The Lost Technology of Ancient Egypt | Drs. JJ & Desiree Hurtak Podcast

The Lost Technology of Ancient Egypt | Drs. JJ & Desiree Hurtak Podcast

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in Practical language we're interested in pushing  back the doors of civilization we're much older   as a species and our work has taken us around  the world because what we found in Egypt also   corresponds to what we found in Mexico in Peru  even in China and Japan we know that the human   race is not here for 6 7,000 years but upwards of  36,000 years plus and we now have the artifacts   and this is so thrilling to talk to you to tell  people we can push back the doors of history   and at the same time we can use that historic  knowledge of our ancestors who believed that there   were powers in the greater Universe to prepare  for what I would call a Quantum Leap into the [Music] future welcome to far out with F everybody I am F Chicho  and today I am honored and excited to be joined   by doctors JJ and Desiree herk let me tell you  about these two extraordinary human beings and   what they've been up to uh doctors JJ and  Desiree are founders and directors of the   academy for future science that is a prestigious  prestigious Academy that I've been reading about   for years it's United Nations NGO which means  non-government organization It's associated   with the EO EC o which stands for the economic  and social Council and DPI the Department of   Public Information Dr JJ has earned two phds one  from the University of California and one from   the University of Minnesota their most recent  published papers include reexamining quantum   gravity examining the existence of the Multiverse  and Universal scaling laws in quantum Theory and   cosmology which was co-written with a physicist  named Dr Elizabeth Rouser their most recent   book is entitled mind Dynamics in space and time  which I have a copy somewhere and I have I can't   seem to find it amazingly it's highlighted in  everything um that's also with Dr there it is with   Dr Elizabeth Rouser she's formerly of Lawrence  Livermore lab on theoretical and applied work   in physics and Paras psychology at the University  of California in the past Dr Dr JJ was director of   Technology marketing analysis Corporation in San  Francisco which sponsored uh Ry which stands for   renewable energy technology symposiums he's worked  with uh almost half a dozen government agencies   in addition to NASA and he's worked to bring  together over a thousand engineers and scientists   and Industrial leaders to exchange information  and ideas on renewable energy technology in the   1980s and 1990s he was director of laser tech  in Brazil which developed lasers for industrial   application and for the study of rapidly changing  environmental conditions particularly in the   study of deforestation and soil conditions in  Brazilian farmlands and throughout Amazon these   two have traveled the world I've I've listened  to them speak on more than one occasion and just   tremendous Minds I'm so excited to bring them to  you guys and thank you guys so much for beaming in   um if I missed anything in please um feel free to  fill in fill in the gaps if I miss anything thank   you so much yes we covered the Spectrum from  archaeology anthropology to Space Science and   Space law and we're very privileged truly to work  in so many countries throughout the world so what   we share with you is really our own independent  research it doesn't represent the UN or NASA or   any major Consortium of powers that be but as  independent scientists and futurists we were   really intrigued with what what is going on now  the rediscovery of the Ancient Ancient past of the   human race and the potential the great positive  potential of future civilization in utter space   and so behind us as we're seeing now we see a  picture about the Great Canadian artist who's one   of my students Derek Bolan who was commissioned  by Prince Charles who represent the Commonwealth   back in the 1990s and what you see here is the  building blocks of EXO industrialization exos   sociology not space where we and our children  will have the opportunity in the second part   of the 21st century to build cities and become  really space citizens in the real sense of the   word well one of the other things is we really  just got back from Egypt but it's a place that   we've been going to since with me since the 80s  drj actually went as early as the 60s and we uh   also worked on a book with with an Associate of  ours called giza's industrial complex and what we   talk about in here is the technology maybe behind  Egypt and we believe some of that technology was   hydrogen and right now if we shift and we're in  the middle doing this of cop 28 if we shift from   fossil fuels to hydrogen we're going to really  help planet Earth so that's part of our mission   is to show how important hydrogen is but it's so  simple too Egypt could have done it with solar   with water and they had metals and Technologies  in fact inside the ascending passage of the gray   pyramid if you walk up there and I know many  of your uh listeners probably have done that   but they don't look on the sides on each side of  those steps is little cutouts and they're one on   one side one on the other same exact positionings  if they had what we call today cathodes and anodes   they could have used that and this is the work of  Christopher dun and our own research uh probably   made hydrogen gas which can be used as we know for  cars but in addition to that people are starting   to drink hydrogen water I don't know if you  you've heard about that yes I have it's healthy   and we use hydrogen for agriculture and what did  Egypt have a ton of Agriculture so I mean it's so   simple we need to be moving in the direction  we believe that the ancient Egyptians did so   when people think of a ancient Egypt they think of  Great Pyramids great temples etc etc but we have   found inside the pyramids underneath the pyramids  along the Nile configuration of geometric forms   that suggest that the ancient Egyptians were well  aware of how to use and produce hydrogen and in   our book we also show you can look uh clearly at  this um pointing to in the area of fume just south   of the pyramids in Kiza Egypt this colossal grid  system of 3,000 rooms we figure these were cells   holding energy of some sort that the energies  were processed hydraulically and fed through   the underground Labyrinthian system of the Giza  Plateau to do these remarkable Feats of building   large buildings through hydraulic energy so  again these are questions that were up for   grabs for the last several thousand years but now  we have the tools remote sensing tools or airborne   and ground penetra radar to actually do our own  investigations and desire and I have put together   a remarkable book that everyone who sees your  program should have G's industrial complex well   let me show you just a few other pictures so this  is the AL pyramid that we're standing in front of   and if you go into the center of that pyramid you  find water and recently there was an Evidence from   one of the universities saying oh now we know how  the pyramids were built they were just saying you   know how the stones were moved