Keynote Maxim Fateev Temporal Technologies

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Welcome. I think we're going to get started. Thank you all for coming to the main day of  Replay, the first year of this conference.   I'm going to be your host for the  day, my name is Charles Zedlewski,   I'm the chief product officer at Temporal. I've  been in the company for a little over a year   and I'm extremely excited to welcome you all here  today. Replay is a conference hosted by tim pearl  

but it's a conference that we want to be for uh  the larger developer community and we see this as   something we want to do every year and of  course it's going to be a lot about temporal but   we want it to be about all kinds of  interesting things that are developing   in software development and particularly in  back end or server-side software development   and we think that there's an enormous potential  for for for uh for the future years um and   when i thought about the fact that this was the  first ever conference uh and i thought about the   the adoption of temporal i kept thinking about  beginnings because i've had the fortune to see   movements technological movements start very small  and get surprisingly big in a short amount of   time and that's obviously why i found myself at  temporal and i like to think it's why you found   yourself here and the uh so i think what's with  for all of us at temporal what gets us so excited   about um this event and getting to be with all of  you is you know when you when you work with people   at temporals the sense of just how big this all  could get someday and how important it could be   for uh technology and for software development  generally but how small it still is right now   but you could kind of see where it's all  going to go and so there's this sense of kind   of pent up energy of some some kind of chain  reaction that we know is is getting unleashed   and uh this this sort of uh this sort of event is  part of that um and what i think what a technical   movement becomes uh is a lot is is is as much  a function of the users and the community as it   is about the technology and uh one of the things  which makes replays so special for us is we could   not be more proud of the community that we get  to be a part of um we at temporal we thoroughly   enjoy the interactions that we have with the user  community on slack or on discourse or at meetups   and the fact that we get to do it all together  here in person today is just phenomenal and if   you look at the speakers we have today and i'll  be thanking our speakers multiple times but uh   please know that at temporal like for speakers  for users we are flattered by the quality of   the company that we keep and we know that it  is a a big reason why the interest in temporal   continues to grow is because of all of you so  thank you very much for helping make this real um   just to illustrate the point this is kind  of the current uh adoption of temporal these   are ping backs of usage of temporal in any  given day since the inception of the project   and the interest has been growing uh exponentially  but uh that and is now we some i can't get into   precise numbers let's say it's the many tens of  thousands and perhaps even hundreds of thousands   of developers that are using temporal on a weekly  basis um but the thing is is that for most of you   who are here that's not news to you you are way  back over there right and what i what i would   you you were sort of ahead of the curve and what  i would submit and i think everyone who attends   this conference and has the first t-shirt which we  won't make any more of will eventually look back   in this too and say oh yeah i was there i was  this that spot on the curve all the way in the   right is going to look extremely small in scale  in another two years time um so thank you for for   kind of helping set all this in motion where uh  we couldn't be more excited that we get to realize   that we get to realize this vision um okay  enough about about beginnings um i wanted to   also just mention a few logistical bits we have an  exciting lineup of speakers we also have a bunch   of breaks that are gonna that are going to be in  between the majority of the talks we have today   there's going to be opportunity for q a  which is all going to be done through slido   so could we pull up just like a representative  example of a slido qr code for a second possibly there we go so we'll have qr codes like these for  all but one of the sessions uh and i'll take i'll   be reading off all the questions and i'll ask the  speakers so that's the general order of the day   thank you again for your attendance and with  this i would now like to introduce the co-founder   of the temporal open source project the  co-founder of the cadence open source   project the co-founder of temporal  our fearless leader maxime fatiev it's certainly pretty emotional to be here it's first time first time ever i i give a keynote  so bear with me and certainly it's first time we   make a conference and a super big deal for  us certainly when we started to plan that   we didn't expect such a attendance to tell the  truth it's you know first time it's you never   usually they say if you have more people than your  company people in the conference you already won   but we have many more people i think right  now so it's really cool and i remember five years ago i did my first presentation about  cadence at some conference i don't even remember   the name of conference i remember one thing  that i prepared for a long time i come there   and i get 10 people in the room and  it's not even recorded the mistake   i made is that this conference had parallel  tracks and i put word workflow in the title   and parallel track had machine learning in the  title and obviously 100 whatever people went there   and i've got 10 people in my room it's not wasn't  that bad because technically one of the distant   people was employee architect and one pretty  well known sap 500 and he's still here with us   so this is his crew so it means that you never  know how it plays out long term um but i think   i i want to just thank you all of you to be  here and because i as charles said you're all   early adopters we are just talking and uh just i  think we'd be just super grateful to all of you so i want to talk about uh jim porter  we always get this question what is it   and it's very hard to describe it's uh it's the  hardest problem i think we have it's not that   people like our technology but explaining what  it is to other people is