Man OVERBOARD What would you do Learning By Doing Ep149

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No, this is just a drill guys. As a sailing couple,  two people in the boat, your worst nightmare is   going to be a man overboard situation. You hear  terrible stories of people who have gone overboard and   someone was off watch and sleeping and they woke  up to find they were alone and things like that.  Terrible Terrible stories. We all obviously don't  want to live through that and we take precautions.   One of the precautions that's quite necessary is  to actually practice the situation man overboard, so we're going to do that today. Marie's  never done it which is bad on my part and   personally i haven't done it for a couple of  years either. I was sailing solo a lot before this  

and obviously there's no point learning how  to do a man overboard drill when you're alone   so we're gonna do that today. We're gonna walk  you guys through it and at the same time walk   us through you know so obviously we  probably make some mistakes and   there's a lot of you out there that  are more experienced than either of us   so really appreciate in the comments if you  would hey give some constructive criticism or   advice don't just say you guys are idiots you're  all gonna die please be constructive tell us of   your the way you do it maybe if something  has happened to you if something's a real   man overboard situation and you've done it  and you've learned what really really works   i'm going to do what i've learned what i think is  good and uh we'll show you guys enjoy the video   last year i never really think about it i'm a bit  innocent i think and this winter we were in france   and i watched a movie about that super early would  start it was really like not real but so i start   to think about that if one day like i wake up in  the night when he's doing the watch and he just   fell overboard and i am alone on the boat or  even if he was yelling in the night and i have   to do something and yeah so i'm a bit scared to  think about it even if it's an exercise like to   imagine that it's quite a lot of pressure for  me but i think it's important we are advertising   okay so what we're going to do is throw a  fender overboard that's going to be the person   and then we're going to go through the steps and  i'm going to say them now the steps that i would   do in a man overboard situation so obviously the  the main point is locate the person in the water   with your eyes i mean you can use technological  things push man overboard buttons whatever but   if you've got you lock your eyes on the person  the head in the water this is the best thing   to do the way to help that is to throw other  things in the water so you've got more things to   visually group so it will throw other fenders  in the water anything that floats basically   that at hand will throw in the water we have a  dan boy which is this long pole with a flag on   it that'll go in the water first because it's out  of the water it's got a flag that's a meter high   so once that's done we will  keep the eye on the person   while moving to the next step which will  be in this case getting the engine running   the engine running first we're in relatively flat  water calm water in this situation we would just   fill the head sail and motor back to the person  in the water obviously in different conditions   he might not be able to do that but in this  condition that's what we're doing but instead of   furling the head sail first and then getting the  engine going i would do it the other way so that   we know the engine is going before we get rid of  the sail if for some reason the engine wouldn't go   we would need to sail back and then we'd need  the sail so first engine then further sail   and while doing all this furling all that  the eyes have got to be on the person   obviously you have to look what you're doing a  little bit but as much as possible eyes on the   purse in the water so it might mean looking over  your shoulder but as much as possible because the   amount of drift and the distance that you gain  in these two three minutes is amazing and i   think it's going to blow everyone away when you  try it yourself it's pretty crazy and obviously   a small head in the waves it's very difficult to  see so you need to try and keep like that's where   they are that's where they are that's where they  are very very important so get the engine going   get the sail down get the boat turned around and  heading back towards them and just eyes on eyes on   that's sort of it i have a man overboard  button on my gps but it's downstairs   i am not going to go and do that i don't know  maybe you guys think that's a good idea i think   the valuable seconds i'd be downstairs pushing  that button and not having my eyes on the person   uh yeah i think you know in a panic situation  you have to take you know you just have to   do what you know with the cards that you dealt  with and i think that would be a one that i   wouldn't go for so yeah we're going to do this  now we're going to throw a fender in the water   and we're going to run through it simply we're  not going to do a i'm going to surprise marie   we're going to just walk through it and this  is how we do it we'll go back collect all the   clutter that we're throwing in the water and then  we'll probably do another one more surprise style   okay so we are currently cruising along just under  head sail i've got the boat in easy mode obviously   no mainsail up uh we're out in the middle