The Importance of Large Scale Cleaning Efforts In Response to COVID-19 webinar recording

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Hello. Everyone, thank you for joining we, are going to just wait a couple of minutes as people. Are continuing, to sign, on and we'll just get started in a couple of minutes. You. Okay hello everyone, and happy. April my. Name is Kristin hands ER and I'm the senior partnership manager, at the green sports Alliance on, behalf, of the entire alliance, team we hope you all are staying safe and healthy, and we, thank you for taking the time to join us today for this very timely, discussion topic, the, importance, of large-scale cleaning, efforts in response to Coba 19 we. Also have our project, coordinator Jessica. Crawford with us today who will be posting, live, updates, on our social media channels during the discussion, so, keep an eye out for those and closed. Captioning, is brought to you by LNS. Captioning which. We thank for their services, as partner, of the Alliance. I'm. Going to cover a few quick, housekeeping items. Before introducing, our, panel, first. We will be making both, the slide decks and the webinar recording, available following. Today's session, and we'll, be sending a follow-up email to all attendees, with access, to these I. Also. Want, to just, make sure that everyone, knows in, case you did not see our announcement, last, week that we, are rescheduling. Our 2020, summit, for, a later date as a result, of the, coab in nineteen pandemic, more. Details will be coming soon and they, will be on a summit website, which, is green sports Alliance org. Slash, summit, you. Can feel free to reach out to myself or other members of the Alliance team with any questions regarding, the summit, and. Before. We begin today's session I, want to give a quick plug for a webinar series that we are doing throughout April, which, is Earth Month in partnership. With the sport ecology, group we. Will be co-hosting four. Webinars over, the next few weeks in the lead-up to Earth Day on April, 22nd. Which, is when we will have a digital resource fair, and release, 50, curated. Green, sports resources. In honor of the 50th anniversary, of, Earth Day so. You can register for these. Webinars on, the sport ecology, group website in addition to our website and we'll, be sending these, links in the follow-up email, following, the session. As. A. Quick, reminder there, will be time for Q&A with our panelists, towards, the second, half of the hour and, we, encourage you to type, in any questions into, the chat box at any, point during the session we. Will do our best to cover as many of the submitted questions as we can and also. Just to note that you can submit any questions or. Suggestions, for, resources, that, our speakers, and/or. The Alliance itself can help your organization with, during, these, really challenging times, so, all comments, or questions that are submitted will be shared with our team and with the speakers so we can follow up following, the session and.

Now. I would like to introduce our, first speaker Steve. Ashkan, Steve. Is the president, of the Ashkan group and a, board member of the green sports Alliance Steve. Thank, you for kicking off the discussion today. It. Is absolutely, my pleasure Kristen, and, I. Want to begin by giving a special thanks, to all of you on the phone today I know, your life is incredibly, busy lots. Going on and it. Is clearly, our goal to make the use of this time absolutely as helpful to you as positive, so. As Kristen mentioned please. Submit your questions. Through. The chat feature, and we will do absolutely our best to be as helpful to you as possible. Next. Slide please. So. I'm Steve Ashton, I have. The great pleasure of, serving, on the board of directors of the green sports Alliance which. Is an absolutely, amazing. Organization. We. Do lots of good work and, I'm. Glad that all of you are participating. In, this in. Terms of my technical, expertise. Simply. Let me say that I am, seriously. Into this stuff I've, been paying extra, special. Attention to what's going on with Cobra. Virus, and currently. Working with a bunch of major organizations. Around the world to. Try to appropriately. Address, what, is going on and hope to share some, of those experiences, and understandings. With all of you on the line today. Next. Slide please. The. First thing I simply want to do is point out that the. Green sports Alliance has, a playbook, on greenery cleaning, in sports facilities, and, I. Think it's a good resource in general, for the work that we're doing. Considering. Adding some additional information about, the virus, at, this point the real things, that I wanted, to just share with you are two areas one, is the. Comments, about concessionaires. You see the point, number five and the, only reason I mentioned, that is let's, not forget that, it's, not just a corona virus, we're concerned, about we. Still have to make sure we're addressing all, the things that, cleaning, can affect to, create healthier. And safer sport.

