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Howdy. Partners. And welcome back to, dis here. Turmoil. This. Time we're ready to play the DLC. Call, the heat is on and, I'm, sitting here with a nice brewed. Cup of coffee I like to drink my coffee black. Whoo. Cuz it reminds me of that deer oil. So, this, is the DLC, for turmoil, that came out just before I went out on tour actually came out when I was on tour but I'm supposed to play it before I went on tour because the developers were talking to me about it and we had agreed that I was gonna play before tour and I completely. Forgot there was a lot, of stuff went on before I went on tour and I was most stressful week in my life but, I'm here now and I'm playing it finally the heat is on DLC, is all about you. Can get magma, now, I, don't really know how different. The game is I think it's pretty much the same stuff but now there's magma in the game that, you can use to do something. I don't know what it is but you can like play cards, in the town and everything now so there's, a few little changes and I'm gonna play as my boy Joshua. He. Looks like I how'd he do this, dude didn't think didn't, he no, but this. Dude didn't need to think twice when he heard that a new area, with lots of oil was opening up looking. Forward to get that sticky, stuff out, in the ground again I, don't, like that that's, weird. Okay stop that welcome, to my town I'm the mayor here good, to see you still have a thirst for oil there's. Lots of it around here please, join me in the town hall for your first plot of land it's on the house okay. I'll. Give me a shit one two we have a volcano, now ah. Beans. Welcome. Back everyone how about a quick introduction, howdy, did okay I don't, care about your backstories it's all about me oh. I. See. At least I'm up on top huh, ah there's. A train, in town. Holy. Shit the train is actually different parts of the town now welcome. To my bank here we can talk monies. What. Technologies, do you want me to improve your oil preparations, ah, deep. Play. Some of my stuff you won't regret it no this is all the same stuff and the horse is again put through a train now they're not actually in the town. That's. Cool, get back in the saddle with my horsepower, okay. Yeah I just talked to you Coolio. What. We. Start over 200. Grand. What. The fuck. Okay. Well I'm buying width, I'm. Buying size, and. Branch. Do. I need it oh ho, ho ho, wait what's this it seems we changing the way of, drilling, it is possible to drill faster. Interesting. Interesting, rigs are now better resistance against high pressure so they are less likely to spill that's, very bad lenient okay let's see what other people got they go with 1 & 2 like, a branch swimming up branch blanch go 3 branch branch. In our branch they. Got the drill everyone, got the drill at the time yeah, I think the drill is going to be the more, important one as well. Okay. I think I'm done there for a sec this. Is weird I've never had to do this I'm. Gonna get full depth I'm gonna get these. Yeah. Creases. Lace my scanner, scanner, is gonna be very important, to me okay. I. Think we're good wait what's this gasps. Gasps. Get. What. Fine fine. Fine you, bled me dry. How. About and I'll take you to the oil side ready to go come, on Jill, let's get out here I want to talk to those squares anyway I completely. Forget how to play this game it's. Been a long time you can now use gasps right away connect gasps to left to right in can watch the price raise oh no. I use, it right away I wasn't even good at using it at all at all oh, is. This bad. So. You connect the gas at the bottom pipes down here. And. If. You get the gas to pump into it then. Oh. Fuck. I. Forgot. To get better horses. That. Was supremely, important. And going. Back I'm.

Restarting. There. We go when. You have seven and a half thousand, left but. That's fine I don't care about your fucking upgrades, okay, it's. All about me right now right we're ready to go so the gas you you connect the gas here, and once. The gas goes in it pumps up the price of left, or right ink and, after. That then that's when you start selling all yourself so yours put, stuff in your silos put the gas into one get, your horses then to take everything out of the silos pump, it into the thing now. I was never good at this. Okay. Hold on what's the fucking book is again see. Well. That's a scanner that was our D okay. Uh-huh. This, is fucking bad news bears already I can't. Do this man, okay. Getting ready then, rate can you guys. Speed. A rule here now guys, speed. Or ooh, okay. How close are you all. Right not that close all, right let's just guess, place. Place. Please. Mother. Fucker. All. Right they're. Gonna take all the oil into. That, all. Right Go Go Go Go, Go Go start building up some money for me here, all. Right I'm. This. Is not gonna go well there's. Gotta be one of those things now where I've forgotten, all my buttons. Shit. Veterans. Of this game will, know exactly how, to do this really really well I was never very good, at this game I can't, even buy a silo. I. Was. Only just okay at this game I did enough that I was able to win the game but. I wasn't able to get like high scores in the game put it that way. So. I. Might. Be a little bit of suck. Alright. I want these prices to go higher please. Let's. Just do a bigger scan we can there's. Gas that's. A rock that's not gas what am I talking about shut up jack. Alright. Prices go up it's. Going up and off. Alright. We're okay for now. We're. Okay for now now we can afford that nice nice nice, keep, it going line now I, hit, Nexus in addy oh, it's. All going wrong. Fuck. Me oh wait. Some of you are just pumping it back into silos crap. Okay. What's down here big. Scan big scan big scan. Big. Scan for Papa Bear. Okay. There we go, and. I need to upgrade the size of my wagons, there, we go right. I'm. Back in it I kind of remember how to play. What. Have you got Jeremiah. Alright. Okay. Put. Down another rake is. Your price going back up, no. Actually, all the prices are going down okay fill, the silos. There. We go there. We go okay. Okay. No problem no. Problem we can still make some money wait when does the year end December 31st okay so, this is basically, everything. Everything, that was in turmoil already, it's. Already in this version of the game. So. Like. This. Is for people who have already played, the game a lot. Otherwise. You're gonna get lost very very quickly here I think, let's. Put down another dowser, let's see what we can find, I haven't found any gas yet. Let's, do some scans. Annie. Gasps. There's. Gas okay. Okay. How do how, do we do the gas again do I put down I'm, terrible, at this so, we have to put down a rig, then. Bring the pipes down, connect. And then go up to that. Don't. Know can I close off my things I can. Okay. Cool yeah I know where that is it's right there oh.