because water  was key that's what they're saying and now you   go over to Mexico and I will align the importance  of understanding uh not only the star alignments   but also the technology between Mexico and Egypt  and you look underneath El Castillo which is in   the area of chiten and what did they find they  built this huge pyramid on top of water so you   know I know you worked are you really like uh Dr  imoto uh right I mean he's the one that says you   put positive energy out yeah you have it right on  you and water gives you a biological signature so   the ancient Egyptians knew that water has a  vibratory flux and if you have enough water   under certain conditions there is an energy  current that can be used and apparently they   were able to tap into a unique use of hydrology  and I want to show just one final picture from   our book and that is this ancient we'll say really  old uh print and you can see this is Lake Morris   which is right by uh the fume pyramid and they  believe these pyramids existed that went so much   into the underwater area as above that's what  the research Legends had said that there were two   parids in Lake moris this is a saltwater lake wow  and the pyramids went down and you can see there's   almost like a a a type of lighthouse on the top  so these you know there was something going on   there this lithograph from the 19th centur was  done by Russian egyptologist we are privileged   really to gain the use of it in our book which is  success of how they were able to engineer a whole   Labyrinthian complex underneath Giza plau avoid  the problems of overheating in the deserts of   Egypt and at the same time shown us how they could  do engineering of food fabric Etc underneath the   ground and speaking of the interior of the Great  Pyramid this is a picture an actual picture desire   took when we did musical experiments inside the  grand gallery of the Great Pyramid suddenly when   I was making certain mantric tones of ancient  Egyptian ancient uh Hebrew vocalization suddenly   the whole interior of the the pyramid lit up  like Golden Light the stallion calmer wave was   activated so the question is how is that possible  unless there was a vibratory frequency that the   Egyptians knew and captured in the mathematical  and the architectural design very similar to the   pis electric effect of certain crystals when  you harmonize they create energy spark and   just one more Point even though we're talking  technology we also believe initiation was part   of that because the water could have been used  like I said people are drinking hydrogen water   I have a lot of friends that buy those machines  and drink them I mean it's part of like a healing   energy process and this is exactly what Emoto  was also showing when you put positive thoughts   certain energies out you're able to literally  heal and transform your body because your body   is like 65 to 75% water depending on age so it's  an amazing technology that and we'll say element   of nature hydrogen the most abundant gas in the  whole universe so folks what the Egyptians had   are these Lakes for bathing and medical purposes  along with the pyramids and we think that there   was energized water in that and so people would  go in and literally be kind of initiated in those   Lakes so what would we call this type of water  electrified water we call it Earth milk we could   call it a different uh terminology depending upon  the era of History we look back but all the great   minds of Greece and Rome particularly Pythagoras  Homer the great writer philosopher all went to   study in Egypt why did they go to study in Egypt  we told in the Coptic text recently uncovered in   1945 to 47 called esus that Egypt was once the  schoolhouse of the Gods and when the knowledge   was lost when Egypt lost its spirituality the  gods went back to heaven and Egypt became the   land of the corpses so in Practical language  we're interested in pushing back the doors of   civiliz ation we're much older as a species and  our work has taken us around the world because   what we found in Egypt also corresponds to what we  found in Mexico in Peru even in China and Japan we   know that the human race is not here for six 7,000  years but upwards of 36,000 years plus and we now   have the artifacts and this is so thrilling to  talk to you to tell people we can push back the   doors of history and at the same time we can use  that historic knowledge of our ancestors who beli   that there were powers in the greater Universe to  prepare for what I would call a Quantum Leap into   the future yes because it's happening so one way  or the other you know we're we're we're taking   the leap it's just a question of how prepared we  all are um and and this answers so many questions   for me because you know people seem to understand  obviously that that I mean most people there are   Skeptics you know everywhere who who you know  think that the pyramids were built by hundred   people pulling Stones um which is crazy um but  you know people the debate is very much like you   know we know they had a technology that we don't  you know and is it simatic is it is it sound is   it it's probably sound and water I mean you know  one of the one of the greatest ways to to measure   sound is using simatics and and using water but  you you can't deny the power of that and and and   I and this is the first I'm being exposed to  this to the the H Hydro power of this proba   you know the way it would have been used so it's  it's it's it's mind-blowing but it but it fills   in so many gaps for me it makes a lot of sense um  yeah well if we can say uh Dr herac is on uh it   was uh called The Mystery of the Sphinx I think  you can just find it for free now on YouTube   there's a big show back when and it has Charlton  hon as the commentator and it was sponsored by   our good friends John Anthony West and Boris s  and he you know it the whole principle in there   was the fact that the stones themselves that  could have been levitated by sound frequencies   of course the show itself only shows these little  Pebbles but you know if you had some sort of you   can say UFO sitting on top and there's this big  frequency you can levitate that energy and we   totally are into simatics that sound is geometry  geometry is sound in fact our other recent book   is called sound book which you can get and we do  talk about sound in the pyramids because in terms   of acoustical physics this is the most important  area that's been overlooked I'm showing you in   the audience now a picture from Egypt where my  finger is pointing is a little plastic pyramid   that the Japanese tried to build in the 1970s  using sleds it's Stone actually but that's as far   as they get oh this it was so ridiculous that the  Egyptian government forced the nepon corporation   take it down we actually have it on our YouTube  page p v TV showing the original building of it   cool oh cool we'll make sure to include a link to  it this is a small miniature and really grotesque   compared to the gargantuan pyramids you see in  the background so obviously the Egyptians knew   Hydraulics they use water Hydraulics According to  some of our colleagues at uh Los Alamos National   Lab in New Mexico and we find that the the water  bed would