Facilities So. Let's not get too tunnel visioned, on the corona virus, us do the things that we know, we, need to do. Next. Slide please. So. The number one thing that I really want to point out in a few minutes that I have to speak is that, I think it's incredibly, important. To follow the CDC's, guidelines. And. We'll. Be sending out these slides, we'll. Send out some additional resources if you want them please. Hook mark, this page at, the. End of the day you. Want to be able to say that. What, we did was based. On CDC's, recommendations. They. Are lighting, the rulebook and they are the referees, so. Please, follow. What they're doing and. Understand, that their guidelines are changing. Periodically. So you can have to come back and look us out next. Slide please and. Specific. To the sporting, industry. These. The. Cdc has also, given, some specific guidance. On, what. We should do in, large. Venues. Community. Facilities, so, again mark. This page so you can, friends, what, it is and, I. Think this is probably the most important, things that I can tell you at this point. Next, slide though. So. Just a few things that I do want to point out number. One you, know unlike developing. A vaccine or, medications. For the novel coronavirus, that. May take us months to, develop, it. Is important, to understand. That our current. Disinfectants. Have, proven, to work effectively. Against. The virus. What. That means is that you, can have confidence, that if you're selecting, the right products, and using them properly that. We can, beat this from a cleaning perspective. So. We got the tools we got the people we, know how to do this so. Let's be confident. In what we're doing and, just make sure we're doing it correctly, so. A few specific things that I do want to point out, is. That, number. One make sure you're using approved. EPA. Disinfectants. That are part of the, emerging. Pathogens program. To. Make. Sure that the distant seconds, are being diluted, properly. And if you need to check your dispensing, equipment. Think. About dwell times, make, sure that cleaning protocols, are, addressing. The, appropriate. Dwell time so the disinfectants. Can work are delay. Also. Focus. On touch, points, the things that people were touched pretty disinfecting. Make. Sure that all the cleaning personnel, are properly, trained because you're gonna have lots of turnover, so, make sure new people, know what they're doing and.

Finally. Keep, checking, back to. CDC's, websites, to, see if they have additional updates. Or recommendations. For you to follow, so. Again thank you very much for tuning in and Krista. And I turn, this back to you. Thank. You for that introduction Steve, and our. Next speaker I'll, pass this on to is Scott. Borland, the, president, of corporate operations. At Janney King. Thank. You Kristen and I'm grateful, for the opportunity to. Speak today and be a part of this webinar, as. You said I'm Scott Borland vice president, of corporate operations, for Jana King International, I'm. Just a quick overview on Jana Kane we've been in, business. For over 50, years however, the largest commercial. Cleaning franchise, company. In the world, and, we, we, have, 8,000. Franchisees. Around, the world and. We're in 10 countries, and. Addition. To cleaning. Sports, venues, we also have, a number of franchisees, cleaning, EBS. Accounts, doing terminal cleans and ol ours and just got a phone, call from excited, franchisee. Today that she's got some additional opportunities, in the labor and delivery ward. Of a hospital in, New Jersey so we do in addition, to sports venues we have hospitality. And resorts and we do do a. Variety. Of different types of accounts. And cleaning. So. I, just. Wanted to to let you know that because you. Can go to the next slide please. It's, been very, very important, for us to. Have had the practices, and the processes. That are needed to to. Clean an operating, room or the, food processing. Plant, in. The past, those. Processes. And applications. And chemicals, that we've used we, are now using in commercial. Office buildings. We're, using them in in, stores, and. Areas. Where our community are. Having to go to to, to, maintain their their lives as best as they can at this point so. We. The, processes, the chemicals, the equipment. Sustainability. And training, and implementation. Of, those have always been very, important, components, of a, cleaning program. But. I think, the new. Component. That's going to be very forward, going forward, is going to be verification. Or the. Ability to evaluate, a. Program. So. Just I just briefly, speaking, on a few of these bullet points and I hope that I hope, that these bullet points will generate some questions, so that I can get a little bork it get into a little bit more detail, later. On I'd be very very happy to share information. That. I don't touch on here at the, beginning and my introduction, but. Chemicals. That, we are using here recently, for. Disinfection. Are, basically, stabilized. Bleach products. And. They're, extremely, sustainable. The. One that we're having a lot of success with actually, the diluted, solution. Yields. Hypochlorous. Acid and. For. Those of you who do not know what hypochlorous, acid is, hyper. Cord chlorous. Acid is, what our body's white, blood, cells produced to fight off infection, so.

It Is a very human, friendly. Chemical. But it's a very, extremely. Unfriendly, to, viruses, and bacteria, so that's. A. Very. Important, to me that we use not only effective, chemicals, but those, that are our people, friendly and sustainable, for our environment. The. Equipment, that we're using. Right now there's. All different types, of application, processes. One of the, processes. That we're using and a piece of equipment, that we're using is an electrostatic, applicator. Which actually, gives. The, cleaning. Molecules, the chemical, molecules, a positive, charge which. Makes them make net magnetically. Attracted, to the negative germ. Surfaces. And. That chemical that are referred. To that, stabilized, bleach has actually. Taken, sodium. Hypochlorite. Bleach which. Has a negative charge to, it and it's removed that negative, charge so. That the, positive, charged. Molecules. Of the chemical, now are magnetically. Attracted, you, can actually see the molecules and the chemical. Molecules. Diving. For these these, contact. Surfaces, so. Just wanted to touch on a couple of those and then the training and implementation. Jana. King and we've taken a lot of pride in franchise. Training, and the regional training of our of, our employees, and then our franchisees. So that they can train their employees and, I believe that every. Minute we spend. Training. It, is, such, a value, and it comes back to us and it benefits us exponentially. In the future. And. Verification. You. Know when we do. Hospital. Works and terminal, cleans we. Have to verify, our results. When. We're finished and the same thing with food processing. Plants. So. We've taken an ATP, swab testing, and, we're. Testing. I'm doing some tests here at corporate headquarters. Adenosine. Triphosphate, is an analytic energy molecule, that's found in every living. Cell. And we're. Taking, those readings, before, and after our, disinfection. Disinfection. Process is just so that we can verify and, evaluate, our cleaning, program. So I. Just. Wanted to touch on a few of those bullet points and like I said I hope that those generate some questions, because I would be very very happy to provide. You with additional information, on any of these bullet points, thank. You very much. Thank. You Scott, now. We will hear from Sean, Spaziano. The, senior vice president of marketing at, Clean, Harbors Safety. Clean. Thanks. Chris and I appreciate, that so let's jump right in I'm going to move through the content pretty quickly but I really, appreciate, the opportunity to, talk to everybody today so. It clean harbors is the number one front line environmental, emergency, responder, during this outbreak we. Have definitely, spend as much, time consulting.