Shit. I'm out of room I'm out of room, I'm. All out of room I'm. So lost without you, oh. Oh. Oh. You're. Fucking fool already okay, okay, okay I need a breather oh magma, I can't, remember how I force the gas out. You. Got to squeeze really hard jack. Okay. Now close that attention. Gas is now escaping, through a rig close rate to prevent this yeah. I just did, then, you connect that to that. Okay. Everyone hold on for a second. And. Now, go. There. We go the price is rising the price is right, Lulu. Jackaboy. Jackaboy. Smacker boy. Okay. I did, it I did, it not well but I did it I figured. It out again. Alrighty, let's do a big scanner ooh in the middle. Okay. I do, this and. I. Put down another dowser, just to see if he can find anything all that oil, how. Big are you okay we can do this we can do this I can finish this off strong watch, once, this all this oil comes out of this and goes into all the silos then I can start selling. So. If I do this close, that one but open this one oh. You. Motherfucker. How. Dare you how. Very dare you hey. Go go. Go go, sell. Sell sell yes. Okay. Not great. This. Is the last month so sell sell all the oil that we have okay we, did all right. I. Didn't. Do awfully. And. Then. Stop level no no no no no. There. Stop it in here. Baby. Boy you, stay on my mind fulfill, my fantasy. We. Start of a two grand we earned forty four we spent twelve we, came out with 35, I think I, think. The enemies, are, going to come out with a lot more than 35. I. Got. The most, yes. Suck. On nose tattoos. Oh. It. Tastes like sweet, boy. All. Right we got new stuff top, of the mornin to you my name is Jeff. What. What. I, am a character, in the game. No. Oh. My. God I think they might have told me that I completely. Forgot. If. You need tools to deal with magma I've got your back oh my. God. That. Is so awesome. Thank. You developers. No. Way. That. Makes me happy Oh. All the best run with magma stare at this shit I'm also working on some other interesting, technologies. Okay. With, he resistance, you can drill straight through magma, oh. So. Mike was a burden. Okay. Not yet I don't have enough money for that we. Need to go to land auction, immediately. Ooh, he. Got the best piece of land okay time to start bidding so I'm. Gonna go there and you can all suck, a dick okay. Is. About it's like you know what now I'm, heading all the way up to Colorado. Okay, I think I got a good piece of land progress. Saved, now. It's weird cuz then we can technically just go straight into the next door without having to buy anything. I. Mean. Herd size would be nice and a few more things over here would. Be cool look at the kitty cat like. A few of these things would be nice but I. Think. I think we're okay for now. Let's. Make some money let's. Turn shit up. What. Are you doing you, aren't using cash done exclusively to left or right Inc and receive the amount that's on the building. Wait. How do I exclusively. Sell nine. Hundred dollars and nine hundred dollars this is new I. Have. No idea. Weird. I also forgot to check wait. There's no like bar. Casino, saloon area, is there I don't. Know. Did. You find some near him. Nope. Can. We put you down here anyway, ah you. Did. Yes. I, can't, even see it what a joyous. Day it is to be alive. Okay. You. Do that to build up some money and then we're going down here. Fuck. You. Stop that if gas goes into your pipe then it just forces it out faster. Okay. You know what you know what well, 114, is a good price. But. Now that we actually have a silo, let's put it all into that okay. How. Big is this not. That big. Not, big enough. Is. What I say that's. What I say what that means they're still oil down there somewhere that. Here. Is it god. Damn it ah so, the price went down cuz I switched so if you only pick, one and only sell it to that for the entire round you. Get the $900, at the end that's not a lot. Okay. Let's. Do this don't hit a rock don't hit a rock don't hit a rock no rocks no rocks no rocks no rocks no rocks. Yes. Okay. You. Do that. Fill. Up there, then. What I'm going to do is. Close. That rig but, open the valve. Okay. Go go, so. Oh this. Is going very badly okay, that's that's still a good price I might as well maximize, the fuck's sake, might as well maximize, my horses by spending all the money I have on upgrading, them, instead. Of buying more horses. Damn. Not. A great round, if. I do say so. And. Put another rig there. And. Buy 2. More horses. Ok. I. Can't. Even scan, I have like no money. This. Is terrible, right ok now we're getting into it we're in fucking July, though ok. Ok, ok um. Neither. Of these have a good price right now what I need to start selling off some of the oil cuz I can't even afford to put down a new silo ok.