always the challenge   and i struggle with that and always struggle  with that if somebody comes up the best way   to describe it even after this talk  come to me please i want to hear it but first i want to talk about vegetables   um really i want to talk about application  architecture but register was a cool so   but technically think about it you write an  application and it doesn't matter what technology   you use what language you use whatever you do but  these days especially if system is distributed   it needs to kind of be useful in most systems you  want to have some sort of bottom markup you have   some business logic but then you need to make this  business logic fault or touring and reliable and   usually this reliability component is  much larger than actual business logic   and then obviously you have persistence  because you need to kind of do make it   durable and you want to make sure that if  you have failure in recovery you recover   from resistance in disk so it can  survive machine failures and so on the funny part is that in real life do you do  this you don't have them separate you take all   of that and just blend it all together and this  is the i might claim it's practical application   architecture of majority applications these days i  would call it a smoothie application architecture   and this is exactly what we are trying  to avoid but this is our life because   it doesn't matter if you use the functions you use  kubernetes or run on bare metal this technology   helps you to run those processes but they don't  actually allow help your application business   logic to deal with failures in most cases unless  just restarting processes and i think the main   goal of us here is kind of get rid of smoothie  application architecture and imagine situation   if somebody comes and say i don't like strawberry  anymore please uh your customer just comes i like   banana and then you have this blender going and  it's probably still going and like please replace one with another and this is what we are doing  in these applications because uh it's all   just mixed up and you have all your business logic  and 50 functions and it's all state machines and   so on and you don't want to have that so what's  the solution okay solution is k architecture   because you have clear layers you  can separate things out and if you   need to replace something with like strawberries  banana you just do it and you do it in one place   um okay it's all cool in theory right how  do you get there so how we get from the   smoothie architecture to cake architecture and  my answer is uh it's actually durable execution you know like we call it workflow in temporal  for historical reasons but i think i i have   physics degree and in physics they cannot  teach you to think from first principles   and i started to think about temporal in general  what is the most core abstraction we have   and my claim is the core abstraction is  exactly what we can call durable execution   and let's talk about durable execution  on a surface it's very simple it's just a   runtime environment which allows code and usually  caught in a general purpose programming language   to execute to guarantee guarantee that is complete  practically runs to the end actually completes   is probably not precise because you can have  infinite loop in the middle so technically you   want to say it it guarantees it keeps running in  the presence of all possible failures so if you   crash kind of i don't know power goes out in  the middle of execution after fully executed   or something else failed the  network event happened and so on   i can talk probably next five hours about  possible failures in the distributed systems   but the point is that there is guarantee  that this will eventually complete and   it's very simple idea that you have code which  will eventually complete in the presence of all   possible failures but in the way that code  doesn't see that it just keeps executing that but as soon as you have this property   you you can do all sorts of interesting  things you can guarantee compensations   you can guarantee execution it is kind of  i would say the next best thing after the   distribute transaction and you don't want to  distribute transactions right and this is the   way people walk around the lack of transactions  in the systems if they can have this abstraction other property of durable execution is that as by  its nature all the state of durable execution is   always durable persistent so practically  every variable in the durable execution   is practically saved in some persistent store  and it's done in a way that you as a programmer   you don't need to do anything about it you just go  write your code you have your local variables so   fields and like sometimes global variables and  these things are just durable all the time which   means that if you use durable execution to write  your code you don't need to actually even program   against the database you don't need to because in  our smooth architecture all you do is load state   from database update it save back load state from  database update it save it back right call back   loads so it's all together all the time and your  code is broken in pieces here you just write   normal sequential code and everything is fully  preserved and i think it's very important property i think the other very important property is that  just by nature of durable execution the state   the any api call can take unpredictable  amount of time any amount of time is necessary   so if you call buzz and it takes 10 weeks  fine it's okay because there is eventual   guarantee that this code will return  and you will continue executing and   just think about it a little bit  it's not something we're used to   but it's very cool property and why is it i  think it's cool property because it allows to   do really cool things seamlessly for example  you can just have an api call which is sleep   and you can say sleep for a month sleep  for 10 days so if you need to do something   i don't know send a mail 10 days later you  can just say sleep 10 days and send email   and try to do it usually using any other approach  like against doing smooth architecture you will   watch your callbacks you will have crown  job you will kind of need to tie all these   things together you need to preserve  state somewhere here's just one line the other interesting part is that durable  execution is has and again we are talking about   abstraction not even concrete implementation  is a nice kind of this uh it lives in this   world it has the all these