As We have actually, performing, work now. With that being said we've definitely performed, hundreds, of jobs already all the way across North America and so, we love, the opportunity today to share our experience, and our expertise, with this value alliance we're very grateful to be here today. So we're trying to provide guidance and support which obviously has been more even more critical during this environment, our founder, and our leadership team based out of Boston Massachusetts have. Always been extremely passionate, about sports we've, had a long-standing partnership. With NASCAR and that's something we're definitely very, proud of we. Believe that history has proven that in times of grave crisis, and circumstances. Sports has been, our nation's, greatest medicine, and always. Has been the first step can truly healing, this great nation and the. World our, entertainment. In our culture, is critical. A part of fabric as our economy, itself and oftentimes. The two are not mutually exclusive, so our goal today is to share some key information and best practices as. Well as how clean harbors can help everybody get playing safely, again, so. Next slide thanks, Kristen. So. Here's what we want everybody to understand this is what we're sharing with our clients, today as we are working, through this is, 1 3 & 4 the numbers you have to know number. 1 is a key distinction between. Disinfection. And decontamination. So, the quick version of this and again after the call anybody can contact we've been going deeper, but disinfection. Is. When. There is no plausible. Possible. Or known presence. Of the virus and it is very effective and, we're going to talk about how to choose the right vendor and the right supplier you, know someone like you just heard Janet King speak someone has the right processes, in place to disinfect someone. Like clean harbors where we've got experience over, 40, years plus of, dealing. With infectious, disease disinfection. But, disinfection, is assuming, there is no plausible possible, unknown presence of the virus the, secrets, there are contact, time on surfaces. It's, about, wiping, and soft materials versus hard materials, but the secret is really contact, time the chemical, on, the particular surface, that you're trying to clean and that. Is the we're, trying to disinfect, for, the Prevention. Of a. Lot of different things that sort of cleanliness exercise. Then. This. Where we really, specializes, in decontamination. This is where we believe there isn't plausible, possible. Or known presence, of the virus and for, all of our supports, facilities sports teams practice, facilities, knowing. The difference between these two is critical, in a decontamination environment. We. Use CDC. And EPA approved processes. We, have level, D PPE they, in. Tire. Focuses, to kill the virus we, use fogging, missing, an application. Oftentimes, in partnership, with each other we, use full suits material, bonding full face respirators. There, is an entirely, different, process. Around. Killing. A virus assuming, the presence of the virus and. Decontaminating. A facility, a trailer. Whether, it's a garage whether, it's you, know an office, building it's, very different understanding the difference, between the two is critical, then, we have three components to building a successful plan, you. Have preparedness. One of the biggest questions I get today is Shawn, what can I do right now to ready my business, or facility, I feel like I should, be doing something, it's the Talladega, Nights reference, where it's like I don't know what to do with my hands you know and, we're, so we're helping businesses, through that we're, telling them select the right partners, right now sign. The necessary agreements. In advance, establish. The processes, and procedures, establish. A formal communication. Plan to build confidence not. Just externally. But, for all your key stakeholders your employees your athletes, your teams and the public your. Business continuity is critical. Getting, back and staying back safely this is about understanding the difference between an event versus. Having, an ongoing comprehensive. Process to. Get your business back and run and keep it running with the confidence that's needed to provide and stay in business then. Lastly, is response, preparing. And managing an actual, Kovach 19 event again. Obviously begins. With preparedness, and selecting the right partner and doing everything you have to to, prepare for when this happens, this, includes how is your business going to respond, your, partner should clearly help you lay out the process, on their end from, initial, identification of, a threat through, the completion, of the event so, that there are no surprises and we're confusion, when, it matters the most.

