The Most Incredible and Mysterious Lost Inventions

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I. Greet. You in, the love and, the light of the Infinite Creator. Event. Is, coming soon YouTube. Channel here's. The latest Intel. The. Most incredible, and mysterious. Lost inventions. By. Brent Swann sir we, humans are a species, ever focused, on advancing. Our knowledge of inexorably. Moving, paths perceived, boundaries, to find new ways to break past our confines, into fascinating. Future realms, of discovery, this, has done much to progress' our kind and the tireless pursuit of our great thinkers and scientists. Has allowed us to achieve great, leaps and bounds, throughout the ages however. As much, as we advance there are those discoveries, that have been lost to us for whatever reasons, that serve to remind us of what could have been here. We have astounding, sometimes. Seemingly improbable breakthroughs. That smash through our current understanding of, our world but, which have slipped into the forgotten, nooks and crannies, of time some. Of the more mysterious and impressive, of lost inventions, are those from the ancient world many. Of which were well ahead of their times and some which are thoroughly steeped, in shadowy, myth and lore perhaps. The most well-known of these was a destructive. Weapon developed, in the Byzantine Empire in the 7th century and popularly. Known as Greek, fire the. Material, was more or less a volatile, concoction. That was sprayed from a type of cannon in which could supposedly ignite, anything, continuing. To burn without sputtering, out and to destroy even, upon water this. Vast ability to annihilate, the enemy, in naval battles made Greek fire one of the most feared weapons of the time and its manufacturer. One of the most jealously, guarded, military secrets, of the Byzantine, Empire, Greek. Fire seems, to have first mentioned, by the historian, theophane, who, described, its origins, it, was written that the Emperor at the time. Constantinos. 4 had, been desperately looking for some sort of secret weapon to use in the face of invaders from, the Middle East and it was then that he was approached by a Syrian, refugee and, chemist, named Calhoun agos the, Emperor took him in, and in return Callen echoes supposedly.

Taught Him the secrets, of making Greek fire which, was then used to horrific, effect and resounding success, in, a naval battle against, Arab forces under the command of caliph of Syria in 678. Ad the. Greek fire reportedly, absolutely. Obliterated, the enemy who could find no effective, way to put the ravenous, flames out saving, the city of Constantinople in, the process, according. To the enemy the only things that showed any promise at, all of remotely stopping, the fires were vinegar, sand, or urine, which could not be provided in the amounts, needed to stop the onslaught, the, secret weapon would then be effectively, used for centuries against. All who would defy them while. This particular, origin story, may be mythical, at least in parts it is widely believed, that Greek fire was indeed a real thing and that, it was likely developed, and perfected over, in many years by various chemists. Working in unison not. Surprisingly. Considering. It was seen as such a decisively. Devastating. Weapon and naval battles, many, other powers, wished to gain the secrets, to its formula, for themselves but, the exact recipe was so intensely, guarded, that only a very few were said to have even, known how to make it in, addition to the actual recipe for Greek fire there, was a certain set of steps required to make it work and even, when vulgar, nomads managed, to capture a sizeable, batch of the stuff in 814. They, were apparently, unable to discern, how to turn it into the fearsome, that when they knew it to be even. When a purportedly, leaked recipe, for Greek fire was released, in the book book of fires for the burning of enemies no, one who read it could actually make it work and it seems there were many parts, that had to come together just, right including. The siphon delivery, systems, for the material, to be properly unleashed in all of its blazing, ravenous, glory in this. Sense the, secret of Greek fire and its utilization were, kept safe from the world for centuries and was, never once successfully. Stolen by the enemy, however. This, obsessive, secrecy. Had a draw backing that it meant that the few who actually knew. The secrets, were unwilling, to share them and when, they died the secrets died with, this. Turns out to be exactly, what happened and the ingredients, handling. And methods, needed to create Greek fire have been thoroughly and forever lost to the sands of time although. There are some guesses and there have been numerous attempts, to recreate, it it, is thought that it used some sort of resin mixed with crude oil and other chemicals, and that, it was likely a liquid, but that is about all we know although. Mankind, in its infinite, innovation, for Destruction has created, serviceable, replacements. Such, as napalm, the secret, of the original, Greek fire remains an incomprehensible, mystery. Just. As destructive and every bit as cloaked in mystery is an invention supposedly.

