Premiers comment following Council of the Federation meeting in Mississauga Ont

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You. Thank. You everyone, premier mole will have an opening statement followed, by premier, logo, premier. Mole. Well. Thank you very much and I would like little pardon me. There's. A joke about that somewhere in here I do. Want to begin by by thanking my fellow premiers, for joining me at this meeting of the, Council, of Federation, and in particular I want to thank the gentleman seated to my right premier, Doug Ford for hosting us here in Toronto, Ontario thank, you so much Doug this. Meeting came together at, the request of a number of my colleagues following, the divisive. Results, that manifested, to themselves, in the, federal election and in, my meeting with the prime minister a couple of weeks ago we discussed the, role of myself. As chair of coffee and the opportunity, that we may have to find consensus, with with, my colleagues, at this table from coast to coast to coast on on critical. Issues such as improvements. To our environmental. Assessments, and and federal, transfers, across, this nation as well as the. Federal transferring, that in would include fiscal, stabilization, the, council the Federation, table was built on the principle. Of consensus. A place. Where premiers, can come together and, and put, aside our differences and work together on behalf of, not, just the people, we represent in, our respective jurisdictions. But work, together on behalf of all Canadians, from coast to coast to coast and I think, it's fair to say that there's. Been questions in the past around. This table being able to focus in and and then actually agree on some of those priorities, and I think you, can see today that this most certainly a disagreement, on a number of priorities has been achieved the, communique, outlines consensus. On critical priorities, for our provinces, in the, four main areas of that consensus, are first. With, respect to economic, competitiveness, and our premiers are committed. To strengthening Canada's. Economy to increase the competitiveness. And, create, jobs in, each and every region, of this nation this, includes ensuring, that environmental, assessments, the, process, around environmental assessments. Provides regulatory certainty, and exempts. Projects, that fall within provincial, and territorial jurisdiction. Number. Two would be fiscal stabilization. And Premier's agreed that the consideration. Must, be given to restructuring. The fiscal stabilization, formula, you better address the current. Inequities, that exist and, the, failures of the program to be responsive. To the changing economic, needs, of provinces. Most recently, including. Saskatchewan. Newfoundland, and Alberta health. Care and infrastructure, framers, agreed that the federal, transfer in areas such as infrastructure. And health and health, care should be respected.

Diverse Priorities, of each province and territory and, and reflect. The flexibility. That is necessary. To allow provinces. And territories to, address their, regional priorities, and last. But, certainly not, least is our northern priorities, and our commitment to the north, with. A focus on nation, building activities. That, are needed in the three territories including, robust. Investment in infrastructure, to, improve the lives of northerners, and providing, a greater, action to, address climate, change. The. Council of Federation, will be communicating, these priorities, to the prime ministers as our, key points of discussion for. The upcoming first ministers, meeting the, provinces, have shown that we can unite and work together, decree. To come to consensus, if you will on these, critical issues and I respectfully, would, ask that our prime minister in the federal government now work with, the leaders at this table, lastly. On a very. Personal note as the premier, of Saskatchewan, I want, to thank, each and every one of my. Fellow premiers, for recognizing. And addressing the. Economic, disparity, that has arisen in distinct, regions of our nation, namely. Saskatchewan. Alberta and Newfoundland, they were unwavering. In their support to changes, to the recommended. Changes to the fiscal stabilization. Program and I would say that today they. Had our backs and. I, commit to them that we will have theirs, when, needed as well we. Recognize that, as Canadians, first we, must look past our own regional interests, and support the priorities, of each, of our provinces, from, coast to coast to coast, now. Turn it over to premier, logo we, may, see Scott more. To the, message. Taxi on the. Walk on the Ricci to, the feminist, appearances, detective wall as some, towns of kept reality. Vision. The vector premieres Canada, Brittany. DeMille vine key. Server. Doc. Jerry. The Vasant Kunj went avec, leap.

