The Future of Sustainable Fashion Transformative New Technologies - Mr Alex HUNG MH

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Well thank you all of you. I set the  alarm to 25 minutes, I will   try to finish it and why I'm here because actually I'm a technology guy   not in other industry from  my outlook you can tell I'm not from the   fashion side, but lucky that last year Dr. Eve invited me to teach   1 course for the fashion e-commerce and then I try to learn a little   bit about the fashion and I try to make  this PowerPoint and I hope we can try to add more technology things to them to  the new technologies about fashion, so actually I have a computer science degree  and also get the information system management   master you know HKUST and also MBA there, and so that's from technology and management side.    I'm quite old, 30 years careering in technology and also actually I like to do   is research and also lead some technology  projects and actually I have some advices about   AI for some fashion companies in the last 2 to 3 years. Also I'm the Charter   President of the Rotary Club of Peninsula, that's why I learned a little bit about the SDGs. This PowerPoint is quite long, I will try to skip part of it because   there's some fundamental things I think you can  understand and you already know about that.

Okay, so the first thing is why is  important you have a sustainable fashion. And also the relation of the topic to the  UNSDGs, actually SDGs have been developed   for quite a long time, the first time I know about SDGs is around 2010 because   I'm also one of the Ambassador for the U.N  World Summit Award since 2009 in India. Okay, so first thing is about environmental impacts   for the fashion industry, of course   we have a significant and environmental impact  with the production use and disposal of covering   contribution to pollution and also I have the experience I find that some not fashion, some clothing I got maybe 30 years  before in during my study in the University   that clothing is still quite good in the  quality but in the last few years, maybe last 10 years, the quality of  the clothing is really decreasing, it's not so durable but my point  of view is durable, durability is   good for more sustainable and so  we try to reduce the impact by using eco-friendly materials, reducing waste  and also promoting a circular economy. Social impact, professional industry of course  we will have social impact because we have some workers in different countries, I think mostly in Mainland China, in some   Central European countries and also  Asian countries the problem is about the   working conditions, low wages, and we need  to address these issues ethical consumption,    then we need to know why, because now we  have more e-commerce, that means   we can buy fashion or anything at anytime, just like at night, maybe anytime you   want to buy because like now you can just go to  by using the apps or website to to buy   anything, that means it's very easy for you  to purchase but and also nowadays that   we have more e-payment and also mix our next  generation, our generation nowadays they're having more and easy to have purchase and then we need to actually   educate them to be more conscious  and also responsible to the fashion. And one thing is about me, what I  talk about is about innovation, sustainable   fashion encourage innovation in materials,  production process and design and also we need to   have a more eco-friendly materials and actually the materials nowadays is   not the same as before and even some  some materials that we don't use before   and we'll be promote for the society and environment about UNSDGs for the Goal 5,    it's about gender equality, and it's about the men and women, of course   this industry is different from my industry,   my industry is about I.T technology, most of us are man not women but I think in  the fashion industry is more equal   and also Goal 8, I think you are  also familiar with UNSDGs.

And also Goal 9 about decent work and economic  growth and also Goal 9 is about  industry Innovation and infrastructure. I  would tell more about how it related to the topic today. And also Goal 12 is about  responsible consumption and production   and also climate action, in fact Goal 13  is very important nowadays because when I drive   here I can see it's around 40 Degrees Celsius  outside in some places in Hong Kong.

40 Degree Celsius, the climate change is  actually we need to be careful about   the environmental impacts, every of us need  to be careful to do what to our environment,  so first thing we try to understand what's a  sustainable fashion, sustainable fashion means   an approach of a fashion design, production  and consumption to minimize the negative  environmental and social impacts, so it's  about environmental, economic and social benefits.  Environmental impacts, we need to use  more eco-friendly materials, reducing waste and   also promoting a circular economy. In fact, when I teach last year, the students have some events, to make use of  the used clothing to make something   else, so actually I think because I was in road-trip, I have been in road- trip for many years, many road- trip, different clothing I will not wear again so I try to give them and then  they make some badges, some other   things, I think it's good for the upcycling.   And also for the social impact many workers in   the fashion industry we need to change  the wages to have more fair labor practices.

For the economic impact, we need to reduce the  costs, improve brand reputation and also create more   opportunity, so sustainable fashion, I will  give you some examples about sustainable fashion.   About SDGs, some examples here, I think when I teach, this brand- Patagonia and I learned a lot from my students in their  projects and Patagonia is a very sustainable   fashion brand, actually use eco-friendly  materials and align with UNSDGs 12 ,13 and 8.   Another is Levi's and Stella McCartney and also Everlane, I don't want to tell in the   details and you can have a load of known brands, because I'm from technology side,   when I learned about that is the best  answer for me, not fashion is   Tesla, one of very good in sustainable goods production. People Tree, also another example. The current state of  sustainable fashion, it's quite hot here, because have the light here, However we still have many different significant challenge when facing  the sustainable fashion industry, I think one thing is about the  standardization in the industry we don't have   it, even we talk about EST Reviews, don't have a  very good standardization for the reporting, and although that many challenges still have some positive developments okay so first is   environmental challenge and how to reduce  the waste and also have more eco-friendly   materials, just like today when we drink the  coffee here we have some eco-friendly materials.