So. Let's go to the next slide. The. Last is the. Four. Key. Things that you have to consider in selecting the right partner expertise, experience scale, and supply chain there's, a lot of company's advertising capabilities. Right now I do, not actually have the expertise, to deliver safely, and in the right way so whether, you're disinfecting. Or decontaminating. Questions you can ask are like who, will actually be doing the work what. Training of your people been through what certifications do, you have the, experience, you don't want to be an experiment, in this environment, you can't afford to be you, have to choose a company that has the experience in performing these services, it's, paramount, that reflects referrals, talk, about a company's history before, you select them can you walk me through your experience, with infectious, disease and handling. Large-scale, cleanups weather which are very different than, a routine business cleanup, and then. Scale what. Resources, do this company, have with. Resources, being more limited than ever it's, critical. To make sure the companies have the bench strength they need to deliver the services they're telling you they can do and can't. Operate without limited, with limited transportation environment. What is your footprint, how many training professionals, do can you get me resources without use the public transportation, and how, fast can you get them that and, then supply chain it's no secret that our supply chain nationally, is strength so. Choosing a partner that is the right buying power secure. Supplier network to get the proper PE PD and supplies, necessary is. A, critical. Element in building a successful plan, next. Slide. So. Basically you know this is where we talk about clean harbors now we align with that so that's how you structure, a business plan that's we're recommending to everyone as far as just some quick points on where we align we. Are the leading provider environmental. And emergency response service in North America we have over 800 trained.

Emergency Response professionals, and we do about 6,000, jobs a year we. Have incinerator, expertise, with specifications, that align with infectious. Material, destruction, which, is critical, we, have the experience, from, routine disinfection to, full size large-scale, decontamination. We, have been there and been doing this for over 40 years we've. Been, a part of the avian. Flu the swine flu the h1n1, the anthrax, attacks and decontamination. Following, 9/11 we've, seen it all we. Perform decontamination. Services, for some of the largest sports teams facilities, and associations, of the world and we, have an unbelievably. Productive and long-standing, partnership, with NASCAR that we're really proud of and we're working with NASCAR right now talking about preventive, measures and how we can be a partner for them during this time and again that's something we're really proud of next. Slide. Scale. We have greater than 100 waste facilities, that we own your, waste isn't going to be changing, hands constantly we, have 450. Service, facilities, 10,000. Vehicles over. 15,000. Employees across North America with, an exhaustive. Distribution, and transportation. Network we can move people products, and resources anywhere quickly, and without the need of public transportation, our. Supply chain we have got hundreds of suppliers and the most of important thing here is that we have the buying power because. Of our size to, be able to ensure a strong supply, and top, priority, buying privileges, which, puts us in the best position, to create a sustainable solution for, you and your facility, and your teams so. You can see the the contact information there and I'm sure stuff is going to be sent out for the call but I just want to say in this environment facts, have become secondary, to emotion, and perception, right, now we believe, it clean harbors at what's important is humility and humanity, above, freedom profitability, we've. Got to get our country playing and entertaining again, safely we, have got to begin the healing process of, our great world and. So we're very honored, to be here today and we thank the green sports Alliance for, inviting us today and we, thank you very much for the time so, we wish everyone the greatest health and and, as, we move forward through this so thank you for the time. Thank. You Shawn. Next. Up we will have Steve, Lavigne who, is president, and CEO of, Atmos. Air solutions. President. And. Great job guys Steve. Scott. And and. What we're talking about today so very important. Talked. About cleaning the surfaces, and atmosphere. Is all about cleaning, the air as well. As the surfaces. We. Are headquartered in Fairfield, Connecticut we started as an air testing company, in 2004. We. Have some branded. Patented. Air, treatment, technology. As an air testing, company, we, would go into buildings, and we would test air quality, and we would write reports on, the 11 different elements, of air quality and that. Led us to finding. A technology. That would improve air quality and. We brought this technology back. With us from Sweden, back in, 2004. The. Company has grown considerably, Johnson. Controls and, others have become partners. With us we do over 70 million square, feet and. 7500. Installations. The reason, we're. So proud. To be part of the green sports Alliance is, that we have. Over 40, venues. That are using, the technology right. Now and, we've. Been granted a number of patents, and we have partners, all, over the world, Kristen, next slide please. So. What. Are we here to talk about today, and to, me the. Most important. Slide. Of the day is. This. This little, ball the spiky, ball that everybody, sees on all the TV. News. Reports, and what not what. Our technology. Does is, all about bipolar. Ionization. And how. Those ions, are, attracted, to. The protein, spikes. Of this virus that's, spiky, ball that you see you. Know what, ions. Do, is, they destroy, the protein, of the virus, they, deactivate.