Eliminate, The Pevensie the, feminists, can. Adopt Petrova. Shirley. Capillarity, silikal. Oxytocin. Tunnel, Dupree. I seek. A priority, by la plana. Tralala. Comput Savitri, not economy. Pleasure, point double, security. Projects. Were. Except. Evaluate. Fleurisima. A vacant, sole evaluation. Even mortals, vessel, a responsibility. De. Provence, donkey, be led Dube llama cottage. Granma federal, oh so, hoc, Edwin on a federal robbery no. Muy. Missouri, protectionist. Requisite, as new okhla, by America. In. Izapa Shock Trauma, the. Proposed in approach, a, cozy, sexy Jean stresses. Vacant new aquellos, que Suzanne's. Esposa. Dues, M priority. Communities, a scar. Too. Liberal nominee, so excit. Alberta. Saskatchewan. Eternal. Labrador, even, stress. On special. Wreck, labelled Strega, PD revenue. Away of esos donk. ASIMO. Dominos. Agua nama federal. Familiar. E la, program, fiscal. Stabilization. Muy. D.c. Prevents, podium. The man on. The mound should we do the respectively. Priority. De Provence and hope that, the main result, a donk, a capable to dogmatic. Transfer, federal, Asante. The, sign web builder Porsche, is, see a new program, calmed, and Amanda, transmitted, scanner they, concluded, water, tray, reclaim, compensation. For, live, events, scooty. Design, first to true on non wanama, federal are call the. Respect. Leap, reality. The, chakra, veins it's, a three seed, Israeli. Daily data, Jesus, embassy. Project. Button the AMIA priority. Leap, reality, no zc2, Smita couples acknowledged, water it wall, yo, this, is our specie, of our, sewage. Infrastructure. Familiarly. Layer. Kitv. Destroying. The, original tea. Don't a. Current, flow Anonymous which we do the. Complete. Strategy, to samsung capable. The villany diamond vein por, favor. VAR SI saket priority. So legally, prevented, le to our Santa. Thanks. Very much everyone we'll take questions from. Mike number one choice. I'll. Get afternoon premiers Joyce Napier CTV thank you for taking our questions I want to ask you about health care you. Want an increase of 5.2%. Some, of you have spoken to the Prime Minister certainly, you have mentioned that to him what. Was his reaction and what do you think Ottawa will say to that request. Well. I can go I did. Speak to the Prime Minister about health care of course and you. Know the message that we send to Canadians. Today that this is a top priority no, matter which province you live in I think, Canadians, wanna see the federal government more involved, in delivery, of health care i.

Joyce. As you've mentioned I also raise the issue of pharmacare, but other premiers, always, feel the need to opt out of a program what I know is that we have Canadians, in. My province we have Canadians, that tell me that every, single problems, for having difficult today making choices around. The medications, they. Have to by making. The decision around food, heat, and so on so anytime. We get an opportunity to expand, a farmer, care into, places, like new flannel Labrador, these are discussions that I want to have recognizing. To that I want to see the federal government more, involved. In healthcare, across, our country and before, conclude I want to thank, Scott. For sharing this event today and I also want to thank Doug for hosting. This event but there's one other person I want to mention. At this table today who brought a lot of insight and that was great to see premier, Cochran back at the table from the Northwest Territories, it's really great to see a. Strong. Woman, at a premium. Against, a welcomed Prima Cochran. We. All know that we have a. Number. One priority in Canada among. Canadians, and that is health care and, we also know according to the Canadians, to the health information, wait, times in virtually every category have. Grown over the past three years as, this incremental, strategy. Is failing Canadians, and as, those wait times grow. That. Burden, on Canadians, is real so we. Want. To see a sustainable. Partnership, with the federal government, on health care because we consider it to be of, critical, importance to the social fabric of the country to. Sustain health care we need that partnership, and we also need an economy that grows in functions to provide the tax revenues, to support it on, an ongoing basis, and that's the other area I'm sure others will have questions about here. I'll. Weigh in on that as well I I, believe I think all of us at this table believed, that fundamental. Component. Of our Canadian citizenship, citizenship, is universal, access, to quality public health care and that's been eroding, over decades, now and it, was an opportunity coming, together to, address fiscal, federalism to, address how, we work together cooperatively. From, coast to coast to coast the, foundation, of that cooperation, has to be a robust, economy so we addressed that it. Had to be focused on the issues that matter to people people, care about health care they care about their school's their hospitals, their infrastructure, in the, north critically, important, the Premier's, made it abundantly clear that, when we talk about infrastructure. In the south we, have no idea of the challenges, of vast distances, small, populations. And inadequate. Infrastructure, so we talked about nation-building, today all of us and it, was an extraordinary meeting but it was in, we're in an extraordinary time four. Of us sit before you as leaders of minority, governments we look to Ottawa where there's a minority government I find, and I think my colleagues and the minority situations, would agree, that, this is a unique opportunity for us to work together regardless, of where. We live in the country we regardless of how we vote the, the passion, of Canadians, is directed. At us succeeding, Jason. And Alberta, needs to succeed just as much as Blaine and New Brunswick and that's, what brought us together and I want to thank Doug for hosting us the. The maple leaf Jersey will be difficult, I've already seen that an explosion on Twitter about that I I, want, the record to show I didn't put it on.