guarantees but  it has to communicate with external world   so it uh an external world is not perfect and it  can have failures it's it's normal and the the way   it practically means that everything you do can  fail anytime so connection can fail the external   service can fail it can be human task and human  can forget about it how do you deal with failures systems which don't use durable executions you do  retries usually all compensations and so on the   cool part here is that if you call full and you  do it right for five ten days or five milliseconds   you still call full there is no difference you  probably hide all this complexity of free try   and can be asked don't necessarily come as  complex as necessary basically try exponential   and so on besides a single api call we also  can invoke functions for queuing it's very   common to in asynchronous systems to put  queues in between services and in between   components and queues have nice properties you can  greatly they do rate limiting they do flow control   they also do retries but my point is that api  to call them is still the same so that is kind   of my thing is that durable execution  allows you to hide so much complexity   of error handling again that's exactly  what i said it does allow us to take this   error handling out and you as an engineer don't  care it's all handled by the underlying system   and i think it's a super cool property of the  durable execution so just to recap a little bit this is the way practically to do this layered  architecture durable execution allows you to   separate very cleanly the error handling and  recovery code so as durable is connected to   execute any failures will not affect its execution  itself and if it needs to talk to external   systems and we need to deal with external system  failures for retries cue any other asynchronous   means we can just have an api call which takes  a little bit longer and but eventually completes   also as i mentioned uh we also get persistence for  free practically i mean from developer experience   point of view you just use your normal code you  have local variables and these local variables   are durable so you don't need to actually write  the explicit database related code and also   because it's layered you can replace one database  with another without changing the line of code   so you can switch from something like i don't know  in case of temporal can switch from cassandra to   uh to postgres and you need to change the line  of application code to do that because these   layers are very well defined and i think it's very  important and my claim is and that's why i think   we all hear is that durable execution is the best  way it's the best developer experience to build   resilient systems and not necessarily distributed  people build desktop applications using that   and in future i think we can do more of that my  dream is to have durable execution every cell   phone as a library but we'll get there one day but  i think the basic idea is that uh this is the best   the best way to develop software uh for certain  types of systems obviously it doesn't solve   all the problems but uh there are clearly  big class of systems where it makes   developer experience much much cleaner one thing i want to mention is certainly we talked  about temporal via the temporal conference but   it's not just one product which does that the  whole idea of global execution started at the   simple workflow service that it wears i i don't  know if you know about that but i was technically   for that service for the public release of that it  were multiple iterations inside of amazon to get   to the point where simple workflow is then who's  cto and co-founder of temporal went to azure and   he created a durable task framework which later  was adopted by azure durable functions and we have   azure durable function product there is also an  infiniti project which builds a durable execution   top of apache pulsar uh it's pretty young project  and uh but i think some the idea is that this is   not specific to like one technology it's a general  abstraction which can be used in other places   and we've probably heard about cadence and  how temporal kind of grew out of cadence   later and now we have kenyans project which is as  you know open source project and also a company so one thing is uh stuff we started to think  about these abstractions and one thing became   kind of clear is that this cake thing technically  uh i've saw it before in multiple places and one   place i saw this kind of layered architecture was  actually when people talk about operating systems   because operating system kind of has the  same general goal it is about abstracting   out complexities of hardware complexities of  some failure modes as well and given application   developers uh high-level abstraction to write the  applications right because first computers were   just programmed directly against the metal now we  write code in high-level languages but all this   complexity of different type of operating systems  hardware and so on is kind of hidden from us one thing which is interesting if you look around  we don't have distributed systems like people talk   about operating system for distributed world  but reality is we don't have them probably   we have systems like kubernetes but they are  not problem with them is that they allow you   to manage processes but as soon as you you write  applications for a single machine then you say   this application can run this process can run  multiple machines you completely need to change   the architecture of your application it's not that  there is an operating system which allows you to   seamlessly distribute things the same way why  we don't have infinitely scalable sql databases   just because you need to need to make certain  trade-offs you need to do charting and so on   because just general sql relational doesn't work  like in if you want to distribute infinitely   and thinking about durable  execution what i thought is   if you repli take for example id operating system  an operating system operates on the level process if you replace the process with durable execution  and drupal execution also name we could call   durable process if you decided to but it's again  it's naming but it would allow us to write see a   operating system which hides completely like  distribution part and error handling part   and i think this is a um kind of  realization which came to oh button   realization that you can have kind of operating  system but application layer doesn't need to know   about