allow for the ability to build upwards   and scale upwards through a hydraulic pump system  this is Illustrated in a German documentary called   the chops luga which is translated the LIE of  chops which is should we say showing that there   was an Ingenuity of using water related physics  and one of the things that we also did was we're   one of the U co-founders as part of the shore  expedition of the tomb of Osiris so if you take   the Great Pyramid and then the middle pyramid  and you draw a little Mark between them that's   where the tomb of Osiris is and it 100 feet down  you actually find this uh sarcophagus and around   it is a moat and for the most part the reason why  we were able to find it it was a drought period   at that time so the water levels were really low  but normally there there's water all underneath   the Plateau people don't realize it 100 feet down  and so you can see myself and went with my finger   to the lid of the pyramid the with my tennis  shoe on top of it of the Tomb yeah W showing   that the water levels of the Nile were low enough  that we could scrape the surface down about three   Ines and come across the lid of the Osiris tomb  as it was called wow in 1997 two years before   Zas the famous Egyptian egyptologist announced on  Fox television oh they found the tomb of Osiris   but he said in the same newscast by the way  there was a group two years before that was   that was our group that didn't have permission  to excavate but to find through the use of radar   musical instrumentation other measuring devices  and remote sensing technology so this is a whole   new threshold going back much older than dynastic  Egypt to show that science was used and that's why   we think it's Unique because you know you really  wouldn't bury somebody down even if it was Osiris   100 feet deep there's no logic to that there is  some sarcophaguses a little higher up from there   that might have been you know people's tombs but  you know they've never officially found uh in the   three pyramids any mummy uh buil you know inside  the pyramids uh they said there might have been   one in the small pyramid and but it got lost  in a ship going to the UK at one point you   know hundreds of years ago but the bottom line we  think a lot of this was for gas and certain types   of water here again we're showing one of the  pictures from our book Isa industrial complex   that's where the T of us my finger is right on the  lower tomb so how could you get down so far yeah   and have such remarkable walkways without lights  unless you had artificial lights or the ability   to use gases and that's the thing maybe they  were storing certain types of energy or gas in   these tombs like the there's something called the  serapium which they call them the Tomb of the opis   Bulls these huge Bulls but when someone broke one  open because many of them had already been opened   by we'll say tomb robbers they found nothing but  white powder and uh you know no one knows what   that was and it was like almost a hundred years  ago so we can't analyze it today Egypt in the   word chemistry comes from Kem k m which is the  Egyptian word really for the chemistry of life   that the Egyptians were noted for so what is the  bottom line here I was going to say pyramid also   means fire in the middle the cultivation of a  paraphysical energy stream that would balance   the human and the we would call The Cosmic forces  imperfect balance so what is the bottom line here   is really the realization that we're much older  as a specie that the Egyptians also besides their   architecture gave us a road map to the stars  osaris is connected with the belt of Orion and   now we're finding through other investigations  that there is intelligent life in the universe   even Carl San hypothesized this before he died  and we're beginning to put in the pieces pieces   uh the components of a much larger universe that's  connected with the pyramids as cronal monitors or   time measuring devices and we do think it could  go back at least 12,000 18,000 if not 36,000   years ago are we have a good friend who's an  egyptologist living there he's Egyptian and he's   claiming 36,000 as well so that's Atlantis that's  Lumia or moo yes yes um I want I just something   that you that you said that you that we went over  but I but I want to make sure that I understood it   right the the picture that that you took desire  when you guys were in that the pyramid when when   you use sound to activate are you saying that that  the the the chant and the the tones that you were   creating is what activated the light that's  that's that's incredible that's amazing what   we're saying and this was replicated by our study  in the pyramids of Yucatan Mexico also that when   we use certain sounds at high frequencies and we  were able to do this with a good singer or speaker   such as myself I had musical background training  that you could actually vibrate a sound so that   that sound resonating as a hypertone or overtone  would produce a paraphysical burst of light and   that could be sustained by the larger volume of  pyramids in that particular sacred geometry then   you could have really a validation of a source of  energy that could change Consciousness Elevate the   pine uh the pineal gland GL yeah uh and produce  really a remarkable artistic consequence which I   believe the Egyptians were able to do to create  as it were a series of temples along the Nile   that correspond to the seven chakras or energy  centers of the human body how could they do this   they had the experimental feedback system they  had the bio feedback system they had the musical   system they had the higher physics and I believe  they had a higher or more complex periodic chart   of how to master the elements well I also think  you have to talk about and we mentioned in the   Giza industrial complex especially further south  by Luxor that you know if you look at the king's   chamber red granite if you look at a lot of the  other structures Limestone I mean these are all   kind of crystallin particles that if you hit the  right resonant frequencies you're able to activate   some of those particles and that's what we really  think happens uh there people also meditate inside   the king's chamber of course it's harder to do  as years go by but I have had an experience where   literally the walls dropped away and I was out  there in space now what's interesting a friend   of mine about three years later had the exact  same experience wow and then we recorded some   things with our associate s Goldberg from Gaia  TV called Deep Space the Egyptian section of that   and someone else had the exact same experience  I said s you put him in you didn't put me saying   the same thing but that was okay but it so I now  know three people who had that exact experience   by meditating by chanting a transformation takes  place and whether you see the light or you see   the walls drop away these are things that happen  and plus you have you know all these tons of stone   pressing upon each other in perfect resonance so  to speak and then you add your own residence and   changes take place so this suggests that we are  here locally in our brain but we're non-locally   outside of our brain through the experience of  