About. About. Fiscal of the bill is a ssin you said that you want a restructuring. Of it, would, that put, aside your differences on. Equalization. Well. First of all let me thank. My colleagues, here for. Showing. That they understand, the adversity, Albertans are going through and folks in other parts of the country like saskatchewan and if, in landon labrador this was a tremendous moment of solidarity, this. I've been trying to convey to albertans that we are not alone, or, isolated in the federation that there. Are provincial, and territorial governments. Who. Get what we're going through and, who. Understand, our ask, for a fair deal in the Canadian Federation and this, language. On reforming, the fiscal, stabilization. Program, it, is a key element of our ask for fairness as is, the. Number-one priority in, the, communique, around. Economic. Competitiveness, specifically. Developing, our resources. And. Getting into global markets as, well, as asking the federal government to work with us on fixing. Problems in, the. Their, environmental, assessment. Regime. Which. Is now basically the bill C 69, the new environmental, impact Act and expanding. International, trade to get our resources and products to market markets these, are essential. Points, for. Albertans who have, played. An oversized, role, in, the, Canadian Federation we are proud to have contributed six. Hundred, billion dollars net to, the rest of the Federation, since 1960. And even, during some really, tough years, where, a lot of our people are out of work losing their homes. That, we have seen albertans, contributing, net twenty billion dollars, a year plus to, the rest of the country so all we've asked for it, as, an initial stop is. To. Lift this cap on the fiscal. Stabilization. Program it, basically gives. Us a little bit back of what we put into the Federation, every year and, we. Will put that money if we the federal government follows through and listens. To this. Unanimous. Recommendation. From, Canada's premiers, we'll put that those funds which. We paid into this at federal system to work with. Job creation programs. In Alberta so I'm just delighted now we, will continue to have Alberta. Will continue to press for. Reforms. To the equalization program. We weren't going to get into, in. A three-hour meeting today an extraordinary meeting into, a top-to-bottom. Rewrite. Of fiscal federalism including. Equalization. We. Believe the causation system, system should be more fair, and. We'll. Get into that I'll. Get unhappy to get into the effect some. Of my colleagues have said we need a larger conversation about fiscal, federalism bottom. Line is I am, truly, grateful on behalf of the people of Alberta for, the recognition you know every, premier here every. Province and territory has. Unique, priorities, and pressures, and, we all could have added dozens, of different points into this communique, but. The fact that that that, these, colleagues have. Put, a spotlight, on one particular issue that means a lot to those of us going through periods of prolonged downturns, I think, means a great deal to Albertans I just want to say thank you I. Reiterate. That in my opening comments I had mentioned that as, well this is a very very focused, communicate. Coming, out of an unprecedented, meeting and this is by no means mean. For. Us to sit up here and say that we agree on absolutely. Everything we have we have much work to do across, our our, provinces, but today what you have seen in an unprecedented fashion is Premier's. From, across the nation from coast to coast coast in this nation coming together to.

Address Some some, significant, challenges that are present, in many of our jurisdictions, but, but. Disproportionately. Affecting. A few jurisdictions here, and addressing, that in agree in the agreements, on not, only the removal of the cap with the willingness, to look at the some. Of the thresholds, with respect to the fiscal stabilization, program and we put that forward before the the prime minister to have a and the finance mental finance minister, to have a I look, at just just. Such parameters as well, as an agreement that. We. Need to work together to come to a better. Place to provide certainty for not only our industries, that are investing, in this nation, when it comes to the the, environmental. Impact Act but also provides certainty for in. Many cases, investments. That are being made by governments, in the way of public safety in the way of. Flood. Control in, the case of of Manitoba. So this is an unprecedented meeting, where I also. Would like to take the opportunity to thank each of my colleagues for putting. Our differences aside focusing, in on some. Of the immediate challenges, that we have in in certain areas of this nation and the. People of Saskatchewan. Now can, be very appreciative, of your efforts here, today. So. I could for a minute, or two I think most Canadians, they could talk to you about equalization, most people would say that it's it's, an unfair distribution, of funds among certain provinces and, I agree today and echo some of the comments that we've seen here that there's been tremendous leadership, that has been supplied by, the. Recipients, of equalization. For provinces, that are in that. Need help, but. To put that in context. In. 2016. I represent, a province Leafly in the Labrador that. It lost 1.1. Billion dollars in revenue from, world oil fees that. Was out of budget just over seven billion dollars, not. Many people would know what the, Stabilization. Fund was all about I'll. Tell you what it was about for do Philander Labrador it. Was 7.9, million. Dollars. Stirring. Down a 1.1. Billion dollar loss in revenue this. Fund would have provided new final Labrador 7.9. Million. Dollars. So, insignificant so, when you use the word stabilization. Fun. You, think the. Intent would be to stabilize, something, well, it didn't work it's, so dated it's been around since the 80s, thankfully. For the premiers and the support that we have at this table a day working. With the federal government we will get a phone that's flexible responsive. And relevant, to the needs of problems like Newfoundland, and Labrador like. Alberta and like, Saskatchewan. Bob also for. Some other problems in the future that might find itself in a similar situation. Ellen. Visits la voix earlier. Today mr. Pallister was telling us that maybe Pharma care is not a priority considering, that waiting times are getting longer and longer in the healthcare system so I'd like to hear from each and every one of you would, you like to establish a, Pharma care program in your problem, province and at what conditions.