these fillers so practically if you write it  for a single machine or you run it on huge fleet   your programming model doesn't change and i think  durable execution is unique obstruction to do that   so far i didn't see any either kind of attempt  to do that because if you look every distributed   system out there obviously we have things things  like mapreduce for example which are high level   abstraction but it's very very specialized to very  specific use case kind of big data and pipelines   but general programming model which allows you  to write application and then you don't really   think about this application as  running a specific piece of hardware   i think durable execution the first abstraction  which allows you to do that and i i think and as you see here the main idea is the  application software doesn't need to do   you still will have all the problems  of distributed system in the os itself   but application is kind of  hidden uh is shielded from that   certainly it is a little bit strange to kind of  call temporal the operating system at this point   but i think it's more like inspiration let's  think about because i've seen people oh you   already kind of have product it's there it works  it's kind of more or less complete i just wanted   this additional maybe bells and whistles better  ui and so on but i think my main idea is that   we're just starting that uh kind of we need to  understand what important is and temporal is   just one of the existing things it is much more  than that and my main point is that it's day one   like at amazon they say it's day one always  okay jeff bezos was telling it all the time   because people oh amazon made so much progress  you know it's day one we guys we're just starting   we'll be much more and it always was true  i don't know how he managed to do that but   he did it and i think it's the same thing here is  temporally today is day one it's a just uh idea   it's a it's a useful idea you use it in production  but i think the idea is like can we move it much   much more can we have applications built on top of  that can we have much nicer developer experience   can we start thinking about different ways  kind of to execute these durable executions   can we host them can we attach them what  about api ecosystem and so on there are   so many things we can do with this abstraction  and my main point of this kind of talk is that   just think where we can move  that if we execute on this vision so i wanna can switch gears from  this fancy new future to today's   and i just want to talk a little bit more about  uh progress temporal as an open source project   as a company made last year and maybe  talk a little bit future a little bit   some people who were here saw some of  that but i think it's worth repeating so i think for me the main goal at least initially  of the project was to put it in the hands of more   developers and uh what it means is that if you  had for example typescript developer you couldn't   use temporal before before recently and right now  we've got typescript sdk so if your typescript or   javascript developer you're not js developer you  practically can have the full power of temporal   uh to uh and i think it's as nice as it can  get to to get distributed reliable system   the coolest part about typescript is dk i don't  know if all of you especially people who use other   sdks know is that closest approximation to the  operating system abstraction because we run every   workflow in its own container practically we use  v8 isolates but the idea is that every workflow is   fully isolated and determinism which is required  by temporal is provided out of the box by the   container which means that you cannot make no  different determines mistakes inside of typescript   code you can do random you can do time you can  do whatever all these apis are deterministic and   provided by the runtime so it's as close as you  can get to the notion of the process it's not like   100 airtight yet there are some edge cases but  in general it is very very cool system because   it is not done by asking developers politely do  the right thing it is provided by the runtime   um in the future maybe we do webassembly  which can for certain languages would   provide similar capabilities other  exciting development is python sdk certainly people ask us for typo this  was one of the most requested sdks and   it's still in better but please it's out there try  it out play with it give us feedback because the   more feedback we get faster we get it it will  take less time to release that in production   but we'll we've heard that some of some people  already use it in production some some some some   of you on the leading edge like to be there and we  appreciate that but uh we are working to actually   have official production release very soon and  look it's nice i i'm not a big fan of python   but uh no you know what it's kind of funny  because uh i have son his uh he was 12 at the time   and he was doing this scratch programming like  visual thing and whatever and then i showed him   like two pages like page of python code he's like  oh it's a block he just like was immediately was   able to defy things just by offset and he was  able to read that code and even find a bug there   and like okay then after that it was converted so other thing we did uh uh so these improvements  um the temporal light if you didn't hear about   that this is the ability to run temporal server  as a single process including the database   sqlite database so practically you just get  one binary and you have full-blown temporal   service including ui in in single binary  it actually was created by datadog team   and we are super grateful to them to do that to  take because without them probably it would take   very long time for us to implement and uh now  it's this project actually kind of graduated to   the top level because right now it's part of the  official temporal io organization on github but   we still collaborate closely with  datadog team uh on improvements and next   releases of this product so our goal is that for  development single binary should be the best way   to do development because it's uh much easier  than docker composing all these other things um   the other thing we've got we've got new ui um very  wrote fully ui which we inherited from cadence now this ui more or less has feature parity  and but it will allow us to do things like uh   mutations in the future for example you would  be able to send signals updates and so on for ui   and just new architecture allows to do