of  nowhere the sea is very calm we're doing five   knots this is sort of ideal training conditions  okay so let's get going so you're going to throw   yourself overboard all right you throw  yourself overboard anytime you're ready okay watch watch so then the damn boy's going next all right damn boy it's in see how it works see how the damn boy  works that's perfect all right try that yeah so yeah you're still watching the person let's see  how much easier it is now we've got three people   throw that one overboard  right now we've got a line   we've got a line of people in the  water and it's much easier to see   four things especially the orange flag  okay now start the engine start the engine okay get it going forwards all right you can already turn the older pilot off i'll be firing the sail okay turn this around  and keep your eyes on the people still there   perfect turn around give more  power you need to go fast okay full power okay we've got the people here  well one person all right straighten up straight   not straighten up you're going to go too far  okay so now we can see everything in front of us so how did that go but that was okay but yeah  it's quite uh scary to see at which speed you   can raise someone super far and yeah like we  had like the whole line of things we throw about   really far apart say i can imagine that it's  really good to have the maximum things in the   water to you can watch it because just one person  it's super hard to see it's getting super fast   okay so we've got everything back in we  got the man overboard and all the other   bits and pieces and yeah like marie said you  can really see the difference if there's a   bunch of things floating in the water if  there's just one pretty crazy to see this   the distance you put that's standing  still we're cruising on at five knots   by the time you get the sailfield the engine  on uh and this is a situation that we knew   was going to happen you know so if someone's  sleeping or have to come up from downstairs   big situation and we won't even talk about night  situations that's a whole different kettle of fish also by the time we got back the distance that  spread apart that's quite amazing obviously   different things in the water different size  things some get blown by the wind the dam boy   for example it's skinny little pole it doesn't  really move so it's probably going to stay nearest   the human the human's also going to be mostly  underwater things like fenders or this water   bottle we're through it's floating so the wind  pushes it faster but regardless you know that   it's still within that radius of of debris in  the water as your human that you're searching for   so that was just a walkthrough we're going to  do another one now where we just do the same   thing no stress involved but it'll just be one  of us and we'll do one each so it's just one   of us doing all the things this time we shared  their duties you know but that would never be   realistic because there's only two of us on the  boat and if one goes overboard one person has   to do all of that so we're gonna train that next  i noticed that the flag on the standby which is   the most important thing and it did still work we  could still see it the best from all of the things   but it the top was taped up and i guess  that was to stop it flapping up on the   on the pole but so in the water this flag didn't  open properly it just came sort of half open like   this so obviously you're going to see it much more  if it's completely open and flapping in the wind   so just alone this this training exercise to find  that is a big thing so like i don't know who'd   put this tape on there but it's been a while  and i should have checked this before my bad yep just just open it all the way let it go  don't worry how it feels keep looking that's it   perfect good stuff are you  still watching them awesome   good stuff there you go get  it going forwards yeah auto around pilot tough so far awesome a bit more speed keep watching them still see them yeah stand up  on the side if you have to okay am i gonna die no i hope no you're gonna get me  yeah i think i'm pretty confident you are swimming   good i hope yeah i'm sorry good i think there  might be a shark after me though oh no shark here yeah yeah okay there's the damn boy there's the other  boy there's the water bottle and this is me   straight up in front okay yeah slow right  down now slow right now neutral really   okay there you go now come alongside and grab me there i am it's okay now that was well  done good stuff so how was that that's okay but it's i can imagine that in a  real situation is really even more distance   and more stress okay murray did really  really well then she did all the processes   obviously you know you can say well there  was no panic there's no situation but   training is about that it's about learning the  processes learning the steps we don't have to   make it a panic situation um obviously if in  a real situation you would panic but hopefully   maria will go back to these steps she's learned  in a non-panic situation and after panicking for   a second these steps will come back and she'll  be like okay i have to do this i have to do this   after this and that's what it's about we need to  practice more but it's already she knows the steps   and this is the good thing and i'm learning too  so it's awesome so i'm going to have a turn next one oh she's going fast see how good okay i hope she's all right shark's  not chasing us pretty sharky here i was dreaming so good too