Well. Since you're, referencing. My comments, I'll just offer this clarification. If. You can't sustain healthcare. And all the multitude of services that. We. Offer effectively. Then you will have lineups grow up as if they have grown over the last number of years right across the country in every category. So. What we're after here is a sustained. Relationship. That can sustain health care if. You can't get that right don't start with another program get, that right, start. By getting that right because there are too many people across, this country waiting, far too long to. Get care in the emergency rooms for hours in. Pain, waiting. For a knee or a hip and. We. As premiers, have to address that issue head-on and we're, prepared to do that and we're doing it very best to do it but. Without, a relationship with Ottawa that is of some sustenance on, an ongoing basis, we're not going to achieve the goals that Canadians, deserve us to achieve so that's. My point don't, don't start broadening health, care when you can't get it right now. We. Need, sustained. Funding it is my hope that we can, have. Solidarity, in our time and achieve real change, these premiers we've. Tried this before this. Is a new. Opportunity and I'm, sincerely, hopeful that we can maintain this coalition. In, favour of the best interests of Canadians, around, improving health. Care outcomes. British. Columbia has a comprehensive. Pharmacare. Program already, we, would welcome, shared. Practices, shared, best practices we'd, welcome dialogue. With the federal government on standards. Across. The country these are important issues but for, us as, a group today we, felt that the, Canadian health transfer, was more than, just symbolic it was meaningful, to our budget so that we can deliver the, health care that people need whether, it's mental health issues, whether it's care, for seniors that the list is long wait. Times diagnostic. Equipment all, of those issues are languishing. Well we have a discussion, about taking. Us in the direction that many of us are already on that, so it wasn't a negative I wouldn't I think I'm speaking for ever when I say we were welcoming, a discussion, about a national form of care plan but. Those of us who already have significant, plans would prefer that. We first, and foremost get back to a more, equitable distribution of, resources to, deliver healthcare broadly. Across across, the piece when. You look at the at, the commitments, of the of, the federal government coming out of the last election we discussed about a six billion dollar commitment, over four years that hits three, three and a half percent, the, ask at this table at five point two percent isn't a number.

That Is plucked, out of the air it is a number that is necessary, for us to, sustainably. Fund what, is a growing a growing, investment. In in jurisdictions, across this province so that, is the gap that I think, you're asked you're seeing this table ask for the federal government to consider closing if. They want to in addition to that look at a farmer. Care project, program across this nation and engage on on provinces, and we have a very similar what we view is a comprehensive, program similar to British Columbia's, but. If the federal government does want to engage on additional. An additional. Effort on pharmacare, that's fine it, needs to be fair for all Canadians, and it needs to be funded by the federal government. In, Quebec, we already have a Pharma care program, so that's why I was happy that we all agreed to ask for an optic, now Clause to the federal government. If. You if, you go across the country there are varying degrees of, what would be a farmer care program, some would do a better job than others but. I think we all would agree that, the federal government needs to play a larger, role in the delivery of health care so. The thresholds, at five point two percent plus, a Pharma care program wherever, this goes I'm. Not going to be ignoring, any conversations. About how we can benefit Canadians, we, get a lot of stories of people that just cannot afford the prescription drugs, we also know that if you live. In an aging province like Newfoundland Labrador or olive Atlantic, Canada or and some, of the jurisdictions, that. This will, not this will get more expensive drugs. Or drugs, and diseases are becoming more complicated, more complex, the, offerings, of medications. And others pharmaceuticals. That can offer people more. Productive lives it, becoming more expensive, so we. Need to partner, with the federal government, if indeed we go down this road it has to be long-term, it has to be sustainable, the last thing we wanna see is a program, that comes in and it's eroded, currently, in our province right now less than 20% of healthcare, is provided by the federal government and it's, to Flanders and Labradorians that are left to, pay for the remaining 80 percent so, whatever the commitment is it has to be long-term it, has to respond, the responsibility. Of the federal government but I do believe that no matter where I go Canadians. Want to entertain and want us to explore the options around a national farm worker program but they also want to know the, and they want to see the federal government play a larger, role in your overall delivery, of health care I would, say this we. Could put a big focus on wait times and we. Could reduce our wait times, but. If when they leave that positions, office or lead their health practitioners, office and they, need medication. If, they can't afford it then what. Is the point of reducing, the wait list if. When they lead the, physician or the health care practitioner, they can't afford the drugs that's prescribed to them. Travie. Standardized global news this. Is question. Positioned. Exactly, male members of Quebec. Travis. Cherish Global News there have been calls for national unity, for many of you after what was clearly a very divisive. Election. However in. What is now a pretty famous. Cover. Of McLain's from, last year. Several. Of you appeared. On. The cover of that with. The title the resistance, prereq any, Pallister. And for do you still consider yourselves, part, of the resistance, and how do you square that imagery, of division. With the message of national, unity well I'll take the first stab at that that, wasn't my. Word I don't think it was the rid of any of my colleagues but but Maclean's, magazine, I. Was. Elected with, an historic mandate, in, part to repeal the, carbon tax in Alberta and to fight the threatened imposition of a federal carbon tax we are continuing to do that we. Gave Albertans the largest, tax cut in our history 1.6, billion dollars by scrapping. Attacks that was doing nothing to help the environment but was making, life. More expense, for ordinary people to heat their homes and drive to work and. So I believe we made exactly the right call at the same time we've brought in our. Technology, innovation, and emissions, reduction, program, which, includes a levy on major industrial. Emitters that, will significantly reduce. Co2. Emissions in, our economy, and help. To develop, green. Technology, that reduces. Co2. Emissions, in the future also stuff the equipment, and technology. That, we can export to the developing, world to places like China and India where we see huge increases, in co2 emissions, so, I think we struck, the right balance that, we've also we're.