all  sorts of cool stuff and move much faster   my kind of dream is we have special ui features  for them just for development because right   now there are certain developments uh kind of  workloads you need to click too much i want to   get to the point when it's as usable as ide we'll  see if we get there but now we have framework to   actually uh do that other one thing we we talked  about applications one thing we found is that   a lot of people used one of the first use cases  they used temporal for scheduled actions for cro   has crown practically distributed crown and  we had this chrome feature and this uh in the   product which we built very long time ago and  the way it was built i can tell you we looked   at that and said okay we don't have resources but  what would be the minimalistic implementation of   the crown and we put it there and still there  and you use it but you hate it because it lacks   tons of features and it's hard to use and so on so  we've stopped and said what it would take us to uh kind of think it from first principles  can we go and look at the what would be   the make tempura the best distributed crown  engine out there for scheduled actions we   spend a lot of time doing they designed that and  now it's there it's actually in the open source   right now you can use it you just need it's behind  the feature flag but next release will kind of   flip it you can use it so it's pretty powerful  it allows us to do all sort of scheduling and   pretty complex one and manage the scheduled  jobs and so on so please check it out other thing which we productized  recently was enhanced visibility so   its ability to search workflows by custom  attributes managing those searches and so on but it's not only about software i think   from the developers point of view documentation  is as important as software because if you get   temporal and no documentation yes we have  slack we have support but it's still not the   best experience i don't know if i don't know  if you guys know but temporal has five people   full time working just on documentation uh so we  treat the communication super seriously and it's   awesome very strong team so uh and we did a lot  of improvements application development guide is   one of the recent additions and we plan to invest  more and more in that for example we know that uh   the documentation of the how to operate cluster  how to set up cluster and production issues isn't   far from perfect it's almost unexistent we will  heavily invest in that uh this year and later   and later in the beginning next year other thing  is that documentation reference the community is   not enough we wonder people learn temporal some  of you yesterday attended our first 101 class   and uh it looks like feedback was pretty  positive we want to make sure this class is   accessible through the website so we created  learn.temporal.your website and you would be   able to we'll have more courses which you can do  on your own pace we also have in person courses   so i think we will take a lot of as you know  it's new technologies people takes time to grasp   grasp it so we will uh we have education  team which is building those courses we did some service improvements um some some of  them are small but very useful like name space   deletion now you can you see icd pipeline can  create namespace around something and delete   namespace simple thing but very useful  we increase retention and we did a lot   of refactoring of history service to make it much  more stable and scalable and so on uh we can give   you details but mostly it's about multi-tenancy  so we get much better multi-tenancy support now one other thing i mentioned enhanced visibility  but uh the way it is done right now it only works   if you have elasticsearch we have kind of this  weird situation when uh you have dual mode if you   just run with one database without elasticsearch  you don't get all these features so we want to   have parity so we will add it has visibility  to every single implementation which means that   even if your sqlite or mysql postgres you would  be able to get all the same features as if you   run with elasticsearch and this is uh something  which will allow us to make a nice ui because   you don't need to switch that and it also will  just allow you to actually do full development   for some using sql lite because you won't have  some features missing i think it's relatively   small but very important addition the other  feature which is frequently requested is the   ability to send updates to the workflow because  now you can send one-way event signal you can   query workflow but you cannot mutate state but now  you would be able to send update to the workflow   mutate state of the workflow and update can take  as long as necessary it can take milliseconds   and it's a super optimized path as a single  database right or it can be as long as necessary   it can be it can be days and we will support uh  all sorts of features around that also obviously   workflows and other workflows would be also  supported and um this will probably allow   you to build interactive applications of temporal  like you could press a button and get a next page   as a response uh to the uh it will allow practice  i don't know i don't know where it goes but i'm   pretty sure there are a lot of people who  would be very excited about that feature versioning is another kind of  pain point we know about it and it's super powerful because you can update  workflows which running long-running processes   while in production but it's for situations  when you just have short-lived workflows   and you want to just be able to write your  code don't think about that it's uh it's not   it's far from perfect and we are working on that  so we will have native support for uh allowing   deploying new versions running multiple set of  workers through different task queues but it   will be kind of hidden from you it will be kind  of done automatically so like all consumers will   not care they will just use start workflows on  whatever task you they are starting but behind   the scenes we will do all the right thing to route  to the appropriate version and also the other   part of that is self-reliance we want to invest  heavily into the ability to roll out code safely   because again temporal is not only about how  you write code it's about how you operate we   want to make sure that we are the best platform  for actually operating things in production so   we will put a lot of effort into these features  uh there are a lot of other features we want to   