And also economic challenges,  sustainable materials and production process   can be more expensive than traditional  methods when you make something more   sustainable it's more expensive, so how to have  the balance about the costs and the wastage.    And also nowadays as I mentioned before,  it's about a fast fashion brand. In fact,    they will try to prioritize a low costs and high speeds to have production, but when I teach in my course, how to apply  the technology to make it more efficient is   that we don't need to have a lot of storage  in the warehouse and also the production of   the fast fashion in fact we can really stream down the process, actually nowadays, for example when we just  like if you can go to Taobao and then you   can just let them know your ideas of  fashion or something like that and then   they will try to make it for you and then we  need to decrease the number of layers for   the fashion to your hand, so I think it's good for the economic things. My session 3, the role of technology, that part is the more I can tell you   about that, so there are some technology, technology can aid in the development of   sustainable materials just like recycled polyester, organic cotton, also biodegradable fabrics. For

example, we have Innovations in textile recycling  technology, now we can make use of the used fibers   to make some new fibers and also reducing  the waste and the need for virgin materials.   And also technology can aid in the development of  sustainable production process, such as we use   a renewable energy, renewable energy sources implementing what to rest conservation   measures, we use less water just like in the  dyeing process. And also reduce the waste, we use   digital printing and also 3D prototyping, nowadays actually reduce a lot of materials.    I think 20 is before, I also help in selling some machine to optimize the   costs of usage and still we are using now. And  also transparency and traceability is about  

we use a blockchain, maybe you learn about a little  bit about blockchain, you heard about Cryptocurrency,    Cryptocurrency is relying on blockchain, the blockchain is a actually we have more blockchain implementation, to trace any products  from where it manufactured and then to   your hand. I need to go a little bit faster, I have 5 minutes more and there   are some existing technologies in sustainable  fashion about recycled and upcycled materials   and 3D printing, I think all of you have  tried before, but for the 3D printing is   I think the costs of making 3D painting is  lower than before and also we are now using   more AI to have a fashion design,  something like that and maybe it's good   better than the human being to have a fashion  design because they can help to have more ideas   on that but you will think about whether we risk   to use AI or using human being to have   the fashion design I think if you don't have any  ideas about fashion design even you use, you apply   to AI, you can't make it, I can't make it, because I don't have any ideas and also   some supply chain transparency I tell you  before about using RFID, IOD technologies.    Some new technologies, transformative  new technologies about Biofabrication, I don't want to tell you the details  and also blockchain technology, you   have blockchain technology for you just like we have a legend, we have actually you can't change it, sometime before we  all in, we have a central server to store all   the things, but nowadays we have a distributed  system, you can't change one thing easy,    your contact in the system and can't change  anything. By using the blockchain for the   traceability, even for the some brand name  products, 3D printing, AI for the efficient   design because AI can analyze vast amounts of  data and then AI can do all the things in 24 hours,   with that human being can't do it and also AI  can make use of the task history and also by   using the big data and also machine learning. Actually I teach AI since 1999,

so I teach them more than 25 years. In fact, for AI now why we have more   AI because now it's a lower costs, higher speed  computer, it's about knowledge planning   and learning and also perception. AI have  some perception nowadays, we can apply AI,    AI is not a new topic, we have AI since 1950  and also actually we now use more new   networks and machine learning and nowadays more about Chat GPT or something like that because actually now  it exists in NLP, Natural Language Processing,   just like you can tell the system what you need and  then they tell you what you can have by using   even the graphical or even your voice  or anything, so it's very amazing.  And also perception because actually machine  perception we now have a different kinds of inputs,   sensors that means the IOT, we have all IOT everywhere, just like the temperature sensors here,   when it's not cold enough then you switch on the  air conditioner and also we have more computer   vision, it's not new topic but now we are having more computer vision as well.    Actually these few pages is about how  to make use of AI or technology in manufacturing   that I I showed to my students before. And one thing is about AI vs Fashion Fakes.

In fact, we can make use of blockchain  to do it and also we can apply to   sorting with the path what I do it before,   sorting the path from design to your hand for the fashion, it's now and that's why we can  have more costs saving, not so many layers   of branding. And also assist the new  product development about the colors, fabrics, patterns and cuts, also as designers and AI in textiles for the quality control and also   improve efficiency, agility, sustainability and  reduce the shipping costs and transit time.   And also some recommendations for the visual  similarity and also some personalization   recommendation, we can't do it before because  we have too many people they have different   ideas about what they need, but nowadays we can  have more customization for any persons.   

In fact, we can have more customization for anything that what you want, what you make, which you plan to go, and also about CHATBOT you can talk to them   directly and tell you the answer, so AI actually for the efficient design   and also I told you before IOT all the sensors  they can connect all the things together.   For the future, we'll try to  prioritize all the things and then   we have more new technology about  blockchain, AI, IOT, 3D printing, Biofabrication   and we can have a better future, although we have some potential challenge.    That's all of my presentation. Thank you for your time.


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