Going To be going before the elbert appeals court to, seek, a judicial reference, on. The, constitutionality. Of the federal carbon, tax we think of that one that if that court looks at our very strong. Levy. On major industrial, emitters they'll say that we're doing our job and the, federal government doesn't need to double up and punish people for heating their homes that's our position, other problems are going to take different positions we respect, that I. Think we're. Synched up with with with two or three at, least two or three other problems is on this I think we can do do, good, for the environment without. Punishing, people for heating their homes that's the position of Alberta, that. Cover speaks to the power of Photoshop. But. If, the federal government will listen to the unified voices, of premiers from across. This beautiful country on economic, competitiveness, take steps, to make. The improvements that we've recommended, if they will move on the fiscal stabilization. Program that they will move on sustainable. Funding for health care they. Can lessen the resistance, remarkably. Well. Again. None, of us knew that was gonna be on the front page or none of us would have even taken the picture but. In saying that Travis, the I, think, this this alone right right today sends a very clear message to. People, back in their home provinces, sends a message. To, people, right across this nation and along. With the federal government, and in the world that we. May have our differences but, Canada, is United, United. Nation and as. You've seen in this meeting when. Some of the provinces are struggling. We're. All there we're. Gonna be there we support them we have their back and we're. Gonna do everything we can to get them back on their feet because, it wasn't too long ago it, wasn't too long ago that Ontario. Was. Taking, equalization, we. Saw a pretty drastic recession. Back in I believe 2008, 2009. But. We're. Here to, send a message of certainty right. Across the. World and across this nation and, and, people expect, us to work, together you. See every political stripe at this table, and we. Get along. Well, supporting. Each other we saw today we, saw it here, with.

The Four areas that we're concerned about and we'll. Always support. Each, other I was. In Regina for that for, that particular photo. And I would just put forward this what you're seeing today. As. Opposed, to any type of resistance is a consensus, of leaders, from coast to coast Coast in this in. This nation a consensus. When it comes to. The fact that they want to be involved and, consulted, with and work closely with the federal government when it comes to. Regulation. And policies, and and legislation. That is going to have an impact, on our industries. That are creating wealth not only in our respective jurisdictions. But our industries that are creating wealth by, extension for all Canadians, and I speak in each of our jurisdictions. We all have industries, like that that are already operating. Among the most in, many cases among the most sustainable in. Their industry, in the world we are manufacturing. Jets and vehicles in this nation, as sustainably. As anywhere, is in the world we are have, some of the most sustainable, energy products whether it be oil or whether it be uranium the most the. Most sustainable. Egg referred products come out of the. Nation of Canada just. Yesterday you saw three, provinces moving, forward with an announcement on small modular reactors. With an intent and in Saskatchewan. Skates to ultimately push our emissions down to to eliminate our emissions in the electrical, generation, sector. By 2050. So the, the leadership, that we see at, this table here today has come together, annika, on, a consensus. Basis had the discussion, around being involved in in environmental. Impact assessments, that can have an impact on on those already sustainable. Industries, to, reiterate some of what we discussed in Saskatoon, with, respect to climate policy, being in, the provincial, jurisdiction. Climate policy, is. In the provincial jurisdiction. So for. Good reasons so that we can address it in exactly. The way we were addressing it with an EM Memorandum, of Understanding, an ultimate investment, yesterday. In zero emissions, nuclear power. And as, well you saw today consensus. Of leaders across this nation coming, together to. To, ask for and call for changes, to the fiscal stabilization. Program to, benefit not only a few provinces, here, today that have had a sudden downturn and their economic fortunes, are in their GDP, growth but, to also restructure. That program so that it can support. And invest, in provinces, into the future that makes be experiencing. Something. Similar this. Is a follow up on, what it, has been a divisive issue for. Many, people in this country bill 21, I'm wondering, if each of you could clarify your, position on it whether or not you condemn bill, 21, and if you think the prime minister should step in. Jump. In here you know we're, here to talk about common, ground we. Could talk about things that, was that we we don't agree with we're. Here to talk about common, ground and and we, respect, the, decisions, that each province makes, within. Their. Province, and I think, I've answered that so. I'll, leave it at that I. Want, to weigh in on on, that issue.

