Quantum Computing nuclear fusion and geoengineering so the companies or the countries that lead in one of those they kind of lead the world if you're leader in AI which is currently the US and China you know you have a lot of power if you're the leader in Ai and Quantum Computing and maybe genetic engineering of course they can also be used as Weapons right let's not forget people do that AI has been used as a weapon just recently to automatically kill people upon recognition without human supervision that's hardly the kind of progress that we would Envision obviously but this is happening on on a global scale so synthetic biology involves things that we can do with engineering that used to be in nature and that uh these materials are becoming substitutes for what we used before like wood or concrete or things like that right so we have 3D printing of course we have uh meat being printed in the lab lots of Investments here and this and it looks disgusting right but the idea of growing meat in a lab and then eating it but I did taste it the other day I couldn't tell the difference to like a regular hamburger or sausage a steak yes so Bill Gates has invested in here he says this meat is going to be one tenth of the price of regular meat in 10 years that's how we feed the world we can have one big skycraper making cultured meat for the whole city protein uh these things are happening left and right and so we have to think about how that could all change the way that we do things so um let's talk about artificial intelligence what could that do for your business what could it do for cities for construction in the near future first we're moving into a world where most of our thinking is now not good old industry automation people talk about industry 4.0 I talk about industry 5.0 which is an industry run by Ai and so every process from sales to R&D to research to building to to filing to you know complaining to all of those things we can get machines to help us as long as we don't ask them to make a judgment they're very bad with judgments but for example what I use a lot in my research I used to read all these books and PDFs to learn things now I upload an 800 page PDF to Google LM notebook so a great app from from Google I upload 800 pages of this crazy like blockchain PDF and then I ask Google notebook questions about the document and it makes a perfect summary for me one page and then I can still decide to read it so if you're a lawyer today doing a big real estate deal you upload if you can of course keep it secure right upload a 100 documents about real estate things and then you query the machine for overlaps and then you come up with ideas you can't really rely on it to be totally accurate but it it's definitely good input right it makes you faster makes you more efficient all that stuff is happening here so uh there's a saying for Mark Andre and software is eating the world from like 15 years ago and now ai is eating software well AI is kind of software now ai is a science really but everything we know about software is becoming intelligent now whether it's Salesforce or sap or you name it becoming intelligent so recognizing patterns understanding context one thing that AI will not do for the foreseeable future is reasoning yeah reasoning think about that for a second to reason about something you have to be able to make a judgment and you have to say that's not important for now or this is not true or you doubt this and you feel about that that's hard for machines reasoning that's why I don't think we should build machines that can do reasoning it strikes me as kind of a a failure from the beginning but AI is now a general appro as technology a GPT okay which means AI is like the printing press like electricity like the internet like cloud computing general purpose if you find a company today that's not using the cloud that's a very rare example 10 years ago people talking about the cloud being insecure and you know but everybody is in the cloud now it's effect of life so using intelligent machines becomes the fact of life as we go there you know it's a very simple description I mentioned earlier this idea of this four pieces right cognifit understanding things human augmentation making us faster like Google notebook virtualization like spatial Computing Vision Pro and automation but let's make no mistake the top level of you know automating what humans used to do is very difficult there's lots of reasons for this for example automating driving not really working it's kind of working but you know we don't see it in many places except for San Francisco where everybody hates those cars right um but these things are going to be great helps I mean if you're an architect you can get faster results you can augment your own for example language translation those are powerful tools so AI is a huge boost for city planning for development for Architects for policy makers and and these are all the pieces of these things I talked about cognifit augmentation virtualization and finally automation so we should look in this direction and say let's not worry too much about you know X Machina and black mirror and all the things you know about Ai and what open AI wants to do and so on and so on because on a day-to-day basis this is just smart software and the other thing is that to do this you need good data all AI projects start with good data if you have lousy data about your projects you get a lousy result on the AI so it all starts there having really good data I think is the starting point in so many ways so you can look at this in a very simple way and say really what AI is we stick the old business into what I call the cognify and out comes the new business smart farming SM smart agriculture smart retailing maybe even smart government you know who knows there's a chance for that I suppose so there we can say okay if we achieve that we already achieve 80% of what we can achieve because we can avoid waste pollution reduce energy that's even without switching the energy just the energy we use today we could make very big leaves here and so we have this world where that's basically becoming all part of every business model you know to cognify to understand to augment so we have to keep in mind when we do things like this in technology that the desired effect of Success is Not technology it's culture in Silicon Valley they always say culture eats technology for breakfast so what do you build nobody likes or you