we're going  to stop on a beach have a barbecue head over board you're taking  care of your hats on me yeah   yeah all right i can see i can see it's all good that dan boy is really visible okay but now  there's some white caps so it's different   than before the white caps actually make it  harder because there's more troughs and peaks   okay i can see it this is the debris starting  i can see all these four or five things i   threw in the water and marie would be the  furthest away one but it's still all groups   and from here i would hear her yelling and  screaming at me probably if it was dark even   i'm close enough now i know i'm within  the radius of where she went in the water   she would probably yell or  whistle or something and i'd know   you know we're close now you know that's the  main thing obviously i got it turned around   quicker than you would in a normal situation and  all that but this is basic training basic training so this one here the danboy  is by far the biggest help   it is very very visible from a long way because  it's out of the water and it's it's in between the   up and down waves you still see the flag so this  is by far the most important one to get in first   closest to the victim um if they've you know if  they're still conscious and swimming they can   actually swim to it because they can see it and  you can see it and it's the best thing by far is okay well i guess that went pretty well right  yeah yeah that's just it more easy than what i was   expecting like i know it's gonna be more stressful  but the yeah that was okay no you reacted really   good yeah as i said this is a training exercise  it's about getting the steps and the processes and   i think it went good learned a couple of things  it's really good to visualize how far things go   this is calm water obviously we've got  15 knots of wind few white caps but   not you know there's a swell actually here  but it's a long period there's not much chop   so yeah it's good we're in a small boat we're low  down so obviously your visibility is restricted   compared to in a bigger boat you're sitting higher  up so you've got a more longer distance into the   sea but this is what it is it's a it's a very  safe boat though i'm not really afraid of us   getting tipped out the open transom it's very  safe the cables over the back come up to my chest   for for example a lot of people fall overboard  when they're having a pee overboard but because   they have to stand up on the sides and  the safety rails only go up to their knees   a wave hits them and they go overboard i feel very  safe in this boat and also we can do everything   from the cockpit reefing and everything so we  don't really need to go forward and that's where   the more dangerous with the pitching and bouncing  but still it can always happen and it's good to   train for it i think you did good um i think  the training of driving the boat that's good   for you um knowing how to feel really fast get the  sail down obviously if we had the mainsail up in   that situation i would just center it and still  motor back depending on how strong the wind was   this mainsail comes down very fast so that could  be an option we'll practice next time is also with   the mainsail so that she can get rid of the  halyard and drop the mainsail and then motor   back that way anyway i think it went pretty good  hope you guys enjoyed it as i said give us some   of your own tips i'm just watching  where we're going we're still got a   couple of miles till we get to the island give  us some of your own tips experiences hopefully   good experiences but uh we can all learn from  bad experiences too obviously that's the best   learning is sometimes you have to go through  them and uh we'd like to hear from you and   especially anything we can do to be safer and  actually just enjoy our cruising right that's   what it's about feeling safe feeling secure and  out here loving life you know the world's a very   it's actually a very safe place but we have  the feeling it's a very unsafe place especially   now with cove and all that but the point is  know the risks weigh up the risks and rewards   and and live life as much as you can and as good  as you can and that's what we're trying to do   and uh if we can train things like this to make  it even more secure then awesome it's a great day   for it we had fun i saw your amazing talent of  actor oh yeah yeah i'm pretty good huh oh yeah   your screams are pretty good though i actually  was scared down there a little bit thank you to   our patrons um we had a couple new ones last  week very very cool also had a couple um stop   with the contributions they were nice enough to  write to me and say due to covert their financial   situations changed and well totally understandable  obviously you've got kids mortgages payments lost   jobs whatever we're we're doing fine i'm not  expecting a handout from patreon it's more about   you guys that are enjoying our content enough  willing to put some money towards the content   so whatever you guys give us we're more than happy  with it's just a confirmation that you enjoy our   content we are not more in need than anyone else  probably less so we can be self-sufficient here   so thank you very much patrons very very cool  and uh we'll see you next week still here in roti   i don't know what we're doing but roti is  freaking amazing and we're loving it here so   we're gonna keep showing you these cool uh  things and uh yeah see you next sunday bye


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