The Gas is all gonna start going in there so now. You all need to start selling over here. Go. Go go oh. This. Is very very bad this is a terrible, round. Okay. Look how messy this is. We're. Getting close to the end of the year as well so I need to just start selling oh I've. Made so little Wow. Wow that was bad Oh. Big. Minecraft. Damage, sound and that for speed I see. Welcome. To Maeve's this is the place to be for drake's deals and dicey stuff. Okay. Pay, some cash and I will reduce next year's interest rates no. Some. Cash I can look all the ways very, loyal and forget about the fine okay yes, paying. For spillage fines is the first thing you should do, you. Wanna make a quick book play a game of higher or lower with me oh hell yeah so. This is new this is a new thing in the game hold up I got a fuel up Oh. Beans. For, the boy so. This is a new thing in the game you can play higher or lower you can play card games and then you can win money you can win two grand so that little cover of spillage fights and Lassen hoping, to hire Laura cosplay is five hundred dollars okay. Play. Do. We think my next are to be higher one are you counting the ACE as. The. High or. The low version, lower o. The. Odds of it being lower or higher than a queen are not very high okay, higher oh, yes. That. Was so close that was just barely lower a, lot. Lower and then just the. Only thing that, could have been higher, everything. Scary. Okay. I won the two grand I can't, play them again oh, that. Sucks, Oh Kate. Land auction let's do this. Where. Are we going I got a decent piece of land I'm gonna go here get. Out of my face don't, you dare yeah, uh that's. How we do it Isabel, up here with a 29 get. Out of here Isabel, you. Might want to exploit magma as soon as you can let my moles help you, what. He'll. Dig for you but he's kind of erratic I. Don't. Know what the magma does. Everyone. Else seems to know what it does everybody, else just bought magma upgrades. Heat. Resistance and you got magma moles, no. You. Only have heat resistance. Okay. Let's buy some moles. Magma. Moles with this oh great moles will uncover magma, if they're close to it.

Okay. Moles. Will look for gas near every cell they uncover. Moles. Now dig faster, that's, not helpful to me. Because. I don't know what it does I. Think. Magma. Can turn your oil into, gas I. Am. Not sure I'm, just gonna keep playing it the way I know after, after, this you guys can give me some tips in the comments if you've played this and I, look up some stuff after this to. Try and see if I, have. Any, success. With it please find one near, dammit. Okay. Going, here. Should. Have built in the middle god damn it. Where. Are you okay. I'm what you over here so I. Might. Be able to use some stuff either, side. Well. I can't even afford a second or a third horse, fourth. Horse what am I saying. This. Game causes. So much anxiety man. All. Right. All. Right ah. I'm. Gonna hit a rock aren't I. That. Is, a, big. Bitch. That. Immediately, has to be upgraded for that what. Do you find it. Sweet. Mary, and Joseph. Okay. You're not getting a lot of hi keep, getting distracted man. I need. To look up some other people playing this game just to see how fast this, game can be. Cuz, I'm not even good at this game oh I really, just fucked this up, I can't. Branch off this now to go there. Idea. Okay, stockpile, that. Stockpile. The oil while you can. Jack's. Got. A planner Ino oh shit, oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh. I'm. A fucking Mongoose it's, the gas nut flowing out oh wait, this isn't even connected yet that's why, this. Is my plan. This. Was my big plan. Somehow. To create a plan to be honest. Oh it's. Making me dosh though. Hell. Yes. Okay. There. You go. Whatever. Open, them up. All. Right that made me a good chunk of money pretty quickly could, have done better with it but you know what beggars can't be choosers, okay. So, brunch limits. That's. The thing I've come up against maybe that's something that I could work towards. Hey. Sell as much as you can as fast as you can gingerbread man oh. I. Didn't get all the oil out still. That's. A good round though oh my. God I almost did it. Okay. No spillage fines oh I, got rid of my spillage fines that's, nice. Okay, how'd I do yeah. They. Still have better stuff than I do but, I'm doing good come, to Anthony's underground, to deal with all the special things you can find under the ground. What. Can they do in the ground here are the other ground treasures that you've discovered so far whoa. You can discover, silver, or quartz, or golden nuggets, gold. Weighs about 19 times as much as water but it's way more valuable, but, I know what. I'd prefer when. I'm lost in the desert ah. So there's special, things you can find in the areas and, if I do that I may get more money I can. Sell it for eight and a half thousand Wow. Okay. Right well I'm gonna leave this first episode of turmoil, the heat is on DLC, right, here, so. I need to get back into it I need to get back into the swing of things the like I'm already trying to figure out how the regular game works let, alone all the extra, stuff that's now in the game but.

I Really, like what they've done with it I really like the changes they've made I really like that I'm a character in the game that's so sweet, I'll. Get this, just. For now and, I. Need to know I need. To get. Branch. Upgrade. There. We go anyway. Thank you guys so much for watching this episode if you liked it punch. That, like button in the face, you. Boys and. Highroad. Hmm. Check, out all that Oh.


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