build for the wrong people or it turns out you just didn't know any better or you know you're completely off the mark in terms of you know migration patterns or whatever it is right these are cultural culture culture is an alive thing it's like a dish it's like cooking so that's important to remember the other thing that's important to remember is that societies are driven by technology but defined by Humanity nobody's going to buy from you anything if just because you have better technology they buy from you because what you stand for what you mean what the overall product offering is and how it all fits together we're going to go to again Apple vision Pro is a great example this is an app called Zillow you guys probably know Zillow it's a real estate app that you can look at houses prices it's very popular in the US and this Zillow app is using the Apple glasses where you can zoom into the house and take a look with your glasses on as if you were actually in the house like this so it's very powerful stuff this is a great way of course of building things as well not just reviewing things you can go inside you can take a tour and then you end up inside the house all in HD quality so when you think about this as a tool of understanding what goes on there you it's powerful stuff and eventually this device will not be like what apple looks at that today you know at this price point it will be completely different so an architect in 2030 will be like Tom Cruz a Minority Report hopefully not looking like this like the this apple thing with all giant headsets so we don't see each other anymore but in a different way so there's predictions about a AI agents helping us do our work like Siri but actually good so sir is kind of funky you know we use it it's for fun or Alexa so but this would be something that's a 100 times or a thousand times as intelligent so basically Thompson reuter is a legal company that does legal technology it says every professional will have their own a AI agent that you can send off to do things like investigate this bring me these facts talk to so and so you know book my dinner whatever find my girlfriend just book dinner uh all those kind of things right I played this already before so I I'll skip that so here is you know we're clearly going to see this emerging as sort of virtual assistance and then the question is you know autonomous robots performing task for us that could also be a little bit scary because you don't really know whether you can trust them but this is like Google Maps you know all of you use Google Maps do you trust Google Maps well the answer is sometimes yeah I mean if you use Google Maps here in prag you would probably look at them and say no no no this this can't be true it's stupid right you ignore Google Maps if you go to London and take a taxi a regular taxi not those you know Uber taxis you take a regular taxi you talk to the taxi driver he's using Google Maps he never looks at it ever just using it as a backdrop you know because he knows or she knows and so AI is kind of like this we use it as a tool and then sometimes we ignore it we ask questions we do different things right so that's an important point on our 25th year anniversary We Believe agent ai agentic ai I is the most important technology in the Enterprise and in the business World in contrast to chat Bots and co-pilots where they simply assist you yeah we now have ai agents that can work with you and take action on your behalf they have much deeper understanding of language they have reasoning capabilities they can adapt based on experience this is the futurist for Salesforce okay uh and Salesforce is of course a sales organization so there we can use AI to do things because the facts are pretty clearcut you know it's about offerings it's about matching it's about marketing it's about creating material it's pretty straightforward you but it's about more cultural things or ethical things it's much more complicated right so anything that's a commodity we're going to give to the machines so if your job is mostly commodity you are in trouble but the good news is most of us at least in this room you are knowledge workers right basically you don't work in construction and if you work in construction that's also quite good because it's very hard for a machine to be a carpenter it's maybe not that hard for a person to be a carpenter even though that's probably also true but for a robot to be a good Carpenter it's very complicated yeah because of the movements and the understanding and the context you know it's not like driving a vehicle around a race course so this idea of of robots in computers helping us like this I mean there are various cooking robots you can buy they run from 50,000 to a million euros for a cooking robot but then you know your daughter can relax while the robot is cooking but how realistic is that is it just sort of a a thing that we're looking at and the statistics show us that the humanoid robots the robots that are like humans right their cost is going like this humanoid robot means you can tell the robot do XYZ and the robot knows how to do it construction mining that's going to happen but only those jobs that are clearly predictable you know that are clearly isolated from thinking we should remember what's happening with self driving cars this is science fiction well wishful thinking I mean even the other day I was in in San Francisco I took one of those cars and and you know the car kind of drives like a snail like most Americans do but it it's just part of the environment I mean this would never work in prag or in Florence or never mind beut you know so would have an accident every 4 seconds yeah so this is useful but is it a good destination or do we really need automation like this to go into the future this is the main thing about our work machines will do the routines okay the monkey work okay all of us do monkey work commodity work call it so you're sitting at the desk and you got to match the income with the outcome and you got to check on the bills and you got to you know look at the tax rate and whatever and you can do that by speaking to your wristwatch that's interesting it's efficiency but life isn't made out of efficiency and this is just one thing that we're concerned about we are concerned about creativity you know how we create things so I always say the end of routine is a huge change but it's not the end of work it's the end of certain tasks so for