The Virus the. Virus can't. Infect, you even. If you ingest it and so. We're, all about a process, of yes. Wash your hands, yes. Clean, the surfaces. Yes. Change, your filters, but. Have, this continuous. Disinfection. But, so, that you're continually, disinfecting. The air as well. As the surfaces, Kristen next, slide please. So. Dr. filter no and you see him on CBS. And you see him on CNN talking. To dr. Fauci all the time you. Know what, when the, ions, do, are they, produced, these hydroxyl, radicals. And they. Form a surface on the microbes, and and. It's an active process, lots. Of technologies. Filters. UV. Lights electricity. Electrostatic. Air cleaners they're passive. They're on the river side we're. Putting our technology. On the, supply, side so. We're attacking. It's. Almost a seat, and destroy. Is a, good word picture, for this and. It's active, versus. Passive we. Have lots of studies and lots of, staying on other. Area. Bacteria. Viruses. And germs the, reason sports teams have been using us is because, they want to reduce staff. And mersive they want to reduce ecoli. They, want to reduce norovirus. And we. Have testing, and supporting. Documentation, so, that will, show how we can even go into a health care environment and, reduce. C difficile in the, high 90, percentile, so again, it's an active, technology. Versus. A passive. Technology. Next. Slide Christine. So. How. Does this work. Typically. We, work through the mechanical. Systems, and your, HVAC, systems, this, is technology, that looks like a tube, and and. They come the tubes come in different sizes so, whether you're doing a suite. In a venue or, whether you're doing the entire venue. We, just finished the u.s. Bank Stadium, every. Unit. Is equipped with, this bipolar, ionization. Technology, it. Goes in the supply side of the air system after. The fans after the filters, and then. You're delivering, ions, directly to the target, in the space you, can put it on the supply, ducts you can put it in the air handler, you. Can put it on a rack as, long as you get it into the supply, air those. Ions, will go like little pac-men. Attacking. The contaminants. In the space next. Slide Christmas. So. How, do you measure and monitor lots, of there's. Lots of companies, out there that make a lot of claims and, and. Nobody's, validating. Where nobody's, verifying. As an. Air testing, company, we're all about. Monitoring. Testing. And verification. And, so, the, technology, typically. Is married, with a units. That can measure. PM. 2.5, which. Is dust particles, a co2. See VOCs, which is odors, ozone. Carbon, dioxide, temperature. Relative humidity these. Are all the, types of things that you should be measuring and in. Your environments, to validate, that the system is working and then you can measure them on your phone you, can measure them on your BMS, and and. And track and trending, data is so critical. To what, to what should, be done next. Slide please. So. Why. Bipolar. Ionization. It's. A great, technology. Because, it, really, will agglomerate. Particles. It will take those little particles, floating in the air and. Even those small particles. That you can't see the PM, 2.5 size.

And It, will agglomerate. Them together it, will make them bigger and heavier, so, they're easier, to filter out of the air it'll. Break down odors. And VOCs and, change them into carbon, dioxide and water vapor, no. Mold can live in an ionized, environment. Because it will break down the, molds or so it can't reproduce. Odors. People, are worried all the time about odors, and different, type of VOCs, lingering. Into different areas they shouldn't be this, breaks, that down and, and, again creates. A cleaner healthier, fresher. Environment. And, most importantly, it, attacks. The different bacteria. Viruses. And germs, proactively. Also. If you, do this correctly and, in your in a large venue, and, you can recycle, cleaner, healthier air, it allows. You to bring in less outside, air and create. A nice sustainable. Initiative, that, most venue, should be taking advantage of it really helps you save energy, next. Slide Chris. So. Again. It's all about the measurement, and verification. What. We believe in is if, you, can take the outside, air and measure the outside air, quality, on a real-time basis. And then. Take the inside. Air and measure. That on a real-time. And be able to show that you're creating a cleaner, healthier environment. For your fans for. The employees, for. The players, that's. What it's all about and, and, turn. The invisible. Into. Visible, that's. That's, to, me where the world is going think, about the fan that's going to sit in their seat and take. Out their little sensor, and measure, the air quality, especially now with everybody concerned, about, healthy. Air and venues think. About the. Fed fan that's going to look at their monitor, and say am i breathing the cleanest, healthiest, air in the. Sedum sitting next. Slide. Please, so. We, do a lot of other venues, as well everything, from commercial, office lots, of health care and hospitals, you can only imagine that we're, putting our technology. Into, isolation. Rooms and, Hospital. Newly, set up venues. And, schools. That are concerned, and everybody, is worried about when, we get back to normalcy. What. Are people going to think when I walk back into that venue is it, protected. Is, it safe if, is the kind of. Thing. That we're looking to improve on so that we can show people, their. Environment, that. That. That. They are ahead of the game and and, planning. For how. Do we create this cleanest, healthiest. Environment, and change the perception, of people wondering, when, they walk into their venue next slide please. So. These are some of the venues the. Staples, Center has, been a client. Of ours for, I don't know since 2012. And, and even. When there were fires, in California and. Those those, fumes, would sometimes waft, into the venue, they. Didn't have any issues with smoke. And odor in the space US, Bank Stadium on newest, our, newest. Clientele. And again, throughout every, air handler, saving. Them tremendous. Amounts, of energy, because. They're recycling. And creating. The cleanest, healthiest. Air quality. And other major, venues, that you'll see in fitness, facilities, that you'll see we're. Just so proud to be part of this, opportunity. To, help enhance. Venues. And especially, now needed, more than ever you. Need to create the cleanest, healthiest, air not. Only in the, air but, on surfaces. As well so, thank you for letting us be part of this webinar. Thank. You Steve for that information, and overview, and now, last but not least we, have Robin, Raj founder. And executive creative. Director at. Citizen, group and a. Board member of the green sports Alliance. Robin. Hi. Kristin, and, thank you everybody, greetings. From, the. Bay Area, where. I'm located. You. Know the presentations.