Consciousness projection and this is Illustrated   in several of our books including the reent Rec  one sound we were number one on Amazon for a few   weeks in the physics of Acoustics and sound  yeah and this goes into work now with Ellen   howorth who did some work with NASA in sound  production and others showing that we were   working with really sophisticated sound Engineers  egyptologists musicologists archaeologists so you   need a whole team effort this is what the shore  Expedition accomplished in 1997 Dr Joe Shore a   chem was able to support and collect experts in  the field who would go there and test as it were   the ethers to see whether or not human generated  sounds were should we say behind the architectural   schematics of all of these rooms inide the Great  Pyramid that in our logic represent different   parts of the human anatomy and I want to say one  thing that we did find out because we did bring   testing in there uh as a Thomas de Becky also  did that on a professional scale we did did it   on a on a uh more individual scale that when you  get frequencies inside the king's chamber of the   great pyamid you know you think there would be  overtone sounds because we did pink noise and   white noise and these sweeps but what we also got  was undertones so there was frequencies going down   so things you don't ultimately even hear we feel  that the brain itself goes into a kind of alpha   frequency because of the sounds and the frequency  that are coming into this undertone vibration so   it's a very interesting um we're talking below 20  hers so we're talking about the normal spectrum   of 20 to 20,000 here but now the undertones  much lower that could be not heard not heard   but only by the the ear of Elephants or certain  animals so how did the Egyptians engineer into   this pyramid of stone such amazing relationships  little on the mathematics of where our planet is   in relationship ship to our son this is why some  believe the Great Pyramid is the Bible in stone   for Skeptics it's a great Challenge and this is  why Stanford Research Institute in the 1970s to   my colleague Lambert dolphin a noted engineer went  to egyp to do the probes underneath the Sphinx and   suggest that there's more underneath pyramids in  the Sphinx than above we're just beginning to take   off as it were the covers of a much ancient  civilization that may have built some sort of   city structure or Academy of study underneath  the Giza Plateau which would have attracted   comr Pythagoras um Herodotus you know you name  it all of the great minds of the ancient world   went to Egypt just like Americans and Japanese and  Germans and Russians because it's fascinating no   one can explain how so many disciplines or ideas  can come together so perfectly but water was key   that's what we would add go ahead I believe it um  I it's amazing what's what's finally coming out   you know I I love Graham Hancock and I know he's  he's become more mainstream thanks to his you know   he's Relentless with with what he insists on but  he's not a archaeologist so you know he gets a   lot of push back but he's dogged in his pursuit  of of of these what's underneath you know these   things and and that show that he did Ancient  Ancient apoc ocp was it called I think I don't   know if you guys caught it on Netflix but it was  fascinating and and and a lot of they brought in   a lot of technology and they're showing just this  is like an onion there are layers and layers and   layers and I believe you know all of our history  is underground I believe there's a lot underground   that most people probably would never believed is  underground but you know I I just did a special in   on Antarctica you know and I and I lead with the  fact that so Skeptics understand beneath that mile   and a half of ice in in Antarctica is what we now  know to be the most active volcanic region on the   planet and they estimate temperatures are you  know range between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit   which is balmy and I'm like so you know when  you're talking about and it's cavernous they   know now from the radar it's already Hollow so  it's like people are like well it's nothing but   ice I'm like listen that's that's just what's  on top you know what I mean you don't you have   no idea what's underneath the the ice and and  Underground I just think it's um I think a lot   of civil the ancient civilizations were forced  underground you know and some of them stayed   there and because they know how to stay there  and and it's a big you know it's a big claim   I know but I but I believe that in my lifetime  you know there's going to be a lot more people   talking about it because there's so much there  so the work you're doing is just phenomenal it's   amazing well of course uh also and we agree with  you we say there's more under the ground of Giza   than there is above the ground and I think that's  you know almost already proven because there's so   many places that they're digging looking and going  under all the queen pyramids and other things like   that but let me just say what's also interesting  is drch pointed out in 1973 with his book the keys   of Enoch that the um queen star shaft yes thank  you uh points to sirius and the King's chamber   star Shaft or air shaft as some people call it  points to Orion so he that's a little different   from what uh Robert Bal said who were who pointed  that the three pyramids themselves are the belt of   Oran Dr said also the star shaft points to Orion  so we about specifically to what the three stars   called in Arabic M Anam so there's another side to  this greater story that the Ancients in Egypt and   later under the Islamic world of astronomy they  recognized that there was a connection there with   star intelligence that was very very profound and  we believe that our planet has gone through many   atmospheric changes where great civilizations  have been simply destroyed quickly in terms of   what we call cataclysmic geology and rebuilt right  so going back for just a second to Antarctica uh   we had a very good friend in South Africa and  you probably didn't mention her on your other   program her name was Elizabeth clar and when she  was a young girl she actually had an encounter   with an alien and uh it's been reported she  that was in the 1950s she wrote about in the   1970s and she said that these alien people had  lived on Venus Earth and Mars but when the sun   was being variable or like too many solar flares  they realized they had to vacate Venus and they   came and they left people on Earth and on Mars  but they used the underground Chambers from time   to time in Antarctica so that was she said  this and wrote about in the 70s okay so it's   not anything new and then she said and then they  ultimately went to the nearest star now we used   to think the nearest star was Kom bonis but she  said no they went to centuri and that's you know   Alpha and um Proxima centuri is what she said  and she actually supposedly was picked up and   went there herself with them and then they had  to bring her back so uh NASA NASA confirmed her   speculation and also what we're seeing now I mean  the sun being a variable star which Dr herac also   pointed out in the 1973 yeah and you know we are a  