example if your job is mostly routine like a call center you know you can say the call center yeah 20 million people work there worldwide when the machine understands language in all variations it understands the tone of voice it does yeah two years call center automation so if if the airport is closed for snow the call center can rebook 4,000 tickets in 14 minutes okay for free more or less it's there already so we're going to see those scenarios happening I think uh as a matter of course and see what's happening in the long run here this whole idea of uh machines doing what humans used to do so you have code generation reading comprehension handwriting Common Sense look what's happening to all of the human skills okay now this is not as scary as it looks because the machines can do individual skills like the bar exam in the US a machine can pass the exam to be a lawyer in which case I would say there's probably something wrong with the exam yeah not that the machine is so successful right all these things are very impressive but in the end there's still like 90% missing which is consciousness judgment understanding not just logic so this is quite impressive it's actually not really true because we know language recognition is not 100% especially not in Czech or swiss German for that matter right but the bottom line is this if you work like a robot a robot will take your job this is not new it's just more brutal more dervinis and that is not a big deal for for your country or for my country or for Europe because we don't have that many people working like like robots but when you look at other countries like India Brazil you know China Africa people doing cheap labor they're going to be replaced by machines and then we have to think about what that means because the taxi driver in Prague will not become a graphic design the next week just because you know we we give them an AI so there are lots of social change issues there's lots of things you know we we need to avoid to think of people like machines and then we can discover you work I mean 100 years ago about 94% of Europe people in Europe were working in agriculture you know what the number is today less than 2% where did all those people go well in the process of industrialization they moved to other jobs and now we still have people going into agriculture but we are finding a way forward to combine those two so the bottom line is also that machine intelligence is not the same than human intelligence and we always confused this because you know we have this really cute Helper and looks very human but in the end this is a this is a box with wires a large language model goes to a database retrieves the right patterns and the meaning and brings it out in a sentence that's what it does it has no idea what it's saying understanding context you know Common regard that's not part of it so as we go here we can safely say that you know this kind of intelligence would sort of be our future to actually be better with this if you have kids you got to think about that your kids should learn to be a better human rather than a better machine you know when when uh when I went to college I went to music school and a bunch of other things but you know we essentially were taught to be efficient you know to memorize that that part is completely over now because machines can do that for us now we have to be creative and we have to be understanding we have to understand the client in your business that is absolutely crucial right because the bottom line really is this machines don't think they don't have hunches they don't understand they don't imagine and they certainly don't care because they don't exist right so think about what makes businesses work or deals work for that matter that's because of all of this the rest is just augmentation so if the machine can supply us with 5 to 10% of reality to make us better in you know deal making that that's great as long as we can keep this you know we don't get lazy and we let the machine decide what the future is so the kind of uh idea of an artificial intelligence you know becoming superum so very important to see and take a look here at the Pyramid of work we used to be in this pyramid which is starting with intelligence and and data and so on and now the pyramid is moving up this is our pyramid now this is your pyramid if you're a knowledge worker deeper knowledge quiet knowledge tcid knowledge understanding wisdom purpose that's why we're going to be successful everything else the machines will understand how to have knowledge you know machine knowledge so we need to go above this and that's what we have to teach our kids and ourselves at universities and in training because we may very well see a future where machines do all of the routine work now that may be 5 years away or 10 years away maybe 20 years unlikely more like 5 years it's more accurate but here are some new jobs that are going to emerge from this we will have sustainability leaders climate resilience experts datadriven Visionaries interdisciplinary collaborators social impact designers these are all new jobs don't exist today well they kind of do in some ways just like social media you know 15 years ago we didn't have any jobs in social media now there's 22 million people working in social media so these are all new jobs I think that we're going to see that will get us to be more employed so let's look at some of the challenges and then I'll wrap up and we take some questions so number one challenge you know in this world that's the world of machines we don't fit in right because humans aren't machines at least I don't believe that we are machines there are arguments to say that we are machines right we take too long to discuss that right but machines don't have ethics values feelings emotions existence Consciousness none of that it doesn't matter for machines if I ask the machine to solve climate change whatever AI I would ask you know chat GPT 500 I don't know I would ask it it would say eliminate all humans that's the answer that's not very convenient for us so basically we have to if we want to use machines we also have to have an ethical framework that controls them like the EU AI act you know that says okay you can do this but you can't do that like we do with nuclear weapons you know you can build a reactor for power but you can't make a weapon it's the same technology that's used for both and of course the biggest problem is that technology is