like most basic ones like pause workflow and pause  workflow like make sure that workflow there are a   lot of things we want to do just to make sure  that you can operate things very efficiently the other big area of investment we are going  to make is what we call nexus and it's kind of   code word i don't know how it will end up being  called at the end but basic idea is that right now   uh people you use temporal a lot to build single  application and they build multiple applications   but uh sharing kind of calling each other like if  you have one application like set of workflows and   then you want to expose apis to other applications  to other set of workflows or services outside of   temporal it's not easy very we have child  workflow in a different name space but it   doesn't work very well does it work with global  uh namespaces and so on so there are a lot of   limitations there so we have we want to make  sure that you probably practice the best   way to expose your functionality to other parts  of your company or even outside of your company   and this uh can be done very  cleanly for very clean defined apis   and and also we want to make sure that this  technology works not only with temporal but   people outside of temporal so you can expose  http gateways grpc gateways to other applications   and as part of that we also need to solve  problem that industry doesn't have standard to   define long-running operations because  what we call a lo arbitrary line iteration   because uh if you have i don't know standard grpc  so http service it's it's very easy to say okay   this is a request i support but then i say if  this request takes five days how do i model that   then you need to do web hooks you need to do long  polling and there are different ways to do that   cues and so on so there is no clean way to define  interfaces with for operations which can take uh   long longer than a few milliseconds or seconds and  we want to make part that uh if if we succeed we   want to make it more like industry standard  which is not important specific but allows   to define those operations maps and specific  technologies like http or jrpc and then make them   a callable from workflows directly or workflows  being able to implement those operations directly   it's a big area of uh there is proposal actually  right right now no prop i don't know if all of you   know we have temporal dot io slash proposals repo  this github repository and we push every time we   do any kind of serious change to the temporal  we actually always publish proposals there all   new sdks uh for example right now there is a  ruby sdk proposal out there if you don't if you   are in anyone in ruby uh that and this proposal  like first phase of this nexus project is out   there so please check it out comment we want  to feedback it's a level of design right now but the biggest i think not complain but uh if you go to our forums  or go to slack you you clearly see that people   get temporal it takes some initial harm but after  people understand how to write code they implement   super complex applications on top of temporal  without talking to us they can ask questions about   specific age cases and so on but it's called you  know how to program java know how to program goal   we don't need to teach you that you can do  it better than us and that's why i think   if you look at our forums a lot of questions  are about how to run temporal how to operate   important especially at large scale especially  with high reliability at the companies and the   way we're planning to to kind of help you  there is and obviously temple of the company   is going to monetize this open source this is one  thing which we don't want to play with licenses   we don't want to go this open core model when we  will kind of create this enterprise version like   take some features i don't know something out of  that and not let you to kind of use full version   we don't want to do any of that we don't  want to change licenses we want to keep mit   license we want to have open source being  very feature reach but at the same time   we hit all the time people just don't want to  run any infrastructure themselves we just want   to rely on ours that's why temporal cloud is the  way we are planning to help like this adoption   you can develop and uh run production with that  the idea of the pro cloud is that we're not going   to host clusters for you we are giving you name  space as a service practically the idea is that   you don't know what's out there it's just uh so  fully serverless namespace is a service offering   on the cloud you just provision namespace  using api cli ui and you get this namespace   you can just start using that right away and it's  production quality service and you don't need to   think about clusters you need to think about  capacity all of these things are taken care of   and i want to just give you some preview  of that uh mike i want to invite mike i was   to to help there and he will give you even  some demo and then we'll talk more about that thank you max so i get the opportunity to  give you all that first look of temporal cloud   and the new features that we've  been working so hard on to make   this adoption of namespace as  a service even more streamlined so one of the exciting things coming up is  that uh creating a name space is now going   to be fully self-serviced so the design  partners that we've been working with   so far are going to understand how much of a  benefit that is no more is zendesk tickets and   so this is this is a really big deal so i'm  going to take you through real quickly a   process of creating a namespace in in the cloud  and just as a quick reminder a namespace is the   fundamental unit of isolation in temporal it's  used for a variety of reasons however you want to   want to isolate your services so it might  be based on application team organization   environment or a combination of any of these so  real quickly i'm gonna go out to the interface and   show you what it's like to create a namespace so  it's pretty straightforward i need to provide a   name which just needs to be unique for  the temporal cloud account that i have   and i need to choose one of the seven  regions we're going into other regions   and we're also planning to support other  cloud providers as well i need to specify   what the retention period is going to be  for the namespace as a reminder this is   the amount of time that workflow history remains  closed workflow history remains in your storage and i'd need to provide a certificate because   all