Agreed. Okay. Bryan. Lilia Toronto. Sun and. There. Are two, premiers at this table of mr. Lugo and mr. Horrigan who definitely don't want pipelines, to that definitely do I'd, like the four of you to tell me what you think this phrase in the communique, means continuing. To develop resources, in a responsible, manner and ensure access to markets for Canada's products, to, me that sounds like you're, all in agreement there should be, pipelines. To Tidewater, I'd, be surprised if that's how you all feel it said luck to you from you. Well. Firstly I want to say I wore a blue, suit today so maybe McClain's will Photoshop me into. Don't. Pay no attention to the urine polka dots on the tie but. On the question of corridors, to get resources to market, there is a pipeline today, that, travels, from Alberta to the heart of British Columbia's metropolitan, area Vancouver, and it has been there since 1953, there, is a proposal, to twin, that pipeline, that has been approved by the appropriate, regulatory body, it has been challenged, multiple, times at the appropriate, levels of courts. And, has been proven, out I believe, that there's more work that can and should be done we, have a reference case currently, before the Supreme Court likely, to be heard in the new year with, respect to what role the province has in regulating. Activity. Not just of diluted. Bitumen but any other product. Transported. Through British Columbia by rail by pipeline, by carrier pigeon what, role does the province have to play these are these are legitimate questions, to ask in a federation and that's what we're doing with, respect to the challenges, in Alberta they're, profound, and I've made that abundantly clear not. Just to a premier, Kenny but it's a former premier Notley and to Prime Minister Trudeau British, Columbia, stands, resolute, in our defense. Of the issues that matter to British Columbians, but we also recognize, and understand, that, in a federation where there is an existing, pipeline in place we. Need to make practical. Changes. To how we operate and that's what we've been trying to do with, respect to line, three which just opened up that's, an opportunity for I think you said a hundred thousand barrels of Alberta. Oil to get to market so we have a natural gas pipeline being. Built right now in British, Columbia the largest private sector investment. In Canadian, history to move natural, gas from Western Canada to. Other markets, and we're doing that within the context, of a climate action plan that is unparalleled, so, I believe, we can do all of these things together but, if we don't sit down periodically, as we've done today and come, to unanimous, positions, on how we can mutually benefit, each other then. We're going to continue to be frustrated, and fractured I believe the better way forward is to always have the opportunity to talk and, find a way forward and that's what we've done today that's what we did in Saskatoon, and that's what we're going to do again I'm, hopeful, with the prime minister in the new year and then on to Quebec City where, we're going to get a Nordik. Jersey I hope. The. Only thing, I can add is that you, know our positions. On pipelines. And we, haven't discussed. This subject. Forth.

Premiers Mower Ken well, how. Do you interpret that that line in the community well III interpreted. As, plain. English, who difference. ASAP which, is to say that we. Support getting Canadian, resources, to markets and, I. Have. Reminded. The. Federal government and and, my colleagues, in, the past that the Canadian, Constitution section. 92, 10 C. Is absolutely. Clear that interprovincial. Pipelines. Are the exclusive, jurisdiction, of. The national, government the federal government and. They. Have approved the, trans mount and hype line expansion. John's. Right this has been obviously, subject to a lot of legal harassment by. Large. Intervention. He says. By. Largely, us-funded. Special. Interests, and they have lost at every step of the way. There. Are 2,000 people working on the pipeline now. Canadians. In the public opinion polls support supported, by a margin of two to one and, we. Are confident it's going to happen and it will benefit all Canadians, in terms of enormous wealth look, how. Canada. Has the amazing. Fortune. Of. Owning. Nearly. A hundred and eighty billion, barrels, of proven and probable, reserves of. Crude. Which. Have a notional, market value, today of over ten trillion, dollars. When we talk about Pharma care health care northern. Infrastructure, all of the social challenges, we're dealing with the. Rest of the world would. Do. Anything to have those kinds of resources in our view is either. We get those resources to market or we abandon, global, energy markets, to, the Saudis, and the OPEC dictatorships, and Vladimir. Putin's Russia with. Lower environmental, standards and no one human, rights for Labor Standards I think, as long as the world needs that kind of energy we have a responsibility. To shrink the environmental, impact of its development, to. Get it to market safely. So, that we can compete with and displace. OPEC. Dictator, oil that fuels conflict. Violence and the suppression of Human Rights around the world so. I believe there there, is a compelling, economic. And moral argument, for that I believe. The majority of Canadians understand, that and at. The very least I want to say that we are working with, Francois. And John and their governments, on the, prospect, of exporting. Canadian, liquefied, natural gas to, the rest of the world. Through. Our west and east coasts, to help, reduce global, greenhouse gas emissions, by. Displacing, high, emitting coal with low emitting Canadian natural gas. And. I agree and, and, today. What we what, we discussed, were points where we were able to come, agreement on you've obviously picked, up a one point where there is some discrepancies, at, the table here but but. I do agree with Jason, with. A disruption, in in. Our, some, of our rail, service. Over, the course of the past few weeks started. To have an impact on very many, of us here at this table in. Different ways so we. Need to continually, as John says come, to the table have the conversation. On how we. Can continue to to. Work together to a better goal part of that is having a reliable process in place part of that I would say was. Discussed, a much. More indirectly, than just on pipelines today, around the, environmental, impact assessment, and how we can ensure that we have a a. Competent. Process in place here, in this in this, nation to attract. Investment. In tract, that, investment, security, into our our regions across Canada. Dylan, Robertson, with the Winnipeg Free Press a question. For premier Moe the, child, welfare reform. Bell C 92, wasn't, part of the communique, I'm. Curious if you're disappointed, you weren't able to reach a consensus, on that and the upstanding questions, around the reform I know. We had a discussion with respect to C, 92. Evening I believe if I'm not mistaken now there's a and we had a good discussion with respect to C 92 and how we. Were going to work collaboratively, not. Only with the organization, as it is as it is here but, again. Attempting. To work. With our federal government on, exactly, how this, bill. Noble. In its intentions and I I think. Most. Would if, not all would agree with that how it is actually going, to work where the rubber meets the road so to speak and so we, continue to work on on bill, C 92 across. Jurisdictions. But also with with. Individuals, and you. Know groups are both First. Nations communities, but also groups, within, those First Nations communities, on exactly, how this, is going to function as that transition, takes place I'm, just gonna jump in on that one to say for Alberta we would ask the federal government to and, we have asked them to delay the implementation of. C, 92 it's set to come in on Jan 1 but. We, don't see this. That. Anybody's, ready to implement a totally, new system, for. Indigenous. Child. Welfare. It. Create the bill proposes to create a whole new level of indigenous, government, bodies that.