Developed In the 3rd century BC. By the ancient, Greek engineer, and mathematician Archimedes, of, the, city-state of Syracuse. Then a part of ancient Greece, among, his many accomplishments during. His life such, as the calculation, of pi Archimedes. Was also known to dabble in creating. Various machines, of war for use against, the Romans such, as catapults, and even, massive metal claw that could be used to pick up and sink ships and he, once boasted give, me a lever long enough and a place to stand and I will move the world, among. These colorful, and elaborate, weapons was something he came up with that has gone on to be rather after he called the Archimedes, death ray it's. Supposedly, consisted. Of a series of enormous mirrors, that were arranged, in such a precise, way as to catch and focus sunlight to such a ferocious intensity. That it could spontaneously ignite, and, burn Roman, ships off the coast up, to 1,000, feet away according. To the ancient historian. Galen, the death ray was used to great effect during, the Roman siege of Syracuse. Destroying. Many enemy ships with its blazing, unstoppable. Rays however. Over, the centuries, all other records, of the weapon and any hint of how it was built have been lost in recent. Times there have been various efforts to try and recreate, the Archimedes. Death ray the. Most famous example, was two episodes, of the television show, MythBusters. But, they couldn't figure out how to make it work then. The group at the Massachusetts. Institute of, Technology MIT, managed. To set a lighter, like a Roman ship measuring, 10 feet long but, the whole process took a total of 10 minutes and this, plus other factors, make this is all a questionable. Result, at best the, model ship was motionless, at the time with, no accounting, for the motion of the waves that would be expected and furthermore, the, time from ignition to fire was, 10 minutes which, seems a bit long to be of any practical value in, a high-stakes, battle in the middle of chaos there. Is also the fact that Archimedes, death ray never caught on as a popular or, widely used weapon, and was, only mentioned, a handful, of times as Archimedes. Biographer. Sherman, K Stine writes, had. The mirrors, done their work they, would have become a standard weapon, yet there is no sign that they were added to the armaments, of the time, nevertheless. The. Lost invention, has remained the focus of many a discussion, and is, speculated, and debated, upon to this day another. Infamous, weapon, of war from ancient times, is a material, known as Damascus, steel which, originated, in the Middle East and was used to fashion swords and other blades for millennia, named. After the famed city of Syria weapons. Made with this mysterious breed, of Steel were known for the distinctive patterns, within the steel itself. Damascus. Blades were long considered, to be legendary, with many abilities, and characteristics. Attributed to, them they, were said to hold their edge exceptionally. Well were, considered, to be almost supernaturally. Sharp able, to cut clean through other, lesser, swords without losing sharpness, and were, also renowned for their incredible durability and, toughness which, were said to be far beyond that of a normal blade some. Legends, say that they were literally, unbreakable. And that they could cleanly slice in half a human hair falling, upon them due. To these purported remarkable. Properties, it is understandable. That Damascus, steel weapons, were highly prized in sought-after but. Towards around the 17th, century their production, dropped off until they apparently went, extinct, with the secrets, of their production, and manufacture. Lost for the very same reasons, that those of Greek fire were also lost there. Were just a few master, sword smiths who knew the exact balance of oars and the technique, from making, and this, was always a carefully, guarded secret, that very often went with them to the grave indeed.

We, Still have no idea how the steel and its blades were created, and the swords and knives available. Today which are labeled, as Damascus steel are merely, approximations. Of what they may have been like it. Is thought that the secret, to the amazing qualities, of these weapons lies, in the unique raw materials, that were used and that these ores may have simply been depleted, and used up over time making, it now impossible to fashion, one even if one knew how many. Of the unique properties, of the steel are also attributed. To the manufacturing. Process, in the impurities, and the blades that it produced with, elements, such as tungsten, or vanadium likely, present and there, are even theories, that the steel was imbued, with naturally-occurring, nano, airs and carbon nanotubes which, would account for its legendary toughness. And resilience. Whatever. The case may be the, secret to the correct combination of, materials, and forging, techniques needed. To produce a Damascus, steel weapon, have been lost to the ages not. Every mysterious, lost invention, is related, to destruction, and warfare, and indeed, another legendary, example is, a material, from the reign of Roman, emperor Tiberius. Caesar that, was referred, to as Vikram flexin or flexible, glass this. Was supposedly a type of extraordinary. Glass that would not break or shatter but. Rather bend and which, could be hammered back together to repair any cracks or dents it was said to have been invented by a craftsman, by the name of Isidore, of Seville and according. To an early account by Petronius, the mysterious, craftsman, one day presented a bowl made of the material to the Emperor who had then thrown it to the floor however. Instead. Of shattering into pieces as would be expected the, miracle, material simply, bent inward and could be easily repaired, by simply, hammering, the dent out resulting. In the bowl being as good as new with no hint at all of having received any damage. According. To the tale the inventor, told the Emperor that he was the only one who knew the secret of how to make the flexible, glass after, which he was beheaded in order to keep the invention, under wraps and to prevent undermining, the value of gold and, the. Story would later be retold by Pliny the Younger and then Cassius Tia who, speculated, that the inventor had perhaps been a powerful Alchemist. Or magician, it, is unknown if this was ever a real material or not but, there are currently efforts, to develop something very much like it in a modern world so perhaps this was just an innovation, that was well ahead of its time neither.