little concerned about all the major solar flares   even though it's 11year cycle we're getting  close to that solar Max it seems to from all   the data coming up that there's more solar flares  uh well we'll say heightened solar flare activity   than there was and just in 2012 remember how the  Mayans the whole thing with the Mayans 2012 well   we missed a Carrington event which was a massive  solar flare by nine days in 2012 so it was very   close and we do feel that there's certain levels  of intelligence that are protecting our planetary   system we were just down in Mexico with our friend  haime malsan some people may be familiar with him   he's really the ufologist of Mexico and he watches  a volcano there called Popo is the whole name of   that and uh you know he sees UFOs around there all  the time and we said look haime what they're doing   is they're trying to protect the volcano from  going off because they have much better technology   than we do and they know how to do that because  if it went off you'd have problems in two of the   major cities in the country of Mexico so so the  pyramids and temples may be chronal monitors or   time measuring devices to warn us about planetary  cyc also reminding us that Humanity can survive   these great cataclysmic changes if we have the  right psychology and cosmology so I'm optimistic   that even with the dangers of what we would call  solar Max or solar cycle 25 we will be able at   least in most parts of the world to bootstrap a  whole new cycle of renewal look to Alternatives   and energy and resources largely within our  Consciousness to say that we are here as part of   a much larger evolutionary program and that that  gives us really the certitude to press forward and   recognize that in the blue skies of the greater  Universe there are other civilizations that have   gone through what the ancient egypti went went  through and we able to leave planet Earth for   other solar systems so we're very optimistic and  I just wanted to remind our viewers that our work   also in Mexico with the pyramids of yukatan was  published in periodical archia by Ena Ena is like   the Smithsonian Institute in Mexico it's the most  prestigious group of scientists and They Carried   our article looking at the musical sound testing  that we did in the over 15 years wow and this   substantiates what we found earlier in Egypt so  we suggest that long before recorded history the   last 7,000 years navigation cultures had a common  Musical and mathematical SL astrophysical language   in building these pyramids or temples at certain  locations to give certitude to give inspiration   and also to teach us how we have to breathe and  use whatever call certain techniques to open our   heart our mind our planetary Vision so that we're  not captured in the shadow side of life but we're   in the light of the greater Universe the greater  mind we call the Divine yes because we live in   a in a world where the dominant Society is very  material oriented and so our you know our young   people unfortunately are not taught about the true  nature of not only the human being the human heart   you know what what we truly are made of but what  this reality is made of and I and it's you know   it's it's so frustrating when you begin to realize  how much we're you know it's difficult to create   a new world when the when young people are not  being taught the truth about this one and um and   that's why I I love what I do because I mean I'm  I'm I'm teaching I have a 10 and a 12-year-old   The 10-year-old's Not So captive of an audience  just yet my 12-year-old is very interested and   he's learning like a like a sponge but he's I'm  teaching him about everything you know and I'm   like you're G to be you know very much one of  the few people you know who who understands   these things and you're going to you're going to  have to teach people when they're interested um   because the the world's going to depend on people  like you who know this is why we form the academy   for future science because we believe there always  will be a future and there always will be science   but science has to be guided by Consciousness  that's the difference right and I was going to say   what's so cool is you can teach the kids the power  of the mind I used to do that like you know well   what's underneath that card you know is it a red  or green or yellow picture you know and they they   can get it and that's part of the whole quantum  physics and one of our we maybe move into the idea   of what mind Dynamics is all about in remote  viewing because kids can and I truly believe   especially once they know about it that they can  see things into the future they can know things on   another part of the planet what's taking place  and when we there's studies all over the world   the remote viewing studies especially those done  by Stanford Research Institute but also our work   with Elizabeth Rouser saying you know precognition  actually is possible and people are accurate about   it I mean usually you go like about nine months  in uh the future one of the things I had a a girl   working for me I'll call her Jackie and I I woke  up with the thing well Jackie doesn't work here   anymore there was a phone call and I heard that  I go what do you mean Jackie's like been here for   like five seven years why is she not working  here anymore and what happened eventually in   about a month or two is her husband got cancer and  demanded that she stop working so I mean these are   things that you can know and do really in advance  and and they've done you know Russell tar who's a   good friend of ours Dro wrote a book called end of  suffering with them he actually played the silver   market and made money that was a whole part of  the test of that it's not in this book this is   really how to use remot viewing to go beyond se  but you see here through the great El Elegance of   engl swan the parap physicist artist how the human  mind is like a cosmic egg in this worlding galaxy   in the human mind so under the right conditions  we can be sensitized to reach out beyond the   boundaries of the three dimension absolutely we  can and it Realties and now to put this together   this book is the real X Files in this book the  top 1% of physicists and and mathematicians we   work with did an experiment as we see here the  area of the campus of Carell University and on   the other page the drawings of Elizabeth the  co-writer of the book pointing out the details   of what we eventually saw and experienced without  her being there in Egypt without knowing anything   about the details at a certain time of the day  we told her to tap into us and she was able to   draw this light pillar which matches the one  that's in the picture with the embellishments   like a very elaborate Leaf designed underneath  the the light bulb itself as well as at the   bottom of the light pole and she car and people  and she also said cobalt blue which was the color   of the door enough the door was calt going to the  auditorium so how could she know all these details   except on a different frequency this knowledge is  available through what we will call the collective   Consciousness or the quantum field is the way  we really perceive it so we're just beginning   to