Do Not currently, exist with. No funding, from the federal government in areas of provincial jurisdiction, in Albert a number of our First, Nations communities, are, are. Not in favor of this or they have many questions about it and what we cannot do is let kids fall between the cracks so we would say let's let's, get this right, let's. Not rush into this, system. That is that is not yet in place just five weeks from now. For. Two more questions question. For Rima Jenni you're, talking about this today, Canada. Getting credit, for liquid, natural gas, exports. Displacing, coal in. Places like China I know that's part, of the Paris agreement think it's article six and that's being negotiated right now over. In Madrid a lot of experts are saying that that's not really how it works and so I'm wondering why, you keep making the argument that Canada would get these credits. Well. Dive. In on that one first I think is to both of us, well it is now. The. We. Believe, that. Low. Emission, natural. Gas is a preferable, fuel, source to high emission, thermal. Coal and, that's. Has been discussed, at Paris, it's being discussed again at the most recent cop and I, think that it does, not happen today we don't tote those emissions today but we don't we, don't account for maritime. Emissions, at all and so. We've got, ships. Moving back and forth around the world moving goods and services many Canadian. Goods and services without any accounting, whatsoever, we have a lot of work to do on coming to terms with how we, manage, global emissions, and, Canada's. Role I believe and, certainly Western Canada's, role in that can, be to displace, these more noxious. Energy. Sources with a cleaner product, which was what we intend to do with natural gas coming out of British Columbia and the. Montney Basin which stretches into Alberta, no. Look, there's just absolutely no doubt that. There's. A huge, huge, demand. In places, like China and India for natural. Gas and guess what the Americans are selling that Americans, have set up a whole huge industry, on the Gulf Coast to ship it through. The Panama Canal which. It's like two weeks longer sailing time to get to Chinese. Ports from where it would be off our west coast this makes no sense we talked about emissions, from shipping. We. Can have a direct shot to those huge Asian markets, you know I first. Met Narendra Modi the Indian Prime Minister when, he was state minister for Gujarat, about, a, decade ago first, thing he wanted to know is when could he get canadian, luca fide natural gas to.

Shift From coal-fired power not. Only to reduce co2 emissions but also to stop NOx and Sox and particulate, from poisoning. The actual air quality, for people in those countries so, this. Is something, we can do to, create, good blue collar jobs in Canada every duce. Improve. Global air quality, and significantly. Reduce global greenhouse. Gas emissions, and we absolutely to our, group our, council, talked about this in saskatoon in the summer and our, communicate did call upon the federal government to use article, 6 in this respect. The feds deserve. Credit for having negotiated, helped him negotiate, article, six to give countries like Canada credit for when we export technology. And other ways of reducing global. Emissions but, listen the, the climate, challenge. It. Is not like Canada does not live under hermetically. Sealed, biodome. Or something we, shouldn't just look at our economy, in our environment in isolation, we gotta look at how we interact, with the rest of the world and LNG. Is one very positive way of doing so what. Is it I would, just add to that you, know Saskatchewan, is having the same conversation, with respect to our uranium exports. And if they're not sourcing. Our the the good clean uranium. Fuel the nuclear fuel from Saskatchewan they're extra they're accessing it from other areas of the world again, with lower environmental stat, standards, in places like Kazakhstan, same, holds true for fertilizer, products, the cleanest fertilizer. That you can purchase, in the world comes from Canada, comes from the province of Saskatchewan, and if you aren't purchasing, your next boatload, of a fertilizer, from Saskatchewan you're quite likely purchasing, purchasing, it from a place like Russia again with, lower environmental standards, and a larger impact on on the, environment, Jason, mentioned innovation, and technology, and article, 6 of the Paris Accord here, is our opportunity as Canadians, to lead with, the innovation, and technology, that we have in our industries, that rank among the most sustainable, in the world as we share that innovation and technology, through commerce through, article 6 of the Paris Accord we have an opportunity, to make an impact far beyond the borders of this nation far beyond the economic reach, of the Canadian GDP we have an opportunity, to actually address, what. Is a very, global challenge, and to do it in the way the Canadians always do right I. Would. Just add for those those. Who are thinking. Environmental. Assessment.