the connections to the cloud are secured via  mtls okay so from your workers or from your client   i can optionally provide one of the certificate  filters these are useful for that segregation   reason reason it can simplify your certificate  strategy at your organization so maybe you   want to aggregate namespaces according  to environment or however you want to   approach that and then finally i can optionally  provide search attributes whenever you are have a   temporal cloud account then you have advanced  visibility fully backed by elasticsearch okay so when i create the namespace it does take  a few moments to appear um and so what i wanted to   do one of the questions that we get that comes up  is what does it mean to adopt temporal cloud how   if i'm an existing temporal user how  do i how easy is it to migrate my code   over to embrace the cloud and uh so i want to go  into that but real quickly i just kind of want to   review what it's like to even adopt temporal  at all so you're going to have your in your   own environment you're going to have your  own workers that are connecting to temporal   and you're connecting to temporal services  whether it's your own self-hosted instance or   whether it's in the cloud so what does the  code experience look like i'm an engineer i'm   doing some local development i've got some things  working so i'm just going to do that for you now   right now i'm going to just fire up a local  instance of temporal using temporal light and   it's pretty straightforward a lot of  you have already experienced this so   i'm just going to start a workflow out at  temporal you'll see some logging going on   what i'm doing is the ubiquitous money transfer  application so i've just transferred a million   bucks from one account to the other but it hasn't  happened yet so i need to start my worker and down below you'll see that the transfer  has taken place and so on so many of you   have already gone through this sample  are similar so what do i have to do   in order to change my code from running  locally and run this in the cloud so this is the a typical client factory for temporal  the temporal client and there's not a whole lot of   voodoo going on in here this is  just i have an environment variable   where i can specify using tls to con  to connect to temporal obviously if i'm   running locally i don't need to worry about  that but i want to run this in the cloud so so let me share with you just a few of the  variables that i'm going to have to change   in order to do that first instead of using  localhost i'm going to use a address that's   given to me from the namespace that's handed  to me in the cloud so i have a namespace that   i created earlier and here's what the address  looks like so i have the namespace identifier   is or the namespace was called paymentsdev and  then my account name my account id is sdvdw   so the namespace id then is a concatenation of  those two things and this is just a typical grpc   endpoint that i'm going to use as the address that  i'm going to pass in so let me comment this out and one thing that i've  got here in the comments is just an indicator that uh operating temporal is  very much the same in the cloud as it is to your   current temporal instance as well so i can use  t control which is our command line client for   uh operating uh temporal on the command line  and um it's just i'm going to be passing in   the same address into the command line there  so now that i've got these variables set up   this is going to be used by my client and this  time i'm going to be using tls to connect so   i'll specify that here and let's go  ahead and start the money transfer again   and i want you to think i'm lying so  i'm going to stop temporal down below okay so i've just started a workflow out in the  cloud and so before i go and start my worker   what i'll do is pop into the workflows  view it's out in the interface and you'll   see that i have a running workflow this  is what i just executed or just started okay so i'm going to go into  the workflow here really i am right there okay so uh this is showing me  that i don't have a worker running there's   nothing picking off the tasks off the queue  right there's nothing new here uh except   i am going to point out that my access to this  namespace was made available because i'm a   global admin on this account this is another new  thing that we're rolling out in the cloud which   is role-based access controls so over here on  the left you'll see a little usage tab that's   only viewable because i'm a global admin you can  also designate namespace admin developer and so on   and this is super exciting if you've been  working with the cloud already you can finally   govern access to these name spaces and also the  different affordances that are inside of there so   that's great so now i'm going to  go ahead and start up my worker and fail because i did not have my tls flag set up okay so i just deposited a million  dollars from maxime's account into mine   and so now i can go out to my workflow and  see that yeah the workflow was completed   so one of the questions that comes up a  lot whenever people are moving into the   cloud is you know how do i know what's going  on inside of my workloads now whenever i was   running temporal uh in my own environment then  i had access to the metrics i had access to   controlling things right all the little dot dials  and knobs so so how do i know uh so there's two   big improvements uh that are new features that  we're rolling out that are super super exciting   so the first one is the ability to go out and  generate an end point down in the settings you can go into the observability panel  and pass in a certificate here that you   can generate an endpoint that you can use  as a data source in your grafana dashboards   okay so what this is exposing to you is a  subset of those temporal service metrics okay so   it's not all of them but it's uh it's the critical  ones that a lot of your set have alerts set up on   already and if you need something else then  you know talk to us and and we can work with   you to see what we can put in there to help  you be able to monitor your own applications   so you can here's a we have a dashboard that we  can hand you that has all those metrics already   set up another feature that we're rolling  out which is thrilling for uh understanding   your costs inside of temporal cloud and also  understanding what am i doing right you're   right we're writing these workflows we're using  these primitives and we're spread across teams   and maybe you