Steve, Steve Shawn just. Made. Reinforce. What I imagine, we. All can agree to which, is. Science. And technical, expertise. Must. Lead us we. Must be guided by. Our experts. And. Also. Appropriately. Communicate. What. They have to say, and. Do. So in a way that will be authentic, as. In verifiable. Appropriate. At this time but. Also. Fully. Formed, fully, intentional. And, that's. The work, we. Do in building what we call so-called citizen, brands. And. If you go to the next slide Kristin. One. Of the you, know I'd say. Key. Tenants, which, was true. 90. Days ago 60. Days ago ever more true now is. Brands. Today are increasingly becoming, more about what they do. Not. Just what they say and. You. Know we're seeing how, so. Many companies, are appropriately. And, teams. Banned, communities. Individuals. Everybody. Is stepping, up. And. Rallying. And. If. We, go to the next slide you know we realize, that. We're. Having to also not, just step up and start to see around corners. We're. Being called into service, in novel. Ways. You. Know now, soon. The. You. Know folks, that clean harbor and janitorial, services. All across the. Country become, our essential, workers. Our. Time on the front lines may still be coming in, so many cities you, know I noted. That the United, Center. In Chicago is. Converting. Their facility, as facilities. Have done in times. Of, disaster, but that. That may be ahead of us and we need to be considering. You, know the response, at. That, local, level, if. You go forward. Kristin. One more. You. Know so planning. For the reopening in, a way that. Authentically. Builds reassurance. And confidence, by sharing, that planning. And, I. Think you, know Shawn spoke to this a little earlier, but. This. Report. By Brookings, Institute. Which. Just came, out if you go the next slide Kristin, talks. About how, we prepare, large-scale, Civic, assets. For. The. Moment. We. Start to come, back online and, they. Use the word term. We. Have two pandemic. Proof our assets. And, so. When we break that down and prepare that plan, that. Gets, us closer to pandemic, proof. You, know really defining, what are the new, protocols. And protections. And bring, people along for, the ride, meaning our, employees. Our. Customers, our fans. What. They will expect. To. If we start to see around the corner and, can at least plan, and, share. That plan appropriately. You, know with all of our stakeholders. That's, what citizen, brands, need to do first. And foremost, today. And you, know some of those protocols. And protections, they. Speculate. With. Through. Their research says. May well require making, masks, available, to patrons. Possible. Testing, sites, at. Our, community, facilities. Temperature. Checks, so. This. Is you. Know another. Layer, to the, anticipation. You need to create when, putting a plan together. For. The cleaning the, disinfecting. The decontaminating. But. The. Full fully, robust, plan. Forward, as it, emerges. If. We go forward. So. Communication. And you know we're seeing. How in the context, of sports. App. You had done a study that. Sadly. Only 17%, of, Americans, follow. Science. Yet. 68%. Follow. Sports, that. Is really at the thesis, of the green sports Alliance, that. Using. Our. Fan. Bases or, community, facilities. To. Model, positive. Healthy behavior. Is. Key. And, this. Is a time when we can really honor our. Emergency. Workers, and our, scientific. Experts, as Steph. Curry. So. Did so beautifully last week if you go forward Kristen. And. These. Days. Too. Close, to quota Sly. Stone everybody, is a star can. Be a star, we, need to you know really highlight. Our. Technical. Experts, at the local level people that, are you. People. That are working, in your facilities. So. Fans. Begin, to appreciate the. Issues. You. Are going through in a, way that is really transparent, and, sort. Of unprecedented, in terms of looking behind the scenes, because. People will want to know, if. We go forward. Yeah. Another example, of you. Know how our, athletes. Are stepping up to. Address. Our essential, workers, and again. Our essential, workers include, our cleaning, staffs now. Going. Forward. Another. One please, in. The interest of time. Yeah. These are just articles we've collected, talking, about how clean clean, workers, are on the. Front lines. Will. Go forward another. Same. Thing let's go forward one more. This. Will all be part of the. Resources. Will be providing, one, more Kristen in, the interest of time yeah. I want to make the point that we. Do want to know in. A wonky way about. The, innovation. The, innovations, such. As the, VI by, Bionic. Air filtration. Electrostatic. Sprayers. The. Technical, information can, be quite. Interesting. To the layperson and. I'm, gonna finish by telling a quick story on the stove if we go. To the last slide, I. Started. This year and my wife happened, norovirus. This. Was right after the holidays norovirus. Is, the. Virus. That famously. Causes. The outbreaks, on cruise ships and she. Spent three, days in the hospital quarantine. And, this was you know two months before I had ever heard or.