Processes. With an ongoing. Time-consuming. Costly. Forever. And a day type. Of nature to them. That. Are thinking well that's that's great because that solves, my problem of, getting oil and gas to market and I'm doing a good thing for the world I just. Asked them to remember that you're not because, what you're doing is you're also creating, owners challenges, for green mitigation, climate mitigation projects. Flood protection. Hydroelectric. Projects, like Manitoba's, trying to engage in with perpetual, challenges. Put in front of them because this is an environmental, assessment process. We have in our country right now we can't build things not. Just pipelines. You can't build energy corridors, with green hydroelectric, power either that's. Why this is a priority for these premiers, and we. Are consistent, in saying we need to be able to get goods to market products to market including. Clean green energy we need to be able to protect our people against the effects of climate change such, as flooding. Additional, flooding which is happening around the country on a regular basis, so. We need a process that allows us to protect our own people and help green up the world at the same time and I think we can get to that and these premiers unanimous, and believing that but, can I just ask on the credits. Why should Canada get credits, for this it's almost sounds like you're saying that if we help people, pollute. Less we, can pollute more. Well. I disagree, with you I mean if we can get a Minnesota, Manitoba, power line that gets green energy down to Minnesota so they can get off coal produced power that's a good thing if we can get that line into our neighboring provinces, and help them do that that's a good thing if we can get that hydro. Project done we also help the people of Wisconsin. Get off dirtier. Power okay so you. Know we're. In this together, and we. Need to understand that the you, know climate change doesn't know boundaries, and borders so. We need a federal government that will work with us as a partner to make the processes. More, reasonable, more balanced. Always consultative. But. With an outcome, not, just a perpetual, halflife that involves consulting. Until. The. World just keeps heating up in the absence of the projects we'd like to build together can. You guys get you to respond to that I, accept. I reject the premise of the question. We. Buy. The, bottom line is every. Extra. Unit of. Exported, Canadian liquefied natural gas. Will. Reduce global greenhouse gas emissions, that is, a concrete. That you know we could shut down the Canadian economy completely tomorrow. And the, growth and emissions from China and India alone would make up for that in just a few years so. That's. Not to say we shouldn't continue. To, reduce emissions, at home or trying to it, is to say we could the games the global, game changer, on greenhouse gas emissions, that Canada can play in the foreseeable future is significantly. Increasing. Our LNG exports, and I think we're pretty much united on that. Oh. Yeah. I would like to comment on that as well because we continue, to look at Canada in a bubble and and, the opportunity, we have is to once again regain, our world, kind of dominance. In energy supply and energy, being. A being a world influencer, and we have the only LNG, plant in Canada in New, Brunswick and if, you think about how the economy changes, just let's say ten years ago it was built to bring in LNG, and to supply gas into the North American market and within a few years of it being built all of a sudden there's all kinds of gas and in the North America and and, we now have that opportunity to export that we. If we keep thinking of ourselves in a bubble and we don't utilize the resources we have right now to make a global difference, then, we're missing a huge opportunity to be that world leader once again and I feel that that in in in Canada in New Brunswick I mean we have an issue trying to have. Our own resources to, develop them and the natural gas sector but, I'm pushing forward with that but people think that's old technology, this, is a game changer in allowing. A global murmuration reduction, that actually makes a difference in in the world the what we signed yesterday with with my colleagues, in Ontario, and Saskatchewan, it's a game changer in zero emissions, in a whole new technology, that is not utilized, as doesn't exist today so, if we don't look at that the. Small portion of our energy consumption, in this world that, is actually supplied, by wind or solar or renewables.

Will Never sustain us globally it will continue, to, go well beyond what what our demands are so, we have that need right now to, develop technology, that will put Canada, back on the world stage where, it belongs as a, Global emission. Reduction. Leader Thank. You creamers that's all the time we have for questions today I lost nice times anybody can stomp on say there's any story that's that's all the time we have a 40-pounder. You.


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