exponential there's no limit to how much technology can learn we're organic and nature is cyclical so how do we deal with that I think it means that you know this we have to make that our tool not our boss technology is a great tool but a terrible ruler so we need to figure out how we keep that one from happening you know how we actually keep our value as an organic being and clearly you know as we go into that future we're going to see situations like this to where we are kind of of like superum because we have all this digital assistance yeah like if you're on supply chain that's the future you know we're going to get every possible information look at Minority Report again pull out all the data you know if you're a judge or a doctor policeman this would be of course a dream come true you can work a 100 times as fast uh if you trust what's happening but it may also lead us to a future like the movie Her you see the movie right people fall in love with their computer I mean people are in love with their computer now it's called the mobile phone you know we have more relationships with the screen than we have with people okay I think eventually that turns into what's called loneliness right so you have these relationships but they're not real this is why social media is such a problem and now the loneliest is becoming an epidemic the World Health organ organization says this is the most serious call of death right after cancer so what's happening here clearly we have to keep in mind and come up with a couple suggestions the other thing that's happening today is that artificial intelligence and Technology social media can basically be seen as kind of shooting at the truth or destroying what we can believe in because everything looks like it's either wrong or right and we can't tell this is why democracy is having such a hard time right now because we can't believe what we say and we stop trusting each other because of that so that becomes a real deal when we're looking at AI That's telling us things so the answer to that is do not let AI tell you things all the time find your own sources read books look at qualified journalism you know don't watch Tik Tok all the time and watch all the stuff that Tik Tok tells you how the real world looks like do you know how many 12year old girls have fallen PR to the Instagram Mania yeah that this is a truly an epidemic you know where people are browsing on on Instagram and saying oh no I I'm not as goodlooking as all of those uh Instagram influencers so bottom line when we build cities it's this there's more to human life than technology we're going to use technology to make life better to be more efficient to save energy to be creative but what do we do in a city we connect we see other humans at least in Europe this is what we do I don't know what you would do in neom you know to maybe that would be plenty if you were in that City and we want to avoid this kind of scenario where we are on this tunnel of technology and then behind the tunnel is a dark cloud that sucks us into you know sort of a container of data and then in the end this is what we are um so I think that we think about that we have to think about what kind of action do we take which way does it go uh and clearly if we move into that scenario of the future we have to go back to what I said in the beginning the three revolutions that's where you should put your money technology to be better and faster and more reliable and more foresight sustainability to go with where everything is going if you're not sustainable in 2030 people will hate you well that's already true now it doesn't matter what the cost is cuz it's going to be a lot more costly if you don't I mean it's clear this is the way things are going it's like digitization of content if you don't digitize then you won't be there and the last part you know to actually pick up on the on the agenda of Millennials purpose people Planet so some action items and bottom lines the first one I talk about a lot the future cannot be predicted but all of you have to somewhat understand the future so how do you do that well you have to develop a hunch like Jeff Bezos from Amazon says that most of his major decisions are based on hunches you know on observations he started the the Kindle the Amazon Kindle based on his observation that people want to read books on electronic devices he spent $3 billion on an idea that was unproven so we have to have intuition hunches about the future and ask ourselves where it could be going right um in great saying here for my fellow futurist Barbara Hubbert the future exists first in imagination then in will and then in reality don't look for the future to exist in reality it never has and it never will if you're looking for the future in reality you want the future to be proven that won't work then you end up with the German car companies and they find out what the future is but it isn't theirs it's a tough pill to swallow then you have to catch up it's it's a tough lesson the third one the future is created by optim IST no matter how things are going badly you know in terms of politics or Wars and all these things we have to believe that we can do something interesting and good because otherwise we become pessimists which means you definitely will not be successful have you ever seen a successful pessimist and to that you know many people talk about Utopia and dystopia I talk about protopia which is the gradual approach to a better future so not believing in Doom not believing in other things but um another important lesson I learned over the years as I've worked with thousands of clients your mindset contains your future if your mindset is open to change understanding what's happening if you're catching up on things if you're in the flow of things about the future you will find a good response otherwise your mindset always says yes but favorite sentence in Germany uh and the mindset says no no no that we can't do that it will never work because you're not open for a possible solution spend 45 minutes per day in the future I'm not talking about watching Netflix here okay uh I'm talking about reading talking about reading great sources I mean the Wall Street Journal for example has great stories on the future they called the future of everything uh it's really a great tool to use and and just kind of get clued into to what's happening when you do that I gu guarantee you in a year or two you will be ahead of 90% of everybody