At Least 30 days before. I had ever heard of corona virus and you. Know it's so important, to meet people where they are and this. Was my symbol, of. Remembering. That I had, to kind of go back to school. How, to properly. Disinfect. If, not, endeavour. To decontaminate my. Home, when. My. Wife came back from hospital and, you. Know we, are fed. Through the. Popular. Culture, you know kills. 99.9%. Well. People want to know you. Know really in their own homes how. They clean how they disinfect. Particularly. If they have a patient at home so, this is where. Our. Expertise. At the large scale level. Can. Really be communicated. On a personal, level and. Do. So in a meaningful way I would. Encourage you all to consider some, of those ideas, in, your communication. I'll, wrap, up with one, last slide and. Chris. Them in the interest of timeless, is bang through these yeah, right down to the end we. Want to lead with. Science, and technical prowess. We, want to, highlight. The role of innovation how. We're disinfecting. And reinventing, our systems. And, our protocols. Provide. Practical, information, to. All of our stakeholders. And. Then, the reassurance of. Strengthening, community, bonds, comes. From sharing stories, from the frontlines because. That really expresses. A. Sense, of unity, in terms of what we are all going through and, with. That I'll give it back to you Kristin. Thank. You Robin for that and for closing, out the initial, presentations. Here so. We have a few questions coming, in and just another reminder to, type. In any questions. Comments, or feedback for. Us to cover during, the session or to share with the speakers following. The webinar, so. They've been a couple of people, who, have, wanted to know about, if there, are differences, in. Cleaning. Outdoor, stadiums, so with the factors, of flight, and Sun and. Verses, indoor arenas, such, as a hockey arena where, there's no direct. Sunlight where, it might be cooler can. Would. Anyone like to jump in and explain, a little bit about how, a, venue owner can, address, the differences, that that, might exist in the approaches, for, these different types of venues. Listen. This is Steve Ashton. From. The work, that I've done and the research I've done in reviewing, CDC's. Recommendations I, have, not seen, any, difference. In recommendations. Between, closed, and, open stadiums. I mean, again this is us this presentation.

Is Specific, to cleaning, so. There. May be other reasons, that, different, protocols, may be important, for open, versus closed stadiums, but, the general, sense, that I got from looking at again, what CDC, is saying is that the typical. Protocols. Strategies. Products, that we're doing for. Any, stadium, indoors and outdoors it, would be the same. Okay. Great and Kristen this is Shaun Spaziano, the only thing I'd add to that is while, the chemicals and approved chemicals, and processes, remain the same some, of the application, processes, can differ and, basically. If you're outdoors there's different things that you can do then you're then the care that needs to be taken in a closed you know environment or closed office, facility, so, outside, there's you know a certain pressure washing or certain different types of things that you can apply kind. Of large scale and obviously we've done a lot. Of jobs in open air and closed, air facilities, so, some of the processes. Of application. You, know can change from an indoor to an outdoor but. As. Far as the approved chemicals, in the process that they stay the same but the application, processes, can be different, depending on the level of sensitivity that's, needed for that particular environment. Great, thank you for your addition there we're. Also getting a couple of questions, in, terms of there, being many, different, types. Of words and language, and terms being used around cleaning, venues. I know we've heard disinfecting. And decontamination. Throughout. The the session here so it'd be great to just clarify. And, review what the difference is between these, terms, are so, that, we, can better understand, what then use need to do in, different situations to, ensure that their, venue is safe to be in. So. Kristen my one put on that before anybody else, might answer is the, rule of thumb that we're using and we've got Chuck your on the phone who's our expert, in field services, in this particular area but, the rule of thumb that we use is if there is no plausible no, possible, and no known risk. Of coronavirus, then, disinfection. Is the primary. Resource. Or technology. That we would use if, there is any plausible possible. Or known. Situation. With coronavirus, then we recommend decontamination. That's, the the guideline, that we've been that we've been using as we have been consulting, with our partners. You. Thank you would. Anyone else like to add to. That answer. Hopefully. That is helpful for, the people who submitted that question, so. We also have. Another question about what, are maybe, one or two of the biggest challenges, you're seeing right. Now either. Whether implementing. A specific, technology or, choosing. The, correct products, and or, talking effectively. About what a venue, is doing, to combat these issues. And. This is Steve asked and I'd like to go first without one you know, the big, thing that I see is, fear. People. Are afraid, not. Only our fans, and, people, in the community, but our workers. Frontline. People were, sending. Cleaning, workers in to you. Know clean a potentially. Contaminated. Area. You know people, are afraid and, I, think that the kind of things that are robbed and talked about. We. Need to make sure we're paying attention, to the things that we're doing that. We're communicating with. People so, that we can give them comfort and confidence, that. We know what, we're doing, you, know I don't know if they don't need to know all of the details but. They do need, to know that, we're working on it that were professionals. That, we can address, it, and. That. Ongoing, communications. I think is going to be critical. To helping, you open up your, stadiums, again and to, have the confidence of, your, fans to, go back to those stadiums so. You, negate often, communicate. Accurately, you. Know tell people, what you're doing keep, telling you what you're doing doing. Good job but. I really do have confidence, in all of you that we were gonna get through this and get, through it well. And. This is showing I'm. Gonna I'm gonna support that comment, by saying I think the biggest change that I've seen is it's, not businesses, calling businesses right, now we, have moved to a place where it's people calling people, and so uh you know instead of a business calling up saying this is my business I'd like to talk to your business says hi, this is you know Adam and I'd like to talk to you Sean our business, you know needs help and it's, a people versus people thing and it's been very encouraging.