The Mystery of Vikram flexin or its method, of manufacture. Have been explained, yet. Another invention, from Roman times that, has been lost to us as that of the so called Roman, concrete the. Romans put to use a peculiar, blend of concrete, that allowed them to build some of their most astounding, architectural. Creations. Roman. Concrete was extremely, resistant, to the effects of seawater wind, weather, and cracking. And indeed. Outshines, even, the most advanced, concrete, mixtures, today it, is precisely the reason why so many iconic Roman. Structures still stand in relatively, good condition even. Thousands, of years later the. Thing is this, formula, has been lost to the tides of time and no one really knows how they made it other than, that they likely used while can Akash other. Than this how they managed to create such structures, to withstand the sea and the elements, for so long remains, unknown, and efforts, to reproduce, it based on the few remaining written, records have proved unsuccessful. Another. Beneficial, Roman, invention that we have lost is a concoction, known as my throat a diem named, after the King Mithridates vi. Of bondus also, known as my threads vitae Pater Dionysus. And Mithridates, the great who supposedly, discovered, it a notorious. Emperor known for indiscriminate. Killing, Mithridates. Racked up quite a rogue's gallery of, enemies during his tenure as ruler and as such became absolutely obsessed. With the idea that he would be poisoned, indeed. His own father had been killed in such a way and he was convinced, that he was at the heart of an assassination, conspiracy, to. This effect he supposedly, began to work in unison with his core physician, great, Huus to, craft an almighty elixir, that would render any poison, worthless, the. Two supposedly, went about testing, and perfecting, a wide range, range, toxins, venomous. Medications. In concoctions. Which they tested, on prisoners, in the hopes of finding a universal. Antidote to all poisons, he, was apparently successful. Because, it is written by such well-known intellectuals. Of the day as plenty the elder that he managed to develop a daily supplement to take that would purportedly, protect, him from all forms of poisons, and which, was said to be composed, of 54, different ingredients. Mixed in matched in precise, quantities. The. Result was that Mithradates was, purportedly, able to ingest any toxin, known to man without suffering any ill effects and it, was apparently, so effective, that Mithradates would, perform, public exhibitions. In which he would willingly be subjected, to all manner of lethal, toxins without any ill effect whatsoever.

Indeed. The antidote, was so effective, that it apparently thwarted, his attempt, to kill himself, with poison and 63, BC, forcing. Him to take his own life by, sword he. Had for, all intents, created, a universal, cure-all, antidote, for any known poison, the, drug which, would be known as my three-day diem was apparently, highly sought after during, the Middle Ages and Renaissance but. The secret would die with him in later. Years a supposed, handwritten, recipe, for the concoction, was found in a cabinet at his home but, no one was able to make it work and various, efforts to try and recreate, it have failed the. Secret to this universal. Cure-all for poison, or even whether it ever really existed, at all or was a sham have been lost to time although. There were skeptics, even in ancient times, with, Pliny saying of Mithradates. The. My three Dannic antidote, is composed, of 54 ingredients. No, two of them having the same weight while, if some is prescribed, 160th. Part of one Denarius, which. Of the gods in the name of truth fixed. These absurd, proportions. No. Human brain could have been sharp enough it, is plainly a showy parade, of the art and a colossal boast of science, moving. On into more modern times we, have still more mysterious, supposed, inventions. That could have had world-changing. Implications. In, the 1970s. A man, named Thomas Oval claimed to have developed, a new type of car carburetor, that supposedly, could make gasoline into a pressurized, vapor and utilize, it on the engines firing chambers, in an incredibly, super efficient, manner allowing, vehicles, to allegedly, run over 100, miles to the gallon in addition. A goal claimed that any car could be modified to use the new system easily and for not much additional cost making, the whole thing seem almost too, good to be true a ghoul, himself, showed off a Ford Galaxie, that had supposedly been, fitted with the new miracle carburetor, and was clocked at around, 113. Miles to the gallon. Unfortunately. We will never know eagle, died in 1981. Without, ever having divulged, just how the Vapor carburetor, worked and, even his death has sparked controversy with. Some saying he was intentionally, poisoned by someone within the big gasoline companies, who stood to lose the most from such an innovative, product. Considering. That no one has ever been able to replicate the, process it has been speculated, that the whole thing could have been a hoax with, ogle simply showing an illusion utilizing.