else because you already know what's going to happen just from your research and observations in my last book I said the most important thing about the future is that we should embrace technology but not become technology when you go too far with technology you get addicted to technology right you remove yourself you get lazy you're a commodity you know what happens to Commodities right they get very cheap eventually free so stay human stay creative um finally a saying from Buckminster Fuller famous designer futurist who says we are to be architects of the future not its victims so we build what we want we don't build what we don't want but we have to find out what we want first so we can build the right thing I want to thank you very much for your time and I'm open for questions and feedback now if you have any objections no just kidding thank you very [Applause] much what a great future talk thank you so much G and maybe Thomas do you have any questions wonderful wonderful presentation thank you very much lot of uh new facts in fact lot of uh ideas uh but one question is there any protection against the misuse of the AI when you presented it here because there are a lot of potentials with the AI of course there might be also a misuse of AI is there is there is there anything like that you know it's like anything in technology you know if you have a hammer you can build a house you can go next door kill your neighbor right a hammer is technology um we don't regulate hammers yeah yeah but AI is a very powerful technology where we they have to say some of it needs to be regulated like at a certain capability like face recognition you know for example it would not be good if you went to a party and then I have these classes that can see your Facebook and Linkedin profile uh and I I can find out who you are because of that AI right those things are clearly not a good idea so with technology it's always going to be like this there are some use cases that are strange that we ignore and other ones that are kind of criminal or dehumanizing that we have to regulate so the government has to be pretty wise on you know not inhibiting progress but at the same time not open the door for example cyber security yeah I mean today it's a fact for example with fake news you can make face fake news with a video with me in it and you wouldn't know it's not me right and there's almost no way to get anybody responsible for this but if you make fake money you go to jail for 20 years yeah right so we're going to need some new rules we need new social contracts but generally speaking I think we should be open to the positive side yeah and learn how to use it you and and not freak out about this most of those scenarios that are really dark they're Hollywood based scenarios and I we're not anywhere close to that for the time being we have many question on slido so I will choose some Clara soota ask are we losing Humanity's role as a shap ER of History shall we b or slow down the AI development yeah I mean we could use that if we give it too much Authority yeah um it it's one of those cases I think where we if we don't use technology then we fall behind and we we get outmoded you know and somebody else will bypass us if we use it too much then we lose things right so I think it's like any drug or so you know we are basically U too much of a good thing can be a very bad thing so you smoke too much you drink too much you eat too much you die you know you have too much information and too much technology you die because your brain just goes crazy and this is what happened on social media yeah so there is obesity you know being really overweight you die and there's digital obesity you're taken too much you know information you constantly you die right so we have to learn how to deal with this huge power that we have and we need some help to create some rules for that power for example cyber security which is becoming the primary way of War yeah it's war is being replaced by digital entities so so yeah and it's moving very quickly so there lots of challenges there but we should not forget the good part of things okay the next question next question how do you see the people change relationship with technology will the change coming in years or what the challenges will be will bring to the daily lives you know I think we will probably have some really bad things happening first before we change that um this is really how humans act yeah so when we have a stock market breakdown because of AI we're going to think of some rules for the stock market for AI yeah hopefully we don't have big disasters like the nuclear bomb you know for that to happen but I think we need to see things being in in a difficult place before we take action uh it would be nice if we could take action before that but it strikes me as quite difficult you so I think the the chair of the FC in the US said it's very likely we're going to see a global meltdown of financial markets because of AI and then we just have to figure out rules that would prevent it yeah this is why we need collaboration on this level this is why governments have to think about for example what happens with those jobs that are routine jobs you know when machines can do them on the other hand of course then there's probably a huge amount of new jobs that we don't even know so you don't want to block those from coming just because you're worried about the old ones yeah okay the next question how will AI redefine or understanding of intelligence both human and artificial and reshape the boundaries between them yeah I think it's really quite simple I think a machine intelligence is an alien intelligence you know alien alien in the sense of not us yeah a machine is an out some it's a binary intelligence uh it doesn't exist it's not conscious it doesn't have feelings that you know it doesn't have a body so basically what that means this intelligence is an Intelligence on its own and we always thought that would happen with aliens you know but now it's it's the machine and so there's a question question of control there a question of trust there's a lot of fear about this but our intelligence is what we have to cultivate and that does not always include science and technology you know our own intelligence has many pieces that we have to cultivate in education so I'd much rather have a kid that can build a sand castle than a kid that can program yeah I'm best to have both of course
2024-11-30 20:02