To See the humanity in this process, and I think that you, know one of the other things I've seen is the erase the erasure of, the. Difference between perception and reality the. Perceived, threat is even, a you know at times greater, than the, actual threat in our environment, that we're dealing with right now and for. Sports, venues and sports teams that are public facing, the, the, management, of the real threat in, addition, to the management of the perceived, threat have, to maintain equal. Prevalence, in this process, and, that's a very challenging environment to be in so, disinfection, you, know whether you, know it's it's perceived as being something to manage a real threat or decontamination, to manage a real threat versus. Managing the perceived threat it, are, of equal value in this environment right now and it's, just people doing business with people and, there's a strong level of humanity right now that's the biggest difference we've seen. And. And, I I would answer that person, at Steve Levine, that there's, no one, thing. That is, the magic bullet I think, it's a. Process. Of, a number of different, solutions. Start. With everybody. Washing, their hands. With. Everyone changing. And. And and and utilize. Continuous. Disinfection, it's not just one, item. It's, a overall, solution. To. Help. Everybody get through this it's, and. I think we have to that's, that's what the CDC is saying. Reminding. Yep. Go ahead this. Scott Boren um just. To piggyback. On what Shawn was was saying and you know, he. Company with over 40 years experience and the track record that he has, you. Know Janet King point to 50. Years in business as well we have a long track record and we have over, 60, sports, and entertainment venues. That. We are providing. Service for right now. But. The fact that we can say that you know five, years ago we started using this stabilized, bleach product and. Many. Years ago we started using these electrostatic. Sprayers and we've, had these chemicals, and these processes. And products, within our cleaning, program to this point so, we. Have the experience in this track record that we were we, were as capable, and ready for the, unseen, in this terrible pandemic, as any, company, possibly, could, be and I believe Shaun and Chun would agree, with me that his company has been making those efforts as well so I think that what we can do to to. Give some confidence, to the guests of the stadiums, and the and the management, of the stadiums, and arenas is. That the. Preparations. That we've been mating. Past in order to be prepared for this type of a thing those, are the same efforts, that we're using. Right now to be. Capable. And ready for the next pandemic because, this is definitely not the last but it's the first and. I think that having that track record in those experiences. Is, a benefit, to raising. The competence, of the of our clients, and the sports, venue, management. And. Scott actually one of the questions, that came in specifically. For you as. You we have you you, have, the floor at the moment is if you could provide a little bit more detail, on some of the training components. That you had initially outlined, in, the introduction, I know, we just have a few minutes left so maybe just give a, little bit more detail okay. Absolutely. Like, I spoke too early we have, 8,000. Franchise, owners around the world and. The. Initial training that they receive to. Make them janitorial. Experts, and the starter janitorial, company, is very important, but, we also have, ongoing, training and we. Are shooting videos, the, couple of weeks I'm actually going to shoot one this afternoon, that.

Details, All the different application. Types. And processes, that they can use even. If they don't have the electrostatic. Applicator. That how they can do it manually, with a pump sprayer of a spray, bottle or you, know the importance, of how, to applicate it and then kill times as somebody spoke to earlier, it's. Not just a spray, and white type of things so we're going to educate them, on on, the details, and in the different ways that we can apply these. Chemicals. That are effective, and one, of the big challenges that we've had is the supply chain, we. Have these these tabs and these effervescent. Tabs and stabilized. Bleach products, but they're in very high demand now and. So it's very hard to get hold of those so, part. Of the training is how do we adapt and how do we pivot, and find, other. Effective. Chemicals, and application. Tools. To, to, provide a good complete, cleaning program and, those are all will all be. In. Our videos, as we move forward and it's, everybody's, scene and everything's changing, basically, on a daily, basis it's almost hourly now so we, have to be able to adapt. Our, training, and our methods. As. Quickly as possible and, and. That's, what we're working on. Thank. You for that additional, information so. That is gonna wrap, us up today, I just, want to thank you again to all of our speakers for sharing your insight on this, incredibly, important, topic and also, want, to thank all of our listeners for joining us, on behalf of the entire green, sports Alliance team I will. Give one more reminder, of our web Earth Month webinar, series that will be coming up it kicks off next Wednesday, at 1:00, p.m. Eastern 10:00, a.m. Pacific and, we will be sending around a, link, to register in, the follow up email if, you have any final thoughts or comments for our speakers feel free to add them into the chat otherwise. Thank you all again for attending we hope you can join our next, discussion and hope you have a great rest of your day.


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