open the door to the multi-dimensionality of  the human mind and we think this is really what   makes us different from AI we actually do teach  about AI at universities we're just down there   in Mexico teaching about it but you know you could  say well the you know AI can do more and know more   than we do and you know you get it with Alon musk  who says if we don't do something they're gonna   you know surpass us but we have these capacities  of knowing and that's something that's beyond the   internet learning that's in our soul that's in  our DNA and super Consciousness yes right it's   in our DNA and we're beginning to realize through  mind Dynamics the great opportunity we have rather   than going the way of being being uh should we  say victimized by too many robotic insertions   into our brain tissue we're here making a Quantum  change and with this book mind dyamics tells us   is science has proved on the highest level one  of the greatest think tanks Stanford Research   Institute over 20 years of Studies have shown that  we are multi-dimensional humans we are non-local   we're here but we're also another Dimensions if  we wish and we can use this power as we showed   in Egypt not to spend 30 years digging underneath  the sense of Egypt we can go there with the power   of the mind and know specifically where to go  and save the time and effort and this is what   we believe to be the Breakthrough now taking place  between past and future we are in that unique area   of rediscovering our potential but we have to  understand this is a potential for good science   science oriented by the heart mind and soul or  spirit this is an opportunity for Collective   wisdom to help all cultures and people this is  the time also to understand the possibility that   we are connected with the universal mind which  would mean other Cosmic cultures do exist as   astronaut Gordon Cooper and Astronaut Ed Mitchell  colleagues of ours suggested when they were in out   of space so beginning to realize this tremendous  opportunity not to see the end of History the end   of the planet but the beginning of a whole new  concept of planetary Evolution where we're going   into space we're Reinventing ourselves in a  positive way and we're moving away from the   negative pessimism and the paradigms of disaster  that have plagued Humanity by unnecessary Wars   and manipulations of economies but our ability is  amazing and uh just for the entertainment of your   audience University of Colorado Boulder you can do  the research took amateurs and took 10 people and   they analyze whether the stock market was going  to go up or down they did this in something like   about six different dates in a particular year and  as a collective they were 100% right so they could   buy and sell I wouldn't recommend it for everyone  but but all this also gets down to the fact that   we have this ability to tap into a higher Quantum  Consciousness field and I believe that that's also   what extraterrestrials are able to do as well uh  we've been part of a book called Contact by Alan   making contact actually by Alan Steinfeld  yes and the I idea that as soon as you um   have had any connection with an extraterrestrial  vehicle doesn't have to be an entity appearing in   your room just something that's real up in the  sky you've made that entanglement and that's a   term in quantum physics that you're then connected  but we're entangled with everybody and everything   almost all the time time so we have the ability  to know and do more and I believe that's how we're   getting a lot of downloads we're here in Silicon  Valley and there are people who you know like you   almost saw at the beginning of the open Heimer  film if you remember that and Beautiful Mind they   they get downloads of Technology hopefully for the  good to help Mother Earth we think that's what's   happening right now we're we're progressing fact  the KE ofo said we would have 64 areas of science   we'll take a Quantum Leap so that we're prepared  for our own connection with Cosmic intelligence   and I think the strangest thing on Cosmic  intelligence is not all of them are Grays   not all of them are reptilians some of them are  like us yes very much like us um and and I that's   going to probably be the most shocking thing for  Humanity to to see the reflection of themselves   in these beings uh who I think had a a very big  hand in creating and and designing this amazing   technology this human um and we are so blessed and  gifted to have this technology and and this world   we live in I I'm I I believe that wholeheartedly I  was just talking to uh a documentary a documentary   director who directed unacknowledged and Close  Encounters of the fifth kind and and some of Dr   Steven Greer's work and I was telling him this  crazy story I had where I I connected and it   was ju it was just like you said it was such an  entanglement with this with this um ship I was in   new I was in living in Manhattan at the time so  I don't know what I was thinking trying to get a   ship to show up in the middle of the city for me  but what happened I was so deep in this in this   this beautiful nothing this black void and then  all of a sudden just never anything like this has   ever happened to me um you know wasn't a dream uh  it was just bang this ship showed up clear Vivid   and and just connected with me and I was like hi  and I just got this this greeting you know this   sense of hello and connection with them and then  I I I I sensed that they had to move off and I was   just like thank you so much you know um me sitting  in on my on my roof in Manhattan with a headlamp   on um well we honor your contact experience the  question is what happens after contact there has   to be positive psychology and sociology otherwise  it can be a situation of an experimental culture   culture that can work adversely and this is why I  believe our government and other governments have   been rather reluctant to put all the cards on  the table because what we find here on Earth is   also in utter space there is rivalries there are  situations that may be unpleasant to our logic   but again we push the envelope of knowledge  forward looking at discernment and abilities   to use our educational capacities to work on the  highest level possible which is not the ET but the   what we call the UT the alter testal those who'  gone Beyond material Evolution right so we write   in making contact we're one of the chapters that  there's we consider three levels of intelligence   extraterrestrials which are bound in the mature  Evolution yeah usually or more extended of course   by a million years they can work in The Fifth  Dimension so they can go through walls then   there's extra celestials and we have friends  that have encountered them they're usually not   materializing except on occasion in your bedroom  light geometries of lights and then there's alra   Terr which are really much more here also to help  us so we do believe there's different levels of   intelligence we were uh we did a show with uh  Jamie Fox about his moment of contact that was the   vgina case about alien technology and this being  that appeared a couple in January of 1996 it was   like a kind of grayish green being and then it had  like red eyes and it was