Hidden Fuel tanks, but, other have defended his invention, as having been real and in, the end the fact is we simply don't know all. We know is that it would have been a revolutionary. Development, way ahead of its time also. In the 1970s. Was the development, of a material, that was claimed to be the most incredible heat, shield humanity. Has ever devised, or even imagined, the, material, was called starlight, and was supposedly created, by an amateur chemist and, producer, of hair products, named Morris, Ward who created it in his garage by, accident, using common and easily accessible ingredients. After, many, iterations of, the material, he claimed that it could be simply sprayed, onto any object and make it virtually impervious, to heat to. Demonstrate, it Ward would spray it on his hand and run a flame over it to ill effect code, eggs with it and put them under an assault by blowtorch, only to show that the insides were still raw and the shell cool to the touch and even, subject, the material, to a concentrated. Laser beam running, at around a diamond melt in 10,000. Degrees Celsius. Without showing, any stress when. Subjected to a test simulating, a nuclear blast, Starlite coated slab only show the small scorch, mark, and many, of these tests, were done under scientific, conditions. Or even televised. On national, TV, hailed. As a wonder material, starlight, is mostly considered to have been very real and Ward was in talks to have it mass-produced, by many high-level companies. And even NASA but, could never agree to the terms or reach a deal all negotiations. Falling. Through in the end mostly. Due to Ward's, own greed and insistence. On keeping 51%. Of any proceeds, from his invention, before, he was able to ever find an agreement he was comfortable, with Ward, died in 2011. And took his jealously protected, secret, with him to the grave Ward. Had in the past claimed, that some of his closest, family knew the secret to star lights creation.

Which Was allegedly, disarmingly. Easy but, no one has come forward to conclusively, show, that this is the case this. Potentially. Groundbreaking invention. Will probably, be forever lost to us and if, you want to read about it more in detail you, can check out an article I wrote on it here at MU some time ago in. The 1990s. There was another supposed, invention. Brought forward or relating to computers, when, a Dutch man named Jan's lute claimed that he had discovered a revolutionary. New digital coding, system that enabled immense amounts, of data to be compressed into a very tiny amount of storage space the. Kind of compression, rates he was talking about were far beyond anything available at, the time and indeed, beyond what we have available today, able, to supposedly smash, down an entire movie, into just eight kilobytes, of space he. Also claimed, that he could play up to 16 movies, at the same time running on just a 64, kilobytes. Ship and without first copying, into the computer's, hard drive it. Was also amazing, that Sloot had people definitely interested. In investing, in the technology but. Nothing ever went through because Sloot would end up dead apparently. The day before he was to give up the secret to it all no. One really knew how it all worked except solut himself and additionally. There was supposedly a floppy disk holding, the compiler, that could not be located, if the, intervening, years, the supposed remarkable. Invention, has been picked apart in specular, with. Some saying that it would be impossible based, on current, file compression knowledge, and others, saying the slew had merely found an ingenious way to get around the physical limitations. The. Most controversial, of all of these is perhaps a claim in 1989. That a team of scientists. Had achieved a, theoretical, process through, which nuclear, reactions, could be obtained at room temperature, for the purpose of producing energy usually. Called cold fusion in theory. It should be impossible as fusion, typically, occurs under immense pressure and, millions, of degrees of heat in places, such as the Centers of stars cold, fusion is a concept, so alien, to what we know that there has never been any workable, accepted, theory as to how it could be accomplished, but that didn't, stop many from trying and some, claimed success in. 1989. There was an experiment, carried out by the electrochemist. Martin Fleischmann and colleague Stanley, pons who, created, an apparatus, which they claimed could produce anomalous heat through a cold fusion process, they. Purportedly, did this all through electrolysis, of heavy water on the surface of a palladium electrode. And at the time it was exciting development, because it held a promise of solving the world's energy crisis. But since it was against everything we know about fusion. It was also immediately, met with skepticism. Additionally. There, was much made of the flaws in the experiment, and no, one seemed to be able to replicate the results although.

Some Teams continue, to pursue cold fusion. It is mostly considered by mainstream science, to be a dead end and it is unknown if Fleischmann, and pons managed. To actually pull it off or not this. Is by no means a complete list of all of the amazing discoveries, we have made as a species, over the ages that have for, one reason or other been, lost to us and time for, better or worse there. Are many others and while, many seem to hold almost a mythical quality to them one cannot help but wonder how the world may have been different if they had come to fruition in their respective times, there. Is doubt that some of these were ever real to begin with but, they paint a picture of a dogged quest, along paths of discovery and understanding that, has hit some bumps in the road these. Supposed, inventions. Remain lost, to use ciphers. In the mist which, stir the imagination but, which have been forever buried within the sands of time. Please. Like us and share with your social media. Please. Subscribe, and click the bell to be notified of our new videos. Remember. To check out our playlist for. Important, Intel you may have missed and, visit our sister, channel the event is coming soon for, additional, Intel and, information. Stay. Tuned. Of. The light.


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