want to have an overview of how many  queries am i sending how many signals am i sending   this is really important if you're paying  for it right and um so this new usage view   uh there's a couple of views here to look at one  is i have an aggregated view of the namespaces   i'm a global admin like i said earlier and so i'm  able to go in and see an accumulation of all of   these across the name spaces and here's a daily  view that lets me go in and actually see bursts   and traffic so you can see i have one namespace  that i was just jamming i was using meru to jam   a ton of traffic in and so i've got i was  doing this uh all day yesterday you can see   i was just jamming a lot of traffic in there so  i can see what's going on through the day and be   able to optimize my workflow so it's not just a  cost estimator but it's also just to understand   what's happening inside your your workloads and  this is also available in the namespace itself   so if you're a namespace admin or anyone that  can access the namespace you can actually go in   and see what is the usage on my on my namespace  and it split up according to those primitives   that's huge today it's kind of hard to tell  what are the different commands you know what   what are the actions what is an action you  know what's going on inside of my workflows   uh we spent a lot of time with our design partners  trying to help them understand their costs and   so this is this is a huge deal so i this is a  real quick snippet on uh just some some of the   features that we're rolling out you can expect to  see other features like there's batch operations   they're going to be available via t-control when  connecting to the cloud we have audit logs for   security logs and so on coming out so there's a  lot of great new features that we have planned and   the intent here is to get it so that you can start  working on keep working on your features instead   of just always dealing with the services right and  so i think you'll agree this is a big step for us thanks mike i think one important thing is that uh we show you  the cloud and i know that we have uh quite a long   signup list so you can sign up for the cloud  but we didn't implement yet the self account   provisioning so once you get account you get this  experience you can manage everything yourself so what we want to do is uh we will uh first we are  working on implementing self account provisioning   so you will get it probably earlier next year  but we still we want to go through that backlog   as fast as we can once we uh fully register  these features uh later in september or begin   in october and so uh if you are on this wait  list please or you're not there please sign up   uh you can find it in cloud link to  that and you will get email from us right now   you will get email and if you're interested  in signing up please reply to that email   you can fill up the online form and uh we will  provision namespace for you as fast as we can i think the couple things about cloud  in general is um it's very scalable   we can do right now what we call up to 200k  actions per second per namespace and we probably   can go higher but talk to us and action is in  this case is not event it's an actual activity   execution signal workflow start so if you have  workflow with 10 activities it's probably like   11 actions i think so it's pretty easy to kind of  guess how many actions your workflow will consume   and we can go pretty high rates and we have uh  customers in production one thing about cloud we   are showing you preview but we have uh companies  uh we have over 50 what we call design partners   which actual pain customers which are now platform  for like over 18 months now uh because one thing   to understand temporal as a product was pretty  stable like data plane is stable it was production   worthy for a long time just because we started  uber and was production there for three years   before even temporal was created so our cloud was  robust and like very mature from the beginning   from the data plan point of view but we spend  time doing the control plan we want to make   sure that we onboard more people it's all fully  automated we don't want to do manual operations   so all upgrades and everything all provisioning  everything is obviously you can guess this bunch   of workflows because workflows are the best  way to do uh infrastructure provisioning   so we are working on this workforce making sure  this experience is as perfect as we can get   and we hide all the complexity of managing  clusters because we give you just name spaces and the other thing which is worth mentioning is  that right now in aws only we certainly want to   be in all major cloud providers this time  so next we will start looking into the at   least second provider we will see talk to us  actually we want to know which one to go to so   it's uh but and the other features we want  to do is for example we want to be able to   do live migration from what we call name space  migration from oss to cloud without downtime and   back because we want to make sure that we want  to have guarantee that you always if code runs   in the cloud can run back on oss without any  changes and we want to actually even support live   migration back and forth and then also between  regions for example you should be able to take   namespace me the best region one and migrate to  i don't know azure region two then gcp region   three and then back to your ss if necessary i  wanted that demo we'll do it maybe next next next conference yeah i think this is a kind of  uh end of this talk but i i just want to   emphasize again thank you for being here it's  a i think it's exciting for us but i believe   it should be exciting for you as well because  you can all adopters of this technology and i   believe this technology will be something which  actually can help you in your career as well and   kind of in what you're doing in  your companies one thing is just   i had a lot of talks yesterday and uh it's  interesting to see people from like the   largest corporations on earth been here and at the  same time i had talked to a founder of a startup   which is not even founder yet he's saying i'm  going to do startup and i'm working on the idea   of the startup so trying to figure out what i'm  going to do but i know i'm going to use temporal   so i think this is exactly what we want we  want every startup just assume that temporal   is the default if they want to implement  any kind of business logic thank you you


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