very very strange this is   in Vina Brazil and it's pretty much a very do dou  umented case but what's really interesting is that   we brought up at the end of it because we were  pretty well versed in in the uh information is   Roger Lear right went down to Dr Roger Le Dr Roger  Le from Los Angeles he was a um the diatrus I   believe went down he used to take out um implants  on people but anyway he went down and interviewed   the doctors who had taken care of these aliens and  when they were trying to uh live they were giving   mental communication to the doctors how to help  them yeah and then at one point he recorded and   I'm just going to paraphrase um he recorded in his  notes that the aliens said to the doctor oh it's   very sad you don't know who you are you humans do  not know your Cosmic potential right that's right   so I mean we are you know we've been dumbed down  here but I think all that's changing we're getting   to know you know the pyramids like you said all  the things that have gone on in the past the   present and now the future is really coming to our  doorstep so there's more to the picture than just   the pyramid I brought with me for our little talk  this evening several other pictures one in Mexico   shows a paraphysical light that takes a form from  what looks like to be a dove or bird that appears   next to the gentleman by the pyramid in the state  of meditation so it's the Paranormal aspect that's   we believe is the most important not the historic  Monument or pyramid which is a sign of a Vortex or   gathering area of energy but what comes out  of this contact experience the power of the   Mind once excited once energized and clearly we're  beginning to work now with a whole new psychology   of futurism of realizing that there are higher  levels of the Mind higher levels what the Ancients   called the chakras that create the higher self or  the over self that give gives us the abilities to   work with the other dimensional intelligences and  you are familiar with our other book called The   over self Awakening which takes the reader through  what we will call sacred geometry where he or she   72 phases of Consciousness as we see here begins  to realize as we see at the bottom of the screen   the different energy Setters yeah learning on  Mother Earth and how this is synthesized the   power of the expanded heart The Compassion which  is generally seen in most cultures as the sign   of the divine feminine we believe that science has  to open up now the right hemisphere absolutely the   brain the Fe female or the metaphysical side to  see the greater picture because we also think the   pyramid is really just it's a central control  mechanism but it's tied into the vortices of   sacred areas all around the globe and also into  the heavens so it's all a bunch of network saying   the pyramid is an archetype of consciousness  found in most cultures of the world it's also   nwork believe probably on most worlds too yeah  it's uh it's not a there's no coincidences I don't   believe in them anymore but um I what I what was  I gonna say I so many things I wanted to say but   one of the reasons I'm talking to you is because  I I I I I went on this heart opening Journey 12   years ago and that's led me into all this amazing  information and I learned how to open my heart and   I healed myself of a lot of trauma and and all all  all these roads LED right to this Center and and   it's the greatest gift I ever gave myself you know  I I I'm I'm free of all the old well most of the   old programming and that identity I was tied in  and it's it leads me to beautiful people like you   and if science would ever I mean just allow for  you know more of these things and start to take   into account then this the world could transform  in a generation so we we have to do it if we're   going to we're going to pull through some of the  some of the dark dynamics of this society and the   control mechanisms in place and it's going to be  through this kind of of work and these kind of   talks and this kind of Consciousness because it's  the only way out you know well your future as well   as a cosmic Catalyst you see the importance your  age reaching through the internet Ian Electronic   University where young people can be brought  from negativity into positive creativity or   co-creativity where they see there's a higher  road map that there's importance to the human   mind we would call it the the Greeks call it  psyche or the soul and in all major Traditions   there was a recognition that the soul or the  higher Consciousness survives the short life of   the Mortal physical garment that we put on called  the human body and that that higher Consciousness   is a clue to the should we say the reinvesting of  life in a variety of other biological forms I call   it biogenesis the Journey of cosmogenesis and  biogenesis is now coming closer because of what   we've seen in utter space and this is uh in other  projects that we work with the possibility of   intelligent life in the universe the possibility  of cosmic law preparing us for contact would   mean that these other forms have gone through our  evolutionary faith and could help us overcome the   dualism and the breakage that we have between  the various cultures that are technically in   ideologically at war with one another because they  do not see the common basis of compassion love and   the Divine spark that brings all of us together  but I think it's very important you know what you   experienced and people sometimes spent a lifetime  trying to figure out you know how they had this   mother and why they had that father if they  realize that they did it and they they incarnated   into that that reality so that they could learn  to move forward or learn from that and then move   and take the steps that they need to transform it  then they understand that this planet really is   a planet of Soul growth and there circumstances  were in the midst of whether you know do we like   each other do we not like each other that's all  stuff it's well there's another book I hate to   say all the books we been part of one's called Our  Moment of choice and there's about 40 different uh   Scholars wri in that but we believe every moment  is Our Moment of choice that's the planet we're   living in so we all have to choose yes at every  moment to move into peace into love into greater   heart or to stay back in the old scenario it's  it's an amazing does not come through mathematical   formulas it comes through experience of the energy  field itself this is why we emphasize in a new   book sound it's the soundscape it's the ability to  swim in an ocean of sound Dynamics is the ability   to breathe and and listen to the beauty of the  birds the tree leaves see the color patterns   of the so we say the greater spectrum of life to  become multi-dimensional means to be able to put   on what the ancient scriptures call Joseph's  Coat of Many color the investure of a higher   sense of knowing what life is all about life is  the engineering of cosmic opportunities and the   the soundscape is something we must daily sound  in our prayer or medit ation if we wish or the   use of creative music or Sound and the ability to  enliven ourselves so we don't fall asleep at the   wheel and say all this is just intellectual guess  workor no this is not this is the science of the   future Science guided by Consciousness Science  guided by the heart science that sees that we   are part of a Eternal family of creative beingness  and I just want to say in terms of quantum physics   that every possibility is out there that's what's  scary about The quantum computer because quantum   computer takes like every possibility of your  password and puts it together until it opens and   it does it in like less than 30 seconds right  so that's what a quantum computer is but it's   the same thing we're part of this Quantum field  where all possibilities are really in front of us   we simply have to choose the right one that can  help us move into a greater understanding of who   we are and how to help so every moment is part of  that understanding so we are all quantum computers   we just keep selecting usually the negative or  the lowest common denominator instead of our own   greater potential because we select from the past  instead of being present and allowing the universe   to surprise us and staying conscious in the moment  and and that comes from bad programming you know   not not necessarily bad parenting but but but  programming that is like we were talking about   is it's kind of a miseducation that we get you  know we get conditional love from our parents   that's just the way it is is it's not we love our  parents but we're taught in a way conditional love   if you're bad you're you know you're grounded  you're out of here I'm not talking to you you   know it's not it's not exactly the kind of love  the universe and God has for us you know which is   unconditional so I think that you know one of the  keys and things I talk about my show is the more   you can um habituate being present and allowing  the universe to surprise you even though you   may not know cuz the unknown is scary for people  people that's when all the magic happens that's   when all the synchronicities happen you know but  you got to get rid of that the the part of you   that is thinking and projecting from the past  which is probably a traumatized past into this   present state which is clear and open you know and  and I it's one of the things I'm passionate about   teaching people to try to understand because  they want these new outcomes in their life but   they don't realize they're projecting from a from  a shitty past you know and and they're manifesting   from that so you got to clear that away so you  can start a new and and you know it's one of the   things I've learned to do and I talk about a lot  but yeah so we wanted to congratulate Ela your   name f did you choose that name or your parents  chose unusual that that my that is my real name   and my parents chose that name not because they  were well- read um or were aware of you know all   the all the wonderful and and epic literature but  because um it was my my uncle name no it was my   it was my grandfather's name I was an identical  twin and my twin brother's name is Frank and in   the womb Frank and I were always jostling for  space and my mother would always comment there   they go again fight they must be fighting and  my my grandfather who I'm named after was always   fighting with his brother so she goes just like  f and Frank and so that's how we ended up with   our names let let me give you a little back on two  of the my great uh celebrity ities uh in historic   authorship is Thomas man the great German writer  who wrote a book called Dr Fus and of course G the   19th century German philosopher uh one who was  compared with Shakespeare wrote also the famous   book called fa yes I've read the struggle of the  human soul with mephistophiles really the negative   spirit world that wants to create cruelty and  death as opposed to life and purpose and Thomas   man and his beautiful Excellence uh wrote a series  of folks called Joseph and his brothers the tale   of Egypt and how Joseph received this knowledge to  bring back his brothers who sold him into slavery   and how we like you are trying to bring Humanity  out of economic three-dimensional slavery or being   slaves to Mechanical Society to be living experts  living uh vehicles I would say of the greater   essence of life and purpose so it's a great name  because it illustrates really the upper thrust   the upper Victory if when stays the chor yes so I  just want to add our own personal belief which it   goes into our book over self-awakening is the fact  that we're in a material body right now we can all   understand that but in addition to that we have a  higher self and that higher self is always trying   to get through to us with a higher perspective and  for the most part yeah we are stuck into the past   uh in terms of how we make our decisions but if  we would allow that higher self which has higher   like an overview effect that was something  that Edgar Mitchell mentioned when he came   back from being out of space when he has this  overview effect of seeing things not only past   present and future but also around the world and  knowing everything it tries to also help us that   higher self to make the right decisions but we  usually block it so if we can be open to that   higher we'll say the activation of the seven  shockra with what we call the a chakra we can   bring forth a greater life and be at the right  place in the right time and I think right now we   all need to start working with our higher self to  be in the right place at the right time it's the   first thing I learned to do it's it's it's where  you have to start you have to start working with   your higher self it may sound woow woo to some  of you although if you've been listening this   long if you're probably well past that um but but  absolutely that's that's where I started you know   and then from from there you can continue to  get your roots into this beautiful Earth and   then out into the Stars that's how the Journey  has gone for me and and I and I believe that's   kind of the way it goes you know so I encourage  everyone don't don't be shy work 30 years to 50   years in the scientific Community to accept a  new idea but the keys published 50 years ago   illustrating this in one of our schematics show  areas of the planet that were historically places   of contact and again those of you interested in  this book be aware that we have films now to go   with the keys of Enoch archaeological Journeys  anthropological uh Quest that we've documented   and as D Desiree is illustrating this also a world  map of actual confirmations that have taken place   we turn to key 215 now oh that's okay I think we  should probably be wrapping this up I love how   we've uh kind of this to I'll be able to because  I have because I'll be able to I have the book   so I'll be able to one from the Far East from  the findings in Indonesia on the island of yeah   Flores Flores yeah all the way to Africa with  the gigantic Footprints well let me show this   picture instead because this is more like what we  were talking about so this is who we are now yeah   this is where we need to uh transform because  most people think in this reality and this is   who we truly are multi-dimensional being

2024-01-02 14:46

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